/exports.ts(9,15): error TS2207: The 'type' modifier cannot be used on a named export when 'export type' is used on its export statement. /imports.ts(3,1): error TS1362: 'as' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'. /imports.ts(4,1): error TS1362: 'something' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'. /imports.ts(5,1): error TS1362: 'foo' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'. /imports.ts(6,1): error TS1362: 'bar' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'. ==== /imports.ts (4 errors) ==== import { type, as, something, foo, bar } from "./exports.js"; type; as; // Error (used in emitting position) ~~ !!! error TS1362: 'as' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'. !!! related TS1377 /exports.ts:5:10: 'as' was exported here. something; // Error (used in emitting position) ~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS1362: 'something' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'. !!! related TS1377 /exports.ts:6:10: 'something' was exported here. foo; // Error (used in emitting position) ~~~ !!! error TS1362: 'foo' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'. !!! related TS1377 /exports.ts:7:10: 'foo' was exported here. bar; // Error (used in emitting position) ~~~ !!! error TS1362: 'bar' cannot be used as a value because it was exported using 'export type'. !!! related TS1377 /exports.ts:8:10: 'bar' was exported here. ==== /exports.ts (1 errors) ==== const type = 0; const as = 0; const something = 0; export { type }; export { type as }; export { type something }; export { type type as foo }; export { type as as bar }; export type { type something as whatever }; // Error ~~~~ !!! error TS2207: The 'type' modifier cannot be used on a named export when 'export type' is used on its export statement.