module Harness.LanguageService { export class ScriptInfo { public version: number = 1; public editRanges: { length: number; textChangeRange: TypeScript.TextChangeRange; }[] = []; public lineMap: TypeScript.LineMap = null; constructor(public fileName: string, public content: string, public isOpen = true, public byteOrderMark: TypeScript.ByteOrderMark = TypeScript.ByteOrderMark.None) { this.setContent(content); } private setContent(content: string): void { this.content = content; this.lineMap = TypeScript.LineMap1.fromString(content); } public updateContent(content: string): void { this.editRanges = []; this.setContent(content); this.version++; } public editContent(minChar: number, limChar: number, newText: string): void { // Apply edits var prefix = this.content.substring(0, minChar); var middle = newText; var suffix = this.content.substring(limChar); this.setContent(prefix + middle + suffix); // Store edit range + new length of script this.editRanges.push({ length: this.content.length, textChangeRange: new TypeScript.TextChangeRange( TypeScript.TextSpan.fromBounds(minChar, limChar), newText.length) }); // Update version # this.version++; } public getTextChangeRangeBetweenVersions(startVersion: number, endVersion: number): TypeScript.TextChangeRange { if (startVersion === endVersion) { // No edits! return TypeScript.TextChangeRange.unchanged; } var initialEditRangeIndex = this.editRanges.length - (this.version - startVersion); var lastEditRangeIndex = this.editRanges.length - (this.version - endVersion); var entries = this.editRanges.slice(initialEditRangeIndex, lastEditRangeIndex); return TypeScript.TextChangeRange.collapseChangesAcrossMultipleVersions( => e.textChangeRange)); } } class ScriptSnapshotShim implements TypeScript.Services.IScriptSnapshotShim { private lineMap: TypeScript.LineMap = null; private textSnapshot: string; private version: number; constructor(private scriptInfo: ScriptInfo) { this.textSnapshot = scriptInfo.content; this.version = scriptInfo.version; } public getText(start: number, end: number): string { return this.textSnapshot.substring(start, end); } public getLength(): number { return this.textSnapshot.length; } public getLineStartPositions(): string { if (this.lineMap === null) { this.lineMap = TypeScript.LineMap1.fromString(this.textSnapshot); } return JSON.stringify(this.lineMap.lineStarts()); } public getChangeRange(oldScript: TypeScript.Services.IScriptSnapshotShim): string { var oldShim = oldScript; var range = this.scriptInfo.getTextChangeRangeBetweenVersions(oldShim.version, this.version); if (range === null) { return null; } return JSON.stringify({ span: { start: range.span().start(), length: range.span().length() }, newLength: range.newLength() }); } } export class TypeScriptLS implements TypeScript.Services.ILanguageServiceShimHost { IO = TypeScript.Environment ? TypeScript.Environment : Network.getEnvironment(); private ls: TypeScript.Services.ILanguageServiceShim = null; public newLS: ts.LanguageService; private fileNameToScript = new TypeScript.StringHashTable(); constructor(private cancellationToken: TypeScript.ICancellationToken = TypeScript.CancellationToken.None) { } public addDefaultLibrary() { this.addScript("lib.d.ts", Harness.Compiler.libText); } public getHostIdentifier(): string { return "TypeScriptLS"; } public addFile(fileName: string) { var code = Harness.Environment.readFile(fileName); this.addScript(fileName, code); } private getScriptInfo(fileName: string): ScriptInfo { return this.fileNameToScript.lookup(fileName); } public addScript(fileName: string, content: string) { var script = new ScriptInfo(fileName, content); this.fileNameToScript.add(fileName, script); } public updateScript(fileName: string, content: string) { var script = this.getScriptInfo(fileName); if (script !== null) { script.updateContent(content); return; } this.addScript(fileName, content); } public editScript(fileName: string, minChar: number, limChar: number, newText: string) { var script = this.getScriptInfo(fileName); if (script !== null) { script.editContent(minChar, limChar, newText); return; } throw new Error("No script with name '" + fileName + "'"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ILogger implementation // public information(): boolean { return false; } public debug(): boolean { return true; } public warning(): boolean { return true; } public error(): boolean { return true; } public fatal(): boolean { return true; } public log(s: string): void { // For debugging... //TypeScript.Environment.standardOut.WriteLine("TypeScriptLS:" + s); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ILanguageServiceShimHost implementation // /// Returns json for Tools.CompilationSettings public getCompilationSettings(): string { return ""; // i.e. default settings } public getCancellationToken(): TypeScript.ICancellationToken { return this.cancellationToken; } public getScriptFileNames(): string { return JSON.stringify(this.fileNameToScript.getAllKeys()); } public getScriptSnapshot(fileName: string): TypeScript.Services.IScriptSnapshotShim { return new ScriptSnapshotShim(this.getScriptInfo(fileName)); } public getScriptVersion(fileName: string): string { return this.getScriptInfo(fileName).version.toString(); } public getScriptIsOpen(fileName: string): boolean { return this.getScriptInfo(fileName).isOpen; } public getScriptByteOrderMark(fileName: string): TypeScript.ByteOrderMark { return this.getScriptInfo(fileName).byteOrderMark; } public getDiagnosticsObject(): TypeScript.Services.ILanguageServicesDiagnostics { return new LanguageServicesDiagnostics(""); } public getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages(): string { return ""; } public fileExists(s: string) { return this.IO.fileExists(s); } public directoryExists(s: string) { return this.IO.directoryExists(s); } public resolveRelativePath(path: string, directory: string): string { if (TypeScript.isRooted(path) || !directory) { return this.IO.absolutePath(path); } else { return this.IO.absolutePath(TypeScript.IOUtils.combine(directory, path)); } } public getParentDirectory(path: string): string { return this.IO.directoryName(path); } /** Return a new instance of the language service shim, up-to-date wrt to typecheck. * To access the non-shim (i.e. actual) language service, use the "ls.languageService" property. */ public getLanguageService(): TypeScript.Services.ILanguageServiceShim { var ls = new TypeScript.Services.TypeScriptServicesFactory().createLanguageServiceShim(this); = ls; var hostAdapter = new ts.LanguageServiceShimHostAdapter(this); this.newLS = ts.createLanguageService(hostAdapter); return ls; } /** Parse file given its source text */ public parseSourceText(fileName: string, sourceText: TypeScript.IScriptSnapshot): TypeScript.SourceUnitSyntax { var compilationSettings = new TypeScript.CompilationSettings(); compilationSettings.codeGenTarget = TypeScript.LanguageVersion.EcmaScript5; var settings = TypeScript.ImmutableCompilationSettings.fromCompilationSettings(compilationSettings); var parseOptions = settings.codeGenTarget(); return TypeScript.Parser.parse(fileName, TypeScript.SimpleText.fromScriptSnapshot(sourceText), parseOptions, TypeScript.isDTSFile(fileName)).sourceUnit(); } /** Parse a file on disk given its fileName */ public parseFile(fileName: string) { var sourceText = TypeScript.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(this.IO.readFile(fileName, /*codepage:*/ null).contents) return this.parseSourceText(fileName, sourceText); } /** * @param line 1 based index * @param col 1 based index */ public lineColToPosition(fileName: string, line: number, col: number): number { var script: ScriptInfo = this.fileNameToScript.lookup(fileName); assert.isNotNull(script); assert.isTrue(line >= 1); assert.isTrue(col >= 1); return script.lineMap.getPosition(line - 1, col - 1); } /** * @param line 0 based index * @param col 0 based index */ public positionToZeroBasedLineCol(fileName: string, position: number): TypeScript.ILineAndCharacter { var script: ScriptInfo = this.fileNameToScript.lookup(fileName); assert.isNotNull(script); var result = script.lineMap.getLineAndCharacterFromPosition(position); assert.isTrue(result.line() >= 0); assert.isTrue(result.character() >= 0); return { line: result.line(), character: result.character() }; } /** Verify that applying edits to sourceFileName result in the content of the file baselineFileName */ public checkEdits(sourceFileName: string, baselineFileName: string, edits: TypeScript.Services.TextChange[]) { var script = Utils.readFile(sourceFileName); var formattedScript = this.applyEdits(script.contents, edits); var baseline = Utils.readFile(baselineFileName).contents; function noDiff(text1: string, text2: string) { text1 = text1.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); text2 = text2.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); if (text1 !== text2) { var errorString = ""; var text1Lines = text1.split(/\n/); var text2Lines = text2.split(/\n/); for (var i = 0; i < text1Lines.length; i++) { if (text1Lines[i] !== text2Lines[i]) { errorString += "Difference at line " + (i + 1) + ":\n"; errorString += " Left File: " + text1Lines[i] + "\n"; errorString += " Right File: " + text2Lines[i] + "\n\n"; } } throw (new Error(errorString)); } } assert.isTrue(noDiff(formattedScript, baseline)); assert.equal(formattedScript, baseline); } /** Apply an array of text edits to a string, and return the resulting string. */ public applyEdits(content: string, edits: TypeScript.Services.TextChange[]): string { var result = content; edits = this.normalizeEdits(edits); for (var i = edits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var edit = edits[i]; var prefix = result.substring(0, edit.span.start()); var middle = edit.newText; var suffix = result.substring(edit.span.end()); result = prefix + middle + suffix; } return result; } /** Normalize an array of edits by removing overlapping entries and sorting entries on the minChar position. */ private normalizeEdits(edits: TypeScript.Services.TextChange[]): TypeScript.Services.TextChange[] { var result: TypeScript.Services.TextChange[] = []; function mapEdits(edits: TypeScript.Services.TextChange[]): { edit: TypeScript.Services.TextChange; index: number; }[] { var result: { edit: TypeScript.Services.TextChange; index: number; }[] = []; for (var i = 0; i < edits.length; i++) { result.push({ edit: edits[i], index: i }); } return result; } var temp = mapEdits(edits).sort(function (a, b) { var result = a.edit.span.start() - b.edit.span.start(); if (result === 0) result = a.index - b.index; return result; }); var current = 0; var next = 1; while (current < temp.length) { var currentEdit = temp[current].edit; // Last edit if (next >= temp.length) { result.push(currentEdit); current++; continue; } var nextEdit = temp[next].edit; var gap = nextEdit.span.start() - currentEdit.span.end(); // non-overlapping edits if (gap >= 0) { result.push(currentEdit); current = next; next++; continue; } // overlapping edits: for now, we only support ignoring an next edit // entirely contained in the current edit. if (currentEdit.span.end() >= nextEdit.span.end()) { next++; continue; } else { throw new Error("Trying to apply overlapping edits"); } } return result; } } export class LanguageServicesDiagnostics implements TypeScript.Services.ILanguageServicesDiagnostics { constructor(private destination: string) { } public log(content: string): void { //Imitates the LanguageServicesDiagnostics object when not in Visual Studio } } }