==== tests/cases/conformance/internalModules/DeclarationMerging/ClassAndModuleThatMergeWithModuleMemberThatUsesClassTypeParameter.ts (5 errors) ==== // all expected to be errors class clodule1{ id: string; value: T; } module clodule1 { function f(x: T) { } ~ !!! Cannot find name 'T'. } class clodule2{ id: string; value: T; } module clodule2 { var x: T; ~ !!! Cannot find name 'T'. class D{ ~ !!! Cannot find name 'T'. id: string; value: U; } } class clodule3{ id: string; value: T; } module clodule3 { export var y = { id: T }; ~ !!! Cannot find name 'T'. } class clodule4{ id: string; value: T; } module clodule4 { class D { name: T; ~ !!! Cannot find name 'T'. } }