class MyBase { m1(a: string) { return a; } private p1() { } m2: () => void = function () { } d1: number = 42; private d2: number = 42; get value() {return 0 } set value(v: number) { } } class MyDerived extends MyBase { foo() { super["m1"]("hi"); // Should be allowed, method on base prototype var l2 = super["m1"].bind(this); // Should be allowed, can access properties as well as invoke var x: (a: string) => string = super["m1"]; // Should be allowed, can assign to var with compatible signature super["m2"].bind(this); // Should error, instance property, not a public instance member function super["p1"](); // Should error, private not public instance member function var l1 = super["d1"]; // Should error, instance data property not a public instance member function var l1 = super["d2"]; // Should error, instance data property not a public instance member function super["m1"] = function (a: string) { return ""; }; // Should be allowed, we will not restrict assignment super["value"] = 0; // Should error, instance data property not a public instance member function var z = super["value"]; // Should error, instance data property not a public instance member function } }