/// /// /// /// /// /// namespace ts.server { export enum ProjectKind { Inferred, Configured, External } function remove(items: T[], item: T) { const index = items.indexOf(item); if (index >= 0) { items.splice(index, 1); } } export function allRootFilesAreJsOrDts(project: Project): boolean { return project.getRootScriptInfos().every(f => { return f.scriptKind === ScriptKind.JS || f.scriptKind == ScriptKind.JSX || fileExtensionIs(f.fileName, ".d.ts"); }); } export interface ProjectFilesWithTSDiagnostics extends protocol.ProjectFiles { projectErrors: Diagnostic[]; } export abstract class Project { private rootFiles: ScriptInfo[] = []; private rootFilesMap: FileMap = createFileMap(); private lsHost: ServerLanguageServiceHost; private program: ts.Program; private languageService: LanguageService; builder: Builder; /** * Set of files that was returned from the last call to getChangesSinceVersion. */ private lastReportedFileNames: Map; /** * Last version that was reported. */ private lastReportedVersion = 0; /** * Current project structure version. * This property is changed in 'updateGraph' based on the set of files in program */ private projectStructureVersion = 0; /** * Current version of the project state. It is changed when: * - new root file was added/removed * - edit happen in some file that is currently included in the project. * This property is different from projectStructureVersion since in most cases edits don't affect set of files in the project */ private projectStateVersion = 0; private typingFiles: TypingsArray; protected projectErrors: Diagnostic[]; constructor( readonly projectKind: ProjectKind, readonly projectService: ProjectService, private documentRegistry: ts.DocumentRegistry, hasExplicitListOfFiles: boolean, public languageServiceEnabled: boolean, private compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, public compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean) { if (!this.compilerOptions) { this.compilerOptions = ts.getDefaultCompilerOptions(); this.compilerOptions.allowNonTsExtensions = true; this.compilerOptions.allowJs = true; } else if (hasExplicitListOfFiles) { // If files are listed explicitly, allow all extensions this.compilerOptions.allowNonTsExtensions = true; } if (languageServiceEnabled) { this.enableLanguageService(); } else { this.disableLanguageService(); } this.builder = createBuilder(this); this.markAsDirty(); } getProjectErrors() { return this.projectErrors; } getLanguageService(ensureSynchronized = true): LanguageService { if (ensureSynchronized) { this.updateGraph(); } return this.languageService; } getCompileOnSaveAffectedFileList(scriptInfo: ScriptInfo): string[] { if (!this.languageServiceEnabled) { return []; } this.updateGraph(); return this.builder.getFilesAffectedBy(scriptInfo); } getProjectVersion() { return this.projectStateVersion.toString(); } enableLanguageService() { const lsHost = new LSHost(this.projectService.host, this, this.projectService.cancellationToken); lsHost.setCompilationSettings(this.compilerOptions); this.languageService = ts.createLanguageService(lsHost, this.documentRegistry); this.lsHost = lsHost; this.languageServiceEnabled = true; } disableLanguageService() { this.languageService = nullLanguageService; this.lsHost = nullLanguageServiceHost; this.languageServiceEnabled = false; } abstract getProjectName(): string; abstract getTypingOptions(): TypingOptions; getSourceFile(path: Path) { if (!this.program) { return undefined; } return this.program.getSourceFileByPath(path); } close() { if (this.program) { // if we have a program - release all files that are enlisted in program for (const f of this.program.getSourceFiles()) { const info = this.projectService.getScriptInfo(f.fileName); info.detachFromProject(this); } } else { // release all root files for (const root of this.rootFiles) { root.detachFromProject(this); } } this.rootFiles = undefined; this.rootFilesMap = undefined; this.program = undefined; // signal language service to release source files acquired from document registry this.languageService.dispose(); } getCompilerOptions() { return this.compilerOptions; } hasRoots() { return this.rootFiles && this.rootFiles.length > 0; } getRootFiles() { return this.rootFiles && this.rootFiles.map(info => info.fileName); } getRootFilesLSHost() { const result: string[] = []; if (this.rootFiles) { for (const f of this.rootFiles) { result.push(f.fileName); } if (this.typingFiles) { for (const f of this.typingFiles) { result.push(f); } } } return result; } getRootScriptInfos() { return this.rootFiles; } getScriptInfos() { return map(this.program.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile => this.getScriptInfoLSHost(sourceFile.path)); } getFileEmitOutput(info: ScriptInfo, emitOnlyDtsFiles: boolean) { if (!this.languageServiceEnabled) { return undefined; } return this.getLanguageService().getEmitOutput(info.fileName, emitOnlyDtsFiles); } getFileNames() { if (!this.program) { return []; } if (!this.languageServiceEnabled) { // if language service is disabled assume that all files in program are root files + default library let rootFiles = this.getRootFiles(); if (this.compilerOptions) { const defaultLibrary = getDefaultLibFilePath(this.compilerOptions); if (defaultLibrary) { (rootFiles || (rootFiles = [])).push(asNormalizedPath(defaultLibrary)); } } return rootFiles; } const sourceFiles = this.program.getSourceFiles(); return sourceFiles.map(sourceFile => asNormalizedPath(sourceFile.fileName)); } getFileNamesWithoutDefaultLib() { if (!this.languageServiceEnabled) { return this.getRootFiles(); } const defaultLibraryFileName = getDefaultLibFileName(this.compilerOptions); return filter(this.getFileNames(), file => getBaseFileName(file) !== defaultLibraryFileName); } containsScriptInfo(info: ScriptInfo): boolean { return this.isRoot(info) || (this.program && this.program.getSourceFileByPath(info.path) !== undefined); } containsFile(filename: NormalizedPath, requireOpen?: boolean) { const info = this.projectService.getScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(filename); if (info && (info.isOpen || !requireOpen)) { return this.containsScriptInfo(info); } } isRoot(info: ScriptInfo) { return this.rootFilesMap && this.rootFilesMap.contains(info.path); } // add a root file to project addRoot(info: ScriptInfo) { if (!this.isRoot(info)) { this.rootFiles.push(info); this.rootFilesMap.set(info.path, info); info.attachToProject(this); this.markAsDirty(); } } removeFile(info: ScriptInfo, detachFromProject = true) { this.removeRootFileIfNecessary(info); this.lsHost.notifyFileRemoved(info); if (detachFromProject) { info.detachFromProject(this); } this.markAsDirty(); } markAsDirty() { this.projectStateVersion++; } /** * Updates set of files that contribute to this project * @returns: true if set of files in the project stays the same and false - otherwise. */ updateGraph(): boolean { if (!this.languageServiceEnabled) { return true; } let hasChanges = this.updateGraphWorker(); const cachedTypings = this.projectService.typingsCache.getTypingsForProject(this); if (this.setTypings(cachedTypings)) { hasChanges = this.updateGraphWorker() || hasChanges; } if (hasChanges) { this.projectStructureVersion++; } return !hasChanges; } private setTypings(typings: TypingsArray): boolean { if (arrayIsEqualTo(this.typingFiles, typings)) { return false; } this.typingFiles = typings; this.markAsDirty(); return true; } private updateGraphWorker() { const oldProgram = this.program; this.program = this.languageService.getProgram(); let hasChanges = false; // bump up the version if // - oldProgram is not set - this is a first time updateGraph is called // - newProgram is different from the old program and structure of the old program was not reused. if (!oldProgram || (this.program !== oldProgram && !oldProgram.structureIsReused)) { hasChanges = true; if (oldProgram) { for (const f of oldProgram.getSourceFiles()) { if (this.program.getSourceFileByPath(f.path)) { continue; } // new program does not contain this file - detach it from the project const scriptInfoToDetach = this.projectService.getScriptInfo(f.fileName); if (scriptInfoToDetach) { scriptInfoToDetach.detachFromProject(this); } } } } this.builder.onProjectUpdateGraph(); return hasChanges; } getScriptInfoLSHost(fileName: string) { const scriptInfo = this.projectService.getOrCreateScriptInfo(fileName, /*openedByClient*/ false); if (scriptInfo) { scriptInfo.attachToProject(this); } return scriptInfo; } getScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(fileName: NormalizedPath) { const scriptInfo = this.projectService.getOrCreateScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(fileName, /*openedByClient*/ false); if (scriptInfo && !scriptInfo.isAttached(this)) { return Errors.ThrowProjectDoesNotContainDocument(fileName, this); } return scriptInfo; } getScriptInfo(uncheckedFileName: string) { return this.getScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(toNormalizedPath(uncheckedFileName)); } filesToString() { if (!this.program) { return ""; } let strBuilder = ""; for (const file of this.program.getSourceFiles()) { strBuilder += `${file.fileName}\n`; } return strBuilder; } setCompilerOptions(compilerOptions: CompilerOptions) { if (compilerOptions) { if (this.projectKind === ProjectKind.Inferred) { compilerOptions.allowJs = true; } compilerOptions.allowNonTsExtensions = true; this.compilerOptions = compilerOptions; this.lsHost.setCompilationSettings(compilerOptions); this.markAsDirty(); } } reloadScript(filename: NormalizedPath): boolean { const script = this.projectService.getScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(filename); if (script) { Debug.assert(script.isAttached(this)); script.reloadFromFile(); return true; } return false; } getChangesSinceVersion(lastKnownVersion?: number): ProjectFilesWithTSDiagnostics { this.updateGraph(); const info = { projectName: this.getProjectName(), version: this.projectStructureVersion, isInferred: this.projectKind === ProjectKind.Inferred, options: this.getCompilerOptions() }; // check if requested version is the same that we have reported last time if (this.lastReportedFileNames && lastKnownVersion === this.lastReportedVersion) { // if current structure version is the same - return info witout any changes if (this.projectStructureVersion == this.lastReportedVersion) { return { info, projectErrors: this.projectErrors }; } // compute and return the difference const lastReportedFileNames = this.lastReportedFileNames; const currentFiles = arrayToMap(this.getFileNames(), x => x); const added: string[] = []; const removed: string[] = []; for (const id in currentFiles) { if (hasProperty(currentFiles, id) && !hasProperty(lastReportedFileNames, id)) { added.push(id); } } for (const id in lastReportedFileNames) { if (hasProperty(lastReportedFileNames, id) && !hasProperty(currentFiles, id)) { removed.push(id); } } this.lastReportedFileNames = currentFiles; this.lastReportedFileNames = currentFiles; this.lastReportedVersion = this.projectStructureVersion; return { info, changes: { added, removed }, projectErrors: this.projectErrors }; } else { // unknown version - return everything const projectFileNames = this.getFileNames(); this.lastReportedFileNames = arrayToMap(projectFileNames, x => x); this.lastReportedVersion = this.projectStructureVersion; return { info, files: projectFileNames, projectErrors: this.projectErrors }; } } getReferencedFiles(path: Path): Path[] { if (!this.languageServiceEnabled) { return []; } const sourceFile = this.getSourceFile(path); if (!sourceFile) { return []; } // We need to use a set here since the code can contain the same import twice, // but that will only be one dependency. // To avoid invernal conversion, the key of the referencedFiles map must be of type Path const referencedFiles = createMap(); if (sourceFile.imports && sourceFile.imports.length > 0) { const checker: TypeChecker = this.program.getTypeChecker(); for (const importName of sourceFile.imports) { const symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(importName); if (symbol && symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations[0]) { const declarationSourceFile = symbol.declarations[0].getSourceFile(); if (declarationSourceFile) { referencedFiles[declarationSourceFile.path] = true; } } } } const currentDirectory = getDirectoryPath(path); const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(this.projectService.host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames); // Handle triple slash references if (sourceFile.referencedFiles && sourceFile.referencedFiles.length > 0) { for (const referencedFile of sourceFile.referencedFiles) { const referencedPath = toPath(referencedFile.fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName); referencedFiles[referencedPath] = true; } } // Handle type reference directives if (sourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames) { for (const typeName in sourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames) { const resolvedTypeReferenceDirective = sourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames[typeName]; if (!resolvedTypeReferenceDirective) { continue; } const fileName = resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName; const typeFilePath = toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName); referencedFiles[typeFilePath] = true; } } const allFileNames = map(Object.keys(referencedFiles), key => key); return filter(allFileNames, file => this.projectService.host.fileExists(file)); } // remove a root file from project private removeRootFileIfNecessary(info: ScriptInfo): void { if (this.isRoot(info)) { remove(this.rootFiles, info); this.rootFilesMap.remove(info.path); } } } export class InferredProject extends Project { private static NextId = 1; /** * Unique name that identifies this particular inferred project */ private readonly inferredProjectName: string; // Used to keep track of what directories are watched for this project directoriesWatchedForTsconfig: string[] = []; constructor(projectService: ProjectService, documentRegistry: ts.DocumentRegistry, languageServiceEnabled: boolean, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, public compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean) { super(ProjectKind.Inferred, projectService, documentRegistry, /*files*/ undefined, languageServiceEnabled, compilerOptions, compileOnSaveEnabled); this.inferredProjectName = makeInferredProjectName(InferredProject.NextId); InferredProject.NextId++; } getProjectName() { return this.inferredProjectName; } close() { super.close(); for (const directory of this.directoriesWatchedForTsconfig) { this.projectService.stopWatchingDirectory(directory); } } getTypingOptions(): TypingOptions { return { enableAutoDiscovery: allRootFilesAreJsOrDts(this), include: [], exclude: [] }; } } export class ConfiguredProject extends Project { private typingOptions: TypingOptions; private projectFileWatcher: FileWatcher; private directoryWatcher: FileWatcher; private directoriesWatchedForWildcards: Map; /** Used for configured projects which may have multiple open roots */ openRefCount = 0; constructor(readonly configFileName: NormalizedPath, projectService: ProjectService, documentRegistry: ts.DocumentRegistry, hasExplicitListOfFiles: boolean, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, private wildcardDirectories: Map, languageServiceEnabled: boolean, public compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean) { super(ProjectKind.Configured, projectService, documentRegistry, hasExplicitListOfFiles, languageServiceEnabled, compilerOptions, compileOnSaveEnabled); } setProjectErrors(projectErrors: Diagnostic[]) { this.projectErrors = projectErrors; } setTypingOptions(newTypingOptions: TypingOptions): void { this.typingOptions = newTypingOptions; } getTypingOptions() { return this.typingOptions; } getProjectName() { return this.configFileName; } watchConfigFile(callback: (project: ConfiguredProject) => void) { this.projectFileWatcher = this.projectService.host.watchFile(this.configFileName, _ => callback(this)); } watchConfigDirectory(callback: (project: ConfiguredProject, path: string) => void) { if (this.directoryWatcher) { return; } const directoryToWatch = getDirectoryPath(this.configFileName); this.projectService.logger.info(`Add recursive watcher for: ${directoryToWatch}`); this.directoryWatcher = this.projectService.host.watchDirectory(directoryToWatch, path => callback(this, path), /*recursive*/ true); } watchWildcards(callback: (project: ConfiguredProject, path: string) => void) { if (!this.wildcardDirectories) { return; } const configDirectoryPath = getDirectoryPath(this.configFileName); this.directoriesWatchedForWildcards = reduceProperties(this.wildcardDirectories, (watchers, flag, directory) => { if (comparePaths(configDirectoryPath, directory, ".", !this.projectService.host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames) !== Comparison.EqualTo) { const recursive = (flag & WatchDirectoryFlags.Recursive) !== 0; this.projectService.logger.info(`Add ${recursive ? "recursive " : ""}watcher for: ${directory}`); watchers[directory] = this.projectService.host.watchDirectory( directory, path => callback(this, path), recursive ); } return watchers; }, >{}); } stopWatchingDirectory() { if (this.directoryWatcher) { this.directoryWatcher.close(); this.directoryWatcher = undefined; } } close() { super.close(); if (this.projectFileWatcher) { this.projectFileWatcher.close(); } for (const id in this.directoriesWatchedForWildcards) { this.directoriesWatchedForWildcards[id].close(); } this.directoriesWatchedForWildcards = undefined; this.stopWatchingDirectory(); } addOpenRef() { this.openRefCount++; } deleteOpenRef() { this.openRefCount--; return this.openRefCount; } } export class ExternalProject extends Project { private typingOptions: TypingOptions; constructor(readonly externalProjectName: string, projectService: ProjectService, documentRegistry: ts.DocumentRegistry, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, languageServiceEnabled: boolean, public compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean) { super(ProjectKind.External, projectService, documentRegistry, /*hasExplicitListOfFiles*/ true, languageServiceEnabled, compilerOptions, compileOnSaveEnabled); } getTypingOptions() { return this.typingOptions; } setProjectErrors(projectErrors: Diagnostic[]) { this.projectErrors = projectErrors; } setTypingOptions(newTypingOptions: TypingOptions): void { if (!newTypingOptions) { // set default typings options newTypingOptions = { enableAutoDiscovery: allRootFilesAreJsOrDts(this), include: [], exclude: [] }; } else { if (newTypingOptions.enableAutoDiscovery === undefined) { // if autoDiscovery was not specified by the caller - set it based on the content of the project newTypingOptions.enableAutoDiscovery = allRootFilesAreJsOrDts(this); } if (!newTypingOptions.include) { newTypingOptions.include = []; } if (!newTypingOptions.exclude) { newTypingOptions.exclude = []; } } this.typingOptions = newTypingOptions; } getProjectName() { return this.externalProjectName; } } }