tests/cases/compiler/classSideInheritance1.ts(12,3): error TS2576: Property 'bar' does not exist on type 'A'. Did you mean to access the static member 'A.bar' instead? tests/cases/compiler/classSideInheritance1.ts(13,3): error TS2576: Property 'bar' does not exist on type 'C2'. Did you mean to access the static member 'C2.bar' instead? ==== tests/cases/compiler/classSideInheritance1.ts (2 errors) ==== class A { static bar(): string { return ""; } foo(): number { return 1; } } class C2 extends A {} var a: A; var c: C2; a.bar(); // static off an instance - should be an error ~~~ !!! error TS2576: Property 'bar' does not exist on type 'A'. Did you mean to access the static member 'A.bar' instead? c.bar(); // static off an instance - should be an error ~~~ !!! error TS2576: Property 'bar' does not exist on type 'C2'. Did you mean to access the static member 'C2.bar' instead? A.bar(); // valid C2.bar(); // valid