/// //// [|f1/*0*/('');|] // @Filename: package.json //// { "dependencies": { "package-name": "0.0.1" } } // @Filename: node_modules/package-name/bin/lib/libfile.d.ts //// export declare function f1(text: string): string; // @Filename: node_modules/package-name/bin/lib/libfile.js //// function f1(text) {} //// exports.f1 = f1; // @Filename: node_modules/package-name/package.json //// { "main": "bin/lib/libfile.js" } // In this case, importing the module by its package name: // import { f1 } from 'package-name' // could in theory work, however the resulting code compiles with a module resolution error // since bin/lib/libfile.d.ts isn't declared under "typings" in package.json // Therefore just import the module by its qualified path verify.importFixAtPosition([ `import { f1 } from "package-name/bin/lib/libfile"; f1('');` ]);