/// /// // Test case is json of below type in tests/cases/project/ interface ProjectRunnerTestCase { scenario: string; projectRoot: string; // project where it lives - this also is the current dictory when compiling inputFiles: string[]; // list of input files to be given to program out?: string; // --out outDir?: string; // --outDir sourceMap?: boolean; // --map mapRoot?: string; // --mapRoot resolveMapRoot?: boolean; // should we resolve this map root and give compiler the absolute disk path as map root? sourceRoot?: string; // --sourceRoot resolveSourceRoot?: boolean; // should we resolve this source root and give compiler the absolute disk path as map root? declaration?: boolean; // --d baselineCheck?: boolean; // Verify the baselines of output files, if this is false, we will write to output to the disk but there is no verification of baselines runTest?: boolean; // Run the resulting test bug?: string; // If there is any bug associated with this test case } interface ProjectRunnerTestCaseResolutionInfo extends ProjectRunnerTestCase { // Apart from actual test case the results of the resolution resolvedInputFiles: string[]; // List of files that were asked to read by compiler emittedFiles: string[]; // List of files that wre emitted by the compiler } interface BatchCompileProjectTestCaseEmittedFile { emittedFileName: string; code: string; fileName: string; } interface BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult { moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind; program: ts.Program; readInputFiles: ts.SourceFile[]; sourceMapData: ts.SourceMapData[]; outputFiles: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseEmittedFile[]; errors: ts.Diagnostic[]; nonSubfolderDiskFiles: number; } class ProjectRunner extends RunnerBase { public initializeTests() { if (this.tests.length === 0) { var testFiles = this.enumerateFiles("tests/cases/project", /\.json$/, { recursive: true }); testFiles.forEach(fn => { fn = fn.replace(/\\/g, "/"); this.runProjectTestCase(fn); }); } else { this.tests.forEach(test => this.runProjectTestCase(test)); } } private runProjectTestCase(testCaseFileName: string) { var testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase; try { var testFileText = sys.readFile(testCaseFileName); } catch (e) { assert(false, "Unable to open testcase file: " + testCaseFileName + ": " + e.message); } try { testCase = JSON.parse(testFileText); } catch (e) { assert(false, "Testcase: " + testCaseFileName + " doesnt not contain valid json format: " + e.message); } var testCaseJustName = testCaseFileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '').replace(/\.json/, ""); function moduleNameToString(moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind) { return moduleKind === ts.ModuleKind.AMD ? "amd" : moduleKind === ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS ? "node" : "none"; } // Project baselines verified go in project/testCaseName/moduleKind/ function getBaselineFolder(moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind) { return "project/" + testCaseJustName + "/" + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + "/"; } // When test case output goes to tests/baselines/local/projectOutput/testCaseName/moduleKind/ // We have these two separate locations because when compairing baselines the baseline verifier will delete the existing file // so even if it was created by compiler in that location, the file will be deleted by verified before we can read it // so lets keep these two locations separate function getProjectOutputFolder(filename: string, moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind) { return Harness.Baseline.localPath("projectOutput/" + testCaseJustName + "/" + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + "/" + filename); } function cleanProjectUrl(url: string) { var diskProjectPath = ts.normalizeSlashes(sys.resolvePath(testCase.projectRoot)); var projectRootUrl = "file:///" + diskProjectPath; var normalizedProjectRoot = ts.normalizeSlashes(testCase.projectRoot); diskProjectPath = diskProjectPath.substr(0, diskProjectPath.lastIndexOf(normalizedProjectRoot)); projectRootUrl = projectRootUrl.substr(0, projectRootUrl.lastIndexOf(normalizedProjectRoot)); if (url && url.length) { if (url.indexOf(projectRootUrl) === 0) { // replace the disk specific project url path into project root url url = "file:///" + url.substr(projectRootUrl.length); } else if (url.indexOf(diskProjectPath) === 0) { // Replace the disk specific path into the project root path url = url.substr(diskProjectPath.length); if (url.charCodeAt(0) != ts.CharacterCodes.slash) { url = "/" + url; } } } return url; } function batchCompilerProjectTestCase(moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind): BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult{ var nonSubfolderDiskFiles = 0; var readInputFiles: ts.SourceFile[] = []; var sourceMapData: ts.SourceMapData[] = null; var outputFiles: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseEmittedFile[] = []; function createCompilerOptions(): ts.CompilerOptions { return { declaration: !!testCase.declaration, sourceMap: !!testCase.sourceMap, out: testCase.out, outDir: testCase.outDir, mapRoot: testCase.resolveMapRoot && testCase.mapRoot ? sys.resolvePath(testCase.mapRoot) : testCase.mapRoot, sourceRoot: testCase.resolveSourceRoot && testCase.sourceRoot ? sys.resolvePath(testCase.sourceRoot) : testCase.sourceRoot, module: moduleKind }; } function getSourceFile(filename: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget): ts.SourceFile { var sourceFile: ts.SourceFile = undefined; if (filename === 'lib.d.ts') { sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile('lib.d.ts', Harness.Compiler.libTextMinimal, languageVersion); } else { assert.isTrue(!ts.filter(readInputFiles, sourceFile => sourceFile.filename == filename).length, "Compiler trying to read same file again: " + filename); try { var text = sys.readFile(ts.isRootedDiskPath(filename) ? filename : ts.normalizeSlashes(testCase.projectRoot) + "/" + ts.normalizeSlashes(filename)); } catch (e) { // text doesn't get defined. } if (text !== undefined) { sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(filename, text, languageVersion) } } if (sourceFile) { readInputFiles.push(sourceFile); } return sourceFile; } function writeFile(filename: string, data: string) { var diskFileName = ts.isRootedDiskPath(filename) ? filename : ts.normalizeSlashes(testCase.projectRoot) + "/" + ts.normalizeSlashes(filename); var diskRelativeName = ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(testCase.projectRoot, diskFileName, getCurrentDirectory(), false); if (ts.isRootedDiskPath(diskRelativeName) || diskRelativeName.substr(0, 3) === "../") { // If the generated output file recides in the parent folder or is rooted path, // we need to instead create files that can live in the project reference folder // but make sure extension of these files matches with the filename the compiler asked to write diskRelativeName = "diskFile" + nonSubfolderDiskFiles++ + (Harness.Compiler.stringEndsWith(filename, ".d.ts") ? ".d.ts" : Harness.Compiler.stringEndsWith(filename, ".js") ? ".js" : ".js.map"); } if (Harness.Compiler.stringEndsWith(filename, ".js")) { // Make sure if there is URl we have it cleaned up var indexOfSourceMapUrl = data.lastIndexOf("//# sourceMappingURL="); if (indexOfSourceMapUrl != -1) { data = data.substring(0, indexOfSourceMapUrl + 21) + cleanProjectUrl(data.substring(indexOfSourceMapUrl + 21)); } } else if (Harness.Compiler.stringEndsWith(filename, ".js.map")) { // Make sure sources list is cleaned var sourceMapData = JSON.parse(data); for (var i = 0; i < sourceMapData.sources.length; i++) { sourceMapData.sources[i] = cleanProjectUrl(sourceMapData.sources[i]); } sourceMapData.sourceRoot = cleanProjectUrl(sourceMapData.sourceRoot); data = JSON.stringify(sourceMapData); } var outputFilePath = getProjectOutputFolder(diskRelativeName, moduleKind); // Actual writing of file as in tc.ts function ensureDirectoryStructure(directoryname: string) { if (directoryname) { if (!sys.directoryExists(directoryname)) { ensureDirectoryStructure(ts.getDirectoryPath(directoryname)); sys.createDirectory(directoryname); } } } ensureDirectoryStructure(ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(outputFilePath))); sys.writeFile(outputFilePath, data); outputFiles.push({ emittedFileName: filename, code: data, fileName: diskRelativeName }); } function getCurrentDirectory() { return sys.resolvePath(testCase.projectRoot); } function createCompilerHost(): ts.CompilerHost { return { getSourceFile: getSourceFile, getDefaultLibFilename: () => "lib.d.ts", writeFile: writeFile, getCurrentDirectory: getCurrentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName: getCanonicalFileName, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames }; } var program = ts.createProgram(testCase.inputFiles, createCompilerOptions(), createCompilerHost()); var errors = program.getDiagnostics(); if (!errors.length) { var checker = program.getTypeChecker(); errors = checker.getDiagnostics(); sourceMapData = checker.emitFiles(); // Clean up source map data that will be used in baselining if (sourceMapData) { for (var i = 0; i < sourceMapData.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < sourceMapData[i].sourceMapSources.length; j++) { sourceMapData[i].sourceMapSources[j] = cleanProjectUrl(sourceMapData[i].sourceMapSources[j]); } sourceMapData[i].jsSourceMappingURL = cleanProjectUrl(sourceMapData[i].jsSourceMappingURL); sourceMapData[i].sourceMapSourceRoot = cleanProjectUrl(sourceMapData[i].sourceMapSourceRoot); } } } return { moduleKind: moduleKind, program: program, readInputFiles: readInputFiles, sourceMapData: sourceMapData, outputFiles: outputFiles, errors: errors, nonSubfolderDiskFiles: nonSubfolderDiskFiles, }; } describe('Compiling project for ' + testCase.scenario +': testcase ' + testCaseFileName, () => { function verifyCompilerResults(compilerResult: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult) { function getCompilerResolutionInfo() { var resolutionInfo: ProjectRunnerTestCaseResolutionInfo = { scenario: testCase.scenario, projectRoot: testCase.projectRoot, inputFiles: testCase.inputFiles, out: testCase.out, outDir: testCase.outDir, sourceMap: testCase.sourceMap, mapRoot: testCase.mapRoot, resolveMapRoot: testCase.resolveMapRoot, sourceRoot: testCase.sourceRoot, resolveSourceRoot: testCase.resolveSourceRoot, declaration: testCase.declaration, baselineCheck: testCase.baselineCheck, runTest: testCase.runTest, bug: testCase.bug, resolvedInputFiles: ts.map(compilerResult.readInputFiles, inputFile => inputFile.filename), emittedFiles: ts.map(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => outputFile.emittedFileName) }; return resolutionInfo; } it('Resolution information of (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => { assert.equal(compilerResult.program.getSourceFiles().length, compilerResult.readInputFiles.length, "Compiler missing/has extra source files that were read during compilation"); Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('Resolution information of (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.json', () => { return JSON.stringify(getCompilerResolutionInfo(), undefined, " "); }); }); if (compilerResult.errors.length) { it('Errors for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => { Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('Errors for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.errors.txt', () => { // This is copied from tc.ts's reportError to replicate what tc does var errors = ""; for (var i = 0; i < compilerResult.errors.length; i++) { var error = compilerResult.errors[i]; // TODO(jfreeman): Remove assert ts.Debug.assert(error.messageText.indexOf("{NL}") < 0); if (error.file) { var loc = error.file.getLineAndCharacterFromPosition(error.start); errors += error.file.filename + "(" + loc.line + "," + loc.character + "): " + error.messageText + sys.newLine; } else { errors += error.messageText + sys.newLine; } } return errors; }); }); } if (testCase.baselineCheck) { ts.forEach(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => { it('Baseline of emitted result (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => { Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('Baseline of emitted result (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + outputFile.fileName, () => { try { return sys.readFile(getProjectOutputFolder(outputFile.fileName, compilerResult.moduleKind)); } catch (e) { return undefined; } }); }); }); if (compilerResult.sourceMapData) { it('SourceMapRecord for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => { Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('SourceMapRecord for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.sourcemap.txt', () => { return Harness.SourceMapRecoder.getSourceMapRecord(compilerResult.sourceMapData, compilerResult.program, ts.filter(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => Harness.Compiler.stringEndsWith(outputFile.emittedFileName, ".js"))); }); }); } } } // Compile using node var nodeCompilerResult = batchCompilerProjectTestCase(ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS); verifyCompilerResults(nodeCompilerResult); // Compile using amd var amdCompilerResult = batchCompilerProjectTestCase(ts.ModuleKind.AMD); verifyCompilerResults(amdCompilerResult); if (testCase.runTest) { //TODO(ryanca/danquirk): Either support this or remove this option from the interface as well as test case json files // Node results assert.isTrue(!nodeCompilerResult.nonSubfolderDiskFiles, "Cant run test case that generates parent folders/absolute path"); //it("runs without error: (" + moduleNameToString(nodeCompilerResult.moduleKind) + ')', function (done: any) { // Exec.exec("node.exe", ['"' + baseLineLocalPath(nodeCompilerResult.outputFiles[0].diskRelativeName, nodeCompilerResult.moduleKind) + '"'], function (res) { // Harness.Assert.equal(res.stdout, ""); // Harness.Assert.equal(res.stderr, ""); // done(); // }) //}); // Amd results assert.isTrue(!amdCompilerResult.nonSubfolderDiskFiles, "Cant run test case that generates parent folders/absolute path"); //var amdDriverTemplate = "var requirejs = require('../r.js');\n\n" + // "requirejs.config({\n" + // " nodeRequire: require\n" + // "});\n\n" + // "requirejs(['{0}'],\n" + // "function ({0}) {\n" + // "});"; //var moduleName = baseLineLocalPath(amdCompilerResult.outputFiles[0].diskRelativeName, amdCompilerResult.moduleKind).replace(/\.js$/, ""); //sys.writeFile(testCase.projectRoot + '/driver.js', amdDriverTemplate.replace(/\{0}/g, moduleName)); //it("runs without error (" + moduleNameToString(amdCompilerResult.moduleKind) + ')', function (done: any) { // Exec.exec("node.exe", ['"' + testCase.projectRoot + '/driver.js"'], function (res) { // Harness.Assert.equal(res.stdout, ""); // Harness.Assert.equal(res.stderr, ""); // done(); // }) //}); } }); } }