var tty = require("tty") , readline = require("readline") , fs = require("fs") , path = require("path") , child_process = require("child_process") , os = require("os") , mocha = require("mocha") , Base = mocha.reporters.Base , color = Base.color , cursor = Base.cursor , ms = require("mocha/lib/ms"); var isatty = tty.isatty(1) && tty.isatty(2); var tapRangePattern = /^(\d+)\.\.(\d+)(?:$|\r\n?|\n)/; var tapTestPattern = /^(not\sok|ok)\s+(\d+)\s+(?:-\s+)?(.*)$/; var tapCommentPattern = /^#(?: (tests|pass|fail) (\d+)$)?/; exports.runTestsInParallel = runTestsInParallel; exports.ProgressBars = ProgressBars; function runTestsInParallel(taskConfigsFolder, run, options, cb) { if (options === undefined) options = { }; return discoverTests(run, options, function (error) { if (error) { return cb(error); } return runTests(taskConfigsFolder, run, options, cb); }); } function discoverTests(run, options, cb) { console.log("Discovering tests..."); var cmd = "mocha -R " + require.resolve("./mocha-none-reporter.js") + " " + run; var p = child_process.spawn( process.platform === "win32" ? "cmd" : "/bin/sh", process.platform === "win32" ? ["/c", cmd] : ["-c", cmd], { windowsVerbatimArguments: true, env: { NODE_ENV: "development" } }); p.on("exit", function (status) { if (status) { cb(new Error("Process exited with code " + status)); } else { cb(); } }); } function runTests(taskConfigsFolder, run, options, cb) { var configFiles = fs.readdirSync(taskConfigsFolder); var numPartitions = configFiles.length; if (numPartitions <= 0) { cb(); return; } console.log("Running tests on " + numPartitions + " threads..."); var partitions = Array(numPartitions); var progressBars = new ProgressBars(); progressBars.enable(); var counter = numPartitions; configFiles.forEach(runTestsInPartition); function runTestsInPartition(file, index) { var partition = { file: path.join(taskConfigsFolder, file), tests: 0, passed: 0, failed: 0, completed: 0, current: undefined, start: undefined, end: undefined, failures: [] }; partitions[index] = partition; // Set up the progress bar. updateProgress(0); // Start the background process. var cmd = "mocha -t " + (options.testTimeout || 20000) + " -R tap --no-colors " + run + " --config='" + partition.file + "'"; var p = child_process.spawn( process.platform === "win32" ? "cmd" : "/bin/sh", process.platform === "win32" ? ["/c", cmd] : ["-c", cmd], { windowsVerbatimArguments: true, env: { NODE_ENV: "development" } }); var rl = readline.createInterface({ input: p.stdout, terminal: false }); rl.on("line", onmessage); p.on("exit", onexit) function onmessage(line) { if (partition.start === undefined) { partition.start =; } var rangeMatch = tapRangePattern.exec(line); if (rangeMatch) { partition.tests = parseInt(rangeMatch[2]); return; } var testMatch = tapTestPattern.exec(line); if (testMatch) { var test = { result: testMatch[1], id: parseInt(testMatch[2]), name: testMatch[3], output: [] }; partition.current = test; partition.completed++; if (test.result === "ok") { partition.passed++; } else { partition.failed++; partition.failures.push(test); } var progress = partition.completed / partition.tests; if (progress < 1) { updateProgress(progress); } return; } var commentMatch = tapCommentPattern.exec(line); if (commentMatch) { switch (commentMatch[1]) { case "tests": partition.current = undefined; partition.tests = parseInt(commentMatch[2]); break; case "pass": partition.passed = parseInt(commentMatch[2]); break; case "fail": partition.failed = parseInt(commentMatch[2]); break; } return; } if (partition.current) { partition.current.output.push(line); } } function onexit() { if (partition.end === undefined) { partition.end =; } partition.duration = partition.end - partition.start; var summaryColor = partition.failed ? "fail" : "green"; var summarySymbol = partition.failed ? Base.symbols.err : Base.symbols.ok; var summaryTests = (partition.passed === partition.tests ? partition.passed : partition.passed + "/" + partition.tests) + " passing"; var summaryDuration = "(" + ms(partition.duration) + ")"; var savedUseColors = Base.useColors; Base.useColors = !options.noColors; var summary = color(summaryColor, summarySymbol + " " + summaryTests) + " " + color("light", summaryDuration); Base.useColors = savedUseColors; updateProgress(1, summary); signal(); } function updateProgress(percentComplete, title) { var progressColor = "pending"; if (partition.failed) { progressColor = "fail"; } progressBars.update( index, percentComplete, progressColor, title ); } } function signal() { counter--; if (counter <= 0) { var failed = 0; var reporter = new Base(), stats = reporter.stats, failures = reporter.failures; var duration = 0; for (var i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { var partition = partitions[i]; stats.passes += partition.passed; stats.failures += partition.failed; stats.tests += partition.tests; duration += partition.duration; for (var j = 0; j < partition.failures.length; j++) { var failure = partition.failures[j]; failures.push(makeMochaTest(failure)); } } stats.duration = duration; progressBars.disable(); if (options.noColors) { var savedUseColors = Base.useColors; Base.useColors = false; reporter.epilogue(); Base.useColors = savedUseColors; } else { reporter.epilogue(); } if (failed) { return cb(new Error("Test failures reported: " + failed)); } else { return cb(); } } } function makeMochaTest(test) { return { fullTitle: function() { return; }, err: { message: test.output[0], stack: test.output.join(os.EOL) } }; } } function ProgressBars(options) { if (!options) options = {}; var open = || '['; var close = options.close || ']'; var complete = options.complete || '▬'; var incomplete = options.incomplete ||; var maxWidth = Math.floor(Base.window.width * .30) - open.length - close.length - 2; var width = minMax(options.width || maxWidth, 10, maxWidth); this._options = { open: open, complete: complete, incomplete: incomplete, close: close, width: width }; this._progressBars = []; this._lineCount = 0; this._enabled = false; } ProgressBars.prototype = { enable: function () { if (!this._enabled) { process.stdout.write(os.EOL); this._enabled = true; } }, disable: function () { if (this._enabled) { process.stdout.write(os.EOL); this._enabled = false; } }, update: function (index, percentComplete, color, title) { percentComplete = minMax(percentComplete, 0, 1); var progressBar = this._progressBars[index] || (this._progressBars[index] = { }); var width = this._options.width; var n = Math.floor(width * percentComplete); var i = width - n; if (n === progressBar.lastN && title === progressBar.title && color === progressBar.progressColor) { return; } progressBar.lastN = n; progressBar.title = title; progressBar.progressColor = color; var progress = " "; progress += this._color('progress',; progress += this._color(color, fill(this._options.complete, n)); progress += this._color('progress', fill(this._options.incomplete, i)); progress += this._color('progress', this._options.close); if (title) { progress += this._color('progress', ' ' + title); } if (progressBar.text !== progress) { progressBar.text = progress; this._render(index); } }, _render: function (index) { if (!this._enabled || !isatty) { return; } cursor.hide(); readline.moveCursor(process.stdout, -process.stdout.columns, -this._lineCount); var lineCount = 0; var numProgressBars = this._progressBars.length; for (var i = 0; i < numProgressBars; i++) { if (i === index) { readline.clearLine(process.stdout, 1); process.stdout.write(this._progressBars[i].text + os.EOL); } else { readline.moveCursor(process.stdout, -process.stdout.columns, +1); } lineCount++; } this._lineCount = lineCount;; }, _color: function (type, text) { return type && !this._options.noColors ? color(type, text) : text; } }; function fill(ch, size) { var s = ""; while (s.length < size) { s += ch; } return s.length > size ? s.substr(0, size) : s; } function minMax(value, min, max) { if (value < min) return min; if (value > max) return max; return value; }