//// [genericClassWithStaticsUsingTypeArguments.ts] // Should be error to use 'T' in all declarations within Foo. class Foo { static a = (n: T) => { }; static b: T; static c: T[] = []; static d = false || ((x: T) => x || undefined)(null) static e = function (x: T) { return null; } static f(xs: T[]): T[] { return xs.reverse(); } } //// [genericClassWithStaticsUsingTypeArguments.js] // Should be error to use 'T' in all declarations within Foo. var Foo = (function () { function Foo() { } Foo.f = function (xs) { return xs.reverse(); }; Foo.a = function (n) { }; Foo.c = []; Foo.d = false || (function (x) { return x || undefined; })(null); Foo.e = function (x) { return null; }; return Foo; }());