const MAX_UNICODE_CODEPOINT = 0x10FFFF; const isStart = c => /[\p{ID_Start}\u{2118}\u{212E}\u{309B}\u{309C}]/u.test(c); // Other_ID_Start explicitly included for back compat - see const isPart = c => /[\p{ID_Continue}\u{00B7}\u{0387}\u{19DA}\u{1369}\u{136A}\u{136B}\u{136C}\u{136D}\u{136E}\u{136F}\u{1370}\u{1371}]/u.test(c) || isStart(c); // Likewise for Other_ID_Continue const parts = []; let partsActive = false; let startsActive = false; const starts = []; for (let i = 0; i < MAX_UNICODE_CODEPOINT; i++) { if (isStart(String.fromCodePoint(i)) !== startsActive) { starts.push(i - +startsActive); startsActive = !startsActive; } if (isPart(String.fromCodePoint(i)) !== partsActive) { parts.push(i - +partsActive); partsActive = !partsActive; } } console.log(`/** * Generated by scripts/regenerate-unicode-identifier-parts.js on node ${process.version} with unicode ${process.versions.unicode} * based on and * unicodeESNextIdentifierStart corresponds to the ID_Start and Other_ID_Start property, and * unicodeESNextIdentifierPart corresponds to ID_Continue, Other_ID_Continue, plus ID_Start and Other_ID_Start */`); console.log(`const unicodeESNextIdentifierStart = [${starts.join(", ")}];`); console.log(`const unicodeESNextIdentifierPart = [${parts.join(", ")}];`);