/// import http = require("http"); import fs = require("fs"); import path = require("path"); import url = require("url"); import child_process = require("child_process"); import os = require("os"); /// Command line processing /// if (process.argv[2] == "--help") { console.log("Runs a node server on port 8888, looking for tests folder in the current directory\n"); console.log("Syntax: node nodeServer.js [typescriptEnlistmentDirectory] [tests] [--browser] [--verbose]\n"); console.log("Examples: \n\tnode nodeServer.js ."); console.log("\tnode nodeServer.js 3000 D:/src/typescript/public --verbose IE"); } function switchToForwardSlashes(path: string) { return path.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\/\//g, "/"); } const port = 8888; // harness.ts and webTestResults.html depend on this exact port number. let browser: string; if (process.argv[2]) { browser = process.argv[2]; if (browser !== "chrome" && browser !== "IE") { console.log(`Invalid command line arguments. Got ${browser} but expected chrome, IE or nothing.`); } } const grep = process.argv[3]; let verbose = false; if (process.argv[4] == "--verbose") { verbose = true; } else if (process.argv[4] && process.argv[4] !== "--verbose") { console.log(`Invalid command line arguments. Got ${process.argv[4]} but expected --verbose or nothing.`); } /// Utils /// function log(msg: string) { if (verbose) { console.log(msg); } } const directorySeparator = "/"; function getRootLength(path: string): number { if (path.charAt(0) === directorySeparator) { if (path.charAt(1) !== directorySeparator) return 1; const p1 = path.indexOf("/", 2); if (p1 < 0) return 2; const p2 = path.indexOf("/", p1 + 1); if (p2 < 0) return p1 + 1; return p2 + 1; } if (path.charAt(1) === ":") { if (path.charAt(2) === directorySeparator) return 3; } // Per RFC 1738 'file' URI schema has the shape file:/// // if is omitted then it is assumed that host value is 'localhost', // however slash after the omitted is not removed. // file:///folder1/file1 - this is a correct URI // file://folder2/file2 - this is an incorrect URI if (path.lastIndexOf("file:///", 0) === 0) { return "file:///".length; } const idx = path.indexOf("://"); if (idx !== -1) { return idx + "://".length; } return 0; } function getDirectoryPath(path: string): any { path = switchToForwardSlashes(path); return path.substr(0, Math.max(getRootLength(path), path.lastIndexOf(directorySeparator))); } function ensureDirectoriesExist(path: string) { path = switchToForwardSlashes(path); if (path.length > getRootLength(path) && !fs.existsSync(path)) { const parentDirectory = getDirectoryPath(path); ensureDirectoriesExist(parentDirectory); if (!fs.existsSync(path)) { fs.mkdirSync(path); } } } // Copied from the compiler sources function dir(dirPath: string, spec?: string, options?: any) { options = options || <{ recursive?: boolean; }>{}; return filesInFolder(dirPath); function filesInFolder(folder: string): string[] { folder = switchToForwardSlashes(folder); let paths: string[] = []; // Everything after the current directory is relative const baseDirectoryLength = process.cwd().length + 1; try { const files = fs.readdirSync(folder); for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const stat = fs.statSync(path.join(folder, files[i])); if (options.recursive && stat.isDirectory()) { paths = paths.concat(filesInFolder(path.join(folder, files[i]))); } else if (stat.isFile() && (!spec || files[i].match(spec))) { const relativePath = folder.substring(baseDirectoryLength); paths.push(path.join(relativePath, files[i])); } } } catch (err) { // Skip folders that are inaccessible } return paths; } } function writeFile(path: string, data: any) { ensureDirectoriesExist(getDirectoryPath(path)); fs.writeFileSync(path, data); } /// Request Handling /// function handleResolutionRequest(filePath: string, res: http.ServerResponse) { let resolvedPath = path.resolve(filePath, ""); resolvedPath = resolvedPath.substring(resolvedPath.indexOf("tests")); resolvedPath = switchToForwardSlashes(resolvedPath); send(ResponseCode.Success, res, resolvedPath); } const enum ResponseCode { Success = 200, BadRequest = 400, NotFound = 404, MethodNotAllowed = 405, PayloadTooLarge = 413, Fail = 500 } function send(responseCode: number, res: http.ServerResponse, contents: string, contentType = "binary"): void { res.writeHead(responseCode, { "Content-Type": contentType }); res.end(contents); } // Reads the data from a post request and passes it to the given callback function processPost(req: http.ServerRequest, res: http.ServerResponse, callback: (data: string) => any): void { let queryData = ""; if (typeof callback !== "function") return; if (req.method == "POST") { req.on("data", (data: string) => { queryData += data; if (queryData.length > 1e8) { queryData = ""; send(ResponseCode.PayloadTooLarge, res, undefined); console.log("ERROR: destroying connection"); req.connection.destroy(); } }); req.on("end", () => { // res.post = url.parse(req.url).query; callback(queryData); }); } else { send(ResponseCode.MethodNotAllowed, res, undefined); } } enum RequestType { GetFile, GetDir, ResolveFile, WriteFile, DeleteFile, WriteDir, DeleteDir, AppendFile, Unknown } function getRequestOperation(req: http.ServerRequest) { if (req.method === "GET" && req.url.indexOf("?") === -1) { if (req.url.indexOf(".") !== -1) return RequestType.GetFile; else return RequestType.GetDir; } else { const queryData: any = url.parse(req.url, /*parseQueryString*/ true).query; if (req.method === "GET" && queryData.resolve !== undefined) return RequestType.ResolveFile; // mocha uses ?grep= query string as equivalent to the --grep command line option used to filter tests if (req.method === "GET" && queryData.grep !== undefined) return RequestType.GetFile; if (req.method === "POST" && queryData.action) { const path = req.url.substr(0, req.url.lastIndexOf("?")); const isFile = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/")).indexOf(".") !== -1; switch (queryData.action.toUpperCase()) { case "WRITE": return isFile ? RequestType.WriteFile : RequestType.WriteDir; case "DELETE": return isFile ? RequestType.DeleteFile : RequestType.DeleteDir; case "APPEND": return isFile ? RequestType.AppendFile : RequestType.Unknown; } } return RequestType.Unknown; } } function handleRequestOperation(req: http.ServerRequest, res: http.ServerResponse, operation: RequestType, reqPath: string) { switch (operation) { case RequestType.GetDir: const filesInFolder = dir(reqPath, "", { recursive: true }); send(ResponseCode.Success, res, filesInFolder.join(",")); break; case RequestType.GetFile: fs.readFile(reqPath, (err, file) => { const contentType = contentTypeForExtension(path.extname(reqPath)); if (err) { send(ResponseCode.NotFound, res, err.message, contentType); } else { send(ResponseCode.Success, res, file, contentType); } }); break; case RequestType.ResolveFile: const resolveRequest = req.url.match(/(.*)\?resolve/); handleResolutionRequest(resolveRequest[1], res); break; case RequestType.WriteFile: processPost(req, res, (data) => { writeFile(reqPath, data); }); send(ResponseCode.Success, res, undefined); break; case RequestType.WriteDir: fs.mkdirSync(reqPath); send(ResponseCode.Success, res, undefined); break; case RequestType.DeleteFile: if (fs.existsSync(reqPath)) { fs.unlinkSync(reqPath); } send(ResponseCode.Success, res, undefined); break; case RequestType.DeleteDir: if (fs.existsSync(reqPath)) { fs.rmdirSync(reqPath); } send(ResponseCode.Success, res, undefined); break; case RequestType.AppendFile: processPost(req, res, (data) => { fs.appendFileSync(reqPath, data); }); send(ResponseCode.Success, res, undefined); break; case RequestType.Unknown: default: send(ResponseCode.BadRequest, res, undefined); break; } function contentTypeForExtension(ext: string) { switch (ext) { case ".js": return "text/javascript"; case ".css": return "text/css"; case ".html": return "text/html"; default: return "binary"; } } } console.log(`Static file server running at\n => http://localhost:${port}/\nCTRL + C to shutdown`); http.createServer((req: http.ServerRequest, res: http.ServerResponse) => { log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`); const uri = decodeURIComponent(url.parse(req.url).pathname); const reqPath = path.join(process.cwd(), uri); const operation = getRequestOperation(req); handleRequestOperation(req, res, operation, reqPath); }).listen(port); let browserPath: string; if (browser === "chrome") { let defaultChromePath = ""; switch (os.platform()) { case "win32": defaultChromePath = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"; break; case "darwin": defaultChromePath = "/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome"; break; case "linux": defaultChromePath = "/opt/google/chrome/chrome"; break; default: console.log(`default Chrome location is unknown for platform '${os.platform()}'`); break; } if (fs.existsSync(defaultChromePath)) { browserPath = defaultChromePath; } else { browserPath = browser; } } else { const defaultIEPath = "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"; if (fs.existsSync(defaultIEPath)) { browserPath = defaultIEPath; } else { browserPath = browser; } } console.log(`Using browser: ${browserPath}`); const queryString = grep ? `?grep=${grep}` : ""; child_process.spawn(browserPath, [`http://localhost:${port}/tests/webTestResults.html${queryString}`], { stdio: "inherit" });