// @ts-check /// // Must reference esnext.asynciterable lib, since octokit uses AsyncIterable internally const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest"); const fs = require("fs"); const ado = require("azure-devops-node-api"); const { default: fetch } = require("node-fetch"); async function main() { const source = process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE; if (!source) throw new Error("SOURCE_ISSUE environment variable not set."); const requester = process.env.REQUESTING_USER; if (!requester) throw new Error("REQUESTING_USER environment variable not set."); const buildId = process.env.BUILD_BUILDID; if (!requester) throw new Error("BUILD_BUILDID environment variable not set."); const postedComment = process.env.STATUS_COMMENT; if (!postedComment) throw new Error("STATUS_COMMENT environment variable not set."); const [auth, fragment, includeArtifact] = process.argv.slice(2); if (!auth) throw new Error("First argument must be a GitHub auth token."); if (!fragment) throw new Error("Second argument must be a path to an HTML fragment."); const gh = new Octokit({ auth }); try { console.log(`Loading fragment from ${fragment}...`); const outputTableText = fs.readFileSync(fragment, { encoding: "utf8" }); console.log(`Fragment contents:\n${outputTableText}`); let benchmarkText = ""; if (includeArtifact === "--include-artifact") { // post a link to the benchmark file const cli = new ado.WebApi("https://typescript.visualstudio.com/defaultcollection", ado.getHandlerFromToken("")); // Empty token, anon auth const build = await cli.getBuildApi(); const artifact = await build.getArtifact("typescript", +buildId, "benchmark"); const updatedUrl = new URL(artifact.resource.url); updatedUrl.search = `artifactName=benchmark&fileId=${artifact.resource.data}&fileName=manifest`; const resp = await (await fetch(`${updatedUrl}`)).json(); for (const file of resp.items) { if (/[\\/]linux\.benchmark$/.test(file.path)) { const benchmarkUrl = new URL(artifact.resource.url); benchmarkUrl.search = `artifactName=benchmark&fileId=${file.blob.id}&fileName=linux.benchmark`; benchmarkText = `\n
Developer Information:

Download Benchmark

\n`; break; } } } const data = await gh.issues.createComment({ issue_number: +source, owner: "Microsoft", repo: "TypeScript", body: `@${requester}\nThe results of the perf run you requested are in!\n
Here they are:


` }); console.log(`Results posted!`); const newCommentUrl = data.data.html_url; const comment = await gh.issues.getComment({ owner: "Microsoft", repo: "TypeScript", comment_id: +postedComment }); const newBody = `${comment.data.body}\n\nUpdate: [The results are in!](${newCommentUrl})`; await gh.issues.updateComment({ owner: "Microsoft", repo: "TypeScript", comment_id: +postedComment, body: newBody }); } catch (e) { const gh = new Octokit({ auth }); await gh.issues.createComment({ issue_number: +source, owner: "Microsoft", repo: "TypeScript", body: `Hey @${requester}, something went wrong when publishing results. ([You can check the log here](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build/index?buildId=${buildId}&_a=summary)).` }); } } main().catch(e => { console.error(e); process.exit(1); });