tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(8,13): error TS1210: Code contained in a class is evaluated in JavaScript's strict mode which does not allow this use of 'arguments'. For more information, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(9,13): error TS1210: Code contained in a class is evaluated in JavaScript's strict mode which does not allow this use of 'eval'. For more information, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(13,9): error TS18037: Await expression cannot be used inside a class static block. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(13,14): error TS1109: Expression expected. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(17,9): error TS2662: Cannot find name 'arguments'. Did you mean the static member 'C.arguments'? tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(18,9): error TS18037: Await expression cannot be used inside a class static block. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(18,14): error TS1109: Expression expected. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(19,9): error TS2337: Super calls are not permitted outside constructors or in nested functions inside constructors. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(32,17): error TS2337: Super calls are not permitted outside constructors or in nested functions inside constructors. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(41,13): error TS2815: 'arguments' cannot be referenced in property initializers. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(42,13): error TS18037: Await expression cannot be used inside a class static block. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(42,18): error TS1109: Expression expected. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(45,17): error TS2522: The 'arguments' object cannot be referenced in an async function or method in ES3 and ES5. Consider using a standard function or method. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(46,22): error TS1109: Expression expected. tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts(55,13): error TS2815: 'arguments' cannot be referenced in property initializers. ==== tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock6.ts (15 errors) ==== class B { static a = 1; } class C extends B { static { let await = 1; let arguments = 1; ~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS1210: Code contained in a class is evaluated in JavaScript's strict mode which does not allow this use of 'arguments'. For more information, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode. let eval = 1; ~~~~ !!! error TS1210: Code contained in a class is evaluated in JavaScript's strict mode which does not allow this use of 'eval'. For more information, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode. } static { await: if (true) { ~~~~~ !!! error TS18037: Await expression cannot be used inside a class static block. ~ !!! error TS1109: Expression expected. } arguments; ~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS2662: Cannot find name 'arguments'. Did you mean the static member 'C.arguments'? await; ~~~~~ !!! error TS18037: Await expression cannot be used inside a class static block. ~ !!! error TS1109: Expression expected. super(); ~~~~~ !!! error TS2337: Super calls are not permitted outside constructors or in nested functions inside constructors. } } class CC { constructor () { class C extends B { static { class CC extends B { constructor () { super(); } } super(); ~~~~~ !!! error TS2337: Super calls are not permitted outside constructors or in nested functions inside constructors. } } } } async function foo () { class C extends B { static { arguments; ~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS2815: 'arguments' cannot be referenced in property initializers. await; ~~~~~ !!! error TS18037: Await expression cannot be used inside a class static block. ~ !!! error TS1109: Expression expected. async function ff () { arguments; ~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS2522: The 'arguments' object cannot be referenced in an async function or method in ES3 and ES5. Consider using a standard function or method. await; ~ !!! error TS1109: Expression expected. } } } } function foo1 () { class C extends B { static { arguments; ~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS2815: 'arguments' cannot be referenced in property initializers. function ff () { arguments; } } } }