/// /// namespace ts.server { var nodeproto: typeof NodeJS._debugger = require('_debugger'); var readline: NodeJS.ReadLine = require('readline'); var path: NodeJS.Path = require('path'); var fs: typeof NodeJS.fs = require('fs'); var rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false, }); class Logger implements ts.server.Logger { fd = -1; seq = 0; inGroup = false; firstInGroup = true; constructor(public logFilename: string, public level: string) { } static padStringRight(str: string, padding: string) { return (str + padding).slice(0, padding.length); } close() { if (this.fd >= 0) { fs.close(this.fd); } } perftrc(s: string) { this.msg(s, "Perf"); } info(s: string) { this.msg(s, "Info"); } startGroup() { this.inGroup = true; this.firstInGroup = true; } endGroup() { this.inGroup = false; this.seq++; this.firstInGroup = true; } loggingEnabled() { return !!this.logFilename; } isVerbose() { return this.loggingEnabled() && (this.level == "verbose"); } msg(s: string, type = "Err") { if (this.fd < 0) { if (this.logFilename) { this.fd = fs.openSync(this.logFilename, "w"); } } if (this.fd >= 0) { s = s + "\n"; var prefix = Logger.padStringRight(type + " " + this.seq.toString(), " "); if (this.firstInGroup) { s = prefix + s; this.firstInGroup = false; } if (!this.inGroup) { this.seq++; this.firstInGroup = true; } var buf = new Buffer(s); fs.writeSync(this.fd, buf, 0, buf.length, null); } } } interface WatchedFile { fileName: string; callback: (fileName: string) => void; mtime: Date; } class WatchedFileSet { private watchedFiles: WatchedFile[] = []; private nextFileToCheck = 0; private watchTimer: NodeJS.Timer; // average async stat takes about 30 microseconds // set chunk size to do 30 files in < 1 millisecond constructor(public interval = 2500, public chunkSize = 30) { } private static copyListRemovingItem(item: T, list: T[]) { var copiedList: T[] = []; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { if (list[i] != item) { copiedList.push(list[i]); } } return copiedList; } private static getModifiedTime(fileName: string): Date { return fs.statSync(fileName).mtime; } private poll(checkedIndex: number) { var watchedFile = this.watchedFiles[checkedIndex]; if (!watchedFile) { return; } fs.stat(watchedFile.fileName,(err, stats) => { if (err) { watchedFile.callback(watchedFile.fileName); } else if (watchedFile.mtime.getTime() !== stats.mtime.getTime()) { watchedFile.mtime = WatchedFileSet.getModifiedTime(watchedFile.fileName); watchedFile.callback(watchedFile.fileName); } }); } // this implementation uses polling and // stat due to inconsistencies of fs.watch // and efficiency of stat on modern filesystems private startWatchTimer() { this.watchTimer = setInterval(() => { var count = 0; var nextToCheck = this.nextFileToCheck; var firstCheck = -1; while ((count < this.chunkSize) && (nextToCheck !== firstCheck)) { this.poll(nextToCheck); if (firstCheck < 0) { firstCheck = nextToCheck; } nextToCheck++; if (nextToCheck === this.watchedFiles.length) { nextToCheck = 0; } count++; } this.nextFileToCheck = nextToCheck; }, this.interval); } addFile(fileName: string, callback: (fileName: string) => void ): WatchedFile { var file: WatchedFile = { fileName, callback, mtime: WatchedFileSet.getModifiedTime(fileName) }; this.watchedFiles.push(file); if (this.watchedFiles.length === 1) { this.startWatchTimer(); } return file; } removeFile(file: WatchedFile) { this.watchedFiles = WatchedFileSet.copyListRemovingItem(file, this.watchedFiles); } } class IOSession extends Session { constructor(host: ServerHost, logger: ts.server.Logger) { super(host, Buffer.byteLength, process.hrtime, logger); } exit() { this.projectService.log("Exiting...","Info"); this.projectService.closeLog(); process.exit(0); } listen() { rl.on('line',(input: string) => { var message = input.trim(); this.onMessage(message); }); rl.on('close',() => { this.exit(); }); } } interface LogOptions { file?: string; detailLevel?: string; } function parseLoggingEnvironmentString(logEnvStr: string): LogOptions { var logEnv: LogOptions = {}; var args = logEnvStr.split(' '); for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < (len - 1); i += 2) { var option = args[i]; var value = args[i + 1]; if (option && value) { switch (option) { case "-file": logEnv.file = value; break; case "-level": logEnv.detailLevel = value; break; } } } return logEnv; } // TSS_LOG "{ level: "normal | verbose | terse", file?: string}" function createLoggerFromEnv() { var fileName: string = undefined; var detailLevel = "normal"; var logEnvStr = process.env["TSS_LOG"]; if (logEnvStr) { var logEnv = parseLoggingEnvironmentString(logEnvStr); if (logEnv.file) { fileName = logEnv.file; } else { fileName = __dirname + "/.log" + process.pid.toString(); } if (logEnv.detailLevel) { detailLevel = logEnv.detailLevel; } } return new Logger(fileName, detailLevel); } // This places log file in the directory containing editorServices.js // TODO: check that this location is writable var logger = createLoggerFromEnv(); // REVIEW: for now this implementation uses polling. // The advantage of polling is that it works reliably // on all os and with network mounted files. // For 90 referenced files, the average time to detect // changes is 2*msInterval (by default 5 seconds). // The overhead of this is .04 percent (1/2500) with // average pause of < 1 millisecond (and max // pause less than 1.5 milliseconds); question is // do we anticipate reference sets in the 100s and // do we care about waiting 10-20 seconds to detect // changes for large reference sets? If so, do we want // to increase the chunk size or decrease the interval // time dynamically to match the large reference set? var watchedFileSet = new WatchedFileSet(); ts.sys.watchFile = function (fileName, callback) { var watchedFile = watchedFileSet.addFile(fileName, callback); return { close: () => watchedFileSet.removeFile(watchedFile) } }; var ioSession = new IOSession(ts.sys, logger); process.on('uncaughtException', function(err: Error) { ioSession.logError(err, "unknown"); }); // Start listening ioSession.listen(); }