echo off IF NOT EXIST scripts\bisect.cmd GOTO :wrongdir IF "%1" == "" GOTO :usage IF "%1" == "GO" GOTO :run GOTO :copy :usage echo Usage: bisect GoodCommit BadCommit test.ts compiles echo Usage: bisect GoodCommit BadCommit test.ts emits test.js "var x = 3" GOTO :eof :copy copy scripts\bisect.cmd scripts\bisect-fresh.cmd scripts\bisect-fresh GO %* GOTO :eof :run call jake local node built/local/tsc.js scripts/bisect-test.ts --module commonjs git bisect start %2 %3 git bisect run node scripts/bisect-test.js %4 %5 %6 %7 del scripts\bisect-test.js del scripts\bisect-fresh.cmd GOTO :eof :wrongdir @echo Run this file from the repo folder, not the scripts folder GOTO :eof :eof