[ "======== Resolving type reference directive 'lib', containing file '/app.ts', root directory '/types'. ========", "Resolving with primary search path '/types'.", "File '/types/lib/package.json' does not exist.", "File '/types/lib/index.d.ts' exist - use it as a name resolution result.", "Resolving real path for '/types/lib/index.d.ts', result '/types/lib/index.d.ts'.", "======== Type reference directive 'lib' was successfully resolved to '/types/lib/index.d.ts', primary: true. ========", "======== Resolving type reference directive 'lib', containing file '/__inferred type names__.ts'. ========", "Resolution for type reference directive 'lib' was found in cache from location '/'.", "======== Type reference directive 'lib' was successfully resolved to '/types/lib/index.d.ts', primary: true. ========" ]