/** * Fake implementations of various compiler dependencies. */ namespace fakes { const processExitSentinel = new Error("System exit"); export interface SystemOptions { executingFilePath?: string; newLine?: "\r\n" | "\n"; env?: Record; } /** * A fake `ts.System` that leverages a virtual file system. */ export class System implements ts.System { public readonly vfs: vfs.FileSystem; public readonly args: string[] = []; public readonly output: string[] = []; public readonly newLine: string; public readonly useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean; public exitCode: number | undefined; private readonly _executingFilePath: string | undefined; private readonly _env: Record | undefined; constructor(vfs: vfs.FileSystem, { executingFilePath, newLine = "\r\n", env }: SystemOptions = {}) { this.vfs = vfs.isReadonly ? vfs.shadow() : vfs; this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames = !this.vfs.ignoreCase; this.newLine = newLine; this._executingFilePath = executingFilePath; this._env = env; } public write(message: string) { this.output.push(message); } public readFile(path: string) { try { const content = this.vfs.readFileSync(path, "utf8"); return content === undefined ? undefined : utils.removeByteOrderMark(content); } catch { return undefined; } } public writeFile(path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void { this.vfs.mkdirpSync(vpath.dirname(path)); this.vfs.writeFileSync(path, writeByteOrderMark ? utils.addUTF8ByteOrderMark(data) : data); } public deleteFile(path: string) { this.vfs.unlinkSync(path); } public fileExists(path: string) { const stats = this._getStats(path); return stats ? stats.isFile() : false; } public directoryExists(path: string) { const stats = this._getStats(path); return stats ? stats.isDirectory() : false; } public createDirectory(path: string): void { this.vfs.mkdirpSync(path); } public getCurrentDirectory() { return this.vfs.cwd(); } public getDirectories(path: string) { const result: string[] = []; try { for (const file of this.vfs.readdirSync(path)) { if (this.vfs.statSync(vpath.combine(path, file)).isDirectory()) { result.push(file); } } } catch { /*ignore*/ } return result; } public readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: ReadonlyArray, exclude?: ReadonlyArray, include?: ReadonlyArray, depth?: number): string[] { return ts.matchFiles(path, extensions, exclude, include, this.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, this.getCurrentDirectory(), depth, path => this.getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path)); } public getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path: string): ts.FileSystemEntries { const files: string[] = []; const directories: string[] = []; try { for (const file of this.vfs.readdirSync(path)) { try { const stats = this.vfs.statSync(vpath.combine(path, file)); if (stats.isFile()) { files.push(file); } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { directories.push(file); } } catch { /*ignored*/ } } } catch { /*ignored*/ } return { files, directories }; } public exit(exitCode?: number) { this.exitCode = exitCode; throw processExitSentinel; } public getFileSize(path: string) { const stats = this._getStats(path); return stats && stats.isFile() ? stats.size : 0; } public resolvePath(path: string) { return vpath.resolve(this.vfs.cwd(), path); } public getExecutingFilePath() { if (this._executingFilePath === undefined) return ts.notImplemented(); return this._executingFilePath; } public getModifiedTime(path: string) { const stats = this._getStats(path); return stats ? stats.mtime : undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 } public setModifiedTime(path: string, time: Date) { this.vfs.utimesSync(path, time, time); } public createHash(data: string): string { return data; } public realpath(path: string) { try { return this.vfs.realpathSync(path); } catch { return path; } } public getEnvironmentVariable(name: string): string { return (this._env && this._env[name])!; // TODO: GH#18217 } private _getStats(path: string) { try { return this.vfs.existsSync(path) ? this.vfs.statSync(path) : undefined; } catch { return undefined; } } } /** * A fake `ts.ParseConfigHost` that leverages a virtual file system. */ export class ParseConfigHost implements ts.ParseConfigHost { public readonly sys: System; constructor(sys: System | vfs.FileSystem) { if (sys instanceof vfs.FileSystem) sys = new System(sys); this.sys = sys; } public get vfs() { return this.sys.vfs; } public get useCaseSensitiveFileNames() { return this.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames; } public fileExists(fileName: string): boolean { return this.sys.fileExists(fileName); } public directoryExists(directoryName: string): boolean { return this.sys.directoryExists(directoryName); } public readFile(path: string): string | undefined { return this.sys.readFile(path); } public readDirectory(path: string, extensions: string[], excludes: string[], includes: string[], depth: number): string[] { return this.sys.readDirectory(path, extensions, excludes, includes, depth); } } /** * A fake `ts.CompilerHost` that leverages a virtual file system. */ export class CompilerHost implements ts.CompilerHost { public readonly sys: System; public readonly defaultLibLocation: string; public readonly outputs: documents.TextDocument[] = []; private readonly _outputsMap: collections.SortedMap; public readonly traces: string[] = []; public readonly shouldAssertInvariants = !Harness.lightMode; private _setParentNodes: boolean; private _sourceFiles: collections.SortedMap; private _parseConfigHost: ParseConfigHost | undefined; private _newLine: string; constructor(sys: System | vfs.FileSystem, options = ts.getDefaultCompilerOptions(), setParentNodes = false) { if (sys instanceof vfs.FileSystem) sys = new System(sys); this.sys = sys; this.defaultLibLocation = sys.vfs.meta.get("defaultLibLocation") || ""; this._newLine = ts.getNewLineCharacter(options, () => this.sys.newLine); this._sourceFiles = new collections.SortedMap({ comparer: sys.vfs.stringComparer, sort: "insertion" }); this._setParentNodes = setParentNodes; this._outputsMap = new collections.SortedMap(this.vfs.stringComparer); } public get vfs() { return this.sys.vfs; } public get parseConfigHost() { return this._parseConfigHost || (this._parseConfigHost = new ParseConfigHost(this.sys)); } public getCurrentDirectory(): string { return this.sys.getCurrentDirectory(); } public useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean { return this.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames; } public getNewLine(): string { return this._newLine; } public getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string { return this.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase(); } public deleteFile(fileName: string) { this.sys.deleteFile(fileName); } public fileExists(fileName: string): boolean { return this.sys.fileExists(fileName); } public directoryExists(directoryName: string): boolean { return this.sys.directoryExists(directoryName); } public getModifiedTime(fileName: string) { return this.sys.getModifiedTime(fileName); } public setModifiedTime(fileName: string, time: Date) { return this.sys.setModifiedTime(fileName, time); } public getDirectories(path: string): string[] { return this.sys.getDirectories(path); } public readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: ReadonlyArray, exclude?: ReadonlyArray, include?: ReadonlyArray, depth?: number): string[] { return this.sys.readDirectory(path, extensions, exclude, include, depth); } public readFile(path: string): string | undefined { return this.sys.readFile(path); } public writeFile(fileName: string, content: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean) { if (writeByteOrderMark) content = utils.addUTF8ByteOrderMark(content); this.sys.writeFile(fileName, content); const document = new documents.TextDocument(fileName, content); document.meta.set("fileName", fileName); this.vfs.filemeta(fileName).set("document", document); if (!this._outputsMap.has(document.file)) { this._outputsMap.set(document.file, this.outputs.length); this.outputs.push(document); } this.outputs[this._outputsMap.get(document.file)!] = document; } public trace(s: string): void { this.traces.push(s); } public realpath(path: string): string { return this.sys.realpath(path); } public getDefaultLibLocation(): string { return vpath.resolve(this.getCurrentDirectory(), this.defaultLibLocation); } public getDefaultLibFileName(options: ts.CompilerOptions): string { return vpath.resolve(this.getDefaultLibLocation(), ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options)); } public getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: number): ts.SourceFile | undefined { const canonicalFileName = this.getCanonicalFileName(vpath.resolve(this.getCurrentDirectory(), fileName)); const existing = this._sourceFiles.get(canonicalFileName); if (existing) return existing; const content = this.readFile(canonicalFileName); if (content === undefined) return undefined; // A virtual file system may shadow another existing virtual file system. This // allows us to reuse a common virtual file system structure across multiple // tests. If a virtual file is a shadow, it is likely that the file will be // reused across multiple tests. In that case, we cache the SourceFile we parse // so that it can be reused across multiple tests to avoid the cost of // repeatedly parsing the same file over and over (such as lib.d.ts). const cacheKey = this.vfs.shadowRoot && `SourceFile[languageVersion=${languageVersion},setParentNodes=${this._setParentNodes}]`; if (cacheKey) { const meta = this.vfs.filemeta(canonicalFileName); const sourceFileFromMetadata = meta.get(cacheKey) as ts.SourceFile | undefined; if (sourceFileFromMetadata && sourceFileFromMetadata.getFullText() === content) { this._sourceFiles.set(canonicalFileName, sourceFileFromMetadata); return sourceFileFromMetadata; } } const parsed = ts.createSourceFile(fileName, content, languageVersion, this._setParentNodes || this.shouldAssertInvariants); if (this.shouldAssertInvariants) { Utils.assertInvariants(parsed, /*parent*/ undefined); } this._sourceFiles.set(canonicalFileName, parsed); if (cacheKey) { // store the cached source file on the unshadowed file with the same version. const stats = this.vfs.statSync(canonicalFileName); let fs = this.vfs; while (fs.shadowRoot) { try { const shadowRootStats = fs.shadowRoot.existsSync(canonicalFileName) ? fs.shadowRoot.statSync(canonicalFileName) : undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 if (shadowRootStats.dev !== stats.dev || shadowRootStats.ino !== stats.ino || shadowRootStats.mtimeMs !== stats.mtimeMs) { break; } fs = fs.shadowRoot; } catch { break; } } if (fs !== this.vfs) { fs.filemeta(canonicalFileName).set(cacheKey, parsed); } } return parsed; } } export type ExpectedDiagnostic = [ts.DiagnosticMessage, ...(string | number)[]]; function expectedDiagnosticToText([message, ...args]: ExpectedDiagnostic) { let text = ts.getLocaleSpecificMessage(message); if (args.length) { text = ts.formatStringFromArgs(text, args); } return text; } export class SolutionBuilderHost extends CompilerHost implements ts.SolutionBuilderHost { createProgram(rootNames: ReadonlyArray | undefined, options: ts.CompilerOptions | undefined, host?: CompilerHost, oldProgram?: ts.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics?: ReadonlyArray, projectReferences?: ReadonlyArray | undefined) { const program = ts.createEmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram(rootNames, options, host, oldProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences); const originalGetProgramBuildInfo = program.getProgramBuildInfo.bind(program); program.getProgramBuildInfo = () => { const program = originalGetProgramBuildInfo() as ts.ProgramBuildInfo | undefined; if (!program) return program; // Fix lib signatures for (const path of ts.getOwnKeys(program.fileInfos)) { if (ts.startsWith(path, "/lib/")) { const currentValue = program.fileInfos[path]; ts.Debug.assert(currentValue.signature === currentValue.version); program.fileInfos[path] = { version: path, signature: path }; } } // reference Map if (program.referencedMap) { const referencedMap: ts.MapLike = {}; for (const path of ts.getOwnKeys(program.referencedMap).sort()) { referencedMap[path] = program.referencedMap[path].sort(); } program.referencedMap = referencedMap; } // exportedModulesMap if (program.exportedModulesMap) { const exportedModulesMap: ts.MapLike = {}; for (const path of ts.getOwnKeys(program.exportedModulesMap).sort()) { exportedModulesMap[path] = program.exportedModulesMap[path].sort(); } program.exportedModulesMap = exportedModulesMap; } // semanticDiagnosticsPerFile if (program.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile) { program.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.sort(); } return program; }; return program; } readFile(path: string) { const value = super.readFile(path); if (!value || !ts.isBuildInfoFile(path)) return value; const buildInfo = JSON.parse(value) as ts.BuildInfo; if (!buildInfo.program) return value; // Fix lib signatures for (const path of ts.getOwnKeys(buildInfo.program.fileInfos)) { if (ts.startsWith(path, "/lib/")) { const currentValue = buildInfo.program.fileInfos[path]; ts.Debug.assert(currentValue.signature === path); ts.Debug.assert(currentValue.signature === currentValue.version); const text = super.readFile(path)!; const signature = ts.generateDjb2Hash(text); buildInfo.program.fileInfos[path] = { version: signature, signature }; } } return ts.getBuildInfoText(buildInfo); } now() { return new Date(this.sys.vfs.time()); } diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] = []; reportDiagnostic(diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic) { this.diagnostics.push(diagnostic); } reportSolutionBuilderStatus(diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic) { this.diagnostics.push(diagnostic); } clearDiagnostics() { this.diagnostics.length = 0; } assertDiagnosticMessages(...expectedDiagnostics: ExpectedDiagnostic[]) { const actual = this.diagnostics.slice().map(d => d.messageText as string); const expected = expectedDiagnostics.map(expectedDiagnosticToText); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, "Diagnostic arrays did not match"); } printDiagnostics(header = "== Diagnostics ==") { const out = ts.createDiagnosticReporter(ts.sys); ts.sys.write(header + "\r\n"); for (const d of this.diagnostics) { out(d); } } } }