/// /// /// /// module ts { function getSourceFilePathInNewDir(newDirPath: string, sourceFile: SourceFile, program: Program, compilerHost: CompilerHost) { var sourceFilePath = getNormalizedPathFromPathCompoments(getNormalizedPathComponents(sourceFile.filename, compilerHost.getCurrentDirectory())); sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath.replace(program.getCommonSourceDirectory(), ""); return combinePaths(newDirPath, sourceFilePath); } function emitToOwnOutputFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions) { if (!(sourceFile.flags & NodeFlags.DeclarationFile)) { if ((sourceFile.flags & NodeFlags.ExternalModule || !compilerOptions.out) && !fileExtensionIs(sourceFile.filename, ".js")) { return true; } } } function getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(sourceFile: SourceFile, program: Program, extension: string) { if (program.getCompilerOptions().outDir) { var emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension = getModuleNameFromFilename(getSourceFilePathInNewDir(program.getCompilerOptions().outDir, sourceFile, program, program.getCompilerHost())); } else { var emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension = getModuleNameFromFilename(sourceFile.filename); } return emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension + extension; } function isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(sourceFile: SourceFile) { return !!(sourceFile.flags & (NodeFlags.ExternalModule | NodeFlags.DeclarationFile)); } function findConstructor(node: ClassDeclaration): ConstructorDeclaration { return forEach(node.members, member => { if (member.kind === SyntaxKind.Constructor && (member).body) { return member; } }); } function getAllAccessorDeclarations(node: ClassDeclaration, accessor: AccessorDeclaration) { var firstAccessor: AccessorDeclaration; var getAccessor: AccessorDeclaration; var setAccessor: AccessorDeclaration; forEach(node.members, (member: Declaration) => { if ((member.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || member.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor) && member.name.text === accessor.name.text && (member.flags & NodeFlags.Static) === (accessor.flags & NodeFlags.Static)) { if (!firstAccessor) { firstAccessor = member; } if (member.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor && !getAccessor) { getAccessor = member; } if (member.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor && !setAccessor) { setAccessor = member; } } }); return { firstAccessor: firstAccessor, getAccessor: getAccessor, setAccessor: setAccessor }; } export function emitFiles(resolver: EmitResolver) { var program = resolver.getProgram(); var compilerHost = program.getCompilerHost(); var compilerOptions = program.getCompilerOptions(); var shouldEmitDeclarations = resolver.shouldEmitDeclarations(); var sourceMapDataList: SourceMapData[] = compilerOptions.sourceMap ? [] : undefined; forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile => { if (emitToOwnOutputFile(sourceFile, compilerOptions)) { var jsFilePath = getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(sourceFile, program, ".js"); emitJavaScript(resolver, jsFilePath, sourceMapDataList, sourceFile); if (shouldEmitDeclarations) { emitDeclarations(resolver, jsFilePath, sourceFile); } } }); if (compilerOptions.out) { emitJavaScript(resolver, compilerOptions.out, sourceMapDataList); if (shouldEmitDeclarations) { emitDeclarations(resolver, compilerOptions.out); } } return sourceMapDataList; } interface TextWriter { write(s: string): void; writeLiteral(s: string): void; writeLine(): void; increaseIndent(): void; decreaseIndent(): void; getTextPos(): number; getLine(): number; getColumn(): number; getText(): string; } function createTextWriter(): TextWriter { var output = ""; var indent = 0; var lineStart = true; var lineCount = 0; var linePos = 0; function write(s: string) { if (s && s.length) { if (lineStart) { output += getIndentString(indent); lineStart = false; } output += s; } } function writeLiteral(s: string) { if (s && s.length) { write(s); var pos = 0; while (pos < s.length) { switch (s.charCodeAt(pos++)) { case CharacterCodes.carriageReturn: if (pos < s.length && s.charCodeAt(pos) === CharacterCodes.lineFeed) { pos++; } case CharacterCodes.lineFeed: lineCount++; linePos = output.length - s.length + pos; break; } } } } function writeLine() { if (!lineStart) { output += sys.newLine; lineCount++; linePos = output.length; lineStart = true; } } return { write: write, writeLiteral: writeLiteral, writeLine: writeLine, increaseIndent: () => indent++, decreaseIndent: () => indent--, getTextPos: () => output.length, getLine: () => lineCount + 1, getColumn: () => lineStart ? indent * 4 + 1 : output.length - linePos + 1, getText: () => output }; } var indentStrings: string[] = []; function getIndentString(level: number) { return indentStrings[level] || (indentStrings[level] = level === 0 ? "" : getIndentString(level - 1) + " "); } // Get source text of node in the current source file. Unlike getSourceTextOfNode this function // doesn't walk the parent chain to find the containing source file, rather it assumes the node is // in the source file currently being processed. var currentSourceFile: SourceFile; function getSourceTextOfLocalNode(node: Node): string { var text = currentSourceFile.text; return text.substring(skipTrivia(text, node.pos), node.end); } function emitJavaScript(resolver: EmitResolver, jsFilePath: string, sourceMapDataList: SourceMapData[], root?: SourceFile) { var program = resolver.getProgram(); var compilerHost = program.getCompilerHost(); var compilerOptions = program.getCompilerOptions(); var writer = createTextWriter(); var write = writer.write; var writeLine = writer.writeLine; var increaseIndent = writer.increaseIndent; var decreaseIndent = writer.decreaseIndent; var extendsEmitted = false; /** write emitted output to disk*/ var writeEmittedFiles = writeJavaScriptFile; /** Emit a node */ var emit = emitNode; /** Called just before starting emit of a node */ var emitStart = function (node: Node) { } /** Called once the emit of the node is done */ var emitEnd = function (node: Node) { } /** Emit the text for the given token that comes after startPos * This by default writes the text provided with the given tokenKind * but if optional emitFn callback is provided the text is emitted using the callback instead of default text * @param tokenKind the kind of the token to search and emit * @param startPos the position in the source to start searching for the token * @param emitFn if given will be invoked to emit the text instead of actual token emit */ var emitToken = emitTokenText; /** Called to notify start of new source file emit */ var emitNewSourceFileStart = function (node: SourceFile) { } /** Called to before starting the lexical scopes as in function/class in the emitted code because of node * @param scopeDeclaration node that starts the lexical scope * @param scopeName Optional name of this scope instead of deducing one from the declaration node */ var scopeEmitStart = function (scopeDeclaration: Node, scopeName?: string) { } /** Called after coming out of the scope */ var scopeEmitEnd = function () { } /** Sourcemap data that will get encoded */ var sourceMapData: SourceMapData; function initializeEmitterWithSourceMaps() { var sourceMapDir: string; // The directory in which sourcemap will be // Current source map file and its index in the sources list var sourceMapSourceIndex = -1; // Names and its index map var sourceMapNameIndexMap: Map = {}; var sourceMapNameIndices: number[] = []; function getSourceMapNameIndex() { return sourceMapNameIndices.length ? sourceMapNameIndices[sourceMapNameIndices.length - 1] : -1; } // Last recorded and encoded spans var lastRecordedSourceMapSpan: SourceMapSpan; var lastEncodedSourceMapSpan: SourceMapSpan = { emittedLine: 1, emittedColumn: 1, sourceLine: 1, sourceColumn: 1, sourceIndex: 0 }; var lastEncodedNameIndex = 0; // Encoding for sourcemap span function encodeLastRecordedSourceMapSpan() { if (!lastRecordedSourceMapSpan || lastRecordedSourceMapSpan === lastEncodedSourceMapSpan) { return; } var prevEncodedEmittedColumn = lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn; // Line/Comma deliminators if (lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine == lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine) { // Emit comma to separate the entry if (sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings) { sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += ","; } } else { // Emit line deliminators for (var encodedLine = lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine; encodedLine < lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine; encodedLine++) { sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += ";"; } prevEncodedEmittedColumn = 1; } // 1. Relative Column 0 based sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn - prevEncodedEmittedColumn); // 2. Relative sourceIndex sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex); // 3. Relative sourceLine 0 based sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine); // 4. Relative sourceColumn 0 based sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn); // 5. Relative namePosition 0 based if (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex >= 0) { sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex - lastEncodedNameIndex); lastEncodedNameIndex = lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex; } lastEncodedSourceMapSpan = lastRecordedSourceMapSpan; sourceMapData.sourceMapDecodedMappings.push(lastEncodedSourceMapSpan); function base64VLQFormatEncode(inValue: number) { function base64FormatEncode(inValue: number) { if (inValue < 64) { return 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'.charAt(inValue); } throw TypeError(inValue + ": not a 64 based value"); } // Add a new least significant bit that has the sign of the value. // if negative number the least significant bit that gets added to the number has value 1 // else least significant bit value that gets added is 0 // eg. -1 changes to binary : 01 [1] => 3 // +1 changes to binary : 01 [0] => 2 if (inValue < 0) { inValue = ((-inValue) << 1) + 1; } else { inValue = inValue << 1; } // Encode 5 bits at a time starting from least significant bits var encodedStr = ""; do { var currentDigit = inValue & 31; // 11111 inValue = inValue >> 5; if (inValue > 0) { // There are still more digits to decode, set the msb (6th bit) currentDigit = currentDigit | 32; } encodedStr = encodedStr + base64FormatEncode(currentDigit); } while (inValue > 0); return encodedStr; } } function recordSourceMapSpan(pos: number) { var sourceLinePos = currentSourceFile.getLineAndCharacterFromPosition(pos); var emittedLine = writer.getLine(); var emittedColumn = writer.getColumn(); // If this location wasnt recorded or the location in source is going backwards, record the span if (!lastRecordedSourceMapSpan || lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine != emittedLine || lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn != emittedColumn || lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine > sourceLinePos.line || (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine === sourceLinePos.line && lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn > sourceLinePos.character)) { // Encode the last recordedSpan before assigning new encodeLastRecordedSourceMapSpan(); // New span lastRecordedSourceMapSpan = { emittedLine: emittedLine, emittedColumn: emittedColumn, sourceLine: sourceLinePos.line, sourceColumn: sourceLinePos.character, nameIndex: getSourceMapNameIndex(), sourceIndex: sourceMapSourceIndex }; } else { // Take the new pos instead since there is no change in emittedLine and column since last location lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine = sourceLinePos.line; lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn = sourceLinePos.character; } } function recordEmitNodeStartSpan(node: Node) { // Get the token pos after skipping to the token (ignoring the leading trivia) recordSourceMapSpan(ts.getTokenPosOfNode(node)); } function recordEmitNodeEndSpan(node: Node) { recordSourceMapSpan(node.end); } function writeTextWithSpanRecord(tokenKind: SyntaxKind, startPos: number, emitFn?: () => void) { var tokenStartPos = ts.skipTrivia(currentSourceFile.text, startPos); recordSourceMapSpan(tokenStartPos); var tokenEndPos = emitTokenText(tokenKind, tokenStartPos, emitFn); recordSourceMapSpan(tokenEndPos); return tokenEndPos; } function recordNewSourceFileStart(node: SourceFile) { // Add the the file to tsFilePaths // If sourceroot option: Use the relative path corresponding to the common directory path // otherwise source locations relative to map file location var sourcesDirectoryPath = compilerOptions.sourceRoot ? program.getCommonSourceDirectory() : sourceMapDir; sourceMapData.sourceMapSources.push(getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(sourcesDirectoryPath, node.filename, compilerHost.getCurrentDirectory(), /*isAbsolutePathAnUrl*/ true)); sourceMapSourceIndex = sourceMapData.sourceMapSources.length - 1; // The one that can be used from program to get the actual source file sourceMapData.inputSourceFileNames.push(node.filename); } function recordScopeNameOfNode(node: Node, scopeName?: string) { function recordScopeNameIndex(scopeNameIndex: number) { sourceMapNameIndices.push(scopeNameIndex); } function recordScopeNameStart(scopeName: string) { var scopeNameIndex = -1; if (scopeName) { var parentIndex = getSourceMapNameIndex(); if (parentIndex !== -1) { scopeName = sourceMapData.sourceMapNames[parentIndex] + "." + scopeName; } scopeNameIndex = getProperty(sourceMapNameIndexMap, scopeName); if (scopeNameIndex === undefined) { scopeNameIndex = sourceMapData.sourceMapNames.length; sourceMapData.sourceMapNames.push(scopeName); sourceMapNameIndexMap[scopeName] = scopeNameIndex; } } recordScopeNameIndex(scopeNameIndex); } if (scopeName) { // The scope was already given a name use it recordScopeNameStart(scopeName); } else if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration || node.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression || node.kind === SyntaxKind.Method || node.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || node.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration) { // Declaration and has associated name use it if ((node).name) { scopeName = (node).name.text; } recordScopeNameStart(scopeName); } else { // Block just use the name from upper level scope recordScopeNameIndex(getSourceMapNameIndex()); } } function recordScopeNameEnd() { sourceMapNameIndices.pop(); }; function writeJavaScriptAndSourceMapFile(emitOutput: string) { // Write source map file encodeLastRecordedSourceMapSpan(); compilerHost.writeFile(sourceMapData.sourceMapFilePath, JSON.stringify({ version: 3, file: sourceMapData.sourceMapFile, sourceRoot: sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot, sources: sourceMapData.sourceMapSources, names: sourceMapData.sourceMapNames, mappings: sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings })); sourceMapDataList.push(sourceMapData); // Write sourcemap url to the js file and write the js file writeJavaScriptFile(emitOutput + "//# sourceMappingURL=" + sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL); } // Initialize source map data var sourceMapJsFile = getBaseFilename(normalizeSlashes(jsFilePath)); sourceMapData = { sourceMapFilePath: jsFilePath + ".map", jsSourceMappingURL: sourceMapJsFile + ".map", sourceMapFile: sourceMapJsFile, sourceMapSourceRoot: compilerOptions.sourceRoot || "", sourceMapSources: [], inputSourceFileNames: [], sourceMapNames: [], sourceMapMappings: "", sourceMapDecodedMappings: [] }; // Normalize source root and make sure it has trailing "/" so that it can be used to combine paths with the // relative paths of the sources list in the sourcemap sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot = ts.normalizeSlashes(sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot); if (sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.length && sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.charCodeAt(sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.length - 1) !== CharacterCodes.slash) { sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot += directorySeparator; } if (compilerOptions.mapRoot) { sourceMapDir = normalizeSlashes(compilerOptions.mapRoot); if (root) { // emitting single module file // For modules or multiple emit files the mapRoot will have directory structure like the sources // So if src\a.ts and src\lib\b.ts are compiled together user would be moving the maps into mapRoot\a.js.map and mapRoot\lib\b.js.map sourceMapDir = getDirectoryPath(getSourceFilePathInNewDir(sourceMapDir, root, program, compilerHost)); } if (!isRootedDiskPath(sourceMapDir) && !isUrl(sourceMapDir)) { // The relative paths are relative to the common directory sourceMapDir = combinePaths(program.getCommonSourceDirectory(), sourceMapDir); sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL = getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl( getDirectoryPath(normalizePath(jsFilePath)), // get the relative sourceMapDir path based on jsFilePath combinePaths(sourceMapDir, sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL), // this is where user expects to see sourceMap compilerHost.getCurrentDirectory(), /*isAbsolutePathAnUrl*/ true); } else { sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL = combinePaths(sourceMapDir, sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL); } } else { sourceMapDir = getDirectoryPath(normalizePath(jsFilePath)); } function emitNodeWithMap(node: Node) { if (node) { if (node.kind != SyntaxKind.SourceFile) { recordEmitNodeStartSpan(node); emitNode(node); recordEmitNodeEndSpan(node); } else { recordNewSourceFileStart(node); emitNode(node); } } } writeEmittedFiles = writeJavaScriptAndSourceMapFile; emit = emitNodeWithMap; emitStart = recordEmitNodeStartSpan; emitEnd = recordEmitNodeEndSpan; emitToken = writeTextWithSpanRecord; emitNewSourceFileStart = recordNewSourceFileStart; scopeEmitStart = recordScopeNameOfNode; scopeEmitEnd = recordScopeNameEnd; } function writeJavaScriptFile(emitOutput: string) { compilerHost.writeFile(jsFilePath, emitOutput); } function emitTokenText(tokenKind: SyntaxKind, startPos: number, emitFn?: () => void) { var tokenString = tokenToString(tokenKind); if (emitFn) { emitFn(); } else { write(tokenString); } return startPos + tokenString.length; } function emitOptional(prefix: string, node: Node) { if (node) { write(prefix); emit(node); } } function emitCommaList(nodes: Node[], count?: number) { if (!(count >= 0)) count = nodes.length; if (nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i) write(", "); emit(nodes[i]); } } } function emitMultiLineList(nodes: Node[]) { if (nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (i) write(","); writeLine(); emit(nodes[i]); } } } function emitLines(nodes: Node[]) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { writeLine(); emit(nodes[i]); } } function emitLiteral(node: LiteralExpression) { var text = getSourceTextOfLocalNode(node); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral && compilerOptions.sourceMap) { writer.writeLiteral(text); } else { write(text); } } // This function specifically handles numeric/string literals for enum and accessor 'identifiers'. // In a sense, it does not actually emit identifiers as much as it declares a name for a specific property. function emitQuotedIdentifier(node: Identifier) { if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { emitLiteral(node); } else { write("\""); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral) { write(node.text); } else { write(getSourceTextOfLocalNode(node)); } write("\""); } } function isNonExpressionIdentifier(node: Identifier) { var parent = node.parent; switch (parent.kind) { case SyntaxKind.Parameter: case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.Property: case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: case SyntaxKind.Method: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: return (parent).name === node; case SyntaxKind.BreakStatement: case SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement: case SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: return false; case SyntaxKind.LabelledStatement: return (node.parent).label === node; case SyntaxKind.CatchBlock: return (node.parent).variable === node; } } function emitIdentifier(node: Identifier) { if (!isNonExpressionIdentifier(node)) { var prefix = resolver.getExpressionNamePrefix(node); if (prefix) { write(prefix); write("."); } } write(getSourceTextOfLocalNode(node)); } function emitThis(node: Node) { if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & NodeCheckFlags.LexicalThis) { write("_this"); } else { write("this"); } } function emitSuper(node: Node) { var flags = resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node); if (flags & NodeCheckFlags.SuperInstance) { write("_super.prototype"); } else if (flags & NodeCheckFlags.SuperStatic) { write("_super"); } else { write("super"); } } function emitArrayLiteral(node: ArrayLiteral) { if (node.flags & NodeFlags.MultiLine) { write("["); increaseIndent(); emitMultiLineList(node.elements); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("]"); } else { write("["); emitCommaList(node.elements); write("]"); } } function emitObjectLiteral(node: ObjectLiteral) { if (!node.properties.length) { write("{}"); } else if (node.flags & NodeFlags.MultiLine) { write("{"); increaseIndent(); emitMultiLineList(node.properties); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("}"); } else { write("{ "); emitCommaList(node.properties); write(" }"); } } function emitPropertyAssignment(node: PropertyDeclaration) { emit(node.name); write(": "); emit(node.initializer); } function emitPropertyAccess(node: PropertyAccess) { var text = resolver.getPropertyAccessSubstitution(node); if (text) { write(text); return; } emit(node.left); write("."); emit(node.right); } function emitIndexedAccess(node: IndexedAccess) { emit(node.object); write("["); emit(node.index); write("]"); } function emitCallExpression(node: CallExpression) { var superCall = false; if (node.func.kind === SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword) { write("_super"); superCall = true; } else { emit(node.func); superCall = node.func.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccess && (node.func).left.kind === SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword; } if (superCall) { write(".call("); emitThis(node.func); if (node.arguments.length) { write(", "); emitCommaList(node.arguments); } write(")"); } else { write("("); emitCommaList(node.arguments); write(")"); } } function emitNewExpression(node: NewExpression) { write("new "); emit(node.func); if (node.arguments) { write("("); emitCommaList(node.arguments); write(")"); } } function emitParenExpression(node: ParenExpression) { if (node.expression.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeAssertion) { var operand = (node.expression).operand; // Make sure we consider all nested cast expressions, e.g.: // (-A).x; while (operand.kind == SyntaxKind.TypeAssertion) { operand = (operand).operand; } // We have an expression of the form: (SubExpr) // Emitting this as (SubExpr) is really not desirable. We would like to emit the subexpr as is. // Omitting the parentheses, however, could cause change in the semantics of the generated // code if the casted expression has a lower precedence than the rest of the expression, e.g.: // (new A).foo should be emitted as (new A).foo and not new A.foo // (typeof A).toString() should be emitted as (typeof A).toString() and not typeof A.toString() // new (A()) should be emitted as new (A()) and not new A() // (function foo() { })() should be emitted as an IIF (function foo(){})() and not declaration function foo(){} () if (operand.kind !== SyntaxKind.PrefixOperator && operand.kind !== SyntaxKind.PostfixOperator && operand.kind !== SyntaxKind.NewExpression && !(operand.kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.NewExpression) && !(operand.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression)) { emit(operand); return; } } write("("); emit(node.expression); write(")"); } function emitUnaryExpression(node: UnaryExpression) { if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.PrefixOperator) { write(tokenToString(node.operator)); } // In some cases, we need to emit a space between the operator and the operand. One obvious case // is when the operator is an identifer, like delete or typeof. We also need to do this for plus // and minus expressions in certain cases. Specifically, consider the following two cases (parens // are just for clarity of exposition, and not part of the source code): // // (+(+1)) // (+(++1)) // // We need to emit a space in both cases. In the first case, the absence of a space will make // the resulting expression a prefix increment operation. And in the second, it will make the resulting // expression a prefix increment whose operand is a plus expression - (++(+x)) // The same is true of minus of course. if (node.operator >= SyntaxKind.Identifier) { write(" "); } else if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.PrefixOperator && node.operand.kind === SyntaxKind.PrefixOperator) { var operand = node.operand; if (node.operator === SyntaxKind.PlusToken && (operand.operator === SyntaxKind.PlusToken || operand.operator === SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken)) { write(" "); } else if (node.operator === SyntaxKind.MinusToken && (operand.operator === SyntaxKind.MinusToken || operand.operator === SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken)) { write(" "); } } emit(node.operand); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.PostfixOperator) { write(tokenToString(node.operator)); } } function emitBinaryExpression(node: BinaryExpression) { emit(node.left); if (node.operator !== SyntaxKind.CommaToken) write(" "); write(tokenToString(node.operator)); write(" "); emit(node.right); } function emitConditionalExpression(node: ConditionalExpression) { emit(node.condition); write(" ? "); emit(node.whenTrue); write(" : "); emit(node.whenFalse); } function emitBlock(node: Block) { emitToken(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, node.pos); increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node.parent); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock) { Debug.assert(node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration); emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node.parent); } emitLines(node.statements); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, node.statements.end); scopeEmitEnd(); } function emitEmbeddedStatement(node: Node) { if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.Block) { write(" "); emit(node); } else { increaseIndent(); writeLine(); emit(node); decreaseIndent(); } } function emitExpressionStatement(node: ExpressionStatement) { var isArrowExpression = node.expression.kind === SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction; if (isArrowExpression) write("("); emit(node.expression); if (isArrowExpression) write(")"); write(";"); } function emitIfStatement(node: IfStatement) { var endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.IfKeyword, node.pos); write(" "); endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, endPos); emit(node.expression); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, node.expression.end); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.thenStatement); if (node.elseStatement) { writeLine(); emitToken(SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword, node.thenStatement.end); if (node.elseStatement.kind === SyntaxKind.IfStatement) { write(" "); emit(node.elseStatement); } else { emitEmbeddedStatement(node.elseStatement); } } } function emitDoStatement(node: DoStatement) { write("do"); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); if (node.statement.kind === SyntaxKind.Block) { write(" "); } else { writeLine(); } write("while ("); emit(node.expression); write(");"); } function emitWhileStatement(node: WhileStatement) { write("while ("); emit(node.expression); write(")"); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); } function emitForStatement(node: ForStatement) { var endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.ForKeyword, node.pos); write(" "); endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, endPos); if (node.declarations) { emitToken(SyntaxKind.VarKeyword, endPos); write(" "); emitCommaList(node.declarations); } if (node.initializer) { emit(node.initializer); } write(";"); emitOptional(" ", node.condition); write(";"); emitOptional(" ", node.iterator); write(")"); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); } function emitForInStatement(node: ForInStatement) { var endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.ForKeyword, node.pos); write(" "); endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, endPos); if (node.declaration) { emitToken(SyntaxKind.VarKeyword, endPos); write(" "); emit(node.declaration); } else { emit(node.variable); } write(" in "); emit(node.expression); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, node.expression.end); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); } function emitBreakOrContinueStatement(node: BreakOrContinueStatement) { emitToken(node.kind === SyntaxKind.BreakStatement ? SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword : SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword, node.pos); emitOptional(" ", node.label); write(";"); } function emitReturnStatement(node: ReturnStatement) { emitToken(SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword, node.pos); emitOptional(" ", node.expression); write(";"); } function emitWithStatement(node: WhileStatement) { write("with ("); emit(node.expression); write(")"); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); } function emitSwitchStatement(node: SwitchStatement) { var endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword, node.pos); write(" "); emitToken(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, endPos); emit(node.expression); endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, node.expression.end); write(" "); emitToken(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, endPos); increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.clauses); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, node.clauses.end); } function emitCaseOrDefaultClause(node: CaseOrDefaultClause) { if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.CaseClause) { write("case "); emit(node.expression); write(":"); } else { write("default:"); } increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.statements); decreaseIndent(); } function emitThrowStatement(node: ThrowStatement) { write("throw "); emit(node.expression); write(";"); } function emitTryStatement(node: TryStatement) { write("try "); emit(node.tryBlock); emit(node.catchBlock); if (node.finallyBlock) { writeLine(); write("finally "); emit(node.finallyBlock); } } function emitCatchBlock(node: CatchBlock) { writeLine(); var endPos = emitToken(SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword, node.pos); write(" "); emitToken(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, endPos); emit(node.variable); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, node.variable.end); write(" "); emitBlock(node); } function emitDebuggerStatement(node: Node) { emitToken(SyntaxKind.DebuggerKeyword, node.pos); write(";"); } function emitLabelledStatement(node: LabelledStatement) { emit(node.label); write(": "); emit(node.statement); } function getContainingModule(node: Node): ModuleDeclaration { do { node = node.parent; } while (node && node.kind !== SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration); return node; } function emitModuleMemberName(node: Declaration) { emitStart(node.name); if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) { var container = getContainingModule(node); write(container ? resolver.getModuleObjectName(container) : "exports"); write("."); } emitNode(node.name); emitEnd(node.name); } function emitVariableDeclaration(node: VariableDeclaration) { emitModuleMemberName(node); emitOptional(" = ", node.initializer); } function emitVariableStatement(node: VariableStatement) { if (!(node.flags & NodeFlags.Export)) write("var "); emitCommaList(node.declarations); write(";"); } function emitParameter(node: ParameterDeclaration) { emit(node.name); } function emitDefaultValueAssignments(node: FunctionDeclaration) { forEach(node.parameters, param => { if (param.initializer) { writeLine(); emitStart(param); write("if ("); emitNode(param.name); write(" === void 0)"); emitEnd(param); write(" { "); emitStart(param); emitNode(param.name); write(" = "); emitNode(param.initializer); emitEnd(param); write("; }"); } }); } function emitRestParameter(node: FunctionDeclaration) { if (hasRestParameters(node)) { var restIndex = node.parameters.length - 1; var restParam = node.parameters[restIndex]; writeLine(); emitStart(restParam); write("var "); emitNode(restParam.name); write(" = [];"); emitEnd(restParam); writeLine(); write("for ("); emitStart(restParam); write("var _i = " + restIndex + ";"); emitEnd(restParam); write(" "); emitStart(restParam); write("_i < arguments.length;"); emitEnd(restParam); write(" "); emitStart(restParam); write("_i++"); emitEnd(restParam); write(") {"); increaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitStart(restParam); emitNode(restParam.name); write("[_i - " + restIndex + "] = arguments[_i];"); emitEnd(restParam); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("}"); } } function emitAccessor(node: AccessorDeclaration) { write(node.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor ? "get " : "set "); emit(node.name); emitSignatureAndBody(node); } function emitFunctionDeclaration(node: FunctionDeclaration) { if (!node.body) return; write("function "); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration || (node.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression && node.name)) { emit(node.name); } emitSignatureAndBody(node); } function emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node: Node): void { if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & NodeCheckFlags.CaptureThis) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("var _this = this;"); emitEnd(node); } } function emitSignatureAndBody(node: FunctionDeclaration) { write("("); emitCommaList(node.parameters, node.parameters.length - (hasRestParameters(node) ? 1 : 0)); write(") {"); scopeEmitStart(node); increaseIndent(); var outPos = writer.getTextPos(); emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitDefaultValueAssignments(node); emitRestParameter(node); if (node.body.kind !== SyntaxKind.FunctionBlock && outPos === writer.getTextPos()) { decreaseIndent(); write(" "); emitStart(node.body); write("return "); emitNode(node.body); emitEnd(node.body); write("; "); emitStart(node.body); write("}"); emitEnd(node.body); } else { if (node.body.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionBlock) { emitLines((node.body).statements); } else { writeLine(); write("return "); emit(node.body); write(";"); } decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); if (node.body.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionBlock) { emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, (node.body).statements.end); } else { emitStart(node.body); write("}"); emitEnd(node.body); } } scopeEmitEnd(); if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = "); emit(node.name); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } } function findInitialSuperCall(ctor: ConstructorDeclaration): ExpressionStatement { if (ctor.body) { var statement = (ctor.body).statements[0]; if (statement && statement.kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement) { var expr = (statement).expression; if (expr && expr.kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression) { var func = (expr).func; if (func && func.kind === SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword) { return statement; } } } } } function emitParameterPropertyAssignments(node: ConstructorDeclaration) { forEach(node.parameters, param => { if (param.flags & (NodeFlags.Public | NodeFlags.Private)) { writeLine(); emitStart(param); emitStart(param.name); write("this."); emitNode(param.name); emitEnd(param.name); write(" = "); emit(param.name); write(";"); emitEnd(param); } }); } function emitMemberAccess(memberName: Identifier) { if (memberName.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || memberName.kind === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral) { write("["); emitNode(memberName); write("]"); } else { write("."); emitNode(memberName); } } function emitMemberAssignments(node: ClassDeclaration, staticFlag: NodeFlags) { forEach(node.members, member => { if (member.kind === SyntaxKind.Property && (member.flags & NodeFlags.Static) === staticFlag && (member).initializer) { writeLine(); emitStart(member); emitStart((member).name); if (staticFlag) { emitNode(node.name); } else { write("this"); } emitMemberAccess((member).name); emitEnd((member).name); write(" = "); emit((member).initializer); write(";"); emitEnd(member); } }); } function emitMemberFunctions(node: ClassDeclaration) { forEach(node.members, member => { if (member.kind === SyntaxKind.Method) { if (!(member).body) return; writeLine(); emitStart(member); emitStart((member).name); emitNode(node.name); if (!(member.flags & NodeFlags.Static)) { write(".prototype"); } emitMemberAccess((member).name); emitEnd((member).name); write(" = "); emitStart(member); emitFunctionDeclaration(member); emitEnd(member); emitEnd(member); write(";"); } else if (member.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || member.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor) { var accessors = getAllAccessorDeclarations(node, member); if (member === accessors.firstAccessor) { writeLine(); emitStart(member); write("Object.defineProperty("); emitStart((member).name); emitNode(node.name); if (!(member.flags & NodeFlags.Static)) { write(".prototype"); } write(", "); emitQuotedIdentifier((member).name); emitEnd((member).name); write(", {"); increaseIndent(); if (accessors.getAccessor) { writeLine(); write("get: "); emitStart(accessors.getAccessor); write("function "); emitSignatureAndBody(accessors.getAccessor); emitEnd(accessors.getAccessor); write(","); } if (accessors.setAccessor) { writeLine(); write("set: "); emitStart(accessors.setAccessor); write("function "); emitSignatureAndBody(accessors.setAccessor); emitEnd(accessors.setAccessor); write(","); } writeLine(); write("enumerable: true,"); writeLine(); write("configurable: true"); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("});"); emitEnd(member); } } }); } function emitClassDeclaration(node: ClassDeclaration) { var ctor = findConstructor(node); write("var "); emit(node.name); write(" = (function ("); if (node.baseType) write("_super"); write(") {"); increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node); if (node.baseType) { writeLine(); emitStart(node.baseType); write("__extends("); emit(node.name); write(", _super);"); emitEnd(node.baseType); } writeLine(); emitStart(ctor || node); write("function "); emit(node.name); write("("); if (ctor) { emitCommaList(ctor.parameters); } write(") {"); scopeEmitStart(node, "constructor"); increaseIndent(); if (ctor) { emitDefaultValueAssignments(ctor); emitRestParameter(ctor); if (node.baseType) { var superCall = findInitialSuperCall(ctor); if (superCall) { writeLine(); emit(superCall); } } emitParameterPropertyAssignments(ctor); } else { if (node.baseType) { writeLine(); emitStart(node.baseType); write("_super.apply(this, arguments);"); emitEnd(node.baseType); } } emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitMemberAssignments(node, /*nonstatic*/0); if (ctor) { var statements: Node[] = (ctor.body).statements; if (superCall) statements = statements.slice(1); emitLines(statements); } decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, ctor ? (ctor.body).statements.end : node.members.end); scopeEmitEnd(); emitEnd(ctor || node); emitMemberFunctions(node); emitMemberAssignments(node, NodeFlags.Static); writeLine(); function emitClassReturnStatement() { write("return "); emitNode(node.name); } emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, node.members.end, emitClassReturnStatement); write(";"); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, node.members.end); scopeEmitEnd(); emitStart(node); write(")("); if (node.baseType) { emit(node.baseType.typeName); } write(");"); emitEnd(node); if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = "); emit(node.name); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } } function emitEnumDeclaration(node: EnumDeclaration) { if (!(node.flags & NodeFlags.Export)) { emitStart(node); write("var "); emit(node.name); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("(function ("); emit(node.name); write(") {"); increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node); forEach(node.members, member => { writeLine(); emitStart(member); emitNode(node.name); write("["); emitNode(node.name); write("["); emitQuotedIdentifier(member.name); write("] = "); if (member.initializer) { emit(member.initializer); } else { write(resolver.getEnumMemberValue(member).toString()); } write("] = "); emitQuotedIdentifier(member.name); emitEnd(member); write(";"); }); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, node.members.end); scopeEmitEnd(); write(")("); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" || ("); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = {}));"); emitEnd(node); if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("var "); emit(node.name); write(" = "); emitModuleMemberName(node); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } } function getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(moduleDeclaration: ModuleDeclaration): ModuleDeclaration { if (moduleDeclaration.body.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration) { var recursiveInnerModule = getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(moduleDeclaration.body); return recursiveInnerModule || moduleDeclaration.body; } } function emitModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration) { if (!isInstantiated(node)) return; if (!(node.flags & NodeFlags.Export)) { emitStart(node); write("var "); emit(node.name); write(";"); emitEnd(node); writeLine(); } emitStart(node); write("(function ("); emit(node.name); write(") "); if (node.body.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock) { emit(node.body); } else { write("{"); increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node); emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); writeLine(); emit(node.body); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); var moduleBlock = getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(node).body; emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, moduleBlock.statements.end); scopeEmitEnd(); } write(")("); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" || ("); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = {}));"); emitEnd(node); if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("var "); emit(node.name); write(" = "); emitModuleMemberName(node); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } } function emitImportDeclaration(node: ImportDeclaration) { var emitImportDeclaration = resolver.isReferencedImportDeclaration(node); if (!emitImportDeclaration) { // preserve old compiler's behavior: emit 'var' for import declaration (even if we do not consider them referenced) when // - current file is not external module // - import declaration is top level and target is value imported by entity name emitImportDeclaration = !(currentSourceFile.flags & NodeFlags.ExternalModule) && resolver.isTopLevelValueImportedViaEntityName(node); } if (emitImportDeclaration) { if (node.externalModuleName && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile && compilerOptions.module === ModuleKind.AMD) { if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = "); emit(node.name); write(";"); emitEnd(node); } } else { writeLine(); emitStart(node); if (!(node.flags & NodeFlags.Export)) write("var "); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = "); if (node.entityName) { emit(node.entityName); } else { write("require("); emitStart(node.externalModuleName); emitLiteral(node.externalModuleName); emitEnd(node.externalModuleName); emitToken(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, node.externalModuleName.end); } write(";"); emitEnd(node); } } } function getExternalImportDeclarations(node: SourceFile): ImportDeclaration[]{ var result: ImportDeclaration[] = []; forEach(node.statements, stat => { if (stat.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration && (stat).externalModuleName && resolver.isReferencedImportDeclaration(stat)) { result.push(stat); } }); return result; } function getFirstExportAssignment(sourceFile: SourceFile) { return forEach(sourceFile.statements, node => { if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment) { return node; } }); } function emitAMDModule(node: SourceFile) { var imports = getExternalImportDeclarations(node); writeLine(); write("define([\"require\", \"exports\""); forEach(imports, imp => { write(", "); emitLiteral(imp.externalModuleName); }); forEach(node.amdDependencies, amdDependency => { var text = "\"" + amdDependency + "\""; write(", "); write(text); }); write("], function (require, exports"); forEach(imports, imp => { write(", "); emit(imp.name); }); write(") {"); increaseIndent(); emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitLines(node.statements); var exportName = resolver.getExportAssignmentName(node); if (exportName) { writeLine(); var exportAssignement = getFirstExportAssignment(node); emitStart(exportAssignement); write("return "); emitStart(exportAssignement.exportName); write(exportName); emitEnd(exportAssignement.exportName); write(";"); emitEnd(exportAssignement); } decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("});"); } function emitCommonJSModule(node: SourceFile) { emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitLines(node.statements); var exportName = resolver.getExportAssignmentName(node); if (exportName) { writeLine(); var exportAssignement = getFirstExportAssignment(node); emitStart(exportAssignement); write("module.exports = "); emitStart(exportAssignement.exportName); write(exportName); emitEnd(exportAssignement.exportName); write(";"); emitEnd(exportAssignement); } } function emitSourceFile(node: SourceFile) { currentSourceFile = node; if (!extendsEmitted && resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & NodeCheckFlags.EmitExtends) { writeLine(); write("var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {"); increaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];"); writeLine(); write("function __() { this.constructor = d; }"); writeLine(); write("__.prototype = b.prototype;"); writeLine(); write("d.prototype = new __();"); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("};"); extendsEmitted = true; } if (node.flags & NodeFlags.ExternalModule) { if (compilerOptions.module === ModuleKind.AMD) { emitAMDModule(node); } else { emitCommonJSModule(node); } } else { emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitLines(node.statements); } } function emitNode(node: Node) { if (!node || node.flags & NodeFlags.Ambient) return; switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.Identifier: return emitIdentifier(node); case SyntaxKind.Parameter: return emitParameter(node); case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: return emitAccessor(node); case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: return emitThis(node); case SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword: return emitSuper(node); case SyntaxKind.NullKeyword: return write("null"); case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: return write("true"); case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: return write("false"); case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: case SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral: return emitLiteral(node); case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName: return emitPropertyAccess(node); case SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteral: return emitArrayLiteral(node); case SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteral: return emitObjectLiteral(node); case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: return emitPropertyAssignment(node); case SyntaxKind.PropertyAccess: return emitPropertyAccess(node); case SyntaxKind.IndexedAccess: return emitIndexedAccess(node); case SyntaxKind.CallExpression: return emitCallExpression(node); case SyntaxKind.NewExpression: return emitNewExpression(node); case SyntaxKind.TypeAssertion: return emit((node).operand); case SyntaxKind.ParenExpression: return emitParenExpression(node); case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction: return emitFunctionDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.PrefixOperator: case SyntaxKind.PostfixOperator: return emitUnaryExpression(node); case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: return emitBinaryExpression(node); case SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression: return emitConditionalExpression(node); case SyntaxKind.Block: case SyntaxKind.TryBlock: case SyntaxKind.FinallyBlock: case SyntaxKind.FunctionBlock: case SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock: return emitBlock(node); case SyntaxKind.VariableStatement: return emitVariableStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.EmptyStatement: return write(";"); case SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement: return emitExpressionStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.IfStatement: return emitIfStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.DoStatement: return emitDoStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement: return emitWhileStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.ForStatement: return emitForStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.ForInStatement: return emitForInStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement: case SyntaxKind.BreakStatement: return emitBreakOrContinueStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement: return emitReturnStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.WithStatement: return emitWithStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement: return emitSwitchStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.CaseClause: case SyntaxKind.DefaultClause: return emitCaseOrDefaultClause(node); case SyntaxKind.LabelledStatement: return emitLabelledStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.ThrowStatement: return emitThrowStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.TryStatement: return emitTryStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.CatchBlock: return emitCatchBlock(node); case SyntaxKind.DebuggerStatement: return emitDebuggerStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: return emitVariableDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: return emitClassDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: return emitEnumDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return emitModuleDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: return emitImportDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.SourceFile: return emitSourceFile(node); } } if (compilerOptions.sourceMap) { initializeEmitterWithSourceMaps(); } if (root) { emit(root); } else { forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile => { if (!isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(sourceFile)) { emit(sourceFile); } }); } writeLine(); writeEmittedFiles(writer.getText()); } function emitDeclarations(resolver: EmitResolver, jsFilePath: string, root?: SourceFile) { var program = resolver.getProgram(); var compilerOptions = program.getCompilerOptions(); var compilerHost = program.getCompilerHost(); var writer = createTextWriter(); var write = writer.write; var writeLine = writer.writeLine; var increaseIndent = writer.increaseIndent; var decreaseIndent = writer.decreaseIndent; function emitLines(nodes: Node[]) { for (var i = 0, n = nodes.length; i < n; i++) { emitNode(nodes[i]); } } function emitCommaList(nodes: Node[]) { for (var i = 0, n = nodes.length; i < n; i++) { if (i) { write(", "); } emitNode(nodes[i]); } } function emitCommaTypeList(nodes: Node[]) { if (nodes) { for (var i = 0, n = nodes.length; i < n; i++) { if (i) { write(", "); } // TODO(shkamat): get the symbol name in the scope for this node emitSourceTextOfNode(nodes[i]); } } } function emitSourceTextOfNode(node: Node) { write(getSourceTextOfLocalNode(node)); } function emitSourceFile(node: SourceFile) { currentSourceFile = node; emitLines(node.statements); } function emitExportAssignment(node: ExportAssignment) { write("export = "); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.exportName); write(";"); writeLine(); } function emitImportDeclaration(node: ImportDeclaration) { // TODO(shkamat): Emit if import decl is used to declare type in this context or as export assignment if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) { //TODO: only emit when export flag once the above condition is modified write("export "); write("import "); write(getSourceTextOfLocalNode(node.name) + " = "); if (node.entityName) { emitSourceTextOfNode(node.entityName); write(";"); } else { write("require("); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.externalModuleName); write(");"); } writeLine(); } } function canEmitDeclaration(node: Declaration) { if (node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration || node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile) { if (!(node.flags & NodeFlags.Export)) { // Non exported member // TODO(shkamat): check if the symbol at this location is externally visible // eg. because of export assignment or is in global context because source file is non external module return false; } } return true; } function emitDeclarationFlags(node: Declaration) { if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Static) { if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Private) { write("private "); } write("static "); } else { if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Private) { write("private "); } // If the node is parented in the current source file we need to emit export declare or just export else if (node.parent === currentSourceFile) { // If the node is exported if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Export) { write("export "); } if (node.kind !== SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration) { write("declare "); } } } } function emitModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration) { if (canEmitDeclaration(node)) { emitDeclarationFlags(node); write("module "); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); while (node.body.kind !== SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock) { node = node.body; write("."); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); } write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitLines((node.body).statements); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); writeLine(); } } function emitEnumDeclaration(node: EnumDeclaration) { if (canEmitDeclaration(node)) { emitDeclarationFlags(node); write("enum "); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.members); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); writeLine(); } } function emitEnumMemberDeclaration(node: EnumMember) { emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); var enumMemberValue = resolver.getEnumMemberValue(node); if (enumMemberValue !== undefined) { write(" = "); write(enumMemberValue.toString()); } write(","); writeLine(); } function emitTypeParameters(typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration[]) { if (typeParameters) { write("<"); emitCommaTypeList(typeParameters); write(">"); } } function emitHeritageClause(typeReferences: TypeReferenceNode[], isImplementsList: boolean) { if (typeReferences) { write(isImplementsList ? " implments " : " extends "); emitCommaTypeList(typeReferences); } } function emitClassDeclaration(node: ClassDeclaration) { function emitParameterProperties(node: ConstructorDeclaration) { if (node) { forEach(node.parameters, param => { if (param.flags & (NodeFlags.Public | NodeFlags.Private)) { emitPropertyDeclaration(param); } }); } } if (canEmitDeclaration(node)) { emitDeclarationFlags(node); write("class "); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); emitTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); if (node.baseType) { emitHeritageClause([node.baseType], /*isImplementsList*/ false); } emitHeritageClause(node.implementedTypes, /*isImplementsList*/ true); write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitParameterProperties(findConstructor(node)); emitLines(node.members); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); writeLine(); } } function emitInterfaceDeclaration(node: InterfaceDeclaration) { if (canEmitDeclaration(node)) { emitDeclarationFlags(node); write("interface "); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); emitTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); emitHeritageClause(node.baseTypes, /*isImplementsList*/ false); write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.members); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); writeLine(); } } function emitPropertyDeclaration(node: PropertyDeclaration) { emitDeclarationFlags(node); emitVariableDeclaration(node); write(";"); writeLine(); } function emitVariableDeclaration(node: VariableDeclaration) { emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); // If optional property emit ? if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.Property && (node.flags & NodeFlags.QuestionMark)) { write("?"); } if (!(node.flags & NodeFlags.Private)) { // TODO(shkamat): emit type of the node in given scope } } function emitVariableStatement(node: VariableStatement) { if (canEmitDeclaration(node)) { emitDeclarationFlags(node); write("var "); emitCommaList(node.declarations); write(";"); writeLine(); } } function emitAccessorDeclaration(node: AccessorDeclaration) { var accessors = getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.parent, node); if (node === accessors.firstAccessor) { emitDeclarationFlags(node); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); if (!(node.flags & NodeFlags.Private)) { // TODO(shkamat): emit type of the node in given scope // If get accessor -> return type of getAccessor otherwise parameter type of setAccessor } write(";"); writeLine(); } } function emitFunctionDeclaration(node: FunctionDeclaration) { // TODO(shkamat): if this is overloaded declaration do not emit if body is present if (canEmitDeclaration(node)) { emitDeclarationFlags(node); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration) { write("function "); emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); } else if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.Constructor) { write("constructor "); } else { emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); if (node.flags & NodeFlags.QuestionMark) { write("?"); } } emitSignatureDeclaration(node); } } function emitConstructSignatureDeclaration(node: SignatureDeclaration) { write("new "); emitSignatureDeclaration(node); } function emitSignatureDeclaration(node: SignatureDeclaration) { emitTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.IndexSignature) { write("["); } else { write("("); } // Parameters emitCommaList(node.parameters); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.IndexSignature) { write("]"); } else { write(")"); } if (!(node.flags & NodeFlags.Private)) { // TODO(shkamat): emit return type of the signature } write(";"); writeLine(); } function emitParameterDeclaration(node: ParameterDeclaration) { if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Rest) { write("..."); } emitSourceTextOfNode(node.name); if (node.initializer || (node.flags & NodeFlags.QuestionMark)) { write("?"); } if (!(node.parent.flags & NodeFlags.Private)) { // TODO(shkamat): emitType of the parameter if the method is not private } } function emitNode(node: Node) { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.Parameter: return emitParameterDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.Constructor: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.Method: return emitFunctionDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature: return emitConstructSignatureDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.CallSignature: case SyntaxKind.IndexSignature: return emitSignatureDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: return emitAccessorDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.VariableStatement: return emitVariableStatement(node); case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: return emitVariableDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.Property: return emitPropertyDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: return emitInterfaceDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: return emitClassDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: return emitEnumMemberDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: return emitEnumDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return emitModuleDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: return emitImportDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: return emitExportAssignment(node); case SyntaxKind.SourceFile: return emitSourceFile(node); } } function resolveScriptReference(sourceFile: SourceFile, reference: FileReference) { var referenceFileName = compilerOptions.noResolve ? reference.filename : normalizePath(combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(sourceFile.filename), reference.filename)); return program.getSourceFile(referenceFileName); } // Contains the reference paths that needs to go in the declaration file. // Collecting this separately because reference paths need to be first thing in the declaration file // and we could be collecting these paths from multiple files into single one with --out option var referencePathsOutput = ""; function writeReferencePath(referencedFile: SourceFile) { var declFileName = referencedFile.flags & NodeFlags.DeclarationFile ? referencedFile.filename // Declaration file, use declaration file name : emitToOwnOutputFile(referencedFile, compilerOptions) ? getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(referencedFile, program, ".d.ts") // Own output file so get the .d.ts file : getModuleNameFromFilename(compilerOptions.out) + ".d.ts";// Global out file declFileName = getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl( getDirectoryPath(normalizeSlashes(jsFilePath)), declFileName, compilerHost.getCurrentDirectory(), /*isAbsolutePathAnUrl*/ false); referencePathsOutput += "/// " + sys.newLine; } if (root) { // Emiting single file so emit references in this file only var addedGlobalFileReference = false; forEach(root.referencedFiles, fileReference => { var referencedFile = resolveScriptReference(root, fileReference); // All the references that are not going to be part of same file if ((referencedFile.flags & NodeFlags.DeclarationFile) || // This is a declare file reference emitToOwnOutputFile(referencedFile, compilerOptions) || // This is referenced file is emitting its own js file !addedGlobalFileReference) { // Or the global out file corresponding to this reference was not added writeReferencePath(referencedFile); if (!isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(referencedFile)) { addedGlobalFileReference = true; } } }); emitNode(root); } else { // Emit references corresponding to this file var emittedReferencedFiles: SourceFile[] = []; forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile => { if (!isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(sourceFile)) { // Check what references need to be added forEach(sourceFile.referencedFiles, fileReference => { var referencedFile = resolveScriptReference(sourceFile, fileReference); // If the reference file is declaration file or external module emit that reference if (isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(referencedFile) && !contains(emittedReferencedFiles, referencedFile)) { // If the file refernece was not already emitted writeReferencePath(referencedFile); emittedReferencedFiles.push(referencedFile); } }); emitNode(sourceFile); } }); } compilerHost.writeFile(getModuleNameFromFilename(jsFilePath) + ".d.ts", referencePathsOutput + writer.getText()); } }