/// /////// This is simple /// comments ////function simple() { ////} //// ////sim/*1q*/ple( /*1*/); //// /////// multiLine /// Comments /////// This is example of multiline /// comments /////// Another multiLine ////function multiLine() { ////} ////mul/*2q*/tiLine( /*2*/); //// /////** this is eg of single line jsdoc style comment */ ////function jsDocSingleLine() { ////} ////jsDoc/*3q*/SingleLine(/*3*/); //// //// /////** this is multiple line jsdoc stule comment ////*New line1 ////*New Line2*/ ////function jsDocMultiLine() { ////} ////jsDocM/*4q*/ultiLine(/*4*/); //// /////** multiple line jsdoc comments no longer merge ////*New line1 ////*New Line2*/ /////** Shoul mege this line as well ////* and this too*/ /** Another this one too*/ ////function jsDocMultiLineMerge() { ////} ////jsDocMu/*5q*/ltiLineMerge(/*5*/); //// //// /////// Triple slash comment /////** jsdoc comment */ ////function jsDocMixedComments1() { ////} ////jsDocMix/*6q*/edComments1(/*6*/); //// /////// Triple slash comment /////** jsdoc comment */ /** another jsDocComment*/ ////function jsDocMixedComments2() { ////} ////jsDocMi/*7q*/xedComments2(/*7*/); //// /////** jsdoc comment */ /*** triplestar jsDocComment*/ /////// Triple slash comment ////function jsDocMixedComments3() { ////} ////jsDocMixe/*8q*/dComments3(/*8*/); //// /////** jsdoc comment */ /** another jsDocComment*/ /////// Triple slash comment /////// Triple slash comment 2 ////function jsDocMixedComments4() { ////} ////jsDocMixed/*9q*/Comments4(/*9*/); //// /////// Triple slash comment 1 /////** jsdoc comment */ /** another jsDocComment*/ /////// Triple slash comment /////// Triple slash comment 2 ////function jsDocMixedComments5() { ////} ////jsDocM/*10q*/ixedComments5(/*10*/); //// /////** another jsDocComment*/ /////// Triple slash comment 1 /////// Triple slash comment /////// Triple slash comment 2 /////** jsdoc comment */ ////function jsDocMixedComments6() { ////} ////jsDocMix/*11q*/edComments6(/*11*/); //// ////// This shoulnot be help comment ////function noHelpComment1() { ////} ////noHel/*12q*/pComment1(/*12*/); //// /////* This shoulnot be help comment */ ////function noHelpComment2() { ////} ////noHelpC/*13q*/omment2(/*13*/); //// ////function noHelpComment3() { ////} ////noHelpC/*14q*/omment3(/*14*/); /////** Adds two integers and returns the result //// * @param {number} a first number //// * @param b second number //// */ ////function sum(/*16aq*/a: number, /*17aq*/b: number) { //// return /*18*/a + b; ////} /////*15*/s/*16q*/um(/*16*/10, /*17*/20); /////** This is multiplication function //// * @param //// * @param a first number //// * @param b //// * @param c { //// @param d @anotherTag //// * @param e LastParam @anotherTag*/ ////function multiply(/*19aq*/a: number, /*20aq*/b: number, /*21aq*/c?: number, /*22aq*/d?, /*23aq*/e?) { ////} ////mult/*19q*/iply(/*19*/10,/*20*/ 20,/*21*/ 30, /*22*/40, /*23*/50); /////** fn f1 with number ////* @param { string} b about b ////*/ ////function f1(/*25aq*/a: number); ////function f1(/*26aq*/b: string); /////**@param opt optional parameter*/ ////function f1(aOrb, opt?) { //// return /*24*/aOrb; ////} ////f/*25q*/1(/*25*/10); ////f/*26q*/1(/*26*/"hello"); /////*27*/ /////** This is subtract function ////@param { a ////*@param { number | } b this is about b ////@param { { () => string; } } c this is optional param c ////@param { { () => string; } d this is optional param d ////@param { { () => string; } } e this is optional param e ////@param { { { () => string; } } f this is optional param f ////*/ ////function subtract(/*28aq*/a: number, /*29aq*/b: number, /*30aq*/c?: () => string, /*31aq*/d?: () => string, /*32aq*/e?: () => string, /*33aq*/f?: () => string) { ////} ////subt/*28q*/ract(/*28*/10, /*29*/ 20, /*30*/ null, /*31*/ null, /*32*/ null, /*33*/null); /////** this is square function ////@paramTag { number } a this is input number of paramTag ////@param { number } a this is input number ////@returnType { number } it is return type ////*/ ////function square(/*34aq*/a: number) { //// return a * a; ////} ////squ/*34q*/are(/*34*/10); /////** this is divide function ////@param { number} a this is a ////@paramTag { number } g this is optional param g ////@param { number} b this is b ////*/ ////function divide(/*35aq*/a: number, /*36aq*/b: number) { ////} ////div/*35q*/ide(/*35*/10, /*36*/20); /////** ////Function returns string concat of foo and bar ////@param {string} foo is string ////@param {string} bar is second string ////*/ ////function fooBar(/*37aq*/foo: string, /*38aq*/bar: string) { //// return foo + bar; ////} ////fo/*37q*/oBar(/*37*/"foo",/*38*/"bar"); /////** This is a comment */ ////var x; /////** //// * This is a comment //// */ ////var y; /////** this is jsdoc style function with param tag as well as inline parameter help ////*@param a it is first parameter ////*@param c it is third parameter ////*/ ////function jsDocParamTest(/** this is inline comment for a *//*40aq*/a: number, /** this is inline comment for b*/ /*41aq*/b: number, /*42aq*/c: number, /*43aq*/d: number) { //// return /*39*/a + b + c + d; ////} /////*44*/jsD/*40q*/ocParamTest(/*40*/30, /*41*/40, /*42*/50, /*43*/60); /////** This is function comment //// * And properly aligned comment //// */ ////function jsDocCommentAlignmentTest1() { ////} ////jsDocCom/*45q*/mentAlignmentTest1(/*45*/); /////** This is function comment //// * And aligned with 4 space char margin //// */ ////function jsDocCommentAlignmentTest2() { ////} ////jsDocComme/*46q*/ntAlignmentTest2(/*46*/); /////** This is function comment //// * And aligned with 4 space char margin //// * @param {string} a this is info about a //// * spanning on two lines and aligned perfectly //// * @param b this is info about b //// * spanning on two lines and aligned perfectly //// * spanning one more line alined perfectly //// * spanning another line with more margin //// * @param c this is info about b //// * not aligned text about parameter will eat only one space //// */ ////function jsDocCommentAlignmentTest3(/*47aq*/a: string, /*48aq*/b, /*49aq*/c) { ////} ////jsDocComme/*47q*/ntAlignmentTest3(/*47*/"hello",/*48*/1, /*49*/2); /////**/ ////class NoQuic/*50*/kInfoClass { ////} verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "1", docComment: "" }); verify.quickInfoAt("1q", "function simple(): void"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "2", docComment: "" }); verify.quickInfoAt("2q", "function multiLine(): void"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "3", docComment: "this is eg of single line jsdoc style comment" }); verify.quickInfoAt("3q", "function jsDocSingleLine(): void", "this is eg of single line jsdoc style comment"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "4", docComment: "this is multiple line jsdoc stule comment\nNew line1\nNew Line2" }); verify.quickInfoAt("4q", "function jsDocMultiLine(): void", "this is multiple line jsdoc stule comment\nNew line1\nNew Line2"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "5", docComment: "Another this one too" }); verify.quickInfoAt("5q", "function jsDocMultiLineMerge(): void", "Another this one too"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "6", docComment: "jsdoc comment" }); verify.quickInfoAt("6q", "function jsDocMixedComments1(): void", "jsdoc comment"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "7", docComment: "another jsDocComment" }); verify.quickInfoAt("7q", "function jsDocMixedComments2(): void", "another jsDocComment"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "8", docComment: "* triplestar jsDocComment" }); verify.quickInfoAt("8q", "function jsDocMixedComments3(): void", "* triplestar jsDocComment"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "9", docComment: "another jsDocComment" }); verify.quickInfoAt("9q", "function jsDocMixedComments4(): void", "another jsDocComment"); 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verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "16", docComment: "Adds two integers and returns the result", parameterDocComment: "first number", tags: addTags, }); verify.quickInfos({ "16q": ["function sum(a: number, b: number): number", "Adds two integers and returns the result"], "16aq": ["(parameter) a: number", "first number"] }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "17", docComment: "Adds two integers and returns the result", parameterDocComment: "second number", tags: addTags, }); verify.quickInfoAt("17aq", "(parameter) b: number", "second number"); verify.completions({ marker: "18", includes: [ { name: "a", text: "(parameter) a: number", documentation: "first number", tags: [{ name: "param", text: "a first number" }] }, { name: "b", text: "(parameter) b: number", documentation: "second number", tags: [{ name: "param", text: "b second number" }] }, ], }); const multiplyTags: ReadonlyArray = [ { name: "param", text: "" }, { name: "param", text: "a first number" }, { name: "param", text: "b" }, { name: "param", text: "c" }, { name: "param", text: "d" }, { name: "anotherTag", text: undefined }, { name: "param", text: "e LastParam" }, { name: "anotherTag", text: undefined }, ]; verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "19", docComment: "This is multiplication function", parameterDocComment: "first number", tags: multiplyTags }); verify.quickInfos({ "19q": [ "function multiply(a: number, b: number, c?: number, d?: any, e?: any): void", "This is multiplication function" ], "19aq": ["(parameter) a: number", "first number"] }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "20", docComment: "This is multiplication function", tags: multiplyTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("20aq", "(parameter) b: number"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "21", docComment: "This is multiplication function", tags: multiplyTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("21aq", "(parameter) c: number"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "22", docComment: "This is multiplication function", tags: multiplyTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("22aq", "(parameter) d: any"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "23", docComment: "This is multiplication function", parameterDocComment: "LastParam", tags: multiplyTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("23aq", "(parameter) e: any", "LastParam"); verify.completions({ marker: "24", includes: [ { name: "aOrb", text: "(parameter) aOrb: any" }, { name: "opt", text: "(parameter) opt: any", documentation: "optional parameter", tags: [{ name: "param", text: "opt optional parameter" }], }, ] }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "25", overloadsCount: 2, docComment: "fn f1 with number", tags: [{ name: "param", text: "b about b" }], }); verify.quickInfos({ "25q": ["function f1(a: number): any (+1 overload)", "fn f1 with number"], "25aq": "(parameter) a: number" }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "26", overloadsCount: 2, docComment: "" }); verify.quickInfos({ "26q": ["function f1(b: string): any (+1 overload)", "fn f1 with number"], "26aq": "(parameter) b: string" }); verify.completions({ marker: "27", includes: [ { name: "multiply", text: "function multiply(a: number, b: number, c?: number, d?: any, e?: any): void", documentation: "This is multiplication function", tags: [ { name: "param", text: "" }, { name: "param", text: "a first number" }, { name: "param", text: "b" }, { name: "param", text: "c" }, { name: "param", text: "d" }, { name: "anotherTag", text: undefined }, { name: "param", text: "e LastParam" }, { name: "anotherTag", text: undefined }, ], }, { name: "f1", text: "function f1(a: number): any (+1 overload)", documentation: "fn f1 with number", tags: [{ name: "param", text: "b about b" }], }, ], }); const subtractDoc = "This is subtract function"; const subtractTags: ReadonlyArray = [ { name: "param", text: "" }, { name: "param", text: "b this is about b" }, { name: "param", text: "c this is optional param c" }, { name: "param", text: "d this is optional param d" }, { name: "param", text: "e this is optional param e" }, { name: "param", text: " { () => string; } } f this is optional param f" }, ]; verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "28", docComment: subtractDoc, tags: subtractTags }); verify.quickInfos({ "28q": [ "function subtract(a: number, b: number, c?: () => string, d?: () => string, e?: () => string, f?: () => string): void", subtractDoc, ], "28aq": "(parameter) a: number" }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "29", docComment: subtractDoc, tags: subtractTags, parameterDocComment: "this is about b" }); verify.quickInfoAt("29aq", "(parameter) b: number", "this is about b"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "30", docComment: subtractDoc, tags: subtractTags, parameterDocComment: "this is optional param c" }); verify.quickInfoAt("30aq", "(parameter) c: () => string", "this is optional param c"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "31", docComment: subtractDoc, tags: subtractTags, parameterDocComment: "this is optional param d" }); verify.quickInfoAt("31aq", "(parameter) d: () => string", "this is optional param d"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "32", docComment: subtractDoc, tags: subtractTags, parameterDocComment: "this is optional param e" }); verify.quickInfoAt("32aq", "(parameter) e: () => string", "this is optional param e"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "33", docComment: subtractDoc, tags: subtractTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("33aq", "(parameter) f: () => string"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "34", docComment: "this is square function", parameterDocComment: "this is input number", tags: [ { name: "paramTag", text: "{ number } a this is input number of paramTag" }, { name: "param", text: "a this is input number" }, { name: "returnType", text: "{ number } it is return type" }, ], }); verify.quickInfos({ "34q": [ "function square(a: number): number", "this is square function" ], "34aq": [ "(parameter) a: number", "this is input number" ] }); const divideTags: ReadonlyArray = [ { name: "param", text: "a this is a" }, { name: "paramTag", text: "{ number } g this is optional param g" }, { name: "param", text: "b this is b" }, ]; verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "35", docComment: "this is divide function", parameterDocComment: "this is a", tags: divideTags }); verify.quickInfos({ "35q": [ "function divide(a: number, b: number): void", "this is divide function" ], "35aq": [ "(parameter) a: number", "this is a" ] }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "36", docComment: "this is divide function", parameterDocComment: "this is b", tags: divideTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("36aq", "(parameter) b: number", "this is b"); const concatDoc = "Function returns string concat of foo and bar"; const concatTags: ReadonlyArray = [ { name: "param", text: "foo is string" }, { name: "param", text: "bar is second string" }, ]; verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "37", docComment: concatDoc, parameterDocComment: "is string", tags: concatTags }); verify.quickInfos({ "37q": ["function fooBar(foo: string, bar: string): string", concatDoc], "37aq": ["(parameter) foo: string", "is string"] }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "38", docComment: concatDoc, parameterDocComment: "is second string", tags: concatTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("38aq", "(parameter) bar: string", "is second string"); verify.completions({ marker: "39", includes: [ { name: "a", text: "(parameter) a: number", documentation: "this is inline comment for a\nit is first parameter", tags: [{ name: "param", text: "a it is first parameter" }], }, { name: "b", text: "(parameter) b: number", documentation: "this is inline comment for b" }, { name: "c", text: "(parameter) c: number", documentation: "it is third parameter", tags: [{ name: "param", text: "c it is third parameter" }], }, { name: "d", text: "(parameter) d: number" }, ], }); const jsdocTestDocComment = "this is jsdoc style function with param tag as well as inline parameter help"; const jsdocTestTags: ReadonlyArray = [ { name: "param", text: "a it is first parameter" }, { name: "param", text: "c it is third parameter" }, ]; verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "40", docComment: jsdocTestDocComment, parameterDocComment: "this is inline comment for a\nit is first parameter", tags: jsdocTestTags }); verify.quickInfos({ "40q": [ "function jsDocParamTest(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number", jsdocTestDocComment ], "40aq": [ "(parameter) a: number", "this is inline comment for a\nit is first parameter" ] }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "41", docComment: jsdocTestDocComment, parameterDocComment: "this is inline comment for b", tags: jsdocTestTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("41aq", "(parameter) b: number", "this is inline comment for b"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "42", docComment: jsdocTestDocComment, parameterDocComment: "it is third parameter", tags: jsdocTestTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("42aq", "(parameter) c: number", "it is third parameter"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "43", docComment: jsdocTestDocComment, tags: jsdocTestTags }); verify.quickInfoAt("43aq", "(parameter) d: number"); verify.completions({ marker: "44", includes: [ { name: "jsDocParamTest", text: "function jsDocParamTest(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number", documentation: jsdocTestDocComment, tags: [ { name: "param", text: "a it is first parameter" }, { name: "param", text: "c it is third parameter" }, ], }, { name: "x", text: "var x: any", documentation: "This is a comment" }, { name: "y", text: "var y: any", documentation: "This is a comment" }, ], }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "45", docComment: "This is function comment\nAnd properly aligned comment" }); verify.quickInfoAt("45q", "function jsDocCommentAlignmentTest1(): void", "This is function comment\nAnd properly aligned comment"); const alignmentDocComment = "This is function comment\n And aligned with 4 space char margin"; verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "46", docComment: alignmentDocComment }); verify.quickInfoAt("46q", "function jsDocCommentAlignmentTest2(): void", alignmentDocComment); const alignmentTags: ReadonlyArray = [ { name: "param", text: "a this is info about a\nspanning on two lines and aligned perfectly" }, { name: "param", text: "b this is info about b\nspanning on two lines and aligned perfectly\nspanning one more line alined perfectly\n spanning another line with more margin" }, { name: "param", text: "c this is info about b\nnot aligned text about parameter will eat only one space" }, ]; verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "47", docComment: alignmentDocComment, parameterDocComment: "this is info about a\nspanning on two lines and aligned perfectly", tags: alignmentTags, }); verify.quickInfos({ "47q": [ "function jsDocCommentAlignmentTest3(a: string, b: any, c: any): void", alignmentDocComment ], "47aq": [ "(parameter) a: string", "this is info about a\nspanning on two lines and aligned perfectly" ] }); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "48", docComment: alignmentDocComment, parameterDocComment: "this is info about b\nspanning on two lines and aligned perfectly\nspanning one more line alined perfectly\n spanning another line with more margin", tags: alignmentTags, }); verify.quickInfoAt("48aq", "(parameter) b: any", "this is info about b\nspanning on two lines and aligned perfectly\nspanning one more line alined perfectly\n spanning another line with more margin"); verify.signatureHelp({ marker: "49", docComment: alignmentDocComment, parameterDocComment: "this is info about b\nnot aligned text about parameter will eat only one space", tags: alignmentTags, }); verify.quickInfos({ "49aq": [ "(parameter) c: any", "this is info about b\nnot aligned text about parameter will eat only one space" ], 50: "class NoQuickInfoClass" });