==== tests/cases/conformance/classes/propertyMemberDeclarations/initializerReferencingConstructorParameters.ts (6 errors) ==== // Initializer expressions for instance member variables are evaluated in the scope of the class constructor body but are not permitted to reference parameters or local variables of the constructor. class C { a = x; // error ~ !!! Cannot find name 'x'. b: typeof x; // error ~ !!! Cannot find name 'x'. constructor(x) { } } class D { a = x; // error ~ !!! Cannot find name 'x'. b: typeof x; // error ~ !!! Cannot find name 'x'. constructor(public x) { } } class E { a = this.x; // ok b: typeof this.x; // error ~~~~ !!! Identifier expected. constructor(public x) { } } class F { a = this.x; // ok b = x; // error ~ !!! Cannot find name 'x'. constructor(public x: T) { } }