name: Set branch version on: repository_dispatch: types: set-version jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Use node version 12.x uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: 12.x - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: ref: ${{ github.event.client_payload.branch_name }} # notably, this is essentially the same script as `new-release-branch.yaml` (with fewer inputs), but it assumes the branch already exists # do note that executing the transform below will prevent the `configurePrerelease` script from running on the source, as it makes the # `version` identifier no longer match the regex it uses # required client_payload members: # branch_name - the target branch # package_version - the full version string (eg, `3.9.1-rc` or `3.9.2`) # core_major_minor - the major.minor pair associated with the desired package_version (eg, `3.9` for `3.9.3`) - run: | sed -i -e 's/"version": ".*"/"version": "${{ github.event.client_payload.package_version }}"/g' package.json sed -i -e 's/const versionMajorMinor = ".*"/const versionMajorMinor = "${{ github.event.client_payload.core_major_minor }}"/g' src/compiler/corePublic.ts sed -i -e 's/const versionMajorMinor = ".*"/const versionMajorMinor = "${{ github.event.client_payload.core_major_minor }}"/g' tests/baselines/reference/api/typescript.d.ts sed -i -e 's/const versionMajorMinor = ".*"/const versionMajorMinor = "${{ github.event.client_payload.core_major_minor }}"/g' tests/baselines/reference/api/tsserverlibrary.d.ts sed -i -e 's/const version = .*;/const version = "${{ github.event.client_payload.package_version }}" as string;/g' src/compiler/corePublic.ts npm install gulp LKG npm test git diff git add package.json git add src/compiler/corePublic.ts git add tests/baselines/reference/api/typescript.d.ts git add tests/baselines/reference/api/tsserverlibrary.d.ts git add ./lib git config "" git config "TypeScript Bot" git commit -m 'Bump version to ${{ github.event.client_payload.package_version }} and LKG' git push