/// /// /// /// namespace ts { /* @internal */ export let optionDeclarations: CommandLineOption[] = [ { name: "charset", type: "string", }, { name: "declaration", shortName: "d", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Generates_corresponding_d_ts_file, }, { name: "diagnostics", type: "boolean", }, { name: "emitBOM", type: "boolean" }, { name: "help", shortName: "h", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Print_this_message, }, { name: "init", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Initializes_a_TypeScript_project_and_creates_a_tsconfig_json_file, }, { name: "inlineSourceMap", type: "boolean", }, { name: "inlineSources", type: "boolean", }, { name: "jsx", type: { "preserve": JsxEmit.Preserve, "react": JsxEmit.React }, paramType: Diagnostics.KIND, description: Diagnostics.Specify_JSX_code_generation_Colon_preserve_or_react, error: Diagnostics.Argument_for_jsx_must_be_preserve_or_react }, { name: "listFiles", type: "boolean", }, { name: "locale", type: "string", }, { name: "mapRoot", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: Diagnostics.Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations, paramType: Diagnostics.LOCATION, }, { name: "module", shortName: "m", type: { "commonjs": ModuleKind.CommonJS, "amd": ModuleKind.AMD, "system": ModuleKind.System, "umd": ModuleKind.UMD, "es6": ModuleKind.ES6, "es2015": ModuleKind.ES2015, }, description: Diagnostics.Specify_module_code_generation_Colon_commonjs_amd_system_umd_or_es2015, paramType: Diagnostics.KIND, error: Diagnostics.Argument_for_module_option_must_be_commonjs_amd_system_umd_or_es2015 }, { name: "newLine", type: { "crlf": NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed, "lf": NewLineKind.LineFeed }, description: Diagnostics.Specifies_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix, paramType: Diagnostics.NEWLINE, error: Diagnostics.Argument_for_newLine_option_must_be_CRLF_or_LF }, { name: "noEmit", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_outputs, }, { name: "noEmitHelpers", type: "boolean" }, { name: "noEmitOnError", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_outputs_if_any_errors_were_reported, }, { name: "noImplicitAny", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Raise_error_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type, }, { name: "noLib", type: "boolean", }, { name: "noResolve", type: "boolean", }, { name: "skipDefaultLibCheck", type: "boolean", }, { name: "out", type: "string", isFilePath: false, // This is intentionally broken to support compatability with existing tsconfig files // for correct behaviour, please use outFile paramType: Diagnostics.FILE, }, { name: "outFile", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: Diagnostics.Concatenate_and_emit_output_to_single_file, paramType: Diagnostics.FILE, }, { name: "outDir", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: Diagnostics.Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory, paramType: Diagnostics.DIRECTORY, }, { name: "preserveConstEnums", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Do_not_erase_const_enum_declarations_in_generated_code }, { name: "project", shortName: "p", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: Diagnostics.Compile_the_project_in_the_given_directory, paramType: Diagnostics.DIRECTORY }, { name: "removeComments", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_comments_to_output, }, { name: "rootDir", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: Diagnostics.Specifies_the_root_directory_of_input_files_Use_to_control_the_output_directory_structure_with_outDir, paramType: Diagnostics.LOCATION, }, { name: "isolatedModules", type: "boolean", }, { name: "sourceMap", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Generates_corresponding_map_file, }, { name: "sourceRoot", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: Diagnostics.Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations, paramType: Diagnostics.LOCATION, }, { name: "suppressExcessPropertyErrors", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Suppress_excess_property_checks_for_object_literals, experimental: true }, { name: "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Suppress_noImplicitAny_errors_for_indexing_objects_lacking_index_signatures, }, { name: "stripInternal", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_declarations_for_code_that_has_an_internal_annotation, experimental: true }, { name: "target", shortName: "t", type: { "es3": ScriptTarget.ES3, "es5": ScriptTarget.ES5, "es6": ScriptTarget.ES6, "es2015": ScriptTarget.ES2015, }, description: Diagnostics.Specify_ECMAScript_target_version_Colon_ES3_default_ES5_or_ES2015_experimental, paramType: Diagnostics.VERSION, error: Diagnostics.Argument_for_target_option_must_be_ES3_ES5_or_ES2015 }, { name: "version", shortName: "v", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Print_the_compiler_s_version, }, { name: "watch", shortName: "w", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Watch_input_files, }, { name: "experimentalDecorators", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Enables_experimental_support_for_ES7_decorators }, { name: "emitDecoratorMetadata", type: "boolean", experimental: true, description: Diagnostics.Enables_experimental_support_for_emitting_type_metadata_for_decorators }, { name: "moduleResolution", type: { "node": ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, "classic": ModuleResolutionKind.Classic }, description: Diagnostics.Specifies_module_resolution_strategy_Colon_node_Node_js_or_classic_TypeScript_pre_1_6, error: Diagnostics.Argument_for_moduleResolution_option_must_be_node_or_classic, }, { name: "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Disallow_inconsistently_cased_references_to_the_same_file }, { name: "allowJs", type: "boolean", description: Diagnostics.Allow_javascript_files_to_be_compiled, } ]; /* @internal */ export interface OptionNameMap { optionNameMap: Map; shortOptionNames: Map; } let optionNameMapCache: OptionNameMap; /* @internal */ export function getOptionNameMap(): OptionNameMap { if (optionNameMapCache) { return optionNameMapCache; } let optionNameMap: Map = {}; let shortOptionNames: Map = {}; forEach(optionDeclarations, option => { optionNameMap[option.name.toLowerCase()] = option; if (option.shortName) { shortOptionNames[option.shortName] = option.name; } }); optionNameMapCache = { optionNameMap, shortOptionNames }; return optionNameMapCache; } export function parseCommandLine(commandLine: string[], readFile?: (path: string) => string): ParsedCommandLine { let options: CompilerOptions = {}; let fileNames: string[] = []; let errors: Diagnostic[] = []; let { optionNameMap, shortOptionNames } = getOptionNameMap(); parseStrings(commandLine); return { options, fileNames, errors }; function parseStrings(args: string[]) { let i = 0; while (i < args.length) { let s = args[i++]; if (s.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes.at) { parseResponseFile(s.slice(1)); } else if (s.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes.minus) { s = s.slice(s.charCodeAt(1) === CharacterCodes.minus ? 2 : 1).toLowerCase(); // Try to translate short option names to their full equivalents. if (hasProperty(shortOptionNames, s)) { s = shortOptionNames[s]; } if (hasProperty(optionNameMap, s)) { let opt = optionNameMap[s]; // Check to see if no argument was provided (e.g. "--locale" is the last command-line argument). if (!args[i] && opt.type !== "boolean") { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_expects_an_argument, opt.name)); } switch (opt.type) { case "number": options[opt.name] = parseInt(args[i++]); break; case "boolean": options[opt.name] = true; break; case "string": options[opt.name] = args[i++] || ""; break; // If not a primitive, the possible types are specified in what is effectively a map of options. default: let map = >opt.type; let key = (args[i++] || "").toLowerCase(); if (hasProperty(map, key)) { options[opt.name] = map[key]; } else { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic((opt).error)); } } } else { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Unknown_compiler_option_0, s)); } } else { fileNames.push(s); } } } function parseResponseFile(fileName: string) { let text = readFile ? readFile(fileName) : sys.readFile(fileName); if (!text) { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.File_0_not_found, fileName)); return; } let args: string[] = []; let pos = 0; while (true) { while (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) <= CharacterCodes.space) pos++; if (pos >= text.length) break; let start = pos; if (text.charCodeAt(start) === CharacterCodes.doubleQuote) { pos++; while (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) !== CharacterCodes.doubleQuote) pos++; if (pos < text.length) { args.push(text.substring(start + 1, pos)); pos++; } else { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Unterminated_quoted_string_in_response_file_0, fileName)); } } else { while (text.charCodeAt(pos) > CharacterCodes.space) pos++; args.push(text.substring(start, pos)); } } parseStrings(args); } } /** * Read tsconfig.json file * @param fileName The path to the config file */ export function readConfigFile(fileName: string, readFile: (path: string) => string): { config?: any; error?: Diagnostic } { let text = ""; try { text = readFile(fileName); } catch (e) { return { error: createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, e.message) }; } return parseConfigFileTextToJson(fileName, text); } /** * Parse the text of the tsconfig.json file * @param fileName The path to the config file * @param jsonText The text of the config file */ export function parseConfigFileTextToJson(fileName: string, jsonText: string): { config?: any; error?: Diagnostic } { try { return { config: /\S/.test(jsonText) ? JSON.parse(jsonText) : {} }; } catch (e) { return { error: createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Failed_to_parse_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, e.message) }; } } /** * Parse the contents of a config file (tsconfig.json). * @param json The contents of the config file to parse * @param host Instance of ParseConfigHost used to enumerate files in folder. * @param basePath A root directory to resolve relative path entries in the config * file to. e.g. outDir */ export function parseJsonConfigFileContent(json: any, host: ParseConfigHost, basePath: string, existingOptions: CompilerOptions = {}): ParsedCommandLine { let { options, errors } = convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(json["compilerOptions"], basePath); options = extend(existingOptions, options); return { options, fileNames: getFileNames(), errors }; function getFileNames(): string[] { let fileNames: string[] = []; if (hasProperty(json, "files")) { if (json["files"] instanceof Array) { fileNames = map(json["files"], s => combinePaths(basePath, s)); } else { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1, "files", "Array")); } } else { let filesSeen: Map = {}; let exclude = json["exclude"] instanceof Array ? map(json["exclude"], normalizeSlashes) : undefined; let extensionsByPriority = getSupportedExtensions(options); for (let extensionsIndex = 0; extensionsIndex < extensionsByPriority.length; extensionsIndex++) { let currentExtension = extensionsByPriority[extensionsIndex]; let filesInDirWithExtension = host.readDirectory(basePath, currentExtension, exclude); // Get list of conflicting extensions, conflicting extension is // - extension that is lower priority than current extension and // - extension also is current extension (ends with "." + currentExtension) let conflictingExtensions: string[] = []; for (let i = extensionsIndex + 1; i < extensionsByPriority.length; i++) { let extension = extensionsByPriority[i]; // lower priority extension if (fileExtensionIs(extension, currentExtension)) { // also has current extension conflictingExtensions.push(extension); } } // Add the files to fileNames list if the file is not any of conflicting extension for (const fileName of filesInDirWithExtension) { let hasConflictingExtension = false; for (const conflictingExtension of conflictingExtensions) { // eg. 'f.d.ts' will match '.ts' extension but really should be process later with '.d.ts' files if (fileExtensionIs(fileName, conflictingExtension)) { hasConflictingExtension = true; break; } } if (!hasConflictingExtension) { // Add the file only if there is no higher priority extension file already included // eg. when a.d.ts and a.js are present in the folder, include only a.d.ts not a.js const baseName = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length - currentExtension.length); if (!hasProperty(filesSeen, baseName)) { filesSeen[baseName] = true; fileNames.push(fileName); } } } } } return fileNames; } } export function convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(jsonOptions: any, basePath: string): { options: CompilerOptions, errors: Diagnostic[] } { let options: CompilerOptions = {}; let errors: Diagnostic[] = []; if (!jsonOptions) { return { options, errors }; } let optionNameMap = arrayToMap(optionDeclarations, opt => opt.name); for (let id in jsonOptions) { if (hasProperty(optionNameMap, id)) { let opt = optionNameMap[id]; let optType = opt.type; let value = jsonOptions[id]; let expectedType = typeof optType === "string" ? optType : "string"; if (typeof value === expectedType) { if (typeof optType !== "string") { let key = value.toLowerCase(); if (hasProperty(optType, key)) { value = optType[key]; } else { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic((opt).error)); value = 0; } } if (opt.isFilePath) { value = normalizePath(combinePaths(basePath, value)); if (value === "") { value = "."; } } options[opt.name] = value; } else { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1, id, expectedType)); } } else { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Unknown_compiler_option_0, id)); } } return { options, errors }; } }