/// /// import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import * as typescript from "typescript"; declare var ts: typeof typescript; var tsSourceDir = "../src"; var tsBuildDir = "../built/local"; var testOutputDir = "../built/benchmark"; var sourceFiles = [ "compiler/types.ts", "compiler/core.ts", "compiler/sys.ts", "compiler/diagnosticInformationMap.generated.ts", "compiler/scanner.ts", "compiler/binder.ts", "compiler/utilities.ts", "compiler/parser.ts", "compiler/checker.ts", "compiler/declarationEmitter.ts", "compiler/emitter.ts", "compiler/program.ts", "compiler/commandLineParser.ts", "compiler/tsc.ts"]; // .ts sources for the compiler, used as a test input var rawCompilerSources = ""; sourceFiles.forEach(f=> { rawCompilerSources += "\r\n" + fs.readFileSync(path.join(tsSourceDir, f)).toString(); }); var compilerSoruces = `var compilerSources = ${JSON.stringify(rawCompilerSources) };`; // .js code for the compiler, what we are actually testing var rawCompilerJavaScript = fs.readFileSync(path.join(tsBuildDir, "tsc.js")).toString(); rawCompilerJavaScript = rawCompilerJavaScript.replace("ts.executeCommandLine(ts.sys.args);", ""); // lib.d.ts sources var rawLibSources = fs.readFileSync(path.join(tsBuildDir, "lib.d.ts")).toString(); var libSoruces = `var libSources = ${JSON.stringify(rawLibSources) };`; // write test output if (!fs.existsSync(testOutputDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(testOutputDir); } // 1. compiler ts sources, used to test fs.writeFileSync( path.join(testOutputDir, "compilerSources.js"), `${ compilerSoruces } \r\n ${ libSoruces }`); // 2. the compiler js sources + a call the compiler fs.writeFileSync( path.join(testOutputDir, "benchmarktsc.js"), `${ rawCompilerJavaScript }\r\n${ compile.toString() }\r\ncompile(compilerSources, libSources);`); // 3. test html file to drive the test fs.writeFileSync( path.join(testOutputDir, "benchmarktsc.html"), ` Typescript 1.1 Compiler
Status: Running
End-to-End Time: N/A
`); function compile(compilerSources, librarySources) { var program = ts.createProgram( ["lib.d.ts", "compiler.ts"], { noResolve: true, out: "compiler.js", removeComments: true, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES3 }, { getDefaultLibFileName: () => "lib.d.ts", getSourceFile: (filename, languageVersion) => { var source: string; if (filename === "lib.d.ts") source = librarySources; else if (filename === "compiler.ts") source = compilerSources; else console.error("Unexpected read file request: " + filename); return ts.createSourceFile(filename, source, languageVersion); }, writeFile: (filename, data, writeByteOrderMark) => { if (filename !== "compiler.js") console.error("Unexpected write file request: " + filename); // console.log(data); }, getCurrentDirectory: () => "", getCanonicalFileName: (filename) => filename, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => false, getNewLine: () => "\r\n" }); var emitOutput = program.emit(); var errors = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics() .concat(program.getSemanticDiagnostics()) .concat(program.getGlobalDiagnostics()) .concat(emitOutput.diagnostics); if (errors.length) { console.error("Unexpected errors."); errors.forEach(e=> console.log(`${e.code}: ${e.messageText}`)) } }