// Repro from ##8913 declare var require:any; var HTMLDOMPropertyConfig = require('react/lib/HTMLDOMPropertyConfig'); // Populate property map with ReactJS's attribute and property mappings // TODO handle/use .Properties value eg: MUST_USE_PROPERTY is not HTML attr for (var propname in HTMLDOMPropertyConfig.Properties) { if (!HTMLDOMPropertyConfig.Properties.hasOwnProperty(propname)) { continue; } var mapFrom = HTMLDOMPropertyConfig.DOMAttributeNames[propname] || propname.toLowerCase(); } /** * Repeats a string a certain number of times. * Also: the future is bright and consists of native string repetition: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/repeat * * @param {string} string String to repeat * @param {number} times Number of times to repeat string. Integer. * @see http://jsperf.com/string-repeater/2 */ function repeatString(string, times) { if (times === 1) { return string; } if (times < 0) { throw new Error(); } var repeated = ''; while (times) { if (times & 1) { repeated += string; } if (times >>= 1) { string += string; } } return repeated; } /** * Determine if the string ends with the specified substring. * * @param {string} haystack String to search in * @param {string} needle String to search for * @return {boolean} */ function endsWith(haystack, needle) { return haystack.slice(-needle.length) === needle; } /** * Trim the specified substring off the string. If the string does not end * with the specified substring, this is a no-op. * * @param {string} haystack String to search in * @param {string} needle String to search for * @return {string} */ function trimEnd(haystack, needle) { return endsWith(haystack, needle) ? haystack.slice(0, -needle.length) : haystack; } /** * Convert a hyphenated string to camelCase. */ function hyphenToCamelCase(string) { return string.replace(/-(.)/g, function(match, chr) { return chr.toUpperCase(); }); } /** * Determines if the specified string consists entirely of whitespace. */ function isEmpty(string) { return !/[^\s]/.test(string); } /** * Determines if the CSS value can be converted from a * 'px' suffixed string to a numeric value * * @param {string} value CSS property value * @return {boolean} */ function isConvertiblePixelValue(value) { return /^\d+px$/.test(value); } export class HTMLtoJSX { private output: string; private level: number; private _inPreTag: boolean; /** * Handles processing of the specified text node * * @param {TextNode} node */ _visitText = (node) => { var parentTag = node.parentNode && node.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (parentTag === 'textarea' || parentTag === 'style') { // Ignore text content of textareas and styles, as it will have already been moved // to a "defaultValue" attribute and "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" attribute respectively. return; } var text = '' if (this._inPreTag) { // If this text is contained within a
, we need to ensure the JSX
      // whitespace coalescing rules don't eat the whitespace. This means
      // wrapping newlines and sequences of two or more spaces in variables.
      text = text
        .replace(/\r/g, '')
        .replace(/( {2,}|\n|\t|\{|\})/g, function(whitespace) {
          return '{' + JSON.stringify(whitespace) + '}';
    } else {
      // If there's a newline in the text, adjust the indent level
      if (text.indexOf('\n') > -1) {
    this.output += text;


 * Handles parsing of inline styles
export class StyleParser {
  styles = {};
  toJSXString = () => {
    for (var key in this.styles) {
      if (!this.styles.hasOwnProperty(key)) {