/** * You should have ts-node installed globally before executing this, probably! * Otherwise you'll need to compile this script before you start bisecting! */ import cp = require('child_process'); import fs = require('fs'); // Slice off 'node bisect-test.js' from the command line args var args = process.argv.slice(2); function tsc(tscArgs: string, onExit: (exitCode: number) => void) { var tsc = cp.exec('node built/local/tsc.js ' + tscArgs,() => void 0); tsc.on('close', tscExitCode => { onExit(tscExitCode); }); } // TODO: Rewrite bisect script to handle the post-jake/gulp swap period var jake = cp.exec('jake clean local', () => void 0); jake.on('close', jakeExitCode => { if (jakeExitCode === 0) { // See what we're being asked to do if (args[1] === 'compiles' || args[1] === '!compiles') { tsc(args[0], tscExitCode => { if ((tscExitCode === 0) === (args[1] === 'compiles')) { console.log('Good'); process.exit(0); // Good } else { console.log('Bad'); process.exit(1); // Bad } }); } else if (args[1] === 'emits' || args[1] === '!emits') { tsc(args[0], tscExitCode => { fs.readFile(args[2], 'utf-8', (err, data) => { var doesContains = data.indexOf(args[3]) >= 0; if (doesContains === (args[1] === 'emits')) { console.log('Good'); process.exit(0); // Good } else { console.log('Bad'); process.exit(1); // Bad } }); }); } else { console.log('Unknown command line arguments.'); console.log('Usage (compile errors): git bisect run ts-node scripts\bisect-test.ts "../failure.ts --module amd" !compiles'); console.log('Usage (emit check): git bisect run ts-node scripts\bisect-test.ts bar.ts emits bar.js "_this = this"'); // Aborts the 'git bisect run' process process.exit(-1); } } else { // Compiler build failed; skip this commit console.log('Skip'); process.exit(125); // bisect skip } });