//// [tests/cases/conformance/externalModules/topLevelAwait.1.ts] //// //// [index.ts] export const x = 1; await x; // reparse element access as await await [x]; await [x, x]; // reparse call as await declare function f(): number; await (x); await (f(), x); await (x); await (f(), x); // reparse tagged template as await await ``; await ``; // member names should be ok class C1 { await() {} } class C2 { get await() { return 1; } set await(value) { } } class C3 { await = 1; } ({ await() {} }); ({ get await() { return 1 }, set await(value) { } }); ({ await: 1 }); // property access name should be ok C1.prototype.await; // await in decorators declare const dec: any; @(await dec) class C { } // await allowed in aliased import import { await as _await } from "./other"; // newlines // await in throw throw await 1; // await in var let y = await 1; // await in expression statement; await 1; //// [other.ts] const _await = 1; // await allowed in aliased export export { _await as await }; // for-await-of const arr = [Promise.resolve()]; for await (const item of arr) { item; } //// [other.js] var e_1, _a; const _await = 1; // await allowed in aliased export export { _await as await }; // for-await-of const arr = [Promise.resolve()]; try { for (var arr_1 = __asyncValues(arr), arr_1_1; arr_1_1 = await arr_1.next(), !arr_1_1.done;) { const item = arr_1_1.value; item; } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (arr_1_1 && !arr_1_1.done && (_a = arr_1.return)) await _a.call(arr_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } //// [index.js] export const x = 1; await x; // reparse element access as await await [x]; await [x, x]; await (x); await (f(), x); await (x); await (f(), x); // reparse tagged template as await await ``; await ``; // member names should be ok class C1 { await() { } } class C2 { get await() { return 1; } set await(value) { } } class C3 { constructor() { this.await = 1; } } ({ await() { } }); ({ get await() { return 1; }, set await(value) { } }); ({ await: 1 }); // property access name should be ok C1.prototype.await; let C = class C { }; C = __decorate([ (await dec) ], C); // newlines // await in throw throw await 1; // await in var let y = await 1; // await in expression statement; await 1;