/// ////module TestModule { /////**/ ////} goTo.marker(""); edit.paste(` class TestClass{ private foo; public testMethod( ) {} }`); // We're missing scenarios of formatting option settings due to bug 693273 - [TypeScript] Need to improve fourslash support for formatting options. // Missing scenario ** Uncheck Tools->Options->Text Editor->TypeScript->Formatting->General->Format on paste ** //verify.currentFileContentIs("module TestModule {\r\n\ // class TestClass{\r\n\ //private foo;\r\n\ //public testMethod( )\r\n\ //{}\r\n\ //}\r\n\ //}"); // Missing scenario ** Check Tools->Options->Text Editor->TypeScript->Formatting->General->Format on paste ** verify.currentFileContentIs(`module TestModule { class TestClass { private foo; public testMethod() { } } }`);