import cp = require("child_process"); import Octokit = require("@octokit/rest"); const opts = { timeout: 100_000, shell: true, stdio: "inherit" } function runSequence(tasks: [string, string[]][]) { for (const task of tasks) { console.log(`${task[0]} ${task[1].join(" ")}`); const result = cp.spawnSync(task[0], task[1], opts); if (result.status !== 0) throw new Error(`${task[0]} ${task[1].join(" ")} failed: ${result.stderr && result.stderr.toString()}`); } } function padNum(number: number) { const str = "" + number; return str.length >= 2 ? str : "0" + str; } const userName = process.env.GH_USERNAME; const reviewers = ["weswigham", "sandersn", "RyanCavanaugh"] const now = new Date(); const branchName = `user-update-${now.getFullYear()}${padNum(now.getMonth())}${padNum(now.getDay())}`; const remoteUrl = `https://${process.argv[2]}${userName}/TypeScript.git`; runSequence([ ["git", ["checkout", "."]], // reset any changes ["node", ["./node_modules/jake/bin/cli.js", "baseline-accept"]], // accept baselines ["git", ["checkout", "-b", branchName]], // create a branch ["git", ["add", "."]], // Add all changes ["git", ["commit", "-m", `"Update user baselines"`]], // Commit all changes ["git", ["remote", "add", "fork", remoteUrl]], // Add the remote fork ["git", ["push", "--set-upstream", "fork", branchName, "-f"]] // push the branch ]); const gh = new Octokit(); gh.authenticate({ type: "token", token: process.argv[2] }); gh.pullRequests.create({ owner: process.env.TARGET_FORK, repo: "TypeScript", maintainer_can_modify: true, title: `🤖 User test baselines have changed`, head: `${userName}:${branchName}`, base: "master", body: `Please review the diff and merge if no changes are unexpected. You can view the build log [here](${process.env.BUILD_BUILDID}&_a=summary). cc ${ => "@" + r).join(" ")}`, }).then(r => { const num =; console.log(`Pull request ${num} created.`); return gh.pullRequests.createReviewRequest({ owner: process.env.TARGET_FORK, repo: "TypeScript", number: num, reviewers, }); }).then(() => { console.log(`Reviewers requested, done.`); }).catch(e => { console.error(e); process.exit(1); });