tests/cases/conformance/node/subfolder/index.ts(2,9): error TS2343: This syntax requires an imported helper named '__importDefault' which does not exist in 'tslib'. Consider upgrading your version of 'tslib'. ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/subfolder/index.ts (1 errors) ==== // cjs format file export {default} from "fs"; ~~~~~~~ !!! error TS2343: This syntax requires an imported helper named '__importDefault' which does not exist in 'tslib'. Consider upgrading your version of 'tslib'. ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/index.ts (0 errors) ==== // esm format file export {default} from "fs"; ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/package.json (0 errors) ==== { "name": "package", "private": true, "type": "module" } ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/subfolder/package.json (0 errors) ==== { "type": "commonjs" } ==== tests/cases/conformance/node/types.d.ts (0 errors) ==== declare module "fs"; declare module "tslib" { export {}; // intentionally missing all helpers }