tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/index.cjs(3,22): error TS1471: Module 'package/mjs' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/index.cjs(4,23): error TS1471: Module 'package' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/index.cjs(9,23): error TS1471: Module 'inner/mjs' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/node_modules/inner/index.d.cts(3,22): error TS1471: Module 'inner/mjs' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/node_modules/inner/index.d.ts(2,13): error TS2303: Circular definition of import alias 'cjs'. tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/node_modules/inner/index.d.ts(3,22): error TS1471: Module 'inner/mjs' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/index.js (0 errors) ==== // esm format file import * as cjs from "package/cjs"; import * as mjs from "package/mjs"; import * as type from "package"; cjs; mjs; type; import * as cjsi from "inner/cjs"; import * as mjsi from "inner/mjs"; import * as typei from "inner"; cjsi; mjsi; typei; ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/index.mjs (0 errors) ==== // esm format file import * as cjs from "package/cjs"; import * as mjs from "package/mjs"; import * as type from "package"; cjs; mjs; type; import * as cjsi from "inner/cjs"; import * as mjsi from "inner/mjs"; import * as typei from "inner"; cjsi; mjsi; typei; ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/index.cjs (3 errors) ==== // cjs format file import * as cjs from "package/cjs"; import * as mjs from "package/mjs"; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS1471: Module 'package/mjs' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. import * as type from "package"; ~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS1471: Module 'package' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. cjs; mjs; type; import * as cjsi from "inner/cjs"; import * as mjsi from "inner/mjs"; ~~~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS1471: Module 'inner/mjs' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. import * as typei from "inner"; cjsi; mjsi; typei; ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/node_modules/inner/index.d.ts (2 errors) ==== // cjs format file import * as cjs from "inner/cjs"; ~~~ !!! error TS2303: Circular definition of import alias 'cjs'. import * as mjs from "inner/mjs"; ~~~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS1471: Module 'inner/mjs' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. import * as type from "inner"; export { cjs }; export { mjs }; export { type }; ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/node_modules/inner/index.d.mts (0 errors) ==== // esm format file import * as cjs from "inner/cjs"; import * as mjs from "inner/mjs"; import * as type from "inner"; export { cjs }; export { mjs }; export { type }; ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/node_modules/inner/index.d.cts (1 errors) ==== // cjs format file import * as cjs from "inner/cjs"; import * as mjs from "inner/mjs"; ~~~~~~~~~~~ !!! error TS1471: Module 'inner/mjs' cannot be imported using this construct. The specifier only resolves to an ES module, which cannot be imported synchronously. Use dynamic import instead. import * as type from "inner"; export { cjs }; export { mjs }; export { type }; ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/package.json (0 errors) ==== { "name": "package", "private": true, "type": "module", "exports": { "./cjs": "./index.cjs", "./mjs": "./index.mjs", ".": "./index.js" } } ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/allowJs/node_modules/inner/package.json (0 errors) ==== { "name": "inner", "private": true, "exports": { "./cjs": "./index.cjs", "./mjs": "./index.mjs", ".": "./index.js" } }