=== tests/cases/conformance/classes/classStaticBlock/classStaticBlock26.ts === class C { >C : Symbol(C, Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 0, 0)) static { await; // illegal } static { await (1); // illegal } static { ({ [await]: 1 }); // illegal >[await] : Symbol([await], Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 8, 10)) } static { class D { >D : Symbol(D, Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 10, 12)) [await] = 1; // illegal (computed property names are evaluated outside of a class body >[await] : Symbol(D[await], Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 11, 17)) }; } static { ({ await }); // illegal short-hand property reference >await : Symbol(await, Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 16, 10)) } static { await: // illegal, 'await' cannot be used as a label break await; // illegal, 'await' cannot be used as a label } static { function f(await) { } >f : Symbol(f, Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 22, 12)) >await : Symbol(await, Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 23, 19)) const ff = (await) => { } >ff : Symbol(ff, Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 24, 13)) const fff = await => { } >fff : Symbol(fff, Decl(classStaticBlock26.ts, 25, 13)) } }