/// // @allowJs: true // @target: esnext // @Filename: /a.js ////[|exports.f|] = function() {}; ////exports.C = class {}; ////exports.x = 0; ////exports.a1 = () => {}; ////exports.a2 = () => 0; ////exports.a3 = x => { x; }; ////exports.a4 = x => x; const [r0, r1, r2] = test.ranges(); verify.getSuggestionDiagnostics([ { message: "File is a CommonJS module; it may be converted to an ES6 module.", code: 80001, range: r0 }, ]); verify.codeFix({ description: "Convert to ES6 module", newFileContent: `export function f() {} export class C {} export const x = 0; export function a1() {} export function a2() { return 0; } export function a3(x) { x; } export function a4(x) { return x; }`, });