/*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************** */ var ts; (function (ts) { (function (ExitStatus) { ExitStatus[ExitStatus["Success"] = 0] = "Success"; ExitStatus[ExitStatus["DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped"] = 1] = "DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped"; ExitStatus[ExitStatus["DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated"] = 2] = "DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated"; })(ts.ExitStatus || (ts.ExitStatus = {})); var ExitStatus = ts.ExitStatus; (function (DiagnosticCategory) { DiagnosticCategory[DiagnosticCategory["Warning"] = 0] = "Warning"; DiagnosticCategory[DiagnosticCategory["Error"] = 1] = "Error"; DiagnosticCategory[DiagnosticCategory["Message"] = 2] = "Message"; })(ts.DiagnosticCategory || (ts.DiagnosticCategory = {})); var DiagnosticCategory = ts.DiagnosticCategory; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { function forEach(array, callback) { if (array) { for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { var result = callback(array[i], i); if (result) { return result; } } } return undefined; } ts.forEach = forEach; function contains(array, value) { if (array) { for (var _i = 0; _i < array.length; _i++) { var v = array[_i]; if (v === value) { return true; } } } return false; } ts.contains = contains; function indexOf(array, value) { if (array) { for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { if (array[i] === value) { return i; } } } return -1; } ts.indexOf = indexOf; function countWhere(array, predicate) { var count = 0; if (array) { for (var _i = 0; _i < array.length; _i++) { var v = array[_i]; if (predicate(v)) { count++; } } } return count; } ts.countWhere = countWhere; function filter(array, f) { var result; if (array) { result = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < array.length; _i++) { var item_1 = array[_i]; if (f(item_1)) { result.push(item_1); } } } return result; } ts.filter = filter; function map(array, f) { var result; if (array) { result = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < array.length; _i++) { var v = array[_i]; result.push(f(v)); } } return result; } ts.map = map; function concatenate(array1, array2) { if (!array2 || !array2.length) return array1; if (!array1 || !array1.length) return array2; return array1.concat(array2); } ts.concatenate = concatenate; function deduplicate(array) { var result; if (array) { result = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < array.length; _i++) { var item_2 = array[_i]; if (!contains(result, item_2)) { result.push(item_2); } } } return result; } ts.deduplicate = deduplicate; function sum(array, prop) { var result = 0; for (var _i = 0; _i < array.length; _i++) { var v = array[_i]; result += v[prop]; } return result; } ts.sum = sum; function addRange(to, from) { if (to && from) { for (var _i = 0; _i < from.length; _i++) { var v = from[_i]; to.push(v); } } } ts.addRange = addRange; function lastOrUndefined(array) { if (array.length === 0) { return undefined; } return array[array.length - 1]; } ts.lastOrUndefined = lastOrUndefined; function binarySearch(array, value) { var low = 0; var high = array.length - 1; while (low <= high) { var middle = low + ((high - low) >> 1); var midValue = array[middle]; if (midValue === value) { return middle; } else if (midValue > value) { high = middle - 1; } else { low = middle + 1; } } return ~low; } ts.binarySearch = binarySearch; function reduceLeft(array, f, initial) { if (array) { var count = array.length; if (count > 0) { var pos = 0; var result = arguments.length <= 2 ? array[pos++] : initial; while (pos < count) { result = f(result, array[pos++]); } return result; } } return initial; } ts.reduceLeft = reduceLeft; function reduceRight(array, f, initial) { if (array) { var pos = array.length - 1; if (pos >= 0) { var result = arguments.length <= 2 ? array[pos--] : initial; while (pos >= 0) { result = f(result, array[pos--]); } return result; } } return initial; } ts.reduceRight = reduceRight; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function hasProperty(map, key) { return hasOwnProperty.call(map, key); } ts.hasProperty = hasProperty; function getProperty(map, key) { return hasOwnProperty.call(map, key) ? map[key] : undefined; } ts.getProperty = getProperty; function isEmpty(map) { for (var id in map) { if (hasProperty(map, id)) { return false; } } return true; } ts.isEmpty = isEmpty; function clone(object) { var result = {}; for (var id in object) { result[id] = object[id]; } return result; } ts.clone = clone; function extend(first, second) { var result = {}; for (var id in first) { result[id] = first[id]; } for (var id in second) { if (!hasProperty(result, id)) { result[id] = second[id]; } } return result; } ts.extend = extend; function forEachValue(map, callback) { var result; for (var id in map) { if (result = callback(map[id])) break; } return result; } ts.forEachValue = forEachValue; function forEachKey(map, callback) { var result; for (var id in map) { if (result = callback(id)) break; } return result; } ts.forEachKey = forEachKey; function lookUp(map, key) { return hasProperty(map, key) ? map[key] : undefined; } ts.lookUp = lookUp; function copyMap(source, target) { for (var p in source) { target[p] = source[p]; } } ts.copyMap = copyMap; function arrayToMap(array, makeKey) { var result = {}; forEach(array, function (value) { result[makeKey(value)] = value; }); return result; } ts.arrayToMap = arrayToMap; function formatStringFromArgs(text, args, baseIndex) { baseIndex = baseIndex || 0; return text.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, index) { return args[+index + baseIndex]; }); } ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages = undefined; function getLocaleSpecificMessage(message) { return ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages && ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages[message] ? ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages[message] : message; } ts.getLocaleSpecificMessage = getLocaleSpecificMessage; function createFileDiagnostic(file, start, length, message) { var end = start + length; Debug.assert(start >= 0, "start must be non-negative, is " + start); Debug.assert(length >= 0, "length must be non-negative, is " + length); Debug.assert(start <= file.text.length, "start must be within the bounds of the file. " + start + " > " + file.text.length); Debug.assert(end <= file.text.length, "end must be the bounds of the file. " + end + " > " + file.text.length); var text = getLocaleSpecificMessage(message.key); if (arguments.length > 4) { text = formatStringFromArgs(text, arguments, 4); } return { file: file, start: start, length: length, messageText: text, category: message.category, code: message.code }; } ts.createFileDiagnostic = createFileDiagnostic; function createCompilerDiagnostic(message) { var text = getLocaleSpecificMessage(message.key); if (arguments.length > 1) { text = formatStringFromArgs(text, arguments, 1); } return { file: undefined, start: undefined, length: undefined, messageText: text, category: message.category, code: message.code }; } ts.createCompilerDiagnostic = createCompilerDiagnostic; function chainDiagnosticMessages(details, message) { var text = getLocaleSpecificMessage(message.key); if (arguments.length > 2) { text = formatStringFromArgs(text, arguments, 2); } return { messageText: text, category: message.category, code: message.code, next: details }; } ts.chainDiagnosticMessages = chainDiagnosticMessages; function concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains(headChain, tailChain) { Debug.assert(!headChain.next); headChain.next = tailChain; return headChain; } ts.concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains = concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains; function compareValues(a, b) { if (a === b) return 0; if (a === undefined) return -1; if (b === undefined) return 1; return a < b ? -1 : 1; } ts.compareValues = compareValues; function getDiagnosticFileName(diagnostic) { return diagnostic.file ? diagnostic.file.fileName : undefined; } function compareDiagnostics(d1, d2) { return compareValues(getDiagnosticFileName(d1), getDiagnosticFileName(d2)) || compareValues(d1.start, d2.start) || compareValues(d1.length, d2.length) || compareValues(d1.code, d2.code) || compareMessageText(d1.messageText, d2.messageText) || 0; } ts.compareDiagnostics = compareDiagnostics; function compareMessageText(text1, text2) { while (text1 && text2) { var string1 = typeof text1 === "string" ? text1 : text1.messageText; var string2 = typeof text2 === "string" ? text2 : text2.messageText; var res = compareValues(string1, string2); if (res) { return res; } text1 = typeof text1 === "string" ? undefined : text1.next; text2 = typeof text2 === "string" ? undefined : text2.next; } if (!text1 && !text2) { return 0; } return text1 ? 1 : -1; } function sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics) { return deduplicateSortedDiagnostics(diagnostics.sort(compareDiagnostics)); } ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics = sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics; function deduplicateSortedDiagnostics(diagnostics) { if (diagnostics.length < 2) { return diagnostics; } var newDiagnostics = [diagnostics[0]]; var previousDiagnostic = diagnostics[0]; for (var i = 1; i < diagnostics.length; i++) { var currentDiagnostic = diagnostics[i]; var isDupe = compareDiagnostics(currentDiagnostic, previousDiagnostic) === 0; if (!isDupe) { newDiagnostics.push(currentDiagnostic); previousDiagnostic = currentDiagnostic; } } return newDiagnostics; } ts.deduplicateSortedDiagnostics = deduplicateSortedDiagnostics; function normalizeSlashes(path) { return path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); } ts.normalizeSlashes = normalizeSlashes; function getRootLength(path) { if (path.charCodeAt(0) === 47) { if (path.charCodeAt(1) !== 47) return 1; var p1 = path.indexOf("/", 2); if (p1 < 0) return 2; var p2 = path.indexOf("/", p1 + 1); if (p2 < 0) return p1 + 1; return p2 + 1; } if (path.charCodeAt(1) === 58) { if (path.charCodeAt(2) === 47) return 3; return 2; } return 0; } ts.getRootLength = getRootLength; ts.directorySeparator = "/"; function getNormalizedParts(normalizedSlashedPath, rootLength) { var parts = normalizedSlashedPath.substr(rootLength).split(ts.directorySeparator); var normalized = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < parts.length; _i++) { var part = parts[_i]; if (part !== ".") { if (part === ".." && normalized.length > 0 && normalized[normalized.length - 1] !== "..") { normalized.pop(); } else { if (part) { normalized.push(part); } } } } return normalized; } function normalizePath(path) { path = normalizeSlashes(path); var rootLength = getRootLength(path); var normalized = getNormalizedParts(path, rootLength); return path.substr(0, rootLength) + normalized.join(ts.directorySeparator); } ts.normalizePath = normalizePath; function getDirectoryPath(path) { return path.substr(0, Math.max(getRootLength(path), path.lastIndexOf(ts.directorySeparator))); } ts.getDirectoryPath = getDirectoryPath; function isUrl(path) { return path && !isRootedDiskPath(path) && path.indexOf("://") !== -1; } ts.isUrl = isUrl; function isRootedDiskPath(path) { return getRootLength(path) !== 0; } ts.isRootedDiskPath = isRootedDiskPath; function normalizedPathComponents(path, rootLength) { var normalizedParts = getNormalizedParts(path, rootLength); return [path.substr(0, rootLength)].concat(normalizedParts); } function getNormalizedPathComponents(path, currentDirectory) { path = normalizeSlashes(path); var rootLength = getRootLength(path); if (rootLength == 0) { path = combinePaths(normalizeSlashes(currentDirectory), path); rootLength = getRootLength(path); } return normalizedPathComponents(path, rootLength); } ts.getNormalizedPathComponents = getNormalizedPathComponents; function getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileName, currentDirectory) { return getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(getNormalizedPathComponents(fileName, currentDirectory)); } ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath; function getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(pathComponents) { if (pathComponents && pathComponents.length) { return pathComponents[0] + pathComponents.slice(1).join(ts.directorySeparator); } } ts.getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents = getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents; function getNormalizedPathComponentsOfUrl(url) { // Get root length of http://www.website.com/folder1/foler2/ // In this example the root is: http://www.website.com/ // normalized path components should be ["http://www.website.com/", "folder1", "folder2"] var urlLength = url.length; var rootLength = url.indexOf("://") + "://".length; while (rootLength < urlLength) { if (url.charCodeAt(rootLength) === 47) { rootLength++; } else { break; } } if (rootLength === urlLength) { return [url]; } var indexOfNextSlash = url.indexOf(ts.directorySeparator, rootLength); if (indexOfNextSlash !== -1) { rootLength = indexOfNextSlash + 1; return normalizedPathComponents(url, rootLength); } else { return [url + ts.directorySeparator]; } } function getNormalizedPathOrUrlComponents(pathOrUrl, currentDirectory) { if (isUrl(pathOrUrl)) { return getNormalizedPathComponentsOfUrl(pathOrUrl); } else { return getNormalizedPathComponents(pathOrUrl, currentDirectory); } } function getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(directoryPathOrUrl, relativeOrAbsolutePath, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName, isAbsolutePathAnUrl) { var pathComponents = getNormalizedPathOrUrlComponents(relativeOrAbsolutePath, currentDirectory); var directoryComponents = getNormalizedPathOrUrlComponents(directoryPathOrUrl, currentDirectory); if (directoryComponents.length > 1 && directoryComponents[directoryComponents.length - 1] === "") { directoryComponents.length--; } for (var joinStartIndex = 0; joinStartIndex < pathComponents.length && joinStartIndex < directoryComponents.length; joinStartIndex++) { if (getCanonicalFileName(directoryComponents[joinStartIndex]) !== getCanonicalFileName(pathComponents[joinStartIndex])) { break; } } if (joinStartIndex) { var relativePath = ""; var relativePathComponents = pathComponents.slice(joinStartIndex, pathComponents.length); for (; joinStartIndex < directoryComponents.length; joinStartIndex++) { if (directoryComponents[joinStartIndex] !== "") { relativePath = relativePath + ".." + ts.directorySeparator; } } return relativePath + relativePathComponents.join(ts.directorySeparator); } var absolutePath = getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(pathComponents); if (isAbsolutePathAnUrl && isRootedDiskPath(absolutePath)) { absolutePath = "file:///" + absolutePath; } return absolutePath; } ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl = getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl; function getBaseFileName(path) { var i = path.lastIndexOf(ts.directorySeparator); return i < 0 ? path : path.substring(i + 1); } ts.getBaseFileName = getBaseFileName; function combinePaths(path1, path2) { if (!(path1 && path1.length)) return path2; if (!(path2 && path2.length)) return path1; if (getRootLength(path2) !== 0) return path2; if (path1.charAt(path1.length - 1) === ts.directorySeparator) return path1 + path2; return path1 + ts.directorySeparator + path2; } ts.combinePaths = combinePaths; function fileExtensionIs(path, extension) { var pathLen = path.length; var extLen = extension.length; return pathLen > extLen && path.substr(pathLen - extLen, extLen) === extension; } ts.fileExtensionIs = fileExtensionIs; var supportedExtensions = [".d.ts", ".ts", ".js"]; function removeFileExtension(path) { for (var _i = 0; _i < supportedExtensions.length; _i++) { var ext = supportedExtensions[_i]; if (fileExtensionIs(path, ext)) { return path.substr(0, path.length - ext.length); } } return path; } ts.removeFileExtension = removeFileExtension; var backslashOrDoubleQuote = /[\"\\]/g; var escapedCharsRegExp = /[\u0000-\u001f\t\v\f\b\r\n\u2028\u2029\u0085]/g; var escapedCharsMap = { "\0": "\\0", "\t": "\\t", "\v": "\\v", "\f": "\\f", "\b": "\\b", "\r": "\\r", "\n": "\\n", "\\": "\\\\", "\"": "\\\"", "\u2028": "\\u2028", "\u2029": "\\u2029", "\u0085": "\\u0085" }; function getDefaultLibFileName(options) { return options.target === 2 ? "lib.es6.d.ts" : "lib.d.ts"; } ts.getDefaultLibFileName = getDefaultLibFileName; function Symbol(flags, name) { this.flags = flags; this.name = name; this.declarations = undefined; } function Type(checker, flags) { this.flags = flags; } function Signature(checker) { } ts.objectAllocator = { getNodeConstructor: function (kind) { function Node() { } Node.prototype = { kind: kind, pos: 0, end: 0, flags: 0, parent: undefined }; return Node; }, getSymbolConstructor: function () { return Symbol; }, getTypeConstructor: function () { return Type; }, getSignatureConstructor: function () { return Signature; } }; var Debug; (function (Debug) { var currentAssertionLevel = 0; function shouldAssert(level) { return currentAssertionLevel >= level; } Debug.shouldAssert = shouldAssert; function assert(expression, message, verboseDebugInfo) { if (!expression) { var verboseDebugString = ""; if (verboseDebugInfo) { verboseDebugString = "\r\nVerbose Debug Information: " + verboseDebugInfo(); } throw new Error("Debug Failure. False expression: " + (message || "") + verboseDebugString); } } Debug.assert = assert; function fail(message) { Debug.assert(false, message); } Debug.fail = fail; })(Debug = ts.Debug || (ts.Debug = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { ts.sys = (function () { function getWScriptSystem() { var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var fileStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); fileStream.Type = 2; var binaryStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); binaryStream.Type = 1; var args = []; for (var i = 0; i < WScript.Arguments.length; i++) { args[i] = WScript.Arguments.Item(i); } function readFile(fileName, encoding) { if (!fso.FileExists(fileName)) { return undefined; } fileStream.Open(); try { if (encoding) { fileStream.Charset = encoding; fileStream.LoadFromFile(fileName); } else { fileStream.Charset = "x-ansi"; fileStream.LoadFromFile(fileName); var bom = fileStream.ReadText(2) || ""; fileStream.Position = 0; fileStream.Charset = bom.length >= 2 && (bom.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && bom.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE || bom.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFE && bom.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFF) ? "unicode" : "utf-8"; } return fileStream.ReadText(); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { fileStream.Close(); } } function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) { fileStream.Open(); binaryStream.Open(); try { fileStream.Charset = "utf-8"; fileStream.WriteText(data); if (writeByteOrderMark) { fileStream.Position = 0; } else { fileStream.Position = 3; } fileStream.CopyTo(binaryStream); binaryStream.SaveToFile(fileName, 2); } finally { binaryStream.Close(); fileStream.Close(); } } function getNames(collection) { var result = []; for (var e = new Enumerator(collection); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { result.push(e.item().Name); } return result.sort(); } function readDirectory(path, extension) { var result = []; visitDirectory(path); return result; function visitDirectory(path) { var folder = fso.GetFolder(path || "."); var files = getNames(folder.files); for (var _i = 0; _i < files.length; _i++) { var name_1 = files[_i]; if (!extension || ts.fileExtensionIs(name_1, extension)) { result.push(ts.combinePaths(path, name_1)); } } var subfolders = getNames(folder.subfolders); for (var _a = 0; _a < subfolders.length; _a++) { var current = subfolders[_a]; visitDirectory(ts.combinePaths(path, current)); } } } return { args: args, newLine: "\r\n", useCaseSensitiveFileNames: false, write: function (s) { WScript.StdOut.Write(s); }, readFile: readFile, writeFile: writeFile, resolvePath: function (path) { return fso.GetAbsolutePathName(path); }, fileExists: function (path) { return fso.FileExists(path); }, directoryExists: function (path) { return fso.FolderExists(path); }, createDirectory: function (directoryName) { if (!this.directoryExists(directoryName)) { fso.CreateFolder(directoryName); } }, getExecutingFilePath: function () { return WScript.ScriptFullName; }, getCurrentDirectory: function () { return new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").CurrentDirectory; }, readDirectory: readDirectory, exit: function (exitCode) { try { WScript.Quit(exitCode); } catch (e) { } } }; } function getNodeSystem() { var _fs = require("fs"); var _path = require("path"); var _os = require('os'); var platform = _os.platform(); var useCaseSensitiveFileNames = platform !== "win32" && platform !== "win64" && platform !== "darwin"; function readFile(fileName, encoding) { if (!_fs.existsSync(fileName)) { return undefined; } var buffer = _fs.readFileSync(fileName); var len = buffer.length; if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFE && buffer[1] === 0xFF) { len &= ~1; for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { var temp = buffer[i]; buffer[i] = buffer[i + 1]; buffer[i + 1] = temp; } return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2); } if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFF && buffer[1] === 0xFE) { return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2); } if (len >= 3 && buffer[0] === 0xEF && buffer[1] === 0xBB && buffer[2] === 0xBF) { return buffer.toString("utf8", 3); } return buffer.toString("utf8"); } function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) { if (writeByteOrderMark) { data = '\uFEFF' + data; } _fs.writeFileSync(fileName, data, "utf8"); } function readDirectory(path, extension) { var result = []; visitDirectory(path); return result; function visitDirectory(path) { var files = _fs.readdirSync(path || ".").sort(); var directories = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < files.length; _i++) { var current = files[_i]; var name = ts.combinePaths(path, current); var stat = _fs.lstatSync(name); if (stat.isFile()) { if (!extension || ts.fileExtensionIs(name, extension)) { result.push(name); } } else if (stat.isDirectory()) { directories.push(name); } } for (var _a = 0; _a < directories.length; _a++) { var current = directories[_a]; visitDirectory(current); } } } return { args: process.argv.slice(2), newLine: _os.EOL, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: useCaseSensitiveFileNames, write: function (s) { _fs.writeSync(1, s); }, readFile: readFile, writeFile: writeFile, watchFile: function (fileName, callback) { _fs.watchFile(fileName, { persistent: true, interval: 250 }, fileChanged); return { close: function () { _fs.unwatchFile(fileName, fileChanged); } }; function fileChanged(curr, prev) { if (+curr.mtime <= +prev.mtime) { return; } callback(fileName); } ; }, resolvePath: function (path) { return _path.resolve(path); }, fileExists: function (path) { return _fs.existsSync(path); }, directoryExists: function (path) { return _fs.existsSync(path) && _fs.statSync(path).isDirectory(); }, createDirectory: function (directoryName) { if (!this.directoryExists(directoryName)) { _fs.mkdirSync(directoryName); } }, getExecutingFilePath: function () { return __filename; }, getCurrentDirectory: function () { return process.cwd(); }, readDirectory: readDirectory, getMemoryUsage: function () { if (global.gc) { global.gc(); } return process.memoryUsage().heapUsed; }, exit: function (exitCode) { process.exit(exitCode); } }; } if (typeof WScript !== "undefined" && typeof ActiveXObject === "function") { return getWScriptSystem(); } else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { return getNodeSystem(); } else { return undefined; } })(); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { ts.Diagnostics = { Unterminated_string_literal: { code: 1002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated string literal." }, Identifier_expected: { code: 1003, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Identifier expected." }, _0_expected: { code: 1005, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' expected." }, A_file_cannot_have_a_reference_to_itself: { code: 1006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A file cannot have a reference to itself." }, Trailing_comma_not_allowed: { code: 1009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Trailing comma not allowed." }, Asterisk_Slash_expected: { code: 1010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'*/' expected." }, Unexpected_token: { code: 1012, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected token." }, A_rest_parameter_must_be_last_in_a_parameter_list: { code: 1014, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest parameter must be last in a parameter list." }, Parameter_cannot_have_question_mark_and_initializer: { code: 1015, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter cannot have question mark and initializer." }, A_required_parameter_cannot_follow_an_optional_parameter: { code: 1016, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A required parameter cannot follow an optional parameter." }, An_index_signature_cannot_have_a_rest_parameter: { code: 1017, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature cannot have a rest parameter." }, An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_accessibility_modifier: { code: 1018, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter cannot have an accessibility modifier." }, An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_a_question_mark: { code: 1019, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter cannot have a question mark." }, An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1020, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter cannot have an initializer." }, An_index_signature_must_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1021, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature must have a type annotation." }, An_index_signature_parameter_must_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1022, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter must have a type annotation." }, An_index_signature_parameter_type_must_be_string_or_number: { code: 1023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature parameter type must be 'string' or 'number'." }, A_class_or_interface_declaration_can_only_have_one_extends_clause: { code: 1024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class or interface declaration can only have one 'extends' clause." }, An_extends_clause_must_precede_an_implements_clause: { code: 1025, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An 'extends' clause must precede an 'implements' clause." }, A_class_can_only_extend_a_single_class: { code: 1026, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class can only extend a single class." }, A_class_declaration_can_only_have_one_implements_clause: { code: 1027, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class declaration can only have one 'implements' clause." }, Accessibility_modifier_already_seen: { code: 1028, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Accessibility modifier already seen." }, _0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier: { code: 1029, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier must precede '{1}' modifier." }, _0_modifier_already_seen: { code: 1030, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier already seen." }, _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_class_element: { code: 1031, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a class element." }, An_interface_declaration_cannot_have_an_implements_clause: { code: 1032, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An interface declaration cannot have an 'implements' clause." }, super_must_be_followed_by_an_argument_list_or_member_access: { code: 1034, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' must be followed by an argument list or member access." }, Only_ambient_modules_can_use_quoted_names: { code: 1035, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only ambient modules can use quoted names." }, Statements_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1036, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Statements are not allowed in ambient contexts." }, A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_already_ambient_context: { code: 1038, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'declare' modifier cannot be used in an already ambient context." }, Initializers_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1039, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializers are not allowed in ambient contexts." }, _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_module_element: { code: 1044, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a module element." }, A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_interface_declaration: { code: 1045, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'declare' modifier cannot be used with an interface declaration." }, A_declare_modifier_is_required_for_a_top_level_declaration_in_a_d_ts_file: { code: 1046, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'declare' modifier is required for a top level declaration in a .d.ts file." }, A_rest_parameter_cannot_be_optional: { code: 1047, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest parameter cannot be optional." }, A_rest_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1048, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest parameter cannot have an initializer." }, A_set_accessor_must_have_exactly_one_parameter: { code: 1049, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor must have exactly one parameter." }, A_set_accessor_cannot_have_an_optional_parameter: { code: 1051, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor cannot have an optional parameter." }, A_set_accessor_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1052, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor parameter cannot have an initializer." }, A_set_accessor_cannot_have_rest_parameter: { code: 1053, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor cannot have rest parameter." }, A_get_accessor_cannot_have_parameters: { code: 1054, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'get' accessor cannot have parameters." }, Accessors_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 1056, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher." }, Enum_member_must_have_initializer: { code: 1061, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum member must have initializer." }, An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_an_internal_module: { code: 1063, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An export assignment cannot be used in an internal module." }, Ambient_enum_elements_can_only_have_integer_literal_initializers: { code: 1066, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient enum elements can only have integer literal initializers." }, Unexpected_token_A_constructor_method_accessor_or_property_was_expected: { code: 1068, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected." }, A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_import_declaration: { code: 1079, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'declare' modifier cannot be used with an import declaration." }, Invalid_reference_directive_syntax: { code: 1084, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid 'reference' directive syntax." }, Octal_literals_are_not_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 1085, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Octal literals are not available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher." }, An_accessor_cannot_be_declared_in_an_ambient_context: { code: 1086, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context." }, _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1089, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a constructor declaration." }, _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter: { code: 1090, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a parameter." }, Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_in_statement: { code: 1091, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only a single variable declaration is allowed in a 'for...in' statement." }, Type_parameters_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1092, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameters cannot appear on a constructor declaration." }, Type_annotation_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1093, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type annotation cannot appear on a constructor declaration." }, An_accessor_cannot_have_type_parameters: { code: 1094, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An accessor cannot have type parameters." }, A_set_accessor_cannot_have_a_return_type_annotation: { code: 1095, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'set' accessor cannot have a return type annotation." }, An_index_signature_must_have_exactly_one_parameter: { code: 1096, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index signature must have exactly one parameter." }, _0_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1097, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' list cannot be empty." }, Type_parameter_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1098, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter list cannot be empty." }, Type_argument_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1099, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type argument list cannot be empty." }, Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode: { code: 1100, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid use of '{0}' in strict mode." }, with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode: { code: 1101, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'with' statements are not allowed in strict mode." }, delete_cannot_be_called_on_an_identifier_in_strict_mode: { code: 1102, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'delete' cannot be called on an identifier in strict mode." }, A_continue_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_statement: { code: 1104, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'continue' statement can only be used within an enclosing iteration statement." }, A_break_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_or_switch_statement: { code: 1105, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'break' statement can only be used within an enclosing iteration or switch statement." }, Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary: { code: 1107, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Jump target cannot cross function boundary." }, A_return_statement_can_only_be_used_within_a_function_body: { code: 1108, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'return' statement can only be used within a function body." }, Expression_expected: { code: 1109, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression expected." }, Type_expected: { code: 1110, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type expected." }, A_class_member_cannot_be_declared_optional: { code: 1112, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class member cannot be declared optional." }, A_default_clause_cannot_appear_more_than_once_in_a_switch_statement: { code: 1113, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'default' clause cannot appear more than once in a 'switch' statement." }, Duplicate_label_0: { code: 1114, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate label '{0}'" }, A_continue_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_iteration_statement: { code: 1115, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'continue' statement can only jump to a label of an enclosing iteration statement." }, A_break_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_statement: { code: 1116, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'break' statement can only jump to a label of an enclosing statement." }, An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode: { code: 1117, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An object literal cannot have multiple properties with the same name in strict mode." }, An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name: { code: 1118, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An object literal cannot have multiple get/set accessors with the same name." }, An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name: { code: 1119, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An object literal cannot have property and accessor with the same name." }, An_export_assignment_cannot_have_modifiers: { code: 1120, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An export assignment cannot have modifiers." }, Octal_literals_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode: { code: 1121, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode." }, A_tuple_type_element_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1122, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A tuple type element list cannot be empty." }, Variable_declaration_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1123, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable declaration list cannot be empty." }, Digit_expected: { code: 1124, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Digit expected." }, Hexadecimal_digit_expected: { code: 1125, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Hexadecimal digit expected." }, Unexpected_end_of_text: { code: 1126, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected end of text." }, Invalid_character: { code: 1127, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid character." }, Declaration_or_statement_expected: { code: 1128, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Declaration or statement expected." }, Statement_expected: { code: 1129, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Statement expected." }, case_or_default_expected: { code: 1130, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'case' or 'default' expected." }, Property_or_signature_expected: { code: 1131, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property or signature expected." }, Enum_member_expected: { code: 1132, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum member expected." }, Type_reference_expected: { code: 1133, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type reference expected." }, Variable_declaration_expected: { code: 1134, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable declaration expected." }, Argument_expression_expected: { code: 1135, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument expression expected." }, Property_assignment_expected: { code: 1136, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property assignment expected." }, Expression_or_comma_expected: { code: 1137, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression or comma expected." }, Parameter_declaration_expected: { code: 1138, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter declaration expected." }, Type_parameter_declaration_expected: { code: 1139, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter declaration expected." }, Type_argument_expected: { code: 1140, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type argument expected." }, String_literal_expected: { code: 1141, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "String literal expected." }, Line_break_not_permitted_here: { code: 1142, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Line break not permitted here." }, or_expected: { code: 1144, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{' or ';' expected." }, Modifiers_not_permitted_on_index_signature_members: { code: 1145, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Modifiers not permitted on index signature members." }, Declaration_expected: { code: 1146, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Declaration expected." }, Import_declarations_in_an_internal_module_cannot_reference_an_external_module: { code: 1147, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import declarations in an internal module cannot reference an external module." }, Cannot_compile_external_modules_unless_the_module_flag_is_provided: { code: 1148, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot compile external modules unless the '--module' flag is provided." }, File_name_0_differs_from_already_included_file_name_1_only_in_casing: { code: 1149, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File name '{0}' differs from already included file name '{1}' only in casing" }, new_T_cannot_be_used_to_create_an_array_Use_new_Array_T_instead: { code: 1150, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'new T[]' cannot be used to create an array. Use 'new Array()' instead." }, var_let_or_const_expected: { code: 1152, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'var', 'let' or 'const' expected." }, let_declarations_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_and_higher: { code: 1153, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'let' declarations are only available when targeting ECMAScript 6 and higher." }, const_declarations_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_and_higher: { code: 1154, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' declarations are only available when targeting ECMAScript 6 and higher." }, const_declarations_must_be_initialized: { code: 1155, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' declarations must be initialized" }, const_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block: { code: 1156, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' declarations can only be declared inside a block." }, let_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block: { code: 1157, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'let' declarations can only be declared inside a block." }, Unterminated_template_literal: { code: 1160, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated template literal." }, Unterminated_regular_expression_literal: { code: 1161, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated regular expression literal." }, An_object_member_cannot_be_declared_optional: { code: 1162, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An object member cannot be declared optional." }, yield_expression_must_be_contained_within_a_generator_declaration: { code: 1163, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'yield' expression must be contained_within a generator declaration." }, Computed_property_names_are_not_allowed_in_enums: { code: 1164, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Computed property names are not allowed in enums." }, A_computed_property_name_in_an_ambient_context_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1165, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A computed property name in an ambient context must directly refer to a built-in symbol." }, A_computed_property_name_in_a_class_property_declaration_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1166, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A computed property name in a class property declaration must directly refer to a built-in symbol." }, Computed_property_names_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_and_higher: { code: 1167, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Computed property names are only available when targeting ECMAScript 6 and higher." }, A_computed_property_name_in_a_method_overload_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1168, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A computed property name in a method overload must directly refer to a built-in symbol." }, A_computed_property_name_in_an_interface_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1169, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A computed property name in an interface must directly refer to a built-in symbol." }, A_computed_property_name_in_a_type_literal_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1170, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A computed property name in a type literal must directly refer to a built-in symbol." }, A_comma_expression_is_not_allowed_in_a_computed_property_name: { code: 1171, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A comma expression is not allowed in a computed property name." }, extends_clause_already_seen: { code: 1172, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'extends' clause already seen." }, extends_clause_must_precede_implements_clause: { code: 1173, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'extends' clause must precede 'implements' clause." }, Classes_can_only_extend_a_single_class: { code: 1174, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Classes can only extend a single class." }, implements_clause_already_seen: { code: 1175, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'implements' clause already seen." }, Interface_declaration_cannot_have_implements_clause: { code: 1176, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface declaration cannot have 'implements' clause." }, Binary_digit_expected: { code: 1177, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Binary digit expected." }, Octal_digit_expected: { code: 1178, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Octal digit expected." }, Unexpected_token_expected: { code: 1179, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected token. '{' expected." }, Property_destructuring_pattern_expected: { code: 1180, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property destructuring pattern expected." }, Array_element_destructuring_pattern_expected: { code: 1181, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Array element destructuring pattern expected." }, A_destructuring_declaration_must_have_an_initializer: { code: 1182, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A destructuring declaration must have an initializer." }, Destructuring_declarations_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1183, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Destructuring declarations are not allowed in ambient contexts." }, An_implementation_cannot_be_declared_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1184, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An implementation cannot be declared in ambient contexts." }, Modifiers_cannot_appear_here: { code: 1184, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Modifiers cannot appear here." }, Merge_conflict_marker_encountered: { code: 1185, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Merge conflict marker encountered." }, A_rest_element_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1186, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest element cannot have an initializer." }, A_parameter_property_may_not_be_a_binding_pattern: { code: 1187, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A parameter property may not be a binding pattern." }, Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_of_statement: { code: 1188, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only a single variable declaration is allowed in a 'for...of' statement." }, The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1189, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The variable declaration of a 'for...in' statement cannot have an initializer." }, The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1190, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The variable declaration of a 'for...of' statement cannot have an initializer." }, An_import_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers: { code: 1191, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An import declaration cannot have modifiers." }, External_module_0_has_no_default_export: { code: 1192, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "External module '{0}' has no default export." }, An_export_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers: { code: 1193, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An export declaration cannot have modifiers." }, Export_declarations_are_not_permitted_in_an_internal_module: { code: 1194, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Export declarations are not permitted in an internal module." }, Catch_clause_variable_name_must_be_an_identifier: { code: 1195, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Catch clause variable name must be an identifier." }, Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1196, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Catch clause variable cannot have a type annotation." }, Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1197, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Catch clause variable cannot have an initializer." }, An_extended_Unicode_escape_value_must_be_between_0x0_and_0x10FFFF_inclusive: { code: 1198, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An extended Unicode escape value must be between 0x0 and 0x10FFFF inclusive." }, Unterminated_Unicode_escape_sequence: { code: 1199, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated Unicode escape sequence." }, Line_terminator_not_permitted_before_arrow: { code: 1200, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Line terminator not permitted before arrow." }, A_type_annotation_on_an_export_statement_is_only_allowed_in_an_ambient_external_module_declaration: { code: 1201, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A type annotation on an export statement is only allowed in an ambient external module declaration." }, Import_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_or_higher_Consider_using_import_Asterisk_as_ns_from_mod_import_a_from_mod_or_import_d_from_mod_instead: { code: 1202, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript 6 or higher. Consider using 'import * as ns from \"mod\"', 'import {a} from \"mod\"' or 'import d from \"mod\"' instead." }, Export_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_or_higher_Consider_using_export_default_instead: { code: 1203, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Export assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript 6 or higher. Consider using 'export default' instead." }, Cannot_compile_external_modules_into_amd_or_commonjs_when_targeting_es6_or_higher: { code: 1204, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot compile external modules into amd or commonjs when targeting es6 or higher." }, Decorators_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 1205, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Decorators are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher." }, Decorators_are_not_valid_here: { code: 1206, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Decorators are not valid here." }, Decorators_cannot_be_applied_to_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_of_the_same_name: { code: 1207, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Decorators cannot be applied to multiple get/set accessors of the same name." }, Cannot_compile_non_external_modules_when_the_separateCompilation_flag_is_provided: { code: 1208, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot compile non-external modules when the '--separateCompilation' flag is provided." }, Ambient_const_enums_are_not_allowed_when_the_separateCompilation_flag_is_provided: { code: 1209, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient const enums are not allowed when the '--separateCompilation' flag is provided." }, Duplicate_identifier_0: { code: 2300, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '{0}'." }, Initializer_of_instance_member_variable_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_in_the_constructor: { code: 2301, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializer of instance member variable '{0}' cannot reference identifier '{1}' declared in the constructor." }, Static_members_cannot_reference_class_type_parameters: { code: 2302, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Static members cannot reference class type parameters." }, Circular_definition_of_import_alias_0: { code: 2303, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Circular definition of import alias '{0}'." }, Cannot_find_name_0: { code: 2304, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find name '{0}'." }, Module_0_has_no_exported_member_1: { code: 2305, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module '{0}' has no exported member '{1}'." }, File_0_is_not_an_external_module: { code: 2306, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File '{0}' is not an external module." }, Cannot_find_external_module_0: { code: 2307, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find external module '{0}'." }, A_module_cannot_have_more_than_one_export_assignment: { code: 2308, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A module cannot have more than one export assignment." }, An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_module_with_other_exported_elements: { code: 2309, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An export assignment cannot be used in a module with other exported elements." }, Type_0_recursively_references_itself_as_a_base_type: { code: 2310, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' recursively references itself as a base type." }, A_class_may_only_extend_another_class: { code: 2311, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class may only extend another class." }, An_interface_may_only_extend_a_class_or_another_interface: { code: 2312, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An interface may only extend a class or another interface." }, Constraint_of_a_type_parameter_cannot_reference_any_type_parameter_from_the_same_type_parameter_list: { code: 2313, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constraint of a type parameter cannot reference any type parameter from the same type parameter list." }, Generic_type_0_requires_1_type_argument_s: { code: 2314, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Generic type '{0}' requires {1} type argument(s)." }, Type_0_is_not_generic: { code: 2315, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' is not generic." }, Global_type_0_must_be_a_class_or_interface_type: { code: 2316, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global type '{0}' must be a class or interface type." }, Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s: { code: 2317, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global type '{0}' must have {1} type parameter(s)." }, Cannot_find_global_type_0: { code: 2318, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find global type '{0}'." }, Named_property_0_of_types_1_and_2_are_not_identical: { code: 2319, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Named property '{0}' of types '{1}' and '{2}' are not identical." }, Interface_0_cannot_simultaneously_extend_types_1_and_2: { code: 2320, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface '{0}' cannot simultaneously extend types '{1}' and '{2}'." }, Excessive_stack_depth_comparing_types_0_and_1: { code: 2321, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Excessive stack depth comparing types '{0}' and '{1}'." }, Type_0_is_not_assignable_to_type_1: { code: 2322, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' is not assignable to type '{1}'." }, Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1: { code: 2324, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is missing in type '{1}'." }, Property_0_is_private_in_type_1_but_not_in_type_2: { code: 2325, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is private in type '{1}' but not in type '{2}'." }, Types_of_property_0_are_incompatible: { code: 2326, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types of property '{0}' are incompatible." }, Property_0_is_optional_in_type_1_but_required_in_type_2: { code: 2327, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is optional in type '{1}' but required in type '{2}'." }, Types_of_parameters_0_and_1_are_incompatible: { code: 2328, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types of parameters '{0}' and '{1}' are incompatible." }, Index_signature_is_missing_in_type_0: { code: 2329, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index signature is missing in type '{0}'." }, Index_signatures_are_incompatible: { code: 2330, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index signatures are incompatible." }, this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_module_body: { code: 2331, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in a module body." }, this_cannot_be_referenced_in_current_location: { code: 2332, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in current location." }, this_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments: { code: 2333, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in constructor arguments." }, this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_static_property_initializer: { code: 2334, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in a static property initializer." }, super_can_only_be_referenced_in_a_derived_class: { code: 2335, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' can only be referenced in a derived class." }, super_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments: { code: 2336, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' cannot be referenced in constructor arguments." }, Super_calls_are_not_permitted_outside_constructors_or_in_nested_functions_inside_constructors: { code: 2337, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Super calls are not permitted outside constructors or in nested functions inside constructors" }, super_property_access_is_permitted_only_in_a_constructor_member_function_or_member_accessor_of_a_derived_class: { code: 2338, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' property access is permitted only in a constructor, member function, or member accessor of a derived class" }, Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1: { code: 2339, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' does not exist on type '{1}'." }, Only_public_and_protected_methods_of_the_base_class_are_accessible_via_the_super_keyword: { code: 2340, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only public and protected methods of the base class are accessible via the 'super' keyword" }, Property_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_class_1: { code: 2341, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is private and only accessible within class '{1}'." }, An_index_expression_argument_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any: { code: 2342, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An index expression argument must be of type 'string', 'number', 'symbol, or 'any'." }, Type_0_does_not_satisfy_the_constraint_1: { code: 2344, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' does not satisfy the constraint '{1}'." }, Argument_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_parameter_of_type_1: { code: 2345, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument of type '{0}' is not assignable to parameter of type '{1}'." }, Supplied_parameters_do_not_match_any_signature_of_call_target: { code: 2346, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target." }, Untyped_function_calls_may_not_accept_type_arguments: { code: 2347, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Untyped function calls may not accept type arguments." }, Value_of_type_0_is_not_callable_Did_you_mean_to_include_new: { code: 2348, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Value of type '{0}' is not callable. Did you mean to include 'new'?" }, Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature: { code: 2349, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature." }, Only_a_void_function_can_be_called_with_the_new_keyword: { code: 2350, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only a void function can be called with the 'new' keyword." }, Cannot_use_new_with_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_or_construct_signature: { code: 2351, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot use 'new' with an expression whose type lacks a call or construct signature." }, Neither_type_0_nor_type_1_is_assignable_to_the_other: { code: 2352, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Neither type '{0}' nor type '{1}' is assignable to the other." }, No_best_common_type_exists_among_return_expressions: { code: 2354, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "No best common type exists among return expressions." }, A_function_whose_declared_type_is_neither_void_nor_any_must_return_a_value_or_consist_of_a_single_throw_statement: { code: 2355, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A function whose declared type is neither 'void' nor 'any' must return a value or consist of a single 'throw' statement." }, An_arithmetic_operand_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2356, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An arithmetic operand must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." }, The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_must_be_a_variable_property_or_indexer: { code: 2357, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, property or indexer." }, The_left_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2358, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of an 'instanceof' expression must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter." }, The_right_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_or_of_a_type_assignable_to_the_Function_interface_type: { code: 2359, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of an 'instanceof' expression must be of type 'any' or of a type assignable to the 'Function' interface type." }, The_left_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_string_number_or_symbol: { code: 2360, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of an 'in' expression must be of type 'any', 'string', 'number', or 'symbol'." }, The_right_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2361, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of an 'in' expression must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter" }, The_left_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2362, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." }, The_right_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2363, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." }, Invalid_left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression: { code: 2364, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid left-hand side of assignment expression." }, Operator_0_cannot_be_applied_to_types_1_and_2: { code: 2365, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Operator '{0}' cannot be applied to types '{1}' and '{2}'." }, Type_parameter_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2368, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter name cannot be '{0}'" }, A_parameter_property_is_only_allowed_in_a_constructor_implementation: { code: 2369, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A parameter property is only allowed in a constructor implementation." }, A_rest_parameter_must_be_of_an_array_type: { code: 2370, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest parameter must be of an array type." }, A_parameter_initializer_is_only_allowed_in_a_function_or_constructor_implementation: { code: 2371, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A parameter initializer is only allowed in a function or constructor implementation." }, Parameter_0_cannot_be_referenced_in_its_initializer: { code: 2372, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' cannot be referenced in its initializer." }, Initializer_of_parameter_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_after_it: { code: 2373, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializer of parameter '{0}' cannot reference identifier '{1}' declared after it." }, Duplicate_string_index_signature: { code: 2374, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate string index signature." }, Duplicate_number_index_signature: { code: 2375, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate number index signature." }, A_super_call_must_be_the_first_statement_in_the_constructor_when_a_class_contains_initialized_properties_or_has_parameter_properties: { code: 2376, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'super' call must be the first statement in the constructor when a class contains initialized properties or has parameter properties." }, Constructors_for_derived_classes_must_contain_a_super_call: { code: 2377, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constructors for derived classes must contain a 'super' call." }, A_get_accessor_must_return_a_value_or_consist_of_a_single_throw_statement: { code: 2378, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A 'get' accessor must return a value or consist of a single 'throw' statement." }, Getter_and_setter_accessors_do_not_agree_in_visibility: { code: 2379, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Getter and setter accessors do not agree in visibility." }, get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_type: { code: 2380, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'get' and 'set' accessor must have the same type." }, A_signature_with_an_implementation_cannot_use_a_string_literal_type: { code: 2381, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A signature with an implementation cannot use a string literal type." }, Specialized_overload_signature_is_not_assignable_to_any_non_specialized_signature: { code: 2382, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Specialized overload signature is not assignable to any non-specialized signature." }, Overload_signatures_must_all_be_exported_or_not_exported: { code: 2383, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signatures must all be exported or not exported." }, Overload_signatures_must_all_be_ambient_or_non_ambient: { code: 2384, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signatures must all be ambient or non-ambient." }, Overload_signatures_must_all_be_public_private_or_protected: { code: 2385, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signatures must all be public, private or protected." }, Overload_signatures_must_all_be_optional_or_required: { code: 2386, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signatures must all be optional or required." }, Function_overload_must_be_static: { code: 2387, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function overload must be static." }, Function_overload_must_not_be_static: { code: 2388, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function overload must not be static." }, Function_implementation_name_must_be_0: { code: 2389, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function implementation name must be '{0}'." }, Constructor_implementation_is_missing: { code: 2390, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constructor implementation is missing." }, Function_implementation_is_missing_or_not_immediately_following_the_declaration: { code: 2391, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function implementation is missing or not immediately following the declaration." }, Multiple_constructor_implementations_are_not_allowed: { code: 2392, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Multiple constructor implementations are not allowed." }, Duplicate_function_implementation: { code: 2393, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate function implementation." }, Overload_signature_is_not_compatible_with_function_implementation: { code: 2394, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload signature is not compatible with function implementation." }, Individual_declarations_in_merged_declaration_0_must_be_all_exported_or_all_local: { code: 2395, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Individual declarations in merged declaration {0} must be all exported or all local." }, Duplicate_identifier_arguments_Compiler_uses_arguments_to_initialize_rest_parameters: { code: 2396, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier 'arguments'. Compiler uses 'arguments' to initialize rest parameters." }, Duplicate_identifier_this_Compiler_uses_variable_declaration_this_to_capture_this_reference: { code: 2399, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '_this'. Compiler uses variable declaration '_this' to capture 'this' reference." }, Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_this_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_this_reference: { code: 2400, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression resolves to variable declaration '_this' that compiler uses to capture 'this' reference." }, Duplicate_identifier_super_Compiler_uses_super_to_capture_base_class_reference: { code: 2401, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '_super'. Compiler uses '_super' to capture base class reference." }, Expression_resolves_to_super_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_base_class_reference: { code: 2402, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression resolves to '_super' that compiler uses to capture base class reference." }, Subsequent_variable_declarations_must_have_the_same_type_Variable_0_must_be_of_type_1_but_here_has_type_2: { code: 2403, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type. Variable '{0}' must be of type '{1}', but here has type '{2}'." }, The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation: { code: 2404, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of a 'for...in' statement cannot use a type annotation." }, The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_string_or_any: { code: 2405, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of a 'for...in' statement must be of type 'string' or 'any'." }, Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_in_statement: { code: 2406, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid left-hand side in 'for...in' statement." }, The_right_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2407, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of a 'for...in' statement must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter." }, Setters_cannot_return_a_value: { code: 2408, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Setters cannot return a value." }, Return_type_of_constructor_signature_must_be_assignable_to_the_instance_type_of_the_class: { code: 2409, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of constructor signature must be assignable to the instance type of the class" }, All_symbols_within_a_with_block_will_be_resolved_to_any: { code: 2410, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "All symbols within a 'with' block will be resolved to 'any'." }, Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_2: { code: 2411, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' of type '{1}' is not assignable to string index type '{2}'." }, Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_numeric_index_type_2: { code: 2412, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' of type '{1}' is not assignable to numeric index type '{2}'." }, Numeric_index_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_1: { code: 2413, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Numeric index type '{0}' is not assignable to string index type '{1}'." }, Class_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2414, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class name cannot be '{0}'" }, Class_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_1: { code: 2415, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' incorrectly extends base class '{1}'." }, Class_static_side_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_static_side_1: { code: 2417, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class static side '{0}' incorrectly extends base class static side '{1}'." }, Type_name_0_in_extends_clause_does_not_reference_constructor_function_for_0: { code: 2419, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type name '{0}' in extends clause does not reference constructor function for '{0}'." }, Class_0_incorrectly_implements_interface_1: { code: 2420, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' incorrectly implements interface '{1}'." }, A_class_may_only_implement_another_class_or_interface: { code: 2422, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class may only implement another class or interface." }, Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_accessor: { code: 2423, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' defines instance member function '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member accessor." }, Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_property: { code: 2424, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' defines instance member function '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member property." }, Class_0_defines_instance_member_property_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function: { code: 2425, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' defines instance member property '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member function." }, Class_0_defines_instance_member_accessor_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function: { code: 2426, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class '{0}' defines instance member accessor '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member function." }, Interface_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2427, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface name cannot be '{0}'" }, All_declarations_of_an_interface_must_have_identical_type_parameters: { code: 2428, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "All declarations of an interface must have identical type parameters." }, Interface_0_incorrectly_extends_interface_1: { code: 2430, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface '{0}' incorrectly extends interface '{1}'." }, Enum_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2431, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum name cannot be '{0}'" }, In_an_enum_with_multiple_declarations_only_one_declaration_can_omit_an_initializer_for_its_first_enum_element: { code: 2432, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "In an enum with multiple declarations, only one declaration can omit an initializer for its first enum element." }, A_module_declaration_cannot_be_in_a_different_file_from_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged: { code: 2433, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A module declaration cannot be in a different file from a class or function with which it is merged" }, A_module_declaration_cannot_be_located_prior_to_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged: { code: 2434, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A module declaration cannot be located prior to a class or function with which it is merged" }, Ambient_external_modules_cannot_be_nested_in_other_modules: { code: 2435, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient external modules cannot be nested in other modules." }, Ambient_external_module_declaration_cannot_specify_relative_module_name: { code: 2436, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient external module declaration cannot specify relative module name." }, Module_0_is_hidden_by_a_local_declaration_with_the_same_name: { code: 2437, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module '{0}' is hidden by a local declaration with the same name" }, Import_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2438, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import name cannot be '{0}'" }, Import_or_export_declaration_in_an_ambient_external_module_declaration_cannot_reference_external_module_through_relative_external_module_name: { code: 2439, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import or export declaration in an ambient external module declaration cannot reference external module through relative external module name." }, Import_declaration_conflicts_with_local_declaration_of_0: { code: 2440, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of '{0}'" }, Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_an_external_module: { code: 2441, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate identifier '{0}'. Compiler reserves name '{1}' in top level scope of an external module." }, Types_have_separate_declarations_of_a_private_property_0: { code: 2442, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types have separate declarations of a private property '{0}'." }, Property_0_is_protected_but_type_1_is_not_a_class_derived_from_2: { code: 2443, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is protected but type '{1}' is not a class derived from '{2}'." }, Property_0_is_protected_in_type_1_but_public_in_type_2: { code: 2444, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is protected in type '{1}' but public in type '{2}'." }, Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_class_1_and_its_subclasses: { code: 2445, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is protected and only accessible within class '{1}' and its subclasses." }, Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_through_an_instance_of_class_1: { code: 2446, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' is protected and only accessible through an instance of class '{1}'." }, The_0_operator_is_not_allowed_for_boolean_types_Consider_using_1_instead: { code: 2447, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The '{0}' operator is not allowed for boolean types. Consider using '{1}' instead." }, Block_scoped_variable_0_used_before_its_declaration: { code: 2448, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Block-scoped variable '{0}' used before its declaration." }, The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_cannot_be_a_constant: { code: 2449, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The operand of an increment or decrement operator cannot be a constant." }, Left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_cannot_be_a_constant: { code: 2450, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Left-hand side of assignment expression cannot be a constant." }, Cannot_redeclare_block_scoped_variable_0: { code: 2451, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable '{0}'." }, An_enum_member_cannot_have_a_numeric_name: { code: 2452, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An enum member cannot have a numeric name." }, The_type_argument_for_type_parameter_0_cannot_be_inferred_from_the_usage_Consider_specifying_the_type_arguments_explicitly: { code: 2453, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The type argument for type parameter '{0}' cannot be inferred from the usage. Consider specifying the type arguments explicitly." }, Type_argument_candidate_1_is_not_a_valid_type_argument_because_it_is_not_a_supertype_of_candidate_0: { code: 2455, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type argument candidate '{1}' is not a valid type argument because it is not a supertype of candidate '{0}'." }, Type_alias_0_circularly_references_itself: { code: 2456, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type alias '{0}' circularly references itself." }, Type_alias_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2457, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type alias name cannot be '{0}'" }, An_AMD_module_cannot_have_multiple_name_assignments: { code: 2458, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An AMD module cannot have multiple name assignments." }, Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature: { code: 2459, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' has no property '{1}' and no string index signature." }, Type_0_has_no_property_1: { code: 2460, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' has no property '{1}'." }, Type_0_is_not_an_array_type: { code: 2461, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' is not an array type." }, A_rest_element_must_be_last_in_an_array_destructuring_pattern: { code: 2462, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A rest element must be last in an array destructuring pattern" }, A_binding_pattern_parameter_cannot_be_optional_in_an_implementation_signature: { code: 2463, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A binding pattern parameter cannot be optional in an implementation signature." }, A_computed_property_name_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any: { code: 2464, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A computed property name must be of type 'string', 'number', 'symbol', or 'any'." }, this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name: { code: 2465, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'this' cannot be referenced in a computed property name." }, super_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name: { code: 2466, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'super' cannot be referenced in a computed property name." }, A_computed_property_name_cannot_reference_a_type_parameter_from_its_containing_type: { code: 2467, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A computed property name cannot reference a type parameter from its containing type." }, Cannot_find_global_value_0: { code: 2468, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find global value '{0}'." }, The_0_operator_cannot_be_applied_to_type_symbol: { code: 2469, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The '{0}' operator cannot be applied to type 'symbol'." }, Symbol_reference_does_not_refer_to_the_global_Symbol_constructor_object: { code: 2470, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'Symbol' reference does not refer to the global Symbol constructor object." }, A_computed_property_name_of_the_form_0_must_be_of_type_symbol: { code: 2471, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A computed property name of the form '{0}' must be of type 'symbol'." }, Spread_operator_in_new_expressions_is_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_and_higher: { code: 2472, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Spread operator in 'new' expressions is only available when targeting ECMAScript 6 and higher." }, Enum_declarations_must_all_be_const_or_non_const: { code: 2473, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum declarations must all be const or non-const." }, In_const_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression: { code: 2474, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "In 'const' enum declarations member initializer must be constant expression." }, const_enums_can_only_be_used_in_property_or_index_access_expressions_or_the_right_hand_side_of_an_import_declaration_or_export_assignment: { code: 2475, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' enums can only be used in property or index access expressions or the right hand side of an import declaration or export assignment." }, A_const_enum_member_can_only_be_accessed_using_a_string_literal: { code: 2476, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A const enum member can only be accessed using a string literal." }, const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_a_non_finite_value: { code: 2477, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' enum member initializer was evaluated to a non-finite value." }, const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_disallowed_value_NaN: { code: 2478, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'const' enum member initializer was evaluated to disallowed value 'NaN'." }, Property_0_does_not_exist_on_const_enum_1: { code: 2479, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' does not exist on 'const' enum '{1}'." }, let_is_not_allowed_to_be_used_as_a_name_in_let_or_const_declarations: { code: 2480, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'let' is not allowed to be used as a name in 'let' or 'const' declarations." }, Cannot_initialize_outer_scoped_variable_0_in_the_same_scope_as_block_scoped_declaration_1: { code: 2481, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot initialize outer scoped variable '{0}' in the same scope as block scoped declaration '{1}'." }, The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation: { code: 2483, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of a 'for...of' statement cannot use a type annotation." }, Export_declaration_conflicts_with_exported_declaration_of_0: { code: 2484, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Export declaration conflicts with exported declaration of '{0}'" }, The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_be_a_previously_defined_constant: { code: 2485, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of a 'for...of' statement cannot be a previously defined constant." }, The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_previously_defined_constant: { code: 2486, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of a 'for...in' statement cannot be a previously defined constant." }, Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_of_statement: { code: 2487, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid left-hand side in 'for...of' statement." }, The_right_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_must_have_a_Symbol_iterator_method_that_returns_an_iterator: { code: 2488, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The right-hand side of a 'for...of' statement must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator." }, The_iterator_returned_by_the_right_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_must_have_a_next_method: { code: 2489, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The iterator returned by the right-hand side of a 'for...of' statement must have a 'next()' method." }, The_type_returned_by_the_next_method_of_an_iterator_must_have_a_value_property: { code: 2490, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The type returned by the 'next()' method of an iterator must have a 'value' property." }, The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern: { code: 2491, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The left-hand side of a 'for...in' statement cannot be a destructuring pattern." }, Cannot_redeclare_identifier_0_in_catch_clause: { code: 2492, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot redeclare identifier '{0}' in catch clause" }, Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2: { code: 2493, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Tuple type '{0}' with length '{1}' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '{2}'." }, Using_a_string_in_a_for_of_statement_is_only_supported_in_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 2494, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Using a string in a 'for...of' statement is only supported in ECMAScript 5 and higher." }, Type_0_is_not_an_array_type_or_a_string_type: { code: 2495, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type '{0}' is not an array type or a string type." }, The_arguments_object_cannot_be_referenced_in_an_arrow_function_Consider_using_a_standard_function_expression: { code: 2496, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The 'arguments' object cannot be referenced in an arrow function. Consider using a standard function expression." }, External_module_0_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity_and_cannot_be_imported_using_this_construct: { code: 2497, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "External module '{0}' resolves to a non-module entity and cannot be imported using this construct." }, External_module_0_uses_export_and_cannot_be_used_with_export_Asterisk: { code: 2498, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "External module '{0}' uses 'export =' and cannot be used with 'export *'." }, An_interface_can_only_extend_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments: { code: 2499, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An interface can only extend an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments." }, A_class_can_only_implement_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments: { code: 2500, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A class can only implement an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments." }, Import_declaration_0_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4000, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import declaration '{0}' is using private name '{1}'." }, Type_parameter_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Type_parameter_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4004, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Type_parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Type_parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4008, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Type_parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Type_parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4012, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Type_parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4014, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Type_parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4016, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Implements_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4019, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Implements clause of exported class '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Extends_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4020, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Extends clause of exported class '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Extends_clause_of_exported_interface_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4022, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Extends clause of exported interface '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." }, Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4025, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4026, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." }, Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4027, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4028, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4029, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." }, Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4030, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4031, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4032, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' of exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4033, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' of exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4034, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static property setter from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4035, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static property setter from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4036, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public property setter from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4037, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public property setter from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4038, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." }, Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4039, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4040, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4041, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." }, Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4042, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4043, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4044, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4045, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4046, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of call signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4047, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4048, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of index signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4049, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of index signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4050, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." }, Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4051, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4052, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4053, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." }, Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4054, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4055, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4056, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of method from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4057, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4058, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of exported function has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." }, Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4059, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of exported function has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." }, Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4060, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return type of exported function has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4061, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." }, Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4062, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4063, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4064, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4065, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4066, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4067, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4068, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." }, Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4069, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4070, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4071, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." }, Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4072, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4073, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4074, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4075, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4076, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." }, Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4077, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." }, Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4078, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Exported_type_alias_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4081, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported type alias '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." }, Default_export_of_the_module_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4082, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Default export of the module has or is using private name '{0}'." }, Loop_contains_block_scoped_variable_0_referenced_by_a_function_in_the_loop_This_is_only_supported_in_ECMAScript_6_or_higher: { code: 4091, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Loop contains block-scoped variable '{0}' referenced by a function in the loop. This is only supported in ECMAScript 6 or higher." }, The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option: { code: 5001, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The current host does not support the '{0}' option." }, Cannot_find_the_common_subdirectory_path_for_the_input_files: { code: 5009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot find the common subdirectory path for the input files." }, Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1: { code: 5012, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot read file '{0}': {1}" }, Unsupported_file_encoding: { code: 5013, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unsupported file encoding." }, Unknown_compiler_option_0: { code: 5023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unknown compiler option '{0}'." }, Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1: { code: 5024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Compiler option '{0}' requires a value of type {1}." }, Could_not_write_file_0_Colon_1: { code: 5033, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Could not write file '{0}': {1}" }, Option_mapRoot_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_sourcemap_option: { code: 5038, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'mapRoot' cannot be specified without specifying 'sourcemap' option." }, Option_sourceRoot_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_sourcemap_option: { code: 5039, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'sourceRoot' cannot be specified without specifying 'sourcemap' option." }, Option_noEmit_cannot_be_specified_with_option_out_or_outDir: { code: 5040, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'noEmit' cannot be specified with option 'out' or 'outDir'." }, Option_noEmit_cannot_be_specified_with_option_declaration: { code: 5041, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'noEmit' cannot be specified with option 'declaration'." }, Option_project_cannot_be_mixed_with_source_files_on_a_command_line: { code: 5042, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'project' cannot be mixed with source files on a command line." }, Option_sourceMap_cannot_be_specified_with_option_separateCompilation: { code: 5043, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'sourceMap' cannot be specified with option 'separateCompilation'." }, Option_declaration_cannot_be_specified_with_option_separateCompilation: { code: 5044, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'declaration' cannot be specified with option 'separateCompilation'." }, Option_noEmitOnError_cannot_be_specified_with_option_separateCompilation: { code: 5045, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'noEmitOnError' cannot be specified with option 'separateCompilation'." }, Option_out_cannot_be_specified_with_option_separateCompilation: { code: 5046, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'out' cannot be specified with option 'separateCompilation'." }, Option_separateCompilation_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_module_is_provided_or_option_target_is_ES6_or_higher: { code: 5047, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option 'separateCompilation' can only be used when either option'--module' is provided or option 'target' is 'ES6' or higher." }, Concatenate_and_emit_output_to_single_file: { code: 6001, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Concatenate and emit output to single file." }, Generates_corresponding_d_ts_file: { code: 6002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file." }, Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations: { code: 6003, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations." }, Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations: { code: 6004, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations." }, Watch_input_files: { code: 6005, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Watch input files." }, Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory: { code: 6006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Redirect output structure to the directory." }, Do_not_erase_const_enum_declarations_in_generated_code: { code: 6007, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code." }, Do_not_emit_outputs_if_any_type_checking_errors_were_reported: { code: 6008, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do not emit outputs if any type checking errors were reported." }, Do_not_emit_comments_to_output: { code: 6009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do not emit comments to output." }, Do_not_emit_outputs: { code: 6010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do not emit outputs." }, Specify_ECMAScript_target_version_Colon_ES3_default_ES5_or_ES6_experimental: { code: 6015, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', or 'ES6' (experimental)" }, Specify_module_code_generation_Colon_commonjs_or_amd: { code: 6016, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify module code generation: 'commonjs' or 'amd'" }, Print_this_message: { code: 6017, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Print this message." }, Print_the_compiler_s_version: { code: 6019, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Print the compiler's version." }, Compile_the_project_in_the_given_directory: { code: 6020, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Compile the project in the given directory." }, Syntax_Colon_0: { code: 6023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Syntax: {0}" }, options: { code: 6024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "options" }, file: { code: 6025, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "file" }, Examples_Colon_0: { code: 6026, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Examples: {0}" }, Options_Colon: { code: 6027, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Options:" }, Version_0: { code: 6029, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Version {0}" }, Insert_command_line_options_and_files_from_a_file: { code: 6030, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Insert command line options and files from a file." }, File_change_detected_Starting_incremental_compilation: { code: 6032, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "File change detected. Starting incremental compilation..." }, KIND: { code: 6034, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "KIND" }, FILE: { code: 6035, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "FILE" }, VERSION: { code: 6036, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "VERSION" }, LOCATION: { code: 6037, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "LOCATION" }, DIRECTORY: { code: 6038, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "DIRECTORY" }, Compilation_complete_Watching_for_file_changes: { code: 6042, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Compilation complete. Watching for file changes." }, Generates_corresponding_map_file: { code: 6043, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Generates corresponding '.map' file." }, Compiler_option_0_expects_an_argument: { code: 6044, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Compiler option '{0}' expects an argument." }, Unterminated_quoted_string_in_response_file_0: { code: 6045, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated quoted string in response file '{0}'." }, Argument_for_module_option_must_be_commonjs_or_amd: { code: 6046, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument for '--module' option must be 'commonjs' or 'amd'." }, Argument_for_target_option_must_be_es3_es5_or_es6: { code: 6047, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument for '--target' option must be 'es3', 'es5', or 'es6'." }, Locale_must_be_of_the_form_language_or_language_territory_For_example_0_or_1: { code: 6048, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Locale must be of the form or -. For example '{0}' or '{1}'." }, Unsupported_locale_0: { code: 6049, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unsupported locale '{0}'." }, Unable_to_open_file_0: { code: 6050, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unable to open file '{0}'." }, Corrupted_locale_file_0: { code: 6051, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Corrupted locale file {0}." }, Raise_error_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type: { code: 6052, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type." }, File_0_not_found: { code: 6053, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File '{0}' not found." }, File_0_must_have_extension_ts_or_d_ts: { code: 6054, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File '{0}' must have extension '.ts' or '.d.ts'." }, Suppress_noImplicitAny_errors_for_indexing_objects_lacking_index_signatures: { code: 6055, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Suppress noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures." }, Do_not_emit_declarations_for_code_that_has_an_internal_annotation: { code: 6056, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do not emit declarations for code that has an '@internal' annotation." }, Preserve_new_lines_when_emitting_code: { code: 6057, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Preserve new-lines when emitting code." }, Variable_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7005, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." }, Parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." }, Member_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7008, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Member '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." }, new_expression_whose_target_lacks_a_construct_signature_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'new' expression, whose target lacks a construct signature, implicitly has an 'any' type." }, _0_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_1_return_type: { code: 7010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an '{1}' return type." }, Function_expression_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_0_return_type: { code: 7011, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function expression, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an '{0}' return type." }, Construct_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type: { code: 7013, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Construct signature, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' return type." }, Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_set_accessor_lacks_a_type_annotation: { code: 7016, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property '{0}' implicitly has type 'any', because its 'set' accessor lacks a type annotation." }, Index_signature_of_object_type_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7017, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index signature of object type implicitly has an 'any' type." }, Object_literal_s_property_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7018, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Object literal's property '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." }, Rest_parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7019, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Rest parameter '{0}' implicitly has an 'any[]' type." }, Call_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type: { code: 7020, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Call signature, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' return type." }, _0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation: { code: 7021, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' implicitly has type 'any' because it is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation." }, _0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_is_does_not_have_a_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_initializer: { code: 7022, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' implicitly has type 'any' because it is does not have a type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer." }, _0_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions: { code: 7023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'{0}' implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions." }, Function_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions: { code: 7024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions." }, You_cannot_rename_this_element: { code: 8000, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "You cannot rename this element." }, You_cannot_rename_elements_that_are_defined_in_the_standard_TypeScript_library: { code: 8001, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "You cannot rename elements that are defined in the standard TypeScript library." }, yield_expressions_are_not_currently_supported: { code: 9000, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'yield' expressions are not currently supported." }, Generators_are_not_currently_supported: { code: 9001, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Generators are not currently supported." }, Only_identifiers_Slashqualified_names_with_optional_type_arguments_are_currently_supported_in_a_class_extends_clauses: { code: 9002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only identifiers/qualified-names with optional type arguments are currently supported in a class 'extends' clauses." }, class_expressions_are_not_currently_supported: { code: 9003, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'class' expressions are not currently supported." }, class_declarations_are_only_supported_directly_inside_a_module_or_as_a_top_level_declaration: { code: 9004, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "'class' declarations are only supported directly inside a module or as a top level declaration." } }; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { var textToToken = { "any": 112, "as": 102, "boolean": 113, "break": 66, "case": 67, "catch": 68, "class": 69, "continue": 71, "const": 70, "constructor": 114, "debugger": 72, "declare": 115, "default": 73, "delete": 74, "do": 75, "else": 76, "enum": 77, "export": 78, "extends": 79, "false": 80, "finally": 81, "for": 82, "from": 124, "function": 83, "get": 116, "if": 84, "implements": 103, "import": 85, "in": 86, "instanceof": 87, "interface": 104, "let": 105, "module": 117, "new": 88, "null": 89, "number": 119, "package": 106, "private": 107, "protected": 108, "public": 109, "require": 118, "return": 90, "set": 120, "static": 110, "string": 121, "super": 91, "switch": 92, "symbol": 122, "this": 93, "throw": 94, "true": 95, "try": 96, "type": 123, "typeof": 97, "var": 98, "void": 99, "while": 100, "with": 101, "yield": 111, "of": 125, "{": 14, "}": 15, "(": 16, ")": 17, "[": 18, "]": 19, ".": 20, "...": 21, ";": 22, ",": 23, "<": 24, ">": 25, "<=": 26, ">=": 27, "==": 28, "!=": 29, "===": 30, "!==": 31, "=>": 32, "+": 33, "-": 34, "*": 35, "/": 36, "%": 37, "++": 38, "--": 39, "<<": 40, ">>": 41, ">>>": 42, "&": 43, "|": 44, "^": 45, "!": 46, "~": 47, "&&": 48, "||": 49, "?": 50, ":": 51, "=": 53, "+=": 54, "-=": 55, "*=": 56, "/=": 57, "%=": 58, "<<=": 59, ">>=": 60, ">>>=": 61, "&=": 62, "|=": 63, "^=": 64, "@": 52 }; var unicodeES3IdentifierStart = [170, 170, 181, 181, 186, 186, 192, 214, 216, 246, 248, 543, 546, 563, 592, 685, 688, 696, 699, 705, 720, 721, 736, 740, 750, 750, 890, 890, 902, 902, 904, 906, 908, 908, 910, 929, 931, 974, 976, 983, 986, 1011, 1024, 1153, 1164, 1220, 1223, 1224, 1227, 1228, 1232, 1269, 1272, 1273, 1329, 1366, 1369, 1369, 1377, 1415, 1488, 1514, 1520, 1522, 1569, 1594, 1600, 1610, 1649, 1747, 1749, 1749, 1765, 1766, 1786, 1788, 1808, 1808, 1810, 1836, 1920, 1957, 2309, 2361, 2365, 2365, 2384, 2384, 2392, 2401, 2437, 2444, 2447, 2448, 2451, 2472, 2474, 2480, 2482, 2482, 2486, 2489, 2524, 2525, 2527, 2529, 2544, 2545, 2565, 2570, 2575, 2576, 2579, 2600, 2602, 2608, 2610, 2611, 2613, 2614, 2616, 2617, 2649, 2652, 2654, 2654, 2674, 2676, 2693, 2699, 2701, 2701, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2728, 2730, 2736, 2738, 2739, 2741, 2745, 2749, 2749, 2768, 2768, 2784, 2784, 2821, 2828, 2831, 2832, 2835, 2856, 2858, 2864, 2866, 2867, 2870, 2873, 2877, 2877, 2908, 2909, 2911, 2913, 2949, 2954, 2958, 2960, 2962, 2965, 2969, 2970, 2972, 2972, 2974, 2975, 2979, 2980, 2984, 2986, 2990, 2997, 2999, 3001, 3077, 3084, 3086, 3088, 3090, 3112, 3114, 3123, 3125, 3129, 3168, 3169, 3205, 3212, 3214, 3216, 3218, 3240, 3242, 3251, 3253, 3257, 3294, 3294, 3296, 3297, 3333, 3340, 3342, 3344, 3346, 3368, 3370, 3385, 3424, 3425, 3461, 3478, 3482, 3505, 3507, 3515, 3517, 3517, 3520, 3526, 3585, 3632, 3634, 3635, 3648, 3654, 3713, 3714, 3716, 3716, 3719, 3720, 3722, 3722, 3725, 3725, 3732, 3735, 3737, 3743, 3745, 3747, 3749, 3749, 3751, 3751, 3754, 3755, 3757, 3760, 3762, 3763, 3773, 3773, 3776, 3780, 3782, 3782, 3804, 3805, 3840, 3840, 3904, 3911, 3913, 3946, 3976, 3979, 4096, 4129, 4131, 4135, 4137, 4138, 4176, 4181, 4256, 4293, 4304, 4342, 4352, 4441, 4447, 4514, 4520, 4601, 4608, 4614, 4616, 4678, 4680, 4680, 4682, 4685, 4688, 4694, 4696, 4696, 4698, 4701, 4704, 4742, 4744, 4744, 4746, 4749, 4752, 4782, 4784, 4784, 4786, 4789, 4792, 4798, 4800, 4800, 4802, 4805, 4808, 4814, 4816, 4822, 4824, 4846, 4848, 4878, 4880, 4880, 4882, 4885, 4888, 4894, 4896, 4934, 4936, 4954, 5024, 5108, 5121, 5740, 5743, 5750, 5761, 5786, 5792, 5866, 6016, 6067, 6176, 6263, 6272, 6312, 7680, 7835, 7840, 7929, 7936, 7957, 7960, 7965, 7968, 8005, 8008, 8013, 8016, 8023, 8025, 8025, 8027, 8027, 8029, 8029, 8031, 8061, 8064, 8116, 8118, 8124, 8126, 8126, 8130, 8132, 8134, 8140, 8144, 8147, 8150, 8155, 8160, 8172, 8178, 8180, 8182, 8188, 8319, 8319, 8450, 8450, 8455, 8455, 8458, 8467, 8469, 8469, 8473, 8477, 8484, 8484, 8486, 8486, 8488, 8488, 8490, 8493, 8495, 8497, 8499, 8505, 8544, 8579, 12293, 12295, 12321, 12329, 12337, 12341, 12344, 12346, 12353, 12436, 12445, 12446, 12449, 12538, 12540, 12542, 12549, 12588, 12593, 12686, 12704, 12727, 13312, 19893, 19968, 40869, 40960, 42124, 44032, 55203, 63744, 64045, 64256, 64262, 64275, 64279, 64285, 64285, 64287, 64296, 64298, 64310, 64312, 64316, 64318, 64318, 64320, 64321, 64323, 64324, 64326, 64433, 64467, 64829, 64848, 64911, 64914, 64967, 65008, 65019, 65136, 65138, 65140, 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unicodeES5IdentifierPart = [170, 170, 181, 181, 186, 186, 192, 214, 216, 246, 248, 705, 710, 721, 736, 740, 748, 748, 750, 750, 768, 884, 886, 887, 890, 893, 902, 902, 904, 906, 908, 908, 910, 929, 931, 1013, 1015, 1153, 1155, 1159, 1162, 1319, 1329, 1366, 1369, 1369, 1377, 1415, 1425, 1469, 1471, 1471, 1473, 1474, 1476, 1477, 1479, 1479, 1488, 1514, 1520, 1522, 1552, 1562, 1568, 1641, 1646, 1747, 1749, 1756, 1759, 1768, 1770, 1788, 1791, 1791, 1808, 1866, 1869, 1969, 1984, 2037, 2042, 2042, 2048, 2093, 2112, 2139, 2208, 2208, 2210, 2220, 2276, 2302, 2304, 2403, 2406, 2415, 2417, 2423, 2425, 2431, 2433, 2435, 2437, 2444, 2447, 2448, 2451, 2472, 2474, 2480, 2482, 2482, 2486, 2489, 2492, 2500, 2503, 2504, 2507, 2510, 2519, 2519, 2524, 2525, 2527, 2531, 2534, 2545, 2561, 2563, 2565, 2570, 2575, 2576, 2579, 2600, 2602, 2608, 2610, 2611, 2613, 2614, 2616, 2617, 2620, 2620, 2622, 2626, 2631, 2632, 2635, 2637, 2641, 2641, 2649, 2652, 2654, 2654, 2662, 2677, 2689, 2691, 2693, 2701, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2728, 2730, 2736, 2738, 2739, 2741, 2745, 2748, 2757, 2759, 2761, 2763, 2765, 2768, 2768, 2784, 2787, 2790, 2799, 2817, 2819, 2821, 2828, 2831, 2832, 2835, 2856, 2858, 2864, 2866, 2867, 2869, 2873, 2876, 2884, 2887, 2888, 2891, 2893, 2902, 2903, 2908, 2909, 2911, 2915, 2918, 2927, 2929, 2929, 2946, 2947, 2949, 2954, 2958, 2960, 2962, 2965, 2969, 2970, 2972, 2972, 2974, 2975, 2979, 2980, 2984, 2986, 2990, 3001, 3006, 3010, 3014, 3016, 3018, 3021, 3024, 3024, 3031, 3031, 3046, 3055, 3073, 3075, 3077, 3084, 3086, 3088, 3090, 3112, 3114, 3123, 3125, 3129, 3133, 3140, 3142, 3144, 3146, 3149, 3157, 3158, 3160, 3161, 3168, 3171, 3174, 3183, 3202, 3203, 3205, 3212, 3214, 3216, 3218, 3240, 3242, 3251, 3253, 3257, 3260, 3268, 3270, 3272, 3274, 3277, 3285, 3286, 3294, 3294, 3296, 3299, 3302, 3311, 3313, 3314, 3330, 3331, 3333, 3340, 3342, 3344, 3346, 3386, 3389, 3396, 3398, 3400, 3402, 3406, 3415, 3415, 3424, 3427, 3430, 3439, 3450, 3455, 3458, 3459, 3461, 3478, 3482, 3505, 3507, 3515, 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11696, 11702, 11704, 11710, 11712, 11718, 11720, 11726, 11728, 11734, 11736, 11742, 11744, 11775, 11823, 11823, 12293, 12295, 12321, 12335, 12337, 12341, 12344, 12348, 12353, 12438, 12441, 12442, 12445, 12447, 12449, 12538, 12540, 12543, 12549, 12589, 12593, 12686, 12704, 12730, 12784, 12799, 13312, 19893, 19968, 40908, 40960, 42124, 42192, 42237, 42240, 42508, 42512, 42539, 42560, 42607, 42612, 42621, 42623, 42647, 42655, 42737, 42775, 42783, 42786, 42888, 42891, 42894, 42896, 42899, 42912, 42922, 43000, 43047, 43072, 43123, 43136, 43204, 43216, 43225, 43232, 43255, 43259, 43259, 43264, 43309, 43312, 43347, 43360, 43388, 43392, 43456, 43471, 43481, 43520, 43574, 43584, 43597, 43600, 43609, 43616, 43638, 43642, 43643, 43648, 43714, 43739, 43741, 43744, 43759, 43762, 43766, 43777, 43782, 43785, 43790, 43793, 43798, 43808, 43814, 43816, 43822, 43968, 44010, 44012, 44013, 44016, 44025, 44032, 55203, 55216, 55238, 55243, 55291, 63744, 64109, 64112, 64217, 64256, 64262, 64275, 64279, 64285, 64296, 64298, 64310, 64312, 64316, 64318, 64318, 64320, 64321, 64323, 64324, 64326, 64433, 64467, 64829, 64848, 64911, 64914, 64967, 65008, 65019, 65024, 65039, 65056, 65062, 65075, 65076, 65101, 65103, 65136, 65140, 65142, 65276, 65296, 65305, 65313, 65338, 65343, 65343, 65345, 65370, 65382, 65470, 65474, 65479, 65482, 65487, 65490, 65495, 65498, 65500,]; function lookupInUnicodeMap(code, map) { if (code < map[0]) { return false; } var lo = 0; var hi = map.length; var mid; while (lo + 1 < hi) { mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; mid -= mid % 2; if (map[mid] <= code && code <= map[mid + 1]) { return true; } if (code < map[mid]) { hi = mid; } else { lo = mid + 2; } } return false; } function isUnicodeIdentifierStart(code, languageVersion) { return languageVersion >= 1 ? lookupInUnicodeMap(code, unicodeES5IdentifierStart) : lookupInUnicodeMap(code, unicodeES3IdentifierStart); } ts.isUnicodeIdentifierStart = isUnicodeIdentifierStart; function isUnicodeIdentifierPart(code, languageVersion) { return languageVersion >= 1 ? lookupInUnicodeMap(code, unicodeES5IdentifierPart) : lookupInUnicodeMap(code, unicodeES3IdentifierPart); } function makeReverseMap(source) { var result = []; for (var name_2 in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(name_2)) { result[source[name_2]] = name_2; } } return result; } var tokenStrings = makeReverseMap(textToToken); function tokenToString(t) { return tokenStrings[t]; } ts.tokenToString = tokenToString; function stringToToken(s) { return textToToken[s]; } ts.stringToToken = stringToToken; function computeLineStarts(text) { var result = new Array(); var pos = 0; var lineStart = 0; while (pos < text.length) { var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos++); switch (ch) { case 13: if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 10) { pos++; } case 10: result.push(lineStart); lineStart = pos; break; default: if (ch > 127 && isLineBreak(ch)) { result.push(lineStart); lineStart = pos; } break; } } result.push(lineStart); return result; } ts.computeLineStarts = computeLineStarts; function getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(sourceFile, line, character) { return computePositionOfLineAndCharacter(getLineStarts(sourceFile), line, character); } ts.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter = getPositionOfLineAndCharacter; function computePositionOfLineAndCharacter(lineStarts, line, character) { ts.Debug.assert(line >= 0 && line < lineStarts.length); return lineStarts[line] + character; } ts.computePositionOfLineAndCharacter = computePositionOfLineAndCharacter; function getLineStarts(sourceFile) { return sourceFile.lineMap || (sourceFile.lineMap = computeLineStarts(sourceFile.text)); } ts.getLineStarts = getLineStarts; function computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition(lineStarts, position) { var lineNumber = ts.binarySearch(lineStarts, position); if (lineNumber < 0) { lineNumber = ~lineNumber - 1; } return { line: lineNumber, character: position - lineStarts[lineNumber] }; } ts.computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition = computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition; function getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, position) { return computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition(getLineStarts(sourceFile), position); } ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function isWhiteSpace(ch) { return ch === 32 || ch === 9 || ch === 11 || ch === 12 || ch === 160 || ch === 133 || ch === 5760 || ch >= 8192 && ch <= 8203 || ch === 8239 || ch === 8287 || ch === 12288 || ch === 65279; } ts.isWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace; function isLineBreak(ch) { // ES5 7.3: // The ECMAScript line terminator characters are listed in Table 3. // Table 3 � Line Terminator Characters // Code Unit Value Name Formal Name // \u000A Line Feed // \u000D Carriage Return // \u2028 Line separator // \u2029 Paragraph separator // Only the characters in Table 3 are treated as line terminators. Other new line or line // breaking characters are treated as white space but not as line terminators. return ch === 10 || ch === 13 || ch === 8232 || ch === 8233; } ts.isLineBreak = isLineBreak; function isDigit(ch) { return ch >= 48 && ch <= 57; } function isOctalDigit(ch) { return ch >= 48 && ch <= 55; } ts.isOctalDigit = isOctalDigit; function skipTrivia(text, pos, stopAfterLineBreak) { while (true) { var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); switch (ch) { case 13: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 10) { pos++; } case 10: pos++; if (stopAfterLineBreak) { return pos; } continue; case 9: case 11: case 12: case 32: pos++; continue; case 47: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) { pos += 2; while (pos < text.length) { if (isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { break; } pos++; } continue; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 42) { pos += 2; while (pos < text.length) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 42 && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) { pos += 2; break; } pos++; } continue; } break; case 60: case 61: case 62: if (isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) { pos = scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos); continue; } break; default: if (ch > 127 && (isWhiteSpace(ch) || isLineBreak(ch))) { pos++; continue; } break; } return pos; } } ts.skipTrivia = skipTrivia; var mergeConflictMarkerLength = "<<<<<<<".length; function isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos) { ts.Debug.assert(pos >= 0); if (pos === 0 || isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos - 1))) { var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); if ((pos + mergeConflictMarkerLength) < text.length) { for (var i = 0, n = mergeConflictMarkerLength; i < n; i++) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos + i) !== ch) { return false; } } return ch === 61 || text.charCodeAt(pos + mergeConflictMarkerLength) === 32; } } return false; } function scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos, error) { if (error) { error(ts.Diagnostics.Merge_conflict_marker_encountered, mergeConflictMarkerLength); } var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); var len = text.length; if (ch === 60 || ch === 62) { while (pos < len && !isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } } else { ts.Debug.assert(ch === 61); while (pos < len) { var ch_1 = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch_1 === 62 && isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) { break; } pos++; } } return pos; } function getCommentRanges(text, pos, trailing) { var result; var collecting = trailing || pos === 0; while (true) { var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); switch (ch) { case 13: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 10) { pos++; } case 10: pos++; if (trailing) { return result; } collecting = true; if (result && result.length) { result[result.length - 1].hasTrailingNewLine = true; } continue; case 9: case 11: case 12: case 32: pos++; continue; case 47: var nextChar = text.charCodeAt(pos + 1); var hasTrailingNewLine = false; if (nextChar === 47 || nextChar === 42) { var startPos = pos; pos += 2; if (nextChar === 47) { while (pos < text.length) { if (isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { hasTrailingNewLine = true; break; } pos++; } } else { while (pos < text.length) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 42 && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) { pos += 2; break; } pos++; } } if (collecting) { if (!result) { result = []; } result.push({ pos: startPos, end: pos, hasTrailingNewLine: hasTrailingNewLine }); } continue; } break; default: if (ch > 127 && (isWhiteSpace(ch) || isLineBreak(ch))) { if (result && result.length && isLineBreak(ch)) { result[result.length - 1].hasTrailingNewLine = true; } pos++; continue; } break; } return result; } } function getLeadingCommentRanges(text, pos) { return getCommentRanges(text, pos, false); } ts.getLeadingCommentRanges = getLeadingCommentRanges; function getTrailingCommentRanges(text, pos) { return getCommentRanges(text, pos, true); } ts.getTrailingCommentRanges = getTrailingCommentRanges; function isIdentifierStart(ch, languageVersion) { return ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 || ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 || ch === 36 || ch === 95 || ch > 127 && isUnicodeIdentifierStart(ch, languageVersion); } ts.isIdentifierStart = isIdentifierStart; function isIdentifierPart(ch, languageVersion) { return ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 || ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 || ch >= 48 && ch <= 57 || ch === 36 || ch === 95 || ch > 127 && isUnicodeIdentifierPart(ch, languageVersion); } ts.isIdentifierPart = isIdentifierPart; function createScanner(languageVersion, skipTrivia, text, onError) { var pos; var len; var startPos; var tokenPos; var token; var tokenValue; var precedingLineBreak; var hasExtendedUnicodeEscape; var tokenIsUnterminated; function error(message, length) { if (onError) { onError(message, length || 0); } } function isIdentifierStart(ch) { return ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 || ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 || ch === 36 || ch === 95 || ch > 127 && isUnicodeIdentifierStart(ch, languageVersion); } function isIdentifierPart(ch) { return ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 || ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 || ch >= 48 && ch <= 57 || ch === 36 || ch === 95 || ch > 127 && isUnicodeIdentifierPart(ch, languageVersion); } function scanNumber() { var start = pos; while (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) pos++; if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 46) { pos++; while (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) pos++; } var end = pos; if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 69 || text.charCodeAt(pos) === 101) { pos++; if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 43 || text.charCodeAt(pos) === 45) pos++; if (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; while (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) pos++; end = pos; } else { error(ts.Diagnostics.Digit_expected); } } return +(text.substring(start, end)); } function scanOctalDigits() { var start = pos; while (isOctalDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } return +(text.substring(start, pos)); } function scanExactNumberOfHexDigits(count) { return scanHexDigits(count, false); } function scanMinimumNumberOfHexDigits(count) { return scanHexDigits(count, true); } function scanHexDigits(minCount, scanAsManyAsPossible) { var digits = 0; var value = 0; while (digits < minCount || scanAsManyAsPossible) { var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) { value = value * 16 + ch - 48; } else if (ch >= 65 && ch <= 70) { value = value * 16 + ch - 65 + 10; } else if (ch >= 97 && ch <= 102) { value = value * 16 + ch - 97 + 10; } else { break; } pos++; digits++; } if (digits < minCount) { value = -1; } return value; } function scanString() { var quote = text.charCodeAt(pos++); var result = ""; var start = pos; while (true) { if (pos >= len) { result += text.substring(start, pos); tokenIsUnterminated = true; error(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_string_literal); break; } var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === quote) { result += text.substring(start, pos); pos++; break; } if (ch === 92) { result += text.substring(start, pos); result += scanEscapeSequence(); start = pos; continue; } if (isLineBreak(ch)) { result += text.substring(start, pos); tokenIsUnterminated = true; error(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_string_literal); break; } pos++; } return result; } function scanTemplateAndSetTokenValue() { var startedWithBacktick = text.charCodeAt(pos) === 96; pos++; var start = pos; var contents = ""; var resultingToken; while (true) { if (pos >= len) { contents += text.substring(start, pos); tokenIsUnterminated = true; error(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_template_literal); resultingToken = startedWithBacktick ? 10 : 13; break; } var currChar = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (currChar === 96) { contents += text.substring(start, pos); pos++; resultingToken = startedWithBacktick ? 10 : 13; break; } if (currChar === 36 && pos + 1 < len && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 123) { contents += text.substring(start, pos); pos += 2; resultingToken = startedWithBacktick ? 11 : 12; break; } if (currChar === 92) { contents += text.substring(start, pos); contents += scanEscapeSequence(); start = pos; continue; } if (currChar === 13) { contents += text.substring(start, pos); pos++; if (pos < len && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 10) { pos++; } contents += "\n"; start = pos; continue; } pos++; } ts.Debug.assert(resultingToken !== undefined); tokenValue = contents; return resultingToken; } function scanEscapeSequence() { pos++; if (pos >= len) { error(ts.Diagnostics.Unexpected_end_of_text); return ""; } var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos++); switch (ch) { case 48: return "\0"; case 98: return "\b"; case 116: return "\t"; case 110: return "\n"; case 118: return "\v"; case 102: return "\f"; case 114: return "\r"; case 39: return "\'"; case 34: return "\""; case 117: if (pos < len && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 123) { hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = true; pos++; return scanExtendedUnicodeEscape(); } return scanHexadecimalEscape(4); case 120: return scanHexadecimalEscape(2); case 13: if (pos < len && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 10) { pos++; } case 10: case 8232: case 8233: return ""; default: return String.fromCharCode(ch); } } function scanHexadecimalEscape(numDigits) { var escapedValue = scanExactNumberOfHexDigits(numDigits); if (escapedValue >= 0) { return String.fromCharCode(escapedValue); } else { error(ts.Diagnostics.Hexadecimal_digit_expected); return ""; } } function scanExtendedUnicodeEscape() { var escapedValue = scanMinimumNumberOfHexDigits(1); var isInvalidExtendedEscape = false; if (escapedValue < 0) { error(ts.Diagnostics.Hexadecimal_digit_expected); isInvalidExtendedEscape = true; } else if (escapedValue > 0x10FFFF) { error(ts.Diagnostics.An_extended_Unicode_escape_value_must_be_between_0x0_and_0x10FFFF_inclusive); isInvalidExtendedEscape = true; } if (pos >= len) { error(ts.Diagnostics.Unexpected_end_of_text); isInvalidExtendedEscape = true; } else if (text.charCodeAt(pos) == 125) { pos++; } else { error(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_Unicode_escape_sequence); isInvalidExtendedEscape = true; } if (isInvalidExtendedEscape) { return ""; } return utf16EncodeAsString(escapedValue); } function utf16EncodeAsString(codePoint) { ts.Debug.assert(0x0 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x10FFFF); if (codePoint <= 65535) { return String.fromCharCode(codePoint); } var codeUnit1 = Math.floor((codePoint - 65536) / 1024) + 0xD800; var codeUnit2 = ((codePoint - 65536) % 1024) + 0xDC00; return String.fromCharCode(codeUnit1, codeUnit2); } function peekUnicodeEscape() { if (pos + 5 < len && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 117) { var start = pos; pos += 2; var value = scanExactNumberOfHexDigits(4); pos = start; return value; } return -1; } function scanIdentifierParts() { var result = ""; var start = pos; while (pos < len) { var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (isIdentifierPart(ch)) { pos++; } else if (ch === 92) { ch = peekUnicodeEscape(); if (!(ch >= 0 && isIdentifierPart(ch))) { break; } result += text.substring(start, pos); result += String.fromCharCode(ch); pos += 6; start = pos; } else { break; } } result += text.substring(start, pos); return result; } function getIdentifierToken() { var len = tokenValue.length; if (len >= 2 && len <= 11) { var ch = tokenValue.charCodeAt(0); if (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 && hasOwnProperty.call(textToToken, tokenValue)) { return token = textToToken[tokenValue]; } } return token = 65; } function scanBinaryOrOctalDigits(base) { ts.Debug.assert(base !== 2 || base !== 8, "Expected either base 2 or base 8"); var value = 0; var numberOfDigits = 0; while (true) { var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); var valueOfCh = ch - 48; if (!isDigit(ch) || valueOfCh >= base) { break; } value = value * base + valueOfCh; pos++; numberOfDigits++; } if (numberOfDigits === 0) { return -1; } return value; } function scan() { startPos = pos; hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = false; precedingLineBreak = false; tokenIsUnterminated = false; while (true) { tokenPos = pos; if (pos >= len) { return token = 1; } var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); switch (ch) { case 10: case 13: precedingLineBreak = true; if (skipTrivia) { pos++; continue; } else { if (ch === 13 && pos + 1 < len && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 10) { pos += 2; } else { pos++; } return token = 4; } case 9: case 11: case 12: case 32: if (skipTrivia) { pos++; continue; } else { while (pos < len && isWhiteSpace(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } return token = 5; } case 33: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) { return pos += 3, token = 31; } return pos += 2, token = 29; } return pos++, token = 46; case 34: case 39: tokenValue = scanString(); return token = 8; case 96: return token = scanTemplateAndSetTokenValue(); case 37: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 58; } return pos++, token = 37; case 38: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 38) { return pos += 2, token = 48; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 62; } return pos++, token = 43; case 40: return pos++, token = 16; case 41: return pos++, token = 17; case 42: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 56; } return pos++, token = 35; case 43: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 43) { return pos += 2, token = 38; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 54; } return pos++, token = 33; case 44: return pos++, token = 23; case 45: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 45) { return pos += 2, token = 39; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 55; } return pos++, token = 34; case 46: if (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos + 1))) { tokenValue = "" + scanNumber(); return token = 7; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 46 && text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 46) { return pos += 3, token = 21; } return pos++, token = 20; case 47: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) { pos += 2; while (pos < len) { if (isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { break; } pos++; } if (skipTrivia) { continue; } else { return token = 2; } } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 42) { pos += 2; var commentClosed = false; while (pos < len) { var ch_2 = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch_2 === 42 && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) { pos += 2; commentClosed = true; break; } if (isLineBreak(ch_2)) { precedingLineBreak = true; } pos++; } if (!commentClosed) { error(ts.Diagnostics.Asterisk_Slash_expected); } if (skipTrivia) { continue; } else { tokenIsUnterminated = !commentClosed; return token = 3; } } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 57; } return pos++, token = 36; case 48: if (pos + 2 < len && (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 88 || text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 120)) { pos += 2; var value = scanMinimumNumberOfHexDigits(1); if (value < 0) { error(ts.Diagnostics.Hexadecimal_digit_expected); value = 0; } tokenValue = "" + value; return token = 7; } else if (pos + 2 < len && (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 66 || text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 98)) { pos += 2; var value = scanBinaryOrOctalDigits(2); if (value < 0) { error(ts.Diagnostics.Binary_digit_expected); value = 0; } tokenValue = "" + value; return token = 7; } else if (pos + 2 < len && (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 79 || text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 111)) { pos += 2; var value = scanBinaryOrOctalDigits(8); if (value < 0) { error(ts.Diagnostics.Octal_digit_expected); value = 0; } tokenValue = "" + value; return token = 7; } if (pos + 1 < len && isOctalDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos + 1))) { tokenValue = "" + scanOctalDigits(); return token = 7; } case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: tokenValue = "" + scanNumber(); return token = 7; case 58: return pos++, token = 51; case 59: return pos++, token = 22; case 60: if (isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) { pos = scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos, error); if (skipTrivia) { continue; } else { return token = 6; } } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 60) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) { return pos += 3, token = 59; } return pos += 2, token = 40; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 26; } return pos++, token = 24; case 61: if (isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) { pos = scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos, error); if (skipTrivia) { continue; } else { return token = 6; } } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) { return pos += 3, token = 30; } return pos += 2, token = 28; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 62) { return pos += 2, token = 32; } return pos++, token = 53; case 62: if (isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) { pos = scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos, error); if (skipTrivia) { continue; } else { return token = 6; } } return pos++, token = 25; case 63: return pos++, token = 50; case 91: return pos++, token = 18; case 93: return pos++, token = 19; case 94: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 64; } return pos++, token = 45; case 123: return pos++, token = 14; case 124: if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 124) { return pos += 2, token = 49; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 63; } return pos++, token = 44; case 125: return pos++, token = 15; case 126: return pos++, token = 47; case 64: return pos++, token = 52; case 92: var cookedChar = peekUnicodeEscape(); if (cookedChar >= 0 && isIdentifierStart(cookedChar)) { pos += 6; tokenValue = String.fromCharCode(cookedChar) + scanIdentifierParts(); return token = getIdentifierToken(); } error(ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_character); return pos++, token = 0; default: if (isIdentifierStart(ch)) { pos++; while (pos < len && isIdentifierPart(ch = text.charCodeAt(pos))) pos++; tokenValue = text.substring(tokenPos, pos); if (ch === 92) { tokenValue += scanIdentifierParts(); } return token = getIdentifierToken(); } else if (isWhiteSpace(ch)) { pos++; continue; } else if (isLineBreak(ch)) { precedingLineBreak = true; pos++; continue; } error(ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_character); return pos++, token = 0; } } } function reScanGreaterToken() { if (token === 25) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 62) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 62) { if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) { return pos += 3, token = 61; } return pos += 2, token = 42; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) { return pos += 2, token = 60; } return pos++, token = 41; } if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 61) { return pos++, token = 27; } } return token; } function reScanSlashToken() { if (token === 36 || token === 57) { var p = tokenPos + 1; var inEscape = false; var inCharacterClass = false; while (true) { if (p >= len) { tokenIsUnterminated = true; error(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_regular_expression_literal); break; } var ch = text.charCodeAt(p); if (isLineBreak(ch)) { tokenIsUnterminated = true; error(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_regular_expression_literal); break; } if (inEscape) { inEscape = false; } else if (ch === 47 && !inCharacterClass) { p++; break; } else if (ch === 91) { inCharacterClass = true; } else if (ch === 92) { inEscape = true; } else if (ch === 93) { inCharacterClass = false; } p++; } while (p < len && isIdentifierPart(text.charCodeAt(p))) { p++; } pos = p; tokenValue = text.substring(tokenPos, pos); token = 9; } return token; } function reScanTemplateToken() { ts.Debug.assert(token === 15, "'reScanTemplateToken' should only be called on a '}'"); pos = tokenPos; return token = scanTemplateAndSetTokenValue(); } function speculationHelper(callback, isLookahead) { var savePos = pos; var saveStartPos = startPos; var saveTokenPos = tokenPos; var saveToken = token; var saveTokenValue = tokenValue; var savePrecedingLineBreak = precedingLineBreak; var result = callback(); if (!result || isLookahead) { pos = savePos; startPos = saveStartPos; tokenPos = saveTokenPos; token = saveToken; tokenValue = saveTokenValue; precedingLineBreak = savePrecedingLineBreak; } return result; } function lookAhead(callback) { return speculationHelper(callback, true); } function tryScan(callback) { return speculationHelper(callback, false); } function setText(newText) { text = newText || ""; len = text.length; setTextPos(0); } function setTextPos(textPos) { pos = textPos; startPos = textPos; tokenPos = textPos; token = 0; precedingLineBreak = false; } setText(text); return { getStartPos: function () { return startPos; }, getTextPos: function () { return pos; }, getToken: function () { return token; }, getTokenPos: function () { return tokenPos; }, getTokenText: function () { return text.substring(tokenPos, pos); }, getTokenValue: function () { return tokenValue; }, hasExtendedUnicodeEscape: function () { return hasExtendedUnicodeEscape; }, hasPrecedingLineBreak: function () { return precedingLineBreak; }, isIdentifier: function () { return token === 65 || token > 101; }, isReservedWord: function () { return token >= 66 && token <= 101; }, isUnterminated: function () { return tokenIsUnterminated; }, reScanGreaterToken: reScanGreaterToken, reScanSlashToken: reScanSlashToken, reScanTemplateToken: reScanTemplateToken, scan: scan, setText: setText, setTextPos: setTextPos, tryScan: tryScan, lookAhead: lookAhead }; } ts.createScanner = createScanner; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { ts.optionDeclarations = [ { name: "charset", type: "string" }, { name: "declaration", shortName: "d", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Generates_corresponding_d_ts_file }, { name: "diagnostics", type: "boolean" }, { name: "emitBOM", type: "boolean" }, { name: "help", shortName: "h", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Print_this_message }, { name: "listFiles", type: "boolean" }, { name: "locale", type: "string" }, { name: "mapRoot", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: ts.Diagnostics.Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations, paramType: ts.Diagnostics.LOCATION }, { name: "module", shortName: "m", type: { "commonjs": 1, "amd": 2 }, description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_module_code_generation_Colon_commonjs_or_amd, paramType: ts.Diagnostics.KIND, error: ts.Diagnostics.Argument_for_module_option_must_be_commonjs_or_amd }, { name: "noEmit", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_outputs }, { name: "noEmitOnError", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_outputs_if_any_type_checking_errors_were_reported }, { name: "noImplicitAny", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Raise_error_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type }, { name: "noLib", type: "boolean" }, { name: "noResolve", type: "boolean" }, { name: "out", type: "string", description: ts.Diagnostics.Concatenate_and_emit_output_to_single_file, paramType: ts.Diagnostics.FILE }, { name: "outDir", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: ts.Diagnostics.Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory, paramType: ts.Diagnostics.DIRECTORY }, { name: "preserveConstEnums", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_erase_const_enum_declarations_in_generated_code }, { name: "project", shortName: "p", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: ts.Diagnostics.Compile_the_project_in_the_given_directory, paramType: ts.Diagnostics.DIRECTORY }, { name: "removeComments", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_comments_to_output }, { name: "separateCompilation", type: "boolean" }, { name: "sourceMap", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Generates_corresponding_map_file }, { name: "sourceRoot", type: "string", isFilePath: true, description: ts.Diagnostics.Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations, paramType: ts.Diagnostics.LOCATION }, { name: "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Suppress_noImplicitAny_errors_for_indexing_objects_lacking_index_signatures }, { name: "stripInternal", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_declarations_for_code_that_has_an_internal_annotation, experimental: true }, { name: "target", shortName: "t", type: { "es3": 0, "es5": 1, "es6": 2 }, description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_ECMAScript_target_version_Colon_ES3_default_ES5_or_ES6_experimental, paramType: ts.Diagnostics.VERSION, error: ts.Diagnostics.Argument_for_target_option_must_be_es3_es5_or_es6 }, { name: "version", shortName: "v", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Print_the_compiler_s_version }, { name: "watch", shortName: "w", type: "boolean", description: ts.Diagnostics.Watch_input_files } ]; function parseCommandLine(commandLine) { var options = {}; var fileNames = []; var errors = []; var shortOptionNames = {}; var optionNameMap = {}; ts.forEach(ts.optionDeclarations, function (option) { optionNameMap[option.name.toLowerCase()] = option; if (option.shortName) { shortOptionNames[option.shortName] = option.name; } }); parseStrings(commandLine); return { options: options, fileNames: fileNames, errors: errors }; function parseStrings(args) { var i = 0; while (i < args.length) { var s = args[i++]; if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 64) { parseResponseFile(s.slice(1)); } else if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) { s = s.slice(s.charCodeAt(1) === 45 ? 2 : 1).toLowerCase(); if (ts.hasProperty(shortOptionNames, s)) { s = shortOptionNames[s]; } if (ts.hasProperty(optionNameMap, s)) { var opt = optionNameMap[s]; if (!args[i] && opt.type !== "boolean") { errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_expects_an_argument, opt.name)); } switch (opt.type) { case "number": options[opt.name] = parseInt(args[i++]); break; case "boolean": options[opt.name] = true; break; case "string": options[opt.name] = args[i++] || ""; break; default: var map = opt.type; var key = (args[i++] || "").toLowerCase(); if (ts.hasProperty(map, key)) { options[opt.name] = map[key]; } else { errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(opt.error)); } } } else { errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unknown_compiler_option_0, s)); } } else { fileNames.push(s); } } } function parseResponseFile(fileName) { var text = ts.sys.readFile(fileName); if (!text) { errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found, fileName)); return; } var args = []; var pos = 0; while (true) { while (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) <= 32) pos++; if (pos >= text.length) break; var start = pos; if (text.charCodeAt(start) === 34) { pos++; while (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) !== 34) pos++; if (pos < text.length) { args.push(text.substring(start + 1, pos)); pos++; } else { errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_quoted_string_in_response_file_0, fileName)); } } else { while (text.charCodeAt(pos) > 32) pos++; args.push(text.substring(start, pos)); } } parseStrings(args); } } ts.parseCommandLine = parseCommandLine; function readConfigFile(fileName) { try { var text = ts.sys.readFile(fileName); return /\S/.test(text) ? JSON.parse(text) : {}; } catch (e) { } } ts.readConfigFile = readConfigFile; function parseConfigFile(json, basePath) { var errors = []; return { options: getCompilerOptions(), fileNames: getFiles(), errors: errors }; function getCompilerOptions() { var options = {}; var optionNameMap = {}; ts.forEach(ts.optionDeclarations, function (option) { optionNameMap[option.name] = option; }); var jsonOptions = json["compilerOptions"]; if (jsonOptions) { for (var id in jsonOptions) { if (ts.hasProperty(optionNameMap, id)) { var opt = optionNameMap[id]; var optType = opt.type; var value = jsonOptions[id]; var expectedType = typeof optType === "string" ? optType : "string"; if (typeof value === expectedType) { if (typeof optType !== "string") { var key = value.toLowerCase(); if (ts.hasProperty(optType, key)) { value = optType[key]; } else { errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(opt.error)); value = 0; } } if (opt.isFilePath) { value = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(basePath, value)); } options[opt.name] = value; } else { errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1, id, expectedType)); } } else { errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unknown_compiler_option_0, id)); } } } return options; } function getFiles() { var files = []; if (ts.hasProperty(json, "files")) { if (json["files"] instanceof Array) { var files = ts.map(json["files"], function (s) { return ts.combinePaths(basePath, s); }); } } else { var sysFiles = ts.sys.readDirectory(basePath, ".ts"); for (var i = 0; i < sysFiles.length; i++) { var name = sysFiles[i]; if (!ts.fileExtensionIs(name, ".d.ts") || !ts.contains(sysFiles, name.substr(0, name.length - 5) + ".ts")) { files.push(name); } } } return files; } } ts.parseConfigFile = parseConfigFile; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { function getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, kind) { var declarations = symbol.declarations; for (var _i = 0; _i < declarations.length; _i++) { var declaration = declarations[_i]; if (declaration.kind === kind) { return declaration; } } return undefined; } ts.getDeclarationOfKind = getDeclarationOfKind; var stringWriters = []; function getSingleLineStringWriter() { if (stringWriters.length == 0) { var str = ""; var writeText = function (text) { return str += text; }; return { string: function () { return str; }, writeKeyword: writeText, writeOperator: writeText, writePunctuation: writeText, writeSpace: writeText, writeStringLiteral: writeText, writeParameter: writeText, writeSymbol: writeText, writeLine: function () { return str += " "; }, increaseIndent: function () { }, decreaseIndent: function () { }, clear: function () { return str = ""; }, trackSymbol: function () { } }; } return stringWriters.pop(); } ts.getSingleLineStringWriter = getSingleLineStringWriter; function releaseStringWriter(writer) { writer.clear(); stringWriters.push(writer); } ts.releaseStringWriter = releaseStringWriter; function getFullWidth(node) { return node.end - node.pos; } ts.getFullWidth = getFullWidth; function containsParseError(node) { aggregateChildData(node); return (node.parserContextFlags & 64) !== 0; } ts.containsParseError = containsParseError; function aggregateChildData(node) { if (!(node.parserContextFlags & 128)) { var thisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError = ((node.parserContextFlags & 32) !== 0) || ts.forEachChild(node, containsParseError); if (thisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError) { node.parserContextFlags |= 64; } node.parserContextFlags |= 128; } } function getSourceFileOfNode(node) { while (node && node.kind !== 227) { node = node.parent; } return node; } ts.getSourceFileOfNode = getSourceFileOfNode; function getStartPositionOfLine(line, sourceFile) { ts.Debug.assert(line >= 0); return ts.getLineStarts(sourceFile)[line]; } ts.getStartPositionOfLine = getStartPositionOfLine; function nodePosToString(node) { var file = getSourceFileOfNode(node); var loc = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, node.pos); return file.fileName + "(" + (loc.line + 1) + "," + (loc.character + 1) + ")"; } ts.nodePosToString = nodePosToString; function getStartPosOfNode(node) { return node.pos; } ts.getStartPosOfNode = getStartPosOfNode; function nodeIsMissing(node) { if (!node) { return true; } return node.pos === node.end && node.kind !== 1; } ts.nodeIsMissing = nodeIsMissing; function nodeIsPresent(node) { return !nodeIsMissing(node); } ts.nodeIsPresent = nodeIsPresent; function getTokenPosOfNode(node, sourceFile) { if (nodeIsMissing(node)) { return node.pos; } return ts.skipTrivia((sourceFile || getSourceFileOfNode(node)).text, node.pos); } ts.getTokenPosOfNode = getTokenPosOfNode; function getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(sourceFile, node) { if (nodeIsMissing(node)) { return ""; } var text = sourceFile.text; return text.substring(ts.skipTrivia(text, node.pos), node.end); } ts.getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile = getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile; function getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText, node) { if (nodeIsMissing(node)) { return ""; } return sourceText.substring(ts.skipTrivia(sourceText, node.pos), node.end); } ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText = getTextOfNodeFromSourceText; function getTextOfNode(node) { return getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(getSourceFileOfNode(node), node); } ts.getTextOfNode = getTextOfNode; function escapeIdentifier(identifier) { return identifier.length >= 2 && identifier.charCodeAt(0) === 95 && identifier.charCodeAt(1) === 95 ? "_" + identifier : identifier; } ts.escapeIdentifier = escapeIdentifier; function unescapeIdentifier(identifier) { return identifier.length >= 3 && identifier.charCodeAt(0) === 95 && identifier.charCodeAt(1) === 95 && identifier.charCodeAt(2) === 95 ? identifier.substr(1) : identifier; } ts.unescapeIdentifier = unescapeIdentifier; function makeIdentifierFromModuleName(moduleName) { return ts.getBaseFileName(moduleName).replace(/\W/g, "_"); } ts.makeIdentifierFromModuleName = makeIdentifierFromModuleName; function isBlockOrCatchScoped(declaration) { return (getCombinedNodeFlags(declaration) & 12288) !== 0 || isCatchClauseVariableDeclaration(declaration); } ts.isBlockOrCatchScoped = isBlockOrCatchScoped; function getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(node) { var current = node; while (current) { if (isFunctionLike(current)) { return current; } switch (current.kind) { case 227: case 207: case 223: case 205: case 186: case 187: case 188: return current; case 179: if (!isFunctionLike(current.parent)) { return current; } } current = current.parent; } } ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer = getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer; function isCatchClauseVariableDeclaration(declaration) { return declaration && declaration.kind === 198 && declaration.parent && declaration.parent.kind === 223; } ts.isCatchClauseVariableDeclaration = isCatchClauseVariableDeclaration; function declarationNameToString(name) { return getFullWidth(name) === 0 ? "(Missing)" : getTextOfNode(name); } ts.declarationNameToString = declarationNameToString; function createDiagnosticForNode(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) { var sourceFile = getSourceFileOfNode(node); var span = getErrorSpanForNode(sourceFile, node); return ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, span.start, span.length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2); } ts.createDiagnosticForNode = createDiagnosticForNode; function createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(node, messageChain) { var sourceFile = getSourceFileOfNode(node); var span = getErrorSpanForNode(sourceFile, node); return { file: sourceFile, start: span.start, length: span.length, code: messageChain.code, category: messageChain.category, messageText: messageChain.next ? messageChain : messageChain.messageText }; } ts.createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain = createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain; function getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, pos) { var scanner = ts.createScanner(sourceFile.languageVersion, true, sourceFile.text); scanner.setTextPos(pos); scanner.scan(); var start = scanner.getTokenPos(); return createTextSpanFromBounds(start, scanner.getTextPos()); } ts.getSpanOfTokenAtPosition = getSpanOfTokenAtPosition; function getErrorSpanForNode(sourceFile, node) { var errorNode = node; switch (node.kind) { case 227: var pos_1 = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, 0, false); if (pos_1 === sourceFile.text.length) { return createTextSpan(0, 0); } return getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, pos_1); case 198: case 152: case 201: case 174: case 202: case 205: case 204: case 226: case 200: case 162: errorNode = node.name; break; } if (errorNode === undefined) { return getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, node.pos); } var pos = nodeIsMissing(errorNode) ? errorNode.pos : ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, errorNode.pos); return createTextSpanFromBounds(pos, errorNode.end); } ts.getErrorSpanForNode = getErrorSpanForNode; function isExternalModule(file) { return file.externalModuleIndicator !== undefined; } ts.isExternalModule = isExternalModule; function isDeclarationFile(file) { return (file.flags & 2048) !== 0; } ts.isDeclarationFile = isDeclarationFile; function isConstEnumDeclaration(node) { return node.kind === 204 && isConst(node); } ts.isConstEnumDeclaration = isConstEnumDeclaration; function walkUpBindingElementsAndPatterns(node) { while (node && (node.kind === 152 || isBindingPattern(node))) { node = node.parent; } return node; } function getCombinedNodeFlags(node) { node = walkUpBindingElementsAndPatterns(node); var flags = node.flags; if (node.kind === 198) { node = node.parent; } if (node && node.kind === 199) { flags |= node.flags; node = node.parent; } if (node && node.kind === 180) { flags |= node.flags; } return flags; } ts.getCombinedNodeFlags = getCombinedNodeFlags; function isConst(node) { return !!(getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 8192); } ts.isConst = isConst; function isLet(node) { return !!(getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 4096); } ts.isLet = isLet; function isPrologueDirective(node) { return node.kind === 182 && node.expression.kind === 8; } ts.isPrologueDirective = isPrologueDirective; function getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode(node, sourceFileOfNode) { if (node.kind === 129 || node.kind === 128) { return ts.concatenate(ts.getTrailingCommentRanges(sourceFileOfNode.text, node.pos), ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFileOfNode.text, node.pos)); } else { return ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFileOfNode.text, node.pos); } } ts.getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode = getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode; function getJsDocComments(node, sourceFileOfNode) { return ts.filter(getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode(node, sourceFileOfNode), isJsDocComment); function isJsDocComment(comment) { return sourceFileOfNode.text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 42 && sourceFileOfNode.text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 2) === 42 && sourceFileOfNode.text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 3) !== 47; } } ts.getJsDocComments = getJsDocComments; ts.fullTripleSlashReferencePathRegEx = /^(\/\/\/\s*/; function forEachReturnStatement(body, visitor) { return traverse(body); function traverse(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 191: return visitor(node); case 207: case 179: case 183: case 184: case 185: case 186: case 187: case 188: case 192: case 193: case 220: case 221: case 194: case 196: case 223: return ts.forEachChild(node, traverse); } } } ts.forEachReturnStatement = forEachReturnStatement; function isVariableLike(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 152: case 226: case 129: case 224: case 132: case 131: case 225: case 198: return true; } } return false; } ts.isVariableLike = isVariableLike; function isFunctionLike(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 135: case 162: case 200: case 163: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: case 138: case 139: case 140: case 142: case 143: case 162: case 163: case 200: return true; } } return false; } ts.isFunctionLike = isFunctionLike; function isFunctionBlock(node) { return node && node.kind === 179 && isFunctionLike(node.parent); } ts.isFunctionBlock = isFunctionBlock; function isObjectLiteralMethod(node) { return node && node.kind === 134 && node.parent.kind === 154; } ts.isObjectLiteralMethod = isObjectLiteralMethod; function getContainingFunction(node) { while (true) { node = node.parent; if (!node || isFunctionLike(node)) { return node; } } } ts.getContainingFunction = getContainingFunction; function getThisContainer(node, includeArrowFunctions) { while (true) { node = node.parent; if (!node) { return undefined; } switch (node.kind) { case 127: if (node.parent.parent.kind === 201) { return node; } node = node.parent; break; case 163: if (!includeArrowFunctions) { continue; } case 200: case 162: case 205: case 132: case 131: case 134: case 133: case 135: case 136: case 137: case 204: case 227: return node; } } } ts.getThisContainer = getThisContainer; function getSuperContainer(node, includeFunctions) { while (true) { node = node.parent; if (!node) return node; switch (node.kind) { case 127: if (node.parent.parent.kind === 201) { return node; } node = node.parent; break; case 200: case 162: case 163: if (!includeFunctions) { continue; } case 132: case 131: case 134: case 133: case 135: case 136: case 137: return node; } } } ts.getSuperContainer = getSuperContainer; function getInvokedExpression(node) { if (node.kind === 159) { return node.tag; } return node.expression; } ts.getInvokedExpression = getInvokedExpression; function nodeCanBeDecorated(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 201: return true; case 132: return node.parent.kind === 201; case 129: return node.parent.body && node.parent.parent.kind === 201; case 136: case 137: case 134: return node.body && node.parent.kind === 201; } return false; } ts.nodeCanBeDecorated = nodeCanBeDecorated; function nodeIsDecorated(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 201: if (node.decorators) { return true; } return false; case 132: case 129: if (node.decorators) { return true; } return false; case 136: if (node.body && node.decorators) { return true; } return false; case 134: case 137: if (node.body && node.decorators) { return true; } return false; } return false; } ts.nodeIsDecorated = nodeIsDecorated; function childIsDecorated(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 201: return ts.forEach(node.members, nodeOrChildIsDecorated); case 134: case 137: return ts.forEach(node.parameters, nodeIsDecorated); } return false; } ts.childIsDecorated = childIsDecorated; function nodeOrChildIsDecorated(node) { return nodeIsDecorated(node) || childIsDecorated(node); } ts.nodeOrChildIsDecorated = nodeOrChildIsDecorated; function isExpression(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 93: case 91: case 89: case 95: case 80: case 9: case 153: case 154: case 155: case 156: case 157: case 158: case 159: case 160: case 161: case 162: case 174: case 163: case 166: case 164: case 165: case 167: case 168: case 169: case 170: case 173: case 171: case 10: case 175: return true; case 126: while (node.parent.kind === 126) { node = node.parent; } return node.parent.kind === 144; case 65: if (node.parent.kind === 144) { return true; } case 7: case 8: var parent_1 = node.parent; switch (parent_1.kind) { case 198: case 129: case 132: case 131: case 226: case 224: case 152: return parent_1.initializer === node; case 182: case 183: case 184: case 185: case 191: case 192: case 193: case 220: case 195: case 193: return parent_1.expression === node; case 186: var forStatement = parent_1; return (forStatement.initializer === node && forStatement.initializer.kind !== 199) || forStatement.condition === node || forStatement.iterator === node; case 187: case 188: var forInStatement = parent_1; return (forInStatement.initializer === node && forInStatement.initializer.kind !== 199) || forInStatement.expression === node; case 160: return node === parent_1.expression; case 176: return node === parent_1.expression; case 127: return node === parent_1.expression; default: if (isExpression(parent_1)) { return true; } } } return false; } ts.isExpression = isExpression; function isInstantiatedModule(node, preserveConstEnums) { var moduleState = ts.getModuleInstanceState(node); return moduleState === 1 || (preserveConstEnums && moduleState === 2); } ts.isInstantiatedModule = isInstantiatedModule; function isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node) { return node.kind === 208 && node.moduleReference.kind === 219; } ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration = isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration; function getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node) { ts.Debug.assert(isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)); return node.moduleReference.expression; } ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression = getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression; function isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node) { return node.kind === 208 && node.moduleReference.kind !== 219; } ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration = isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration; function getExternalModuleName(node) { if (node.kind === 209) { return node.moduleSpecifier; } if (node.kind === 208) { var reference = node.moduleReference; if (reference.kind === 219) { return reference.expression; } } if (node.kind === 215) { return node.moduleSpecifier; } } ts.getExternalModuleName = getExternalModuleName; function hasDotDotDotToken(node) { return node && node.kind === 129 && node.dotDotDotToken !== undefined; } ts.hasDotDotDotToken = hasDotDotDotToken; function hasQuestionToken(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 129: return node.questionToken !== undefined; case 134: case 133: return node.questionToken !== undefined; case 225: case 224: case 132: case 131: return node.questionToken !== undefined; } } return false; } ts.hasQuestionToken = hasQuestionToken; function hasRestParameters(s) { return s.parameters.length > 0 && s.parameters[s.parameters.length - 1].dotDotDotToken !== undefined; } ts.hasRestParameters = hasRestParameters; function isLiteralKind(kind) { return 7 <= kind && kind <= 10; } ts.isLiteralKind = isLiteralKind; function isTextualLiteralKind(kind) { return kind === 8 || kind === 10; } ts.isTextualLiteralKind = isTextualLiteralKind; function isTemplateLiteralKind(kind) { return 10 <= kind && kind <= 13; } ts.isTemplateLiteralKind = isTemplateLiteralKind; function isBindingPattern(node) { return !!node && (node.kind === 151 || node.kind === 150); } ts.isBindingPattern = isBindingPattern; function isInAmbientContext(node) { while (node) { if (node.flags & (2 | 2048)) { return true; } node = node.parent; } return false; } ts.isInAmbientContext = isInAmbientContext; function isDeclaration(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 163: case 152: case 201: case 135: case 204: case 226: case 217: case 200: case 162: case 136: case 210: case 208: case 213: case 202: case 134: case 133: case 205: case 211: case 129: case 224: case 132: case 131: case 137: case 225: case 203: case 128: case 198: return true; } return false; } ts.isDeclaration = isDeclaration; function isStatement(n) { switch (n.kind) { case 190: case 189: case 197: case 184: case 182: case 181: case 187: case 188: case 186: case 183: case 194: case 191: case 193: case 94: case 196: case 180: case 185: case 192: case 214: return true; default: return false; } } ts.isStatement = isStatement; function isClassElement(n) { switch (n.kind) { case 135: case 132: case 134: case 136: case 137: case 140: return true; default: return false; } } ts.isClassElement = isClassElement; function isDeclarationName(name) { if (name.kind !== 65 && name.kind !== 8 && name.kind !== 7) { return false; } var parent = name.parent; if (parent.kind === 213 || parent.kind === 217) { if (parent.propertyName) { return true; } } if (isDeclaration(parent)) { return parent.name === name; } return false; } ts.isDeclarationName = isDeclarationName; function isAliasSymbolDeclaration(node) { return node.kind === 208 || node.kind === 210 && !!node.name || node.kind === 211 || node.kind === 213 || node.kind === 217 || node.kind === 214 && node.expression.kind === 65; } ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration = isAliasSymbolDeclaration; function getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node) { var heritageClause = getHeritageClause(node.heritageClauses, 79); return heritageClause && heritageClause.types.length > 0 ? heritageClause.types[0] : undefined; } ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement = getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement; function getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements(node) { var heritageClause = getHeritageClause(node.heritageClauses, 103); return heritageClause ? heritageClause.types : undefined; } ts.getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements = getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements; function getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(node) { var heritageClause = getHeritageClause(node.heritageClauses, 79); return heritageClause ? heritageClause.types : undefined; } ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes = getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes; function getHeritageClause(clauses, kind) { if (clauses) { for (var _i = 0; _i < clauses.length; _i++) { var clause = clauses[_i]; if (clause.token === kind) { return clause; } } } return undefined; } ts.getHeritageClause = getHeritageClause; function tryResolveScriptReference(host, sourceFile, reference) { if (!host.getCompilerOptions().noResolve) { var referenceFileName = ts.isRootedDiskPath(reference.fileName) ? reference.fileName : ts.combinePaths(ts.getDirectoryPath(sourceFile.fileName), reference.fileName); referenceFileName = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(referenceFileName, host.getCurrentDirectory()); return host.getSourceFile(referenceFileName); } } ts.tryResolveScriptReference = tryResolveScriptReference; function getAncestor(node, kind) { while (node) { if (node.kind === kind) { return node; } node = node.parent; } return undefined; } ts.getAncestor = getAncestor; function getFileReferenceFromReferencePath(comment, commentRange) { var simpleReferenceRegEx = /^\/\/\/\s*/gim; if (simpleReferenceRegEx.exec(comment)) { if (isNoDefaultLibRegEx.exec(comment)) { return { isNoDefaultLib: true }; } else { var matchResult = ts.fullTripleSlashReferencePathRegEx.exec(comment); if (matchResult) { var start = commentRange.pos; var end = commentRange.end; return { fileReference: { pos: start, end: end, fileName: matchResult[3] }, isNoDefaultLib: false }; } else { return { diagnosticMessage: ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_reference_directive_syntax, isNoDefaultLib: false }; } } } return undefined; } ts.getFileReferenceFromReferencePath = getFileReferenceFromReferencePath; function isKeyword(token) { return 66 <= token && token <= 125; } ts.isKeyword = isKeyword; function isTrivia(token) { return 2 <= token && token <= 6; } ts.isTrivia = isTrivia; function hasDynamicName(declaration) { return declaration.name && declaration.name.kind === 127 && !isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(declaration.name.expression); } ts.hasDynamicName = hasDynamicName; function isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(node) { return node.kind === 155 && isESSymbolIdentifier(node.expression); } ts.isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically = isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically; function getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(name) { if (name.kind === 65 || name.kind === 8 || name.kind === 7) { return name.text; } if (name.kind === 127) { var nameExpression = name.expression; if (isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(nameExpression)) { var rightHandSideName = nameExpression.name.text; return getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(rightHandSideName); } } return undefined; } ts.getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode = getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode; function getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(symbolName) { return "__@" + symbolName; } ts.getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName = getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName; function isESSymbolIdentifier(node) { return node.kind === 65 && node.text === "Symbol"; } ts.isESSymbolIdentifier = isESSymbolIdentifier; function isModifier(token) { switch (token) { case 109: case 107: case 108: case 110: case 78: case 115: case 70: case 73: return true; } return false; } ts.isModifier = isModifier; function textSpanEnd(span) { return span.start + span.length; } ts.textSpanEnd = textSpanEnd; function textSpanIsEmpty(span) { return span.length === 0; } ts.textSpanIsEmpty = textSpanIsEmpty; function textSpanContainsPosition(span, position) { return position >= span.start && position < textSpanEnd(span); } ts.textSpanContainsPosition = textSpanContainsPosition; function textSpanContainsTextSpan(span, other) { return other.start >= span.start && textSpanEnd(other) <= textSpanEnd(span); } ts.textSpanContainsTextSpan = textSpanContainsTextSpan; function textSpanOverlapsWith(span, other) { var overlapStart = Math.max(span.start, other.start); var overlapEnd = Math.min(textSpanEnd(span), textSpanEnd(other)); return overlapStart < overlapEnd; } ts.textSpanOverlapsWith = textSpanOverlapsWith; function textSpanOverlap(span1, span2) { var overlapStart = Math.max(span1.start, span2.start); var overlapEnd = Math.min(textSpanEnd(span1), textSpanEnd(span2)); if (overlapStart < overlapEnd) { return createTextSpanFromBounds(overlapStart, overlapEnd); } return undefined; } ts.textSpanOverlap = textSpanOverlap; function textSpanIntersectsWithTextSpan(span, other) { return other.start <= textSpanEnd(span) && textSpanEnd(other) >= span.start; } ts.textSpanIntersectsWithTextSpan = textSpanIntersectsWithTextSpan; function textSpanIntersectsWith(span, start, length) { var end = start + length; return start <= textSpanEnd(span) && end >= span.start; } ts.textSpanIntersectsWith = textSpanIntersectsWith; function textSpanIntersectsWithPosition(span, position) { return position <= textSpanEnd(span) && position >= span.start; } ts.textSpanIntersectsWithPosition = textSpanIntersectsWithPosition; function textSpanIntersection(span1, span2) { var intersectStart = Math.max(span1.start, span2.start); var intersectEnd = Math.min(textSpanEnd(span1), textSpanEnd(span2)); if (intersectStart <= intersectEnd) { return createTextSpanFromBounds(intersectStart, intersectEnd); } return undefined; } ts.textSpanIntersection = textSpanIntersection; function createTextSpan(start, length) { if (start < 0) { throw new Error("start < 0"); } if (length < 0) { throw new Error("length < 0"); } return { start: start, length: length }; } ts.createTextSpan = createTextSpan; function createTextSpanFromBounds(start, end) { return createTextSpan(start, end - start); } ts.createTextSpanFromBounds = createTextSpanFromBounds; function textChangeRangeNewSpan(range) { return createTextSpan(range.span.start, range.newLength); } ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan = textChangeRangeNewSpan; function textChangeRangeIsUnchanged(range) { return textSpanIsEmpty(range.span) && range.newLength === 0; } ts.textChangeRangeIsUnchanged = textChangeRangeIsUnchanged; function createTextChangeRange(span, newLength) { if (newLength < 0) { throw new Error("newLength < 0"); } return { span: span, newLength: newLength }; } ts.createTextChangeRange = createTextChangeRange; ts.unchangedTextChangeRange = createTextChangeRange(createTextSpan(0, 0), 0); function collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions(changes) { if (changes.length === 0) { return ts.unchangedTextChangeRange; } if (changes.length === 1) { return changes[0]; } var change0 = changes[0]; var oldStartN = change0.span.start; var oldEndN = textSpanEnd(change0.span); var newEndN = oldStartN + change0.newLength; for (var i = 1; i < changes.length; i++) { var nextChange = changes[i]; var oldStart1 = oldStartN; var oldEnd1 = oldEndN; var newEnd1 = newEndN; var oldStart2 = nextChange.span.start; var oldEnd2 = textSpanEnd(nextChange.span); var newEnd2 = oldStart2 + nextChange.newLength; oldStartN = Math.min(oldStart1, oldStart2); oldEndN = Math.max(oldEnd1, oldEnd1 + (oldEnd2 - newEnd1)); newEndN = Math.max(newEnd2, newEnd2 + (newEnd1 - oldEnd2)); } return createTextChangeRange(createTextSpanFromBounds(oldStartN, oldEndN), newEndN - oldStartN); } ts.collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions = collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions; function nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment(n) { return isFunctionLike(n) || n.kind === 205 || n.kind === 227; } ts.nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment = nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment; function nodeIsSynthesized(node) { return node.pos === -1; } ts.nodeIsSynthesized = nodeIsSynthesized; function createSynthesizedNode(kind, startsOnNewLine) { var node = ts.createNode(kind); node.pos = -1; node.end = -1; node.startsOnNewLine = startsOnNewLine; return node; } ts.createSynthesizedNode = createSynthesizedNode; function createDiagnosticCollection() { var nonFileDiagnostics = []; var fileDiagnostics = {}; var diagnosticsModified = false; var modificationCount = 0; return { add: add, getGlobalDiagnostics: getGlobalDiagnostics, getDiagnostics: getDiagnostics, getModificationCount: getModificationCount }; function getModificationCount() { return modificationCount; } function add(diagnostic) { var diagnostics; if (diagnostic.file) { diagnostics = fileDiagnostics[diagnostic.file.fileName]; if (!diagnostics) { diagnostics = []; fileDiagnostics[diagnostic.file.fileName] = diagnostics; } } else { diagnostics = nonFileDiagnostics; } diagnostics.push(diagnostic); diagnosticsModified = true; modificationCount++; } function getGlobalDiagnostics() { sortAndDeduplicate(); return nonFileDiagnostics; } function getDiagnostics(fileName) { sortAndDeduplicate(); if (fileName) { return fileDiagnostics[fileName] || []; } var allDiagnostics = []; function pushDiagnostic(d) { allDiagnostics.push(d); } ts.forEach(nonFileDiagnostics, pushDiagnostic); for (var key in fileDiagnostics) { if (ts.hasProperty(fileDiagnostics, key)) { ts.forEach(fileDiagnostics[key], pushDiagnostic); } } return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(allDiagnostics); } function sortAndDeduplicate() { if (!diagnosticsModified) { return; } diagnosticsModified = false; nonFileDiagnostics = ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(nonFileDiagnostics); for (var key in fileDiagnostics) { if (ts.hasProperty(fileDiagnostics, key)) { fileDiagnostics[key] = ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(fileDiagnostics[key]); } } } } ts.createDiagnosticCollection = createDiagnosticCollection; var escapedCharsRegExp = /[\\\"\u0000-\u001f\t\v\f\b\r\n\u2028\u2029\u0085]/g; var escapedCharsMap = { "\0": "\\0", "\t": "\\t", "\v": "\\v", "\f": "\\f", "\b": "\\b", "\r": "\\r", "\n": "\\n", "\\": "\\\\", "\"": "\\\"", "\u2028": "\\u2028", "\u2029": "\\u2029", "\u0085": "\\u0085" }; function escapeString(s) { s = escapedCharsRegExp.test(s) ? s.replace(escapedCharsRegExp, getReplacement) : s; return s; function getReplacement(c) { return escapedCharsMap[c] || get16BitUnicodeEscapeSequence(c.charCodeAt(0)); } } ts.escapeString = escapeString; function get16BitUnicodeEscapeSequence(charCode) { var hexCharCode = charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); var paddedHexCode = ("0000" + hexCharCode).slice(-4); return "\\u" + paddedHexCode; } var nonAsciiCharacters = /[^\u0000-\u007F]/g; function escapeNonAsciiCharacters(s) { return nonAsciiCharacters.test(s) ? s.replace(nonAsciiCharacters, function (c) { return get16BitUnicodeEscapeSequence(c.charCodeAt(0)); }) : s; } ts.escapeNonAsciiCharacters = escapeNonAsciiCharacters; var indentStrings = ["", " "]; function getIndentString(level) { if (indentStrings[level] === undefined) { indentStrings[level] = getIndentString(level - 1) + indentStrings[1]; } return indentStrings[level]; } ts.getIndentString = getIndentString; function getIndentSize() { return indentStrings[1].length; } ts.getIndentSize = getIndentSize; function createTextWriter(newLine) { var output = ""; var indent = 0; var lineStart = true; var lineCount = 0; var linePos = 0; function write(s) { if (s && s.length) { if (lineStart) { output += getIndentString(indent); lineStart = false; } output += s; } } function rawWrite(s) { if (s !== undefined) { if (lineStart) { lineStart = false; } output += s; } } function writeLiteral(s) { if (s && s.length) { write(s); var lineStartsOfS = ts.computeLineStarts(s); if (lineStartsOfS.length > 1) { lineCount = lineCount + lineStartsOfS.length - 1; linePos = output.length - s.length + lineStartsOfS[lineStartsOfS.length - 1]; } } } function writeLine() { if (!lineStart) { output += newLine; lineCount++; linePos = output.length; lineStart = true; } } function writeTextOfNode(sourceFile, node) { write(getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(sourceFile, node)); } return { write: write, rawWrite: rawWrite, writeTextOfNode: writeTextOfNode, writeLiteral: writeLiteral, writeLine: writeLine, increaseIndent: function () { return indent++; }, decreaseIndent: function () { return indent--; }, getIndent: function () { return indent; }, getTextPos: function () { return output.length; }, getLine: function () { return lineCount + 1; }, getColumn: function () { return lineStart ? indent * getIndentSize() + 1 : output.length - linePos + 1; }, getText: function () { return output; } }; } ts.createTextWriter = createTextWriter; function getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(sourceFile, host, extension) { var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions(); var emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension; if (compilerOptions.outDir) { emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension = ts.removeFileExtension(getSourceFilePathInNewDir(sourceFile, host, compilerOptions.outDir)); } else { emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension = ts.removeFileExtension(sourceFile.fileName); } return emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension + extension; } ts.getOwnEmitOutputFilePath = getOwnEmitOutputFilePath; function getSourceFilePathInNewDir(sourceFile, host, newDirPath) { var sourceFilePath = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(sourceFile.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory()); sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath.replace(host.getCommonSourceDirectory(), ""); return ts.combinePaths(newDirPath, sourceFilePath); } ts.getSourceFilePathInNewDir = getSourceFilePathInNewDir; function writeFile(host, diagnostics, fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) { host.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, function (hostErrorMessage) { diagnostics.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Could_not_write_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, hostErrorMessage)); }); } ts.writeFile = writeFile; function getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, pos) { return ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(currentSourceFile, pos).line; } ts.getLineOfLocalPosition = getLineOfLocalPosition; function getFirstConstructorWithBody(node) { return ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) { if (member.kind === 135 && nodeIsPresent(member.body)) { return member; } }); } ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody = getFirstConstructorWithBody; function shouldEmitToOwnFile(sourceFile, compilerOptions) { if (!isDeclarationFile(sourceFile)) { if ((isExternalModule(sourceFile) || !compilerOptions.out) && !ts.fileExtensionIs(sourceFile.fileName, ".js")) { return true; } return false; } return false; } ts.shouldEmitToOwnFile = shouldEmitToOwnFile; function getAllAccessorDeclarations(declarations, accessor) { var firstAccessor; var secondAccessor; var getAccessor; var setAccessor; if (hasDynamicName(accessor)) { firstAccessor = accessor; if (accessor.kind === 136) { getAccessor = accessor; } else if (accessor.kind === 137) { setAccessor = accessor; } else { ts.Debug.fail("Accessor has wrong kind"); } } else { ts.forEach(declarations, function (member) { if ((member.kind === 136 || member.kind === 137) && (member.flags & 128) === (accessor.flags & 128)) { var memberName = getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(member.name); var accessorName = getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(accessor.name); if (memberName === accessorName) { if (!firstAccessor) { firstAccessor = member; } else if (!secondAccessor) { secondAccessor = member; } if (member.kind === 136 && !getAccessor) { getAccessor = member; } if (member.kind === 137 && !setAccessor) { setAccessor = member; } } } }); } return { firstAccessor: firstAccessor, secondAccessor: secondAccessor, getAccessor: getAccessor, setAccessor: setAccessor }; } ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations = getAllAccessorDeclarations; function emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(currentSourceFile, writer, node, leadingComments) { if (leadingComments && leadingComments.length && node.pos !== leadingComments[0].pos && getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, node.pos) !== getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, leadingComments[0].pos)) { writer.writeLine(); } } ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments = emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments; function emitComments(currentSourceFile, writer, comments, trailingSeparator, newLine, writeComment) { var emitLeadingSpace = !trailingSeparator; ts.forEach(comments, function (comment) { if (emitLeadingSpace) { writer.write(" "); emitLeadingSpace = false; } writeComment(currentSourceFile, writer, comment, newLine); if (comment.hasTrailingNewLine) { writer.writeLine(); } else if (trailingSeparator) { writer.write(" "); } else { emitLeadingSpace = true; } }); } ts.emitComments = emitComments; function writeCommentRange(currentSourceFile, writer, comment, newLine) { if (currentSourceFile.text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 42) { var firstCommentLineAndCharacter = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(currentSourceFile, comment.pos); var lineCount = ts.getLineStarts(currentSourceFile).length; var firstCommentLineIndent; for (var pos = comment.pos, currentLine = firstCommentLineAndCharacter.line; pos < comment.end; currentLine++) { var nextLineStart = (currentLine + 1) === lineCount ? currentSourceFile.text.length + 1 : getStartPositionOfLine(currentLine + 1, currentSourceFile); if (pos !== comment.pos) { if (firstCommentLineIndent === undefined) { firstCommentLineIndent = calculateIndent(getStartPositionOfLine(firstCommentLineAndCharacter.line, currentSourceFile), comment.pos); } var currentWriterIndentSpacing = writer.getIndent() * getIndentSize(); var spacesToEmit = currentWriterIndentSpacing - firstCommentLineIndent + calculateIndent(pos, nextLineStart); if (spacesToEmit > 0) { var numberOfSingleSpacesToEmit = spacesToEmit % getIndentSize(); var indentSizeSpaceString = getIndentString((spacesToEmit - numberOfSingleSpacesToEmit) / getIndentSize()); writer.rawWrite(indentSizeSpaceString); while (numberOfSingleSpacesToEmit) { writer.rawWrite(" "); numberOfSingleSpacesToEmit--; } } else { writer.rawWrite(""); } } writeTrimmedCurrentLine(pos, nextLineStart); pos = nextLineStart; } } else { writer.write(currentSourceFile.text.substring(comment.pos, comment.end)); } function writeTrimmedCurrentLine(pos, nextLineStart) { var end = Math.min(comment.end, nextLineStart - 1); var currentLineText = currentSourceFile.text.substring(pos, end).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (currentLineText) { writer.write(currentLineText); if (end !== comment.end) { writer.writeLine(); } } else { writer.writeLiteral(newLine); } } function calculateIndent(pos, end) { var currentLineIndent = 0; for (; pos < end && ts.isWhiteSpace(currentSourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos)); pos++) { if (currentSourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos) === 9) { currentLineIndent += getIndentSize() - (currentLineIndent % getIndentSize()); } else { currentLineIndent++; } } return currentLineIndent; } } ts.writeCommentRange = writeCommentRange; function isSupportedHeritageClauseElement(node) { return isSupportedHeritageClauseElementExpression(node.expression); } ts.isSupportedHeritageClauseElement = isSupportedHeritageClauseElement; function isSupportedHeritageClauseElementExpression(node) { if (node.kind === 65) { return true; } else if (node.kind === 155) { return isSupportedHeritageClauseElementExpression(node.expression); } else { return false; } } function isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(node) { return (node.parent.kind === 126 && node.parent.right === node) || (node.parent.kind === 155 && node.parent.name === node); } ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess = isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess; function getLocalSymbolForExportDefault(symbol) { return symbol && symbol.valueDeclaration && (symbol.valueDeclaration.flags & 256) ? symbol.valueDeclaration.localSymbol : undefined; } ts.getLocalSymbolForExportDefault = getLocalSymbolForExportDefault; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { var nodeConstructors = new Array(229); ts.parseTime = 0; function getNodeConstructor(kind) { return nodeConstructors[kind] || (nodeConstructors[kind] = ts.objectAllocator.getNodeConstructor(kind)); } ts.getNodeConstructor = getNodeConstructor; function createNode(kind) { return new (getNodeConstructor(kind))(); } ts.createNode = createNode; function visitNode(cbNode, node) { if (node) { return cbNode(node); } } function visitNodeArray(cbNodes, nodes) { if (nodes) { return cbNodes(nodes); } } function visitEachNode(cbNode, nodes) { if (nodes) { for (var _i = 0; _i < nodes.length; _i++) { var node = nodes[_i]; var result = cbNode(node); if (result) { return result; } } } } function forEachChild(node, cbNode, cbNodeArray) { if (!node) { return; } var visitNodes = cbNodeArray ? visitNodeArray : visitEachNode; var cbNodes = cbNodeArray || cbNode; switch (node.kind) { case 126: return visitNode(cbNode, node.left) || visitNode(cbNode, node.right); case 128: return visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.constraint) || visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 129: case 132: case 131: case 224: case 225: case 198: case 152: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.propertyName) || visitNode(cbNode, node.dotDotDotToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); case 142: case 143: case 138: case 139: case 140: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.parameters) || visitNode(cbNode, node.type); case 134: case 133: case 135: case 136: case 137: case 162: case 200: case 163: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.asteriskToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.parameters) || visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || visitNode(cbNode, node.equalsGreaterThanToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.body); case 141: return visitNode(cbNode, node.typeName) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeArguments); case 144: return visitNode(cbNode, node.exprName); case 145: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members); case 146: return visitNode(cbNode, node.elementType); case 147: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.elementTypes); case 148: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.types); case 149: return visitNode(cbNode, node.type); case 150: case 151: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.elements); case 153: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.elements); case 154: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.properties); case 155: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.dotToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name); case 156: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.argumentExpression); case 157: case 158: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeArguments) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.arguments); case 159: return visitNode(cbNode, node.tag) || visitNode(cbNode, node.template); case 160: return visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 161: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 164: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 165: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 166: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 167: return visitNode(cbNode, node.operand); case 172: return visitNode(cbNode, node.asteriskToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 168: return visitNode(cbNode, node.operand); case 169: return visitNode(cbNode, node.left) || visitNode(cbNode, node.operatorToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.right); case 170: return visitNode(cbNode, node.condition) || visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.whenTrue) || visitNode(cbNode, node.colonToken) || visitNode(cbNode, node.whenFalse); case 173: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 179: case 206: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.statements); case 227: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.statements) || visitNode(cbNode, node.endOfFileToken); case 180: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.declarationList); case 199: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.declarations); case 182: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 183: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.thenStatement) || visitNode(cbNode, node.elseStatement); case 184: return visitNode(cbNode, node.statement) || visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 185: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); case 186: return visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) || visitNode(cbNode, node.condition) || visitNode(cbNode, node.iterator) || visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); case 187: return visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) || visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); case 188: return visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) || visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); case 189: case 190: return visitNode(cbNode, node.label); case 191: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 192: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); case 193: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.caseBlock); case 207: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.clauses); case 220: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.statements); case 221: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.statements); case 194: return visitNode(cbNode, node.label) || visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); case 195: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 196: return visitNode(cbNode, node.tryBlock) || visitNode(cbNode, node.catchClause) || visitNode(cbNode, node.finallyBlock); case 223: return visitNode(cbNode, node.variableDeclaration) || visitNode(cbNode, node.block); case 130: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 201: case 174: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.heritageClauses) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members); case 202: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.heritageClauses) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members); case 203: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.type); case 204: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members); case 226: return visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); case 205: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.body); case 208: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleReference); case 209: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.importClause) || visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleSpecifier); case 210: return visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.namedBindings); case 211: return visitNode(cbNode, node.name); case 212: case 216: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.elements); case 215: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.exportClause) || visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleSpecifier); case 213: case 217: return visitNode(cbNode, node.propertyName) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name); case 214: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) || visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.type); case 171: return visitNode(cbNode, node.head) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.templateSpans); case 176: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.literal); case 127: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 222: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.types); case 177: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeArguments); case 219: return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); case 218: return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators); } } ts.forEachChild = forEachChild; function parsingContextErrors(context) { switch (context) { case 0: return ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_or_statement_expected; case 1: return ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_or_statement_expected; case 2: return ts.Diagnostics.Statement_expected; case 3: return ts.Diagnostics.case_or_default_expected; case 4: return ts.Diagnostics.Statement_expected; case 5: return ts.Diagnostics.Property_or_signature_expected; case 6: return ts.Diagnostics.Unexpected_token_A_constructor_method_accessor_or_property_was_expected; case 7: return ts.Diagnostics.Enum_member_expected; case 8: return ts.Diagnostics.Expression_expected; case 9: return ts.Diagnostics.Variable_declaration_expected; case 10: return ts.Diagnostics.Property_destructuring_pattern_expected; case 11: return ts.Diagnostics.Array_element_destructuring_pattern_expected; case 12: return ts.Diagnostics.Argument_expression_expected; case 13: return ts.Diagnostics.Property_assignment_expected; case 14: return ts.Diagnostics.Expression_or_comma_expected; case 15: return ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_declaration_expected; case 16: return ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_declaration_expected; case 17: return ts.Diagnostics.Type_argument_expected; case 18: return ts.Diagnostics.Type_expected; case 19: return ts.Diagnostics.Unexpected_token_expected; case 20: return ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected; } } ; function modifierToFlag(token) { switch (token) { case 110: return 128; case 109: return 16; case 108: return 64; case 107: return 32; case 78: return 1; case 115: return 2; case 70: return 8192; case 73: return 256; } return 0; } ts.modifierToFlag = modifierToFlag; function fixupParentReferences(sourceFile) { // normally parent references are set during binding. However, for clients that only need // a syntax tree, and no semantic features, then the binding process is an unnecessary // overhead. This functions allows us to set all the parents, without all the expense of // binding. var parent = sourceFile; forEachChild(sourceFile, visitNode); return; function visitNode(n) { if (n.parent !== parent) { n.parent = parent; var saveParent = parent; parent = n; forEachChild(n, visitNode); parent = saveParent; } } } function shouldCheckNode(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 8: case 7: case 65: return true; } return false; } function moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(element, isArray, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks) { if (isArray) { visitArray(element); } else { visitNode(element); } return; function visitNode(node) { if (aggressiveChecks && shouldCheckNode(node)) { var text = oldText.substring(node.pos, node.end); } node._children = undefined; node.pos += delta; node.end += delta; if (aggressiveChecks && shouldCheckNode(node)) { ts.Debug.assert(text === newText.substring(node.pos, node.end)); } forEachChild(node, visitNode, visitArray); checkNodePositions(node, aggressiveChecks); } function visitArray(array) { array._children = undefined; array.pos += delta; array.end += delta; for (var _i = 0; _i < array.length; _i++) { var node = array[_i]; visitNode(node); } } } function adjustIntersectingElement(element, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta) { ts.Debug.assert(element.end >= changeStart, "Adjusting an element that was entirely before the change range"); ts.Debug.assert(element.pos <= changeRangeOldEnd, "Adjusting an element that was entirely after the change range"); ts.Debug.assert(element.pos <= element.end); element.pos = Math.min(element.pos, changeRangeNewEnd); if (element.end >= changeRangeOldEnd) { element.end += delta; } else { element.end = Math.min(element.end, changeRangeNewEnd); } ts.Debug.assert(element.pos <= element.end); if (element.parent) { ts.Debug.assert(element.pos >= element.parent.pos); ts.Debug.assert(element.end <= element.parent.end); } } function checkNodePositions(node, aggressiveChecks) { if (aggressiveChecks) { var pos = node.pos; forEachChild(node, function (child) { ts.Debug.assert(child.pos >= pos); pos = child.end; }); ts.Debug.assert(pos <= node.end); } } function updateTokenPositionsAndMarkElements(sourceFile, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks) { visitNode(sourceFile); return; function visitNode(child) { ts.Debug.assert(child.pos <= child.end); if (child.pos > changeRangeOldEnd) { moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(child, false, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks); return; } var fullEnd = child.end; if (fullEnd >= changeStart) { child.intersectsChange = true; child._children = undefined; adjustIntersectingElement(child, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta); forEachChild(child, visitNode, visitArray); checkNodePositions(child, aggressiveChecks); return; } ts.Debug.assert(fullEnd < changeStart); } function visitArray(array) { ts.Debug.assert(array.pos <= array.end); if (array.pos > changeRangeOldEnd) { moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(array, true, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks); return; } var fullEnd = array.end; if (fullEnd >= changeStart) { array.intersectsChange = true; array._children = undefined; adjustIntersectingElement(array, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta); for (var _i = 0; _i < array.length; _i++) { var node = array[_i]; visitNode(node); } return; } ts.Debug.assert(fullEnd < changeStart); } } function extendToAffectedRange(sourceFile, changeRange) { var maxLookahead = 1; var start = changeRange.span.start; for (var i = 0; start > 0 && i <= maxLookahead; i++) { var nearestNode = findNearestNodeStartingBeforeOrAtPosition(sourceFile, start); ts.Debug.assert(nearestNode.pos <= start); var position = nearestNode.pos; start = Math.max(0, position - 1); } var finalSpan = ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(start, ts.textSpanEnd(changeRange.span)); var finalLength = changeRange.newLength + (changeRange.span.start - start); return ts.createTextChangeRange(finalSpan, finalLength); } function findNearestNodeStartingBeforeOrAtPosition(sourceFile, position) { var bestResult = sourceFile; var lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition; forEachChild(sourceFile, visit); if (lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition) { var lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition = getLastChild(lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition); if (lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition.pos > bestResult.pos) { bestResult = lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition; } } return bestResult; function getLastChild(node) { while (true) { var lastChild = getLastChildWorker(node); if (lastChild) { node = lastChild; } else { return node; } } } function getLastChildWorker(node) { var last = undefined; forEachChild(node, function (child) { if (ts.nodeIsPresent(child)) { last = child; } }); return last; } function visit(child) { if (ts.nodeIsMissing(child)) { return; } if (child.pos <= position) { if (child.pos >= bestResult.pos) { bestResult = child; } if (position < child.end) { forEachChild(child, visit); return true; } else { ts.Debug.assert(child.end <= position); lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition = child; } } else { ts.Debug.assert(child.pos > position); return true; } } } function checkChangeRange(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks) { var oldText = sourceFile.text; if (textChangeRange) { ts.Debug.assert((oldText.length - textChangeRange.span.length + textChangeRange.newLength) === newText.length); if (aggressiveChecks || ts.Debug.shouldAssert(3)) { var oldTextPrefix = oldText.substr(0, textChangeRange.span.start); var newTextPrefix = newText.substr(0, textChangeRange.span.start); ts.Debug.assert(oldTextPrefix === newTextPrefix); var oldTextSuffix = oldText.substring(ts.textSpanEnd(textChangeRange.span), oldText.length); var newTextSuffix = newText.substring(ts.textSpanEnd(ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(textChangeRange)), newText.length); ts.Debug.assert(oldTextSuffix === newTextSuffix); } } } function updateSourceFile(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks) { aggressiveChecks = aggressiveChecks || ts.Debug.shouldAssert(2); checkChangeRange(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks); if (ts.textChangeRangeIsUnchanged(textChangeRange)) { return sourceFile; } if (sourceFile.statements.length === 0) { return parseSourceFile(sourceFile.fileName, newText, sourceFile.languageVersion, undefined, true); } var incrementalSourceFile = sourceFile; ts.Debug.assert(!incrementalSourceFile.hasBeenIncrementallyParsed); incrementalSourceFile.hasBeenIncrementallyParsed = true; var oldText = sourceFile.text; var syntaxCursor = createSyntaxCursor(sourceFile); var changeRange = extendToAffectedRange(sourceFile, textChangeRange); checkChangeRange(sourceFile, newText, changeRange, aggressiveChecks); ts.Debug.assert(changeRange.span.start <= textChangeRange.span.start); ts.Debug.assert(ts.textSpanEnd(changeRange.span) === ts.textSpanEnd(textChangeRange.span)); ts.Debug.assert(ts.textSpanEnd(ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange)) === ts.textSpanEnd(ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(textChangeRange))); var delta = ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange).length - changeRange.span.length; updateTokenPositionsAndMarkElements(incrementalSourceFile, changeRange.span.start, ts.textSpanEnd(changeRange.span), ts.textSpanEnd(ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange)), delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks); var result = parseSourceFile(sourceFile.fileName, newText, sourceFile.languageVersion, syntaxCursor, true); return result; } ts.updateSourceFile = updateSourceFile; function isEvalOrArgumentsIdentifier(node) { return node.kind === 65 && (node.text === "eval" || node.text === "arguments"); } ts.isEvalOrArgumentsIdentifier = isEvalOrArgumentsIdentifier; function isUseStrictPrologueDirective(sourceFile, node) { ts.Debug.assert(ts.isPrologueDirective(node)); var nodeText = ts.getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(sourceFile, node.expression); return nodeText === '"use strict"' || nodeText === "'use strict'"; } function createSyntaxCursor(sourceFile) { var currentArray = sourceFile.statements; var currentArrayIndex = 0; ts.Debug.assert(currentArrayIndex < currentArray.length); var current = currentArray[currentArrayIndex]; var lastQueriedPosition = -1; return { currentNode: function (position) { if (position !== lastQueriedPosition) { if (current && current.end === position && currentArrayIndex < (currentArray.length - 1)) { currentArrayIndex++; current = currentArray[currentArrayIndex]; } if (!current || current.pos !== position) { findHighestListElementThatStartsAtPosition(position); } } lastQueriedPosition = position; ts.Debug.assert(!current || current.pos === position); return current; } }; function findHighestListElementThatStartsAtPosition(position) { currentArray = undefined; currentArrayIndex = -1; current = undefined; forEachChild(sourceFile, visitNode, visitArray); return; function visitNode(node) { if (position >= node.pos && position < node.end) { forEachChild(node, visitNode, visitArray); return true; } return false; } function visitArray(array) { if (position >= array.pos && position < array.end) { for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) { var child = array[i]; if (child) { if (child.pos === position) { currentArray = array; currentArrayIndex = i; current = child; return true; } else { if (child.pos < position && position < child.end) { forEachChild(child, visitNode, visitArray); return true; } } } } } return false; } } } function createSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, setParentNodes) { if (setParentNodes === void 0) { setParentNodes = false; } var start = new Date().getTime(); var result = parseSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, undefined, setParentNodes); ts.parseTime += new Date().getTime() - start; return result; } ts.createSourceFile = createSourceFile; function parseSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, syntaxCursor, setParentNodes) { if (setParentNodes === void 0) { setParentNodes = false; } var disallowInAndDecoratorContext = 2 | 16; var parsingContext = 0; var identifiers = {}; var identifierCount = 0; var nodeCount = 0; var token; var sourceFile = createNode(227, 0); sourceFile.pos = 0; sourceFile.end = sourceText.length; sourceFile.text = sourceText; sourceFile.parseDiagnostics = []; sourceFile.bindDiagnostics = []; sourceFile.languageVersion = languageVersion; sourceFile.fileName = ts.normalizePath(fileName); sourceFile.flags = ts.fileExtensionIs(sourceFile.fileName, ".d.ts") ? 2048 : 0; var contextFlags = 0; var parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false; var scanner = ts.createScanner(languageVersion, true, sourceText, scanError); token = nextToken(); processReferenceComments(sourceFile); sourceFile.statements = parseList(0, true, parseSourceElement); ts.Debug.assert(token === 1); sourceFile.endOfFileToken = parseTokenNode(); setExternalModuleIndicator(sourceFile); sourceFile.nodeCount = nodeCount; sourceFile.identifierCount = identifierCount; sourceFile.identifiers = identifiers; if (setParentNodes) { fixupParentReferences(sourceFile); } syntaxCursor = undefined; return sourceFile; function setContextFlag(val, flag) { if (val) { contextFlags |= flag; } else { contextFlags &= ~flag; } } function setStrictModeContext(val) { setContextFlag(val, 1); } function setDisallowInContext(val) { setContextFlag(val, 2); } function setYieldContext(val) { setContextFlag(val, 4); } function setGeneratorParameterContext(val) { setContextFlag(val, 8); } function setDecoratorContext(val) { setContextFlag(val, 16); } function doOutsideOfContext(flags, func) { var currentContextFlags = contextFlags & flags; if (currentContextFlags) { setContextFlag(false, currentContextFlags); var result = func(); setContextFlag(true, currentContextFlags); return result; } return func(); } function allowInAnd(func) { if (contextFlags & 2) { setDisallowInContext(false); var result = func(); setDisallowInContext(true); return result; } return func(); } function disallowInAnd(func) { if (contextFlags & 2) { return func(); } setDisallowInContext(true); var result = func(); setDisallowInContext(false); return result; } function doInYieldContext(func) { if (contextFlags & 4) { return func(); } setYieldContext(true); var result = func(); setYieldContext(false); return result; } function doOutsideOfYieldContext(func) { if (contextFlags & 4) { setYieldContext(false); var result = func(); setYieldContext(true); return result; } return func(); } function doInDecoratorContext(func) { if (contextFlags & 16) { return func(); } setDecoratorContext(true); var result = func(); setDecoratorContext(false); return result; } function inYieldContext() { return (contextFlags & 4) !== 0; } function inStrictModeContext() { return (contextFlags & 1) !== 0; } function inGeneratorParameterContext() { return (contextFlags & 8) !== 0; } function inDisallowInContext() { return (contextFlags & 2) !== 0; } function inDecoratorContext() { return (contextFlags & 16) !== 0; } function parseErrorAtCurrentToken(message, arg0) { var start = scanner.getTokenPos(); var length = scanner.getTextPos() - start; parseErrorAtPosition(start, length, message, arg0); } function parseErrorAtPosition(start, length, message, arg0) { var lastError = ts.lastOrUndefined(sourceFile.parseDiagnostics); if (!lastError || start !== lastError.start) { sourceFile.parseDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, start, length, message, arg0)); } parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = true; } function scanError(message, length) { var pos = scanner.getTextPos(); parseErrorAtPosition(pos, length || 0, message); } function getNodePos() { return scanner.getStartPos(); } function getNodeEnd() { return scanner.getStartPos(); } function nextToken() { return token = scanner.scan(); } function getTokenPos(pos) { return ts.skipTrivia(sourceText, pos); } function reScanGreaterToken() { return token = scanner.reScanGreaterToken(); } function reScanSlashToken() { return token = scanner.reScanSlashToken(); } function reScanTemplateToken() { return token = scanner.reScanTemplateToken(); } function speculationHelper(callback, isLookAhead) { var saveToken = token; var saveParseDiagnosticsLength = sourceFile.parseDiagnostics.length; var saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode; var saveContextFlags = contextFlags; var result = isLookAhead ? scanner.lookAhead(callback) : scanner.tryScan(callback); ts.Debug.assert(saveContextFlags === contextFlags); if (!result || isLookAhead) { token = saveToken; sourceFile.parseDiagnostics.length = saveParseDiagnosticsLength; parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode; } return result; } function lookAhead(callback) { return speculationHelper(callback, true); } function tryParse(callback) { return speculationHelper(callback, false); } function isIdentifier() { if (token === 65) { return true; } if (token === 111 && inYieldContext()) { return false; } return inStrictModeContext() ? token > 111 : token > 101; } function parseExpected(kind, diagnosticMessage) { if (token === kind) { nextToken(); return true; } if (diagnosticMessage) { parseErrorAtCurrentToken(diagnosticMessage); } else { parseErrorAtCurrentToken(ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, ts.tokenToString(kind)); } return false; } function parseOptional(t) { if (token === t) { nextToken(); return true; } return false; } function parseOptionalToken(t) { if (token === t) { return parseTokenNode(); } return undefined; } function parseExpectedToken(t, reportAtCurrentPosition, diagnosticMessage, arg0) { return parseOptionalToken(t) || createMissingNode(t, reportAtCurrentPosition, diagnosticMessage, arg0); } function parseTokenNode() { var node = createNode(token); nextToken(); return finishNode(node); } function canParseSemicolon() { if (token === 22) { return true; } return token === 15 || token === 1 || scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); } function parseSemicolon() { if (canParseSemicolon()) { if (token === 22) { nextToken(); } return true; } else { return parseExpected(22); } } function createNode(kind, pos) { nodeCount++; var node = new (nodeConstructors[kind] || (nodeConstructors[kind] = ts.objectAllocator.getNodeConstructor(kind)))(); if (!(pos >= 0)) { pos = scanner.getStartPos(); } node.pos = pos; node.end = pos; return node; } function finishNode(node) { node.end = scanner.getStartPos(); if (contextFlags) { node.parserContextFlags = contextFlags; } if (parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode) { parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false; node.parserContextFlags |= 32; } return node; } function createMissingNode(kind, reportAtCurrentPosition, diagnosticMessage, arg0) { if (reportAtCurrentPosition) { parseErrorAtPosition(scanner.getStartPos(), 0, diagnosticMessage, arg0); } else { parseErrorAtCurrentToken(diagnosticMessage, arg0); } var result = createNode(kind, scanner.getStartPos()); result.text = ""; return finishNode(result); } function internIdentifier(text) { text = ts.escapeIdentifier(text); return ts.hasProperty(identifiers, text) ? identifiers[text] : (identifiers[text] = text); } function createIdentifier(isIdentifier, diagnosticMessage) { identifierCount++; if (isIdentifier) { var node = createNode(65); node.text = internIdentifier(scanner.getTokenValue()); nextToken(); return finishNode(node); } return createMissingNode(65, false, diagnosticMessage || ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); } function parseIdentifier(diagnosticMessage) { return createIdentifier(isIdentifier(), diagnosticMessage); } function parseIdentifierName() { return createIdentifier(isIdentifierOrKeyword()); } function isLiteralPropertyName() { return isIdentifierOrKeyword() || token === 8 || token === 7; } function parsePropertyName() { if (token === 8 || token === 7) { return parseLiteralNode(true); } if (token === 18) { return parseComputedPropertyName(); } return parseIdentifierName(); } function parseComputedPropertyName() { var node = createNode(127); parseExpected(18); var yieldContext = inYieldContext(); if (inGeneratorParameterContext()) { setYieldContext(false); } node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); if (inGeneratorParameterContext()) { setYieldContext(yieldContext); } parseExpected(19); return finishNode(node); } function parseContextualModifier(t) { return token === t && tryParse(nextTokenCanFollowModifier); } function nextTokenCanFollowModifier() { nextToken(); return canFollowModifier(); } function parseAnyContextualModifier() { return ts.isModifier(token) && tryParse(nextTokenCanFollowContextualModifier); } function nextTokenCanFollowContextualModifier() { if (token === 70) { return nextToken() === 77; } if (token === 78) { nextToken(); if (token === 73) { return lookAhead(nextTokenIsClassOrFunction); } return token !== 35 && token !== 14 && canFollowModifier(); } if (token === 73) { return nextTokenIsClassOrFunction(); } nextToken(); return canFollowModifier(); } function canFollowModifier() { return token === 18 || token === 14 || token === 35 || isLiteralPropertyName(); } function nextTokenIsClassOrFunction() { nextToken(); return token === 69 || token === 83; } function isListElement(parsingContext, inErrorRecovery) { var node = currentNode(parsingContext); if (node) { return true; } switch (parsingContext) { case 0: case 1: return isSourceElement(inErrorRecovery); case 2: case 4: return isStartOfStatement(inErrorRecovery); case 3: return token === 67 || token === 73; case 5: return isStartOfTypeMember(); case 6: return lookAhead(isClassMemberStart) || (token === 22 && !inErrorRecovery); case 7: return token === 18 || isLiteralPropertyName(); case 13: return token === 18 || token === 35 || isLiteralPropertyName(); case 10: return isLiteralPropertyName(); case 8: if (token === 14) { return lookAhead(isValidHeritageClauseObjectLiteral); } if (!inErrorRecovery) { return isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression() && !isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword(); } else { return isIdentifier() && !isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword(); } case 9: return isIdentifierOrPattern(); case 11: return token === 23 || token === 21 || isIdentifierOrPattern(); case 16: return isIdentifier(); case 12: case 14: return token === 23 || token === 21 || isStartOfExpression(); case 15: return isStartOfParameter(); case 17: case 18: return token === 23 || isStartOfType(); case 19: return isHeritageClause(); case 20: return isIdentifierOrKeyword(); } ts.Debug.fail("Non-exhaustive case in 'isListElement'."); } function isValidHeritageClauseObjectLiteral() { ts.Debug.assert(token === 14); if (nextToken() === 15) { var next = nextToken(); return next === 23 || next === 14 || next === 79 || next === 103; } return true; } function nextTokenIsIdentifier() { nextToken(); return isIdentifier(); } function isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword() { if (token === 103 || token === 79) { return lookAhead(nextTokenIsStartOfExpression); } return false; } function nextTokenIsStartOfExpression() { nextToken(); return isStartOfExpression(); } function isListTerminator(kind) { if (token === 1) { return true; } switch (kind) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 13: case 10: case 20: return token === 15; case 4: return token === 15 || token === 67 || token === 73; case 8: return token === 14 || token === 79 || token === 103; case 9: return isVariableDeclaratorListTerminator(); case 16: return token === 25 || token === 16 || token === 14 || token === 79 || token === 103; case 12: return token === 17 || token === 22; case 14: case 18: case 11: return token === 19; case 15: return token === 17 || token === 19; case 17: return token === 25 || token === 16; case 19: return token === 14 || token === 15; } } function isVariableDeclaratorListTerminator() { if (canParseSemicolon()) { return true; } if (isInOrOfKeyword(token)) { return true; } if (token === 32) { return true; } return false; } function isInSomeParsingContext() { for (var kind = 0; kind < 21; kind++) { if (parsingContext & (1 << kind)) { if (isListElement(kind, true) || isListTerminator(kind)) { return true; } } } return false; } function parseList(kind, checkForStrictMode, parseElement) { var saveParsingContext = parsingContext; parsingContext |= 1 << kind; var result = []; result.pos = getNodePos(); var savedStrictModeContext = inStrictModeContext(); while (!isListTerminator(kind)) { if (isListElement(kind, false)) { var element = parseListElement(kind, parseElement); result.push(element); if (checkForStrictMode && !inStrictModeContext()) { if (ts.isPrologueDirective(element)) { if (isUseStrictPrologueDirective(sourceFile, element)) { setStrictModeContext(true); checkForStrictMode = false; } } else { checkForStrictMode = false; } } continue; } if (abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken(kind)) { break; } } setStrictModeContext(savedStrictModeContext); result.end = getNodeEnd(); parsingContext = saveParsingContext; return result; } function parseListElement(parsingContext, parseElement) { var node = currentNode(parsingContext); if (node) { return consumeNode(node); } return parseElement(); } function currentNode(parsingContext) { if (parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode) { return undefined; } if (!syntaxCursor) { return undefined; } var node = syntaxCursor.currentNode(scanner.getStartPos()); if (ts.nodeIsMissing(node)) { return undefined; } if (node.intersectsChange) { return undefined; } if (ts.containsParseError(node)) { return undefined; } var nodeContextFlags = node.parserContextFlags & 63; if (nodeContextFlags !== contextFlags) { return undefined; } if (!canReuseNode(node, parsingContext)) { return undefined; } return node; } function consumeNode(node) { scanner.setTextPos(node.end); nextToken(); return node; } function canReuseNode(node, parsingContext) { switch (parsingContext) { case 1: return isReusableModuleElement(node); case 6: return isReusableClassMember(node); case 3: return isReusableSwitchClause(node); case 2: case 4: return isReusableStatement(node); case 7: return isReusableEnumMember(node); case 5: return isReusableTypeMember(node); case 9: return isReusableVariableDeclaration(node); case 15: return isReusableParameter(node); case 19: case 16: case 18: case 17: case 12: case 13: case 8: } return false; } function isReusableModuleElement(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 209: case 208: case 215: case 214: case 201: case 202: case 205: case 204: return true; } return isReusableStatement(node); } return false; } function isReusableClassMember(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 135: case 140: case 134: case 136: case 137: case 132: case 178: return true; } } return false; } function isReusableSwitchClause(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 220: case 221: return true; } } return false; } function isReusableStatement(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 200: case 180: case 179: case 183: case 182: case 195: case 191: case 193: case 190: case 189: case 187: case 188: case 186: case 185: case 192: case 181: case 196: case 194: case 184: case 197: return true; } } return false; } function isReusableEnumMember(node) { return node.kind === 226; } function isReusableTypeMember(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 139: case 133: case 140: case 131: case 138: return true; } } return false; } function isReusableVariableDeclaration(node) { if (node.kind !== 198) { return false; } var variableDeclarator = node; return variableDeclarator.initializer === undefined; } function isReusableParameter(node) { if (node.kind !== 129) { return false; } var parameter = node; return parameter.initializer === undefined; } function abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken(kind) { parseErrorAtCurrentToken(parsingContextErrors(kind)); if (isInSomeParsingContext()) { return true; } nextToken(); return false; } function parseDelimitedList(kind, parseElement, considerSemicolonAsDelimeter) { var saveParsingContext = parsingContext; parsingContext |= 1 << kind; var result = []; result.pos = getNodePos(); var commaStart = -1; while (true) { if (isListElement(kind, false)) { result.push(parseListElement(kind, parseElement)); commaStart = scanner.getTokenPos(); if (parseOptional(23)) { continue; } commaStart = -1; if (isListTerminator(kind)) { break; } parseExpected(23); if (considerSemicolonAsDelimeter && token === 22 && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { nextToken(); } continue; } if (isListTerminator(kind)) { break; } if (abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken(kind)) { break; } } if (commaStart >= 0) { result.hasTrailingComma = true; } result.end = getNodeEnd(); parsingContext = saveParsingContext; return result; } function createMissingList() { var pos = getNodePos(); var result = []; result.pos = pos; result.end = pos; return result; } function parseBracketedList(kind, parseElement, open, close) { if (parseExpected(open)) { var result = parseDelimitedList(kind, parseElement); parseExpected(close); return result; } return createMissingList(); } function parseEntityName(allowReservedWords, diagnosticMessage) { var entity = parseIdentifier(diagnosticMessage); while (parseOptional(20)) { var node = createNode(126, entity.pos); node.left = entity; node.right = parseRightSideOfDot(allowReservedWords); entity = finishNode(node); } return entity; } function parseRightSideOfDot(allowIdentifierNames) { if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && scanner.isReservedWord()) { var matchesPattern = lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine); if (matchesPattern) { return createMissingNode(65, true, ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); } } return allowIdentifierNames ? parseIdentifierName() : parseIdentifier(); } function parseTemplateExpression() { var template = createNode(171); template.head = parseLiteralNode(); ts.Debug.assert(template.head.kind === 11, "Template head has wrong token kind"); var templateSpans = []; templateSpans.pos = getNodePos(); do { templateSpans.push(parseTemplateSpan()); } while (templateSpans[templateSpans.length - 1].literal.kind === 12); templateSpans.end = getNodeEnd(); template.templateSpans = templateSpans; return finishNode(template); } function parseTemplateSpan() { var span = createNode(176); span.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); var literal; if (token === 15) { reScanTemplateToken(); literal = parseLiteralNode(); } else { literal = parseExpectedToken(13, false, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, ts.tokenToString(15)); } span.literal = literal; return finishNode(span); } function parseLiteralNode(internName) { var node = createNode(token); var text = scanner.getTokenValue(); node.text = internName ? internIdentifier(text) : text; if (scanner.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape()) { node.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = true; } if (scanner.isUnterminated()) { node.isUnterminated = true; } var tokenPos = scanner.getTokenPos(); nextToken(); finishNode(node); if (node.kind === 7 && sourceText.charCodeAt(tokenPos) === 48 && ts.isOctalDigit(sourceText.charCodeAt(tokenPos + 1))) { node.flags |= 16384; } return node; } function parseTypeReference() { var node = createNode(141); node.typeName = parseEntityName(false, ts.Diagnostics.Type_expected); if (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && token === 24) { node.typeArguments = parseBracketedList(17, parseType, 24, 25); } return finishNode(node); } function parseTypeQuery() { var node = createNode(144); parseExpected(97); node.exprName = parseEntityName(true); return finishNode(node); } function parseTypeParameter() { var node = createNode(128); node.name = parseIdentifier(); if (parseOptional(79)) { if (isStartOfType() || !isStartOfExpression()) { node.constraint = parseType(); } else { node.expression = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); } } return finishNode(node); } function parseTypeParameters() { if (token === 24) { return parseBracketedList(16, parseTypeParameter, 24, 25); } } function parseParameterType() { if (parseOptional(51)) { return token === 8 ? parseLiteralNode(true) : parseType(); } return undefined; } function isStartOfParameter() { return token === 21 || isIdentifierOrPattern() || ts.isModifier(token) || token === 52; } function setModifiers(node, modifiers) { if (modifiers) { node.flags |= modifiers.flags; node.modifiers = modifiers; } } function parseParameter() { var node = createNode(129); node.decorators = parseDecorators(); setModifiers(node, parseModifiers()); node.dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(21); node.name = inGeneratorParameterContext() ? doInYieldContext(parseIdentifierOrPattern) : parseIdentifierOrPattern(); if (ts.getFullWidth(node.name) === 0 && node.flags === 0 && ts.isModifier(token)) { nextToken(); } node.questionToken = parseOptionalToken(50); node.type = parseParameterType(); node.initializer = inGeneratorParameterContext() ? doOutsideOfYieldContext(parseParameterInitializer) : parseParameterInitializer(); return finishNode(node); } function parseParameterInitializer() { return parseInitializer(true); } function fillSignature(returnToken, yieldAndGeneratorParameterContext, requireCompleteParameterList, signature) { var returnTokenRequired = returnToken === 32; signature.typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); signature.parameters = parseParameterList(yieldAndGeneratorParameterContext, requireCompleteParameterList); if (returnTokenRequired) { parseExpected(returnToken); signature.type = parseType(); } else if (parseOptional(returnToken)) { signature.type = parseType(); } } function parseParameterList(yieldAndGeneratorParameterContext, requireCompleteParameterList) { if (parseExpected(16)) { var savedYieldContext = inYieldContext(); var savedGeneratorParameterContext = inGeneratorParameterContext(); setYieldContext(yieldAndGeneratorParameterContext); setGeneratorParameterContext(yieldAndGeneratorParameterContext); var result = parseDelimitedList(15, parseParameter); setYieldContext(savedYieldContext); setGeneratorParameterContext(savedGeneratorParameterContext); if (!parseExpected(17) && requireCompleteParameterList) { return undefined; } return result; } return requireCompleteParameterList ? undefined : createMissingList(); } function parseTypeMemberSemicolon() { if (parseOptional(23)) { return; } parseSemicolon(); } function parseSignatureMember(kind) { var node = createNode(kind); if (kind === 139) { parseExpected(88); } fillSignature(51, false, false, node); parseTypeMemberSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function isIndexSignature() { if (token !== 18) { return false; } return lookAhead(isUnambiguouslyIndexSignature); } function isUnambiguouslyIndexSignature() { nextToken(); if (token === 21 || token === 19) { return true; } if (ts.isModifier(token)) { nextToken(); if (isIdentifier()) { return true; } } else if (!isIdentifier()) { return false; } else { nextToken(); } if (token === 51 || token === 23) { return true; } if (token !== 50) { return false; } nextToken(); return token === 51 || token === 23 || token === 19; } function parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(140, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); node.parameters = parseBracketedList(15, parseParameter, 18, 19); node.type = parseTypeAnnotation(); parseTypeMemberSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function parsePropertyOrMethodSignature() { var fullStart = scanner.getStartPos(); var name = parsePropertyName(); var questionToken = parseOptionalToken(50); if (token === 16 || token === 24) { var method = createNode(133, fullStart); method.name = name; method.questionToken = questionToken; fillSignature(51, false, false, method); parseTypeMemberSemicolon(); return finishNode(method); } else { var property = createNode(131, fullStart); property.name = name; property.questionToken = questionToken; property.type = parseTypeAnnotation(); parseTypeMemberSemicolon(); return finishNode(property); } } function isStartOfTypeMember() { switch (token) { case 16: case 24: case 18: return true; default: if (ts.isModifier(token)) { var result = lookAhead(isStartOfIndexSignatureDeclaration); if (result) { return result; } } return isLiteralPropertyName() && lookAhead(isTypeMemberWithLiteralPropertyName); } } function isStartOfIndexSignatureDeclaration() { while (ts.isModifier(token)) { nextToken(); } return isIndexSignature(); } function isTypeMemberWithLiteralPropertyName() { nextToken(); return token === 16 || token === 24 || token === 50 || token === 51 || canParseSemicolon(); } function parseTypeMember() { switch (token) { case 16: case 24: return parseSignatureMember(138); case 18: return isIndexSignature() ? parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined) : parsePropertyOrMethodSignature(); case 88: if (lookAhead(isStartOfConstructSignature)) { return parseSignatureMember(139); } case 8: case 7: return parsePropertyOrMethodSignature(); default: if (ts.isModifier(token)) { var result = tryParse(parseIndexSignatureWithModifiers); if (result) { return result; } } if (isIdentifierOrKeyword()) { return parsePropertyOrMethodSignature(); } } } function parseIndexSignatureWithModifiers() { var fullStart = scanner.getStartPos(); var decorators = parseDecorators(); var modifiers = parseModifiers(); return isIndexSignature() ? parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) : undefined; } function isStartOfConstructSignature() { nextToken(); return token === 16 || token === 24; } function parseTypeLiteral() { var node = createNode(145); node.members = parseObjectTypeMembers(); return finishNode(node); } function parseObjectTypeMembers() { var members; if (parseExpected(14)) { members = parseList(5, false, parseTypeMember); parseExpected(15); } else { members = createMissingList(); } return members; } function parseTupleType() { var node = createNode(147); node.elementTypes = parseBracketedList(18, parseType, 18, 19); return finishNode(node); } function parseParenthesizedType() { var node = createNode(149); parseExpected(16); node.type = parseType(); parseExpected(17); return finishNode(node); } function parseFunctionOrConstructorType(kind) { var node = createNode(kind); if (kind === 143) { parseExpected(88); } fillSignature(32, false, false, node); return finishNode(node); } function parseKeywordAndNoDot() { var node = parseTokenNode(); return token === 20 ? undefined : node; } function parseNonArrayType() { switch (token) { case 112: case 121: case 119: case 113: case 122: var node = tryParse(parseKeywordAndNoDot); return node || parseTypeReference(); case 99: return parseTokenNode(); case 97: return parseTypeQuery(); case 14: return parseTypeLiteral(); case 18: return parseTupleType(); case 16: return parseParenthesizedType(); default: return parseTypeReference(); } } function isStartOfType() { switch (token) { case 112: case 121: case 119: case 113: case 122: case 99: case 97: case 14: case 18: case 24: case 88: return true; case 16: return lookAhead(isStartOfParenthesizedOrFunctionType); default: return isIdentifier(); } } function isStartOfParenthesizedOrFunctionType() { nextToken(); return token === 17 || isStartOfParameter() || isStartOfType(); } function parseArrayTypeOrHigher() { var type = parseNonArrayType(); while (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && parseOptional(18)) { parseExpected(19); var node = createNode(146, type.pos); node.elementType = type; type = finishNode(node); } return type; } function parseUnionTypeOrHigher() { var type = parseArrayTypeOrHigher(); if (token === 44) { var types = [type]; types.pos = type.pos; while (parseOptional(44)) { types.push(parseArrayTypeOrHigher()); } types.end = getNodeEnd(); var node = createNode(148, type.pos); node.types = types; type = finishNode(node); } return type; } function isStartOfFunctionType() { if (token === 24) { return true; } return token === 16 && lookAhead(isUnambiguouslyStartOfFunctionType); } function isUnambiguouslyStartOfFunctionType() { nextToken(); if (token === 17 || token === 21) { return true; } if (isIdentifier() || ts.isModifier(token)) { nextToken(); if (token === 51 || token === 23 || token === 50 || token === 53 || isIdentifier() || ts.isModifier(token)) { return true; } if (token === 17) { nextToken(); if (token === 32) { return true; } } } return false; } function parseType() { var savedYieldContext = inYieldContext(); var savedGeneratorParameterContext = inGeneratorParameterContext(); setYieldContext(false); setGeneratorParameterContext(false); var result = parseTypeWorker(); setYieldContext(savedYieldContext); setGeneratorParameterContext(savedGeneratorParameterContext); return result; } function parseTypeWorker() { if (isStartOfFunctionType()) { return parseFunctionOrConstructorType(142); } if (token === 88) { return parseFunctionOrConstructorType(143); } return parseUnionTypeOrHigher(); } function parseTypeAnnotation() { return parseOptional(51) ? parseType() : undefined; } function isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression() { switch (token) { case 93: case 91: case 89: case 95: case 80: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 11: case 16: case 18: case 14: case 83: case 69: case 88: case 36: case 57: case 65: return true; default: return isIdentifier(); } } function isStartOfExpression() { if (isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression()) { return true; } switch (token) { case 33: case 34: case 47: case 46: case 74: case 97: case 99: case 38: case 39: case 24: case 111: return true; default: if (isBinaryOperator()) { return true; } return isIdentifier(); } } function isStartOfExpressionStatement() { return token !== 14 && token !== 83 && token !== 69 && token !== 52 && isStartOfExpression(); } function parseExpression() { // Expression[in]: // AssignmentExpression[in] // Expression[in] , AssignmentExpression[in] var saveDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext(); if (saveDecoratorContext) { setDecoratorContext(false); } var expr = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); var operatorToken; while ((operatorToken = parseOptionalToken(23))) { expr = makeBinaryExpression(expr, operatorToken, parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher()); } if (saveDecoratorContext) { setDecoratorContext(true); } return expr; } function parseInitializer(inParameter) { if (token !== 53) { if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() || (inParameter && token === 14) || !isStartOfExpression()) { return undefined; } } parseExpected(53); return parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); } function parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher() { // AssignmentExpression[in,yield]: // 1) ConditionalExpression[?in,?yield] // 2) LeftHandSideExpression = AssignmentExpression[?in,?yield] // 3) LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression[?in,?yield] // 4) ArrowFunctionExpression[?in,?yield] // 5) [+Yield] YieldExpression[?In] // // Note: for ease of implementation we treat productions '2' and '3' as the same thing. // (i.e. they're both BinaryExpressions with an assignment operator in it). if (isYieldExpression()) { return parseYieldExpression(); } var arrowExpression = tryParseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(); if (arrowExpression) { return arrowExpression; } var expr = parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(0); if (expr.kind === 65 && token === 32) { return parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(expr); } if (isLeftHandSideExpression(expr) && isAssignmentOperator(reScanGreaterToken())) { return makeBinaryExpression(expr, parseTokenNode(), parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher()); } return parseConditionalExpressionRest(expr); } function isYieldExpression() { if (token === 111) { if (inYieldContext()) { return true; } if (inStrictModeContext()) { return true; } return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOnSameLine); } return false; } function nextTokenIsIdentifierOnSameLine() { nextToken(); return !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && isIdentifier(); } function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuringOnTheSameLine() { nextToken(); return !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && (isIdentifier() || token === 14 || token === 18); } function parseYieldExpression() { var node = createNode(172); nextToken(); if (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && (token === 35 || isStartOfExpression())) { node.asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(35); node.expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); return finishNode(node); } else { return finishNode(node); } } function parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(identifier) { ts.Debug.assert(token === 32, "parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression should only have been called if we had a =>"); var node = createNode(163, identifier.pos); var parameter = createNode(129, identifier.pos); parameter.name = identifier; finishNode(parameter); node.parameters = [parameter]; node.parameters.pos = parameter.pos; node.parameters.end = parameter.end; node.equalsGreaterThanToken = parseExpectedToken(32, false, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, "=>"); node.body = parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody(); return finishNode(node); } function tryParseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression() { var triState = isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(); if (triState === 0) { return undefined; } var arrowFunction = triState === 1 ? parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead(true) : tryParse(parsePossibleParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead); if (!arrowFunction) { return undefined; } var lastToken = token; arrowFunction.equalsGreaterThanToken = parseExpectedToken(32, false, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, "=>"); arrowFunction.body = (lastToken === 32 || lastToken === 14) ? parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody() : parseIdentifier(); return finishNode(arrowFunction); } function isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression() { if (token === 16 || token === 24) { return lookAhead(isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionWorker); } if (token === 32) { return 1; } return 0; } function isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionWorker() { var first = token; var second = nextToken(); if (first === 16) { if (second === 17) { var third = nextToken(); switch (third) { case 32: case 51: case 14: return 1; default: return 0; } } if (second === 21) { return 1; } if (!isIdentifier()) { return 0; } if (nextToken() === 51) { return 1; } return 2; } else { ts.Debug.assert(first === 24); if (!isIdentifier()) { return 0; } return 2; } } function parsePossibleParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead() { return parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead(false); } function parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead(allowAmbiguity) { var node = createNode(163); fillSignature(51, false, !allowAmbiguity, node); if (!node.parameters) { return undefined; } if (!allowAmbiguity && token !== 32 && token !== 14) { return undefined; } return node; } function parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody() { if (token === 14) { return parseFunctionBlock(false, false); } if (isStartOfStatement(true) && !isStartOfExpressionStatement() && token !== 83 && token !== 69) { return parseFunctionBlock(false, true); } return parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); } function parseConditionalExpressionRest(leftOperand) { var questionToken = parseOptionalToken(50); if (!questionToken) { return leftOperand; } var node = createNode(170, leftOperand.pos); node.condition = leftOperand; node.questionToken = questionToken; node.whenTrue = doOutsideOfContext(disallowInAndDecoratorContext, parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher); node.colonToken = parseExpectedToken(51, false, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, ts.tokenToString(51)); node.whenFalse = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); return finishNode(node); } function parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(precedence) { var leftOperand = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); return parseBinaryExpressionRest(precedence, leftOperand); } function isInOrOfKeyword(t) { return t === 86 || t === 125; } function parseBinaryExpressionRest(precedence, leftOperand) { while (true) { reScanGreaterToken(); var newPrecedence = getBinaryOperatorPrecedence(); if (newPrecedence <= precedence) { break; } if (token === 86 && inDisallowInContext()) { break; } leftOperand = makeBinaryExpression(leftOperand, parseTokenNode(), parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(newPrecedence)); } return leftOperand; } function isBinaryOperator() { if (inDisallowInContext() && token === 86) { return false; } return getBinaryOperatorPrecedence() > 0; } function getBinaryOperatorPrecedence() { switch (token) { case 49: return 1; case 48: return 2; case 44: return 3; case 45: return 4; case 43: return 5; case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: return 6; case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 87: case 86: return 7; case 40: case 41: case 42: return 8; case 33: case 34: return 9; case 35: case 36: case 37: return 10; } return -1; } function makeBinaryExpression(left, operatorToken, right) { var node = createNode(169, left.pos); node.left = left; node.operatorToken = operatorToken; node.right = right; return finishNode(node); } function parsePrefixUnaryExpression() { var node = createNode(167); node.operator = token; nextToken(); node.operand = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); return finishNode(node); } function parseDeleteExpression() { var node = createNode(164); nextToken(); node.expression = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); return finishNode(node); } function parseTypeOfExpression() { var node = createNode(165); nextToken(); node.expression = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); return finishNode(node); } function parseVoidExpression() { var node = createNode(166); nextToken(); node.expression = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); return finishNode(node); } function parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher() { switch (token) { case 33: case 34: case 47: case 46: case 38: case 39: return parsePrefixUnaryExpression(); case 74: return parseDeleteExpression(); case 97: return parseTypeOfExpression(); case 99: return parseVoidExpression(); case 24: return parseTypeAssertion(); default: return parsePostfixExpressionOrHigher(); } } function parsePostfixExpressionOrHigher() { var expression = parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher(); ts.Debug.assert(isLeftHandSideExpression(expression)); if ((token === 38 || token === 39) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { var node = createNode(168, expression.pos); node.operand = expression; node.operator = token; nextToken(); return finishNode(node); } return expression; } function parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher() { var expression = token === 91 ? parseSuperExpression() : parseMemberExpressionOrHigher(); return parseCallExpressionRest(expression); } function parseMemberExpressionOrHigher() { var expression = parsePrimaryExpression(); return parseMemberExpressionRest(expression); } function parseSuperExpression() { var expression = parseTokenNode(); if (token === 16 || token === 20) { return expression; } var node = createNode(155, expression.pos); node.expression = expression; node.dotToken = parseExpectedToken(20, false, ts.Diagnostics.super_must_be_followed_by_an_argument_list_or_member_access); node.name = parseRightSideOfDot(true); return finishNode(node); } function parseTypeAssertion() { var node = createNode(160); parseExpected(24); node.type = parseType(); parseExpected(25); node.expression = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); return finishNode(node); } function parseMemberExpressionRest(expression) { while (true) { var dotToken = parseOptionalToken(20); if (dotToken) { var propertyAccess = createNode(155, expression.pos); propertyAccess.expression = expression; propertyAccess.dotToken = dotToken; propertyAccess.name = parseRightSideOfDot(true); expression = finishNode(propertyAccess); continue; } if (!inDecoratorContext() && parseOptional(18)) { var indexedAccess = createNode(156, expression.pos); indexedAccess.expression = expression; if (token !== 19) { indexedAccess.argumentExpression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); if (indexedAccess.argumentExpression.kind === 8 || indexedAccess.argumentExpression.kind === 7) { var literal = indexedAccess.argumentExpression; literal.text = internIdentifier(literal.text); } } parseExpected(19); expression = finishNode(indexedAccess); continue; } if (token === 10 || token === 11) { var tagExpression = createNode(159, expression.pos); tagExpression.tag = expression; tagExpression.template = token === 10 ? parseLiteralNode() : parseTemplateExpression(); expression = finishNode(tagExpression); continue; } return expression; } } function parseCallExpressionRest(expression) { while (true) { expression = parseMemberExpressionRest(expression); if (token === 24) { var typeArguments = tryParse(parseTypeArgumentsInExpression); if (!typeArguments) { return expression; } var callExpr = createNode(157, expression.pos); callExpr.expression = expression; callExpr.typeArguments = typeArguments; callExpr.arguments = parseArgumentList(); expression = finishNode(callExpr); continue; } else if (token === 16) { var callExpr = createNode(157, expression.pos); callExpr.expression = expression; callExpr.arguments = parseArgumentList(); expression = finishNode(callExpr); continue; } return expression; } } function parseArgumentList() { parseExpected(16); var result = parseDelimitedList(12, parseArgumentExpression); parseExpected(17); return result; } function parseTypeArgumentsInExpression() { if (!parseOptional(24)) { return undefined; } var typeArguments = parseDelimitedList(17, parseType); if (!parseExpected(25)) { return undefined; } return typeArguments && canFollowTypeArgumentsInExpression() ? typeArguments : undefined; } function canFollowTypeArgumentsInExpression() { switch (token) { case 16: case 20: case 17: case 19: case 51: case 22: case 50: case 28: case 30: case 29: case 31: case 48: case 49: case 45: case 43: case 44: case 15: case 1: return true; case 23: case 14: default: return false; } } function parsePrimaryExpression() { switch (token) { case 7: case 8: case 10: return parseLiteralNode(); case 93: case 91: case 89: case 95: case 80: return parseTokenNode(); case 16: return parseParenthesizedExpression(); case 18: return parseArrayLiteralExpression(); case 14: return parseObjectLiteralExpression(); case 69: return parseClassExpression(); case 83: return parseFunctionExpression(); case 88: return parseNewExpression(); case 36: case 57: if (reScanSlashToken() === 9) { return parseLiteralNode(); } break; case 11: return parseTemplateExpression(); } return parseIdentifier(ts.Diagnostics.Expression_expected); } function parseParenthesizedExpression() { var node = createNode(161); parseExpected(16); node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseExpected(17); return finishNode(node); } function parseSpreadElement() { var node = createNode(173); parseExpected(21); node.expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); return finishNode(node); } function parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement() { return token === 21 ? parseSpreadElement() : token === 23 ? createNode(175) : parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); } function parseArgumentExpression() { return doOutsideOfContext(disallowInAndDecoratorContext, parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement); } function parseArrayLiteralExpression() { var node = createNode(153); parseExpected(18); if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) node.flags |= 512; node.elements = parseDelimitedList(14, parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement); parseExpected(19); return finishNode(node); } function tryParseAccessorDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { if (parseContextualModifier(116)) { return parseAccessorDeclaration(136, fullStart, decorators, modifiers); } else if (parseContextualModifier(120)) { return parseAccessorDeclaration(137, fullStart, decorators, modifiers); } return undefined; } function parseObjectLiteralElement() { var fullStart = scanner.getStartPos(); var decorators = parseDecorators(); var modifiers = parseModifiers(); var accessor = tryParseAccessorDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); if (accessor) { return accessor; } var asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(35); var tokenIsIdentifier = isIdentifier(); var nameToken = token; var propertyName = parsePropertyName(); var questionToken = parseOptionalToken(50); if (asteriskToken || token === 16 || token === 24) { return parseMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, asteriskToken, propertyName, questionToken); } if ((token === 23 || token === 15) && tokenIsIdentifier) { var shorthandDeclaration = createNode(225, fullStart); shorthandDeclaration.name = propertyName; shorthandDeclaration.questionToken = questionToken; return finishNode(shorthandDeclaration); } else { var propertyAssignment = createNode(224, fullStart); propertyAssignment.name = propertyName; propertyAssignment.questionToken = questionToken; parseExpected(51); propertyAssignment.initializer = allowInAnd(parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher); return finishNode(propertyAssignment); } } function parseObjectLiteralExpression() { var node = createNode(154); parseExpected(14); if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { node.flags |= 512; } node.properties = parseDelimitedList(13, parseObjectLiteralElement, true); parseExpected(15); return finishNode(node); } function parseFunctionExpression() { var saveDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext(); if (saveDecoratorContext) { setDecoratorContext(false); } var node = createNode(162); parseExpected(83); node.asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(35); node.name = node.asteriskToken ? doInYieldContext(parseOptionalIdentifier) : parseOptionalIdentifier(); fillSignature(51, !!node.asteriskToken, false, node); node.body = parseFunctionBlock(!!node.asteriskToken, false); if (saveDecoratorContext) { setDecoratorContext(true); } return finishNode(node); } function parseOptionalIdentifier() { return isIdentifier() ? parseIdentifier() : undefined; } function parseNewExpression() { var node = createNode(158); parseExpected(88); node.expression = parseMemberExpressionOrHigher(); node.typeArguments = tryParse(parseTypeArgumentsInExpression); if (node.typeArguments || token === 16) { node.arguments = parseArgumentList(); } return finishNode(node); } function parseBlock(ignoreMissingOpenBrace, checkForStrictMode, diagnosticMessage) { var node = createNode(179); if (parseExpected(14, diagnosticMessage) || ignoreMissingOpenBrace) { node.statements = parseList(2, checkForStrictMode, parseStatement); parseExpected(15); } else { node.statements = createMissingList(); } return finishNode(node); } function parseFunctionBlock(allowYield, ignoreMissingOpenBrace, diagnosticMessage) { var savedYieldContext = inYieldContext(); setYieldContext(allowYield); var saveDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext(); if (saveDecoratorContext) { setDecoratorContext(false); } var block = parseBlock(ignoreMissingOpenBrace, true, diagnosticMessage); if (saveDecoratorContext) { setDecoratorContext(true); } setYieldContext(savedYieldContext); return block; } function parseEmptyStatement() { var node = createNode(181); parseExpected(22); return finishNode(node); } function parseIfStatement() { var node = createNode(183); parseExpected(84); parseExpected(16); node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseExpected(17); node.thenStatement = parseStatement(); node.elseStatement = parseOptional(76) ? parseStatement() : undefined; return finishNode(node); } function parseDoStatement() { var node = createNode(184); parseExpected(75); node.statement = parseStatement(); parseExpected(100); parseExpected(16); node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseExpected(17); parseOptional(22); return finishNode(node); } function parseWhileStatement() { var node = createNode(185); parseExpected(100); parseExpected(16); node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseExpected(17); node.statement = parseStatement(); return finishNode(node); } function parseForOrForInOrForOfStatement() { var pos = getNodePos(); parseExpected(82); parseExpected(16); var initializer = undefined; if (token !== 22) { if (token === 98 || token === 105 || token === 70) { initializer = parseVariableDeclarationList(true); } else { initializer = disallowInAnd(parseExpression); } } var forOrForInOrForOfStatement; if (parseOptional(86)) { var forInStatement = createNode(187, pos); forInStatement.initializer = initializer; forInStatement.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseExpected(17); forOrForInOrForOfStatement = forInStatement; } else if (parseOptional(125)) { var forOfStatement = createNode(188, pos); forOfStatement.initializer = initializer; forOfStatement.expression = allowInAnd(parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher); parseExpected(17); forOrForInOrForOfStatement = forOfStatement; } else { var forStatement = createNode(186, pos); forStatement.initializer = initializer; parseExpected(22); if (token !== 22 && token !== 17) { forStatement.condition = allowInAnd(parseExpression); } parseExpected(22); if (token !== 17) { forStatement.iterator = allowInAnd(parseExpression); } parseExpected(17); forOrForInOrForOfStatement = forStatement; } forOrForInOrForOfStatement.statement = parseStatement(); return finishNode(forOrForInOrForOfStatement); } function parseBreakOrContinueStatement(kind) { var node = createNode(kind); parseExpected(kind === 190 ? 66 : 71); if (!canParseSemicolon()) { node.label = parseIdentifier(); } parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function parseReturnStatement() { var node = createNode(191); parseExpected(90); if (!canParseSemicolon()) { node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); } parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function parseWithStatement() { var node = createNode(192); parseExpected(101); parseExpected(16); node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseExpected(17); node.statement = parseStatement(); return finishNode(node); } function parseCaseClause() { var node = createNode(220); parseExpected(67); node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseExpected(51); node.statements = parseList(4, false, parseStatement); return finishNode(node); } function parseDefaultClause() { var node = createNode(221); parseExpected(73); parseExpected(51); node.statements = parseList(4, false, parseStatement); return finishNode(node); } function parseCaseOrDefaultClause() { return token === 67 ? parseCaseClause() : parseDefaultClause(); } function parseSwitchStatement() { var node = createNode(193); parseExpected(92); parseExpected(16); node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseExpected(17); var caseBlock = createNode(207, scanner.getStartPos()); parseExpected(14); caseBlock.clauses = parseList(3, false, parseCaseOrDefaultClause); parseExpected(15); node.caseBlock = finishNode(caseBlock); return finishNode(node); } function parseThrowStatement() { // ThrowStatement[Yield] : // throw [no LineTerminator here]Expression[In, ?Yield]; var node = createNode(195); parseExpected(94); node.expression = scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() ? undefined : allowInAnd(parseExpression); parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function parseTryStatement() { var node = createNode(196); parseExpected(96); node.tryBlock = parseBlock(false, false); node.catchClause = token === 68 ? parseCatchClause() : undefined; if (!node.catchClause || token === 81) { parseExpected(81); node.finallyBlock = parseBlock(false, false); } return finishNode(node); } function parseCatchClause() { var result = createNode(223); parseExpected(68); if (parseExpected(16)) { result.variableDeclaration = parseVariableDeclaration(); } parseExpected(17); result.block = parseBlock(false, false); return finishNode(result); } function parseDebuggerStatement() { var node = createNode(197); parseExpected(72); parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement() { var fullStart = scanner.getStartPos(); var expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); if (expression.kind === 65 && parseOptional(51)) { var labeledStatement = createNode(194, fullStart); labeledStatement.label = expression; labeledStatement.statement = parseStatement(); return finishNode(labeledStatement); } else { var expressionStatement = createNode(182, fullStart); expressionStatement.expression = expression; parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(expressionStatement); } } function isStartOfStatement(inErrorRecovery) { if (ts.isModifier(token)) { var result = lookAhead(parseVariableStatementOrFunctionDeclarationOrClassDeclarationWithDecoratorsOrModifiers); if (result) { return true; } } switch (token) { case 22: return !inErrorRecovery; case 14: case 98: case 105: case 83: case 69: case 84: case 75: case 100: case 82: case 71: case 66: case 90: case 101: case 92: case 94: case 96: case 72: case 68: case 81: return true; case 70: var isConstEnum = lookAhead(nextTokenIsEnumKeyword); return !isConstEnum; case 104: case 117: case 77: case 123: if (isDeclarationStart()) { return false; } case 109: case 107: case 108: case 110: if (lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine)) { return false; } default: return isStartOfExpression(); } } function nextTokenIsEnumKeyword() { nextToken(); return token === 77; } function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine() { nextToken(); return isIdentifierOrKeyword() && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); } function parseStatement() { switch (token) { case 14: return parseBlock(false, false); case 98: case 70: return parseVariableStatement(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined); case 83: return parseFunctionDeclaration(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined); case 69: return parseClassDeclaration(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined); case 22: return parseEmptyStatement(); case 84: return parseIfStatement(); case 75: return parseDoStatement(); case 100: return parseWhileStatement(); case 82: return parseForOrForInOrForOfStatement(); case 71: return parseBreakOrContinueStatement(189); case 66: return parseBreakOrContinueStatement(190); case 90: return parseReturnStatement(); case 101: return parseWithStatement(); case 92: return parseSwitchStatement(); case 94: return parseThrowStatement(); case 96: case 68: case 81: return parseTryStatement(); case 72: return parseDebuggerStatement(); case 105: if (isLetDeclaration()) { return parseVariableStatement(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined); } default: if (ts.isModifier(token) || token === 52) { var result = tryParse(parseVariableStatementOrFunctionDeclarationOrClassDeclarationWithDecoratorsOrModifiers); if (result) { return result; } } return parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement(); } } function parseVariableStatementOrFunctionDeclarationOrClassDeclarationWithDecoratorsOrModifiers() { var start = scanner.getStartPos(); var decorators = parseDecorators(); var modifiers = parseModifiers(); switch (token) { case 70: var nextTokenIsEnum = lookAhead(nextTokenIsEnumKeyword); if (nextTokenIsEnum) { return undefined; } return parseVariableStatement(start, decorators, modifiers); case 105: if (!isLetDeclaration()) { return undefined; } return parseVariableStatement(start, decorators, modifiers); case 98: return parseVariableStatement(start, decorators, modifiers); case 83: return parseFunctionDeclaration(start, decorators, modifiers); case 69: return parseClassDeclaration(start, decorators, modifiers); } return undefined; } function parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(isGenerator, diagnosticMessage) { if (token !== 14 && canParseSemicolon()) { parseSemicolon(); return; } return parseFunctionBlock(isGenerator, false, diagnosticMessage); } function parseArrayBindingElement() { if (token === 23) { return createNode(175); } var node = createNode(152); node.dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(21); node.name = parseIdentifierOrPattern(); node.initializer = parseInitializer(false); return finishNode(node); } function parseObjectBindingElement() { var node = createNode(152); var id = parsePropertyName(); if (id.kind === 65 && token !== 51) { node.name = id; } else { parseExpected(51); node.propertyName = id; node.name = parseIdentifierOrPattern(); } node.initializer = parseInitializer(false); return finishNode(node); } function parseObjectBindingPattern() { var node = createNode(150); parseExpected(14); node.elements = parseDelimitedList(10, parseObjectBindingElement); parseExpected(15); return finishNode(node); } function parseArrayBindingPattern() { var node = createNode(151); parseExpected(18); node.elements = parseDelimitedList(11, parseArrayBindingElement); parseExpected(19); return finishNode(node); } function isIdentifierOrPattern() { return token === 14 || token === 18 || isIdentifier(); } function parseIdentifierOrPattern() { if (token === 18) { return parseArrayBindingPattern(); } if (token === 14) { return parseObjectBindingPattern(); } return parseIdentifier(); } function parseVariableDeclaration() { var node = createNode(198); node.name = parseIdentifierOrPattern(); node.type = parseTypeAnnotation(); if (!isInOrOfKeyword(token)) { node.initializer = parseInitializer(false); } return finishNode(node); } function parseVariableDeclarationList(inForStatementInitializer) { var node = createNode(199); switch (token) { case 98: break; case 105: node.flags |= 4096; break; case 70: node.flags |= 8192; break; default: ts.Debug.fail(); } nextToken(); if (token === 125 && lookAhead(canFollowContextualOfKeyword)) { node.declarations = createMissingList(); } else { var savedDisallowIn = inDisallowInContext(); setDisallowInContext(inForStatementInitializer); node.declarations = parseDelimitedList(9, parseVariableDeclaration); setDisallowInContext(savedDisallowIn); } return finishNode(node); } function canFollowContextualOfKeyword() { return nextTokenIsIdentifier() && nextToken() === 17; } function parseVariableStatement(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(180, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); node.declarationList = parseVariableDeclarationList(false); parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function parseFunctionDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(200, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); parseExpected(83); node.asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(35); node.name = node.flags & 256 ? parseOptionalIdentifier() : parseIdentifier(); fillSignature(51, !!node.asteriskToken, false, node); node.body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(!!node.asteriskToken, ts.Diagnostics.or_expected); return finishNode(node); } function parseConstructorDeclaration(pos, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(135, pos); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); parseExpected(114); fillSignature(51, false, false, node); node.body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(false, ts.Diagnostics.or_expected); return finishNode(node); } function parseMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, asteriskToken, name, questionToken, diagnosticMessage) { var method = createNode(134, fullStart); method.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(method, modifiers); method.asteriskToken = asteriskToken; method.name = name; method.questionToken = questionToken; fillSignature(51, !!asteriskToken, false, method); method.body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(!!asteriskToken, diagnosticMessage); return finishNode(method); } function parsePropertyDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, name, questionToken) { var property = createNode(132, fullStart); property.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(property, modifiers); property.name = name; property.questionToken = questionToken; property.type = parseTypeAnnotation(); property.initializer = allowInAnd(parseNonParameterInitializer); parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(property); } function parsePropertyOrMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(35); var name = parsePropertyName(); var questionToken = parseOptionalToken(50); if (asteriskToken || token === 16 || token === 24) { return parseMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, asteriskToken, name, questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.or_expected); } else { return parsePropertyDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, name, questionToken); } } function parseNonParameterInitializer() { return parseInitializer(false); } function parseAccessorDeclaration(kind, fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(kind, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); node.name = parsePropertyName(); fillSignature(51, false, false, node); node.body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(false); return finishNode(node); } function isClassMemberStart() { var idToken; if (token === 52) { return true; } while (ts.isModifier(token)) { idToken = token; nextToken(); } if (token === 35) { return true; } if (isLiteralPropertyName()) { idToken = token; nextToken(); } if (token === 18) { return true; } if (idToken !== undefined) { if (!ts.isKeyword(idToken) || idToken === 120 || idToken === 116) { return true; } switch (token) { case 16: case 24: case 51: case 53: case 50: return true; default: return canParseSemicolon(); } } return false; } function parseDecorators() { var decorators; while (true) { var decoratorStart = getNodePos(); if (!parseOptional(52)) { break; } if (!decorators) { decorators = []; decorators.pos = scanner.getStartPos(); } var decorator = createNode(130, decoratorStart); decorator.expression = doInDecoratorContext(parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher); decorators.push(finishNode(decorator)); } if (decorators) { decorators.end = getNodeEnd(); } return decorators; } function parseModifiers() { var flags = 0; var modifiers; while (true) { var modifierStart = scanner.getStartPos(); var modifierKind = token; if (!parseAnyContextualModifier()) { break; } if (!modifiers) { modifiers = []; modifiers.pos = modifierStart; } flags |= modifierToFlag(modifierKind); modifiers.push(finishNode(createNode(modifierKind, modifierStart))); } if (modifiers) { modifiers.flags = flags; modifiers.end = scanner.getStartPos(); } return modifiers; } function parseClassElement() { if (token === 22) { var result = createNode(178); nextToken(); return finishNode(result); } var fullStart = getNodePos(); var decorators = parseDecorators(); var modifiers = parseModifiers(); var accessor = tryParseAccessorDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); if (accessor) { return accessor; } if (token === 114) { return parseConstructorDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); } if (isIndexSignature()) { return parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); } if (isIdentifierOrKeyword() || token === 8 || token === 7 || token === 35 || token === 18) { return parsePropertyOrMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); } if (decorators) { var name_3 = createMissingNode(65, true, ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_expected); return parsePropertyDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, name_3, undefined); } ts.Debug.fail("Should not have attempted to parse class member declaration."); } function parseClassExpression() { return parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined, 174); } function parseClassDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { return parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, 201); } function parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, kind) { var savedStrictModeContext = inStrictModeContext(); if (languageVersion >= 2) { setStrictModeContext(true); } var node = createNode(kind, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); parseExpected(69); node.name = node.flags & 256 ? parseOptionalIdentifier() : parseIdentifier(); node.typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); node.heritageClauses = parseHeritageClauses(true); if (parseExpected(14)) { node.members = inGeneratorParameterContext() ? doOutsideOfYieldContext(parseClassMembers) : parseClassMembers(); parseExpected(15); } else { node.members = createMissingList(); } var finishedNode = finishNode(node); setStrictModeContext(savedStrictModeContext); return finishedNode; } function parseHeritageClauses(isClassHeritageClause) { // ClassTail[Yield,GeneratorParameter] : See 14.5 // [~GeneratorParameter]ClassHeritage[?Yield]opt { ClassBody[?Yield]opt } // [+GeneratorParameter] ClassHeritageopt { ClassBodyopt } if (isHeritageClause()) { return isClassHeritageClause && inGeneratorParameterContext() ? doOutsideOfYieldContext(parseHeritageClausesWorker) : parseHeritageClausesWorker(); } return undefined; } function parseHeritageClausesWorker() { return parseList(19, false, parseHeritageClause); } function parseHeritageClause() { if (token === 79 || token === 103) { var node = createNode(222); node.token = token; nextToken(); node.types = parseDelimitedList(8, parseHeritageClauseElement); return finishNode(node); } return undefined; } function parseHeritageClauseElement() { var node = createNode(177); node.expression = parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher(); if (token === 24) { node.typeArguments = parseBracketedList(17, parseType, 24, 25); } return finishNode(node); } function isHeritageClause() { return token === 79 || token === 103; } function parseClassMembers() { return parseList(6, false, parseClassElement); } function parseInterfaceDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(202, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); parseExpected(104); node.name = parseIdentifier(); node.typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); node.heritageClauses = parseHeritageClauses(false); node.members = parseObjectTypeMembers(); return finishNode(node); } function parseTypeAliasDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(203, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); parseExpected(123); node.name = parseIdentifier(); parseExpected(53); node.type = parseType(); parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function parseEnumMember() { var node = createNode(226, scanner.getStartPos()); node.name = parsePropertyName(); node.initializer = allowInAnd(parseNonParameterInitializer); return finishNode(node); } function parseEnumDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(204, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); parseExpected(77); node.name = parseIdentifier(); if (parseExpected(14)) { node.members = parseDelimitedList(7, parseEnumMember); parseExpected(15); } else { node.members = createMissingList(); } return finishNode(node); } function parseModuleBlock() { var node = createNode(206, scanner.getStartPos()); if (parseExpected(14)) { node.statements = parseList(1, false, parseModuleElement); parseExpected(15); } else { node.statements = createMissingList(); } return finishNode(node); } function parseInternalModuleTail(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, flags) { var node = createNode(205, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); node.flags |= flags; node.name = parseIdentifier(); node.body = parseOptional(20) ? parseInternalModuleTail(getNodePos(), undefined, undefined, 1) : parseModuleBlock(); return finishNode(node); } function parseAmbientExternalModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(205, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); node.name = parseLiteralNode(true); node.body = parseModuleBlock(); return finishNode(node); } function parseModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { parseExpected(117); return token === 8 ? parseAmbientExternalModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) : parseInternalModuleTail(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, modifiers ? modifiers.flags : 0); } function isExternalModuleReference() { return token === 118 && lookAhead(nextTokenIsOpenParen); } function nextTokenIsOpenParen() { return nextToken() === 16; } function nextTokenIsCommaOrFromKeyword() { nextToken(); return token === 23 || token === 124; } function parseImportDeclarationOrImportEqualsDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { parseExpected(85); var afterImportPos = scanner.getStartPos(); var identifier; if (isIdentifier()) { identifier = parseIdentifier(); if (token !== 23 && token !== 124) { var importEqualsDeclaration = createNode(208, fullStart); importEqualsDeclaration.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(importEqualsDeclaration, modifiers); importEqualsDeclaration.name = identifier; parseExpected(53); importEqualsDeclaration.moduleReference = parseModuleReference(); parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(importEqualsDeclaration); } } var importDeclaration = createNode(209, fullStart); importDeclaration.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(importDeclaration, modifiers); if (identifier || token === 35 || token === 14) { importDeclaration.importClause = parseImportClause(identifier, afterImportPos); parseExpected(124); } importDeclaration.moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier(); parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(importDeclaration); } function parseImportClause(identifier, fullStart) { //ImportClause: // ImportedDefaultBinding // NameSpaceImport // NamedImports // ImportedDefaultBinding, NameSpaceImport // ImportedDefaultBinding, NamedImports var importClause = createNode(210, fullStart); if (identifier) { importClause.name = identifier; } if (!importClause.name || parseOptional(23)) { importClause.namedBindings = token === 35 ? parseNamespaceImport() : parseNamedImportsOrExports(212); } return finishNode(importClause); } function parseModuleReference() { return isExternalModuleReference() ? parseExternalModuleReference() : parseEntityName(false); } function parseExternalModuleReference() { var node = createNode(219); parseExpected(118); parseExpected(16); node.expression = parseModuleSpecifier(); parseExpected(17); return finishNode(node); } function parseModuleSpecifier() { var result = parseExpression(); if (result.kind === 8) { internIdentifier(result.text); } return result; } function parseNamespaceImport() { var namespaceImport = createNode(211); parseExpected(35); parseExpected(102); namespaceImport.name = parseIdentifier(); return finishNode(namespaceImport); } function parseNamedImportsOrExports(kind) { var node = createNode(kind); node.elements = parseBracketedList(20, kind === 212 ? parseImportSpecifier : parseExportSpecifier, 14, 15); return finishNode(node); } function parseExportSpecifier() { return parseImportOrExportSpecifier(217); } function parseImportSpecifier() { return parseImportOrExportSpecifier(213); } function parseImportOrExportSpecifier(kind) { var node = createNode(kind); var checkIdentifierIsKeyword = ts.isKeyword(token) && !isIdentifier(); var checkIdentifierStart = scanner.getTokenPos(); var checkIdentifierEnd = scanner.getTextPos(); var identifierName = parseIdentifierName(); if (token === 102) { node.propertyName = identifierName; parseExpected(102); checkIdentifierIsKeyword = ts.isKeyword(token) && !isIdentifier(); checkIdentifierStart = scanner.getTokenPos(); checkIdentifierEnd = scanner.getTextPos(); node.name = parseIdentifierName(); } else { node.name = identifierName; } if (kind === 213 && checkIdentifierIsKeyword) { parseErrorAtPosition(checkIdentifierStart, checkIdentifierEnd - checkIdentifierStart, ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); } return finishNode(node); } function parseExportDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(215, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); if (parseOptional(35)) { parseExpected(124); node.moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier(); } else { node.exportClause = parseNamedImportsOrExports(216); if (parseOptional(124)) { node.moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier(); } } parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function parseExportAssignment(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) { var node = createNode(214, fullStart); node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); if (parseOptional(53)) { node.isExportEquals = true; node.expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); } else { parseExpected(73); if (parseOptional(51)) { node.type = parseType(); } else { node.expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(); } } parseSemicolon(); return finishNode(node); } function isLetDeclaration() { return inStrictModeContext() || lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuringOnTheSameLine); } function isDeclarationStart(followsModifier) { switch (token) { case 98: case 70: case 83: return true; case 105: return isLetDeclaration(); case 69: case 104: case 77: case 123: return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword); case 85: return lookAhead(nextTokenCanFollowImportKeyword); case 117: return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrStringLiteral); case 78: return lookAhead(nextTokenCanFollowExportKeyword); case 115: case 109: case 107: case 108: case 110: return lookAhead(nextTokenIsDeclarationStart); case 52: return !followsModifier; } } function isIdentifierOrKeyword() { return token >= 65; } function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword() { nextToken(); return isIdentifierOrKeyword(); } function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrStringLiteral() { nextToken(); return isIdentifierOrKeyword() || token === 8; } function nextTokenCanFollowImportKeyword() { nextToken(); return isIdentifierOrKeyword() || token === 8 || token === 35 || token === 14; } function nextTokenCanFollowExportKeyword() { nextToken(); return token === 53 || token === 35 || token === 14 || token === 73 || isDeclarationStart(true); } function nextTokenIsDeclarationStart() { nextToken(); return isDeclarationStart(true); } function nextTokenIsAsKeyword() { return nextToken() === 102; } function parseDeclaration() { var fullStart = getNodePos(); var decorators = parseDecorators(); var modifiers = parseModifiers(); if (token === 78) { nextToken(); if (token === 73 || token === 53) { return parseExportAssignment(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); } if (token === 35 || token === 14) { return parseExportDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); } } switch (token) { case 98: case 105: case 70: return parseVariableStatement(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); case 83: return parseFunctionDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); case 69: return parseClassDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); case 104: return parseInterfaceDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); case 123: return parseTypeAliasDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); case 77: return parseEnumDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); case 117: return parseModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); case 85: return parseImportDeclarationOrImportEqualsDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers); default: if (decorators) { var node = createMissingNode(218, true, ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_expected); node.pos = fullStart; node.decorators = decorators; setModifiers(node, modifiers); return finishNode(node); } ts.Debug.fail("Mismatch between isDeclarationStart and parseDeclaration"); } } function isSourceElement(inErrorRecovery) { return isDeclarationStart() || isStartOfStatement(inErrorRecovery); } function parseSourceElement() { return parseSourceElementOrModuleElement(); } function parseModuleElement() { return parseSourceElementOrModuleElement(); } function parseSourceElementOrModuleElement() { return isDeclarationStart() ? parseDeclaration() : parseStatement(); } function processReferenceComments(sourceFile) { var triviaScanner = ts.createScanner(sourceFile.languageVersion, false, sourceText); var referencedFiles = []; var amdDependencies = []; var amdModuleName; while (true) { var kind = triviaScanner.scan(); if (kind === 5 || kind === 4 || kind === 3) { continue; } if (kind !== 2) { break; } var range = { pos: triviaScanner.getTokenPos(), end: triviaScanner.getTextPos() }; var comment = sourceText.substring(range.pos, range.end); var referencePathMatchResult = ts.getFileReferenceFromReferencePath(comment, range); if (referencePathMatchResult) { var fileReference = referencePathMatchResult.fileReference; sourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib = referencePathMatchResult.isNoDefaultLib; var diagnosticMessage = referencePathMatchResult.diagnosticMessage; if (fileReference) { referencedFiles.push(fileReference); } if (diagnosticMessage) { sourceFile.parseDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, range.pos, range.end - range.pos, diagnosticMessage)); } } else { var amdModuleNameRegEx = /^\/\/\/\s*= 53 && token <= 64; } ts.isAssignmentOperator = isAssignmentOperator; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { ts.bindTime = 0; function getModuleInstanceState(node) { if (node.kind === 202 || node.kind === 203) { return 0; } else if (ts.isConstEnumDeclaration(node)) { return 2; } else if ((node.kind === 209 || node.kind === 208) && !(node.flags & 1)) { return 0; } else if (node.kind === 206) { var state = 0; ts.forEachChild(node, function (n) { switch (getModuleInstanceState(n)) { case 0: return false; case 2: state = 2; return false; case 1: state = 1; return true; } }); return state; } else if (node.kind === 205) { return getModuleInstanceState(node.body); } else { return 1; } } ts.getModuleInstanceState = getModuleInstanceState; function bindSourceFile(file) { var start = new Date().getTime(); bindSourceFileWorker(file); ts.bindTime += new Date().getTime() - start; } ts.bindSourceFile = bindSourceFile; function bindSourceFileWorker(file) { var parent; var container; var blockScopeContainer; var lastContainer; var symbolCount = 0; var Symbol = ts.objectAllocator.getSymbolConstructor(); if (!file.locals) { file.locals = {}; container = file; setBlockScopeContainer(file, false); bind(file); file.symbolCount = symbolCount; } function createSymbol(flags, name) { symbolCount++; return new Symbol(flags, name); } function setBlockScopeContainer(node, cleanLocals) { blockScopeContainer = node; if (cleanLocals) { blockScopeContainer.locals = undefined; } } function addDeclarationToSymbol(symbol, node, symbolKind) { symbol.flags |= symbolKind; if (!symbol.declarations) symbol.declarations = []; symbol.declarations.push(node); if (symbolKind & 1952 && !symbol.exports) symbol.exports = {}; if (symbolKind & 6240 && !symbol.members) symbol.members = {}; node.symbol = symbol; if (symbolKind & 107455 && !symbol.valueDeclaration) symbol.valueDeclaration = node; } function getDeclarationName(node) { if (node.name) { if (node.kind === 205 && node.name.kind === 8) { return '"' + node.name.text + '"'; } if (node.name.kind === 127) { var nameExpression = node.name.expression; ts.Debug.assert(ts.isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(nameExpression)); return ts.getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(nameExpression.name.text); } return node.name.text; } switch (node.kind) { case 143: case 135: return "__constructor"; case 142: case 138: return "__call"; case 139: return "__new"; case 140: return "__index"; case 215: return "__export"; case 214: return node.isExportEquals ? "export=" : "default"; case 200: case 201: return node.flags & 256 ? "default" : undefined; } } function getDisplayName(node) { return node.name ? ts.declarationNameToString(node.name) : getDeclarationName(node); } function declareSymbol(symbols, parent, node, includes, excludes) { ts.Debug.assert(!ts.hasDynamicName(node)); var name = node.flags & 256 && parent ? "default" : getDeclarationName(node); var symbol; if (name !== undefined) { symbol = ts.hasProperty(symbols, name) ? symbols[name] : (symbols[name] = createSymbol(0, name)); if (symbol.flags & excludes) { if (node.name) { node.name.parent = node; } var message = symbol.flags & 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_redeclare_block_scoped_variable_0 : ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0; ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(declaration.name || declaration, message, getDisplayName(declaration))); }); file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node.name || node, message, getDisplayName(node))); symbol = createSymbol(0, name); } } else { symbol = createSymbol(0, "__missing"); } addDeclarationToSymbol(symbol, node, includes); symbol.parent = parent; if ((node.kind === 201 || node.kind === 174) && symbol.exports) { var prototypeSymbol = createSymbol(4 | 134217728, "prototype"); if (ts.hasProperty(symbol.exports, prototypeSymbol.name)) { if (node.name) { node.name.parent = node; } file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(symbol.exports[prototypeSymbol.name].declarations[0], ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0, prototypeSymbol.name)); } symbol.exports[prototypeSymbol.name] = prototypeSymbol; prototypeSymbol.parent = symbol; } return symbol; } function declareModuleMember(node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes) { var hasExportModifier = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1; if (symbolKind & 8388608) { if (node.kind === 217 || (node.kind === 208 && hasExportModifier)) { declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); } else { declareSymbol(container.locals, undefined, node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); } } else { if (hasExportModifier || container.flags & 32768) { var exportKind = (symbolKind & 107455 ? 1048576 : 0) | (symbolKind & 793056 ? 2097152 : 0) | (symbolKind & 1536 ? 4194304 : 0); var local = declareSymbol(container.locals, undefined, node, exportKind, symbolExcludes); local.exportSymbol = declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); node.localSymbol = local; } else { declareSymbol(container.locals, undefined, node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); } } } function bindChildren(node, symbolKind, isBlockScopeContainer) { if (symbolKind & 255504) { node.locals = {}; } var saveParent = parent; var saveContainer = container; var savedBlockScopeContainer = blockScopeContainer; parent = node; if (symbolKind & 262128) { container = node; if (lastContainer) { lastContainer.nextContainer = container; } lastContainer = container; } if (isBlockScopeContainer) { setBlockScopeContainer(node, (symbolKind & 255504) === 0 && node.kind !== 227); } ts.forEachChild(node, bind); container = saveContainer; parent = saveParent; blockScopeContainer = savedBlockScopeContainer; } function bindDeclaration(node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes, isBlockScopeContainer) { switch (container.kind) { case 205: declareModuleMember(node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); break; case 227: if (ts.isExternalModule(container)) { declareModuleMember(node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); break; } case 142: case 143: case 138: case 139: case 140: case 134: case 133: case 135: case 136: case 137: case 200: case 162: case 163: declareSymbol(container.locals, undefined, node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); break; case 174: case 201: if (node.flags & 128) { declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); break; } case 145: case 154: case 202: declareSymbol(container.symbol.members, container.symbol, node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); break; case 204: declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes); break; } bindChildren(node, symbolKind, isBlockScopeContainer); } function isAmbientContext(node) { while (node) { if (node.flags & 2) return true; node = node.parent; } return false; } function hasExportDeclarations(node) { var body = node.kind === 227 ? node : node.body; if (body.kind === 227 || body.kind === 206) { for (var _i = 0, _a = body.statements; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var stat = _a[_i]; if (stat.kind === 215 || stat.kind === 214) { return true; } } } return false; } function setExportContextFlag(node) { if (isAmbientContext(node) && !hasExportDeclarations(node)) { node.flags |= 32768; } else { node.flags &= ~32768; } } function bindModuleDeclaration(node) { setExportContextFlag(node); if (node.name.kind === 8) { bindDeclaration(node, 512, 106639, true); } else { var state = getModuleInstanceState(node); if (state === 0) { bindDeclaration(node, 1024, 0, true); } else { bindDeclaration(node, 512, 106639, true); var currentModuleIsConstEnumOnly = state === 2; if (node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule === undefined) { node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule = currentModuleIsConstEnumOnly; } else { node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule = node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule && currentModuleIsConstEnumOnly; } } } } function bindFunctionOrConstructorType(node) { // For a given function symbol "<...>(...) => T" we want to generate a symbol identical // to the one we would get for: { <...>(...): T } // // We do that by making an anonymous type literal symbol, and then setting the function // symbol as its sole member. To the rest of the system, this symbol will be indistinguishable // from an actual type literal symbol you would have gotten had you used the long form. var symbol = createSymbol(131072, getDeclarationName(node)); addDeclarationToSymbol(symbol, node, 131072); bindChildren(node, 131072, false); var typeLiteralSymbol = createSymbol(2048, "__type"); addDeclarationToSymbol(typeLiteralSymbol, node, 2048); typeLiteralSymbol.members = {}; typeLiteralSymbol.members[node.kind === 142 ? "__call" : "__new"] = symbol; } function bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, symbolKind, name, isBlockScopeContainer) { var symbol = createSymbol(symbolKind, name); addDeclarationToSymbol(symbol, node, symbolKind); bindChildren(node, symbolKind, isBlockScopeContainer); } function bindCatchVariableDeclaration(node) { bindChildren(node, 0, true); } function bindBlockScopedVariableDeclaration(node) { switch (blockScopeContainer.kind) { case 205: declareModuleMember(node, 2, 107455); break; case 227: if (ts.isExternalModule(container)) { declareModuleMember(node, 2, 107455); break; } default: if (!blockScopeContainer.locals) { blockScopeContainer.locals = {}; } declareSymbol(blockScopeContainer.locals, undefined, node, 2, 107455); } bindChildren(node, 2, false); } function getDestructuringParameterName(node) { return "__" + ts.indexOf(node.parent.parameters, node); } function bind(node) { node.parent = parent; switch (node.kind) { case 128: bindDeclaration(node, 262144, 530912, false); break; case 129: bindParameter(node); break; case 198: case 152: if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { bindChildren(node, 0, false); } else if (ts.isBlockOrCatchScoped(node)) { bindBlockScopedVariableDeclaration(node); } else { bindDeclaration(node, 1, 107454, false); } break; case 132: case 131: bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 4 | (node.questionToken ? 536870912 : 0), 107455, false); break; case 224: case 225: bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 4, 107455, false); break; case 226: bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 8, 107455, false); break; case 138: case 139: case 140: bindDeclaration(node, 131072, 0, false); break; case 134: case 133: bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 8192 | (node.questionToken ? 536870912 : 0), ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node) ? 107455 : 99263, true); break; case 200: bindDeclaration(node, 16, 106927, true); break; case 135: bindDeclaration(node, 16384, 0, true); break; case 136: bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 32768, 41919, true); break; case 137: bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 65536, 74687, true); break; case 142: case 143: bindFunctionOrConstructorType(node); break; case 145: bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 2048, "__type", false); break; case 154: bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 4096, "__object", false); break; case 162: case 163: bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 16, "__function", true); break; case 174: bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 32, "__class", false); break; case 223: bindCatchVariableDeclaration(node); break; case 201: bindDeclaration(node, 32, 899583, false); break; case 202: bindDeclaration(node, 64, 792992, false); break; case 203: bindDeclaration(node, 524288, 793056, false); break; case 204: if (ts.isConst(node)) { bindDeclaration(node, 128, 899967, false); } else { bindDeclaration(node, 256, 899327, false); } break; case 205: bindModuleDeclaration(node); break; case 208: case 211: case 213: case 217: bindDeclaration(node, 8388608, 8388608, false); break; case 210: if (node.name) { bindDeclaration(node, 8388608, 8388608, false); } else { bindChildren(node, 0, false); } break; case 215: if (!node.exportClause) { declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, 1073741824, 0); } bindChildren(node, 0, false); break; case 214: if (node.expression && node.expression.kind === 65) { declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, 8388608, 107455 | 8388608); } else { declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, 4, 107455 | 8388608); } bindChildren(node, 0, false); break; case 227: setExportContextFlag(node); if (ts.isExternalModule(node)) { bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 512, '"' + ts.removeFileExtension(node.fileName) + '"', true); break; } case 179: bindChildren(node, 0, !ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent)); break; case 223: case 186: case 187: case 188: case 207: bindChildren(node, 0, true); break; default: var saveParent = parent; parent = node; ts.forEachChild(node, bind); parent = saveParent; } } function bindParameter(node) { if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 1, getDestructuringParameterName(node), false); } else { bindDeclaration(node, 1, 107455, false); } if (node.flags & 112 && node.parent.kind === 135 && (node.parent.parent.kind === 201 || node.parent.parent.kind === 174)) { var classDeclaration = node.parent.parent; declareSymbol(classDeclaration.symbol.members, classDeclaration.symbol, node, 4, 107455); } } function bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes, isBlockScopeContainer) { if (ts.hasDynamicName(node)) { bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, symbolKind, "__computed", isBlockScopeContainer); } else { bindDeclaration(node, symbolKind, symbolExcludes, isBlockScopeContainer); } } } })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { var nextSymbolId = 1; var nextNodeId = 1; var nextMergeId = 1; function getNodeId(node) { if (!node.id) node.id = nextNodeId++; return node.id; } ts.getNodeId = getNodeId; ts.checkTime = 0; function getSymbolId(symbol) { if (!symbol.id) { symbol.id = nextSymbolId++; } return symbol.id; } ts.getSymbolId = getSymbolId; function createTypeChecker(host, produceDiagnostics) { var Symbol = ts.objectAllocator.getSymbolConstructor(); var Type = ts.objectAllocator.getTypeConstructor(); var Signature = ts.objectAllocator.getSignatureConstructor(); var typeCount = 0; var emptyArray = []; var emptySymbols = {}; var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions(); var languageVersion = compilerOptions.target || 0; var emitResolver = createResolver(); var undefinedSymbol = createSymbol(4 | 67108864, "undefined"); var argumentsSymbol = createSymbol(4 | 67108864, "arguments"); var checker = { getNodeCount: function () { return ts.sum(host.getSourceFiles(), "nodeCount"); }, getIdentifierCount: function () { return ts.sum(host.getSourceFiles(), "identifierCount"); }, getSymbolCount: function () { return ts.sum(host.getSourceFiles(), "symbolCount"); }, getTypeCount: function () { return typeCount; }, isUndefinedSymbol: function (symbol) { return symbol === undefinedSymbol; }, isArgumentsSymbol: function (symbol) { return symbol === argumentsSymbol; }, getDiagnostics: getDiagnostics, getGlobalDiagnostics: getGlobalDiagnostics, getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation: getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation, getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol: getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol, getPropertiesOfType: getPropertiesOfType, getPropertyOfType: getPropertyOfType, getSignaturesOfType: getSignaturesOfType, getIndexTypeOfType: getIndexTypeOfType, getReturnTypeOfSignature: getReturnTypeOfSignature, getSymbolsInScope: getSymbolsInScope, getSymbolAtLocation: getSymbolAtLocation, getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol: getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol, getTypeAtLocation: getTypeAtLocation, typeToString: typeToString, getSymbolDisplayBuilder: getSymbolDisplayBuilder, symbolToString: symbolToString, getAugmentedPropertiesOfType: getAugmentedPropertiesOfType, getRootSymbols: getRootSymbols, getContextualType: getContextualType, getFullyQualifiedName: getFullyQualifiedName, getResolvedSignature: getResolvedSignature, getConstantValue: getConstantValue, isValidPropertyAccess: isValidPropertyAccess, getSignatureFromDeclaration: getSignatureFromDeclaration, isImplementationOfOverload: isImplementationOfOverload, getAliasedSymbol: resolveAlias, getEmitResolver: getEmitResolver, getExportsOfExternalModule: getExportsOfExternalModule }; var unknownSymbol = createSymbol(4 | 67108864, "unknown"); var resolvingSymbol = createSymbol(67108864, "__resolving__"); var anyType = createIntrinsicType(1, "any"); var stringType = createIntrinsicType(2, "string"); var numberType = createIntrinsicType(4, "number"); var booleanType = createIntrinsicType(8, "boolean"); var esSymbolType = createIntrinsicType(1048576, "symbol"); var voidType = createIntrinsicType(16, "void"); var undefinedType = createIntrinsicType(32 | 262144, "undefined"); var nullType = createIntrinsicType(64 | 262144, "null"); var unknownType = createIntrinsicType(1, "unknown"); var resolvingType = createIntrinsicType(1, "__resolving__"); var emptyObjectType = createAnonymousType(undefined, emptySymbols, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined); var anyFunctionType = createAnonymousType(undefined, emptySymbols, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined); var noConstraintType = createAnonymousType(undefined, emptySymbols, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined); var anySignature = createSignature(undefined, undefined, emptyArray, anyType, 0, false, false); var unknownSignature = createSignature(undefined, undefined, emptyArray, unknownType, 0, false, false); var globals = {}; var globalArraySymbol; var globalESSymbolConstructorSymbol; var globalObjectType; var globalFunctionType; var globalArrayType; var globalStringType; var globalNumberType; var globalBooleanType; var globalRegExpType; var globalTemplateStringsArrayType; var globalESSymbolType; var globalIterableType; var anyArrayType; var globalTypedPropertyDescriptorType; var globalClassDecoratorType; var globalParameterDecoratorType; var globalPropertyDecoratorType; var globalMethodDecoratorType; var tupleTypes = {}; var unionTypes = {}; var stringLiteralTypes = {}; var emitExtends = false; var emitDecorate = false; var mergedSymbols = []; var symbolLinks = []; var nodeLinks = []; var potentialThisCollisions = []; var diagnostics = ts.createDiagnosticCollection(); var primitiveTypeInfo = { "string": { type: stringType, flags: 258 }, "number": { type: numberType, flags: 132 }, "boolean": { type: booleanType, flags: 8 }, "symbol": { type: esSymbolType, flags: 1048576 } }; function getEmitResolver(sourceFile) { getDiagnostics(sourceFile); return emitResolver; } function error(location, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) { var diagnostic = location ? ts.createDiagnosticForNode(location, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) : ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(message, arg0, arg1, arg2); diagnostics.add(diagnostic); } function createSymbol(flags, name) { return new Symbol(flags, name); } function getExcludedSymbolFlags(flags) { var result = 0; if (flags & 2) result |= 107455; if (flags & 1) result |= 107454; if (flags & 4) result |= 107455; if (flags & 8) result |= 107455; if (flags & 16) result |= 106927; if (flags & 32) result |= 899583; if (flags & 64) result |= 792992; if (flags & 256) result |= 899327; if (flags & 128) result |= 899967; if (flags & 512) result |= 106639; if (flags & 8192) result |= 99263; if (flags & 32768) result |= 41919; if (flags & 65536) result |= 74687; if (flags & 262144) result |= 530912; if (flags & 524288) result |= 793056; if (flags & 8388608) result |= 8388608; return result; } function recordMergedSymbol(target, source) { if (!source.mergeId) source.mergeId = nextMergeId++; mergedSymbols[source.mergeId] = target; } function cloneSymbol(symbol) { var result = createSymbol(symbol.flags | 33554432, symbol.name); result.declarations = symbol.declarations.slice(0); result.parent = symbol.parent; if (symbol.valueDeclaration) result.valueDeclaration = symbol.valueDeclaration; if (symbol.constEnumOnlyModule) result.constEnumOnlyModule = true; if (symbol.members) result.members = cloneSymbolTable(symbol.members); if (symbol.exports) result.exports = cloneSymbolTable(symbol.exports); recordMergedSymbol(result, symbol); return result; } function mergeSymbol(target, source) { if (!(target.flags & getExcludedSymbolFlags(source.flags))) { if (source.flags & 512 && target.flags & 512 && target.constEnumOnlyModule && !source.constEnumOnlyModule) { target.constEnumOnlyModule = false; } target.flags |= source.flags; if (!target.valueDeclaration && source.valueDeclaration) target.valueDeclaration = source.valueDeclaration; ts.forEach(source.declarations, function (node) { target.declarations.push(node); }); if (source.members) { if (!target.members) target.members = {}; mergeSymbolTable(target.members, source.members); } if (source.exports) { if (!target.exports) target.exports = {}; mergeSymbolTable(target.exports, source.exports); } recordMergedSymbol(target, source); } else { var message = target.flags & 2 || source.flags & 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_redeclare_block_scoped_variable_0 : ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0; ts.forEach(source.declarations, function (node) { error(node.name ? node.name : node, message, symbolToString(source)); }); ts.forEach(target.declarations, function (node) { error(node.name ? node.name : node, message, symbolToString(source)); }); } } function cloneSymbolTable(symbolTable) { var result = {}; for (var id in symbolTable) { if (ts.hasProperty(symbolTable, id)) { result[id] = symbolTable[id]; } } return result; } function mergeSymbolTable(target, source) { for (var id in source) { if (ts.hasProperty(source, id)) { if (!ts.hasProperty(target, id)) { target[id] = source[id]; } else { var symbol = target[id]; if (!(symbol.flags & 33554432)) { target[id] = symbol = cloneSymbol(symbol); } mergeSymbol(symbol, source[id]); } } } } function getSymbolLinks(symbol) { if (symbol.flags & 67108864) return symbol; var id = getSymbolId(symbol); return symbolLinks[id] || (symbolLinks[id] = {}); } function getNodeLinks(node) { var nodeId = getNodeId(node); return nodeLinks[nodeId] || (nodeLinks[nodeId] = {}); } function getSourceFile(node) { return ts.getAncestor(node, 227); } function isGlobalSourceFile(node) { return node.kind === 227 && !ts.isExternalModule(node); } function getSymbol(symbols, name, meaning) { if (meaning && ts.hasProperty(symbols, name)) { var symbol = symbols[name]; ts.Debug.assert((symbol.flags & 16777216) === 0, "Should never get an instantiated symbol here."); if (symbol.flags & meaning) { return symbol; } if (symbol.flags & 8388608) { var target = resolveAlias(symbol); if (target === unknownSymbol || target.flags & meaning) { return symbol; } } } } function isDefinedBefore(node1, node2) { var file1 = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node1); var file2 = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node2); if (file1 === file2) { return node1.pos <= node2.pos; } if (!compilerOptions.out) { return true; } var sourceFiles = host.getSourceFiles(); return sourceFiles.indexOf(file1) <= sourceFiles.indexOf(file2); } function resolveName(location, name, meaning, nameNotFoundMessage, nameArg) { var result; var lastLocation; var propertyWithInvalidInitializer; var errorLocation = location; var grandparent; loop: while (location) { if (location.locals && !isGlobalSourceFile(location)) { if (result = getSymbol(location.locals, name, meaning)) { break loop; } } switch (location.kind) { case 227: if (!ts.isExternalModule(location)) break; case 205: if (result = getSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, name, meaning & 8914931)) { if (result.flags & meaning || !(result.flags & 8388608 && getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(result).kind === 217)) { break loop; } result = undefined; } else if (location.kind === 227) { result = getSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, "default", meaning & 8914931); var localSymbol = ts.getLocalSymbolForExportDefault(result); if (result && (result.flags & meaning) && localSymbol && localSymbol.name === name) { break loop; } result = undefined; } break; case 204: if (result = getSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, name, meaning & 8)) { break loop; } break; case 132: case 131: if (location.parent.kind === 201 && !(location.flags & 128)) { var ctor = findConstructorDeclaration(location.parent); if (ctor && ctor.locals) { if (getSymbol(ctor.locals, name, meaning & 107455)) { propertyWithInvalidInitializer = location; } } } break; case 201: case 202: if (result = getSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(location).members, name, meaning & 793056)) { if (lastLocation && lastLocation.flags & 128) { error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Static_members_cannot_reference_class_type_parameters); return undefined; } break loop; } break; case 127: grandparent = location.parent.parent; if (grandparent.kind === 201 || grandparent.kind === 202) { if (result = getSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(grandparent).members, name, meaning & 793056)) { error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_cannot_reference_a_type_parameter_from_its_containing_type); return undefined; } } break; case 134: case 133: case 135: case 136: case 137: case 200: case 163: if (name === "arguments") { result = argumentsSymbol; break loop; } break; case 162: if (name === "arguments") { result = argumentsSymbol; break loop; } var functionName = location.name; if (functionName && name === functionName.text) { result = location.symbol; break loop; } break; case 174: var className = location.name; if (className && name === className.text) { result = location.symbol; break loop; } break; case 130: if (location.parent && location.parent.kind === 129) { location = location.parent; } if (location.parent && ts.isClassElement(location.parent)) { location = location.parent; } break; } lastLocation = location; location = location.parent; } if (!result) { result = getSymbol(globals, name, meaning); } if (!result) { if (nameNotFoundMessage) { error(errorLocation, nameNotFoundMessage, typeof nameArg === "string" ? nameArg : ts.declarationNameToString(nameArg)); } return undefined; } if (nameNotFoundMessage) { if (propertyWithInvalidInitializer) { var propertyName = propertyWithInvalidInitializer.name; error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Initializer_of_instance_member_variable_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_in_the_constructor, ts.declarationNameToString(propertyName), typeof nameArg === "string" ? nameArg : ts.declarationNameToString(nameArg)); return undefined; } if (result.flags & 2) { checkResolvedBlockScopedVariable(result, errorLocation); } } return result; } function checkResolvedBlockScopedVariable(result, errorLocation) { ts.Debug.assert((result.flags & 2) !== 0); var declaration = ts.forEach(result.declarations, function (d) { return ts.isBlockOrCatchScoped(d) ? d : undefined; }); ts.Debug.assert(declaration !== undefined, "Block-scoped variable declaration is undefined"); var isUsedBeforeDeclaration = !isDefinedBefore(declaration, errorLocation); if (!isUsedBeforeDeclaration) { var variableDeclaration = ts.getAncestor(declaration, 198); var container = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(variableDeclaration); if (variableDeclaration.parent.parent.kind === 180 || variableDeclaration.parent.parent.kind === 186) { isUsedBeforeDeclaration = isSameScopeDescendentOf(errorLocation, variableDeclaration, container); } else if (variableDeclaration.parent.parent.kind === 188 || variableDeclaration.parent.parent.kind === 187) { var expression = variableDeclaration.parent.parent.expression; isUsedBeforeDeclaration = isSameScopeDescendentOf(errorLocation, expression, container); } } if (isUsedBeforeDeclaration) { error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Block_scoped_variable_0_used_before_its_declaration, ts.declarationNameToString(declaration.name)); } } function isSameScopeDescendentOf(initial, parent, stopAt) { if (!parent) { return false; } for (var current = initial; current && current !== stopAt && !ts.isFunctionLike(current); current = current.parent) { if (current === parent) { return true; } } return false; } function getAnyImportSyntax(node) { if (ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration(node)) { if (node.kind === 208) { return node; } while (node && node.kind !== 209) { node = node.parent; } return node; } } function getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol) { return ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (d) { return ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration(d) ? d : undefined; }); } function getTargetOfImportEqualsDeclaration(node) { if (node.moduleReference.kind === 219) { return resolveExternalModuleSymbol(resolveExternalModuleName(node, ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node))); } return getSymbolOfPartOfRightHandSideOfImportEquals(node.moduleReference, node); } function getTargetOfImportClause(node) { var moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.parent.moduleSpecifier); if (moduleSymbol) { var exportDefaultSymbol = resolveSymbol(moduleSymbol.exports["default"]); if (!exportDefaultSymbol) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.External_module_0_has_no_default_export, symbolToString(moduleSymbol)); } return exportDefaultSymbol; } } function getTargetOfNamespaceImport(node) { var moduleSpecifier = node.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier; return resolveESModuleSymbol(resolveExternalModuleName(node, moduleSpecifier), moduleSpecifier); } function getMemberOfModuleVariable(moduleSymbol, name) { if (moduleSymbol.flags & 3) { var typeAnnotation = moduleSymbol.valueDeclaration.type; if (typeAnnotation) { return getPropertyOfType(getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(typeAnnotation), name); } } } function combineValueAndTypeSymbols(valueSymbol, typeSymbol) { if (valueSymbol.flags & (793056 | 1536)) { return valueSymbol; } var result = createSymbol(valueSymbol.flags | typeSymbol.flags, valueSymbol.name); result.declarations = ts.concatenate(valueSymbol.declarations, typeSymbol.declarations); result.parent = valueSymbol.parent || typeSymbol.parent; if (valueSymbol.valueDeclaration) result.valueDeclaration = valueSymbol.valueDeclaration; if (typeSymbol.members) result.members = typeSymbol.members; if (valueSymbol.exports) result.exports = valueSymbol.exports; return result; } function getExportOfModule(symbol, name) { if (symbol.flags & 1536) { var exports_1 = getExportsOfSymbol(symbol); if (ts.hasProperty(exports_1, name)) { return resolveSymbol(exports_1[name]); } } } function getPropertyOfVariable(symbol, name) { if (symbol.flags & 3) { var typeAnnotation = symbol.valueDeclaration.type; if (typeAnnotation) { return resolveSymbol(getPropertyOfType(getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(typeAnnotation), name)); } } } function getExternalModuleMember(node, specifier) { var moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.moduleSpecifier); var targetSymbol = resolveESModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol, node.moduleSpecifier); if (targetSymbol) { var name_4 = specifier.propertyName || specifier.name; if (name_4.text) { var symbolFromModule = getExportOfModule(targetSymbol, name_4.text); var symbolFromVariable = getPropertyOfVariable(targetSymbol, name_4.text); var symbol = symbolFromModule && symbolFromVariable ? combineValueAndTypeSymbols(symbolFromVariable, symbolFromModule) : symbolFromModule || symbolFromVariable; if (!symbol) { error(name_4, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_has_no_exported_member_1, getFullyQualifiedName(moduleSymbol), ts.declarationNameToString(name_4)); } return symbol; } } } function getTargetOfImportSpecifier(node) { return getExternalModuleMember(node.parent.parent.parent, node); } function getTargetOfExportSpecifier(node) { return node.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier ? getExternalModuleMember(node.parent.parent, node) : resolveEntityName(node.propertyName || node.name, 107455 | 793056 | 1536); } function getTargetOfExportAssignment(node) { return node.expression && resolveEntityName(node.expression, 107455 | 793056 | 1536); } function getTargetOfAliasDeclaration(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 208: return getTargetOfImportEqualsDeclaration(node); case 210: return getTargetOfImportClause(node); case 211: return getTargetOfNamespaceImport(node); case 213: return getTargetOfImportSpecifier(node); case 217: return getTargetOfExportSpecifier(node); case 214: return getTargetOfExportAssignment(node); } } function resolveSymbol(symbol) { return symbol && symbol.flags & 8388608 && !(symbol.flags & (107455 | 793056 | 1536)) ? resolveAlias(symbol) : symbol; } function resolveAlias(symbol) { ts.Debug.assert((symbol.flags & 8388608) !== 0, "Should only get Alias here."); var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.target) { links.target = resolvingSymbol; var node = getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol); var target = getTargetOfAliasDeclaration(node); if (links.target === resolvingSymbol) { links.target = target || unknownSymbol; } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Circular_definition_of_import_alias_0, symbolToString(symbol)); } } else if (links.target === resolvingSymbol) { links.target = unknownSymbol; } return links.target; } function markExportAsReferenced(node) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var target = resolveAlias(symbol); if (target) { var markAlias = (target === unknownSymbol && compilerOptions.separateCompilation) || (target !== unknownSymbol && (target.flags & 107455) && !isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(target)); if (markAlias) { markAliasSymbolAsReferenced(symbol); } } } function markAliasSymbolAsReferenced(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.referenced) { links.referenced = true; var node = getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol); if (node.kind === 214 && node.expression) { checkExpressionCached(node.expression); } else if (node.kind === 217) { checkExpressionCached(node.propertyName || node.name); } else if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { checkExpressionCached(node.moduleReference); } } } function getSymbolOfPartOfRightHandSideOfImportEquals(entityName, importDeclaration) { if (!importDeclaration) { importDeclaration = ts.getAncestor(entityName, 208); ts.Debug.assert(importDeclaration !== undefined); } if (entityName.kind === 65 && ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(entityName)) { entityName = entityName.parent; } if (entityName.kind === 65 || entityName.parent.kind === 126) { return resolveEntityName(entityName, 1536); } else { ts.Debug.assert(entityName.parent.kind === 208); return resolveEntityName(entityName, 107455 | 793056 | 1536); } } function getFullyQualifiedName(symbol) { return symbol.parent ? getFullyQualifiedName(symbol.parent) + "." + symbolToString(symbol) : symbolToString(symbol); } function resolveEntityName(name, meaning) { if (ts.nodeIsMissing(name)) { return undefined; } var symbol; if (name.kind === 65) { symbol = resolveName(name, name.text, meaning, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0, name); if (!symbol) { return undefined; } } else if (name.kind === 126 || name.kind === 155) { var left = name.kind === 126 ? name.left : name.expression; var right = name.kind === 126 ? name.right : name.name; var namespace = resolveEntityName(left, 1536); if (!namespace || namespace === unknownSymbol || ts.nodeIsMissing(right)) { return undefined; } symbol = getSymbol(getExportsOfSymbol(namespace), right.text, meaning); if (!symbol) { error(right, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_has_no_exported_member_1, getFullyQualifiedName(namespace), ts.declarationNameToString(right)); return undefined; } } else { ts.Debug.fail("Unknown entity name kind."); } ts.Debug.assert((symbol.flags & 16777216) === 0, "Should never get an instantiated symbol here."); return symbol.flags & meaning ? symbol : resolveAlias(symbol); } function isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName) { return moduleName.substr(0, 2) === "./" || moduleName.substr(0, 3) === "../" || moduleName.substr(0, 2) === ".\\" || moduleName.substr(0, 3) === "..\\"; } function resolveExternalModuleName(location, moduleReferenceExpression) { if (moduleReferenceExpression.kind !== 8) { return; } var moduleReferenceLiteral = moduleReferenceExpression; var searchPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(getSourceFile(location).fileName); var moduleName = ts.escapeIdentifier(moduleReferenceLiteral.text); if (!moduleName) return; var isRelative = isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName); if (!isRelative) { var symbol = getSymbol(globals, '"' + moduleName + '"', 512); if (symbol) { return symbol; } } var sourceFile; while (true) { var fileName = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(searchPath, moduleName)); sourceFile = host.getSourceFile(fileName + ".ts") || host.getSourceFile(fileName + ".d.ts"); if (sourceFile || isRelative) { break; } var parentPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(searchPath); if (parentPath === searchPath) { break; } searchPath = parentPath; } if (sourceFile) { if (sourceFile.symbol) { return sourceFile.symbol; } error(moduleReferenceLiteral, ts.Diagnostics.File_0_is_not_an_external_module, sourceFile.fileName); return; } error(moduleReferenceLiteral, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_external_module_0, moduleName); } function resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol) { return moduleSymbol && resolveSymbol(moduleSymbol.exports["export="]) || moduleSymbol; } function resolveESModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol, moduleReferenceExpression) { var symbol = resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol); if (symbol && !(symbol.flags & (1536 | 3))) { error(moduleReferenceExpression, ts.Diagnostics.External_module_0_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity_and_cannot_be_imported_using_this_construct, symbolToString(moduleSymbol)); symbol = undefined; } return symbol; } function getExportAssignmentSymbol(moduleSymbol) { return moduleSymbol.exports["export="]; } function getExportsOfSymbol(symbol) { return symbol.flags & 1536 ? getExportsOfModule(symbol) : symbol.exports || emptySymbols; } function getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(moduleSymbol); return links.resolvedExports || (links.resolvedExports = getExportsForModule(moduleSymbol)); } function extendExportSymbols(target, source) { for (var id in source) { if (id !== "default" && !ts.hasProperty(target, id)) { target[id] = source[id]; } } } function getExportsForModule(moduleSymbol) { var result; var visitedSymbols = []; visit(moduleSymbol); return result || moduleSymbol.exports; function visit(symbol) { if (symbol.flags & 1952 && !ts.contains(visitedSymbols, symbol)) { visitedSymbols.push(symbol); if (symbol !== moduleSymbol) { if (!result) { result = cloneSymbolTable(moduleSymbol.exports); } extendExportSymbols(result, symbol.exports); } var exportStars = symbol.exports["__export"]; if (exportStars) { for (var _i = 0, _a = exportStars.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var node = _a[_i]; visit(resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.moduleSpecifier)); } } } } } function getMergedSymbol(symbol) { var merged; return symbol && symbol.mergeId && (merged = mergedSymbols[symbol.mergeId]) ? merged : symbol; } function getSymbolOfNode(node) { return getMergedSymbol(node.symbol); } function getParentOfSymbol(symbol) { return getMergedSymbol(symbol.parent); } function getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(symbol) { return symbol && (symbol.flags & 1048576) !== 0 ? getMergedSymbol(symbol.exportSymbol) : symbol; } function symbolIsValue(symbol) { if (symbol.flags & 16777216) { return symbolIsValue(getSymbolLinks(symbol).target); } if (symbol.flags & 107455) { return true; } if (symbol.flags & 8388608) { return (resolveAlias(symbol).flags & 107455) !== 0; } return false; } function findConstructorDeclaration(node) { var members = node.members; for (var _i = 0; _i < members.length; _i++) { var member = members[_i]; if (member.kind === 135 && ts.nodeIsPresent(member.body)) { return member; } } } function createType(flags) { var result = new Type(checker, flags); result.id = typeCount++; return result; } function createIntrinsicType(kind, intrinsicName) { var type = createType(kind); type.intrinsicName = intrinsicName; return type; } function createObjectType(kind, symbol) { var type = createType(kind); type.symbol = symbol; return type; } function isReservedMemberName(name) { return name.charCodeAt(0) === 95 && name.charCodeAt(1) === 95 && name.charCodeAt(2) !== 95 && name.charCodeAt(2) !== 64; } function getNamedMembers(members) { var result; for (var id in members) { if (ts.hasProperty(members, id)) { if (!isReservedMemberName(id)) { if (!result) result = []; var symbol = members[id]; if (symbolIsValue(symbol)) { result.push(symbol); } } } } return result || emptyArray; } function setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexType, numberIndexType) { type.members = members; type.properties = getNamedMembers(members); type.callSignatures = callSignatures; type.constructSignatures = constructSignatures; if (stringIndexType) type.stringIndexType = stringIndexType; if (numberIndexType) type.numberIndexType = numberIndexType; return type; } function createAnonymousType(symbol, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexType, numberIndexType) { return setObjectTypeMembers(createObjectType(32768, symbol), members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexType, numberIndexType); } function forEachSymbolTableInScope(enclosingDeclaration, callback) { var result; for (var location_1 = enclosingDeclaration; location_1; location_1 = location_1.parent) { if (location_1.locals && !isGlobalSourceFile(location_1)) { if (result = callback(location_1.locals)) { return result; } } switch (location_1.kind) { case 227: if (!ts.isExternalModule(location_1)) { break; } case 205: if (result = callback(getSymbolOfNode(location_1).exports)) { return result; } break; case 201: case 202: if (result = callback(getSymbolOfNode(location_1).members)) { return result; } break; } } return callback(globals); } function getQualifiedLeftMeaning(rightMeaning) { return rightMeaning === 107455 ? 107455 : 1536; } function getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, useOnlyExternalAliasing) { function getAccessibleSymbolChainFromSymbolTable(symbols) { function canQualifySymbol(symbolFromSymbolTable, meaning) { if (!needsQualification(symbolFromSymbolTable, enclosingDeclaration, meaning)) { return true; } var accessibleParent = getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbolFromSymbolTable.parent, enclosingDeclaration, getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning), useOnlyExternalAliasing); return !!accessibleParent; } function isAccessible(symbolFromSymbolTable, resolvedAliasSymbol) { if (symbol === (resolvedAliasSymbol || symbolFromSymbolTable)) { return !ts.forEach(symbolFromSymbolTable.declarations, hasExternalModuleSymbol) && canQualifySymbol(symbolFromSymbolTable, meaning); } } if (isAccessible(ts.lookUp(symbols, symbol.name))) { return [symbol]; } return ts.forEachValue(symbols, function (symbolFromSymbolTable) { if (symbolFromSymbolTable.flags & 8388608 && symbolFromSymbolTable.name !== "export=") { if (!useOnlyExternalAliasing || ts.forEach(symbolFromSymbolTable.declarations, ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration)) { var resolvedImportedSymbol = resolveAlias(symbolFromSymbolTable); if (isAccessible(symbolFromSymbolTable, resolveAlias(symbolFromSymbolTable))) { return [symbolFromSymbolTable]; } var accessibleSymbolsFromExports = resolvedImportedSymbol.exports ? getAccessibleSymbolChainFromSymbolTable(resolvedImportedSymbol.exports) : undefined; if (accessibleSymbolsFromExports && canQualifySymbol(symbolFromSymbolTable, getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning))) { return [symbolFromSymbolTable].concat(accessibleSymbolsFromExports); } } } }); } if (symbol) { return forEachSymbolTableInScope(enclosingDeclaration, getAccessibleSymbolChainFromSymbolTable); } } function needsQualification(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning) { var qualify = false; forEachSymbolTableInScope(enclosingDeclaration, function (symbolTable) { if (!ts.hasProperty(symbolTable, symbol.name)) { return false; } var symbolFromSymbolTable = symbolTable[symbol.name]; if (symbolFromSymbolTable === symbol) { return true; } symbolFromSymbolTable = (symbolFromSymbolTable.flags & 8388608) ? resolveAlias(symbolFromSymbolTable) : symbolFromSymbolTable; if (symbolFromSymbolTable.flags & meaning) { qualify = true; return true; } return false; }); return qualify; } function isSymbolAccessible(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning) { if (symbol && enclosingDeclaration && !(symbol.flags & 262144)) { var initialSymbol = symbol; var meaningToLook = meaning; while (symbol) { var accessibleSymbolChain = getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaningToLook, false); if (accessibleSymbolChain) { var hasAccessibleDeclarations = hasVisibleDeclarations(accessibleSymbolChain[0]); if (!hasAccessibleDeclarations) { return { accessibility: 1, errorSymbolName: symbolToString(initialSymbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning), errorModuleName: symbol !== initialSymbol ? symbolToString(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, 1536) : undefined }; } return hasAccessibleDeclarations; } meaningToLook = getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning); symbol = getParentOfSymbol(symbol); } var symbolExternalModule = ts.forEach(initialSymbol.declarations, getExternalModuleContainer); if (symbolExternalModule) { var enclosingExternalModule = getExternalModuleContainer(enclosingDeclaration); if (symbolExternalModule !== enclosingExternalModule) { return { accessibility: 2, errorSymbolName: symbolToString(initialSymbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning), errorModuleName: symbolToString(symbolExternalModule) }; } } return { accessibility: 1, errorSymbolName: symbolToString(initialSymbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning) }; } return { accessibility: 0 }; function getExternalModuleContainer(declaration) { for (; declaration; declaration = declaration.parent) { if (hasExternalModuleSymbol(declaration)) { return getSymbolOfNode(declaration); } } } } function hasExternalModuleSymbol(declaration) { return (declaration.kind === 205 && declaration.name.kind === 8) || (declaration.kind === 227 && ts.isExternalModule(declaration)); } function hasVisibleDeclarations(symbol) { var aliasesToMakeVisible; if (ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { return !getIsDeclarationVisible(declaration); })) { return undefined; } return { accessibility: 0, aliasesToMakeVisible: aliasesToMakeVisible }; function getIsDeclarationVisible(declaration) { if (!isDeclarationVisible(declaration)) { var anyImportSyntax = getAnyImportSyntax(declaration); if (anyImportSyntax && !(anyImportSyntax.flags & 1) && isDeclarationVisible(anyImportSyntax.parent)) { getNodeLinks(declaration).isVisible = true; if (aliasesToMakeVisible) { if (!ts.contains(aliasesToMakeVisible, anyImportSyntax)) { aliasesToMakeVisible.push(anyImportSyntax); } } else { aliasesToMakeVisible = [anyImportSyntax]; } return true; } return false; } return true; } } function isEntityNameVisible(entityName, enclosingDeclaration) { var meaning; if (entityName.parent.kind === 144) { meaning = 107455 | 1048576; } else if (entityName.kind === 126 || entityName.kind === 155 || entityName.parent.kind === 208) { meaning = 1536; } else { meaning = 793056; } var firstIdentifier = getFirstIdentifier(entityName); var symbol = resolveName(enclosingDeclaration, firstIdentifier.text, meaning, undefined, undefined); return (symbol && hasVisibleDeclarations(symbol)) || { accessibility: 1, errorSymbolName: ts.getTextOfNode(firstIdentifier), errorNode: firstIdentifier }; } function writeKeyword(writer, kind) { writer.writeKeyword(ts.tokenToString(kind)); } function writePunctuation(writer, kind) { writer.writePunctuation(ts.tokenToString(kind)); } function writeSpace(writer) { writer.writeSpace(" "); } function symbolToString(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning) { var writer = ts.getSingleLineStringWriter(); getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildSymbolDisplay(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, meaning); var result = writer.string(); ts.releaseStringWriter(writer); return result; } function typeToString(type, enclosingDeclaration, flags) { var writer = ts.getSingleLineStringWriter(); getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags); var result = writer.string(); ts.releaseStringWriter(writer); var maxLength = compilerOptions.noErrorTruncation || flags & 4 ? undefined : 100; if (maxLength && result.length >= maxLength) { result = result.substr(0, maxLength - "...".length) + "..."; } return result; } function getTypeAliasForTypeLiteral(type) { if (type.symbol && type.symbol.flags & 2048) { var node = type.symbol.declarations[0].parent; while (node.kind === 149) { node = node.parent; } if (node.kind === 203) { return getSymbolOfNode(node); } } return undefined; } var _displayBuilder; function getSymbolDisplayBuilder() { function appendSymbolNameOnly(symbol, writer) { if (symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.length > 0) { var declaration = symbol.declarations[0]; if (declaration.name) { writer.writeSymbol(ts.declarationNameToString(declaration.name), symbol); return; } } writer.writeSymbol(symbol.name, symbol); } function buildSymbolDisplay(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, flags, typeFlags) { var parentSymbol; function appendParentTypeArgumentsAndSymbolName(symbol) { if (parentSymbol) { if (flags & 1) { if (symbol.flags & 16777216) { buildDisplayForTypeArgumentsAndDelimiters(getTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(parentSymbol), symbol.mapper, writer, enclosingDeclaration); } else { buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol(parentSymbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration); } } writePunctuation(writer, 20); } parentSymbol = symbol; appendSymbolNameOnly(symbol, writer); } writer.trackSymbol(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning); function walkSymbol(symbol, meaning) { if (symbol) { var accessibleSymbolChain = getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, !!(flags & 2)); if (!accessibleSymbolChain || needsQualification(accessibleSymbolChain[0], enclosingDeclaration, accessibleSymbolChain.length === 1 ? meaning : getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning))) { walkSymbol(getParentOfSymbol(accessibleSymbolChain ? accessibleSymbolChain[0] : symbol), getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning)); } if (accessibleSymbolChain) { for (var _i = 0; _i < accessibleSymbolChain.length; _i++) { var accessibleSymbol = accessibleSymbolChain[_i]; appendParentTypeArgumentsAndSymbolName(accessibleSymbol); } } else { if (!parentSymbol && ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, hasExternalModuleSymbol)) { return; } if (symbol.flags & 2048 || symbol.flags & 4096) { return; } appendParentTypeArgumentsAndSymbolName(symbol); } } } var isTypeParameter = symbol.flags & 262144; var typeFormatFlag = 128 & typeFlags; if (!isTypeParameter && (enclosingDeclaration || typeFormatFlag)) { walkSymbol(symbol, meaning); return; } return appendParentTypeArgumentsAndSymbolName(symbol); } function buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlags, typeStack) { var globalFlagsToPass = globalFlags & 16; return writeType(type, globalFlags); function writeType(type, flags) { if (type.flags & 1048703) { writer.writeKeyword(!(globalFlags & 16) && (type.flags & 1) ? "any" : type.intrinsicName); } else if (type.flags & 4096) { writeTypeReference(type, flags); } else if (type.flags & (1024 | 2048 | 128 | 512)) { buildSymbolDisplay(type.symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, 793056, 0, flags); } else if (type.flags & 8192) { writeTupleType(type); } else if (type.flags & 16384) { writeUnionType(type, flags); } else if (type.flags & 32768) { writeAnonymousType(type, flags); } else if (type.flags & 256) { writer.writeStringLiteral(type.text); } else { writePunctuation(writer, 14); writeSpace(writer); writePunctuation(writer, 21); writeSpace(writer); writePunctuation(writer, 15); } } function writeTypeList(types, union) { for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { if (union) { writeSpace(writer); } writePunctuation(writer, union ? 44 : 23); writeSpace(writer); } writeType(types[i], union ? 64 : 0); } } function writeTypeReference(type, flags) { if (type.target === globalArrayType && !(flags & 1)) { writeType(type.typeArguments[0], 64); writePunctuation(writer, 18); writePunctuation(writer, 19); } else { buildSymbolDisplay(type.target.symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, 793056); writePunctuation(writer, 24); writeTypeList(type.typeArguments, false); writePunctuation(writer, 25); } } function writeTupleType(type) { writePunctuation(writer, 18); writeTypeList(type.elementTypes, false); writePunctuation(writer, 19); } function writeUnionType(type, flags) { if (flags & 64) { writePunctuation(writer, 16); } writeTypeList(type.types, true); if (flags & 64) { writePunctuation(writer, 17); } } function writeAnonymousType(type, flags) { if (type.symbol && type.symbol.flags & (32 | 384 | 512)) { writeTypeofSymbol(type, flags); } else if (shouldWriteTypeOfFunctionSymbol()) { writeTypeofSymbol(type, flags); } else if (typeStack && ts.contains(typeStack, type)) { var typeAlias = getTypeAliasForTypeLiteral(type); if (typeAlias) { buildSymbolDisplay(typeAlias, writer, enclosingDeclaration, 793056, 0, flags); } else { writeKeyword(writer, 112); } } else { if (!typeStack) { typeStack = []; } typeStack.push(type); writeLiteralType(type, flags); typeStack.pop(); } function shouldWriteTypeOfFunctionSymbol() { if (type.symbol) { var isStaticMethodSymbol = !!(type.symbol.flags & 8192 && ts.forEach(type.symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { return declaration.flags & 128; })); var isNonLocalFunctionSymbol = !!(type.symbol.flags & 16) && (type.symbol.parent || ts.forEach(type.symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { return declaration.parent.kind === 227 || declaration.parent.kind === 206; })); if (isStaticMethodSymbol || isNonLocalFunctionSymbol) { return !!(flags & 2) || (typeStack && ts.contains(typeStack, type)); } } } } function writeTypeofSymbol(type, typeFormatFlags) { writeKeyword(writer, 97); writeSpace(writer); buildSymbolDisplay(type.symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, 107455, 0, typeFormatFlags); } function getIndexerParameterName(type, indexKind, fallbackName) { var declaration = getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(type.symbol, indexKind); if (!declaration) { return fallbackName; } ts.Debug.assert(declaration.parameters.length !== 0); return ts.declarationNameToString(declaration.parameters[0].name); } function writeLiteralType(type, flags) { var resolved = resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type); if (!resolved.properties.length && !resolved.stringIndexType && !resolved.numberIndexType) { if (!resolved.callSignatures.length && !resolved.constructSignatures.length) { writePunctuation(writer, 14); writePunctuation(writer, 15); return; } if (resolved.callSignatures.length === 1 && !resolved.constructSignatures.length) { if (flags & 64) { writePunctuation(writer, 16); } buildSignatureDisplay(resolved.callSignatures[0], writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass | 8, typeStack); if (flags & 64) { writePunctuation(writer, 17); } return; } if (resolved.constructSignatures.length === 1 && !resolved.callSignatures.length) { if (flags & 64) { writePunctuation(writer, 16); } writeKeyword(writer, 88); writeSpace(writer); buildSignatureDisplay(resolved.constructSignatures[0], writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass | 8, typeStack); if (flags & 64) { writePunctuation(writer, 17); } return; } } writePunctuation(writer, 14); writer.writeLine(); writer.increaseIndent(); for (var _i = 0, _a = resolved.callSignatures; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var signature = _a[_i]; buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass, typeStack); writePunctuation(writer, 22); writer.writeLine(); } for (var _b = 0, _c = resolved.constructSignatures; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var signature = _c[_b]; writeKeyword(writer, 88); writeSpace(writer); buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass, typeStack); writePunctuation(writer, 22); writer.writeLine(); } if (resolved.stringIndexType) { writePunctuation(writer, 18); writer.writeParameter(getIndexerParameterName(resolved, 0, "x")); writePunctuation(writer, 51); writeSpace(writer); writeKeyword(writer, 121); writePunctuation(writer, 19); writePunctuation(writer, 51); writeSpace(writer); writeType(resolved.stringIndexType, 0); writePunctuation(writer, 22); writer.writeLine(); } if (resolved.numberIndexType) { writePunctuation(writer, 18); writer.writeParameter(getIndexerParameterName(resolved, 1, "x")); writePunctuation(writer, 51); writeSpace(writer); writeKeyword(writer, 119); writePunctuation(writer, 19); writePunctuation(writer, 51); writeSpace(writer); writeType(resolved.numberIndexType, 0); writePunctuation(writer, 22); writer.writeLine(); } for (var _d = 0, _e = resolved.properties; _d < _e.length; _d++) { var p = _e[_d]; var t = getTypeOfSymbol(p); if (p.flags & (16 | 8192) && !getPropertiesOfObjectType(t).length) { var signatures = getSignaturesOfType(t, 0); for (var _f = 0; _f < signatures.length; _f++) { var signature = signatures[_f]; buildSymbolDisplay(p, writer); if (p.flags & 536870912) { writePunctuation(writer, 50); } buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass, typeStack); writePunctuation(writer, 22); writer.writeLine(); } } else { buildSymbolDisplay(p, writer); if (p.flags & 536870912) { writePunctuation(writer, 50); } writePunctuation(writer, 51); writeSpace(writer); writeType(t, 0); writePunctuation(writer, 22); writer.writeLine(); } } writer.decreaseIndent(); writePunctuation(writer, 15); } } function buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaraiton, flags) { var targetSymbol = getTargetSymbol(symbol); if (targetSymbol.flags & 32 || targetSymbol.flags & 64) { buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters(getTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(symbol), writer, enclosingDeclaraiton, flags); } } function buildTypeParameterDisplay(tp, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack) { appendSymbolNameOnly(tp.symbol, writer); var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(tp); if (constraint) { writeSpace(writer); writeKeyword(writer, 79); writeSpace(writer); buildTypeDisplay(constraint, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack); } } function buildParameterDisplay(p, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack) { if (ts.hasDotDotDotToken(p.valueDeclaration)) { writePunctuation(writer, 21); } appendSymbolNameOnly(p, writer); if (ts.hasQuestionToken(p.valueDeclaration) || p.valueDeclaration.initializer) { writePunctuation(writer, 50); } writePunctuation(writer, 51); writeSpace(writer); buildTypeDisplay(getTypeOfSymbol(p), writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack); } function buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters(typeParameters, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack) { if (typeParameters && typeParameters.length) { writePunctuation(writer, 24); for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { writePunctuation(writer, 23); writeSpace(writer); } buildTypeParameterDisplay(typeParameters[i], writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack); } writePunctuation(writer, 25); } } function buildDisplayForTypeArgumentsAndDelimiters(typeParameters, mapper, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack) { if (typeParameters && typeParameters.length) { writePunctuation(writer, 24); for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { writePunctuation(writer, 23); writeSpace(writer); } buildTypeDisplay(mapper(typeParameters[i]), writer, enclosingDeclaration, 0); } writePunctuation(writer, 25); } } function buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters(parameters, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack) { writePunctuation(writer, 16); for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { writePunctuation(writer, 23); writeSpace(writer); } buildParameterDisplay(parameters[i], writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack); } writePunctuation(writer, 17); } function buildReturnTypeDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack) { if (flags & 8) { writeSpace(writer); writePunctuation(writer, 32); } else { writePunctuation(writer, 51); } writeSpace(writer); buildTypeDisplay(getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature), writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack); } function buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack) { if (signature.target && (flags & 32)) { buildDisplayForTypeArgumentsAndDelimiters(signature.target.typeParameters, signature.mapper, writer, enclosingDeclaration); } else { buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters(signature.typeParameters, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack); } buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters(signature.parameters, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack); buildReturnTypeDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, typeStack); } return _displayBuilder || (_displayBuilder = { symbolToString: symbolToString, typeToString: typeToString, buildSymbolDisplay: buildSymbolDisplay, buildTypeDisplay: buildTypeDisplay, buildTypeParameterDisplay: buildTypeParameterDisplay, buildParameterDisplay: buildParameterDisplay, buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters: buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters, buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters: buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters, buildDisplayForTypeArgumentsAndDelimiters: buildDisplayForTypeArgumentsAndDelimiters, buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol: buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol, buildSignatureDisplay: buildSignatureDisplay, buildReturnTypeDisplay: buildReturnTypeDisplay }); } function isDeclarationVisible(node) { function getContainingExternalModule(node) { for (; node; node = node.parent) { if (node.kind === 205) { if (node.name.kind === 8) { return node; } } else if (node.kind === 227) { return ts.isExternalModule(node) ? node : undefined; } } ts.Debug.fail("getContainingModule cant reach here"); } function isUsedInExportAssignment(node) { var externalModule = getContainingExternalModule(node); var exportAssignmentSymbol; var resolvedExportSymbol; if (externalModule) { var externalModuleSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(externalModule); exportAssignmentSymbol = getExportAssignmentSymbol(externalModuleSymbol); var symbolOfNode = getSymbolOfNode(node); if (isSymbolUsedInExportAssignment(symbolOfNode)) { return true; } if (symbolOfNode.flags & 8388608) { return isSymbolUsedInExportAssignment(resolveAlias(symbolOfNode)); } } function isSymbolUsedInExportAssignment(symbol) { if (exportAssignmentSymbol === symbol) { return true; } if (exportAssignmentSymbol && !!(exportAssignmentSymbol.flags & 8388608)) { resolvedExportSymbol = resolvedExportSymbol || resolveAlias(exportAssignmentSymbol); if (resolvedExportSymbol === symbol) { return true; } return ts.forEach(resolvedExportSymbol.declarations, function (current) { while (current) { if (current === node) { return true; } current = current.parent; } }); } } } function determineIfDeclarationIsVisible() { switch (node.kind) { case 152: return isDeclarationVisible(node.parent.parent); case 198: if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name) && !node.name.elements.length) { return false; } case 205: case 201: case 202: case 203: case 200: case 204: case 208: var parent_2 = getDeclarationContainer(node); if (!(ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1) && !(node.kind !== 208 && parent_2.kind !== 227 && ts.isInAmbientContext(parent_2))) { return isGlobalSourceFile(parent_2); } return isDeclarationVisible(parent_2); case 132: case 131: case 136: case 137: case 134: case 133: if (node.flags & (32 | 64)) { return false; } case 135: case 139: case 138: case 140: case 129: case 206: case 142: case 143: case 145: case 141: case 146: case 147: case 148: case 149: return isDeclarationVisible(node.parent); case 210: case 211: case 213: return false; case 128: case 227: return true; case 214: return false; default: ts.Debug.fail("isDeclarationVisible unknown: SyntaxKind: " + node.kind); } } if (node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (links.isVisible === undefined) { links.isVisible = !!determineIfDeclarationIsVisible(); } return links.isVisible; } } function collectLinkedAliases(node) { var exportSymbol; if (node.parent && node.parent.kind === 214) { exportSymbol = resolveName(node.parent, node.text, 107455 | 793056 | 1536, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0, node); } else if (node.parent.kind === 217) { exportSymbol = getTargetOfExportSpecifier(node.parent); } var result = []; if (exportSymbol) { buildVisibleNodeList(exportSymbol.declarations); } return result; function buildVisibleNodeList(declarations) { ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) { getNodeLinks(declaration).isVisible = true; var resultNode = getAnyImportSyntax(declaration) || declaration; if (!ts.contains(result, resultNode)) { result.push(resultNode); } if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(declaration)) { var internalModuleReference = declaration.moduleReference; var firstIdentifier = getFirstIdentifier(internalModuleReference); var importSymbol = resolveName(declaration, firstIdentifier.text, 107455 | 793056 | 1536, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0, firstIdentifier); buildVisibleNodeList(importSymbol.declarations); } }); } } function getRootDeclaration(node) { while (node.kind === 152) { node = node.parent.parent; } return node; } function getDeclarationContainer(node) { node = getRootDeclaration(node); return node.kind === 198 ? node.parent.parent.parent : node.parent; } function getTypeOfPrototypeProperty(prototype) { var classType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(prototype.parent); return classType.typeParameters ? createTypeReference(classType, ts.map(classType.typeParameters, function (_) { return anyType; })) : classType; } function getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type, name) { var prop = getPropertyOfType(type, name); return prop ? getTypeOfSymbol(prop) : undefined; } function getTypeForBindingElement(declaration) { var pattern = declaration.parent; var parentType = getTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(pattern.parent); if (parentType === unknownType) { return unknownType; } if (!parentType || parentType === anyType) { if (declaration.initializer) { return checkExpressionCached(declaration.initializer); } return parentType; } var type; if (pattern.kind === 150) { var name_5 = declaration.propertyName || declaration.name; type = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(parentType, name_5.text) || isNumericLiteralName(name_5.text) && getIndexTypeOfType(parentType, 1) || getIndexTypeOfType(parentType, 0); if (!type) { error(name_5, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature, typeToString(parentType), ts.declarationNameToString(name_5)); return unknownType; } } else { if (!isArrayLikeType(parentType)) { error(pattern, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_an_array_type, typeToString(parentType)); return unknownType; } if (!declaration.dotDotDotToken) { var propName = "" + ts.indexOf(pattern.elements, declaration); type = isTupleLikeType(parentType) ? getTypeOfPropertyOfType(parentType, propName) : getIndexTypeOfType(parentType, 1); if (!type) { if (isTupleType(parentType)) { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2, typeToString(parentType), parentType.elementTypes.length, pattern.elements.length); } else { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_has_no_property_1, typeToString(parentType), propName); } return unknownType; } } else { type = createArrayType(getIndexTypeOfType(parentType, 1)); } } return type; } function getTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration) { if (declaration.parent.parent.kind === 187) { return anyType; } if (declaration.parent.parent.kind === 188) { return checkRightHandSideOfForOf(declaration.parent.parent.expression) || anyType; } if (ts.isBindingPattern(declaration.parent)) { return getTypeForBindingElement(declaration); } if (declaration.type) { return getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(declaration.type); } if (declaration.kind === 129) { var func = declaration.parent; if (func.kind === 137 && !ts.hasDynamicName(func)) { var getter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(declaration.parent.symbol, 136); if (getter) { return getReturnTypeOfSignature(getSignatureFromDeclaration(getter)); } } var type = getContextuallyTypedParameterType(declaration); if (type) { return type; } } if (declaration.initializer) { return checkExpressionCached(declaration.initializer); } if (declaration.kind === 225) { return checkIdentifier(declaration.name); } return undefined; } function getTypeFromBindingElement(element) { if (element.initializer) { return getWidenedType(checkExpressionCached(element.initializer)); } if (ts.isBindingPattern(element.name)) { return getTypeFromBindingPattern(element.name); } return anyType; } function getTypeFromObjectBindingPattern(pattern) { var members = {}; ts.forEach(pattern.elements, function (e) { var flags = 4 | 67108864 | (e.initializer ? 536870912 : 0); var name = e.propertyName || e.name; var symbol = createSymbol(flags, name.text); symbol.type = getTypeFromBindingElement(e); members[symbol.name] = symbol; }); return createAnonymousType(undefined, members, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined); } function getTypeFromArrayBindingPattern(pattern) { var hasSpreadElement = false; var elementTypes = []; ts.forEach(pattern.elements, function (e) { elementTypes.push(e.kind === 175 || e.dotDotDotToken ? anyType : getTypeFromBindingElement(e)); if (e.dotDotDotToken) { hasSpreadElement = true; } }); return !elementTypes.length ? anyArrayType : hasSpreadElement ? createArrayType(getUnionType(elementTypes)) : createTupleType(elementTypes); } function getTypeFromBindingPattern(pattern) { return pattern.kind === 150 ? getTypeFromObjectBindingPattern(pattern) : getTypeFromArrayBindingPattern(pattern); } function getWidenedTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration, reportErrors) { var type = getTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration); if (type) { if (reportErrors) { reportErrorsFromWidening(declaration, type); } return declaration.kind !== 224 ? getWidenedType(type) : type; } if (ts.isBindingPattern(declaration.name)) { return getTypeFromBindingPattern(declaration.name); } type = declaration.dotDotDotToken ? anyArrayType : anyType; if (reportErrors && compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) { var root = getRootDeclaration(declaration); if (!isPrivateWithinAmbient(root) && !(root.kind === 129 && isPrivateWithinAmbient(root.parent))) { reportImplicitAnyError(declaration, type); } } return type; } function getTypeOfVariableOrParameterOrProperty(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.type) { if (symbol.flags & 134217728) { return links.type = getTypeOfPrototypeProperty(symbol); } var declaration = symbol.valueDeclaration; if (declaration.parent.kind === 223) { return links.type = anyType; } if (declaration.kind === 214) { var exportAssignment = declaration; if (exportAssignment.expression) { return links.type = checkExpression(exportAssignment.expression); } else if (exportAssignment.type) { return links.type = getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(exportAssignment.type); } else { return links.type = anyType; } } links.type = resolvingType; var type = getWidenedTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration, true); if (links.type === resolvingType) { links.type = type; } } else if (links.type === resolvingType) { links.type = anyType; if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) { var diagnostic = symbol.valueDeclaration.type ? ts.Diagnostics._0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation : ts.Diagnostics._0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_is_does_not_have_a_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_initializer; error(symbol.valueDeclaration, diagnostic, symbolToString(symbol)); } } return links.type; } function getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode(accessor) { return accessor && accessor.parameters.length > 0 && accessor.parameters[0].type; } function getAnnotatedAccessorType(accessor) { if (accessor) { if (accessor.kind === 136) { return accessor.type && getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(accessor.type); } else { var setterTypeAnnotation = getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode(accessor); return setterTypeAnnotation && getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(setterTypeAnnotation); } } return undefined; } function getTypeOfAccessors(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); checkAndStoreTypeOfAccessors(symbol, links); return links.type; } function checkAndStoreTypeOfAccessors(symbol, links) { links = links || getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.type) { links.type = resolvingType; var getter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 136); var setter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 137); var type; var getterReturnType = getAnnotatedAccessorType(getter); if (getterReturnType) { type = getterReturnType; } else { var setterParameterType = getAnnotatedAccessorType(setter); if (setterParameterType) { type = setterParameterType; } else { if (getter && getter.body) { type = getReturnTypeFromBody(getter); } else { if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) { error(setter, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_set_accessor_lacks_a_type_annotation, symbolToString(symbol)); } type = anyType; } } } if (links.type === resolvingType) { links.type = type; } } else if (links.type === resolvingType) { links.type = anyType; if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) { var getter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 136); error(getter, ts.Diagnostics._0_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions, symbolToString(symbol)); } } } function getTypeOfFuncClassEnumModule(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.type) { links.type = createObjectType(32768, symbol); } return links.type; } function getTypeOfEnumMember(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.type) { links.type = getDeclaredTypeOfEnum(getParentOfSymbol(symbol)); } return links.type; } function getTypeOfAlias(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.type) { links.type = getTypeOfSymbol(resolveAlias(symbol)); } return links.type; } function getTypeOfInstantiatedSymbol(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.type) { links.type = instantiateType(getTypeOfSymbol(links.target), links.mapper); } return links.type; } function getTypeOfSymbol(symbol) { if (symbol.flags & 16777216) { return getTypeOfInstantiatedSymbol(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & (3 | 4)) { return getTypeOfVariableOrParameterOrProperty(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & (16 | 8192 | 32 | 384 | 512)) { return getTypeOfFuncClassEnumModule(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 8) { return getTypeOfEnumMember(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 98304) { return getTypeOfAccessors(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 8388608) { return getTypeOfAlias(symbol); } return unknownType; } function getTargetType(type) { return type.flags & 4096 ? type.target : type; } function hasBaseType(type, checkBase) { return check(type); function check(type) { var target = getTargetType(type); return target === checkBase || ts.forEach(target.baseTypes, check); } } function getTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(symbol) { var result; ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (node) { if (node.kind === 202 || node.kind === 201) { var declaration = node; if (declaration.typeParameters && declaration.typeParameters.length) { ts.forEach(declaration.typeParameters, function (node) { var tp = getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(getSymbolOfNode(node)); if (!result) { result = [tp]; } else if (!ts.contains(result, tp)) { result.push(tp); } }); } } }); return result; } function getDeclaredTypeOfClass(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.declaredType) { var type = links.declaredType = createObjectType(1024, symbol); var typeParameters = getTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(symbol); if (typeParameters) { type.flags |= 4096; type.typeParameters = typeParameters; type.instantiations = {}; type.instantiations[getTypeListId(type.typeParameters)] = type; type.target = type; type.typeArguments = type.typeParameters; } type.baseTypes = []; var declaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 201); var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(declaration); if (baseTypeNode) { var baseType = getTypeFromHeritageClauseElement(baseTypeNode); if (baseType !== unknownType) { if (getTargetType(baseType).flags & 1024) { if (type !== baseType && !hasBaseType(baseType, type)) { type.baseTypes.push(baseType); } else { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_recursively_references_itself_as_a_base_type, typeToString(type, undefined, 1)); } } else { error(baseTypeNode, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_may_only_extend_another_class); } } } type.declaredProperties = getNamedMembers(symbol.members); type.declaredCallSignatures = emptyArray; type.declaredConstructSignatures = emptyArray; type.declaredStringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfSymbol(symbol, 0); type.declaredNumberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfSymbol(symbol, 1); } return links.declaredType; } function getDeclaredTypeOfInterface(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.declaredType) { var type = links.declaredType = createObjectType(2048, symbol); var typeParameters = getTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(symbol); if (typeParameters) { type.flags |= 4096; type.typeParameters = typeParameters; type.instantiations = {}; type.instantiations[getTypeListId(type.typeParameters)] = type; type.target = type; type.typeArguments = type.typeParameters; } type.baseTypes = []; ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { if (declaration.kind === 202 && ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(declaration)) { ts.forEach(ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(declaration), function (node) { var baseType = getTypeFromHeritageClauseElement(node); if (baseType !== unknownType) { if (getTargetType(baseType).flags & (1024 | 2048)) { if (type !== baseType && !hasBaseType(baseType, type)) { type.baseTypes.push(baseType); } else { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_recursively_references_itself_as_a_base_type, typeToString(type, undefined, 1)); } } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_interface_may_only_extend_a_class_or_another_interface); } } }); } }); type.declaredProperties = getNamedMembers(symbol.members); type.declaredCallSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol.members["__call"]); type.declaredConstructSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol.members["__new"]); type.declaredStringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfSymbol(symbol, 0); type.declaredNumberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfSymbol(symbol, 1); } return links.declaredType; } function getDeclaredTypeOfTypeAlias(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.declaredType) { links.declaredType = resolvingType; var declaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 203); var type = getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(declaration.type); if (links.declaredType === resolvingType) { links.declaredType = type; } } else if (links.declaredType === resolvingType) { links.declaredType = unknownType; var declaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 203); error(declaration.name, ts.Diagnostics.Type_alias_0_circularly_references_itself, symbolToString(symbol)); } return links.declaredType; } function getDeclaredTypeOfEnum(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.declaredType) { var type = createType(128); type.symbol = symbol; links.declaredType = type; } return links.declaredType; } function getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.declaredType) { var type = createType(512); type.symbol = symbol; if (!ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 128).constraint) { type.constraint = noConstraintType; } links.declaredType = type; } return links.declaredType; } function getDeclaredTypeOfAlias(symbol) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); if (!links.declaredType) { links.declaredType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(resolveAlias(symbol)); } return links.declaredType; } function getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol) { ts.Debug.assert((symbol.flags & 16777216) === 0); if (symbol.flags & 32) { return getDeclaredTypeOfClass(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 64) { return getDeclaredTypeOfInterface(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 524288) { return getDeclaredTypeOfTypeAlias(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 384) { return getDeclaredTypeOfEnum(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 262144) { return getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 8388608) { return getDeclaredTypeOfAlias(symbol); } return unknownType; } function createSymbolTable(symbols) { var result = {}; for (var _i = 0; _i < symbols.length; _i++) { var symbol = symbols[_i]; result[symbol.name] = symbol; } return result; } function createInstantiatedSymbolTable(symbols, mapper) { var result = {}; for (var _i = 0; _i < symbols.length; _i++) { var symbol = symbols[_i]; result[symbol.name] = instantiateSymbol(symbol, mapper); } return result; } function addInheritedMembers(symbols, baseSymbols) { for (var _i = 0; _i < baseSymbols.length; _i++) { var s = baseSymbols[_i]; if (!ts.hasProperty(symbols, s.name)) { symbols[s.name] = s; } } } function addInheritedSignatures(signatures, baseSignatures) { if (baseSignatures) { for (var _i = 0; _i < baseSignatures.length; _i++) { var signature = baseSignatures[_i]; signatures.push(signature); } } } function resolveClassOrInterfaceMembers(type) { var members = type.symbol.members; var callSignatures = type.declaredCallSignatures; var constructSignatures = type.declaredConstructSignatures; var stringIndexType = type.declaredStringIndexType; var numberIndexType = type.declaredNumberIndexType; if (type.baseTypes.length) { members = createSymbolTable(type.declaredProperties); ts.forEach(type.baseTypes, function (baseType) { addInheritedMembers(members, getPropertiesOfObjectType(baseType)); callSignatures = ts.concatenate(callSignatures, getSignaturesOfType(baseType, 0)); constructSignatures = ts.concatenate(constructSignatures, getSignaturesOfType(baseType, 1)); stringIndexType = stringIndexType || getIndexTypeOfType(baseType, 0); numberIndexType = numberIndexType || getIndexTypeOfType(baseType, 1); }); } setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexType, numberIndexType); } function resolveTypeReferenceMembers(type) { var target = type.target; var mapper = createTypeMapper(target.typeParameters, type.typeArguments); var members = createInstantiatedSymbolTable(target.declaredProperties, mapper); var callSignatures = instantiateList(target.declaredCallSignatures, mapper, instantiateSignature); var constructSignatures = instantiateList(target.declaredConstructSignatures, mapper, instantiateSignature); var stringIndexType = target.declaredStringIndexType ? instantiateType(target.declaredStringIndexType, mapper) : undefined; var numberIndexType = target.declaredNumberIndexType ? instantiateType(target.declaredNumberIndexType, mapper) : undefined; ts.forEach(target.baseTypes, function (baseType) { var instantiatedBaseType = instantiateType(baseType, mapper); addInheritedMembers(members, getPropertiesOfObjectType(instantiatedBaseType)); callSignatures = ts.concatenate(callSignatures, getSignaturesOfType(instantiatedBaseType, 0)); constructSignatures = ts.concatenate(constructSignatures, getSignaturesOfType(instantiatedBaseType, 1)); stringIndexType = stringIndexType || getIndexTypeOfType(instantiatedBaseType, 0); numberIndexType = numberIndexType || getIndexTypeOfType(instantiatedBaseType, 1); }); setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexType, numberIndexType); } function createSignature(declaration, typeParameters, parameters, resolvedReturnType, minArgumentCount, hasRestParameter, hasStringLiterals) { var sig = new Signature(checker); sig.declaration = declaration; sig.typeParameters = typeParameters; sig.parameters = parameters; sig.resolvedReturnType = resolvedReturnType; sig.minArgumentCount = minArgumentCount; sig.hasRestParameter = hasRestParameter; sig.hasStringLiterals = hasStringLiterals; return sig; } function cloneSignature(sig) { return createSignature(sig.declaration, sig.typeParameters, sig.parameters, sig.resolvedReturnType, sig.minArgumentCount, sig.hasRestParameter, sig.hasStringLiterals); } function getDefaultConstructSignatures(classType) { if (classType.baseTypes.length) { var baseType = classType.baseTypes[0]; var baseSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(getTypeOfSymbol(baseType.symbol), 1); return ts.map(baseSignatures, function (baseSignature) { var signature = baseType.flags & 4096 ? getSignatureInstantiation(baseSignature, baseType.typeArguments) : cloneSignature(baseSignature); signature.typeParameters = classType.typeParameters; signature.resolvedReturnType = classType; return signature; }); } return [createSignature(undefined, classType.typeParameters, emptyArray, classType, 0, false, false)]; } function createTupleTypeMemberSymbols(memberTypes) { var members = {}; for (var i = 0; i < memberTypes.length; i++) { var symbol = createSymbol(4 | 67108864, "" + i); symbol.type = memberTypes[i]; members[i] = symbol; } return members; } function resolveTupleTypeMembers(type) { var arrayType = resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(createArrayType(getUnionType(type.elementTypes))); var members = createTupleTypeMemberSymbols(type.elementTypes); addInheritedMembers(members, arrayType.properties); setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, arrayType.callSignatures, arrayType.constructSignatures, arrayType.stringIndexType, arrayType.numberIndexType); } function signatureListsIdentical(s, t) { if (s.length !== t.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (!compareSignatures(s[i], t[i], false, compareTypes)) { return false; } } return true; } function getUnionSignatures(types, kind) { var signatureLists = ts.map(types, function (t) { return getSignaturesOfType(t, kind); }); var signatures = signatureLists[0]; for (var _i = 0; _i < signatures.length; _i++) { var signature = signatures[_i]; if (signature.typeParameters) { return emptyArray; } } for (var i_1 = 1; i_1 < signatureLists.length; i_1++) { if (!signatureListsIdentical(signatures, signatureLists[i_1])) { return emptyArray; } } var result = ts.map(signatures, cloneSignature); for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { var s = result[i]; s.resolvedReturnType = undefined; s.unionSignatures = ts.map(signatureLists, function (signatures) { return signatures[i]; }); } return result; } function getUnionIndexType(types, kind) { var indexTypes = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var type = types[_i]; var indexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, kind); if (!indexType) { return undefined; } indexTypes.push(indexType); } return getUnionType(indexTypes); } function resolveUnionTypeMembers(type) { var callSignatures = getUnionSignatures(type.types, 0); var constructSignatures = getUnionSignatures(type.types, 1); var stringIndexType = getUnionIndexType(type.types, 0); var numberIndexType = getUnionIndexType(type.types, 1); setObjectTypeMembers(type, emptySymbols, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexType, numberIndexType); } function resolveAnonymousTypeMembers(type) { var symbol = type.symbol; var members; var callSignatures; var constructSignatures; var stringIndexType; var numberIndexType; if (symbol.flags & 2048) { members = symbol.members; callSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(members["__call"]); constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(members["__new"]); stringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfSymbol(symbol, 0); numberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfSymbol(symbol, 1); } else { members = emptySymbols; callSignatures = emptyArray; constructSignatures = emptyArray; if (symbol.flags & 1952) { members = getExportsOfSymbol(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & (16 | 8192)) { callSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol); } if (symbol.flags & 32) { var classType = getDeclaredTypeOfClass(symbol); constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol.members["__constructor"]); if (!constructSignatures.length) { constructSignatures = getDefaultConstructSignatures(classType); } if (classType.baseTypes.length) { members = createSymbolTable(getNamedMembers(members)); addInheritedMembers(members, getPropertiesOfObjectType(getTypeOfSymbol(classType.baseTypes[0].symbol))); } } stringIndexType = undefined; numberIndexType = (symbol.flags & 384) ? stringType : undefined; } setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexType, numberIndexType); } function resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type) { if (!type.members) { if (type.flags & (1024 | 2048)) { resolveClassOrInterfaceMembers(type); } else if (type.flags & 32768) { resolveAnonymousTypeMembers(type); } else if (type.flags & 8192) { resolveTupleTypeMembers(type); } else if (type.flags & 16384) { resolveUnionTypeMembers(type); } else { resolveTypeReferenceMembers(type); } } return type; } function getPropertiesOfObjectType(type) { if (type.flags & 48128) { return resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type).properties; } return emptyArray; } function getPropertyOfObjectType(type, name) { if (type.flags & 48128) { var resolved = resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type); if (ts.hasProperty(resolved.members, name)) { var symbol = resolved.members[name]; if (symbolIsValue(symbol)) { return symbol; } } } } function getPropertiesOfUnionType(type) { var result = []; ts.forEach(getPropertiesOfType(type.types[0]), function (prop) { var unionProp = getPropertyOfUnionType(type, prop.name); if (unionProp) { result.push(unionProp); } }); return result; } function getPropertiesOfType(type) { if (type.flags & 16384) { return getPropertiesOfUnionType(type); } return getPropertiesOfObjectType(getApparentType(type)); } function getApparentType(type) { if (type.flags & 512) { do { type = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(type); } while (type && type.flags & 512); if (!type) { type = emptyObjectType; } } if (type.flags & 258) { type = globalStringType; } else if (type.flags & 132) { type = globalNumberType; } else if (type.flags & 8) { type = globalBooleanType; } else if (type.flags & 1048576) { type = globalESSymbolType; } return type; } function createUnionProperty(unionType, name) { var types = unionType.types; var props; for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var current = types[_i]; var type = getApparentType(current); if (type !== unknownType) { var prop = getPropertyOfType(type, name); if (!prop) { return undefined; } if (!props) { props = [prop]; } else { props.push(prop); } } } var propTypes = []; var declarations = []; for (var _a = 0; _a < props.length; _a++) { var prop = props[_a]; if (prop.declarations) { declarations.push.apply(declarations, prop.declarations); } propTypes.push(getTypeOfSymbol(prop)); } var result = createSymbol(4 | 67108864 | 268435456, name); result.unionType = unionType; result.declarations = declarations; result.type = getUnionType(propTypes); return result; } function getPropertyOfUnionType(type, name) { var properties = type.resolvedProperties || (type.resolvedProperties = {}); if (ts.hasProperty(properties, name)) { return properties[name]; } var property = createUnionProperty(type, name); if (property) { properties[name] = property; } return property; } function getPropertyOfType(type, name) { if (type.flags & 16384) { return getPropertyOfUnionType(type, name); } if (!(type.flags & 48128)) { type = getApparentType(type); if (!(type.flags & 48128)) { return undefined; } } var resolved = resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type); if (ts.hasProperty(resolved.members, name)) { var symbol = resolved.members[name]; if (symbolIsValue(symbol)) { return symbol; } } if (resolved === anyFunctionType || resolved.callSignatures.length || resolved.constructSignatures.length) { var symbol = getPropertyOfObjectType(globalFunctionType, name); if (symbol) return symbol; } return getPropertyOfObjectType(globalObjectType, name); } function getSignaturesOfObjectOrUnionType(type, kind) { if (type.flags & (48128 | 16384)) { var resolved = resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type); return kind === 0 ? resolved.callSignatures : resolved.constructSignatures; } return emptyArray; } function getSignaturesOfType(type, kind) { return getSignaturesOfObjectOrUnionType(getApparentType(type), kind); } function getIndexTypeOfObjectOrUnionType(type, kind) { if (type.flags & (48128 | 16384)) { var resolved = resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type); return kind === 0 ? resolved.stringIndexType : resolved.numberIndexType; } } function getIndexTypeOfType(type, kind) { return getIndexTypeOfObjectOrUnionType(getApparentType(type), kind); } function getTypeParametersFromDeclaration(typeParameterDeclarations) { var result = []; ts.forEach(typeParameterDeclarations, function (node) { var tp = getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(node.symbol); if (!ts.contains(result, tp)) { result.push(tp); } }); return result; } function symbolsToArray(symbols) { var result = []; for (var id in symbols) { if (!isReservedMemberName(id)) { result.push(symbols[id]); } } return result; } function getExportsOfExternalModule(node) { if (!node.moduleSpecifier) { return emptyArray; } var module = resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.moduleSpecifier); if (!module) { return emptyArray; } return symbolsToArray(getExportsOfModule(module)); } function getSignatureFromDeclaration(declaration) { var links = getNodeLinks(declaration); if (!links.resolvedSignature) { var classType = declaration.kind === 135 ? getDeclaredTypeOfClass(declaration.parent.symbol) : undefined; var typeParameters = classType ? classType.typeParameters : declaration.typeParameters ? getTypeParametersFromDeclaration(declaration.typeParameters) : undefined; var parameters = []; var hasStringLiterals = false; var minArgumentCount = -1; for (var i = 0, n = declaration.parameters.length; i < n; i++) { var param = declaration.parameters[i]; parameters.push(param.symbol); if (param.type && param.type.kind === 8) { hasStringLiterals = true; } if (minArgumentCount < 0) { if (param.initializer || param.questionToken || param.dotDotDotToken) { minArgumentCount = i; } } } if (minArgumentCount < 0) { minArgumentCount = declaration.parameters.length; } var returnType; if (classType) { returnType = classType; } else if (declaration.type) { returnType = getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(declaration.type); } else { if (declaration.kind === 136 && !ts.hasDynamicName(declaration)) { var setter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(declaration.symbol, 137); returnType = getAnnotatedAccessorType(setter); } if (!returnType && ts.nodeIsMissing(declaration.body)) { returnType = anyType; } } links.resolvedSignature = createSignature(declaration, typeParameters, parameters, returnType, minArgumentCount, ts.hasRestParameters(declaration), hasStringLiterals); } return links.resolvedSignature; } function getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol) { if (!symbol) return emptyArray; var result = []; for (var i = 0, len = symbol.declarations.length; i < len; i++) { var node = symbol.declarations[i]; switch (node.kind) { case 142: case 143: case 200: case 134: case 133: case 135: case 138: case 139: case 140: case 136: case 137: case 162: case 163: if (i > 0 && node.body) { var previous = symbol.declarations[i - 1]; if (node.parent === previous.parent && node.kind === previous.kind && node.pos === previous.end) { break; } } result.push(getSignatureFromDeclaration(node)); } } return result; } function getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature) { if (!signature.resolvedReturnType) { signature.resolvedReturnType = resolvingType; var type; if (signature.target) { type = instantiateType(getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature.target), signature.mapper); } else if (signature.unionSignatures) { type = getUnionType(ts.map(signature.unionSignatures, getReturnTypeOfSignature)); } else { type = getReturnTypeFromBody(signature.declaration); } if (signature.resolvedReturnType === resolvingType) { signature.resolvedReturnType = type; } } else if (signature.resolvedReturnType === resolvingType) { signature.resolvedReturnType = anyType; if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) { var declaration = signature.declaration; if (declaration.name) { error(declaration.name, ts.Diagnostics._0_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions, ts.declarationNameToString(declaration.name)); } else { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Function_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions); } } } return signature.resolvedReturnType; } function getRestTypeOfSignature(signature) { if (signature.hasRestParameter) { var type = getTypeOfSymbol(signature.parameters[signature.parameters.length - 1]); if (type.flags & 4096 && type.target === globalArrayType) { return type.typeArguments[0]; } } return anyType; } function getSignatureInstantiation(signature, typeArguments) { return instantiateSignature(signature, createTypeMapper(signature.typeParameters, typeArguments), true); } function getErasedSignature(signature) { if (!signature.typeParameters) return signature; if (!signature.erasedSignatureCache) { if (signature.target) { signature.erasedSignatureCache = instantiateSignature(getErasedSignature(signature.target), signature.mapper); } else { signature.erasedSignatureCache = instantiateSignature(signature, createTypeEraser(signature.typeParameters), true); } } return signature.erasedSignatureCache; } function getOrCreateTypeFromSignature(signature) { if (!signature.isolatedSignatureType) { var isConstructor = signature.declaration.kind === 135 || signature.declaration.kind === 139; var type = createObjectType(32768 | 65536); type.members = emptySymbols; type.properties = emptyArray; type.callSignatures = !isConstructor ? [signature] : emptyArray; type.constructSignatures = isConstructor ? [signature] : emptyArray; signature.isolatedSignatureType = type; } return signature.isolatedSignatureType; } function getIndexSymbol(symbol) { return symbol.members["__index"]; } function getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, kind) { var syntaxKind = kind === 1 ? 119 : 121; var indexSymbol = getIndexSymbol(symbol); if (indexSymbol) { var len = indexSymbol.declarations.length; for (var _i = 0, _a = indexSymbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var decl = _a[_i]; var node = decl; if (node.parameters.length === 1) { var parameter = node.parameters[0]; if (parameter && parameter.type && parameter.type.kind === syntaxKind) { return node; } } } } return undefined; } function getIndexTypeOfSymbol(symbol, kind) { var declaration = getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, kind); return declaration ? declaration.type ? getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(declaration.type) : anyType : undefined; } function getConstraintOfTypeParameter(type) { if (!type.constraint) { if (type.target) { var targetConstraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(type.target); type.constraint = targetConstraint ? instantiateType(targetConstraint, type.mapper) : noConstraintType; } else { type.constraint = getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(ts.getDeclarationOfKind(type.symbol, 128).constraint); } } return type.constraint === noConstraintType ? undefined : type.constraint; } function getTypeListId(types) { switch (types.length) { case 1: return "" + types[0].id; case 2: return types[0].id + "," + types[1].id; default: var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { result += ","; } result += types[i].id; } return result; } } function getWideningFlagsOfTypes(types) { var result = 0; for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var type = types[_i]; result |= type.flags; } return result & 786432; } function createTypeReference(target, typeArguments) { var id = getTypeListId(typeArguments); var type = target.instantiations[id]; if (!type) { var flags = 4096 | getWideningFlagsOfTypes(typeArguments); type = target.instantiations[id] = createObjectType(flags, target.symbol); type.target = target; type.typeArguments = typeArguments; } return type; } function isTypeParameterReferenceIllegalInConstraint(typeReferenceNode, typeParameterSymbol) { var links = getNodeLinks(typeReferenceNode); if (links.isIllegalTypeReferenceInConstraint !== undefined) { return links.isIllegalTypeReferenceInConstraint; } var currentNode = typeReferenceNode; while (!ts.forEach(typeParameterSymbol.declarations, function (d) { return d.parent === currentNode.parent; })) { currentNode = currentNode.parent; } links.isIllegalTypeReferenceInConstraint = currentNode.kind === 128; return links.isIllegalTypeReferenceInConstraint; } function checkTypeParameterHasIllegalReferencesInConstraint(typeParameter) { var typeParameterSymbol; function check(n) { if (n.kind === 141 && n.typeName.kind === 65) { var links = getNodeLinks(n); if (links.isIllegalTypeReferenceInConstraint === undefined) { var symbol = resolveName(typeParameter, n.typeName.text, 793056, undefined, undefined); if (symbol && (symbol.flags & 262144)) { links.isIllegalTypeReferenceInConstraint = ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (d) { return d.parent == typeParameter.parent; }); } } if (links.isIllegalTypeReferenceInConstraint) { error(typeParameter, ts.Diagnostics.Constraint_of_a_type_parameter_cannot_reference_any_type_parameter_from_the_same_type_parameter_list); } } ts.forEachChild(n, check); } if (typeParameter.constraint) { typeParameterSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(typeParameter); check(typeParameter.constraint); } } function getTypeFromTypeReference(node) { return getTypeFromTypeReferenceOrHeritageClauseElement(node); } function getTypeFromHeritageClauseElement(node) { return getTypeFromTypeReferenceOrHeritageClauseElement(node); } function getTypeFromTypeReferenceOrHeritageClauseElement(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedType) { var type; if (node.kind !== 177 || ts.isSupportedHeritageClauseElement(node)) { var typeNameOrExpression = node.kind === 141 ? node.typeName : node.expression; var symbol = resolveEntityName(typeNameOrExpression, 793056); if (symbol) { if ((symbol.flags & 262144) && isTypeParameterReferenceIllegalInConstraint(node, symbol)) { type = unknownType; } else { type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); if (type.flags & (1024 | 2048) && type.flags & 4096) { var typeParameters = type.typeParameters; if (node.typeArguments && node.typeArguments.length === typeParameters.length) { type = createTypeReference(type, ts.map(node.typeArguments, getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement)); } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Generic_type_0_requires_1_type_argument_s, typeToString(type, undefined, 1), typeParameters.length); type = undefined; } } else { if (node.typeArguments) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_generic, typeToString(type)); type = undefined; } } } } } links.resolvedType = type || unknownType; } return links.resolvedType; } function getTypeFromTypeQueryNode(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedType) { links.resolvedType = getWidenedType(checkExpressionOrQualifiedName(node.exprName)); } return links.resolvedType; } function getTypeOfGlobalSymbol(symbol, arity) { function getTypeDeclaration(symbol) { var declarations = symbol.declarations; for (var _i = 0; _i < declarations.length; _i++) { var declaration = declarations[_i]; switch (declaration.kind) { case 201: case 202: case 204: return declaration; } } } if (!symbol) { return emptyObjectType; } var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); if (!(type.flags & 48128)) { error(getTypeDeclaration(symbol), ts.Diagnostics.Global_type_0_must_be_a_class_or_interface_type, symbol.name); return emptyObjectType; } if ((type.typeParameters ? type.typeParameters.length : 0) !== arity) { error(getTypeDeclaration(symbol), ts.Diagnostics.Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s, symbol.name, arity); return emptyObjectType; } return type; } function getGlobalValueSymbol(name) { return getGlobalSymbol(name, 107455, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_global_value_0); } function getGlobalTypeSymbol(name) { return getGlobalSymbol(name, 793056, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_global_type_0); } function getGlobalSymbol(name, meaning, diagnostic) { return resolveName(undefined, name, meaning, diagnostic, name); } function getGlobalType(name, arity) { if (arity === void 0) { arity = 0; } return getTypeOfGlobalSymbol(getGlobalTypeSymbol(name), arity); } function getGlobalESSymbolConstructorSymbol() { return globalESSymbolConstructorSymbol || (globalESSymbolConstructorSymbol = getGlobalValueSymbol("Symbol")); } function createArrayType(elementType) { var arrayType = globalArrayType || getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(globalArraySymbol); return arrayType !== emptyObjectType ? createTypeReference(arrayType, [elementType]) : emptyObjectType; } function getTypeFromArrayTypeNode(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedType) { links.resolvedType = createArrayType(getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node.elementType)); } return links.resolvedType; } function createTupleType(elementTypes) { var id = getTypeListId(elementTypes); var type = tupleTypes[id]; if (!type) { type = tupleTypes[id] = createObjectType(8192); type.elementTypes = elementTypes; } return type; } function getTypeFromTupleTypeNode(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedType) { links.resolvedType = createTupleType(ts.map(node.elementTypes, getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement)); } return links.resolvedType; } function addTypeToSortedSet(sortedSet, type) { if (type.flags & 16384) { addTypesToSortedSet(sortedSet, type.types); } else { var i = 0; var id = type.id; while (i < sortedSet.length && sortedSet[i].id < id) { i++; } if (i === sortedSet.length || sortedSet[i].id !== id) { sortedSet.splice(i, 0, type); } } } function addTypesToSortedSet(sortedTypes, types) { for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var type = types[_i]; addTypeToSortedSet(sortedTypes, type); } } function isSubtypeOfAny(candidate, types) { for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var type = types[_i]; if (candidate !== type && isTypeSubtypeOf(candidate, type)) { return true; } } return false; } function removeSubtypes(types) { var i = types.length; while (i > 0) { i--; if (isSubtypeOfAny(types[i], types)) { types.splice(i, 1); } } } function containsAnyType(types) { for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var type = types[_i]; if (type.flags & 1) { return true; } } return false; } function removeAllButLast(types, typeToRemove) { var i = types.length; while (i > 0 && types.length > 1) { i--; if (types[i] === typeToRemove) { types.splice(i, 1); } } } function getUnionType(types, noSubtypeReduction) { if (types.length === 0) { return emptyObjectType; } var sortedTypes = []; addTypesToSortedSet(sortedTypes, types); if (noSubtypeReduction) { if (containsAnyType(sortedTypes)) { return anyType; } removeAllButLast(sortedTypes, undefinedType); removeAllButLast(sortedTypes, nullType); } else { removeSubtypes(sortedTypes); } if (sortedTypes.length === 1) { return sortedTypes[0]; } var id = getTypeListId(sortedTypes); var type = unionTypes[id]; if (!type) { type = unionTypes[id] = createObjectType(16384 | getWideningFlagsOfTypes(sortedTypes)); type.types = sortedTypes; } return type; } function getTypeFromUnionTypeNode(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedType) { links.resolvedType = getUnionType(ts.map(node.types, getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement), true); } return links.resolvedType; } function getTypeFromTypeLiteralOrFunctionOrConstructorTypeNode(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedType) { links.resolvedType = createObjectType(32768, node.symbol); } return links.resolvedType; } function getStringLiteralType(node) { if (ts.hasProperty(stringLiteralTypes, node.text)) { return stringLiteralTypes[node.text]; } var type = stringLiteralTypes[node.text] = createType(256); type.text = ts.getTextOfNode(node); return type; } function getTypeFromStringLiteral(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedType) { links.resolvedType = getStringLiteralType(node); } return links.resolvedType; } function getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 112: return anyType; case 121: return stringType; case 119: return numberType; case 113: return booleanType; case 122: return esSymbolType; case 99: return voidType; case 8: return getTypeFromStringLiteral(node); case 141: return getTypeFromTypeReference(node); case 177: return getTypeFromHeritageClauseElement(node); case 144: return getTypeFromTypeQueryNode(node); case 146: return getTypeFromArrayTypeNode(node); case 147: return getTypeFromTupleTypeNode(node); case 148: return getTypeFromUnionTypeNode(node); case 149: return getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node.type); case 142: case 143: case 145: return getTypeFromTypeLiteralOrFunctionOrConstructorTypeNode(node); case 65: case 126: var symbol = getSymbolInfo(node); return symbol && getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); default: return unknownType; } } function instantiateList(items, mapper, instantiator) { if (items && items.length) { var result = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < items.length; _i++) { var v = items[_i]; result.push(instantiator(v, mapper)); } return result; } return items; } function createUnaryTypeMapper(source, target) { return function (t) { return t === source ? target : t; }; } function createBinaryTypeMapper(source1, target1, source2, target2) { return function (t) { return t === source1 ? target1 : t === source2 ? target2 : t; }; } function createTypeMapper(sources, targets) { switch (sources.length) { case 1: return createUnaryTypeMapper(sources[0], targets[0]); case 2: return createBinaryTypeMapper(sources[0], targets[0], sources[1], targets[1]); } return function (t) { for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { if (t === sources[i]) { return targets[i]; } } return t; }; } function createUnaryTypeEraser(source) { return function (t) { return t === source ? anyType : t; }; } function createBinaryTypeEraser(source1, source2) { return function (t) { return t === source1 || t === source2 ? anyType : t; }; } function createTypeEraser(sources) { switch (sources.length) { case 1: return createUnaryTypeEraser(sources[0]); case 2: return createBinaryTypeEraser(sources[0], sources[1]); } return function (t) { for (var _i = 0; _i < sources.length; _i++) { var source = sources[_i]; if (t === source) { return anyType; } } return t; }; } function createInferenceMapper(context) { return function (t) { for (var i = 0; i < context.typeParameters.length; i++) { if (t === context.typeParameters[i]) { context.inferences[i].isFixed = true; return getInferredType(context, i); } } return t; }; } function identityMapper(type) { return type; } function combineTypeMappers(mapper1, mapper2) { return function (t) { return mapper2(mapper1(t)); }; } function instantiateTypeParameter(typeParameter, mapper) { var result = createType(512); result.symbol = typeParameter.symbol; if (typeParameter.constraint) { result.constraint = instantiateType(typeParameter.constraint, mapper); } else { result.target = typeParameter; result.mapper = mapper; } return result; } function instantiateSignature(signature, mapper, eraseTypeParameters) { var freshTypeParameters; if (signature.typeParameters && !eraseTypeParameters) { freshTypeParameters = instantiateList(signature.typeParameters, mapper, instantiateTypeParameter); mapper = combineTypeMappers(createTypeMapper(signature.typeParameters, freshTypeParameters), mapper); } var result = createSignature(signature.declaration, freshTypeParameters, instantiateList(signature.parameters, mapper, instantiateSymbol), signature.resolvedReturnType ? instantiateType(signature.resolvedReturnType, mapper) : undefined, signature.minArgumentCount, signature.hasRestParameter, signature.hasStringLiterals); result.target = signature; result.mapper = mapper; return result; } function instantiateSymbol(symbol, mapper) { if (symbol.flags & 16777216) { var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol); symbol = links.target; mapper = combineTypeMappers(links.mapper, mapper); } var result = createSymbol(16777216 | 67108864 | symbol.flags, symbol.name); result.declarations = symbol.declarations; result.parent = symbol.parent; result.target = symbol; result.mapper = mapper; if (symbol.valueDeclaration) { result.valueDeclaration = symbol.valueDeclaration; } return result; } function instantiateAnonymousType(type, mapper) { var result = createObjectType(32768, type.symbol); result.properties = instantiateList(getPropertiesOfObjectType(type), mapper, instantiateSymbol); result.members = createSymbolTable(result.properties); result.callSignatures = instantiateList(getSignaturesOfType(type, 0), mapper, instantiateSignature); result.constructSignatures = instantiateList(getSignaturesOfType(type, 1), mapper, instantiateSignature); var stringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, 0); var numberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, 1); if (stringIndexType) result.stringIndexType = instantiateType(stringIndexType, mapper); if (numberIndexType) result.numberIndexType = instantiateType(numberIndexType, mapper); return result; } function instantiateType(type, mapper) { if (mapper !== identityMapper) { if (type.flags & 512) { return mapper(type); } if (type.flags & 32768) { return type.symbol && type.symbol.flags & (16 | 8192 | 2048 | 4096) ? instantiateAnonymousType(type, mapper) : type; } if (type.flags & 4096) { return createTypeReference(type.target, instantiateList(type.typeArguments, mapper, instantiateType)); } if (type.flags & 8192) { return createTupleType(instantiateList(type.elementTypes, mapper, instantiateType)); } if (type.flags & 16384) { return getUnionType(instantiateList(type.types, mapper, instantiateType), true); } } return type; } function isContextSensitive(node) { ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 134 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node)); switch (node.kind) { case 162: case 163: return isContextSensitiveFunctionLikeDeclaration(node); case 154: return ts.forEach(node.properties, isContextSensitive); case 153: return ts.forEach(node.elements, isContextSensitive); case 170: return isContextSensitive(node.whenTrue) || isContextSensitive(node.whenFalse); case 169: return node.operatorToken.kind === 49 && (isContextSensitive(node.left) || isContextSensitive(node.right)); case 224: return isContextSensitive(node.initializer); case 134: case 133: return isContextSensitiveFunctionLikeDeclaration(node); case 161: return isContextSensitive(node.expression); } return false; } function isContextSensitiveFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) { return !node.typeParameters && node.parameters.length && !ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (p) { return p.type; }); } function getTypeWithoutConstructors(type) { if (type.flags & 48128) { var resolved = resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type); if (resolved.constructSignatures.length) { var result = createObjectType(32768, type.symbol); result.members = resolved.members; result.properties = resolved.properties; result.callSignatures = resolved.callSignatures; result.constructSignatures = emptyArray; type = result; } } return type; } var subtypeRelation = {}; var assignableRelation = {}; var identityRelation = {}; function isTypeIdenticalTo(source, target) { return checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, identityRelation, undefined); } function compareTypes(source, target) { return checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, identityRelation, undefined) ? -1 : 0; } function isTypeSubtypeOf(source, target) { return checkTypeSubtypeOf(source, target, undefined); } function isTypeAssignableTo(source, target) { return checkTypeAssignableTo(source, target, undefined); } function checkTypeSubtypeOf(source, target, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain) { return checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, subtypeRelation, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain); } function checkTypeAssignableTo(source, target, errorNode, headMessage) { return checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, assignableRelation, errorNode, headMessage); } function isSignatureAssignableTo(source, target) { var sourceType = getOrCreateTypeFromSignature(source); var targetType = getOrCreateTypeFromSignature(target); return checkTypeRelatedTo(sourceType, targetType, assignableRelation, undefined); } function checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, relation, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain) { var errorInfo; var sourceStack; var targetStack; var maybeStack; var expandingFlags; var depth = 0; var overflow = false; var elaborateErrors = false; ts.Debug.assert(relation !== identityRelation || !errorNode, "no error reporting in identity checking"); var result = isRelatedTo(source, target, errorNode !== undefined, headMessage); if (overflow) { error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Excessive_stack_depth_comparing_types_0_and_1, typeToString(source), typeToString(target)); } else if (errorInfo) { if (errorInfo.next === undefined) { errorInfo = undefined; elaborateErrors = true; isRelatedTo(source, target, errorNode !== undefined, headMessage); } if (containingMessageChain) { errorInfo = ts.concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains(containingMessageChain, errorInfo); } diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(errorNode, errorInfo)); } return result !== 0; function reportError(message, arg0, arg1, arg2) { errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, message, arg0, arg1, arg2); } function isRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors, headMessage) { var result; if (source === target) return -1; if (relation !== identityRelation) { if (target.flags & 1) return -1; if (source === undefinedType) return -1; if (source === nullType && target !== undefinedType) return -1; if (source.flags & 128 && target === numberType) return -1; if (source.flags & 256 && target === stringType) return -1; if (relation === assignableRelation) { if (source.flags & 1) return -1; if (source === numberType && target.flags & 128) return -1; } } if (source.flags & 16384 || target.flags & 16384) { if (relation === identityRelation) { if (source.flags & 16384 && target.flags & 16384) { if (result = unionTypeRelatedToUnionType(source, target)) { if (result &= unionTypeRelatedToUnionType(target, source)) { return result; } } } else if (source.flags & 16384) { if (result = unionTypeRelatedToType(source, target, reportErrors)) { return result; } } else { if (result = unionTypeRelatedToType(target, source, reportErrors)) { return result; } } } else { if (source.flags & 16384) { if (result = unionTypeRelatedToType(source, target, reportErrors)) { return result; } } else { if (result = typeRelatedToUnionType(source, target, reportErrors)) { return result; } } } } else if (source.flags & 512 && target.flags & 512) { if (result = typeParameterRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors)) { return result; } } else { var saveErrorInfo = errorInfo; if (source.flags & 4096 && target.flags & 4096 && source.target === target.target) { if (result = typesRelatedTo(source.typeArguments, target.typeArguments, reportErrors)) { return result; } } var reportStructuralErrors = reportErrors && errorInfo === saveErrorInfo; var sourceOrApparentType = relation === identityRelation ? source : getApparentType(source); if (sourceOrApparentType.flags & 48128 && target.flags & 48128 && (result = objectTypeRelatedTo(sourceOrApparentType, target, reportStructuralErrors))) { errorInfo = saveErrorInfo; return result; } } if (reportErrors) { headMessage = headMessage || ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_assignable_to_type_1; var sourceType = typeToString(source); var targetType = typeToString(target); if (sourceType === targetType) { sourceType = typeToString(source, undefined, 128); targetType = typeToString(target, undefined, 128); } reportError(headMessage, sourceType, targetType); } return 0; } function unionTypeRelatedToUnionType(source, target) { var result = -1; var sourceTypes = source.types; for (var _i = 0; _i < sourceTypes.length; _i++) { var sourceType = sourceTypes[_i]; var related = typeRelatedToUnionType(sourceType, target, false); if (!related) { return 0; } result &= related; } return result; } function typeRelatedToUnionType(source, target, reportErrors) { var targetTypes = target.types; for (var i = 0, len = targetTypes.length; i < len; i++) { var related = isRelatedTo(source, targetTypes[i], reportErrors && i === len - 1); if (related) { return related; } } return 0; } function unionTypeRelatedToType(source, target, reportErrors) { var result = -1; var sourceTypes = source.types; for (var _i = 0; _i < sourceTypes.length; _i++) { var sourceType = sourceTypes[_i]; var related = isRelatedTo(sourceType, target, reportErrors); if (!related) { return 0; } result &= related; } return result; } function typesRelatedTo(sources, targets, reportErrors) { var result = -1; for (var i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { var related = isRelatedTo(sources[i], targets[i], reportErrors); if (!related) { return 0; } result &= related; } return result; } function typeParameterRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) { if (relation === identityRelation) { if (source.symbol.name !== target.symbol.name) { return 0; } if (source.constraint === target.constraint) { return -1; } if (source.constraint === noConstraintType || target.constraint === noConstraintType) { return 0; } return isRelatedTo(source.constraint, target.constraint, reportErrors); } else { while (true) { var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(source); if (constraint === target) return -1; if (!(constraint && constraint.flags & 512)) break; source = constraint; } return 0; } } function objectTypeRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) { if (overflow) { return 0; } var id = relation !== identityRelation || source.id < target.id ? source.id + "," + target.id : target.id + "," + source.id; var related = relation[id]; if (related !== undefined) { if (!elaborateErrors || (related === 3)) { return related === 1 ? -1 : 0; } } if (depth > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { if (maybeStack[i][id]) { return 1; } } if (depth === 100) { overflow = true; return 0; } } else { sourceStack = []; targetStack = []; maybeStack = []; expandingFlags = 0; } sourceStack[depth] = source; targetStack[depth] = target; maybeStack[depth] = {}; maybeStack[depth][id] = 1; depth++; var saveExpandingFlags = expandingFlags; if (!(expandingFlags & 1) && isDeeplyNestedGeneric(source, sourceStack)) expandingFlags |= 1; if (!(expandingFlags & 2) && isDeeplyNestedGeneric(target, targetStack)) expandingFlags |= 2; var result; if (expandingFlags === 3) { result = 1; } else { result = propertiesRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors); if (result) { result &= signaturesRelatedTo(source, target, 0, reportErrors); if (result) { result &= signaturesRelatedTo(source, target, 1, reportErrors); if (result) { result &= stringIndexTypesRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors); if (result) { result &= numberIndexTypesRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors); } } } } } expandingFlags = saveExpandingFlags; depth--; if (result) { var maybeCache = maybeStack[depth]; var destinationCache = (result === -1 || depth === 0) ? relation : maybeStack[depth - 1]; ts.copyMap(maybeCache, destinationCache); } else { relation[id] = reportErrors ? 3 : 2; } return result; } function isDeeplyNestedGeneric(type, stack) { if (type.flags & 4096 && depth >= 10) { var target_1 = type.target; var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { var t = stack[i]; if (t.flags & 4096 && t.target === target_1) { count++; if (count >= 10) return true; } } } return false; } function propertiesRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) { if (relation === identityRelation) { return propertiesIdenticalTo(source, target); } var result = -1; var properties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(target); var requireOptionalProperties = relation === subtypeRelation && !(source.flags & 131072); for (var _i = 0; _i < properties.length; _i++) { var targetProp = properties[_i]; var sourceProp = getPropertyOfType(source, targetProp.name); if (sourceProp !== targetProp) { if (!sourceProp) { if (!(targetProp.flags & 536870912) || requireOptionalProperties) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(source)); } return 0; } } else if (!(targetProp.flags & 134217728)) { var sourceFlags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(sourceProp); var targetFlags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(targetProp); if (sourceFlags & 32 || targetFlags & 32) { if (sourceProp.valueDeclaration !== targetProp.valueDeclaration) { if (reportErrors) { if (sourceFlags & 32 && targetFlags & 32) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Types_have_separate_declarations_of_a_private_property_0, symbolToString(targetProp)); } else { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_private_in_type_1_but_not_in_type_2, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(sourceFlags & 32 ? source : target), typeToString(sourceFlags & 32 ? target : source)); } } return 0; } } else if (targetFlags & 64) { var sourceDeclaredInClass = sourceProp.parent && sourceProp.parent.flags & 32; var sourceClass = sourceDeclaredInClass ? getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(sourceProp.parent) : undefined; var targetClass = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(targetProp.parent); if (!sourceClass || !hasBaseType(sourceClass, targetClass)) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_protected_but_type_1_is_not_a_class_derived_from_2, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(sourceClass || source), typeToString(targetClass)); } return 0; } } else if (sourceFlags & 64) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_protected_in_type_1_but_public_in_type_2, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(source), typeToString(target)); } return 0; } var related = isRelatedTo(getTypeOfSymbol(sourceProp), getTypeOfSymbol(targetProp), reportErrors); if (!related) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Types_of_property_0_are_incompatible, symbolToString(targetProp)); } return 0; } result &= related; if (sourceProp.flags & 536870912 && !(targetProp.flags & 536870912)) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_optional_in_type_1_but_required_in_type_2, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(source), typeToString(target)); } return 0; } } } } return result; } function propertiesIdenticalTo(source, target) { var sourceProperties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(source); var targetProperties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(target); if (sourceProperties.length !== targetProperties.length) { return 0; } var result = -1; for (var _i = 0; _i < sourceProperties.length; _i++) { var sourceProp = sourceProperties[_i]; var targetProp = getPropertyOfObjectType(target, sourceProp.name); if (!targetProp) { return 0; } var related = compareProperties(sourceProp, targetProp, isRelatedTo); if (!related) { return 0; } result &= related; } return result; } function signaturesRelatedTo(source, target, kind, reportErrors) { if (relation === identityRelation) { return signaturesIdenticalTo(source, target, kind); } if (target === anyFunctionType || source === anyFunctionType) { return -1; } var sourceSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(source, kind); var targetSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(target, kind); var result = -1; var saveErrorInfo = errorInfo; outer: for (var _i = 0; _i < targetSignatures.length; _i++) { var t = targetSignatures[_i]; if (!t.hasStringLiterals || target.flags & 65536) { var localErrors = reportErrors; for (var _a = 0; _a < sourceSignatures.length; _a++) { var s = sourceSignatures[_a]; if (!s.hasStringLiterals || source.flags & 65536) { var related = signatureRelatedTo(s, t, localErrors); if (related) { result &= related; errorInfo = saveErrorInfo; continue outer; } localErrors = false; } } return 0; } } return result; } function signatureRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) { if (source === target) { return -1; } if (!target.hasRestParameter && source.minArgumentCount > target.parameters.length) { return 0; } var sourceMax = source.parameters.length; var targetMax = target.parameters.length; var checkCount; if (source.hasRestParameter && target.hasRestParameter) { checkCount = sourceMax > targetMax ? sourceMax : targetMax; sourceMax--; targetMax--; } else if (source.hasRestParameter) { sourceMax--; checkCount = targetMax; } else if (target.hasRestParameter) { targetMax--; checkCount = sourceMax; } else { checkCount = sourceMax < targetMax ? sourceMax : targetMax; } source = getErasedSignature(source); target = getErasedSignature(target); var result = -1; for (var i = 0; i < checkCount; i++) { var s_1 = i < sourceMax ? getTypeOfSymbol(source.parameters[i]) : getRestTypeOfSignature(source); var t_1 = i < targetMax ? getTypeOfSymbol(target.parameters[i]) : getRestTypeOfSignature(target); var saveErrorInfo = errorInfo; var related = isRelatedTo(s_1, t_1, reportErrors); if (!related) { related = isRelatedTo(t_1, s_1, false); if (!related) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Types_of_parameters_0_and_1_are_incompatible, source.parameters[i < sourceMax ? i : sourceMax].name, target.parameters[i < targetMax ? i : targetMax].name); } return 0; } errorInfo = saveErrorInfo; } result &= related; } var t = getReturnTypeOfSignature(target); if (t === voidType) return result; var s = getReturnTypeOfSignature(source); return result & isRelatedTo(s, t, reportErrors); } function signaturesIdenticalTo(source, target, kind) { var sourceSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(source, kind); var targetSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(target, kind); if (sourceSignatures.length !== targetSignatures.length) { return 0; } var result = -1; for (var i = 0, len = sourceSignatures.length; i < len; ++i) { var related = compareSignatures(sourceSignatures[i], targetSignatures[i], true, isRelatedTo); if (!related) { return 0; } result &= related; } return result; } function stringIndexTypesRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) { if (relation === identityRelation) { return indexTypesIdenticalTo(0, source, target); } var targetType = getIndexTypeOfType(target, 0); if (targetType) { var sourceType = getIndexTypeOfType(source, 0); if (!sourceType) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Index_signature_is_missing_in_type_0, typeToString(source)); } return 0; } var related = isRelatedTo(sourceType, targetType, reportErrors); if (!related) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Index_signatures_are_incompatible); } return 0; } return related; } return -1; } function numberIndexTypesRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) { if (relation === identityRelation) { return indexTypesIdenticalTo(1, source, target); } var targetType = getIndexTypeOfType(target, 1); if (targetType) { var sourceStringType = getIndexTypeOfType(source, 0); var sourceNumberType = getIndexTypeOfType(source, 1); if (!(sourceStringType || sourceNumberType)) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Index_signature_is_missing_in_type_0, typeToString(source)); } return 0; } var related; if (sourceStringType && sourceNumberType) { related = isRelatedTo(sourceStringType, targetType, false) || isRelatedTo(sourceNumberType, targetType, reportErrors); } else { related = isRelatedTo(sourceStringType || sourceNumberType, targetType, reportErrors); } if (!related) { if (reportErrors) { reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Index_signatures_are_incompatible); } return 0; } return related; } return -1; } function indexTypesIdenticalTo(indexKind, source, target) { var targetType = getIndexTypeOfType(target, indexKind); var sourceType = getIndexTypeOfType(source, indexKind); if (!sourceType && !targetType) { return -1; } if (sourceType && targetType) { return isRelatedTo(sourceType, targetType); } return 0; } } function isPropertyIdenticalTo(sourceProp, targetProp) { return compareProperties(sourceProp, targetProp, compareTypes) !== 0; } function compareProperties(sourceProp, targetProp, compareTypes) { if (sourceProp === targetProp) { return -1; } var sourcePropAccessibility = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(sourceProp) & (32 | 64); var targetPropAccessibility = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(targetProp) & (32 | 64); if (sourcePropAccessibility !== targetPropAccessibility) { return 0; } if (sourcePropAccessibility) { if (getTargetSymbol(sourceProp) !== getTargetSymbol(targetProp)) { return 0; } } else { if ((sourceProp.flags & 536870912) !== (targetProp.flags & 536870912)) { return 0; } } return compareTypes(getTypeOfSymbol(sourceProp), getTypeOfSymbol(targetProp)); } function compareSignatures(source, target, compareReturnTypes, compareTypes) { if (source === target) { return -1; } if (source.parameters.length !== target.parameters.length || source.minArgumentCount !== target.minArgumentCount || source.hasRestParameter !== target.hasRestParameter) { return 0; } var result = -1; if (source.typeParameters && target.typeParameters) { if (source.typeParameters.length !== target.typeParameters.length) { return 0; } for (var i = 0, len = source.typeParameters.length; i < len; ++i) { var related = compareTypes(source.typeParameters[i], target.typeParameters[i]); if (!related) { return 0; } result &= related; } } else if (source.typeParameters || target.typeParameters) { return 0; } source = getErasedSignature(source); target = getErasedSignature(target); for (var i = 0, len = source.parameters.length; i < len; i++) { var s = source.hasRestParameter && i === len - 1 ? getRestTypeOfSignature(source) : getTypeOfSymbol(source.parameters[i]); var t = target.hasRestParameter && i === len - 1 ? getRestTypeOfSignature(target) : getTypeOfSymbol(target.parameters[i]); var related = compareTypes(s, t); if (!related) { return 0; } result &= related; } if (compareReturnTypes) { result &= compareTypes(getReturnTypeOfSignature(source), getReturnTypeOfSignature(target)); } return result; } function isSupertypeOfEach(candidate, types) { for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var type = types[_i]; if (candidate !== type && !isTypeSubtypeOf(type, candidate)) return false; } return true; } function getCommonSupertype(types) { return ts.forEach(types, function (t) { return isSupertypeOfEach(t, types) ? t : undefined; }); } function reportNoCommonSupertypeError(types, errorLocation, errorMessageChainHead) { var bestSupertype; var bestSupertypeDownfallType; var bestSupertypeScore = 0; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var score = 0; var downfallType = undefined; for (var j = 0; j < types.length; j++) { if (isTypeSubtypeOf(types[j], types[i])) { score++; } else if (!downfallType) { downfallType = types[j]; } } ts.Debug.assert(!!downfallType, "If there is no common supertype, each type should have a downfallType"); if (score > bestSupertypeScore) { bestSupertype = types[i]; bestSupertypeDownfallType = downfallType; bestSupertypeScore = score; } if (bestSupertypeScore === types.length - 1) { break; } } checkTypeSubtypeOf(bestSupertypeDownfallType, bestSupertype, errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Type_argument_candidate_1_is_not_a_valid_type_argument_because_it_is_not_a_supertype_of_candidate_0, errorMessageChainHead); } function isArrayType(type) { return type.flags & 4096 && type.target === globalArrayType; } function isArrayLikeType(type) { return !(type.flags & (32 | 64)) && isTypeAssignableTo(type, anyArrayType); } function isTupleLikeType(type) { return !!getPropertyOfType(type, "0"); } function isTupleType(type) { return (type.flags & 8192) && !!type.elementTypes; } function getWidenedTypeOfObjectLiteral(type) { var properties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(type); var members = {}; ts.forEach(properties, function (p) { var propType = getTypeOfSymbol(p); var widenedType = getWidenedType(propType); if (propType !== widenedType) { var symbol = createSymbol(p.flags | 67108864, p.name); symbol.declarations = p.declarations; symbol.parent = p.parent; symbol.type = widenedType; symbol.target = p; if (p.valueDeclaration) symbol.valueDeclaration = p.valueDeclaration; p = symbol; } members[p.name] = p; }); var stringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, 0); var numberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, 1); if (stringIndexType) stringIndexType = getWidenedType(stringIndexType); if (numberIndexType) numberIndexType = getWidenedType(numberIndexType); return createAnonymousType(type.symbol, members, emptyArray, emptyArray, stringIndexType, numberIndexType); } function getWidenedType(type) { if (type.flags & 786432) { if (type.flags & (32 | 64)) { return anyType; } if (type.flags & 131072) { return getWidenedTypeOfObjectLiteral(type); } if (type.flags & 16384) { return getUnionType(ts.map(type.types, getWidenedType)); } if (isArrayType(type)) { return createArrayType(getWidenedType(type.typeArguments[0])); } } return type; } function reportWideningErrorsInType(type) { if (type.flags & 16384) { var errorReported = false; ts.forEach(type.types, function (t) { if (reportWideningErrorsInType(t)) { errorReported = true; } }); return errorReported; } if (isArrayType(type)) { return reportWideningErrorsInType(type.typeArguments[0]); } if (type.flags & 131072) { var errorReported = false; ts.forEach(getPropertiesOfObjectType(type), function (p) { var t = getTypeOfSymbol(p); if (t.flags & 262144) { if (!reportWideningErrorsInType(t)) { error(p.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics.Object_literal_s_property_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type, p.name, typeToString(getWidenedType(t))); } errorReported = true; } }); return errorReported; } return false; } function reportImplicitAnyError(declaration, type) { var typeAsString = typeToString(getWidenedType(type)); var diagnostic; switch (declaration.kind) { case 132: case 131: diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.Member_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type; break; case 129: diagnostic = declaration.dotDotDotToken ? ts.Diagnostics.Rest_parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_any_type : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type; break; case 200: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: case 162: case 163: if (!declaration.name) { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Function_expression_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_0_return_type, typeAsString); return; } diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics._0_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_1_return_type; break; default: diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.Variable_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type; } error(declaration, diagnostic, ts.declarationNameToString(declaration.name), typeAsString); } function reportErrorsFromWidening(declaration, type) { if (produceDiagnostics && compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && type.flags & 262144) { if (!reportWideningErrorsInType(type)) { reportImplicitAnyError(declaration, type); } } } function forEachMatchingParameterType(source, target, callback) { var sourceMax = source.parameters.length; var targetMax = target.parameters.length; var count; if (source.hasRestParameter && target.hasRestParameter) { count = sourceMax > targetMax ? sourceMax : targetMax; sourceMax--; targetMax--; } else if (source.hasRestParameter) { sourceMax--; count = targetMax; } else if (target.hasRestParameter) { targetMax--; count = sourceMax; } else { count = sourceMax < targetMax ? sourceMax : targetMax; } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var s = i < sourceMax ? getTypeOfSymbol(source.parameters[i]) : getRestTypeOfSignature(source); var t = i < targetMax ? getTypeOfSymbol(target.parameters[i]) : getRestTypeOfSignature(target); callback(s, t); } } function createInferenceContext(typeParameters, inferUnionTypes) { var inferences = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < typeParameters.length; _i++) { var unused = typeParameters[_i]; inferences.push({ primary: undefined, secondary: undefined, isFixed: false }); } return { typeParameters: typeParameters, inferUnionTypes: inferUnionTypes, inferences: inferences, inferredTypes: new Array(typeParameters.length) }; } function inferTypes(context, source, target) { var sourceStack; var targetStack; var depth = 0; var inferiority = 0; inferFromTypes(source, target); function isInProcess(source, target) { for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { if (source === sourceStack[i] && target === targetStack[i]) { return true; } } return false; } function isWithinDepthLimit(type, stack) { if (depth >= 5) { var target_2 = type.target; var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { var t = stack[i]; if (t.flags & 4096 && t.target === target_2) { count++; } } return count < 5; } return true; } function inferFromTypes(source, target) { if (source === anyFunctionType) { return; } if (target.flags & 512) { var typeParameters = context.typeParameters; for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { if (target === typeParameters[i]) { var inferences = context.inferences[i]; if (!inferences.isFixed) { var candidates = inferiority ? inferences.secondary || (inferences.secondary = []) : inferences.primary || (inferences.primary = []); if (!ts.contains(candidates, source)) { candidates.push(source); } } return; } } } else if (source.flags & 4096 && target.flags & 4096 && source.target === target.target) { var sourceTypes = source.typeArguments; var targetTypes = target.typeArguments; for (var i = 0; i < sourceTypes.length; i++) { inferFromTypes(sourceTypes[i], targetTypes[i]); } } else if (target.flags & 16384) { var targetTypes = target.types; var typeParameterCount = 0; var typeParameter; for (var _i = 0; _i < targetTypes.length; _i++) { var t = targetTypes[_i]; if (t.flags & 512 && ts.contains(context.typeParameters, t)) { typeParameter = t; typeParameterCount++; } else { inferFromTypes(source, t); } } if (typeParameterCount === 1) { inferiority++; inferFromTypes(source, typeParameter); inferiority--; } } else if (source.flags & 16384) { var sourceTypes = source.types; for (var _a = 0; _a < sourceTypes.length; _a++) { var sourceType = sourceTypes[_a]; inferFromTypes(sourceType, target); } } else if (source.flags & 48128 && (target.flags & (4096 | 8192) || (target.flags & 32768) && target.symbol && target.symbol.flags & (8192 | 2048))) { if (!isInProcess(source, target) && isWithinDepthLimit(source, sourceStack) && isWithinDepthLimit(target, targetStack)) { if (depth === 0) { sourceStack = []; targetStack = []; } sourceStack[depth] = source; targetStack[depth] = target; depth++; inferFromProperties(source, target); inferFromSignatures(source, target, 0); inferFromSignatures(source, target, 1); inferFromIndexTypes(source, target, 0, 0); inferFromIndexTypes(source, target, 1, 1); inferFromIndexTypes(source, target, 0, 1); depth--; } } } function inferFromProperties(source, target) { var properties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(target); for (var _i = 0; _i < properties.length; _i++) { var targetProp = properties[_i]; var sourceProp = getPropertyOfObjectType(source, targetProp.name); if (sourceProp) { inferFromTypes(getTypeOfSymbol(sourceProp), getTypeOfSymbol(targetProp)); } } } function inferFromSignatures(source, target, kind) { var sourceSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(source, kind); var targetSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(target, kind); var sourceLen = sourceSignatures.length; var targetLen = targetSignatures.length; var len = sourceLen < targetLen ? sourceLen : targetLen; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { inferFromSignature(getErasedSignature(sourceSignatures[sourceLen - len + i]), getErasedSignature(targetSignatures[targetLen - len + i])); } } function inferFromSignature(source, target) { forEachMatchingParameterType(source, target, inferFromTypes); inferFromTypes(getReturnTypeOfSignature(source), getReturnTypeOfSignature(target)); } function inferFromIndexTypes(source, target, sourceKind, targetKind) { var targetIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(target, targetKind); if (targetIndexType) { var sourceIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(source, sourceKind); if (sourceIndexType) { inferFromTypes(sourceIndexType, targetIndexType); } } } } function getInferenceCandidates(context, index) { var inferences = context.inferences[index]; return inferences.primary || inferences.secondary || emptyArray; } function getInferredType(context, index) { var inferredType = context.inferredTypes[index]; var inferenceSucceeded; if (!inferredType) { var inferences = getInferenceCandidates(context, index); if (inferences.length) { var unionOrSuperType = context.inferUnionTypes ? getUnionType(inferences) : getCommonSupertype(inferences); inferredType = unionOrSuperType ? getWidenedType(unionOrSuperType) : unknownType; inferenceSucceeded = !!unionOrSuperType; } else { inferredType = emptyObjectType; inferenceSucceeded = true; } if (inferenceSucceeded) { var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(context.typeParameters[index]); inferredType = constraint && !isTypeAssignableTo(inferredType, constraint) ? constraint : inferredType; } else if (context.failedTypeParameterIndex === undefined || context.failedTypeParameterIndex > index) { context.failedTypeParameterIndex = index; } context.inferredTypes[index] = inferredType; } return inferredType; } function getInferredTypes(context) { for (var i = 0; i < context.inferredTypes.length; i++) { getInferredType(context, i); } return context.inferredTypes; } function hasAncestor(node, kind) { return ts.getAncestor(node, kind) !== undefined; } function getResolvedSymbol(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedSymbol) { links.resolvedSymbol = (!ts.nodeIsMissing(node) && resolveName(node, node.text, 107455 | 1048576, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0, node)) || unknownSymbol; } return links.resolvedSymbol; } function isInTypeQuery(node) { while (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 144: return true; case 65: case 126: node = node.parent; continue; default: return false; } } ts.Debug.fail("should not get here"); } function removeTypesFromUnionType(type, typeKind, isOfTypeKind, allowEmptyUnionResult) { if (type.flags & 16384) { var types = type.types; if (ts.forEach(types, function (t) { return !!(t.flags & typeKind) === isOfTypeKind; })) { var narrowedType = getUnionType(ts.filter(types, function (t) { return !(t.flags & typeKind) === isOfTypeKind; })); if (allowEmptyUnionResult || narrowedType !== emptyObjectType) { return narrowedType; } } } else if (allowEmptyUnionResult && !!(type.flags & typeKind) === isOfTypeKind) { return getUnionType(emptyArray); } return type; } function hasInitializer(node) { return !!(node.initializer || ts.isBindingPattern(node.parent) && hasInitializer(node.parent.parent)); } function isVariableAssignedWithin(symbol, node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (links.assignmentChecks) { var cachedResult = links.assignmentChecks[symbol.id]; if (cachedResult !== undefined) { return cachedResult; } } else { links.assignmentChecks = {}; } return links.assignmentChecks[symbol.id] = isAssignedIn(node); function isAssignedInBinaryExpression(node) { if (node.operatorToken.kind >= 53 && node.operatorToken.kind <= 64) { var n = node.left; while (n.kind === 161) { n = n.expression; } if (n.kind === 65 && getResolvedSymbol(n) === symbol) { return true; } } return ts.forEachChild(node, isAssignedIn); } function isAssignedInVariableDeclaration(node) { if (!ts.isBindingPattern(node.name) && getSymbolOfNode(node) === symbol && hasInitializer(node)) { return true; } return ts.forEachChild(node, isAssignedIn); } function isAssignedIn(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 169: return isAssignedInBinaryExpression(node); case 198: case 152: return isAssignedInVariableDeclaration(node); case 150: case 151: case 153: case 154: case 155: case 156: case 157: case 158: case 160: case 161: case 167: case 164: case 165: case 166: case 168: case 170: case 173: case 179: case 180: case 182: case 183: case 184: case 185: case 186: case 187: case 188: case 191: case 192: case 193: case 220: case 221: case 194: case 195: case 196: case 223: return ts.forEachChild(node, isAssignedIn); } return false; } } function resolveLocation(node) { var containerNodes = []; for (var parent_3 = node.parent; parent_3; parent_3 = parent_3.parent) { if ((ts.isExpression(parent_3) || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node)) && isContextSensitive(parent_3)) { containerNodes.unshift(parent_3); } } ts.forEach(containerNodes, function (node) { getTypeOfNode(node); }); } function getSymbolAtLocation(node) { resolveLocation(node); return getSymbolInfo(node); } function getTypeAtLocation(node) { resolveLocation(node); return getTypeOfNode(node); } function getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol, node) { resolveLocation(node); return getNarrowedTypeOfSymbol(symbol, node); } function getNarrowedTypeOfSymbol(symbol, node) { var type = getTypeOfSymbol(symbol); if (node && symbol.flags & 3 && type.flags & (1 | 48128 | 16384 | 512)) { loop: while (node.parent) { var child = node; node = node.parent; var narrowedType = type; switch (node.kind) { case 183: if (child !== node.expression) { narrowedType = narrowType(type, node.expression, child === node.thenStatement); } break; case 170: if (child !== node.condition) { narrowedType = narrowType(type, node.condition, child === node.whenTrue); } break; case 169: if (child === node.right) { if (node.operatorToken.kind === 48) { narrowedType = narrowType(type, node.left, true); } else if (node.operatorToken.kind === 49) { narrowedType = narrowType(type, node.left, false); } } break; case 227: case 205: case 200: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: case 135: break loop; } if (narrowedType !== type) { if (isVariableAssignedWithin(symbol, node)) { break; } type = narrowedType; } } } return type; function narrowTypeByEquality(type, expr, assumeTrue) { if (expr.left.kind !== 165 || expr.right.kind !== 8) { return type; } var left = expr.left; var right = expr.right; if (left.expression.kind !== 65 || getResolvedSymbol(left.expression) !== symbol) { return type; } var typeInfo = primitiveTypeInfo[right.text]; if (expr.operatorToken.kind === 31) { assumeTrue = !assumeTrue; } if (assumeTrue) { if (!typeInfo) { return removeTypesFromUnionType(type, 258 | 132 | 8 | 1048576, true, false); } if (isTypeSubtypeOf(typeInfo.type, type)) { return typeInfo.type; } return removeTypesFromUnionType(type, typeInfo.flags, false, false); } else { if (typeInfo) { return removeTypesFromUnionType(type, typeInfo.flags, true, false); } return type; } } function narrowTypeByAnd(type, expr, assumeTrue) { if (assumeTrue) { return narrowType(narrowType(type, expr.left, true), expr.right, true); } else { return getUnionType([ narrowType(type, expr.left, false), narrowType(narrowType(type, expr.left, true), expr.right, false) ]); } } function narrowTypeByOr(type, expr, assumeTrue) { if (assumeTrue) { return getUnionType([ narrowType(type, expr.left, true), narrowType(narrowType(type, expr.left, false), expr.right, true) ]); } else { return narrowType(narrowType(type, expr.left, false), expr.right, false); } } function narrowTypeByInstanceof(type, expr, assumeTrue) { if (type.flags & 1 || !assumeTrue || expr.left.kind !== 65 || getResolvedSymbol(expr.left) !== symbol) { return type; } var rightType = checkExpression(expr.right); if (!isTypeSubtypeOf(rightType, globalFunctionType)) { return type; } var prototypeProperty = getPropertyOfType(rightType, "prototype"); if (!prototypeProperty) { return type; } var targetType = getTypeOfSymbol(prototypeProperty); if (isTypeSubtypeOf(targetType, type)) { return targetType; } if (type.flags & 16384) { return getUnionType(ts.filter(type.types, function (t) { return isTypeSubtypeOf(t, targetType); })); } return type; } function narrowType(type, expr, assumeTrue) { switch (expr.kind) { case 161: return narrowType(type, expr.expression, assumeTrue); case 169: var operator = expr.operatorToken.kind; if (operator === 30 || operator === 31) { return narrowTypeByEquality(type, expr, assumeTrue); } else if (operator === 48) { return narrowTypeByAnd(type, expr, assumeTrue); } else if (operator === 49) { return narrowTypeByOr(type, expr, assumeTrue); } else if (operator === 87) { return narrowTypeByInstanceof(type, expr, assumeTrue); } break; case 167: if (expr.operator === 46) { return narrowType(type, expr.operand, !assumeTrue); } break; } return type; } } function checkIdentifier(node) { var symbol = getResolvedSymbol(node); if (symbol === argumentsSymbol && ts.getContainingFunction(node).kind === 163) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.The_arguments_object_cannot_be_referenced_in_an_arrow_function_Consider_using_a_standard_function_expression); } if (symbol.flags & 8388608 && !isInTypeQuery(node) && !isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(resolveAlias(symbol))) { markAliasSymbolAsReferenced(symbol); } checkCollisionWithCapturedSuperVariable(node, node); checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node); checkBlockScopedBindingCapturedInLoop(node, symbol); return getNarrowedTypeOfSymbol(getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(symbol), node); } function isInsideFunction(node, threshold) { var current = node; while (current && current !== threshold) { if (ts.isFunctionLike(current)) { return true; } current = current.parent; } return false; } function checkBlockScopedBindingCapturedInLoop(node, symbol) { if (languageVersion >= 2 || (symbol.flags & 2) === 0 || symbol.valueDeclaration.parent.kind === 223) { return; } var container = symbol.valueDeclaration; while (container.kind !== 199) { container = container.parent; } container = container.parent; if (container.kind === 180) { container = container.parent; } var inFunction = isInsideFunction(node.parent, container); var current = container; while (current && !ts.nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment(current)) { if (isIterationStatement(current, false)) { if (inFunction) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(current, ts.Diagnostics.Loop_contains_block_scoped_variable_0_referenced_by_a_function_in_the_loop_This_is_only_supported_in_ECMAScript_6_or_higher, ts.declarationNameToString(node)); } getNodeLinks(symbol.valueDeclaration).flags |= 256; break; } current = current.parent; } } function captureLexicalThis(node, container) { var classNode = container.parent && container.parent.kind === 201 ? container.parent : undefined; getNodeLinks(node).flags |= 2; if (container.kind === 132 || container.kind === 135) { getNodeLinks(classNode).flags |= 4; } else { getNodeLinks(container).flags |= 4; } } function checkThisExpression(node) { var container = ts.getThisContainer(node, true); var needToCaptureLexicalThis = false; if (container.kind === 163) { container = ts.getThisContainer(container, false); needToCaptureLexicalThis = (languageVersion < 2); } switch (container.kind) { case 205: error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_module_body); break; case 204: error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_current_location); break; case 135: if (isInConstructorArgumentInitializer(node, container)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments); } break; case 132: case 131: if (container.flags & 128) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_static_property_initializer); } break; case 127: error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name); break; } if (needToCaptureLexicalThis) { captureLexicalThis(node, container); } var classNode = container.parent && container.parent.kind === 201 ? container.parent : undefined; if (classNode) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(classNode); return container.flags & 128 ? getTypeOfSymbol(symbol) : getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); } return anyType; } function isInConstructorArgumentInitializer(node, constructorDecl) { for (var n = node; n && n !== constructorDecl; n = n.parent) { if (n.kind === 129) { return true; } } return false; } function checkSuperExpression(node) { var isCallExpression = node.parent.kind === 157 && node.parent.expression === node; var enclosingClass = ts.getAncestor(node, 201); var baseClass; if (enclosingClass && ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(enclosingClass)) { var classType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(enclosingClass)); baseClass = classType.baseTypes.length && classType.baseTypes[0]; } if (!baseClass) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_can_only_be_referenced_in_a_derived_class); return unknownType; } var container = ts.getSuperContainer(node, true); if (container) { var canUseSuperExpression = false; var needToCaptureLexicalThis; if (isCallExpression) { canUseSuperExpression = container.kind === 135; } else { needToCaptureLexicalThis = false; while (container && container.kind === 163) { container = ts.getSuperContainer(container, true); needToCaptureLexicalThis = true; } if (container && container.parent && container.parent.kind === 201) { if (container.flags & 128) { canUseSuperExpression = container.kind === 134 || container.kind === 133 || container.kind === 136 || container.kind === 137; } else { canUseSuperExpression = container.kind === 134 || container.kind === 133 || container.kind === 136 || container.kind === 137 || container.kind === 132 || container.kind === 131 || container.kind === 135; } } } if (canUseSuperExpression) { var returnType; if ((container.flags & 128) || isCallExpression) { getNodeLinks(node).flags |= 32; returnType = getTypeOfSymbol(baseClass.symbol); } else { getNodeLinks(node).flags |= 16; returnType = baseClass; } if (container.kind === 135 && isInConstructorArgumentInitializer(node, container)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments); returnType = unknownType; } if (!isCallExpression && needToCaptureLexicalThis) { captureLexicalThis(node.parent, container); } return returnType; } } if (container.kind === 127) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name); } else if (isCallExpression) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Super_calls_are_not_permitted_outside_constructors_or_in_nested_functions_inside_constructors); } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_property_access_is_permitted_only_in_a_constructor_member_function_or_member_accessor_of_a_derived_class); } return unknownType; } function getContextuallyTypedParameterType(parameter) { if (isFunctionExpressionOrArrowFunction(parameter.parent)) { var func = parameter.parent; if (isContextSensitive(func)) { var contextualSignature = getContextualSignature(func); if (contextualSignature) { var funcHasRestParameters = ts.hasRestParameters(func); var len = func.parameters.length - (funcHasRestParameters ? 1 : 0); var indexOfParameter = ts.indexOf(func.parameters, parameter); if (indexOfParameter < len) { return getTypeAtPosition(contextualSignature, indexOfParameter); } if (indexOfParameter === (func.parameters.length - 1) && funcHasRestParameters && contextualSignature.hasRestParameter && func.parameters.length >= contextualSignature.parameters.length) { return getTypeOfSymbol(contextualSignature.parameters[contextualSignature.parameters.length - 1]); } } } } return undefined; } function getContextualTypeForInitializerExpression(node) { var declaration = node.parent; if (node === declaration.initializer) { if (declaration.type) { return getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(declaration.type); } if (declaration.kind === 129) { var type = getContextuallyTypedParameterType(declaration); if (type) { return type; } } if (ts.isBindingPattern(declaration.name)) { return getTypeFromBindingPattern(declaration.name); } } return undefined; } function getContextualTypeForReturnExpression(node) { var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node); if (func) { if (func.type || func.kind === 135 || func.kind === 136 && getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode(ts.getDeclarationOfKind(func.symbol, 137))) { return getReturnTypeOfSignature(getSignatureFromDeclaration(func)); } var signature = getContextualSignatureForFunctionLikeDeclaration(func); if (signature) { return getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature); } } return undefined; } function getContextualTypeForArgument(callTarget, arg) { var args = getEffectiveCallArguments(callTarget); var argIndex = ts.indexOf(args, arg); if (argIndex >= 0) { var signature = getResolvedSignature(callTarget); return getTypeAtPosition(signature, argIndex); } return undefined; } function getContextualTypeForSubstitutionExpression(template, substitutionExpression) { if (template.parent.kind === 159) { return getContextualTypeForArgument(template.parent, substitutionExpression); } return undefined; } function getContextualTypeForBinaryOperand(node) { var binaryExpression = node.parent; var operator = binaryExpression.operatorToken.kind; if (operator >= 53 && operator <= 64) { if (node === binaryExpression.right) { return checkExpression(binaryExpression.left); } } else if (operator === 49) { var type = getContextualType(binaryExpression); if (!type && node === binaryExpression.right) { type = checkExpression(binaryExpression.left); } return type; } return undefined; } function applyToContextualType(type, mapper) { if (!(type.flags & 16384)) { return mapper(type); } var types = type.types; var mappedType; var mappedTypes; for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var current = types[_i]; var t = mapper(current); if (t) { if (!mappedType) { mappedType = t; } else if (!mappedTypes) { mappedTypes = [mappedType, t]; } else { mappedTypes.push(t); } } } return mappedTypes ? getUnionType(mappedTypes) : mappedType; } function getTypeOfPropertyOfContextualType(type, name) { return applyToContextualType(type, function (t) { var prop = getPropertyOfObjectType(t, name); return prop ? getTypeOfSymbol(prop) : undefined; }); } function getIndexTypeOfContextualType(type, kind) { return applyToContextualType(type, function (t) { return getIndexTypeOfObjectOrUnionType(t, kind); }); } function contextualTypeIsTupleLikeType(type) { return !!(type.flags & 16384 ? ts.forEach(type.types, isTupleLikeType) : isTupleLikeType(type)); } function contextualTypeHasIndexSignature(type, kind) { return !!(type.flags & 16384 ? ts.forEach(type.types, function (t) { return getIndexTypeOfObjectOrUnionType(t, kind); }) : getIndexTypeOfObjectOrUnionType(type, kind)); } function getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralMethod(node) { ts.Debug.assert(ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node)); if (isInsideWithStatementBody(node)) { return undefined; } return getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralElement(node); } function getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralElement(element) { var objectLiteral = element.parent; var type = getContextualType(objectLiteral); if (type) { if (!ts.hasDynamicName(element)) { var symbolName = getSymbolOfNode(element).name; var propertyType = getTypeOfPropertyOfContextualType(type, symbolName); if (propertyType) { return propertyType; } } return isNumericName(element.name) && getIndexTypeOfContextualType(type, 1) || getIndexTypeOfContextualType(type, 0); } return undefined; } function getContextualTypeForElementExpression(node) { var arrayLiteral = node.parent; var type = getContextualType(arrayLiteral); if (type) { var index = ts.indexOf(arrayLiteral.elements, node); return getTypeOfPropertyOfContextualType(type, "" + index) || getIndexTypeOfContextualType(type, 1) || (languageVersion >= 2 ? checkIteratedType(type, undefined) : undefined); } return undefined; } function getContextualTypeForConditionalOperand(node) { var conditional = node.parent; return node === conditional.whenTrue || node === conditional.whenFalse ? getContextualType(conditional) : undefined; } function getContextualType(node) { if (isInsideWithStatementBody(node)) { return undefined; } if (node.contextualType) { return node.contextualType; } var parent = node.parent; switch (parent.kind) { case 198: case 129: case 132: case 131: case 152: return getContextualTypeForInitializerExpression(node); case 163: case 191: return getContextualTypeForReturnExpression(node); case 157: case 158: return getContextualTypeForArgument(parent, node); case 160: return getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(parent.type); case 169: return getContextualTypeForBinaryOperand(node); case 224: return getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralElement(parent); case 153: return getContextualTypeForElementExpression(node); case 170: return getContextualTypeForConditionalOperand(node); case 176: ts.Debug.assert(parent.parent.kind === 171); return getContextualTypeForSubstitutionExpression(parent.parent, node); case 161: return getContextualType(parent); } return undefined; } function getNonGenericSignature(type) { var signatures = getSignaturesOfObjectOrUnionType(type, 0); if (signatures.length === 1) { var signature = signatures[0]; if (!signature.typeParameters) { return signature; } } } function isFunctionExpressionOrArrowFunction(node) { return node.kind === 162 || node.kind === 163; } function getContextualSignatureForFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) { return isFunctionExpressionOrArrowFunction(node) ? getContextualSignature(node) : undefined; } function getContextualSignature(node) { ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 134 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node)); var type = ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node) ? getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralMethod(node) : getContextualType(node); if (!type) { return undefined; } if (!(type.flags & 16384)) { return getNonGenericSignature(type); } var signatureList; var types = type.types; for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var current = types[_i]; if (signatureList && getSignaturesOfObjectOrUnionType(current, 0).length > 1) { return undefined; } var signature = getNonGenericSignature(current); if (signature) { if (!signatureList) { signatureList = [signature]; } else if (!compareSignatures(signatureList[0], signature, false, compareTypes)) { return undefined; } else { signatureList.push(signature); } } } var result; if (signatureList) { result = cloneSignature(signatureList[0]); result.resolvedReturnType = undefined; result.unionSignatures = signatureList; } return result; } function isInferentialContext(mapper) { return mapper && mapper !== identityMapper; } function isAssignmentTarget(node) { var parent = node.parent; if (parent.kind === 169 && parent.operatorToken.kind === 53 && parent.left === node) { return true; } if (parent.kind === 224) { return isAssignmentTarget(parent.parent); } if (parent.kind === 153) { return isAssignmentTarget(parent); } return false; } function checkSpreadElementExpression(node, contextualMapper) { var type = checkExpressionCached(node.expression, contextualMapper); if (!isArrayLikeType(type)) { error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_an_array_type, typeToString(type)); return unknownType; } return type; } function checkArrayLiteral(node, contextualMapper) { var elements = node.elements; if (!elements.length) { return createArrayType(undefinedType); } var hasSpreadElement = false; var elementTypes = []; ts.forEach(elements, function (e) { var type = checkExpression(e, contextualMapper); if (e.kind === 173) { elementTypes.push(getIndexTypeOfType(type, 1) || anyType); hasSpreadElement = true; } else { elementTypes.push(type); } }); if (!hasSpreadElement) { var contextualType = getContextualType(node); if (contextualType && contextualTypeIsTupleLikeType(contextualType) || isAssignmentTarget(node)) { return createTupleType(elementTypes); } } return createArrayType(getUnionType(elementTypes)); } function isNumericName(name) { return name.kind === 127 ? isNumericComputedName(name) : isNumericLiteralName(name.text); } function isNumericComputedName(name) { return allConstituentTypesHaveKind(checkComputedPropertyName(name), 1 | 132); } function isNumericLiteralName(name) { return (+name).toString() === name; } function checkComputedPropertyName(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node.expression); if (!links.resolvedType) { links.resolvedType = checkExpression(node.expression); if (!allConstituentTypesHaveKind(links.resolvedType, 1 | 132 | 258 | 1048576)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any); } else { checkThatExpressionIsProperSymbolReference(node.expression, links.resolvedType, true); } } return links.resolvedType; } function checkObjectLiteral(node, contextualMapper) { checkGrammarObjectLiteralExpression(node); var propertiesTable = {}; var propertiesArray = []; var contextualType = getContextualType(node); var typeFlags; for (var _i = 0, _a = node.properties; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var memberDecl = _a[_i]; var member = memberDecl.symbol; if (memberDecl.kind === 224 || memberDecl.kind === 225 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(memberDecl)) { var type = void 0; if (memberDecl.kind === 224) { type = checkPropertyAssignment(memberDecl, contextualMapper); } else if (memberDecl.kind === 134) { type = checkObjectLiteralMethod(memberDecl, contextualMapper); } else { ts.Debug.assert(memberDecl.kind === 225); type = memberDecl.name.kind === 127 ? unknownType : checkExpression(memberDecl.name, contextualMapper); } typeFlags |= type.flags; var prop = createSymbol(4 | 67108864 | member.flags, member.name); prop.declarations = member.declarations; prop.parent = member.parent; if (member.valueDeclaration) { prop.valueDeclaration = member.valueDeclaration; } prop.type = type; prop.target = member; member = prop; } else { ts.Debug.assert(memberDecl.kind === 136 || memberDecl.kind === 137); checkAccessorDeclaration(memberDecl); } if (!ts.hasDynamicName(memberDecl)) { propertiesTable[member.name] = member; } propertiesArray.push(member); } var stringIndexType = getIndexType(0); var numberIndexType = getIndexType(1); var result = createAnonymousType(node.symbol, propertiesTable, emptyArray, emptyArray, stringIndexType, numberIndexType); result.flags |= 131072 | 524288 | (typeFlags & 262144); return result; function getIndexType(kind) { if (contextualType && contextualTypeHasIndexSignature(contextualType, kind)) { var propTypes = []; for (var i = 0; i < propertiesArray.length; i++) { var propertyDecl = node.properties[i]; if (kind === 0 || isNumericName(propertyDecl.name)) { var type = getTypeOfSymbol(propertiesArray[i]); if (!ts.contains(propTypes, type)) { propTypes.push(type); } } } var result_1 = propTypes.length ? getUnionType(propTypes) : undefinedType; typeFlags |= result_1.flags; return result_1; } return undefined; } } function getDeclarationKindFromSymbol(s) { return s.valueDeclaration ? s.valueDeclaration.kind : 132; } function getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(s) { return s.valueDeclaration ? ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(s.valueDeclaration) : s.flags & 134217728 ? 16 | 128 : 0; } function checkClassPropertyAccess(node, left, type, prop) { var flags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(prop); if (!(flags & (32 | 64))) { return; } var enclosingClassDeclaration = ts.getAncestor(node, 201); var enclosingClass = enclosingClassDeclaration ? getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(enclosingClassDeclaration)) : undefined; var declaringClass = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(prop.parent); if (flags & 32) { if (declaringClass !== enclosingClass) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_class_1, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(declaringClass)); } return; } if (left.kind === 91) { return; } if (!enclosingClass || !hasBaseType(enclosingClass, declaringClass)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_class_1_and_its_subclasses, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(declaringClass)); return; } if (flags & 128) { return; } if (!(getTargetType(type).flags & (1024 | 2048) && hasBaseType(type, enclosingClass))) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_through_an_instance_of_class_1, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(enclosingClass)); } } function checkPropertyAccessExpression(node) { return checkPropertyAccessExpressionOrQualifiedName(node, node.expression, node.name); } function checkQualifiedName(node) { return checkPropertyAccessExpressionOrQualifiedName(node, node.left, node.right); } function checkPropertyAccessExpressionOrQualifiedName(node, left, right) { var type = checkExpressionOrQualifiedName(left); if (type === unknownType) return type; if (type !== anyType) { var apparentType = getApparentType(getWidenedType(type)); if (apparentType === unknownType) { return unknownType; } var prop = getPropertyOfType(apparentType, right.text); if (!prop) { if (right.text) { error(right, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1, ts.declarationNameToString(right), typeToString(type)); } return unknownType; } getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol = prop; if (prop.parent && prop.parent.flags & 32) { if (left.kind === 91 && getDeclarationKindFromSymbol(prop) !== 134) { error(right, ts.Diagnostics.Only_public_and_protected_methods_of_the_base_class_are_accessible_via_the_super_keyword); } else { checkClassPropertyAccess(node, left, type, prop); } } return getTypeOfSymbol(prop); } return anyType; } function isValidPropertyAccess(node, propertyName) { var left = node.kind === 155 ? node.expression : node.left; var type = checkExpressionOrQualifiedName(left); if (type !== unknownType && type !== anyType) { var prop = getPropertyOfType(getWidenedType(type), propertyName); if (prop && prop.parent && prop.parent.flags & 32) { if (left.kind === 91 && getDeclarationKindFromSymbol(prop) !== 134) { return false; } else { var modificationCount = diagnostics.getModificationCount(); checkClassPropertyAccess(node, left, type, prop); return diagnostics.getModificationCount() === modificationCount; } } } return true; } function checkIndexedAccess(node) { if (!node.argumentExpression) { var sourceFile = getSourceFile(node); if (node.parent.kind === 158 && node.parent.expression === node) { var start = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, node.expression.end); var end = node.end; grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.new_T_cannot_be_used_to_create_an_array_Use_new_Array_T_instead); } else { var start = node.end - "]".length; var end = node.end; grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Expression_expected); } } var objectType = getApparentType(checkExpression(node.expression)); var indexType = node.argumentExpression ? checkExpression(node.argumentExpression) : unknownType; if (objectType === unknownType) { return unknownType; } var isConstEnum = isConstEnumObjectType(objectType); if (isConstEnum && (!node.argumentExpression || node.argumentExpression.kind !== 8)) { error(node.argumentExpression, ts.Diagnostics.A_const_enum_member_can_only_be_accessed_using_a_string_literal); return unknownType; } if (node.argumentExpression) { var name_6 = getPropertyNameForIndexedAccess(node.argumentExpression, indexType); if (name_6 !== undefined) { var prop = getPropertyOfType(objectType, name_6); if (prop) { getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol = prop; return getTypeOfSymbol(prop); } else if (isConstEnum) { error(node.argumentExpression, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_does_not_exist_on_const_enum_1, name_6, symbolToString(objectType.symbol)); return unknownType; } } } if (allConstituentTypesHaveKind(indexType, 1 | 258 | 132 | 1048576)) { if (allConstituentTypesHaveKind(indexType, 1 | 132)) { var numberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(objectType, 1); if (numberIndexType) { return numberIndexType; } } var stringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(objectType, 0); if (stringIndexType) { return stringIndexType; } if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && !compilerOptions.suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors && objectType !== anyType) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Index_signature_of_object_type_implicitly_has_an_any_type); } return anyType; } error(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_expression_argument_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any); return unknownType; } function getPropertyNameForIndexedAccess(indexArgumentExpression, indexArgumentType) { if (indexArgumentExpression.kind === 8 || indexArgumentExpression.kind === 7) { return indexArgumentExpression.text; } if (checkThatExpressionIsProperSymbolReference(indexArgumentExpression, indexArgumentType, false)) { var rightHandSideName = indexArgumentExpression.name.text; return ts.getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(rightHandSideName); } return undefined; } function checkThatExpressionIsProperSymbolReference(expression, expressionType, reportError) { if (expressionType === unknownType) { return false; } if (!ts.isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(expression)) { return false; } if ((expressionType.flags & 1048576) === 0) { if (reportError) { error(expression, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_of_the_form_0_must_be_of_type_symbol, ts.getTextOfNode(expression)); } return false; } var leftHandSide = expression.expression; var leftHandSideSymbol = getResolvedSymbol(leftHandSide); if (!leftHandSideSymbol) { return false; } var globalESSymbol = getGlobalESSymbolConstructorSymbol(); if (!globalESSymbol) { return false; } if (leftHandSideSymbol !== globalESSymbol) { if (reportError) { error(leftHandSide, ts.Diagnostics.Symbol_reference_does_not_refer_to_the_global_Symbol_constructor_object); } return false; } return true; } function resolveUntypedCall(node) { if (node.kind === 159) { checkExpression(node.template); } else { ts.forEach(node.arguments, function (argument) { checkExpression(argument); }); } return anySignature; } function resolveErrorCall(node) { resolveUntypedCall(node); return unknownSignature; } function reorderCandidates(signatures, result) { var lastParent; var lastSymbol; var cutoffIndex = 0; var index; var specializedIndex = -1; var spliceIndex; ts.Debug.assert(!result.length); for (var _i = 0; _i < signatures.length; _i++) { var signature = signatures[_i]; var symbol = signature.declaration && getSymbolOfNode(signature.declaration); var parent_4 = signature.declaration && signature.declaration.parent; if (!lastSymbol || symbol === lastSymbol) { if (lastParent && parent_4 === lastParent) { index++; } else { lastParent = parent_4; index = cutoffIndex; } } else { index = cutoffIndex = result.length; lastParent = parent_4; } lastSymbol = symbol; if (signature.hasStringLiterals) { specializedIndex++; spliceIndex = specializedIndex; cutoffIndex++; } else { spliceIndex = index; } result.splice(spliceIndex, 0, signature); } } function getSpreadArgumentIndex(args) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].kind === 173) { return i; } } return -1; } function hasCorrectArity(node, args, signature) { var adjustedArgCount; var typeArguments; var callIsIncomplete; if (node.kind === 159) { var tagExpression = node; adjustedArgCount = args.length; typeArguments = undefined; if (tagExpression.template.kind === 171) { var templateExpression = tagExpression.template; var lastSpan = ts.lastOrUndefined(templateExpression.templateSpans); ts.Debug.assert(lastSpan !== undefined); callIsIncomplete = ts.nodeIsMissing(lastSpan.literal) || !!lastSpan.literal.isUnterminated; } else { var templateLiteral = tagExpression.template; ts.Debug.assert(templateLiteral.kind === 10); callIsIncomplete = !!templateLiteral.isUnterminated; } } else { var callExpression = node; if (!callExpression.arguments) { ts.Debug.assert(callExpression.kind === 158); return signature.minArgumentCount === 0; } adjustedArgCount = callExpression.arguments.hasTrailingComma ? args.length + 1 : args.length; callIsIncomplete = callExpression.arguments.end === callExpression.end; typeArguments = callExpression.typeArguments; } var hasRightNumberOfTypeArgs = !typeArguments || (signature.typeParameters && typeArguments.length === signature.typeParameters.length); if (!hasRightNumberOfTypeArgs) { return false; } var spreadArgIndex = getSpreadArgumentIndex(args); if (spreadArgIndex >= 0) { return signature.hasRestParameter && spreadArgIndex >= signature.parameters.length - 1; } if (!signature.hasRestParameter && adjustedArgCount > signature.parameters.length) { return false; } var hasEnoughArguments = adjustedArgCount >= signature.minArgumentCount; return callIsIncomplete || hasEnoughArguments; } function getSingleCallSignature(type) { if (type.flags & 48128) { var resolved = resolveObjectOrUnionTypeMembers(type); if (resolved.callSignatures.length === 1 && resolved.constructSignatures.length === 0 && resolved.properties.length === 0 && !resolved.stringIndexType && !resolved.numberIndexType) { return resolved.callSignatures[0]; } } return undefined; } function instantiateSignatureInContextOf(signature, contextualSignature, contextualMapper) { var context = createInferenceContext(signature.typeParameters, true); forEachMatchingParameterType(contextualSignature, signature, function (source, target) { inferTypes(context, instantiateType(source, contextualMapper), target); }); return getSignatureInstantiation(signature, getInferredTypes(context)); } function inferTypeArguments(signature, args, excludeArgument, context) { var typeParameters = signature.typeParameters; var inferenceMapper = createInferenceMapper(context); for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { if (!context.inferences[i].isFixed) { context.inferredTypes[i] = undefined; } } if (context.failedTypeParameterIndex !== undefined && !context.inferences[context.failedTypeParameterIndex].isFixed) { context.failedTypeParameterIndex = undefined; } for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var arg = args[i]; if (arg.kind !== 175) { var paramType = getTypeAtPosition(signature, arg.kind === 173 ? -1 : i); var argType = void 0; if (i === 0 && args[i].parent.kind === 159) { argType = globalTemplateStringsArrayType; } else { var mapper = excludeArgument && excludeArgument[i] !== undefined ? identityMapper : inferenceMapper; argType = checkExpressionWithContextualType(arg, paramType, mapper); } inferTypes(context, argType, paramType); } } if (excludeArgument) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (excludeArgument[i] === false) { var arg = args[i]; var paramType = getTypeAtPosition(signature, arg.kind === 173 ? -1 : i); inferTypes(context, checkExpressionWithContextualType(arg, paramType, inferenceMapper), paramType); } } } getInferredTypes(context); } function checkTypeArguments(signature, typeArguments, typeArgumentResultTypes, reportErrors) { var typeParameters = signature.typeParameters; var typeArgumentsAreAssignable = true; for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { var typeArgNode = typeArguments[i]; var typeArgument = getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(typeArgNode); typeArgumentResultTypes[i] = typeArgument; if (typeArgumentsAreAssignable) { var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(typeParameters[i]); if (constraint) { typeArgumentsAreAssignable = checkTypeAssignableTo(typeArgument, constraint, reportErrors ? typeArgNode : undefined, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_does_not_satisfy_the_constraint_1); } } } return typeArgumentsAreAssignable; } function checkApplicableSignature(node, args, signature, relation, excludeArgument, reportErrors) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var arg = args[i]; if (arg.kind !== 175) { var paramType = getTypeAtPosition(signature, arg.kind === 173 ? -1 : i); var argType = i === 0 && node.kind === 159 ? globalTemplateStringsArrayType : arg.kind === 8 && !reportErrors ? getStringLiteralType(arg) : checkExpressionWithContextualType(arg, paramType, excludeArgument && excludeArgument[i] ? identityMapper : undefined); if (!checkTypeRelatedTo(argType, paramType, relation, reportErrors ? arg : undefined, ts.Diagnostics.Argument_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_parameter_of_type_1)) { return false; } } } return true; } function getEffectiveCallArguments(node) { var args; if (node.kind === 159) { var template = node.template; args = [template]; if (template.kind === 171) { ts.forEach(template.templateSpans, function (span) { args.push(span.expression); }); } } else { args = node.arguments || emptyArray; } return args; } function getEffectiveTypeArguments(callExpression) { if (callExpression.expression.kind === 91) { var containingClass = ts.getAncestor(callExpression, 201); var baseClassTypeNode = containingClass && ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(containingClass); return baseClassTypeNode && baseClassTypeNode.typeArguments; } else { return callExpression.typeArguments; } } function resolveCall(node, signatures, candidatesOutArray) { var isTaggedTemplate = node.kind === 159; var typeArguments; if (!isTaggedTemplate) { typeArguments = getEffectiveTypeArguments(node); if (node.expression.kind !== 91) { ts.forEach(typeArguments, checkSourceElement); } } var candidates = candidatesOutArray || []; reorderCandidates(signatures, candidates); if (!candidates.length) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Supplied_parameters_do_not_match_any_signature_of_call_target); return resolveErrorCall(node); } var args = getEffectiveCallArguments(node); var excludeArgument; for (var i = isTaggedTemplate ? 1 : 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (isContextSensitive(args[i])) { if (!excludeArgument) { excludeArgument = new Array(args.length); } excludeArgument[i] = true; } } var candidateForArgumentError; var candidateForTypeArgumentError; var resultOfFailedInference; var result; if (candidates.length > 1) { result = chooseOverload(candidates, subtypeRelation); } if (!result) { candidateForArgumentError = undefined; candidateForTypeArgumentError = undefined; resultOfFailedInference = undefined; result = chooseOverload(candidates, assignableRelation); } if (result) { return result; } if (candidateForArgumentError) { checkApplicableSignature(node, args, candidateForArgumentError, assignableRelation, undefined, true); } else if (candidateForTypeArgumentError) { if (!isTaggedTemplate && node.typeArguments) { checkTypeArguments(candidateForTypeArgumentError, node.typeArguments, [], true); } else { ts.Debug.assert(resultOfFailedInference.failedTypeParameterIndex >= 0); var failedTypeParameter = candidateForTypeArgumentError.typeParameters[resultOfFailedInference.failedTypeParameterIndex]; var inferenceCandidates = getInferenceCandidates(resultOfFailedInference, resultOfFailedInference.failedTypeParameterIndex); var diagnosticChainHead = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(undefined, ts.Diagnostics.The_type_argument_for_type_parameter_0_cannot_be_inferred_from_the_usage_Consider_specifying_the_type_arguments_explicitly, typeToString(failedTypeParameter)); reportNoCommonSupertypeError(inferenceCandidates, node.expression || node.tag, diagnosticChainHead); } } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Supplied_parameters_do_not_match_any_signature_of_call_target); } if (!produceDiagnostics) { for (var _i = 0; _i < candidates.length; _i++) { var candidate = candidates[_i]; if (hasCorrectArity(node, args, candidate)) { return candidate; } } } return resolveErrorCall(node); function chooseOverload(candidates, relation) { for (var _i = 0; _i < candidates.length; _i++) { var originalCandidate = candidates[_i]; if (!hasCorrectArity(node, args, originalCandidate)) { continue; } var candidate = void 0; var typeArgumentsAreValid = void 0; var inferenceContext = originalCandidate.typeParameters ? createInferenceContext(originalCandidate.typeParameters, false) : undefined; while (true) { candidate = originalCandidate; if (candidate.typeParameters) { var typeArgumentTypes = void 0; if (typeArguments) { typeArgumentTypes = new Array(candidate.typeParameters.length); typeArgumentsAreValid = checkTypeArguments(candidate, typeArguments, typeArgumentTypes, false); } else { inferTypeArguments(candidate, args, excludeArgument, inferenceContext); typeArgumentsAreValid = inferenceContext.failedTypeParameterIndex === undefined; typeArgumentTypes = inferenceContext.inferredTypes; } if (!typeArgumentsAreValid) { break; } candidate = getSignatureInstantiation(candidate, typeArgumentTypes); } if (!checkApplicableSignature(node, args, candidate, relation, excludeArgument, false)) { break; } var index = excludeArgument ? ts.indexOf(excludeArgument, true) : -1; if (index < 0) { return candidate; } excludeArgument[index] = false; } if (originalCandidate.typeParameters) { var instantiatedCandidate = candidate; if (typeArgumentsAreValid) { candidateForArgumentError = instantiatedCandidate; } else { candidateForTypeArgumentError = originalCandidate; if (!typeArguments) { resultOfFailedInference = inferenceContext; } } } else { ts.Debug.assert(originalCandidate === candidate); candidateForArgumentError = originalCandidate; } } return undefined; } } function resolveCallExpression(node, candidatesOutArray) { if (node.expression.kind === 91) { var superType = checkSuperExpression(node.expression); if (superType !== unknownType) { return resolveCall(node, getSignaturesOfType(superType, 1), candidatesOutArray); } return resolveUntypedCall(node); } var funcType = checkExpression(node.expression); var apparentType = getApparentType(funcType); if (apparentType === unknownType) { return resolveErrorCall(node); } var callSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 0); var constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 1); if (funcType === anyType || (!callSignatures.length && !constructSignatures.length && !(funcType.flags & 16384) && isTypeAssignableTo(funcType, globalFunctionType))) { if (node.typeArguments) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Untyped_function_calls_may_not_accept_type_arguments); } return resolveUntypedCall(node); } if (!callSignatures.length) { if (constructSignatures.length) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Value_of_type_0_is_not_callable_Did_you_mean_to_include_new, typeToString(funcType)); } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature); } return resolveErrorCall(node); } return resolveCall(node, callSignatures, candidatesOutArray); } function resolveNewExpression(node, candidatesOutArray) { if (node.arguments && languageVersion < 2) { var spreadIndex = getSpreadArgumentIndex(node.arguments); if (spreadIndex >= 0) { error(node.arguments[spreadIndex], ts.Diagnostics.Spread_operator_in_new_expressions_is_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_and_higher); } } var expressionType = checkExpression(node.expression); if (expressionType === anyType) { if (node.typeArguments) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Untyped_function_calls_may_not_accept_type_arguments); } return resolveUntypedCall(node); } expressionType = getApparentType(expressionType); if (expressionType === unknownType) { return resolveErrorCall(node); } var constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(expressionType, 1); if (constructSignatures.length) { return resolveCall(node, constructSignatures, candidatesOutArray); } var callSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(expressionType, 0); if (callSignatures.length) { var signature = resolveCall(node, callSignatures, candidatesOutArray); if (getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature) !== voidType) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Only_a_void_function_can_be_called_with_the_new_keyword); } return signature; } error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_use_new_with_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_or_construct_signature); return resolveErrorCall(node); } function resolveTaggedTemplateExpression(node, candidatesOutArray) { var tagType = checkExpression(node.tag); var apparentType = getApparentType(tagType); if (apparentType === unknownType) { return resolveErrorCall(node); } var callSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 0); if (tagType === anyType || (!callSignatures.length && !(tagType.flags & 16384) && isTypeAssignableTo(tagType, globalFunctionType))) { return resolveUntypedCall(node); } if (!callSignatures.length) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature); return resolveErrorCall(node); } return resolveCall(node, callSignatures, candidatesOutArray); } function getResolvedSignature(node, candidatesOutArray) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedSignature || candidatesOutArray) { links.resolvedSignature = anySignature; if (node.kind === 157) { links.resolvedSignature = resolveCallExpression(node, candidatesOutArray); } else if (node.kind === 158) { links.resolvedSignature = resolveNewExpression(node, candidatesOutArray); } else if (node.kind === 159) { links.resolvedSignature = resolveTaggedTemplateExpression(node, candidatesOutArray); } else { ts.Debug.fail("Branch in 'getResolvedSignature' should be unreachable."); } } return links.resolvedSignature; } function checkCallExpression(node) { checkGrammarTypeArguments(node, node.typeArguments) || checkGrammarArguments(node, node.arguments); var signature = getResolvedSignature(node); if (node.expression.kind === 91) { return voidType; } if (node.kind === 158) { var declaration = signature.declaration; if (declaration && declaration.kind !== 135 && declaration.kind !== 139 && declaration.kind !== 143) { if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.new_expression_whose_target_lacks_a_construct_signature_implicitly_has_an_any_type); } return anyType; } } return getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature); } function checkTaggedTemplateExpression(node) { return getReturnTypeOfSignature(getResolvedSignature(node)); } function checkTypeAssertion(node) { var exprType = checkExpression(node.expression); var targetType = getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node.type); if (produceDiagnostics && targetType !== unknownType) { var widenedType = getWidenedType(exprType); if (!(isTypeAssignableTo(targetType, widenedType))) { checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, targetType, node, ts.Diagnostics.Neither_type_0_nor_type_1_is_assignable_to_the_other); } } return targetType; } function getTypeAtPosition(signature, pos) { if (pos >= 0) { return signature.hasRestParameter ? pos < signature.parameters.length - 1 ? getTypeOfSymbol(signature.parameters[pos]) : getRestTypeOfSignature(signature) : pos < signature.parameters.length ? getTypeOfSymbol(signature.parameters[pos]) : anyType; } return signature.hasRestParameter ? getTypeOfSymbol(signature.parameters[signature.parameters.length - 1]) : anyArrayType; } function assignContextualParameterTypes(signature, context, mapper) { var len = signature.parameters.length - (signature.hasRestParameter ? 1 : 0); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var parameter = signature.parameters[i]; var links = getSymbolLinks(parameter); links.type = instantiateType(getTypeAtPosition(context, i), mapper); } if (signature.hasRestParameter && context.hasRestParameter && signature.parameters.length >= context.parameters.length) { var parameter = signature.parameters[signature.parameters.length - 1]; var links = getSymbolLinks(parameter); links.type = instantiateType(getTypeOfSymbol(context.parameters[context.parameters.length - 1]), mapper); } } function getReturnTypeFromBody(func, contextualMapper) { var contextualSignature = getContextualSignatureForFunctionLikeDeclaration(func); if (!func.body) { return unknownType; } var type; if (func.body.kind !== 179) { type = checkExpressionCached(func.body, contextualMapper); } else { var types = checkAndAggregateReturnExpressionTypes(func.body, contextualMapper); if (types.length === 0) { return voidType; } type = contextualSignature ? getUnionType(types) : getCommonSupertype(types); if (!type) { error(func, ts.Diagnostics.No_best_common_type_exists_among_return_expressions); return unknownType; } } if (!contextualSignature) { reportErrorsFromWidening(func, type); } return getWidenedType(type); } function checkAndAggregateReturnExpressionTypes(body, contextualMapper) { var aggregatedTypes = []; ts.forEachReturnStatement(body, function (returnStatement) { var expr = returnStatement.expression; if (expr) { var type = checkExpressionCached(expr, contextualMapper); if (!ts.contains(aggregatedTypes, type)) { aggregatedTypes.push(type); } } }); return aggregatedTypes; } function bodyContainsAReturnStatement(funcBody) { return ts.forEachReturnStatement(funcBody, function (returnStatement) { return true; }); } function bodyContainsSingleThrowStatement(body) { return (body.statements.length === 1) && (body.statements[0].kind === 195); } function checkIfNonVoidFunctionHasReturnExpressionsOrSingleThrowStatment(func, returnType) { if (!produceDiagnostics) { return; } if (returnType === voidType || returnType === anyType) { return; } if (ts.nodeIsMissing(func.body) || func.body.kind !== 179) { return; } var bodyBlock = func.body; if (bodyContainsAReturnStatement(bodyBlock)) { return; } if (bodyContainsSingleThrowStatement(bodyBlock)) { return; } error(func.type, ts.Diagnostics.A_function_whose_declared_type_is_neither_void_nor_any_must_return_a_value_or_consist_of_a_single_throw_statement); } function checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethod(node, contextualMapper) { ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 134 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node)); var hasGrammarError = checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node); if (!hasGrammarError && node.kind === 162) { checkGrammarFunctionName(node.name) || checkGrammarForGenerator(node); } if (contextualMapper === identityMapper && isContextSensitive(node)) { return anyFunctionType; } var links = getNodeLinks(node); var type = getTypeOfSymbol(node.symbol); if (!(links.flags & 64)) { var contextualSignature = getContextualSignature(node); if (!(links.flags & 64)) { links.flags |= 64; if (contextualSignature) { var signature = getSignaturesOfType(type, 0)[0]; if (isContextSensitive(node)) { assignContextualParameterTypes(signature, contextualSignature, contextualMapper || identityMapper); } if (!node.type) { signature.resolvedReturnType = resolvingType; var returnType = getReturnTypeFromBody(node, contextualMapper); if (signature.resolvedReturnType === resolvingType) { signature.resolvedReturnType = returnType; } } } checkSignatureDeclaration(node); } } if (produceDiagnostics && node.kind !== 134 && node.kind !== 133) { checkCollisionWithCapturedSuperVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node.name); } return type; } function checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethodBody(node) { ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 134 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node)); if (node.type) { checkIfNonVoidFunctionHasReturnExpressionsOrSingleThrowStatment(node, getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node.type)); } if (node.body) { if (node.body.kind === 179) { checkSourceElement(node.body); } else { var exprType = checkExpression(node.body); if (node.type) { checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node.type), node.body, undefined); } checkFunctionExpressionBodies(node.body); } } } function checkArithmeticOperandType(operand, type, diagnostic) { if (!allConstituentTypesHaveKind(type, 1 | 132)) { error(operand, diagnostic); return false; } return true; } function checkReferenceExpression(n, invalidReferenceMessage, constantVariableMessage) { function findSymbol(n) { var symbol = getNodeLinks(n).resolvedSymbol; return symbol && getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(symbol); } function isReferenceOrErrorExpression(n) { switch (n.kind) { case 65: { var symbol = findSymbol(n); return !symbol || symbol === unknownSymbol || symbol === argumentsSymbol || (symbol.flags & 3) !== 0; } case 155: { var symbol = findSymbol(n); return !symbol || symbol === unknownSymbol || (symbol.flags & ~8) !== 0; } case 156: return true; case 161: return isReferenceOrErrorExpression(n.expression); default: return false; } } function isConstVariableReference(n) { switch (n.kind) { case 65: case 155: { var symbol = findSymbol(n); return symbol && (symbol.flags & 3) !== 0 && (getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(symbol) & 8192) !== 0; } case 156: { var index = n.argumentExpression; var symbol = findSymbol(n.expression); if (symbol && index && index.kind === 8) { var name_7 = index.text; var prop = getPropertyOfType(getTypeOfSymbol(symbol), name_7); return prop && (prop.flags & 3) !== 0 && (getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(prop) & 8192) !== 0; } return false; } case 161: return isConstVariableReference(n.expression); default: return false; } } if (!isReferenceOrErrorExpression(n)) { error(n, invalidReferenceMessage); return false; } if (isConstVariableReference(n)) { error(n, constantVariableMessage); return false; } return true; } function checkDeleteExpression(node) { if (node.parserContextFlags & 1 && node.expression.kind === 65) { grammarErrorOnNode(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.delete_cannot_be_called_on_an_identifier_in_strict_mode); } var operandType = checkExpression(node.expression); return booleanType; } function checkTypeOfExpression(node) { var operandType = checkExpression(node.expression); return stringType; } function checkVoidExpression(node) { var operandType = checkExpression(node.expression); return undefinedType; } function checkPrefixUnaryExpression(node) { if ((node.operator === 38 || node.operator === 39)) { checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(node, node.operand); } var operandType = checkExpression(node.operand); switch (node.operator) { case 33: case 34: case 47: if (someConstituentTypeHasKind(operandType, 1048576)) { error(node.operand, ts.Diagnostics.The_0_operator_cannot_be_applied_to_type_symbol, ts.tokenToString(node.operator)); } return numberType; case 46: return booleanType; case 38: case 39: var ok = checkArithmeticOperandType(node.operand, operandType, ts.Diagnostics.An_arithmetic_operand_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type); if (ok) { checkReferenceExpression(node.operand, ts.Diagnostics.The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_must_be_a_variable_property_or_indexer, ts.Diagnostics.The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_cannot_be_a_constant); } return numberType; } return unknownType; } function checkPostfixUnaryExpression(node) { checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(node, node.operand); var operandType = checkExpression(node.operand); var ok = checkArithmeticOperandType(node.operand, operandType, ts.Diagnostics.An_arithmetic_operand_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type); if (ok) { checkReferenceExpression(node.operand, ts.Diagnostics.The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_must_be_a_variable_property_or_indexer, ts.Diagnostics.The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_cannot_be_a_constant); } return numberType; } function someConstituentTypeHasKind(type, kind) { if (type.flags & kind) { return true; } if (type.flags & 16384) { var types = type.types; for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var current = types[_i]; if (current.flags & kind) { return true; } } return false; } return false; } function allConstituentTypesHaveKind(type, kind) { if (type.flags & kind) { return true; } if (type.flags & 16384) { var types = type.types; for (var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++) { var current = types[_i]; if (!(current.flags & kind)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } function isConstEnumObjectType(type) { return type.flags & (48128 | 32768) && type.symbol && isConstEnumSymbol(type.symbol); } function isConstEnumSymbol(symbol) { return (symbol.flags & 128) !== 0; } function checkInstanceOfExpression(node, leftType, rightType) { if (allConstituentTypesHaveKind(leftType, 1049086)) { error(node.left, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter); } if (!(rightType.flags & 1 || isTypeSubtypeOf(rightType, globalFunctionType))) { error(node.right, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_or_of_a_type_assignable_to_the_Function_interface_type); } return booleanType; } function checkInExpression(node, leftType, rightType) { if (!allConstituentTypesHaveKind(leftType, 1 | 258 | 132 | 1048576)) { error(node.left, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_string_number_or_symbol); } if (!allConstituentTypesHaveKind(rightType, 1 | 48128 | 512)) { error(node.right, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter); } return booleanType; } function checkObjectLiteralAssignment(node, sourceType, contextualMapper) { var properties = node.properties; for (var _i = 0; _i < properties.length; _i++) { var p = properties[_i]; if (p.kind === 224 || p.kind === 225) { var name_8 = p.name; var type = sourceType.flags & 1 ? sourceType : getTypeOfPropertyOfType(sourceType, name_8.text) || isNumericLiteralName(name_8.text) && getIndexTypeOfType(sourceType, 1) || getIndexTypeOfType(sourceType, 0); if (type) { checkDestructuringAssignment(p.initializer || name_8, type); } else { error(name_8, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature, typeToString(sourceType), ts.declarationNameToString(name_8)); } } else { error(p, ts.Diagnostics.Property_assignment_expected); } } return sourceType; } function checkArrayLiteralAssignment(node, sourceType, contextualMapper) { if (!isArrayLikeType(sourceType)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_an_array_type, typeToString(sourceType)); return sourceType; } var elements = node.elements; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var e = elements[i]; if (e.kind !== 175) { if (e.kind !== 173) { var propName = "" + i; var type = sourceType.flags & 1 ? sourceType : isTupleLikeType(sourceType) ? getTypeOfPropertyOfType(sourceType, propName) : getIndexTypeOfType(sourceType, 1); if (type) { checkDestructuringAssignment(e, type, contextualMapper); } else { if (isTupleType(sourceType)) { error(e, ts.Diagnostics.Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2, typeToString(sourceType), sourceType.elementTypes.length, elements.length); } else { error(e, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_has_no_property_1, typeToString(sourceType), propName); } } } else { if (i === elements.length - 1) { checkReferenceAssignment(e.expression, sourceType, contextualMapper); } else { error(e, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_must_be_last_in_an_array_destructuring_pattern); } } } } return sourceType; } function checkDestructuringAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper) { if (target.kind === 169 && target.operatorToken.kind === 53) { checkBinaryExpression(target, contextualMapper); target = target.left; } if (target.kind === 154) { return checkObjectLiteralAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper); } if (target.kind === 153) { return checkArrayLiteralAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper); } return checkReferenceAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper); } function checkReferenceAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper) { var targetType = checkExpression(target, contextualMapper); if (checkReferenceExpression(target, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression, ts.Diagnostics.Left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_cannot_be_a_constant)) { checkTypeAssignableTo(sourceType, targetType, target, undefined); } return sourceType; } function checkBinaryExpression(node, contextualMapper) { if (ts.isLeftHandSideExpression(node.left) && ts.isAssignmentOperator(node.operatorToken.kind)) { checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(node, node.left); } var operator = node.operatorToken.kind; if (operator === 53 && (node.left.kind === 154 || node.left.kind === 153)) { return checkDestructuringAssignment(node.left, checkExpression(node.right, contextualMapper), contextualMapper); } var leftType = checkExpression(node.left, contextualMapper); var rightType = checkExpression(node.right, contextualMapper); switch (operator) { case 35: case 56: case 36: case 57: case 37: case 58: case 34: case 55: case 40: case 59: case 41: case 60: case 42: case 61: case 44: case 63: case 45: case 64: case 43: case 62: if (leftType.flags & (32 | 64)) leftType = rightType; if (rightType.flags & (32 | 64)) rightType = leftType; var suggestedOperator; if ((leftType.flags & 8) && (rightType.flags & 8) && (suggestedOperator = getSuggestedBooleanOperator(node.operatorToken.kind)) !== undefined) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.The_0_operator_is_not_allowed_for_boolean_types_Consider_using_1_instead, ts.tokenToString(node.operatorToken.kind), ts.tokenToString(suggestedOperator)); } else { var leftOk = checkArithmeticOperandType(node.left, leftType, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type); var rightOk = checkArithmeticOperandType(node.right, rightType, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type); if (leftOk && rightOk) { checkAssignmentOperator(numberType); } } return numberType; case 33: case 54: if (leftType.flags & (32 | 64)) leftType = rightType; if (rightType.flags & (32 | 64)) rightType = leftType; var resultType; if (allConstituentTypesHaveKind(leftType, 132) && allConstituentTypesHaveKind(rightType, 132)) { resultType = numberType; } else { if (allConstituentTypesHaveKind(leftType, 258) || allConstituentTypesHaveKind(rightType, 258)) { resultType = stringType; } else if (leftType.flags & 1 || rightType.flags & 1) { resultType = anyType; } if (resultType && !checkForDisallowedESSymbolOperand(operator)) { return resultType; } } if (!resultType) { reportOperatorError(); return anyType; } if (operator === 54) { checkAssignmentOperator(resultType); } return resultType; case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: if (!checkForDisallowedESSymbolOperand(operator)) { return booleanType; } case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: if (!isTypeAssignableTo(leftType, rightType) && !isTypeAssignableTo(rightType, leftType)) { reportOperatorError(); } return booleanType; case 87: return checkInstanceOfExpression(node, leftType, rightType); case 86: return checkInExpression(node, leftType, rightType); case 48: return rightType; case 49: return getUnionType([leftType, rightType]); case 53: checkAssignmentOperator(rightType); return rightType; case 23: return rightType; } function checkForDisallowedESSymbolOperand(operator) { var offendingSymbolOperand = someConstituentTypeHasKind(leftType, 1048576) ? node.left : someConstituentTypeHasKind(rightType, 1048576) ? node.right : undefined; if (offendingSymbolOperand) { error(offendingSymbolOperand, ts.Diagnostics.The_0_operator_cannot_be_applied_to_type_symbol, ts.tokenToString(operator)); return false; } return true; } function getSuggestedBooleanOperator(operator) { switch (operator) { case 44: case 63: return 49; case 45: case 64: return 31; case 43: case 62: return 48; default: return undefined; } } function checkAssignmentOperator(valueType) { if (produceDiagnostics && operator >= 53 && operator <= 64) { var ok = checkReferenceExpression(node.left, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression, ts.Diagnostics.Left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_cannot_be_a_constant); if (ok) { checkTypeAssignableTo(valueType, leftType, node.left, undefined); } } } function reportOperatorError() { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Operator_0_cannot_be_applied_to_types_1_and_2, ts.tokenToString(node.operatorToken.kind), typeToString(leftType), typeToString(rightType)); } } function checkYieldExpression(node) { if (!(node.parserContextFlags & 4)) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.yield_expression_must_be_contained_within_a_generator_declaration); } else { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.yield_expressions_are_not_currently_supported); } } function checkConditionalExpression(node, contextualMapper) { checkExpression(node.condition); var type1 = checkExpression(node.whenTrue, contextualMapper); var type2 = checkExpression(node.whenFalse, contextualMapper); return getUnionType([type1, type2]); } function checkTemplateExpression(node) { ts.forEach(node.templateSpans, function (templateSpan) { checkExpression(templateSpan.expression); }); return stringType; } function checkExpressionWithContextualType(node, contextualType, contextualMapper) { var saveContextualType = node.contextualType; node.contextualType = contextualType; var result = checkExpression(node, contextualMapper); node.contextualType = saveContextualType; return result; } function checkExpressionCached(node, contextualMapper) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.resolvedType) { links.resolvedType = checkExpression(node, contextualMapper); } return links.resolvedType; } function checkPropertyAssignment(node, contextualMapper) { if (node.name.kind === 127) { checkComputedPropertyName(node.name); } return checkExpression(node.initializer, contextualMapper); } function checkObjectLiteralMethod(node, contextualMapper) { checkGrammarMethod(node); if (node.name.kind === 127) { checkComputedPropertyName(node.name); } var uninstantiatedType = checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethod(node, contextualMapper); return instantiateTypeWithSingleGenericCallSignature(node, uninstantiatedType, contextualMapper); } function instantiateTypeWithSingleGenericCallSignature(node, type, contextualMapper) { if (contextualMapper && contextualMapper !== identityMapper) { var signature = getSingleCallSignature(type); if (signature && signature.typeParameters) { var contextualType = getContextualType(node); if (contextualType) { var contextualSignature = getSingleCallSignature(contextualType); if (contextualSignature && !contextualSignature.typeParameters) { return getOrCreateTypeFromSignature(instantiateSignatureInContextOf(signature, contextualSignature, contextualMapper)); } } } } return type; } function checkExpression(node, contextualMapper) { return checkExpressionOrQualifiedName(node, contextualMapper); } function checkExpressionOrQualifiedName(node, contextualMapper) { var type; if (node.kind == 126) { type = checkQualifiedName(node); } else { var uninstantiatedType = checkExpressionWorker(node, contextualMapper); type = instantiateTypeWithSingleGenericCallSignature(node, uninstantiatedType, contextualMapper); } if (isConstEnumObjectType(type)) { var ok = (node.parent.kind === 155 && node.parent.expression === node) || (node.parent.kind === 156 && node.parent.expression === node) || ((node.kind === 65 || node.kind === 126) && isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(node)); if (!ok) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.const_enums_can_only_be_used_in_property_or_index_access_expressions_or_the_right_hand_side_of_an_import_declaration_or_export_assignment); } } return type; } function checkNumericLiteral(node) { checkGrammarNumbericLiteral(node); return numberType; } function checkExpressionWorker(node, contextualMapper) { switch (node.kind) { case 65: return checkIdentifier(node); case 93: return checkThisExpression(node); case 91: return checkSuperExpression(node); case 89: return nullType; case 95: case 80: return booleanType; case 7: return checkNumericLiteral(node); case 171: return checkTemplateExpression(node); case 8: case 10: return stringType; case 9: return globalRegExpType; case 153: return checkArrayLiteral(node, contextualMapper); case 154: return checkObjectLiteral(node, contextualMapper); case 155: return checkPropertyAccessExpression(node); case 156: return checkIndexedAccess(node); case 157: case 158: return checkCallExpression(node); case 159: return checkTaggedTemplateExpression(node); case 160: return checkTypeAssertion(node); case 161: return checkExpression(node.expression, contextualMapper); case 174: return checkClassExpression(node); case 162: case 163: return checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethod(node, contextualMapper); case 165: return checkTypeOfExpression(node); case 164: return checkDeleteExpression(node); case 166: return checkVoidExpression(node); case 167: return checkPrefixUnaryExpression(node); case 168: return checkPostfixUnaryExpression(node); case 169: return checkBinaryExpression(node, contextualMapper); case 170: return checkConditionalExpression(node, contextualMapper); case 173: return checkSpreadElementExpression(node, contextualMapper); case 175: return undefinedType; case 172: checkYieldExpression(node); return unknownType; } return unknownType; } function checkTypeParameter(node) { if (node.expression) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Type_expected); } checkSourceElement(node.constraint); if (produceDiagnostics) { checkTypeParameterHasIllegalReferencesInConstraint(node); checkTypeNameIsReserved(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_name_cannot_be_0); } } function checkParameter(node) { // Grammar checking // It is a SyntaxError if the Identifier "eval" or the Identifier "arguments" occurs as the // Identifier in a PropertySetParameterList of a PropertyAssignment that is contained in strict code // or if its FunctionBody is strict code(11.1.5). // It is a SyntaxError if the identifier eval or arguments appears within a FormalParameterList of a // strict mode FunctionLikeDeclaration or FunctionExpression(13.1) checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(node, node.name); checkVariableLikeDeclaration(node); var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node); if (node.flags & 112) { func = ts.getContainingFunction(node); if (!(func.kind === 135 && ts.nodeIsPresent(func.body))) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_parameter_property_is_only_allowed_in_a_constructor_implementation); } } if (node.questionToken && ts.isBindingPattern(node.name) && func.body) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_binding_pattern_parameter_cannot_be_optional_in_an_implementation_signature); } if (node.dotDotDotToken) { if (!isArrayType(getTypeOfSymbol(node.symbol))) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_parameter_must_be_of_an_array_type); } } } function checkSignatureDeclaration(node) { if (node.kind === 140) { checkGrammarIndexSignature(node); } else if (node.kind === 142 || node.kind === 200 || node.kind === 143 || node.kind === 138 || node.kind === 135 || node.kind === 139) { checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node); } checkTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); ts.forEach(node.parameters, checkParameter); if (node.type) { checkSourceElement(node.type); } if (produceDiagnostics) { checkCollisionWithArgumentsInGeneratedCode(node); if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && !node.type) { switch (node.kind) { case 139: error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Construct_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type); break; case 138: error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Call_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type); break; } } } checkSpecializedSignatureDeclaration(node); } function checkTypeForDuplicateIndexSignatures(node) { if (node.kind === 202) { var nodeSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); if (nodeSymbol.declarations.length > 0 && nodeSymbol.declarations[0] !== node) { return; } } var indexSymbol = getIndexSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(node)); if (indexSymbol) { var seenNumericIndexer = false; var seenStringIndexer = false; for (var _i = 0, _a = indexSymbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var decl = _a[_i]; var declaration = decl; if (declaration.parameters.length === 1 && declaration.parameters[0].type) { switch (declaration.parameters[0].type.kind) { case 121: if (!seenStringIndexer) { seenStringIndexer = true; } else { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_string_index_signature); } break; case 119: if (!seenNumericIndexer) { seenNumericIndexer = true; } else { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_number_index_signature); } break; } } } } } function checkPropertyDeclaration(node) { checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarProperty(node) || checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(node.name); checkVariableLikeDeclaration(node); } function checkMethodDeclaration(node) { checkGrammarMethod(node) || checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(node.name); checkFunctionLikeDeclaration(node); } function checkConstructorDeclaration(node) { checkSignatureDeclaration(node); checkGrammarConstructorTypeParameters(node) || checkGrammarConstructorTypeAnnotation(node); checkSourceElement(node.body); var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var firstDeclaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, node.kind); if (node === firstDeclaration) { checkFunctionOrConstructorSymbol(symbol); } if (ts.nodeIsMissing(node.body)) { return; } if (!produceDiagnostics) { return; } function isSuperCallExpression(n) { return n.kind === 157 && n.expression.kind === 91; } function containsSuperCall(n) { if (isSuperCallExpression(n)) { return true; } switch (n.kind) { case 162: case 200: case 163: case 154: return false; default: return ts.forEachChild(n, containsSuperCall); } } function markThisReferencesAsErrors(n) { if (n.kind === 93) { error(n, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_current_location); } else if (n.kind !== 162 && n.kind !== 200) { ts.forEachChild(n, markThisReferencesAsErrors); } } function isInstancePropertyWithInitializer(n) { return n.kind === 132 && !(n.flags & 128) && !!n.initializer; } if (ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node.parent)) { if (containsSuperCall(node.body)) { var superCallShouldBeFirst = ts.forEach(node.parent.members, isInstancePropertyWithInitializer) || ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (p) { return p.flags & (16 | 32 | 64); }); if (superCallShouldBeFirst) { var statements = node.body.statements; if (!statements.length || statements[0].kind !== 182 || !isSuperCallExpression(statements[0].expression)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_super_call_must_be_the_first_statement_in_the_constructor_when_a_class_contains_initialized_properties_or_has_parameter_properties); } else { markThisReferencesAsErrors(statements[0].expression); } } } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Constructors_for_derived_classes_must_contain_a_super_call); } } } function checkAccessorDeclaration(node) { if (produceDiagnostics) { checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) || checkGrammarAccessor(node) || checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(node.name); if (node.kind === 136) { if (!ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body) && !(bodyContainsAReturnStatement(node.body) || bodyContainsSingleThrowStatement(node.body))) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_get_accessor_must_return_a_value_or_consist_of_a_single_throw_statement); } } if (!ts.hasDynamicName(node)) { var otherKind = node.kind === 136 ? 137 : 136; var otherAccessor = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(node.symbol, otherKind); if (otherAccessor) { if (((node.flags & 112) !== (otherAccessor.flags & 112))) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Getter_and_setter_accessors_do_not_agree_in_visibility); } var currentAccessorType = getAnnotatedAccessorType(node); var otherAccessorType = getAnnotatedAccessorType(otherAccessor); if (currentAccessorType && otherAccessorType) { if (!isTypeIdenticalTo(currentAccessorType, otherAccessorType)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_type); } } } } checkAndStoreTypeOfAccessors(getSymbolOfNode(node)); } checkFunctionLikeDeclaration(node); } function checkMissingDeclaration(node) { checkDecorators(node); } function checkTypeReferenceNode(node) { return checkTypeReferenceOrHeritageClauseElement(node); } function checkHeritageClauseElement(node) { return checkTypeReferenceOrHeritageClauseElement(node); } function checkTypeReferenceOrHeritageClauseElement(node) { checkGrammarTypeArguments(node, node.typeArguments); var type = getTypeFromTypeReferenceOrHeritageClauseElement(node); if (type !== unknownType && node.typeArguments) { var len = node.typeArguments.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { checkSourceElement(node.typeArguments[i]); var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(type.target.typeParameters[i]); if (produceDiagnostics && constraint) { var typeArgument = type.typeArguments[i]; checkTypeAssignableTo(typeArgument, constraint, node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_does_not_satisfy_the_constraint_1); } } } } function checkTypeQuery(node) { getTypeFromTypeQueryNode(node); } function checkTypeLiteral(node) { ts.forEach(node.members, checkSourceElement); if (produceDiagnostics) { var type = getTypeFromTypeLiteralOrFunctionOrConstructorTypeNode(node); checkIndexConstraints(type); checkTypeForDuplicateIndexSignatures(node); } } function checkArrayType(node) { checkSourceElement(node.elementType); } function checkTupleType(node) { var hasErrorFromDisallowedTrailingComma = checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(node.elementTypes); if (!hasErrorFromDisallowedTrailingComma && node.elementTypes.length === 0) { grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_tuple_type_element_list_cannot_be_empty); } ts.forEach(node.elementTypes, checkSourceElement); } function checkUnionType(node) { ts.forEach(node.types, checkSourceElement); } function isPrivateWithinAmbient(node) { return (node.flags & 32) && ts.isInAmbientContext(node); } function checkSpecializedSignatureDeclaration(signatureDeclarationNode) { if (!produceDiagnostics) { return; } var signature = getSignatureFromDeclaration(signatureDeclarationNode); if (!signature.hasStringLiterals) { return; } if (ts.nodeIsPresent(signatureDeclarationNode.body)) { error(signatureDeclarationNode, ts.Diagnostics.A_signature_with_an_implementation_cannot_use_a_string_literal_type); return; } var signaturesToCheck; if (!signatureDeclarationNode.name && signatureDeclarationNode.parent && signatureDeclarationNode.parent.kind === 202) { ts.Debug.assert(signatureDeclarationNode.kind === 138 || signatureDeclarationNode.kind === 139); var signatureKind = signatureDeclarationNode.kind === 138 ? 0 : 1; var containingSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(signatureDeclarationNode.parent); var containingType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(containingSymbol); signaturesToCheck = getSignaturesOfType(containingType, signatureKind); } else { signaturesToCheck = getSignaturesOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(signatureDeclarationNode)); } for (var _i = 0; _i < signaturesToCheck.length; _i++) { var otherSignature = signaturesToCheck[_i]; if (!otherSignature.hasStringLiterals && isSignatureAssignableTo(signature, otherSignature)) { return; } } error(signatureDeclarationNode, ts.Diagnostics.Specialized_overload_signature_is_not_assignable_to_any_non_specialized_signature); } function getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(n, flagsToCheck) { var flags = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(n); if (n.parent.kind !== 202 && ts.isInAmbientContext(n)) { if (!(flags & 2)) { flags |= 1; } flags |= 2; } return flags & flagsToCheck; } function checkFunctionOrConstructorSymbol(symbol) { if (!produceDiagnostics) { return; } function getCanonicalOverload(overloads, implementation) { var implementationSharesContainerWithFirstOverload = implementation !== undefined && implementation.parent === overloads[0].parent; return implementationSharesContainerWithFirstOverload ? implementation : overloads[0]; } function checkFlagAgreementBetweenOverloads(overloads, implementation, flagsToCheck, someOverloadFlags, allOverloadFlags) { var someButNotAllOverloadFlags = someOverloadFlags ^ allOverloadFlags; if (someButNotAllOverloadFlags !== 0) { var canonicalFlags = getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(getCanonicalOverload(overloads, implementation), flagsToCheck); ts.forEach(overloads, function (o) { var deviation = getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(o, flagsToCheck) ^ canonicalFlags; if (deviation & 1) { error(o.name, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_exported_or_not_exported); } else if (deviation & 2) { error(o.name, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_ambient_or_non_ambient); } else if (deviation & (32 | 64)) { error(o.name, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_public_private_or_protected); } }); } } function checkQuestionTokenAgreementBetweenOverloads(overloads, implementation, someHaveQuestionToken, allHaveQuestionToken) { if (someHaveQuestionToken !== allHaveQuestionToken) { var canonicalHasQuestionToken = ts.hasQuestionToken(getCanonicalOverload(overloads, implementation)); ts.forEach(overloads, function (o) { var deviation = ts.hasQuestionToken(o) !== canonicalHasQuestionToken; if (deviation) { error(o.name, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_optional_or_required); } }); } } var flagsToCheck = 1 | 2 | 32 | 64; var someNodeFlags = 0; var allNodeFlags = flagsToCheck; var someHaveQuestionToken = false; var allHaveQuestionToken = true; var hasOverloads = false; var bodyDeclaration; var lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration; var previousDeclaration; var declarations = symbol.declarations; var isConstructor = (symbol.flags & 16384) !== 0; function reportImplementationExpectedError(node) { if (node.name && ts.nodeIsMissing(node.name)) { return; } var seen = false; var subsequentNode = ts.forEachChild(node.parent, function (c) { if (seen) { return c; } else { seen = c === node; } }); if (subsequentNode) { if (subsequentNode.kind === node.kind) { var errorNode_1 = subsequentNode.name || subsequentNode; if (node.name && subsequentNode.name && node.name.text === subsequentNode.name.text) { ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 134 || node.kind === 133); ts.Debug.assert((node.flags & 128) !== (subsequentNode.flags & 128)); var diagnostic = node.flags & 128 ? ts.Diagnostics.Function_overload_must_be_static : ts.Diagnostics.Function_overload_must_not_be_static; error(errorNode_1, diagnostic); return; } else if (ts.nodeIsPresent(subsequentNode.body)) { error(errorNode_1, ts.Diagnostics.Function_implementation_name_must_be_0, ts.declarationNameToString(node.name)); return; } } } var errorNode = node.name || node; if (isConstructor) { error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Constructor_implementation_is_missing); } else { error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Function_implementation_is_missing_or_not_immediately_following_the_declaration); } } var isExportSymbolInsideModule = symbol.parent && symbol.parent.flags & 1536; var duplicateFunctionDeclaration = false; var multipleConstructorImplementation = false; for (var _i = 0; _i < declarations.length; _i++) { var current = declarations[_i]; var node = current; var inAmbientContext = ts.isInAmbientContext(node); var inAmbientContextOrInterface = node.parent.kind === 202 || node.parent.kind === 145 || inAmbientContext; if (inAmbientContextOrInterface) { previousDeclaration = undefined; } if (node.kind === 200 || node.kind === 134 || node.kind === 133 || node.kind === 135) { var currentNodeFlags = getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(node, flagsToCheck); someNodeFlags |= currentNodeFlags; allNodeFlags &= currentNodeFlags; someHaveQuestionToken = someHaveQuestionToken || ts.hasQuestionToken(node); allHaveQuestionToken = allHaveQuestionToken && ts.hasQuestionToken(node); if (ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body) && bodyDeclaration) { if (isConstructor) { multipleConstructorImplementation = true; } else { duplicateFunctionDeclaration = true; } } else if (!isExportSymbolInsideModule && previousDeclaration && previousDeclaration.parent === node.parent && previousDeclaration.end !== node.pos) { reportImplementationExpectedError(previousDeclaration); } if (ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body)) { if (!bodyDeclaration) { bodyDeclaration = node; } } else { hasOverloads = true; } previousDeclaration = node; if (!inAmbientContextOrInterface) { lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration = node; } } } if (multipleConstructorImplementation) { ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) { error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Multiple_constructor_implementations_are_not_allowed); }); } if (duplicateFunctionDeclaration) { ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) { error(declaration.name, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_function_implementation); }); } if (!isExportSymbolInsideModule && lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration && !lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration.body) { reportImplementationExpectedError(lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration); } if (hasOverloads) { checkFlagAgreementBetweenOverloads(declarations, bodyDeclaration, flagsToCheck, someNodeFlags, allNodeFlags); checkQuestionTokenAgreementBetweenOverloads(declarations, bodyDeclaration, someHaveQuestionToken, allHaveQuestionToken); if (bodyDeclaration) { var signatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol); var bodySignature = getSignatureFromDeclaration(bodyDeclaration); if (!bodySignature.hasStringLiterals) { for (var _a = 0; _a < signatures.length; _a++) { var signature = signatures[_a]; if (!signature.hasStringLiterals && !isSignatureAssignableTo(bodySignature, signature)) { error(signature.declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signature_is_not_compatible_with_function_implementation); break; } } } } } } function checkExportsOnMergedDeclarations(node) { if (!produceDiagnostics) { return; } var symbol = node.localSymbol; if (!symbol) { symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); if (!(symbol.flags & 7340032)) { return; } } if (ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, node.kind) !== node) { return; } var exportedDeclarationSpaces = 0; var nonExportedDeclarationSpaces = 0; ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (d) { var declarationSpaces = getDeclarationSpaces(d); if (getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(d, 1)) { exportedDeclarationSpaces |= declarationSpaces; } else { nonExportedDeclarationSpaces |= declarationSpaces; } }); var commonDeclarationSpace = exportedDeclarationSpaces & nonExportedDeclarationSpaces; if (commonDeclarationSpace) { ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (d) { if (getDeclarationSpaces(d) & commonDeclarationSpace) { error(d.name, ts.Diagnostics.Individual_declarations_in_merged_declaration_0_must_be_all_exported_or_all_local, ts.declarationNameToString(d.name)); } }); } function getDeclarationSpaces(d) { switch (d.kind) { case 202: return 2097152; case 205: return d.name.kind === 8 || ts.getModuleInstanceState(d) !== 0 ? 4194304 | 1048576 : 4194304; case 201: case 204: return 2097152 | 1048576; case 208: var result = 0; var target = resolveAlias(getSymbolOfNode(d)); ts.forEach(target.declarations, function (d) { result |= getDeclarationSpaces(d); }); return result; default: return 1048576; } } } function checkDecorator(node) { var expression = node.expression; var exprType = checkExpression(expression); switch (node.parent.kind) { case 201: var classSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node.parent); var classConstructorType = getTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol); var classDecoratorType = instantiateSingleCallFunctionType(globalClassDecoratorType, [classConstructorType]); checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, classDecoratorType, node); break; case 132: checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, globalPropertyDecoratorType, node); break; case 134: case 136: case 137: var methodType = getTypeOfNode(node.parent); var methodDecoratorType = instantiateSingleCallFunctionType(globalMethodDecoratorType, [methodType]); checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, methodDecoratorType, node); break; case 129: checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, globalParameterDecoratorType, node); break; } } function checkDecorators(node) { if (!node.decorators) { return; } switch (node.kind) { case 201: case 134: case 136: case 137: case 132: case 129: emitDecorate = true; break; default: return; } ts.forEach(node.decorators, checkDecorator); } function checkFunctionDeclaration(node) { if (produceDiagnostics) { checkFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) || checkGrammarDisallowedModifiersInBlockOrObjectLiteralExpression(node) || checkGrammarFunctionName(node.name) || checkGrammarForGenerator(node); checkCollisionWithCapturedSuperVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithRequireExportsInGeneratedCode(node, node.name); } } function checkFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) { checkDecorators(node); checkSignatureDeclaration(node); if (node.name && node.name.kind === 127) { checkComputedPropertyName(node.name); } if (!ts.hasDynamicName(node)) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var localSymbol = node.localSymbol || symbol; var firstDeclaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(localSymbol, node.kind); if (node === firstDeclaration) { checkFunctionOrConstructorSymbol(localSymbol); } if (symbol.parent) { if (ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, node.kind) === node) { checkFunctionOrConstructorSymbol(symbol); } } } checkSourceElement(node.body); if (node.type && !isAccessor(node.kind)) { checkIfNonVoidFunctionHasReturnExpressionsOrSingleThrowStatment(node, getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node.type)); } if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && ts.nodeIsMissing(node.body) && !node.type && !isPrivateWithinAmbient(node)) { reportImplicitAnyError(node, anyType); } } function checkBlock(node) { if (node.kind === 179) { checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); } ts.forEach(node.statements, checkSourceElement); if (ts.isFunctionBlock(node) || node.kind === 206) { checkFunctionExpressionBodies(node); } } function checkCollisionWithArgumentsInGeneratedCode(node) { if (!ts.hasRestParameters(node) || ts.isInAmbientContext(node) || ts.nodeIsMissing(node.body)) { return; } ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (p) { if (p.name && !ts.isBindingPattern(p.name) && p.name.text === argumentsSymbol.name) { error(p, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_arguments_Compiler_uses_arguments_to_initialize_rest_parameters); } }); } function needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, identifier, name) { if (!(identifier && identifier.text === name)) { return false; } if (node.kind === 132 || node.kind === 131 || node.kind === 134 || node.kind === 133 || node.kind === 136 || node.kind === 137) { return false; } if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) { return false; } var root = getRootDeclaration(node); if (root.kind === 129 && ts.nodeIsMissing(root.parent.body)) { return false; } return true; } function checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, name) { if (needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "_this")) { potentialThisCollisions.push(node); } } function checkIfThisIsCapturedInEnclosingScope(node) { var current = node; while (current) { if (getNodeCheckFlags(current) & 4) { var isDeclaration_1 = node.kind !== 65; if (isDeclaration_1) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_this_Compiler_uses_variable_declaration_this_to_capture_this_reference); } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_this_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_this_reference); } return; } current = current.parent; } } function checkCollisionWithCapturedSuperVariable(node, name) { if (!needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "_super")) { return; } var enclosingClass = ts.getAncestor(node, 201); if (!enclosingClass || ts.isInAmbientContext(enclosingClass)) { return; } if (ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(enclosingClass)) { var isDeclaration_2 = node.kind !== 65; if (isDeclaration_2) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_super_Compiler_uses_super_to_capture_base_class_reference); } else { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Expression_resolves_to_super_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_base_class_reference); } } } function checkCollisionWithRequireExportsInGeneratedCode(node, name) { if (!needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "require") && !needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "exports")) { return; } if (node.kind === 205 && ts.getModuleInstanceState(node) !== 1) { return; } var parent = getDeclarationContainer(node); if (parent.kind === 227 && ts.isExternalModule(parent)) { error(name, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_an_external_module, ts.declarationNameToString(name), ts.declarationNameToString(name)); } } function checkVarDeclaredNamesNotShadowed(node) { // - ScriptBody : StatementList // It is a Syntax Error if any element of the LexicallyDeclaredNames of StatementList // also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of StatementList. if ((ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 12288) !== 0 || isParameterDeclaration(node)) { return; } if (node.kind === 198 && !node.initializer) { return; } var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); if (symbol.flags & 1) { var localDeclarationSymbol = resolveName(node, node.name.text, 3, undefined, undefined); if (localDeclarationSymbol && localDeclarationSymbol !== symbol && localDeclarationSymbol.flags & 2) { if (getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(localDeclarationSymbol) & 12288) { var varDeclList = ts.getAncestor(localDeclarationSymbol.valueDeclaration, 199); var container = varDeclList.parent.kind === 180 && varDeclList.parent.parent ? varDeclList.parent.parent : undefined; var namesShareScope = container && (container.kind === 179 && ts.isFunctionLike(container.parent) || container.kind === 206 || container.kind === 205 || container.kind === 227); if (!namesShareScope) { var name_9 = symbolToString(localDeclarationSymbol); error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_initialize_outer_scoped_variable_0_in_the_same_scope_as_block_scoped_declaration_1, name_9, name_9); } } } } } function isParameterDeclaration(node) { while (node.kind === 152) { node = node.parent.parent; } return node.kind === 129; } function checkParameterInitializer(node) { if (getRootDeclaration(node).kind !== 129) { return; } var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node); visit(node.initializer); function visit(n) { if (n.kind === 65) { var referencedSymbol = getNodeLinks(n).resolvedSymbol; if (referencedSymbol && referencedSymbol !== unknownSymbol && getSymbol(func.locals, referencedSymbol.name, 107455) === referencedSymbol) { if (referencedSymbol.valueDeclaration.kind === 129) { if (referencedSymbol.valueDeclaration === node) { error(n, ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_cannot_be_referenced_in_its_initializer, ts.declarationNameToString(node.name)); return; } if (referencedSymbol.valueDeclaration.pos < node.pos) { return; } } error(n, ts.Diagnostics.Initializer_of_parameter_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_after_it, ts.declarationNameToString(node.name), ts.declarationNameToString(n)); } } else { ts.forEachChild(n, visit); } } } function checkVariableLikeDeclaration(node) { checkDecorators(node); checkSourceElement(node.type); if (node.name.kind === 127) { checkComputedPropertyName(node.name); if (node.initializer) { checkExpressionCached(node.initializer); } } if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { ts.forEach(node.name.elements, checkSourceElement); } if (node.initializer && getRootDeclaration(node).kind === 129 && ts.nodeIsMissing(ts.getContainingFunction(node).body)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_parameter_initializer_is_only_allowed_in_a_function_or_constructor_implementation); return; } if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { if (node.initializer) { checkTypeAssignableTo(checkExpressionCached(node.initializer), getWidenedTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(node), node, undefined); checkParameterInitializer(node); } return; } var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var type = getTypeOfVariableOrParameterOrProperty(symbol); if (node === symbol.valueDeclaration) { if (node.initializer) { checkTypeAssignableTo(checkExpressionCached(node.initializer), type, node, undefined); checkParameterInitializer(node); } } else { var declarationType = getWidenedTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(node); if (type !== unknownType && declarationType !== unknownType && !isTypeIdenticalTo(type, declarationType)) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Subsequent_variable_declarations_must_have_the_same_type_Variable_0_must_be_of_type_1_but_here_has_type_2, ts.declarationNameToString(node.name), typeToString(type), typeToString(declarationType)); } if (node.initializer) { checkTypeAssignableTo(checkExpressionCached(node.initializer), declarationType, node, undefined); } } if (node.kind !== 132 && node.kind !== 131) { checkExportsOnMergedDeclarations(node); if (node.kind === 198 || node.kind === 152) { checkVarDeclaredNamesNotShadowed(node); } checkCollisionWithCapturedSuperVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithRequireExportsInGeneratedCode(node, node.name); } } function checkVariableDeclaration(node) { checkGrammarVariableDeclaration(node); return checkVariableLikeDeclaration(node); } function checkBindingElement(node) { checkGrammarBindingElement(node); return checkVariableLikeDeclaration(node); } function checkVariableStatement(node) { checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarDisallowedModifiersInBlockOrObjectLiteralExpression(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarVariableDeclarationList(node.declarationList) || checkGrammarForDisallowedLetOrConstStatement(node); ts.forEach(node.declarationList.declarations, checkSourceElement); } function checkGrammarDisallowedModifiersInBlockOrObjectLiteralExpression(node) { if (node.modifiers) { if (inBlockOrObjectLiteralExpression(node)) { return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Modifiers_cannot_appear_here); } } } function inBlockOrObjectLiteralExpression(node) { while (node) { if (node.kind === 179 || node.kind === 154) { return true; } node = node.parent; } } function checkExpressionStatement(node) { checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); checkExpression(node.expression); } function checkIfStatement(node) { checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); checkExpression(node.expression); checkSourceElement(node.thenStatement); checkSourceElement(node.elseStatement); } function checkDoStatement(node) { checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); checkSourceElement(node.statement); checkExpression(node.expression); } function checkWhileStatement(node) { checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); checkExpression(node.expression); checkSourceElement(node.statement); } function checkForStatement(node) { if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) { if (node.initializer && node.initializer.kind == 199) { checkGrammarVariableDeclarationList(node.initializer); } } if (node.initializer) { if (node.initializer.kind === 199) { ts.forEach(node.initializer.declarations, checkVariableDeclaration); } else { checkExpression(node.initializer); } } if (node.condition) checkExpression(node.condition); if (node.iterator) checkExpression(node.iterator); checkSourceElement(node.statement); } function checkForOfStatement(node) { checkGrammarForInOrForOfStatement(node); if (node.initializer.kind === 199) { checkForInOrForOfVariableDeclaration(node); } else { var varExpr = node.initializer; var iteratedType = checkRightHandSideOfForOf(node.expression); if (varExpr.kind === 153 || varExpr.kind === 154) { checkDestructuringAssignment(varExpr, iteratedType || unknownType); } else { var leftType = checkExpression(varExpr); checkReferenceExpression(varExpr, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_of_statement, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_be_a_previously_defined_constant); if (iteratedType) { checkTypeAssignableTo(iteratedType, leftType, varExpr, undefined); } } } checkSourceElement(node.statement); } function checkForInStatement(node) { checkGrammarForInOrForOfStatement(node); if (node.initializer.kind === 199) { var variable = node.initializer.declarations[0]; if (variable && ts.isBindingPattern(variable.name)) { error(variable.name, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern); } checkForInOrForOfVariableDeclaration(node); } else { var varExpr = node.initializer; var leftType = checkExpression(varExpr); if (varExpr.kind === 153 || varExpr.kind === 154) { error(varExpr, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern); } else if (!allConstituentTypesHaveKind(leftType, 1 | 258)) { error(varExpr, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_string_or_any); } else { checkReferenceExpression(varExpr, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_in_statement, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_previously_defined_constant); } } var rightType = checkExpression(node.expression); if (!allConstituentTypesHaveKind(rightType, 1 | 48128 | 512)) { error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter); } checkSourceElement(node.statement); } function checkForInOrForOfVariableDeclaration(iterationStatement) { var variableDeclarationList = iterationStatement.initializer; if (variableDeclarationList.declarations.length >= 1) { var decl = variableDeclarationList.declarations[0]; checkVariableDeclaration(decl); } } function checkRightHandSideOfForOf(rhsExpression) { var expressionType = getTypeOfExpression(rhsExpression); return languageVersion >= 2 ? checkIteratedType(expressionType, rhsExpression) : checkElementTypeOfArrayOrString(expressionType, rhsExpression); } function checkIteratedType(iterable, expressionForError) { ts.Debug.assert(languageVersion >= 2); var iteratedType = getIteratedType(iterable, expressionForError); if (expressionForError && iteratedType) { var completeIterableType = globalIterableType !== emptyObjectType ? createTypeReference(globalIterableType, [iteratedType]) : emptyObjectType; checkTypeAssignableTo(iterable, completeIterableType, expressionForError); } return iteratedType; function getIteratedType(iterable, expressionForError) { // We want to treat type as an iterable, and get the type it is an iterable of. The iterable // must have the following structure (annotated with the names of the variables below): // // { // iterable // [Symbol.iterator]: { // iteratorFunction // (): { // iterator // next: { // iteratorNextFunction // (): { // iteratorNextResult // value: T // iteratorNextValue // } // } // } // } // } // // T is the type we are after. At every level that involves analyzing return types // of signatures, we union the return types of all the signatures. // // Another thing to note is that at any step of this process, we could run into a dead end, // meaning either the property is missing, or we run into the anyType. If either of these things // happens, we return undefined to signal that we could not find the iterated type. If a property // is missing, and the previous step did not result in 'any', then we also give an error if the // caller requested it. Then the caller can decide what to do in the case where there is no iterated // type. This is different from returning anyType, because that would signify that we have matched the // whole pattern and that T (above) is 'any'. if (allConstituentTypesHaveKind(iterable, 1)) { return undefined; } var iteratorFunction = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(iterable, ts.getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName("iterator")); if (iteratorFunction && allConstituentTypesHaveKind(iteratorFunction, 1)) { return undefined; } var iteratorFunctionSignatures = iteratorFunction ? getSignaturesOfType(iteratorFunction, 0) : emptyArray; if (iteratorFunctionSignatures.length === 0) { if (expressionForError) { error(expressionForError, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_must_have_a_Symbol_iterator_method_that_returns_an_iterator); } return undefined; } var iterator = getUnionType(ts.map(iteratorFunctionSignatures, getReturnTypeOfSignature)); if (allConstituentTypesHaveKind(iterator, 1)) { return undefined; } var iteratorNextFunction = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(iterator, "next"); if (iteratorNextFunction && allConstituentTypesHaveKind(iteratorNextFunction, 1)) { return undefined; } var iteratorNextFunctionSignatures = iteratorNextFunction ? getSignaturesOfType(iteratorNextFunction, 0) : emptyArray; if (iteratorNextFunctionSignatures.length === 0) { if (expressionForError) { error(expressionForError, ts.Diagnostics.The_iterator_returned_by_the_right_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_must_have_a_next_method); } return undefined; } var iteratorNextResult = getUnionType(ts.map(iteratorNextFunctionSignatures, getReturnTypeOfSignature)); if (allConstituentTypesHaveKind(iteratorNextResult, 1)) { return undefined; } var iteratorNextValue = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(iteratorNextResult, "value"); if (!iteratorNextValue) { if (expressionForError) { error(expressionForError, ts.Diagnostics.The_type_returned_by_the_next_method_of_an_iterator_must_have_a_value_property); } return undefined; } return iteratorNextValue; } } function checkElementTypeOfArrayOrString(arrayOrStringType, expressionForError) { ts.Debug.assert(languageVersion < 2); var arrayType = removeTypesFromUnionType(arrayOrStringType, 258, true, true); var hasStringConstituent = arrayOrStringType !== arrayType; var reportedError = false; if (hasStringConstituent) { if (languageVersion < 1) { error(expressionForError, ts.Diagnostics.Using_a_string_in_a_for_of_statement_is_only_supported_in_ECMAScript_5_and_higher); reportedError = true; } if (arrayType === emptyObjectType) { return stringType; } } if (!isArrayLikeType(arrayType)) { if (!reportedError) { var diagnostic = hasStringConstituent ? ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_an_array_type : ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_an_array_type_or_a_string_type; error(expressionForError, diagnostic, typeToString(arrayType)); } return hasStringConstituent ? stringType : unknownType; } var arrayElementType = getIndexTypeOfType(arrayType, 1) || unknownType; if (hasStringConstituent) { if (arrayElementType.flags & 258) { return stringType; } return getUnionType([arrayElementType, stringType]); } return arrayElementType; } function checkBreakOrContinueStatement(node) { checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node) || checkGrammarBreakOrContinueStatement(node); } function isGetAccessorWithAnnotatatedSetAccessor(node) { return !!(node.kind === 136 && getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode(ts.getDeclarationOfKind(node.symbol, 137))); } function checkReturnStatement(node) { if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) { var functionBlock = ts.getContainingFunction(node); if (!functionBlock) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_return_statement_can_only_be_used_within_a_function_body); } } if (node.expression) { var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node); if (func) { var returnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(getSignatureFromDeclaration(func)); var exprType = checkExpressionCached(node.expression); if (func.kind === 137) { error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Setters_cannot_return_a_value); } else { if (func.kind === 135) { if (!isTypeAssignableTo(exprType, returnType)) { error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_constructor_signature_must_be_assignable_to_the_instance_type_of_the_class); } } else if (func.type || isGetAccessorWithAnnotatatedSetAccessor(func)) { checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, returnType, node.expression, undefined); } } } } } function checkWithStatement(node) { if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) { if (node.parserContextFlags & 1) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode); } } checkExpression(node.expression); error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.All_symbols_within_a_with_block_will_be_resolved_to_any); } function checkSwitchStatement(node) { checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); var firstDefaultClause; var hasDuplicateDefaultClause = false; var expressionType = checkExpression(node.expression); ts.forEach(node.caseBlock.clauses, function (clause) { if (clause.kind === 221 && !hasDuplicateDefaultClause) { if (firstDefaultClause === undefined) { firstDefaultClause = clause; } else { var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); var start = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, clause.pos); var end = clause.statements.length > 0 ? clause.statements[0].pos : clause.end; grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.A_default_clause_cannot_appear_more_than_once_in_a_switch_statement); hasDuplicateDefaultClause = true; } } if (produceDiagnostics && clause.kind === 220) { var caseClause = clause; var caseType = checkExpression(caseClause.expression); if (!isTypeAssignableTo(expressionType, caseType)) { checkTypeAssignableTo(caseType, expressionType, caseClause.expression, undefined); } } ts.forEach(clause.statements, checkSourceElement); }); } function checkLabeledStatement(node) { if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) { var current = node.parent; while (current) { if (ts.isFunctionLike(current)) { break; } if (current.kind === 194 && current.label.text === node.label.text) { var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); grammarErrorOnNode(node.label, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_label_0, ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceFile.text, node.label)); break; } current = current.parent; } } checkSourceElement(node.statement); } function checkThrowStatement(node) { if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) { if (node.expression === undefined) { grammarErrorAfterFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Line_break_not_permitted_here); } } if (node.expression) { checkExpression(node.expression); } } function checkTryStatement(node) { checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); checkBlock(node.tryBlock); var catchClause = node.catchClause; if (catchClause) { if (catchClause.variableDeclaration) { if (catchClause.variableDeclaration.name.kind !== 65) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(catchClause.variableDeclaration.name, ts.Diagnostics.Catch_clause_variable_name_must_be_an_identifier); } else if (catchClause.variableDeclaration.type) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(catchClause.variableDeclaration.type, ts.Diagnostics.Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_a_type_annotation); } else if (catchClause.variableDeclaration.initializer) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(catchClause.variableDeclaration.initializer, ts.Diagnostics.Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_an_initializer); } else { var identifierName = catchClause.variableDeclaration.name.text; var locals = catchClause.block.locals; if (locals && ts.hasProperty(locals, identifierName)) { var localSymbol = locals[identifierName]; if (localSymbol && (localSymbol.flags & 2) !== 0) { grammarErrorOnNode(localSymbol.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_redeclare_identifier_0_in_catch_clause, identifierName); } } checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(node, catchClause.variableDeclaration.name); } } checkBlock(catchClause.block); } if (node.finallyBlock) { checkBlock(node.finallyBlock); } } function checkIndexConstraints(type) { var declaredNumberIndexer = getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(type.symbol, 1); var declaredStringIndexer = getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(type.symbol, 0); var stringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, 0); var numberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, 1); if (stringIndexType || numberIndexType) { ts.forEach(getPropertiesOfObjectType(type), function (prop) { var propType = getTypeOfSymbol(prop); checkIndexConstraintForProperty(prop, propType, type, declaredStringIndexer, stringIndexType, 0); checkIndexConstraintForProperty(prop, propType, type, declaredNumberIndexer, numberIndexType, 1); }); if (type.flags & 1024 && type.symbol.valueDeclaration.kind === 201) { var classDeclaration = type.symbol.valueDeclaration; for (var _i = 0, _a = classDeclaration.members; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var member = _a[_i]; if (!(member.flags & 128) && ts.hasDynamicName(member)) { var propType = getTypeOfSymbol(member.symbol); checkIndexConstraintForProperty(member.symbol, propType, type, declaredStringIndexer, stringIndexType, 0); checkIndexConstraintForProperty(member.symbol, propType, type, declaredNumberIndexer, numberIndexType, 1); } } } } var errorNode; if (stringIndexType && numberIndexType) { errorNode = declaredNumberIndexer || declaredStringIndexer; if (!errorNode && (type.flags & 2048)) { var someBaseTypeHasBothIndexers = ts.forEach(type.baseTypes, function (base) { return getIndexTypeOfType(base, 0) && getIndexTypeOfType(base, 1); }); errorNode = someBaseTypeHasBothIndexers ? undefined : type.symbol.declarations[0]; } } if (errorNode && !isTypeAssignableTo(numberIndexType, stringIndexType)) { error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Numeric_index_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_1, typeToString(numberIndexType), typeToString(stringIndexType)); } function checkIndexConstraintForProperty(prop, propertyType, containingType, indexDeclaration, indexType, indexKind) { if (!indexType) { return; } if (indexKind === 1 && !isNumericName(prop.valueDeclaration.name)) { return; } var errorNode; if (prop.valueDeclaration.name.kind === 127 || prop.parent === containingType.symbol) { errorNode = prop.valueDeclaration; } else if (indexDeclaration) { errorNode = indexDeclaration; } else if (containingType.flags & 2048) { var someBaseClassHasBothPropertyAndIndexer = ts.forEach(containingType.baseTypes, function (base) { return getPropertyOfObjectType(base, prop.name) && getIndexTypeOfType(base, indexKind); }); errorNode = someBaseClassHasBothPropertyAndIndexer ? undefined : containingType.symbol.declarations[0]; } if (errorNode && !isTypeAssignableTo(propertyType, indexType)) { var errorMessage = indexKind === 0 ? ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_numeric_index_type_2; error(errorNode, errorMessage, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(propertyType), typeToString(indexType)); } } } function checkTypeNameIsReserved(name, message) { switch (name.text) { case "any": case "number": case "boolean": case "string": case "symbol": case "void": error(name, message, name.text); } } function checkTypeParameters(typeParameterDeclarations) { if (typeParameterDeclarations) { for (var i = 0, n = typeParameterDeclarations.length; i < n; i++) { var node = typeParameterDeclarations[i]; checkTypeParameter(node); if (produceDiagnostics) { for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (typeParameterDeclarations[j].symbol === node.symbol) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0, ts.declarationNameToString(node.name)); } } } } } } function checkClassExpression(node) { grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.class_expressions_are_not_currently_supported); ts.forEach(node.members, checkSourceElement); return unknownType; } function checkClassDeclaration(node) { if (node.parent.kind !== 206 && node.parent.kind !== 227) { grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.class_declarations_are_only_supported_directly_inside_a_module_or_as_a_top_level_declaration); } checkGrammarClassDeclarationHeritageClauses(node); checkDecorators(node); if (node.name) { checkTypeNameIsReserved(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Class_name_cannot_be_0); checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithRequireExportsInGeneratedCode(node, node.name); } checkTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); checkExportsOnMergedDeclarations(node); var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); var staticType = getTypeOfSymbol(symbol); var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node); if (baseTypeNode) { if (!ts.isSupportedHeritageClauseElement(baseTypeNode)) { error(baseTypeNode.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Only_identifiers_Slashqualified_names_with_optional_type_arguments_are_currently_supported_in_a_class_extends_clauses); } emitExtends = emitExtends || !ts.isInAmbientContext(node); checkHeritageClauseElement(baseTypeNode); } if (type.baseTypes.length) { if (produceDiagnostics) { var baseType = type.baseTypes[0]; checkTypeAssignableTo(type, baseType, node.name || node, ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_1); var staticBaseType = getTypeOfSymbol(baseType.symbol); checkTypeAssignableTo(staticType, getTypeWithoutConstructors(staticBaseType), node.name || node, ts.Diagnostics.Class_static_side_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_static_side_1); if (baseType.symbol !== resolveEntityName(baseTypeNode.expression, 107455)) { error(baseTypeNode, ts.Diagnostics.Type_name_0_in_extends_clause_does_not_reference_constructor_function_for_0, typeToString(baseType)); } checkKindsOfPropertyMemberOverrides(type, baseType); } } if (type.baseTypes.length || (baseTypeNode && compilerOptions.separateCompilation)) { checkExpressionOrQualifiedName(baseTypeNode.expression); } var implementedTypeNodes = ts.getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements(node); if (implementedTypeNodes) { ts.forEach(implementedTypeNodes, function (typeRefNode) { if (!ts.isSupportedHeritageClauseElement(typeRefNode)) { error(typeRefNode.expression, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_can_only_implement_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments); } checkHeritageClauseElement(typeRefNode); if (produceDiagnostics) { var t = getTypeFromHeritageClauseElement(typeRefNode); if (t !== unknownType) { var declaredType = (t.flags & 4096) ? t.target : t; if (declaredType.flags & (1024 | 2048)) { checkTypeAssignableTo(type, t, node.name || node, ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_incorrectly_implements_interface_1); } else { error(typeRefNode, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_may_only_implement_another_class_or_interface); } } } }); } ts.forEach(node.members, checkSourceElement); if (produceDiagnostics) { checkIndexConstraints(type); checkTypeForDuplicateIndexSignatures(node); } } function getTargetSymbol(s) { return s.flags & 16777216 ? getSymbolLinks(s).target : s; } function checkKindsOfPropertyMemberOverrides(type, baseType) { // TypeScript 1.0 spec (April 2014): 8.2.3 // A derived class inherits all members from its base class it doesn't override. // Inheritance means that a derived class implicitly contains all non - overridden members of the base class. // Both public and private property members are inherited, but only public property members can be overridden. // A property member in a derived class is said to override a property member in a base class // when the derived class property member has the same name and kind(instance or static) // as the base class property member. // The type of an overriding property member must be assignable(section 3.8.4) // to the type of the overridden property member, or otherwise a compile - time error occurs. // Base class instance member functions can be overridden by derived class instance member functions, // but not by other kinds of members. // Base class instance member variables and accessors can be overridden by // derived class instance member variables and accessors, but not by other kinds of members. var baseProperties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(baseType); for (var _i = 0; _i < baseProperties.length; _i++) { var baseProperty = baseProperties[_i]; var base = getTargetSymbol(baseProperty); if (base.flags & 134217728) { continue; } var derived = getTargetSymbol(getPropertyOfObjectType(type, base.name)); if (derived) { var baseDeclarationFlags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(base); var derivedDeclarationFlags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(derived); if ((baseDeclarationFlags & 32) || (derivedDeclarationFlags & 32)) { continue; } if ((baseDeclarationFlags & 128) !== (derivedDeclarationFlags & 128)) { continue; } if ((base.flags & derived.flags & 8192) || ((base.flags & 98308) && (derived.flags & 98308))) { continue; } var errorMessage = void 0; if (base.flags & 8192) { if (derived.flags & 98304) { errorMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_accessor; } else { ts.Debug.assert((derived.flags & 4) !== 0); errorMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_property; } } else if (base.flags & 4) { ts.Debug.assert((derived.flags & 8192) !== 0); errorMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_defines_instance_member_property_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function; } else { ts.Debug.assert((base.flags & 98304) !== 0); ts.Debug.assert((derived.flags & 8192) !== 0); errorMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_defines_instance_member_accessor_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function; } error(derived.valueDeclaration.name, errorMessage, typeToString(baseType), symbolToString(base), typeToString(type)); } } } function isAccessor(kind) { return kind === 136 || kind === 137; } function areTypeParametersIdentical(list1, list2) { if (!list1 && !list2) { return true; } if (!list1 || !list2 || list1.length !== list2.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0, len = list1.length; i < len; i++) { var tp1 = list1[i]; var tp2 = list2[i]; if (tp1.name.text !== tp2.name.text) { return false; } if (!tp1.constraint && !tp2.constraint) { continue; } if (!tp1.constraint || !tp2.constraint) { return false; } if (!isTypeIdenticalTo(getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(tp1.constraint), getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(tp2.constraint))) { return false; } } return true; } function checkInheritedPropertiesAreIdentical(type, typeNode) { if (!type.baseTypes.length || type.baseTypes.length === 1) { return true; } var seen = {}; ts.forEach(type.declaredProperties, function (p) { seen[p.name] = { prop: p, containingType: type }; }); var ok = true; for (var _i = 0, _a = type.baseTypes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var base = _a[_i]; var properties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(base); for (var _b = 0; _b < properties.length; _b++) { var prop = properties[_b]; if (!ts.hasProperty(seen, prop.name)) { seen[prop.name] = { prop: prop, containingType: base }; } else { var existing = seen[prop.name]; var isInheritedProperty = existing.containingType !== type; if (isInheritedProperty && !isPropertyIdenticalTo(existing.prop, prop)) { ok = false; var typeName1 = typeToString(existing.containingType); var typeName2 = typeToString(base); var errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(undefined, ts.Diagnostics.Named_property_0_of_types_1_and_2_are_not_identical, symbolToString(prop), typeName1, typeName2); errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, ts.Diagnostics.Interface_0_cannot_simultaneously_extend_types_1_and_2, typeToString(type), typeName1, typeName2); diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(typeNode, errorInfo)); } } } } return ok; } function checkInterfaceDeclaration(node) { checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarInterfaceDeclaration(node); checkTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); if (produceDiagnostics) { checkTypeNameIsReserved(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Interface_name_cannot_be_0); checkExportsOnMergedDeclarations(node); var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var firstInterfaceDecl = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 202); if (symbol.declarations.length > 1) { if (node !== firstInterfaceDecl && !areTypeParametersIdentical(firstInterfaceDecl.typeParameters, node.typeParameters)) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.All_declarations_of_an_interface_must_have_identical_type_parameters); } } if (node === firstInterfaceDecl) { var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); if (checkInheritedPropertiesAreIdentical(type, node.name)) { ts.forEach(type.baseTypes, function (baseType) { checkTypeAssignableTo(type, baseType, node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Interface_0_incorrectly_extends_interface_1); }); checkIndexConstraints(type); } } } ts.forEach(ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(node), function (heritageElement) { if (!ts.isSupportedHeritageClauseElement(heritageElement)) { error(heritageElement.expression, ts.Diagnostics.An_interface_can_only_extend_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments); } checkHeritageClauseElement(heritageElement); }); ts.forEach(node.members, checkSourceElement); if (produceDiagnostics) { checkTypeForDuplicateIndexSignatures(node); } } function checkTypeAliasDeclaration(node) { checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node); checkTypeNameIsReserved(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Type_alias_name_cannot_be_0); checkSourceElement(node.type); } function computeEnumMemberValues(node) { var nodeLinks = getNodeLinks(node); if (!(nodeLinks.flags & 128)) { var enumSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var enumType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(enumSymbol); var autoValue = 0; var ambient = ts.isInAmbientContext(node); var enumIsConst = ts.isConst(node); ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) { if (member.name.kind !== 127 && isNumericLiteralName(member.name.text)) { error(member.name, ts.Diagnostics.An_enum_member_cannot_have_a_numeric_name); } var initializer = member.initializer; if (initializer) { autoValue = getConstantValueForEnumMemberInitializer(initializer); if (autoValue === undefined) { if (enumIsConst) { error(initializer, ts.Diagnostics.In_const_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression); } else if (!ambient) { checkTypeAssignableTo(checkExpression(initializer), enumType, initializer, undefined); } } else if (enumIsConst) { if (isNaN(autoValue)) { error(initializer, ts.Diagnostics.const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_disallowed_value_NaN); } else if (!isFinite(autoValue)) { error(initializer, ts.Diagnostics.const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_a_non_finite_value); } } } else if (ambient && !enumIsConst) { autoValue = undefined; } if (autoValue !== undefined) { getNodeLinks(member).enumMemberValue = autoValue++; } }); nodeLinks.flags |= 128; } function getConstantValueForEnumMemberInitializer(initializer) { return evalConstant(initializer); function evalConstant(e) { switch (e.kind) { case 167: var value = evalConstant(e.operand); if (value === undefined) { return undefined; } switch (e.operator) { case 33: return value; case 34: return -value; case 47: return ~value; } return undefined; case 169: var left = evalConstant(e.left); if (left === undefined) { return undefined; } var right = evalConstant(e.right); if (right === undefined) { return undefined; } switch (e.operatorToken.kind) { case 44: return left | right; case 43: return left & right; case 41: return left >> right; case 42: return left >>> right; case 40: return left << right; case 45: return left ^ right; case 35: return left * right; case 36: return left / right; case 33: return left + right; case 34: return left - right; case 37: return left % right; } return undefined; case 7: return +e.text; case 161: return evalConstant(e.expression); case 65: case 156: case 155: var member = initializer.parent; var currentType = getTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(member.parent)); var enumType; var propertyName; if (e.kind === 65) { enumType = currentType; propertyName = e.text; } else { var expression; if (e.kind === 156) { if (e.argumentExpression === undefined || e.argumentExpression.kind !== 8) { return undefined; } expression = e.expression; propertyName = e.argumentExpression.text; } else { expression = e.expression; propertyName = e.name.text; } var current = expression; while (current) { if (current.kind === 65) { break; } else if (current.kind === 155) { current = current.expression; } else { return undefined; } } enumType = checkExpression(expression); if (!(enumType.symbol && (enumType.symbol.flags & 384))) { return undefined; } } if (propertyName === undefined) { return undefined; } var property = getPropertyOfObjectType(enumType, propertyName); if (!property || !(property.flags & 8)) { return undefined; } var propertyDecl = property.valueDeclaration; if (member === propertyDecl) { return undefined; } if (!isDefinedBefore(propertyDecl, member)) { return undefined; } return getNodeLinks(propertyDecl).enumMemberValue; } } } } function checkEnumDeclaration(node) { if (!produceDiagnostics) { return; } checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarEnumDeclaration(node); checkTypeNameIsReserved(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Enum_name_cannot_be_0); checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithRequireExportsInGeneratedCode(node, node.name); checkExportsOnMergedDeclarations(node); computeEnumMemberValues(node); var enumIsConst = ts.isConst(node); if (compilerOptions.separateCompilation && enumIsConst && ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Ambient_const_enums_are_not_allowed_when_the_separateCompilation_flag_is_provided); } var enumSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var firstDeclaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(enumSymbol, node.kind); if (node === firstDeclaration) { if (enumSymbol.declarations.length > 1) { ts.forEach(enumSymbol.declarations, function (decl) { if (ts.isConstEnumDeclaration(decl) !== enumIsConst) { error(decl.name, ts.Diagnostics.Enum_declarations_must_all_be_const_or_non_const); } }); } var seenEnumMissingInitialInitializer = false; ts.forEach(enumSymbol.declarations, function (declaration) { if (declaration.kind !== 204) { return false; } var enumDeclaration = declaration; if (!enumDeclaration.members.length) { return false; } var firstEnumMember = enumDeclaration.members[0]; if (!firstEnumMember.initializer) { if (seenEnumMissingInitialInitializer) { error(firstEnumMember.name, ts.Diagnostics.In_an_enum_with_multiple_declarations_only_one_declaration_can_omit_an_initializer_for_its_first_enum_element); } else { seenEnumMissingInitialInitializer = true; } } }); } } function getFirstNonAmbientClassOrFunctionDeclaration(symbol) { var declarations = symbol.declarations; for (var _i = 0; _i < declarations.length; _i++) { var declaration = declarations[_i]; if ((declaration.kind === 201 || (declaration.kind === 200 && ts.nodeIsPresent(declaration.body))) && !ts.isInAmbientContext(declaration)) { return declaration; } } return undefined; } function checkModuleDeclaration(node) { if (produceDiagnostics) { if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node)) { if (!ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && node.name.kind === 8) { grammarErrorOnNode(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Only_ambient_modules_can_use_quoted_names); } } checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithRequireExportsInGeneratedCode(node, node.name); checkExportsOnMergedDeclarations(node); var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); if (symbol.flags & 512 && symbol.declarations.length > 1 && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && ts.isInstantiatedModule(node, compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums || compilerOptions.separateCompilation)) { var classOrFunc = getFirstNonAmbientClassOrFunctionDeclaration(symbol); if (classOrFunc) { if (ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node) !== ts.getSourceFileOfNode(classOrFunc)) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_module_declaration_cannot_be_in_a_different_file_from_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged); } else if (node.pos < classOrFunc.pos) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_module_declaration_cannot_be_located_prior_to_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged); } } } if (node.name.kind === 8) { if (!isGlobalSourceFile(node.parent)) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Ambient_external_modules_cannot_be_nested_in_other_modules); } if (isExternalModuleNameRelative(node.name.text)) { error(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Ambient_external_module_declaration_cannot_specify_relative_module_name); } } } checkSourceElement(node.body); } function getFirstIdentifier(node) { while (true) { if (node.kind === 126) { node = node.left; } else if (node.kind === 155) { node = node.expression; } else { break; } } ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 65); return node; } function checkExternalImportOrExportDeclaration(node) { var moduleName = ts.getExternalModuleName(node); if (!ts.nodeIsMissing(moduleName) && moduleName.kind !== 8) { error(moduleName, ts.Diagnostics.String_literal_expected); return false; } var inAmbientExternalModule = node.parent.kind === 206 && node.parent.parent.name.kind === 8; if (node.parent.kind !== 227 && !inAmbientExternalModule) { error(moduleName, node.kind === 215 ? ts.Diagnostics.Export_declarations_are_not_permitted_in_an_internal_module : ts.Diagnostics.Import_declarations_in_an_internal_module_cannot_reference_an_external_module); return false; } if (inAmbientExternalModule && isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName.text)) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Import_or_export_declaration_in_an_ambient_external_module_declaration_cannot_reference_external_module_through_relative_external_module_name); return false; } return true; } function checkAliasSymbol(node) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var target = resolveAlias(symbol); if (target !== unknownSymbol) { var excludedMeanings = (symbol.flags & 107455 ? 107455 : 0) | (symbol.flags & 793056 ? 793056 : 0) | (symbol.flags & 1536 ? 1536 : 0); if (target.flags & excludedMeanings) { var message = node.kind === 217 ? ts.Diagnostics.Export_declaration_conflicts_with_exported_declaration_of_0 : ts.Diagnostics.Import_declaration_conflicts_with_local_declaration_of_0; error(node, message, symbolToString(symbol)); } } } function checkImportBinding(node) { checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node.name); checkCollisionWithRequireExportsInGeneratedCode(node, node.name); checkAliasSymbol(node); } function checkImportDeclaration(node) { if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node) && (node.flags & 499)) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_import_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers); } if (checkExternalImportOrExportDeclaration(node)) { var importClause = node.importClause; if (importClause) { if (importClause.name) { checkImportBinding(importClause); } if (importClause.namedBindings) { if (importClause.namedBindings.kind === 211) { checkImportBinding(importClause.namedBindings); } else { ts.forEach(importClause.namedBindings.elements, checkImportBinding); } } } } } function checkImportEqualsDeclaration(node) { checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node); if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node) || checkExternalImportOrExportDeclaration(node)) { checkImportBinding(node); if (node.flags & 1) { markExportAsReferenced(node); } if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { var target = resolveAlias(getSymbolOfNode(node)); if (target !== unknownSymbol) { if (target.flags & 107455) { var moduleName = getFirstIdentifier(node.moduleReference); if (!(resolveEntityName(moduleName, 107455 | 1536).flags & 1536)) { error(moduleName, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_is_hidden_by_a_local_declaration_with_the_same_name, ts.declarationNameToString(moduleName)); } } if (target.flags & 793056) { checkTypeNameIsReserved(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Import_name_cannot_be_0); } } } else { if (languageVersion >= 2) { grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Import_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_or_higher_Consider_using_import_Asterisk_as_ns_from_mod_import_a_from_mod_or_import_d_from_mod_instead); } } } } function checkExportDeclaration(node) { if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node) && (node.flags & 499)) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers); } if (!node.moduleSpecifier || checkExternalImportOrExportDeclaration(node)) { if (node.exportClause) { ts.forEach(node.exportClause.elements, checkExportSpecifier); var inAmbientExternalModule = node.parent.kind === 206 && node.parent.parent.name.kind === 8; if (node.parent.kind !== 227 && !inAmbientExternalModule) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Export_declarations_are_not_permitted_in_an_internal_module); } } else { var moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.moduleSpecifier); if (moduleSymbol && moduleSymbol.exports["export="]) { error(node.moduleSpecifier, ts.Diagnostics.External_module_0_uses_export_and_cannot_be_used_with_export_Asterisk, symbolToString(moduleSymbol)); } } } } function checkExportSpecifier(node) { checkAliasSymbol(node); if (!node.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier) { markExportAsReferenced(node); } } function checkExportAssignment(node) { var container = node.parent.kind === 227 ? node.parent : node.parent.parent; if (container.kind === 205 && container.name.kind === 65) { error(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_an_internal_module); return; } if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node) && (node.flags & 499)) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_assignment_cannot_have_modifiers); } if (node.expression) { if (node.expression.kind === 65) { markExportAsReferenced(node); } else { checkExpressionCached(node.expression); } } if (node.type) { checkSourceElement(node.type); if (!ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node.type, ts.Diagnostics.A_type_annotation_on_an_export_statement_is_only_allowed_in_an_ambient_external_module_declaration); } } checkExternalModuleExports(container); if (node.isExportEquals && languageVersion >= 2) { grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Export_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_6_or_higher_Consider_using_export_default_instead); } } function getModuleStatements(node) { if (node.kind === 227) { return node.statements; } if (node.kind === 205 && node.body.kind === 206) { return node.body.statements; } return emptyArray; } function hasExportedMembers(moduleSymbol) { for (var id in moduleSymbol.exports) { if (id !== "export=") { return true; } } return false; } function checkExternalModuleExports(node) { var moduleSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var links = getSymbolLinks(moduleSymbol); if (!links.exportsChecked) { var exportEqualsSymbol = moduleSymbol.exports["export="]; if (exportEqualsSymbol && hasExportedMembers(moduleSymbol)) { var declaration = getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(exportEqualsSymbol) || exportEqualsSymbol.valueDeclaration; error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_module_with_other_exported_elements); } links.exportsChecked = true; } } function checkSourceElement(node) { if (!node) return; switch (node.kind) { case 128: return checkTypeParameter(node); case 129: return checkParameter(node); case 132: case 131: return checkPropertyDeclaration(node); case 142: case 143: case 138: case 139: return checkSignatureDeclaration(node); case 140: return checkSignatureDeclaration(node); case 134: case 133: return checkMethodDeclaration(node); case 135: return checkConstructorDeclaration(node); case 136: case 137: return checkAccessorDeclaration(node); case 141: return checkTypeReferenceNode(node); case 144: return checkTypeQuery(node); case 145: return checkTypeLiteral(node); case 146: return checkArrayType(node); case 147: return checkTupleType(node); case 148: return checkUnionType(node); case 149: return checkSourceElement(node.type); case 200: return checkFunctionDeclaration(node); case 179: case 206: return checkBlock(node); case 180: return checkVariableStatement(node); case 182: return checkExpressionStatement(node); case 183: return checkIfStatement(node); case 184: return checkDoStatement(node); case 185: return checkWhileStatement(node); case 186: return checkForStatement(node); case 187: return checkForInStatement(node); case 188: return checkForOfStatement(node); case 189: case 190: return checkBreakOrContinueStatement(node); case 191: return checkReturnStatement(node); case 192: return checkWithStatement(node); case 193: return checkSwitchStatement(node); case 194: return checkLabeledStatement(node); case 195: return checkThrowStatement(node); case 196: return checkTryStatement(node); case 198: return checkVariableDeclaration(node); case 152: return checkBindingElement(node); case 201: return checkClassDeclaration(node); case 202: return checkInterfaceDeclaration(node); case 203: return checkTypeAliasDeclaration(node); case 204: return checkEnumDeclaration(node); case 205: return checkModuleDeclaration(node); case 209: return checkImportDeclaration(node); case 208: return checkImportEqualsDeclaration(node); case 215: return checkExportDeclaration(node); case 214: return checkExportAssignment(node); case 181: checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); return; case 197: checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node); return; case 218: return checkMissingDeclaration(node); } } function checkFunctionExpressionBodies(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 162: case 163: ts.forEach(node.parameters, checkFunctionExpressionBodies); checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethodBody(node); break; case 134: case 133: ts.forEach(node.parameters, checkFunctionExpressionBodies); if (ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node)) { checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethodBody(node); } break; case 135: case 136: case 137: case 200: ts.forEach(node.parameters, checkFunctionExpressionBodies); break; case 192: checkFunctionExpressionBodies(node.expression); break; case 129: case 132: case 131: case 150: case 151: case 152: case 153: case 154: case 224: case 155: case 156: case 157: case 158: case 159: case 171: case 176: case 160: case 161: case 165: case 166: case 164: case 167: case 168: case 169: case 170: case 173: case 179: case 206: case 180: case 182: case 183: case 184: case 185: case 186: case 187: case 188: case 189: case 190: case 191: case 193: case 207: case 220: case 221: case 194: case 195: case 196: case 223: case 198: case 199: case 201: case 204: case 226: case 214: case 227: ts.forEachChild(node, checkFunctionExpressionBodies); break; } } function checkSourceFile(node) { var start = new Date().getTime(); checkSourceFileWorker(node); ts.checkTime += new Date().getTime() - start; } function checkSourceFileWorker(node) { var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!(links.flags & 1)) { checkGrammarSourceFile(node); emitExtends = false; potentialThisCollisions.length = 0; ts.forEach(node.statements, checkSourceElement); checkFunctionExpressionBodies(node); if (ts.isExternalModule(node)) { checkExternalModuleExports(node); } if (potentialThisCollisions.length) { ts.forEach(potentialThisCollisions, checkIfThisIsCapturedInEnclosingScope); potentialThisCollisions.length = 0; } if (emitExtends) { links.flags |= 8; } if (emitDecorate) { links.flags |= 512; } links.flags |= 1; } } function getDiagnostics(sourceFile) { throwIfNonDiagnosticsProducing(); if (sourceFile) { checkSourceFile(sourceFile); return diagnostics.getDiagnostics(sourceFile.fileName); } ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), checkSourceFile); return diagnostics.getDiagnostics(); } function getGlobalDiagnostics() { throwIfNonDiagnosticsProducing(); return diagnostics.getGlobalDiagnostics(); } function throwIfNonDiagnosticsProducing() { if (!produceDiagnostics) { throw new Error("Trying to get diagnostics from a type checker that does not produce them."); } } function isInsideWithStatementBody(node) { if (node) { while (node.parent) { if (node.parent.kind === 192 && node.parent.statement === node) { return true; } node = node.parent; } } return false; } function getSymbolsInScope(location, meaning) { var symbols = {}; var memberFlags = 0; if (isInsideWithStatementBody(location)) { return []; } populateSymbols(); return symbolsToArray(symbols); function populateSymbols() { while (location) { if (location.locals && !isGlobalSourceFile(location)) { copySymbols(location.locals, meaning); } switch (location.kind) { case 227: if (!ts.isExternalModule(location)) { break; } case 205: copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, meaning & 8914931); break; case 204: copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, meaning & 8); break; case 201: case 202: if (!(memberFlags & 128)) { copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).members, meaning & 793056); } break; case 162: if (location.name) { copySymbol(location.symbol, meaning); } break; } memberFlags = location.flags; location = location.parent; } copySymbols(globals, meaning); } function copySymbol(symbol, meaning) { if (symbol.flags & meaning) { var id = symbol.name; if (!isReservedMemberName(id) && !ts.hasProperty(symbols, id)) { symbols[id] = symbol; } } } function copySymbols(source, meaning) { if (meaning) { for (var id in source) { if (ts.hasProperty(source, id)) { copySymbol(source[id], meaning); } } } } if (isInsideWithStatementBody(location)) { return []; } while (location) { if (location.locals && !isGlobalSourceFile(location)) { copySymbols(location.locals, meaning); } switch (location.kind) { case 227: if (!ts.isExternalModule(location)) break; case 205: copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, meaning & 8914931); break; case 204: copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, meaning & 8); break; case 201: case 202: if (!(memberFlags & 128)) { copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).members, meaning & 793056); } break; case 162: if (location.name) { copySymbol(location.symbol, meaning); } break; } memberFlags = location.flags; location = location.parent; } copySymbols(globals, meaning); return symbolsToArray(symbols); } function isTypeDeclarationName(name) { return name.kind == 65 && isTypeDeclaration(name.parent) && name.parent.name === name; } function isTypeDeclaration(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 128: case 201: case 202: case 203: case 204: return true; } } function isTypeReferenceIdentifier(entityName) { var node = entityName; while (node.parent && node.parent.kind === 126) { node = node.parent; } return node.parent && node.parent.kind === 141; } function isHeritageClauseElementIdentifier(entityName) { var node = entityName; while (node.parent && node.parent.kind === 155) { node = node.parent; } return node.parent && node.parent.kind === 177; } function isTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node) { if (141 <= node.kind && node.kind <= 149) { return true; } switch (node.kind) { case 112: case 119: case 121: case 113: case 122: return true; case 99: return node.parent.kind !== 166; case 8: return node.parent.kind === 129; case 177: return true; case 65: if (node.parent.kind === 126 && node.parent.right === node) { node = node.parent; } else if (node.parent.kind === 155 && node.parent.name === node) { node = node.parent; } case 126: case 155: ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 65 || node.kind === 126 || node.kind === 155, "'node' was expected to be a qualified name, identifier or property access in 'isTypeNode'."); var parent_5 = node.parent; if (parent_5.kind === 144) { return false; } if (141 <= parent_5.kind && parent_5.kind <= 149) { return true; } switch (parent_5.kind) { case 177: return true; case 128: return node === parent_5.constraint; case 132: case 131: case 129: case 198: return node === parent_5.type; case 200: case 162: case 163: case 135: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: return node === parent_5.type; case 138: case 139: case 140: return node === parent_5.type; case 160: return node === parent_5.type; case 157: case 158: return parent_5.typeArguments && ts.indexOf(parent_5.typeArguments, node) >= 0; case 159: return false; } } return false; } function getLeftSideOfImportEqualsOrExportAssignment(nodeOnRightSide) { while (nodeOnRightSide.parent.kind === 126) { nodeOnRightSide = nodeOnRightSide.parent; } if (nodeOnRightSide.parent.kind === 208) { return nodeOnRightSide.parent.moduleReference === nodeOnRightSide && nodeOnRightSide.parent; } if (nodeOnRightSide.parent.kind === 214) { return nodeOnRightSide.parent.expression === nodeOnRightSide && nodeOnRightSide.parent; } return undefined; } function isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(node) { return getLeftSideOfImportEqualsOrExportAssignment(node) !== undefined; } function getSymbolOfEntityNameOrPropertyAccessExpression(entityName) { if (ts.isDeclarationName(entityName)) { return getSymbolOfNode(entityName.parent); } if (entityName.parent.kind === 214) { return resolveEntityName(entityName, 107455 | 793056 | 1536 | 8388608); } if (entityName.kind !== 155) { if (isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(entityName)) { return getSymbolOfPartOfRightHandSideOfImportEquals(entityName); } } if (ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(entityName)) { entityName = entityName.parent; } if (isHeritageClauseElementIdentifier(entityName)) { var meaning = entityName.parent.kind === 177 ? 793056 : 1536; meaning |= 8388608; return resolveEntityName(entityName, meaning); } else if (ts.isExpression(entityName)) { if (ts.nodeIsMissing(entityName)) { return undefined; } if (entityName.kind === 65) { var meaning = 107455 | 8388608; return resolveEntityName(entityName, meaning); } else if (entityName.kind === 155) { var symbol = getNodeLinks(entityName).resolvedSymbol; if (!symbol) { checkPropertyAccessExpression(entityName); } return getNodeLinks(entityName).resolvedSymbol; } else if (entityName.kind === 126) { var symbol = getNodeLinks(entityName).resolvedSymbol; if (!symbol) { checkQualifiedName(entityName); } return getNodeLinks(entityName).resolvedSymbol; } } else if (isTypeReferenceIdentifier(entityName)) { var meaning = entityName.parent.kind === 141 ? 793056 : 1536; meaning |= 8388608; return resolveEntityName(entityName, meaning); } return undefined; } function getSymbolInfo(node) { if (isInsideWithStatementBody(node)) { return undefined; } if (ts.isDeclarationName(node)) { return getSymbolOfNode(node.parent); } if (node.kind === 65 && isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(node)) { return node.parent.kind === 214 ? getSymbolOfEntityNameOrPropertyAccessExpression(node) : getSymbolOfPartOfRightHandSideOfImportEquals(node); } switch (node.kind) { case 65: case 155: case 126: return getSymbolOfEntityNameOrPropertyAccessExpression(node); case 93: case 91: var type = checkExpression(node); return type.symbol; case 114: var constructorDeclaration = node.parent; if (constructorDeclaration && constructorDeclaration.kind === 135) { return constructorDeclaration.parent.symbol; } return undefined; case 8: var moduleName; if ((ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node.parent.parent) && ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node.parent.parent) === node) || ((node.parent.kind === 209 || node.parent.kind === 215) && node.parent.moduleSpecifier === node)) { return resolveExternalModuleName(node, node); } case 7: if (node.parent.kind == 156 && node.parent.argumentExpression === node) { var objectType = checkExpression(node.parent.expression); if (objectType === unknownType) return undefined; var apparentType = getApparentType(objectType); if (apparentType === unknownType) return undefined; return getPropertyOfType(apparentType, node.text); } break; } return undefined; } function getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(location) { if (location && location.kind === 225) { return resolveEntityName(location.name, 107455); } return undefined; } function getTypeOfNode(node) { if (isInsideWithStatementBody(node)) { return unknownType; } if (isTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node)) { return getTypeFromTypeNodeOrHeritageClauseElement(node); } if (ts.isExpression(node)) { return getTypeOfExpression(node); } if (isTypeDeclaration(node)) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); return getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); } if (isTypeDeclarationName(node)) { var symbol = getSymbolInfo(node); return symbol && getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); } if (ts.isDeclaration(node)) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); return getTypeOfSymbol(symbol); } if (ts.isDeclarationName(node)) { var symbol = getSymbolInfo(node); return symbol && getTypeOfSymbol(symbol); } if (isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(node)) { var symbol = getSymbolInfo(node); var declaredType = symbol && getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol); return declaredType !== unknownType ? declaredType : getTypeOfSymbol(symbol); } return unknownType; } function getTypeOfExpression(expr) { if (ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(expr)) { expr = expr.parent; } return checkExpression(expr); } function getAugmentedPropertiesOfType(type) { type = getApparentType(type); var propsByName = createSymbolTable(getPropertiesOfType(type)); if (getSignaturesOfType(type, 0).length || getSignaturesOfType(type, 1).length) { ts.forEach(getPropertiesOfType(globalFunctionType), function (p) { if (!ts.hasProperty(propsByName, p.name)) { propsByName[p.name] = p; } }); } return getNamedMembers(propsByName); } function getRootSymbols(symbol) { if (symbol.flags & 268435456) { var symbols = []; var name_10 = symbol.name; ts.forEach(getSymbolLinks(symbol).unionType.types, function (t) { symbols.push(getPropertyOfType(t, name_10)); }); return symbols; } else if (symbol.flags & 67108864) { var target = getSymbolLinks(symbol).target; if (target) { return [target]; } } return [symbol]; } function isExternalModuleSymbol(symbol) { return symbol.flags & 512 && symbol.declarations.length === 1 && symbol.declarations[0].kind === 227; } function getAliasNameSubstitution(symbol, getGeneratedNameForNode) { if (languageVersion >= 2) { return undefined; } var node = getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol); if (node) { if (node.kind === 210) { return getGeneratedNameForNode(node.parent) + ".default"; } if (node.kind === 213) { var moduleName = getGeneratedNameForNode(node.parent.parent.parent); var propertyName = node.propertyName || node.name; return moduleName + "." + ts.unescapeIdentifier(propertyName.text); } } } function getExportNameSubstitution(symbol, location, getGeneratedNameForNode) { if (isExternalModuleSymbol(symbol.parent)) { if (languageVersion >= 2) { return undefined; } return "exports." + ts.unescapeIdentifier(symbol.name); } var node = location; var containerSymbol = getParentOfSymbol(symbol); while (node) { if ((node.kind === 205 || node.kind === 204) && getSymbolOfNode(node) === containerSymbol) { return getGeneratedNameForNode(node) + "." + ts.unescapeIdentifier(symbol.name); } node = node.parent; } } function getExpressionNameSubstitution(node, getGeneratedNameForNode) { var symbol = getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol || (ts.isDeclarationName(node) ? getSymbolOfNode(node.parent) : undefined); if (symbol) { if (symbol.parent) { return getExportNameSubstitution(symbol, node.parent, getGeneratedNameForNode); } var exportSymbol = getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(symbol); if (symbol !== exportSymbol && !(exportSymbol.flags & 944)) { return getExportNameSubstitution(exportSymbol, node.parent, getGeneratedNameForNode); } if (symbol.flags & 8388608) { return getAliasNameSubstitution(symbol, getGeneratedNameForNode); } } } function isValueAliasDeclaration(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 208: case 210: case 211: case 213: case 217: return isAliasResolvedToValue(getSymbolOfNode(node)); case 215: var exportClause = node.exportClause; return exportClause && ts.forEach(exportClause.elements, isValueAliasDeclaration); case 214: return node.expression && node.expression.kind === 65 ? isAliasResolvedToValue(getSymbolOfNode(node)) : true; } return false; } function isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName(node) { if (node.parent.kind !== 227 || !ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { return false; } var isValue = isAliasResolvedToValue(getSymbolOfNode(node)); return isValue && node.moduleReference && !ts.nodeIsMissing(node.moduleReference); } function isAliasResolvedToValue(symbol) { var target = resolveAlias(symbol); if (target === unknownSymbol && compilerOptions.separateCompilation) { return true; } return target !== unknownSymbol && target && target.flags & 107455 && !isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(target); } function isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(s) { return isConstEnumSymbol(s) || s.constEnumOnlyModule; } function isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node, checkChildren) { if (ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration(node)) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); if (getSymbolLinks(symbol).referenced) { return true; } } if (checkChildren) { return ts.forEachChild(node, function (node) { return isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node, checkChildren); }); } return false; } function isImplementationOfOverload(node) { if (ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body)) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node); var signaturesOfSymbol = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol); return signaturesOfSymbol.length > 1 || (signaturesOfSymbol.length === 1 && signaturesOfSymbol[0].declaration !== node); } return false; } function getNodeCheckFlags(node) { return getNodeLinks(node).flags; } function getEnumMemberValue(node) { computeEnumMemberValues(node.parent); return getNodeLinks(node).enumMemberValue; } function getConstantValue(node) { if (node.kind === 226) { return getEnumMemberValue(node); } var symbol = getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol; if (symbol && (symbol.flags & 8)) { if (ts.isConstEnumDeclaration(symbol.valueDeclaration.parent)) { return getEnumMemberValue(symbol.valueDeclaration); } } return undefined; } function writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration, enclosingDeclaration, flags, writer) { var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(declaration); var type = symbol && !(symbol.flags & (2048 | 131072)) ? getTypeOfSymbol(symbol) : unknownType; getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags); } function writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration(signatureDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration, flags, writer) { var signature = getSignatureFromDeclaration(signatureDeclaration); getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature), writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags); } function writeTypeOfExpression(expr, enclosingDeclaration, flags, writer) { var type = getTypeOfExpression(expr); getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags); } function hasGlobalName(name) { return ts.hasProperty(globals, name); } function resolvesToSomeValue(location, name) { ts.Debug.assert(!ts.nodeIsSynthesized(location), "resolvesToSomeValue called with a synthesized location"); return !!resolveName(location, name, 107455, undefined, undefined); } function getBlockScopedVariableId(n) { ts.Debug.assert(!ts.nodeIsSynthesized(n)); var isVariableDeclarationOrBindingElement = n.parent.kind === 152 || (n.parent.kind === 198 && n.parent.name === n); var symbol = (isVariableDeclarationOrBindingElement ? getSymbolOfNode(n.parent) : undefined) || getNodeLinks(n).resolvedSymbol || resolveName(n, n.text, 107455 | 8388608, undefined, undefined); var isLetOrConst = symbol && (symbol.flags & 2) && symbol.valueDeclaration.parent.kind !== 223; if (isLetOrConst) { getSymbolLinks(symbol); return symbol.id; } return undefined; } function instantiateSingleCallFunctionType(functionType, typeArguments) { if (functionType === unknownType) { return unknownType; } var signature = getSingleCallSignature(functionType); if (!signature) { return unknownType; } var instantiatedSignature = getSignatureInstantiation(signature, typeArguments); return getOrCreateTypeFromSignature(instantiatedSignature); } function createResolver() { return { getExpressionNameSubstitution: getExpressionNameSubstitution, isValueAliasDeclaration: isValueAliasDeclaration, hasGlobalName: hasGlobalName, isReferencedAliasDeclaration: isReferencedAliasDeclaration, getNodeCheckFlags: getNodeCheckFlags, isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName: isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName, isDeclarationVisible: isDeclarationVisible, isImplementationOfOverload: isImplementationOfOverload, writeTypeOfDeclaration: writeTypeOfDeclaration, writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration: writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration, writeTypeOfExpression: writeTypeOfExpression, isSymbolAccessible: isSymbolAccessible, isEntityNameVisible: isEntityNameVisible, getConstantValue: getConstantValue, resolvesToSomeValue: resolvesToSomeValue, collectLinkedAliases: collectLinkedAliases, getBlockScopedVariableId: getBlockScopedVariableId }; } function initializeTypeChecker() { ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), function (file) { ts.bindSourceFile(file); }); ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), function (file) { if (!ts.isExternalModule(file)) { mergeSymbolTable(globals, file.locals); } }); getSymbolLinks(undefinedSymbol).type = undefinedType; getSymbolLinks(argumentsSymbol).type = getGlobalType("IArguments"); getSymbolLinks(unknownSymbol).type = unknownType; globals[undefinedSymbol.name] = undefinedSymbol; globalArraySymbol = getGlobalTypeSymbol("Array"); globalArrayType = getTypeOfGlobalSymbol(globalArraySymbol, 1); globalObjectType = getGlobalType("Object"); globalFunctionType = getGlobalType("Function"); globalStringType = getGlobalType("String"); globalNumberType = getGlobalType("Number"); globalBooleanType = getGlobalType("Boolean"); globalRegExpType = getGlobalType("RegExp"); globalTypedPropertyDescriptorType = getTypeOfGlobalSymbol(getGlobalTypeSymbol("TypedPropertyDescriptor"), 1); globalClassDecoratorType = getGlobalType("ClassDecorator"); globalPropertyDecoratorType = getGlobalType("PropertyDecorator"); globalMethodDecoratorType = getGlobalType("MethodDecorator"); globalParameterDecoratorType = getGlobalType("ParameterDecorator"); if (languageVersion >= 2) { globalTemplateStringsArrayType = getGlobalType("TemplateStringsArray"); globalESSymbolType = getGlobalType("Symbol"); globalESSymbolConstructorSymbol = getGlobalValueSymbol("Symbol"); globalIterableType = getGlobalType("Iterable", 1); } else { globalTemplateStringsArrayType = unknownType; globalESSymbolType = createAnonymousType(undefined, emptySymbols, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined); globalESSymbolConstructorSymbol = undefined; } anyArrayType = createArrayType(anyType); } function checkGrammarDecorators(node) { if (!node.decorators) { return false; } if (!ts.nodeCanBeDecorated(node)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Decorators_are_not_valid_here); } else if (languageVersion < 1) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Decorators_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher); } else if (node.kind === 136 || node.kind === 137) { var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.parent.members, node); if (accessors.firstAccessor.decorators && node === accessors.secondAccessor) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Decorators_cannot_be_applied_to_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_of_the_same_name); } } return false; } function checkGrammarModifiers(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 136: case 137: case 135: case 132: case 131: case 134: case 133: case 140: case 201: case 202: case 205: case 204: case 180: case 200: case 203: case 209: case 208: case 215: case 214: case 129: break; default: return false; } if (!node.modifiers) { return; } var lastStatic, lastPrivate, lastProtected, lastDeclare; var flags = 0; for (var _i = 0, _a = node.modifiers; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var modifier = _a[_i]; switch (modifier.kind) { case 109: case 108: case 107: var text = void 0; if (modifier.kind === 109) { text = "public"; } else if (modifier.kind === 108) { text = "protected"; lastProtected = modifier; } else { text = "private"; lastPrivate = modifier; } if (flags & 112) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics.Accessibility_modifier_already_seen); } else if (flags & 128) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, text, "static"); } else if (node.parent.kind === 206 || node.parent.kind === 227) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_module_element, text); } flags |= ts.modifierToFlag(modifier.kind); break; case 110: if (flags & 128) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "static"); } else if (node.parent.kind === 206 || node.parent.kind === 227) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_module_element, "static"); } else if (node.kind === 129) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter, "static"); } flags |= 128; lastStatic = modifier; break; case 78: if (flags & 1) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "export"); } else if (flags & 2) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, "export", "declare"); } else if (node.parent.kind === 201) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_class_element, "export"); } else if (node.kind === 129) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter, "export"); } flags |= 1; break; case 115: if (flags & 2) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "declare"); } else if (node.parent.kind === 201) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_class_element, "declare"); } else if (node.kind === 129) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter, "declare"); } else if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node.parent) && node.parent.kind === 206) { return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics.A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_already_ambient_context); } flags |= 2; lastDeclare = modifier; break; } } if (node.kind === 135) { if (flags & 128) { return grammarErrorOnNode(lastStatic, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration, "static"); } else if (flags & 64) { return grammarErrorOnNode(lastProtected, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration, "protected"); } else if (flags & 32) { return grammarErrorOnNode(lastPrivate, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration, "private"); } } else if ((node.kind === 209 || node.kind === 208) && flags & 2) { return grammarErrorOnNode(lastDeclare, ts.Diagnostics.A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_import_declaration, "declare"); } else if (node.kind === 202 && flags & 2) { return grammarErrorOnNode(lastDeclare, ts.Diagnostics.A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_interface_declaration, "declare"); } else if (node.kind === 129 && (flags & 112) && ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_parameter_property_may_not_be_a_binding_pattern); } } function checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(list) { if (list && list.hasTrailingComma) { var start = list.end - ",".length; var end = list.end; var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(list[0]); return grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Trailing_comma_not_allowed); } } function checkGrammarTypeParameterList(node, typeParameters, file) { if (checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(typeParameters)) { return true; } if (typeParameters && typeParameters.length === 0) { var start = typeParameters.pos - "<".length; var end = ts.skipTrivia(file.text, typeParameters.end) + ">".length; return grammarErrorAtPos(file, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_list_cannot_be_empty); } } function checkGrammarParameterList(parameters) { if (checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(parameters)) { return true; } var seenOptionalParameter = false; var parameterCount = parameters.length; for (var i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) { var parameter = parameters[i]; if (parameter.dotDotDotToken) { if (i !== (parameterCount - 1)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.dotDotDotToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_parameter_must_be_last_in_a_parameter_list); } if (parameter.questionToken) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_parameter_cannot_be_optional); } if (parameter.initializer) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer); } } else if (parameter.questionToken || parameter.initializer) { seenOptionalParameter = true; if (parameter.questionToken && parameter.initializer) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.name, ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_cannot_have_question_mark_and_initializer); } } else { if (seenOptionalParameter) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_required_parameter_cannot_follow_an_optional_parameter); } } } } function checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) { var file = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); return checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarTypeParameterList(node, node.typeParameters, file) || checkGrammarParameterList(node.parameters) || checkGrammarArrowFunction(node, file); } function checkGrammarArrowFunction(node, file) { if (node.kind === 163) { var arrowFunction = node; var startLine = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, arrowFunction.equalsGreaterThanToken.pos).line; var endLine = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, arrowFunction.equalsGreaterThanToken.end).line; if (startLine !== endLine) { return grammarErrorOnNode(arrowFunction.equalsGreaterThanToken, ts.Diagnostics.Line_terminator_not_permitted_before_arrow); } } return false; } function checkGrammarIndexSignatureParameters(node) { var parameter = node.parameters[0]; if (node.parameters.length !== 1) { if (parameter) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.name, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_must_have_exactly_one_parameter); } else { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_must_have_exactly_one_parameter); } } if (parameter.dotDotDotToken) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.dotDotDotToken, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_cannot_have_a_rest_parameter); } if (parameter.flags & 499) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.name, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_accessibility_modifier); } if (parameter.questionToken) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_a_question_mark); } if (parameter.initializer) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.name, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer); } if (!parameter.type) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.name, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_must_have_a_type_annotation); } if (parameter.type.kind !== 121 && parameter.type.kind !== 119) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.name, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_type_must_be_string_or_number); } if (!node.type) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_must_have_a_type_annotation); } } function checkGrammarForIndexSignatureModifier(node) { if (node.flags & 499) { grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Modifiers_not_permitted_on_index_signature_members); } } function checkGrammarIndexSignature(node) { return checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarIndexSignatureParameters(node) || checkGrammarForIndexSignatureModifier(node); } function checkGrammarForAtLeastOneTypeArgument(node, typeArguments) { if (typeArguments && typeArguments.length === 0) { var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); var start = typeArguments.pos - "<".length; var end = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, typeArguments.end) + ">".length; return grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Type_argument_list_cannot_be_empty); } } function checkGrammarTypeArguments(node, typeArguments) { return checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(typeArguments) || checkGrammarForAtLeastOneTypeArgument(node, typeArguments); } function checkGrammarForOmittedArgument(node, arguments) { if (arguments) { var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { var arg = arguments[_i]; if (arg.kind === 175) { return grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, arg.pos, 0, ts.Diagnostics.Argument_expression_expected); } } } } function checkGrammarArguments(node, arguments) { return checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(arguments) || checkGrammarForOmittedArgument(node, arguments); } function checkGrammarHeritageClause(node) { var types = node.types; if (checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(types)) { return true; } if (types && types.length === 0) { var listType = ts.tokenToString(node.token); var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); return grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, types.pos, 0, ts.Diagnostics._0_list_cannot_be_empty, listType); } } function checkGrammarClassDeclarationHeritageClauses(node) { var seenExtendsClause = false; var seenImplementsClause = false; if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node) && node.heritageClauses) { for (var _i = 0, _a = node.heritageClauses; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var heritageClause = _a[_i]; if (heritageClause.token === 79) { if (seenExtendsClause) { return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.extends_clause_already_seen); } if (seenImplementsClause) { return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.extends_clause_must_precede_implements_clause); } if (heritageClause.types.length > 1) { return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause.types[1], ts.Diagnostics.Classes_can_only_extend_a_single_class); } seenExtendsClause = true; } else { ts.Debug.assert(heritageClause.token === 103); if (seenImplementsClause) { return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.implements_clause_already_seen); } seenImplementsClause = true; } checkGrammarHeritageClause(heritageClause); } } } function checkGrammarInterfaceDeclaration(node) { var seenExtendsClause = false; if (node.heritageClauses) { for (var _i = 0, _a = node.heritageClauses; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var heritageClause = _a[_i]; if (heritageClause.token === 79) { if (seenExtendsClause) { return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.extends_clause_already_seen); } seenExtendsClause = true; } else { ts.Debug.assert(heritageClause.token === 103); return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.Interface_declaration_cannot_have_implements_clause); } checkGrammarHeritageClause(heritageClause); } } return false; } function checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(node) { if (node.kind !== 127) { return false; } var computedPropertyName = node; if (computedPropertyName.expression.kind === 169 && computedPropertyName.expression.operatorToken.kind === 23) { return grammarErrorOnNode(computedPropertyName.expression, ts.Diagnostics.A_comma_expression_is_not_allowed_in_a_computed_property_name); } } function checkGrammarForGenerator(node) { if (node.asteriskToken) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node.asteriskToken, ts.Diagnostics.Generators_are_not_currently_supported); } } function checkGrammarFunctionName(name) { return checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(name, name); } function checkGrammarForInvalidQuestionMark(node, questionToken, message) { if (questionToken) { return grammarErrorOnNode(questionToken, message); } } function checkGrammarObjectLiteralExpression(node) { var seen = {}; var Property = 1; var GetAccessor = 2; var SetAccesor = 4; var GetOrSetAccessor = GetAccessor | SetAccesor; var inStrictMode = (node.parserContextFlags & 1) !== 0; for (var _i = 0, _a = node.properties; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var prop = _a[_i]; var name_11 = prop.name; if (prop.kind === 175 || name_11.kind === 127) { checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(name_11); continue; } var currentKind = void 0; if (prop.kind === 224 || prop.kind === 225) { checkGrammarForInvalidQuestionMark(prop, prop.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_member_cannot_be_declared_optional); if (name_11.kind === 7) { checkGrammarNumbericLiteral(name_11); } currentKind = Property; } else if (prop.kind === 134) { currentKind = Property; } else if (prop.kind === 136) { currentKind = GetAccessor; } else if (prop.kind === 137) { currentKind = SetAccesor; } else { ts.Debug.fail("Unexpected syntax kind:" + prop.kind); } if (!ts.hasProperty(seen, name_11.text)) { seen[name_11.text] = currentKind; } else { var existingKind = seen[name_11.text]; if (currentKind === Property && existingKind === Property) { if (inStrictMode) { grammarErrorOnNode(name_11, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode); } } else if ((currentKind & GetOrSetAccessor) && (existingKind & GetOrSetAccessor)) { if (existingKind !== GetOrSetAccessor && currentKind !== existingKind) { seen[name_11.text] = currentKind | existingKind; } else { return grammarErrorOnNode(name_11, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name); } } else { return grammarErrorOnNode(name_11, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name); } } } } function checkGrammarForInOrForOfStatement(forInOrOfStatement) { if (checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(forInOrOfStatement)) { return true; } if (forInOrOfStatement.initializer.kind === 199) { var variableList = forInOrOfStatement.initializer; if (!checkGrammarVariableDeclarationList(variableList)) { if (variableList.declarations.length > 1) { var diagnostic = forInOrOfStatement.kind === 187 ? ts.Diagnostics.Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_in_statement : ts.Diagnostics.Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_of_statement; return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(variableList.declarations[1], diagnostic); } var firstDeclaration = variableList.declarations[0]; if (firstDeclaration.initializer) { var diagnostic = forInOrOfStatement.kind === 187 ? ts.Diagnostics.The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer : ts.Diagnostics.The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer; return grammarErrorOnNode(firstDeclaration.name, diagnostic); } if (firstDeclaration.type) { var diagnostic = forInOrOfStatement.kind === 187 ? ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation : ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation; return grammarErrorOnNode(firstDeclaration, diagnostic); } } } return false; } function checkGrammarAccessor(accessor) { var kind = accessor.kind; if (languageVersion < 1) { return grammarErrorOnNode(accessor.name, ts.Diagnostics.Accessors_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher); } else if (ts.isInAmbientContext(accessor)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(accessor.name, ts.Diagnostics.An_accessor_cannot_be_declared_in_an_ambient_context); } else if (accessor.body === undefined) { return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(accessor), accessor.end - 1, ";".length, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, "{"); } else if (accessor.typeParameters) { return grammarErrorOnNode(accessor.name, ts.Diagnostics.An_accessor_cannot_have_type_parameters); } else if (kind === 136 && accessor.parameters.length) { return grammarErrorOnNode(accessor.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_get_accessor_cannot_have_parameters); } else if (kind === 137) { if (accessor.type) { return grammarErrorOnNode(accessor.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_cannot_have_a_return_type_annotation); } else if (accessor.parameters.length !== 1) { return grammarErrorOnNode(accessor.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_must_have_exactly_one_parameter); } else { var parameter = accessor.parameters[0]; if (parameter.dotDotDotToken) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.dotDotDotToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_cannot_have_rest_parameter); } else if (parameter.flags & 499) { return grammarErrorOnNode(accessor.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_parameter_property_is_only_allowed_in_a_constructor_implementation); } else if (parameter.questionToken) { return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_cannot_have_an_optional_parameter); } else if (parameter.initializer) { return grammarErrorOnNode(accessor.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer); } } } } function checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node, message) { if (node.kind === 127 && !ts.isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(node.expression)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, message); } } function checkGrammarMethod(node) { if (checkGrammarDisallowedModifiersInBlockOrObjectLiteralExpression(node) || checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) || checkGrammarForGenerator(node)) { return true; } if (node.parent.kind === 154) { if (checkGrammarForInvalidQuestionMark(node, node.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_member_cannot_be_declared_optional)) { return true; } else if (node.body === undefined) { return grammarErrorAtPos(getSourceFile(node), node.end - 1, ";".length, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, "{"); } } if (node.parent.kind === 201) { if (checkGrammarForInvalidQuestionMark(node, node.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_member_cannot_be_declared_optional)) { return true; } if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) { return checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_an_ambient_context_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol); } else if (!node.body) { return checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_a_method_overload_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol); } } else if (node.parent.kind === 202) { return checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_an_interface_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol); } else if (node.parent.kind === 145) { return checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_a_type_literal_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol); } } function isIterationStatement(node, lookInLabeledStatements) { switch (node.kind) { case 186: case 187: case 188: case 184: case 185: return true; case 194: return lookInLabeledStatements && isIterationStatement(node.statement, lookInLabeledStatements); } return false; } function checkGrammarBreakOrContinueStatement(node) { var current = node; while (current) { if (ts.isFunctionLike(current)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary); } switch (current.kind) { case 194: if (node.label && current.label.text === node.label.text) { var isMisplacedContinueLabel = node.kind === 189 && !isIterationStatement(current.statement, true); if (isMisplacedContinueLabel) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_continue_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_iteration_statement); } return false; } break; case 193: if (node.kind === 190 && !node.label) { return false; } break; default: if (isIterationStatement(current, false) && !node.label) { return false; } break; } current = current.parent; } if (node.label) { var message = node.kind === 190 ? ts.Diagnostics.A_break_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_statement : ts.Diagnostics.A_continue_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_iteration_statement; return grammarErrorOnNode(node, message); } else { var message = node.kind === 190 ? ts.Diagnostics.A_break_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_or_switch_statement : ts.Diagnostics.A_continue_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_statement; return grammarErrorOnNode(node, message); } } function checkGrammarBindingElement(node) { if (node.dotDotDotToken) { var elements = node.parent.elements; if (node !== elements[elements.length - 1]) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_must_be_last_in_an_array_destructuring_pattern); } if (node.initializer) { return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node), node.initializer.pos - 1, 1, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_cannot_have_an_initializer); } } return checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(node, node.name); } function checkGrammarVariableDeclaration(node) { if (node.parent.parent.kind !== 187 && node.parent.parent.kind !== 188) { if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) { if (node.initializer) { var equalsTokenLength = "=".length; return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node), node.initializer.pos - equalsTokenLength, equalsTokenLength, ts.Diagnostics.Initializers_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts); } } else if (!node.initializer) { if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name) && !ts.isBindingPattern(node.parent)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_destructuring_declaration_must_have_an_initializer); } if (ts.isConst(node)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.const_declarations_must_be_initialized); } } } var checkLetConstNames = languageVersion >= 2 && (ts.isLet(node) || ts.isConst(node)); return (checkLetConstNames && checkGrammarNameInLetOrConstDeclarations(node.name)) || checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(node, node.name); } function checkGrammarNameInLetOrConstDeclarations(name) { if (name.kind === 65) { if (name.text === "let") { return grammarErrorOnNode(name, ts.Diagnostics.let_is_not_allowed_to_be_used_as_a_name_in_let_or_const_declarations); } } else { var elements = name.elements; for (var _i = 0; _i < elements.length; _i++) { var element = elements[_i]; checkGrammarNameInLetOrConstDeclarations(element.name); } } } function checkGrammarVariableDeclarationList(declarationList) { var declarations = declarationList.declarations; if (checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(declarationList.declarations)) { return true; } if (!declarationList.declarations.length) { return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(declarationList), declarations.pos, declarations.end - declarations.pos, ts.Diagnostics.Variable_declaration_list_cannot_be_empty); } } function allowLetAndConstDeclarations(parent) { switch (parent.kind) { case 183: case 184: case 185: case 192: case 186: case 187: case 188: return false; case 194: return allowLetAndConstDeclarations(parent.parent); } return true; } function checkGrammarForDisallowedLetOrConstStatement(node) { if (!allowLetAndConstDeclarations(node.parent)) { if (ts.isLet(node.declarationList)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.let_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block); } else if (ts.isConst(node.declarationList)) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.const_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block); } } } function isIntegerLiteral(expression) { if (expression.kind === 167) { var unaryExpression = expression; if (unaryExpression.operator === 33 || unaryExpression.operator === 34) { expression = unaryExpression.operand; } } if (expression.kind === 7) { return /^[0-9]+([eE]\+?[0-9]+)?$/.test(expression.text); } return false; } function checkGrammarEnumDeclaration(enumDecl) { var enumIsConst = (enumDecl.flags & 8192) !== 0; var hasError = false; if (!enumIsConst) { var inConstantEnumMemberSection = true; var inAmbientContext = ts.isInAmbientContext(enumDecl); for (var _i = 0, _a = enumDecl.members; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var node = _a[_i]; if (node.name.kind === 127) { hasError = grammarErrorOnNode(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Computed_property_names_are_not_allowed_in_enums); } else if (inAmbientContext) { if (node.initializer && !isIntegerLiteral(node.initializer)) { hasError = grammarErrorOnNode(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Ambient_enum_elements_can_only_have_integer_literal_initializers) || hasError; } } else if (node.initializer) { inConstantEnumMemberSection = isIntegerLiteral(node.initializer); } else if (!inConstantEnumMemberSection) { hasError = grammarErrorOnNode(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.Enum_member_must_have_initializer) || hasError; } } } return hasError; } function hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile) { return sourceFile.parseDiagnostics.length > 0; } function grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) { var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); if (!hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile)) { var span = ts.getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, node.pos); diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, span.start, span.length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2)); return true; } } function grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) { if (!hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile)) { diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, start, length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2)); return true; } } function grammarErrorOnNode(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) { var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); if (!hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile)) { diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2)); return true; } } function checkGrammarEvalOrArgumentsInStrictMode(contextNode, name) { if (name && name.kind === 65) { var identifier = name; if (contextNode && (contextNode.parserContextFlags & 1) && ts.isEvalOrArgumentsIdentifier(identifier)) { var nameText = ts.declarationNameToString(identifier); return grammarErrorOnNode(identifier, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode, nameText); } } } function checkGrammarConstructorTypeParameters(node) { if (node.typeParameters) { return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node), node.typeParameters.pos, node.typeParameters.end - node.typeParameters.pos, ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameters_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration); } } function checkGrammarConstructorTypeAnnotation(node) { if (node.type) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node.type, ts.Diagnostics.Type_annotation_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration); } } function checkGrammarProperty(node) { if (node.parent.kind === 201) { if (checkGrammarForInvalidQuestionMark(node, node.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_member_cannot_be_declared_optional) || checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_a_class_property_declaration_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol)) { return true; } } else if (node.parent.kind === 202) { if (checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_an_interface_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol)) { return true; } } else if (node.parent.kind === 145) { if (checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node.name, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_a_type_literal_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol)) { return true; } } if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && node.initializer) { return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node.initializer, ts.Diagnostics.Initializers_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts); } } function checkGrammarTopLevelElementForRequiredDeclareModifier(node) { if (node.kind === 202 || node.kind === 209 || node.kind === 208 || node.kind === 215 || node.kind === 214 || (node.flags & 2) || (node.flags & (1 | 256))) { return false; } return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_declare_modifier_is_required_for_a_top_level_declaration_in_a_d_ts_file); } function checkGrammarTopLevelElementsForRequiredDeclareModifier(file) { for (var _i = 0, _a = file.statements; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var decl = _a[_i]; if (ts.isDeclaration(decl) || decl.kind === 180) { if (checkGrammarTopLevelElementForRequiredDeclareModifier(decl)) { return true; } } } } function checkGrammarSourceFile(node) { return ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && checkGrammarTopLevelElementsForRequiredDeclareModifier(node); } function checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node) { if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) { if (isAccessor(node.parent.kind)) { return getNodeLinks(node).hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext = true; } var links = getNodeLinks(node); if (!links.hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext && ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent)) { return getNodeLinks(node).hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext = grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_implementation_cannot_be_declared_in_ambient_contexts); } if (node.parent.kind === 179 || node.parent.kind === 206 || node.parent.kind === 227) { var links_1 = getNodeLinks(node.parent); if (!links_1.hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext) { return links_1.hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext = grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Statements_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts); } } else { } } } function checkGrammarNumbericLiteral(node) { if (node.flags & 16384) { if (node.parserContextFlags & 1) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Octal_literals_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode); } else if (languageVersion >= 1) { return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Octal_literals_are_not_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher); } } } function grammarErrorAfterFirstToken(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) { var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node); if (!hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile)) { var span = ts.getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, node.pos); diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, ts.textSpanEnd(span), 0, message, arg0, arg1, arg2)); return true; } } initializeTypeChecker(); return checker; } ts.createTypeChecker = createTypeChecker; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { function getDeclarationDiagnostics(host, resolver, targetSourceFile) { var diagnostics = []; var jsFilePath = ts.getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(targetSourceFile, host, ".js"); emitDeclarations(host, resolver, diagnostics, jsFilePath, targetSourceFile); return diagnostics; } ts.getDeclarationDiagnostics = getDeclarationDiagnostics; function emitDeclarations(host, resolver, diagnostics, jsFilePath, root) { var newLine = host.getNewLine(); var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions(); var languageVersion = compilerOptions.target || 0; var write; var writeLine; var increaseIndent; var decreaseIndent; var writeTextOfNode; var writer = createAndSetNewTextWriterWithSymbolWriter(); var enclosingDeclaration; var currentSourceFile; var reportedDeclarationError = false; var emitJsDocComments = compilerOptions.removeComments ? function (declaration) { } : writeJsDocComments; var emit = compilerOptions.stripInternal ? stripInternal : emitNode; var moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo = []; var asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo; var referencePathsOutput = ""; if (root) { if (!compilerOptions.noResolve) { var addedGlobalFileReference = false; ts.forEach(root.referencedFiles, function (fileReference) { var referencedFile = ts.tryResolveScriptReference(host, root, fileReference); if (referencedFile && ((referencedFile.flags & 2048) || ts.shouldEmitToOwnFile(referencedFile, compilerOptions) || !addedGlobalFileReference)) { writeReferencePath(referencedFile); if (!ts.isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(referencedFile)) { addedGlobalFileReference = true; } } }); } emitSourceFile(root); if (moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo.length) { var oldWriter = writer; ts.forEach(moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo, function (aliasEmitInfo) { if (aliasEmitInfo.isVisible) { ts.Debug.assert(aliasEmitInfo.node.kind === 209); createAndSetNewTextWriterWithSymbolWriter(); ts.Debug.assert(aliasEmitInfo.indent === 0); writeImportDeclaration(aliasEmitInfo.node); aliasEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput = writer.getText(); } }); setWriter(oldWriter); } } else { var emittedReferencedFiles = []; ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), function (sourceFile) { if (!ts.isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(sourceFile)) { if (!compilerOptions.noResolve) { ts.forEach(sourceFile.referencedFiles, function (fileReference) { var referencedFile = ts.tryResolveScriptReference(host, sourceFile, fileReference); if (referencedFile && (ts.isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(referencedFile) && !ts.contains(emittedReferencedFiles, referencedFile))) { writeReferencePath(referencedFile); emittedReferencedFiles.push(referencedFile); } }); } emitSourceFile(sourceFile); } }); } return { reportedDeclarationError: reportedDeclarationError, moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo: moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo, synchronousDeclarationOutput: writer.getText(), referencePathsOutput: referencePathsOutput }; function hasInternalAnnotation(range) { var text = currentSourceFile.text; var comment = text.substring(range.pos, range.end); return comment.indexOf("@internal") >= 0; } function stripInternal(node) { if (node) { var leadingCommentRanges = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(currentSourceFile.text, node.pos); if (ts.forEach(leadingCommentRanges, hasInternalAnnotation)) { return; } emitNode(node); } } function createAndSetNewTextWriterWithSymbolWriter() { var writer = ts.createTextWriter(newLine); writer.trackSymbol = trackSymbol; writer.writeKeyword = writer.write; writer.writeOperator = writer.write; writer.writePunctuation = writer.write; writer.writeSpace = writer.write; writer.writeStringLiteral = writer.writeLiteral; writer.writeParameter = writer.write; writer.writeSymbol = writer.write; setWriter(writer); return writer; } function setWriter(newWriter) { writer = newWriter; write = newWriter.write; writeTextOfNode = newWriter.writeTextOfNode; writeLine = newWriter.writeLine; increaseIndent = newWriter.increaseIndent; decreaseIndent = newWriter.decreaseIndent; } function writeAsynchronousModuleElements(nodes) { var oldWriter = writer; ts.forEach(nodes, function (declaration) { var nodeToCheck; if (declaration.kind === 198) { nodeToCheck = declaration.parent.parent; } else if (declaration.kind === 212 || declaration.kind === 213 || declaration.kind === 210) { ts.Debug.fail("We should be getting ImportDeclaration instead to write"); } else { nodeToCheck = declaration; } var moduleElementEmitInfo = ts.forEach(moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo, function (declEmitInfo) { return declEmitInfo.node === nodeToCheck ? declEmitInfo : undefined; }); if (!moduleElementEmitInfo && asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo) { moduleElementEmitInfo = ts.forEach(asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo, function (declEmitInfo) { return declEmitInfo.node === nodeToCheck ? declEmitInfo : undefined; }); } if (moduleElementEmitInfo) { if (moduleElementEmitInfo.node.kind === 209) { moduleElementEmitInfo.isVisible = true; } else { createAndSetNewTextWriterWithSymbolWriter(); for (var declarationIndent = moduleElementEmitInfo.indent; declarationIndent; declarationIndent--) { increaseIndent(); } if (nodeToCheck.kind === 205) { ts.Debug.assert(asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo === undefined); asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo = []; } writeModuleElement(nodeToCheck); if (nodeToCheck.kind === 205) { moduleElementEmitInfo.subModuleElementDeclarationEmitInfo = asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo; asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo = undefined; } moduleElementEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput = writer.getText(); } } }); setWriter(oldWriter); } function handleSymbolAccessibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { if (symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 0) { if (symbolAccesibilityResult && symbolAccesibilityResult.aliasesToMakeVisible) { writeAsynchronousModuleElements(symbolAccesibilityResult.aliasesToMakeVisible); } } else { reportedDeclarationError = true; var errorInfo = writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(symbolAccesibilityResult); if (errorInfo) { if (errorInfo.typeName) { diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(symbolAccesibilityResult.errorNode || errorInfo.errorNode, errorInfo.diagnosticMessage, ts.getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(currentSourceFile, errorInfo.typeName), symbolAccesibilityResult.errorSymbolName, symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName)); } else { diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(symbolAccesibilityResult.errorNode || errorInfo.errorNode, errorInfo.diagnosticMessage, symbolAccesibilityResult.errorSymbolName, symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName)); } } } } function trackSymbol(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning) { handleSymbolAccessibilityError(resolver.isSymbolAccessible(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning)); } function writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration, type, getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic) { writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic; write(": "); if (type) { emitType(type); } else { resolver.writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration, enclosingDeclaration, 2, writer); } } function writeReturnTypeAtSignature(signature, getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic) { writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic; write(": "); if (signature.type) { emitType(signature.type); } else { resolver.writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration(signature, enclosingDeclaration, 2, writer); } } function emitLines(nodes) { for (var _i = 0; _i < nodes.length; _i++) { var node = nodes[_i]; emit(node); } } function emitSeparatedList(nodes, separator, eachNodeEmitFn, canEmitFn) { var currentWriterPos = writer.getTextPos(); for (var _i = 0; _i < nodes.length; _i++) { var node = nodes[_i]; if (!canEmitFn || canEmitFn(node)) { if (currentWriterPos !== writer.getTextPos()) { write(separator); } currentWriterPos = writer.getTextPos(); eachNodeEmitFn(node); } } } function emitCommaList(nodes, eachNodeEmitFn, canEmitFn) { emitSeparatedList(nodes, ", ", eachNodeEmitFn, canEmitFn); } function writeJsDocComments(declaration) { if (declaration) { var jsDocComments = ts.getJsDocComments(declaration, currentSourceFile); ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(currentSourceFile, writer, declaration, jsDocComments); ts.emitComments(currentSourceFile, writer, jsDocComments, true, newLine, ts.writeCommentRange); } } function emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(type, getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic) { writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic; emitType(type); } function emitType(type) { switch (type.kind) { case 112: case 121: case 119: case 113: case 122: case 99: case 8: return writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, type); case 177: return emitHeritageClauseElement(type); case 141: return emitTypeReference(type); case 144: return emitTypeQuery(type); case 146: return emitArrayType(type); case 147: return emitTupleType(type); case 148: return emitUnionType(type); case 149: return emitParenType(type); case 142: case 143: return emitSignatureDeclarationWithJsDocComments(type); case 145: return emitTypeLiteral(type); case 65: return emitEntityName(type); case 126: return emitEntityName(type); } function emitEntityName(entityName) { var visibilityResult = resolver.isEntityNameVisible(entityName, entityName.parent.kind === 208 ? entityName.parent : enclosingDeclaration); handleSymbolAccessibilityError(visibilityResult); writeEntityName(entityName); function writeEntityName(entityName) { if (entityName.kind === 65) { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, entityName); } else { var left = entityName.kind === 126 ? entityName.left : entityName.expression; var right = entityName.kind === 126 ? entityName.right : entityName.name; writeEntityName(left); write("."); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, right); } } } function emitHeritageClauseElement(node) { if (ts.isSupportedHeritageClauseElement(node)) { ts.Debug.assert(node.expression.kind === 65 || node.expression.kind === 155); emitEntityName(node.expression); if (node.typeArguments) { write("<"); emitCommaList(node.typeArguments, emitType); write(">"); } } } function emitTypeReference(type) { emitEntityName(type.typeName); if (type.typeArguments) { write("<"); emitCommaList(type.typeArguments, emitType); write(">"); } } function emitTypeQuery(type) { write("typeof "); emitEntityName(type.exprName); } function emitArrayType(type) { emitType(type.elementType); write("[]"); } function emitTupleType(type) { write("["); emitCommaList(type.elementTypes, emitType); write("]"); } function emitUnionType(type) { emitSeparatedList(type.types, " | ", emitType); } function emitParenType(type) { write("("); emitType(type.type); write(")"); } function emitTypeLiteral(type) { write("{"); if (type.members.length) { writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitLines(type.members); decreaseIndent(); } write("}"); } } function emitSourceFile(node) { currentSourceFile = node; enclosingDeclaration = node; emitLines(node.statements); } function emitExportAssignment(node) { write(node.isExportEquals ? "export = " : "export default "); if (node.expression.kind === 65) { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.expression); } else { write(": "); if (node.type) { emitType(node.type); } else { writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getDefaultExportAccessibilityDiagnostic; resolver.writeTypeOfExpression(node.expression, enclosingDeclaration, 2, writer); } } write(";"); writeLine(); if (node.expression.kind === 65) { var nodes = resolver.collectLinkedAliases(node.expression); writeAsynchronousModuleElements(nodes); } function getDefaultExportAccessibilityDiagnostic(diagnostic) { return { diagnosticMessage: ts.Diagnostics.Default_export_of_the_module_has_or_is_using_private_name_0, errorNode: node }; } } function isModuleElementVisible(node) { return resolver.isDeclarationVisible(node); } function emitModuleElement(node, isModuleElementVisible) { if (isModuleElementVisible) { writeModuleElement(node); } else if (node.kind === 208 || (node.parent.kind === 227 && ts.isExternalModule(currentSourceFile))) { var isVisible; if (asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo && node.parent.kind !== 227) { asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo.push({ node: node, outputPos: writer.getTextPos(), indent: writer.getIndent(), isVisible: isVisible }); } else { if (node.kind === 209) { var importDeclaration = node; if (importDeclaration.importClause) { isVisible = (importDeclaration.importClause.name && resolver.isDeclarationVisible(importDeclaration.importClause)) || isVisibleNamedBinding(importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings); } } moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo.push({ node: node, outputPos: writer.getTextPos(), indent: writer.getIndent(), isVisible: isVisible }); } } } function writeModuleElement(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 200: return writeFunctionDeclaration(node); case 180: return writeVariableStatement(node); case 202: return writeInterfaceDeclaration(node); case 201: return writeClassDeclaration(node); case 203: return writeTypeAliasDeclaration(node); case 204: return writeEnumDeclaration(node); case 205: return writeModuleDeclaration(node); case 208: return writeImportEqualsDeclaration(node); case 209: return writeImportDeclaration(node); default: ts.Debug.fail("Unknown symbol kind"); } } function emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node) { if (node.parent === currentSourceFile) { if (node.flags & 1) { write("export "); } if (node.flags & 256) { write("default "); } else if (node.kind !== 202) { write("declare "); } } } function emitClassMemberDeclarationFlags(node) { if (node.flags & 32) { write("private "); } else if (node.flags & 64) { write("protected "); } if (node.flags & 128) { write("static "); } } function writeImportEqualsDeclaration(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); if (node.flags & 1) { write("export "); } write("import "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); write(" = "); if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(node.moduleReference, getImportEntityNameVisibilityError); write(";"); } else { write("require("); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node)); write(");"); } writer.writeLine(); function getImportEntityNameVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { return { diagnosticMessage: ts.Diagnostics.Import_declaration_0_is_using_private_name_1, errorNode: node, typeName: node.name }; } } function isVisibleNamedBinding(namedBindings) { if (namedBindings) { if (namedBindings.kind === 211) { return resolver.isDeclarationVisible(namedBindings); } else { return ts.forEach(namedBindings.elements, function (namedImport) { return resolver.isDeclarationVisible(namedImport); }); } } } function writeImportDeclaration(node) { if (!node.importClause && !(node.flags & 1)) { return; } emitJsDocComments(node); if (node.flags & 1) { write("export "); } write("import "); if (node.importClause) { var currentWriterPos = writer.getTextPos(); if (node.importClause.name && resolver.isDeclarationVisible(node.importClause)) { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.importClause.name); } if (node.importClause.namedBindings && isVisibleNamedBinding(node.importClause.namedBindings)) { if (currentWriterPos !== writer.getTextPos()) { write(", "); } if (node.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 211) { write("* as "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.importClause.namedBindings.name); } else { write("{ "); emitCommaList(node.importClause.namedBindings.elements, emitImportOrExportSpecifier, resolver.isDeclarationVisible); write(" }"); } } write(" from "); } writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.moduleSpecifier); write(";"); writer.writeLine(); } function emitImportOrExportSpecifier(node) { if (node.propertyName) { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.propertyName); write(" as "); } writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); } function emitExportSpecifier(node) { emitImportOrExportSpecifier(node); var nodes = resolver.collectLinkedAliases(node.propertyName || node.name); writeAsynchronousModuleElements(nodes); } function emitExportDeclaration(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); write("export "); if (node.exportClause) { write("{ "); emitCommaList(node.exportClause.elements, emitExportSpecifier); write(" }"); } else { write("*"); } if (node.moduleSpecifier) { write(" from "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.moduleSpecifier); } write(";"); writer.writeLine(); } function writeModuleDeclaration(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node); write("module "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); while (node.body.kind !== 206) { node = node.body; write("."); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); } var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration; enclosingDeclaration = node; write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.body.statements); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); writeLine(); enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration; } function writeTypeAliasDeclaration(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node); write("type "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); write(" = "); emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(node.type, getTypeAliasDeclarationVisibilityError); write(";"); writeLine(); function getTypeAliasDeclarationVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { return { diagnosticMessage: ts.Diagnostics.Exported_type_alias_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1, errorNode: node.type, typeName: node.name }; } } function writeEnumDeclaration(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node); if (ts.isConst(node)) { write("const "); } write("enum "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.members); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); writeLine(); } function emitEnumMemberDeclaration(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); var enumMemberValue = resolver.getConstantValue(node); if (enumMemberValue !== undefined) { write(" = "); write(enumMemberValue.toString()); } write(","); writeLine(); } function isPrivateMethodTypeParameter(node) { return node.parent.kind === 134 && (node.parent.flags & 32); } function emitTypeParameters(typeParameters) { function emitTypeParameter(node) { increaseIndent(); emitJsDocComments(node); decreaseIndent(); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); if (node.constraint && !isPrivateMethodTypeParameter(node)) { write(" extends "); if (node.parent.kind === 142 || node.parent.kind === 143 || (node.parent.parent && node.parent.parent.kind === 145)) { ts.Debug.assert(node.parent.kind === 134 || node.parent.kind === 133 || node.parent.kind === 142 || node.parent.kind === 143 || node.parent.kind === 138 || node.parent.kind === 139); emitType(node.constraint); } else { emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(node.constraint, getTypeParameterConstraintVisibilityError); } } function getTypeParameterConstraintVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { var diagnosticMessage; switch (node.parent.kind) { case 201: diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; break; case 202: diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; break; case 139: diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; break; case 138: diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; break; case 134: case 133: if (node.parent.flags & 128) { diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else if (node.parent.parent.kind === 201) { diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else { diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } break; case 200: diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; break; default: ts.Debug.fail("This is unknown parent for type parameter: " + node.parent.kind); } return { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: node, typeName: node.name }; } } if (typeParameters) { write("<"); emitCommaList(typeParameters, emitTypeParameter); write(">"); } } function emitHeritageClause(typeReferences, isImplementsList) { if (typeReferences) { write(isImplementsList ? " implements " : " extends "); emitCommaList(typeReferences, emitTypeOfTypeReference); } function emitTypeOfTypeReference(node) { if (ts.isSupportedHeritageClauseElement(node)) { emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(node, getHeritageClauseVisibilityError); } function getHeritageClauseVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { var diagnosticMessage; if (node.parent.parent.kind === 201) { diagnosticMessage = isImplementsList ? ts.Diagnostics.Implements_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Extends_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else { diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Extends_clause_of_exported_interface_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } return { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: node, typeName: node.parent.parent.name }; } } } function writeClassDeclaration(node) { function emitParameterProperties(constructorDeclaration) { if (constructorDeclaration) { ts.forEach(constructorDeclaration.parameters, function (param) { if (param.flags & 112) { emitPropertyDeclaration(param); } }); } } emitJsDocComments(node); emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node); write("class "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration; enclosingDeclaration = node; emitTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node); if (baseTypeNode) { emitHeritageClause([baseTypeNode], false); } emitHeritageClause(ts.getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements(node), true); write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitParameterProperties(ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody(node)); emitLines(node.members); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); writeLine(); enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration; } function writeInterfaceDeclaration(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node); write("interface "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration; enclosingDeclaration = node; emitTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); emitHeritageClause(ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(node), false); write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.members); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); writeLine(); enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration; } function emitPropertyDeclaration(node) { if (ts.hasDynamicName(node)) { return; } emitJsDocComments(node); emitClassMemberDeclarationFlags(node); emitVariableDeclaration(node); write(";"); writeLine(); } function emitVariableDeclaration(node) { if (node.kind !== 198 || resolver.isDeclarationVisible(node)) { if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { emitBindingPattern(node.name); } else { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); if ((node.kind === 132 || node.kind === 131) && ts.hasQuestionToken(node)) { write("?"); } if ((node.kind === 132 || node.kind === 131) && node.parent.kind === 145) { emitTypeOfVariableDeclarationFromTypeLiteral(node); } else if (!(node.flags & 32)) { writeTypeOfDeclaration(node, node.type, getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityError); } } } function getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccesibilityResult) { if (node.kind === 198) { return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else if (node.kind === 132 || node.kind === 131) { if (node.flags & 128) { return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else if (node.parent.kind === 201) { return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else { return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } } } function getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { var diagnosticMessage = getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccesibilityResult); return diagnosticMessage !== undefined ? { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: node, typeName: node.name } : undefined; } function emitBindingPattern(bindingPattern) { var elements = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = bindingPattern.elements; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var element = _a[_i]; if (element.kind !== 175) { elements.push(element); } } emitCommaList(elements, emitBindingElement); } function emitBindingElement(bindingElement) { function getBindingElementTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { var diagnosticMessage = getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccesibilityResult); return diagnosticMessage !== undefined ? { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: bindingElement, typeName: bindingElement.name } : undefined; } if (bindingElement.name) { if (ts.isBindingPattern(bindingElement.name)) { emitBindingPattern(bindingElement.name); } else { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, bindingElement.name); writeTypeOfDeclaration(bindingElement, undefined, getBindingElementTypeVisibilityError); } } } } function emitTypeOfVariableDeclarationFromTypeLiteral(node) { if (node.type) { write(": "); emitType(node.type); } } function isVariableStatementVisible(node) { return ts.forEach(node.declarationList.declarations, function (varDeclaration) { return resolver.isDeclarationVisible(varDeclaration); }); } function writeVariableStatement(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node); if (ts.isLet(node.declarationList)) { write("let "); } else if (ts.isConst(node.declarationList)) { write("const "); } else { write("var "); } emitCommaList(node.declarationList.declarations, emitVariableDeclaration, resolver.isDeclarationVisible); write(";"); writeLine(); } function emitAccessorDeclaration(node) { if (ts.hasDynamicName(node)) { return; } var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.parent.members, node); var accessorWithTypeAnnotation; if (node === accessors.firstAccessor) { emitJsDocComments(accessors.getAccessor); emitJsDocComments(accessors.setAccessor); emitClassMemberDeclarationFlags(node); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); if (!(node.flags & 32)) { accessorWithTypeAnnotation = node; var type = getTypeAnnotationFromAccessor(node); if (!type) { var anotherAccessor = node.kind === 136 ? accessors.setAccessor : accessors.getAccessor; type = getTypeAnnotationFromAccessor(anotherAccessor); if (type) { accessorWithTypeAnnotation = anotherAccessor; } } writeTypeOfDeclaration(node, type, getAccessorDeclarationTypeVisibilityError); } write(";"); writeLine(); } function getTypeAnnotationFromAccessor(accessor) { if (accessor) { return accessor.kind === 136 ? accessor.type : accessor.parameters.length > 0 ? accessor.parameters[0].type : undefined; } } function getAccessorDeclarationTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { var diagnosticMessage; if (accessorWithTypeAnnotation.kind === 137) { if (accessorWithTypeAnnotation.parent.flags & 128) { diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else { diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } return { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: accessorWithTypeAnnotation.parameters[0], typeName: accessorWithTypeAnnotation.name }; } else { if (accessorWithTypeAnnotation.flags & 128) { diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; } else { diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; } return { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: accessorWithTypeAnnotation.name, typeName: undefined }; } } } function writeFunctionDeclaration(node) { if (ts.hasDynamicName(node)) { return; } if (!resolver.isImplementationOfOverload(node)) { emitJsDocComments(node); if (node.kind === 200) { emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node); } else if (node.kind === 134) { emitClassMemberDeclarationFlags(node); } if (node.kind === 200) { write("function "); writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); } else if (node.kind === 135) { write("constructor"); } else { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); if (ts.hasQuestionToken(node)) { write("?"); } } emitSignatureDeclaration(node); } } function emitSignatureDeclarationWithJsDocComments(node) { emitJsDocComments(node); emitSignatureDeclaration(node); } function emitSignatureDeclaration(node) { if (node.kind === 139 || node.kind === 143) { write("new "); } emitTypeParameters(node.typeParameters); if (node.kind === 140) { write("["); } else { write("("); } var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration; enclosingDeclaration = node; emitCommaList(node.parameters, emitParameterDeclaration); if (node.kind === 140) { write("]"); } else { write(")"); } var isFunctionTypeOrConstructorType = node.kind === 142 || node.kind === 143; if (isFunctionTypeOrConstructorType || node.parent.kind === 145) { if (node.type) { write(isFunctionTypeOrConstructorType ? " => " : ": "); emitType(node.type); } } else if (node.kind !== 135 && !(node.flags & 32)) { writeReturnTypeAtSignature(node, getReturnTypeVisibilityError); } enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration; if (!isFunctionTypeOrConstructorType) { write(";"); writeLine(); } function getReturnTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { var diagnosticMessage; switch (node.kind) { case 139: diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; break; case 138: diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; break; case 140: diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; break; case 134: case 133: if (node.flags & 128) { diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; } else if (node.parent.kind === 201) { diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; } else { diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; } break; case 200: diagnosticMessage = symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 : ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_0; break; default: ts.Debug.fail("This is unknown kind for signature: " + node.kind); } return { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: node.name || node }; } } function emitParameterDeclaration(node) { increaseIndent(); emitJsDocComments(node); if (node.dotDotDotToken) { write("..."); } if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { emitBindingPattern(node.name); } else { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node.name); } if (node.initializer || ts.hasQuestionToken(node)) { write("?"); } decreaseIndent(); if (node.parent.kind === 142 || node.parent.kind === 143 || node.parent.parent.kind === 145) { emitTypeOfVariableDeclarationFromTypeLiteral(node); } else if (!(node.parent.flags & 32)) { writeTypeOfDeclaration(node, node.type, getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityError); } function getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { var diagnosticMessage = getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccesibilityResult); return diagnosticMessage !== undefined ? { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: node, typeName: node.name } : undefined; } function getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccesibilityResult) { switch (node.parent.kind) { case 135: return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; case 139: return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; case 138: return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; case 134: case 133: if (node.parent.flags & 128) { return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else if (node.parent.parent.kind === 201) { return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } else { return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; } case 200: return symbolAccesibilityResult.errorModuleName ? symbolAccesibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 : ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1; default: ts.Debug.fail("This is unknown parent for parameter: " + node.parent.kind); } } function emitBindingPattern(bindingPattern) { if (bindingPattern.kind === 150) { write("{"); emitCommaList(bindingPattern.elements, emitBindingElement); write("}"); } else if (bindingPattern.kind === 151) { write("["); var elements = bindingPattern.elements; emitCommaList(elements, emitBindingElement); if (elements && elements.hasTrailingComma) { write(", "); } write("]"); } } function emitBindingElement(bindingElement) { function getBindingElementTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccesibilityResult) { var diagnosticMessage = getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccesibilityResult); return diagnosticMessage !== undefined ? { diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage, errorNode: bindingElement, typeName: bindingElement.name } : undefined; } if (bindingElement.kind === 175) { write(" "); } else if (bindingElement.kind === 152) { if (bindingElement.propertyName) { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, bindingElement.propertyName); write(": "); emitBindingPattern(bindingElement.name); } else if (bindingElement.name) { if (ts.isBindingPattern(bindingElement.name)) { emitBindingPattern(bindingElement.name); } else { ts.Debug.assert(bindingElement.name.kind === 65); if (bindingElement.dotDotDotToken) { write("..."); } writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, bindingElement.name); } } } } } function emitNode(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 200: case 205: case 208: case 202: case 201: case 203: case 204: return emitModuleElement(node, isModuleElementVisible(node)); case 180: return emitModuleElement(node, isVariableStatementVisible(node)); case 209: return emitModuleElement(node, !node.importClause); case 215: return emitExportDeclaration(node); case 135: case 134: case 133: return writeFunctionDeclaration(node); case 139: case 138: case 140: return emitSignatureDeclarationWithJsDocComments(node); case 136: case 137: return emitAccessorDeclaration(node); case 132: case 131: return emitPropertyDeclaration(node); case 226: return emitEnumMemberDeclaration(node); case 214: return emitExportAssignment(node); case 227: return emitSourceFile(node); } } function writeReferencePath(referencedFile) { var declFileName = referencedFile.flags & 2048 ? referencedFile.fileName : ts.shouldEmitToOwnFile(referencedFile, compilerOptions) ? ts.getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(referencedFile, host, ".d.ts") : ts.removeFileExtension(compilerOptions.out) + ".d.ts"; declFileName = ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizeSlashes(jsFilePath)), declFileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), host.getCanonicalFileName, false); referencePathsOutput += "/// " + newLine; } } function writeDeclarationFile(jsFilePath, sourceFile, host, resolver, diagnostics) { var emitDeclarationResult = emitDeclarations(host, resolver, diagnostics, jsFilePath, sourceFile); if (!emitDeclarationResult.reportedDeclarationError) { var declarationOutput = emitDeclarationResult.referencePathsOutput + getDeclarationOutput(emitDeclarationResult.synchronousDeclarationOutput, emitDeclarationResult.moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo); ts.writeFile(host, diagnostics, ts.removeFileExtension(jsFilePath) + ".d.ts", declarationOutput, host.getCompilerOptions().emitBOM); } function getDeclarationOutput(synchronousDeclarationOutput, moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo) { var appliedSyncOutputPos = 0; var declarationOutput = ""; ts.forEach(moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo, function (aliasEmitInfo) { if (aliasEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput) { declarationOutput += synchronousDeclarationOutput.substring(appliedSyncOutputPos, aliasEmitInfo.outputPos); declarationOutput += getDeclarationOutput(aliasEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput, aliasEmitInfo.subModuleElementDeclarationEmitInfo); appliedSyncOutputPos = aliasEmitInfo.outputPos; } }); declarationOutput += synchronousDeclarationOutput.substring(appliedSyncOutputPos); return declarationOutput; } } ts.writeDeclarationFile = writeDeclarationFile; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { function isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(sourceFile) { return ts.isExternalModule(sourceFile) || ts.isDeclarationFile(sourceFile); } ts.isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile = isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile; function emitFiles(resolver, host, targetSourceFile) { var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions(); var languageVersion = compilerOptions.target || 0; var sourceMapDataList = compilerOptions.sourceMap ? [] : undefined; var diagnostics = []; var newLine = host.getNewLine(); if (targetSourceFile === undefined) { ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), function (sourceFile) { if (ts.shouldEmitToOwnFile(sourceFile, compilerOptions)) { var jsFilePath = ts.getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(sourceFile, host, ".js"); emitFile(jsFilePath, sourceFile); } }); if (compilerOptions.out) { emitFile(compilerOptions.out); } } else { if (ts.shouldEmitToOwnFile(targetSourceFile, compilerOptions)) { var jsFilePath = ts.getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(targetSourceFile, host, ".js"); emitFile(jsFilePath, targetSourceFile); } else if (!ts.isDeclarationFile(targetSourceFile) && compilerOptions.out) { emitFile(compilerOptions.out); } } diagnostics = ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics); return { emitSkipped: false, diagnostics: diagnostics, sourceMaps: sourceMapDataList }; function isNodeDescendentOf(node, ancestor) { while (node) { if (node === ancestor) return true; node = node.parent; } return false; } function isUniqueLocalName(name, container) { for (var node = container; isNodeDescendentOf(node, container); node = node.nextContainer) { if (node.locals && ts.hasProperty(node.locals, name)) { if (node.locals[name].flags & (107455 | 1048576 | 8388608)) { return false; } } } return true; } function emitJavaScript(jsFilePath, root) { var writer = ts.createTextWriter(newLine); var write = writer.write; var writeTextOfNode = writer.writeTextOfNode; var writeLine = writer.writeLine; var increaseIndent = writer.increaseIndent; var decreaseIndent = writer.decreaseIndent; var currentSourceFile; var generatedNameSet = {}; var nodeToGeneratedName = []; var blockScopedVariableToGeneratedName; var computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames; var extendsEmitted = false; var decorateEmitted = false; var tempFlags = 0; var tempVariables; var tempParameters; var externalImports; var exportSpecifiers; var exportEquals; var hasExportStars; var writeEmittedFiles = writeJavaScriptFile; var detachedCommentsInfo; var writeComment = ts.writeCommentRange; var emit = emitNodeWithoutSourceMap; var emitStart = function (node) { }; var emitEnd = function (node) { }; var emitToken = emitTokenText; var scopeEmitStart = function (scopeDeclaration, scopeName) { }; var scopeEmitEnd = function () { }; var sourceMapData; if (compilerOptions.sourceMap) { initializeEmitterWithSourceMaps(); } if (root) { emitSourceFile(root); } else { ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), function (sourceFile) { if (!isExternalModuleOrDeclarationFile(sourceFile)) { emitSourceFile(sourceFile); } }); } writeLine(); writeEmittedFiles(writer.getText(), compilerOptions.emitBOM); return; function emitSourceFile(sourceFile) { currentSourceFile = sourceFile; emit(sourceFile); } function isUniqueName(name) { return !resolver.hasGlobalName(name) && !ts.hasProperty(currentSourceFile.identifiers, name) && !ts.hasProperty(generatedNameSet, name); } function makeTempVariableName(flags) { if (flags && !(tempFlags & flags)) { var name = flags === 268435456 ? "_i" : "_n"; if (isUniqueName(name)) { tempFlags |= flags; return name; } } while (true) { var count = tempFlags & 268435455; tempFlags++; if (count !== 8 && count !== 13) { var name_12 = count < 26 ? "_" + String.fromCharCode(97 + count) : "_" + (count - 26); if (isUniqueName(name_12)) { return name_12; } } } } function makeUniqueName(baseName) { if (baseName.charCodeAt(baseName.length - 1) !== 95) { baseName += "_"; } var i = 1; while (true) { var generatedName = baseName + i; if (isUniqueName(generatedName)) { return generatedNameSet[generatedName] = generatedName; } i++; } } function assignGeneratedName(node, name) { nodeToGeneratedName[ts.getNodeId(node)] = ts.unescapeIdentifier(name); } function generateNameForFunctionOrClassDeclaration(node) { if (!node.name) { assignGeneratedName(node, makeUniqueName("default")); } } function generateNameForModuleOrEnum(node) { if (node.name.kind === 65) { var name_13 = node.name.text; assignGeneratedName(node, isUniqueLocalName(name_13, node) ? name_13 : makeUniqueName(name_13)); } } function generateNameForImportOrExportDeclaration(node) { var expr = ts.getExternalModuleName(node); var baseName = expr.kind === 8 ? ts.escapeIdentifier(ts.makeIdentifierFromModuleName(expr.text)) : "module"; assignGeneratedName(node, makeUniqueName(baseName)); } function generateNameForImportDeclaration(node) { if (node.importClause) { generateNameForImportOrExportDeclaration(node); } } function generateNameForExportDeclaration(node) { if (node.moduleSpecifier) { generateNameForImportOrExportDeclaration(node); } } function generateNameForExportAssignment(node) { if (node.expression && node.expression.kind !== 65) { assignGeneratedName(node, makeUniqueName("default")); } } function generateNameForNode(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 200: case 201: generateNameForFunctionOrClassDeclaration(node); break; case 205: generateNameForModuleOrEnum(node); generateNameForNode(node.body); break; case 204: generateNameForModuleOrEnum(node); break; case 209: generateNameForImportDeclaration(node); break; case 215: generateNameForExportDeclaration(node); break; case 214: generateNameForExportAssignment(node); break; } } function getGeneratedNameForNode(node) { var nodeId = ts.getNodeId(node); if (!nodeToGeneratedName[nodeId]) { generateNameForNode(node); } return nodeToGeneratedName[nodeId]; } function initializeEmitterWithSourceMaps() { var sourceMapDir; var sourceMapSourceIndex = -1; var sourceMapNameIndexMap = {}; var sourceMapNameIndices = []; function getSourceMapNameIndex() { return sourceMapNameIndices.length ? sourceMapNameIndices[sourceMapNameIndices.length - 1] : -1; } var lastRecordedSourceMapSpan; var lastEncodedSourceMapSpan = { emittedLine: 1, emittedColumn: 1, sourceLine: 1, sourceColumn: 1, sourceIndex: 0 }; var lastEncodedNameIndex = 0; function encodeLastRecordedSourceMapSpan() { if (!lastRecordedSourceMapSpan || lastRecordedSourceMapSpan === lastEncodedSourceMapSpan) { return; } var prevEncodedEmittedColumn = lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn; if (lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine == lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine) { if (sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings) { sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += ","; } } else { for (var encodedLine = lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine; encodedLine < lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine; encodedLine++) { sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += ";"; } prevEncodedEmittedColumn = 1; } sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn - prevEncodedEmittedColumn); sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex); sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine); sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn); if (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex >= 0) { sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex - lastEncodedNameIndex); lastEncodedNameIndex = lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex; } lastEncodedSourceMapSpan = lastRecordedSourceMapSpan; sourceMapData.sourceMapDecodedMappings.push(lastEncodedSourceMapSpan); function base64VLQFormatEncode(inValue) { function base64FormatEncode(inValue) { if (inValue < 64) { return 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'.charAt(inValue); } throw TypeError(inValue + ": not a 64 based value"); } if (inValue < 0) { inValue = ((-inValue) << 1) + 1; } else { inValue = inValue << 1; } var encodedStr = ""; do { var currentDigit = inValue & 31; inValue = inValue >> 5; if (inValue > 0) { currentDigit = currentDigit | 32; } encodedStr = encodedStr + base64FormatEncode(currentDigit); } while (inValue > 0); return encodedStr; } } function recordSourceMapSpan(pos) { var sourceLinePos = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(currentSourceFile, pos); sourceLinePos.line++; sourceLinePos.character++; var emittedLine = writer.getLine(); var emittedColumn = writer.getColumn(); if (!lastRecordedSourceMapSpan || lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine != emittedLine || lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn != emittedColumn || (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex === sourceMapSourceIndex && (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine > sourceLinePos.line || (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine === sourceLinePos.line && lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn > sourceLinePos.character)))) { encodeLastRecordedSourceMapSpan(); lastRecordedSourceMapSpan = { emittedLine: emittedLine, emittedColumn: emittedColumn, sourceLine: sourceLinePos.line, sourceColumn: sourceLinePos.character, nameIndex: getSourceMapNameIndex(), sourceIndex: sourceMapSourceIndex }; } else { lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine = sourceLinePos.line; lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn = sourceLinePos.character; lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex = sourceMapSourceIndex; } } function recordEmitNodeStartSpan(node) { recordSourceMapSpan(ts.skipTrivia(currentSourceFile.text, node.pos)); } function recordEmitNodeEndSpan(node) { recordSourceMapSpan(node.end); } function writeTextWithSpanRecord(tokenKind, startPos, emitFn) { var tokenStartPos = ts.skipTrivia(currentSourceFile.text, startPos); recordSourceMapSpan(tokenStartPos); var tokenEndPos = emitTokenText(tokenKind, tokenStartPos, emitFn); recordSourceMapSpan(tokenEndPos); return tokenEndPos; } function recordNewSourceFileStart(node) { var sourcesDirectoryPath = compilerOptions.sourceRoot ? host.getCommonSourceDirectory() : sourceMapDir; sourceMapData.sourceMapSources.push(ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(sourcesDirectoryPath, node.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), host.getCanonicalFileName, true)); sourceMapSourceIndex = sourceMapData.sourceMapSources.length - 1; sourceMapData.inputSourceFileNames.push(node.fileName); } function recordScopeNameOfNode(node, scopeName) { function recordScopeNameIndex(scopeNameIndex) { sourceMapNameIndices.push(scopeNameIndex); } function recordScopeNameStart(scopeName) { var scopeNameIndex = -1; if (scopeName) { var parentIndex = getSourceMapNameIndex(); if (parentIndex !== -1) { var name_14 = node.name; if (!name_14 || name_14.kind !== 127) { scopeName = "." + scopeName; } scopeName = sourceMapData.sourceMapNames[parentIndex] + scopeName; } scopeNameIndex = ts.getProperty(sourceMapNameIndexMap, scopeName); if (scopeNameIndex === undefined) { scopeNameIndex = sourceMapData.sourceMapNames.length; sourceMapData.sourceMapNames.push(scopeName); sourceMapNameIndexMap[scopeName] = scopeNameIndex; } } recordScopeNameIndex(scopeNameIndex); } if (scopeName) { recordScopeNameStart(scopeName); } else if (node.kind === 200 || node.kind === 162 || node.kind === 134 || node.kind === 133 || node.kind === 136 || node.kind === 137 || node.kind === 205 || node.kind === 201 || node.kind === 204) { if (node.name) { var name_15 = node.name; scopeName = name_15.kind === 127 ? ts.getTextOfNode(name_15) : node.name.text; } recordScopeNameStart(scopeName); } else { recordScopeNameIndex(getSourceMapNameIndex()); } } function recordScopeNameEnd() { sourceMapNameIndices.pop(); } ; function writeCommentRangeWithMap(curentSourceFile, writer, comment, newLine) { recordSourceMapSpan(comment.pos); ts.writeCommentRange(currentSourceFile, writer, comment, newLine); recordSourceMapSpan(comment.end); } function serializeSourceMapContents(version, file, sourceRoot, sources, names, mappings) { if (typeof JSON !== "undefined") { return JSON.stringify({ version: version, file: file, sourceRoot: sourceRoot, sources: sources, names: names, mappings: mappings }); } return "{\"version\":" + version + ",\"file\":\"" + ts.escapeString(file) + "\",\"sourceRoot\":\"" + ts.escapeString(sourceRoot) + "\",\"sources\":[" + serializeStringArray(sources) + "],\"names\":[" + serializeStringArray(names) + "],\"mappings\":\"" + ts.escapeString(mappings) + "\"}"; function serializeStringArray(list) { var output = ""; for (var i = 0, n = list.length; i < n; i++) { if (i) { output += ","; } output += "\"" + ts.escapeString(list[i]) + "\""; } return output; } } function writeJavaScriptAndSourceMapFile(emitOutput, writeByteOrderMark) { encodeLastRecordedSourceMapSpan(); ts.writeFile(host, diagnostics, sourceMapData.sourceMapFilePath, serializeSourceMapContents(3, sourceMapData.sourceMapFile, sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot, sourceMapData.sourceMapSources, sourceMapData.sourceMapNames, sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings), false); sourceMapDataList.push(sourceMapData); writeJavaScriptFile(emitOutput + "//# sourceMappingURL=" + sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL, writeByteOrderMark); } var sourceMapJsFile = ts.getBaseFileName(ts.normalizeSlashes(jsFilePath)); sourceMapData = { sourceMapFilePath: jsFilePath + ".map", jsSourceMappingURL: sourceMapJsFile + ".map", sourceMapFile: sourceMapJsFile, sourceMapSourceRoot: compilerOptions.sourceRoot || "", sourceMapSources: [], inputSourceFileNames: [], sourceMapNames: [], sourceMapMappings: "", sourceMapDecodedMappings: [] }; sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot = ts.normalizeSlashes(sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot); if (sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.length && sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.charCodeAt(sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.length - 1) !== 47) { sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot += ts.directorySeparator; } if (compilerOptions.mapRoot) { sourceMapDir = ts.normalizeSlashes(compilerOptions.mapRoot); if (root) { sourceMapDir = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.getSourceFilePathInNewDir(root, host, sourceMapDir)); } if (!ts.isRootedDiskPath(sourceMapDir) && !ts.isUrl(sourceMapDir)) { sourceMapDir = ts.combinePaths(host.getCommonSourceDirectory(), sourceMapDir); sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL = ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(jsFilePath)), ts.combinePaths(sourceMapDir, sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL), host.getCurrentDirectory(), host.getCanonicalFileName, true); } else { sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL = ts.combinePaths(sourceMapDir, sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL); } } else { sourceMapDir = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(jsFilePath)); } function emitNodeWithSourceMap(node, allowGeneratedIdentifiers) { if (node) { if (ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node)) { return emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node, false); } if (node.kind != 227) { recordEmitNodeStartSpan(node); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node, allowGeneratedIdentifiers); recordEmitNodeEndSpan(node); } else { recordNewSourceFileStart(node); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node, false); } } } writeEmittedFiles = writeJavaScriptAndSourceMapFile; emit = emitNodeWithSourceMap; emitStart = recordEmitNodeStartSpan; emitEnd = recordEmitNodeEndSpan; emitToken = writeTextWithSpanRecord; scopeEmitStart = recordScopeNameOfNode; scopeEmitEnd = recordScopeNameEnd; writeComment = writeCommentRangeWithMap; } function writeJavaScriptFile(emitOutput, writeByteOrderMark) { ts.writeFile(host, diagnostics, jsFilePath, emitOutput, writeByteOrderMark); } function createTempVariable(flags) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(65); result.text = makeTempVariableName(flags); return result; } function recordTempDeclaration(name) { if (!tempVariables) { tempVariables = []; } tempVariables.push(name); } function createAndRecordTempVariable(flags) { var temp = createTempVariable(flags); recordTempDeclaration(temp); return temp; } function emitTempDeclarations(newLine) { if (tempVariables) { if (newLine) { writeLine(); } else { write(" "); } write("var "); emitCommaList(tempVariables); write(";"); } } function emitTokenText(tokenKind, startPos, emitFn) { var tokenString = ts.tokenToString(tokenKind); if (emitFn) { emitFn(); } else { write(tokenString); } return startPos + tokenString.length; } function emitOptional(prefix, node) { if (node) { write(prefix); emit(node); } } function emitParenthesizedIf(node, parenthesized) { if (parenthesized) { write("("); } emit(node); if (parenthesized) { write(")"); } } function emitTrailingCommaIfPresent(nodeList) { if (nodeList.hasTrailingComma) { write(","); } } function emitLinePreservingList(parent, nodes, allowTrailingComma, spacesBetweenBraces) { ts.Debug.assert(nodes.length > 0); increaseIndent(); if (nodeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(parent, nodes[0])) { if (spacesBetweenBraces) { write(" "); } } else { writeLine(); } for (var i = 0, n = nodes.length; i < n; i++) { if (i) { if (nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(nodes[i - 1], nodes[i])) { write(", "); } else { write(","); writeLine(); } } emit(nodes[i]); } if (nodes.hasTrailingComma && allowTrailingComma) { write(","); } decreaseIndent(); if (nodeEndPositionsAreOnSameLine(parent, ts.lastOrUndefined(nodes))) { if (spacesBetweenBraces) { write(" "); } } else { writeLine(); } } function emitList(nodes, start, count, multiLine, trailingComma) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (multiLine) { if (i) { write(","); } writeLine(); } else { if (i) { write(", "); } } emit(nodes[start + i]); } if (trailingComma) { write(","); } if (multiLine) { writeLine(); } } function emitCommaList(nodes) { if (nodes) { emitList(nodes, 0, nodes.length, false, false); } } function emitLines(nodes) { emitLinesStartingAt(nodes, 0); } function emitLinesStartingAt(nodes, startIndex) { for (var i = startIndex; i < nodes.length; i++) { writeLine(); emit(nodes[i]); } } function isBinaryOrOctalIntegerLiteral(node, text) { if (node.kind === 7 && text.length > 1) { switch (text.charCodeAt(1)) { case 98: case 66: case 111: case 79: return true; } } return false; } function emitLiteral(node) { var text = getLiteralText(node); if (compilerOptions.sourceMap && (node.kind === 8 || ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind))) { writer.writeLiteral(text); } else if (languageVersion < 2 && isBinaryOrOctalIntegerLiteral(node, text)) { write(node.text); } else { write(text); } } function getLiteralText(node) { if (languageVersion < 2 && (ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind) || node.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape)) { return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText('"', node.text, '"'); } if (node.parent) { return ts.getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(currentSourceFile, node); } switch (node.kind) { case 8: return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText('"', node.text, '"'); case 10: return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText('`', node.text, '`'); case 11: return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText('`', node.text, '${'); case 12: return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText('}', node.text, '${'); case 13: return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText('}', node.text, '`'); case 7: return node.text; } ts.Debug.fail("Literal kind '" + node.kind + "' not accounted for."); } function getQuotedEscapedLiteralText(leftQuote, text, rightQuote) { return leftQuote + ts.escapeNonAsciiCharacters(ts.escapeString(text)) + rightQuote; } function emitDownlevelRawTemplateLiteral(node) { var text = ts.getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(currentSourceFile, node); var isLast = node.kind === 10 || node.kind === 13; text = text.substring(1, text.length - (isLast ? 1 : 2)); text = text.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); text = ts.escapeString(text); write('"' + text + '"'); } function emitDownlevelTaggedTemplateArray(node, literalEmitter) { write("["); if (node.template.kind === 10) { literalEmitter(node.template); } else { literalEmitter(node.template.head); ts.forEach(node.template.templateSpans, function (child) { write(", "); literalEmitter(child.literal); }); } write("]"); } function emitDownlevelTaggedTemplate(node) { var tempVariable = createAndRecordTempVariable(0); write("("); emit(tempVariable); write(" = "); emitDownlevelTaggedTemplateArray(node, emit); write(", "); emit(tempVariable); write(".raw = "); emitDownlevelTaggedTemplateArray(node, emitDownlevelRawTemplateLiteral); write(", "); emitParenthesizedIf(node.tag, needsParenthesisForPropertyAccessOrInvocation(node.tag)); write("("); emit(tempVariable); if (node.template.kind === 171) { ts.forEach(node.template.templateSpans, function (templateSpan) { write(", "); var needsParens = templateSpan.expression.kind === 169 && templateSpan.expression.operatorToken.kind === 23; emitParenthesizedIf(templateSpan.expression, needsParens); }); } write("))"); } function emitTemplateExpression(node) { if (languageVersion >= 2) { ts.forEachChild(node, emit); return; } var emitOuterParens = ts.isExpression(node.parent) && templateNeedsParens(node, node.parent); if (emitOuterParens) { write("("); } var headEmitted = false; if (shouldEmitTemplateHead()) { emitLiteral(node.head); headEmitted = true; } for (var i = 0, n = node.templateSpans.length; i < n; i++) { var templateSpan = node.templateSpans[i]; var needsParens = templateSpan.expression.kind !== 161 && comparePrecedenceToBinaryPlus(templateSpan.expression) !== 1; if (i > 0 || headEmitted) { write(" + "); } emitParenthesizedIf(templateSpan.expression, needsParens); if (templateSpan.literal.text.length !== 0) { write(" + "); emitLiteral(templateSpan.literal); } } if (emitOuterParens) { write(")"); } function shouldEmitTemplateHead() { // If this expression has an empty head literal and the first template span has a non-empty // literal, then emitting the empty head literal is not necessary. // `${ foo } and ${ bar }` // can be emitted as // foo + " and " + bar // This is because it is only required that one of the first two operands in the emit // output must be a string literal, so that the other operand and all following operands // are forced into strings. // // If the first template span has an empty literal, then the head must still be emitted. // `${ foo }${ bar }` // must still be emitted as // "" + foo + bar ts.Debug.assert(node.templateSpans.length !== 0); return node.head.text.length !== 0 || node.templateSpans[0].literal.text.length === 0; } function templateNeedsParens(template, parent) { switch (parent.kind) { case 157: case 158: return parent.expression === template; case 159: case 161: return false; default: return comparePrecedenceToBinaryPlus(parent) !== -1; } } function comparePrecedenceToBinaryPlus(expression) { switch (expression.kind) { case 169: switch (expression.operatorToken.kind) { case 35: case 36: case 37: return 1; case 33: case 34: return 0; default: return -1; } case 170: return -1; default: return 1; } } } function emitTemplateSpan(span) { emit(span.expression); emit(span.literal); } function emitExpressionForPropertyName(node) { ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 152); if (node.kind === 8) { emitLiteral(node); } else if (node.kind === 127) { if (ts.nodeIsDecorated(node.parent)) { if (!computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames) { computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = []; } var generatedName = computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames[node.id]; if (generatedName) { write(generatedName); return; } var generatedVariable = createTempVariable(0); generatedName = generatedVariable.text; recordTempDeclaration(generatedVariable); computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames[node.id] = generatedName; write(generatedName); write(" = "); } emit(node.expression); } else { write("\""); if (node.kind === 7) { write(node.text); } else { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node); } write("\""); } } function isNotExpressionIdentifier(node) { var parent = node.parent; switch (parent.kind) { case 129: case 198: case 152: case 132: case 131: case 224: case 225: case 226: case 134: case 133: case 200: case 136: case 137: case 162: case 201: case 202: case 204: case 205: case 208: case 210: case 211: return parent.name === node; case 213: case 217: return parent.name === node || parent.propertyName === node; case 190: case 189: case 214: return false; case 194: return node.parent.label === node; } } function emitExpressionIdentifier(node) { var substitution = resolver.getExpressionNameSubstitution(node, getGeneratedNameForNode); if (substitution) { write(substitution); } else { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node); } } function getGeneratedNameForIdentifier(node) { if (ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node) || !blockScopedVariableToGeneratedName) { return undefined; } var variableId = resolver.getBlockScopedVariableId(node); if (variableId === undefined) { return undefined; } return blockScopedVariableToGeneratedName[variableId]; } function emitIdentifier(node, allowGeneratedIdentifiers) { if (allowGeneratedIdentifiers) { var generatedName = getGeneratedNameForIdentifier(node); if (generatedName) { write(generatedName); return; } } if (!node.parent) { write(node.text); } else if (!isNotExpressionIdentifier(node)) { emitExpressionIdentifier(node); } else { writeTextOfNode(currentSourceFile, node); } } function emitThis(node) { if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 2) { write("_this"); } else { write("this"); } } function emitSuper(node) { if (languageVersion >= 2) { write("super"); } else { var flags = resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node); if (flags & 16) { write("_super.prototype"); } else { write("_super"); } } } function emitObjectBindingPattern(node) { write("{ "); var elements = node.elements; emitList(elements, 0, elements.length, false, elements.hasTrailingComma); write(" }"); } function emitArrayBindingPattern(node) { write("["); var elements = node.elements; emitList(elements, 0, elements.length, false, elements.hasTrailingComma); write("]"); } function emitBindingElement(node) { if (node.propertyName) { emit(node.propertyName, false); write(": "); } if (node.dotDotDotToken) { write("..."); } if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { emit(node.name); } else { emitModuleMemberName(node); } emitOptional(" = ", node.initializer); } function emitSpreadElementExpression(node) { write("..."); emit(node.expression); } function needsParenthesisForPropertyAccessOrInvocation(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 65: case 153: case 155: case 156: case 157: case 161: return false; } return true; } function emitListWithSpread(elements, multiLine, trailingComma) { var pos = 0; var group = 0; var length = elements.length; while (pos < length) { if (group === 1) { write(".concat("); } else if (group > 1) { write(", "); } var e = elements[pos]; if (e.kind === 173) { e = e.expression; emitParenthesizedIf(e, group === 0 && needsParenthesisForPropertyAccessOrInvocation(e)); pos++; } else { var i = pos; while (i < length && elements[i].kind !== 173) { i++; } write("["); if (multiLine) { increaseIndent(); } emitList(elements, pos, i - pos, multiLine, trailingComma && i === length); if (multiLine) { decreaseIndent(); } write("]"); pos = i; } group++; } if (group > 1) { write(")"); } } function isSpreadElementExpression(node) { return node.kind === 173; } function emitArrayLiteral(node) { var elements = node.elements; if (elements.length === 0) { write("[]"); } else if (languageVersion >= 2 || !ts.forEach(elements, isSpreadElementExpression)) { write("["); emitLinePreservingList(node, node.elements, elements.hasTrailingComma, false); write("]"); } else { emitListWithSpread(elements, (node.flags & 512) !== 0, elements.hasTrailingComma); } } function emitDownlevelObjectLiteralWithComputedProperties(node, firstComputedPropertyIndex) { var parenthesizedObjectLiteral = createDownlevelObjectLiteralWithComputedProperties(node, firstComputedPropertyIndex); return emit(parenthesizedObjectLiteral); } function createDownlevelObjectLiteralWithComputedProperties(originalObjectLiteral, firstComputedPropertyIndex) { var tempVar = createAndRecordTempVariable(0); var initialObjectLiteral = ts.createSynthesizedNode(154); initialObjectLiteral.properties = originalObjectLiteral.properties.slice(0, firstComputedPropertyIndex); initialObjectLiteral.flags |= 512; var propertyPatches = createBinaryExpression(tempVar, 53, initialObjectLiteral); ts.forEach(originalObjectLiteral.properties, function (property) { var patchedProperty = tryCreatePatchingPropertyAssignment(originalObjectLiteral, tempVar, property); if (patchedProperty) { propertyPatches = createBinaryExpression(propertyPatches, 23, patchedProperty); } }); propertyPatches = createBinaryExpression(propertyPatches, 23, createIdentifier(tempVar.text, true)); var result = createParenthesizedExpression(propertyPatches); return result; } function addCommentsToSynthesizedNode(node, leadingCommentRanges, trailingCommentRanges) { node.leadingCommentRanges = leadingCommentRanges; node.trailingCommentRanges = trailingCommentRanges; } function tryCreatePatchingPropertyAssignment(objectLiteral, tempVar, property) { var leftHandSide = createMemberAccessForPropertyName(tempVar, property.name); var maybeRightHandSide = tryGetRightHandSideOfPatchingPropertyAssignment(objectLiteral, property); return maybeRightHandSide && createBinaryExpression(leftHandSide, 53, maybeRightHandSide, true); } function tryGetRightHandSideOfPatchingPropertyAssignment(objectLiteral, property) { switch (property.kind) { case 224: return property.initializer; case 225: return createIdentifier(resolver.getExpressionNameSubstitution(property.name, getGeneratedNameForNode)); case 134: return createFunctionExpression(property.parameters, property.body); case 136: case 137: var _a = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(objectLiteral.properties, property), firstAccessor = _a.firstAccessor, getAccessor = _a.getAccessor, setAccessor = _a.setAccessor; if (firstAccessor !== property) { return undefined; } var propertyDescriptor = ts.createSynthesizedNode(154); var descriptorProperties = []; if (getAccessor) { var getProperty_1 = createPropertyAssignment(createIdentifier("get"), createFunctionExpression(getAccessor.parameters, getAccessor.body)); descriptorProperties.push(getProperty_1); } if (setAccessor) { var setProperty = createPropertyAssignment(createIdentifier("set"), createFunctionExpression(setAccessor.parameters, setAccessor.body)); descriptorProperties.push(setProperty); } var trueExpr = ts.createSynthesizedNode(95); var enumerableTrue = createPropertyAssignment(createIdentifier("enumerable"), trueExpr); descriptorProperties.push(enumerableTrue); var configurableTrue = createPropertyAssignment(createIdentifier("configurable"), trueExpr); descriptorProperties.push(configurableTrue); propertyDescriptor.properties = descriptorProperties; var objectDotDefineProperty = createPropertyAccessExpression(createIdentifier("Object"), createIdentifier("defineProperty")); return createCallExpression(objectDotDefineProperty, createNodeArray(propertyDescriptor)); default: ts.Debug.fail("ObjectLiteralElement kind " + property.kind + " not accounted for."); } } function createParenthesizedExpression(expression) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(161); result.expression = expression; return result; } function createNodeArray() { var elements = []; for (var _a = 0; _a < arguments.length; _a++) { elements[_a - 0] = arguments[_a]; } var result = elements; result.pos = -1; result.end = -1; return result; } function createBinaryExpression(left, operator, right, startsOnNewLine) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(169, startsOnNewLine); result.operatorToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(operator); result.left = left; result.right = right; return result; } function createExpressionStatement(expression) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(182); result.expression = expression; return result; } function createMemberAccessForPropertyName(expression, memberName) { if (memberName.kind === 65) { return createPropertyAccessExpression(expression, memberName); } else if (memberName.kind === 8 || memberName.kind === 7) { return createElementAccessExpression(expression, memberName); } else if (memberName.kind === 127) { return createElementAccessExpression(expression, memberName.expression); } else { ts.Debug.fail("Kind '" + memberName.kind + "' not accounted for."); } } function createPropertyAssignment(name, initializer) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(224); result.name = name; result.initializer = initializer; return result; } function createFunctionExpression(parameters, body) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(162); result.parameters = parameters; result.body = body; return result; } function createPropertyAccessExpression(expression, name) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(155); result.expression = expression; result.dotToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(20); result.name = name; return result; } function createElementAccessExpression(expression, argumentExpression) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(156); result.expression = expression; result.argumentExpression = argumentExpression; return result; } function createIdentifier(name, startsOnNewLine) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(65, startsOnNewLine); result.text = name; return result; } function createCallExpression(invokedExpression, arguments) { var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(157); result.expression = invokedExpression; result.arguments = arguments; return result; } function emitObjectLiteral(node) { var properties = node.properties; if (languageVersion < 2) { var numProperties = properties.length; var numInitialNonComputedProperties = numProperties; for (var i = 0, n = properties.length; i < n; i++) { if (properties[i].name.kind === 127) { numInitialNonComputedProperties = i; break; } } var hasComputedProperty = numInitialNonComputedProperties !== properties.length; if (hasComputedProperty) { emitDownlevelObjectLiteralWithComputedProperties(node, numInitialNonComputedProperties); return; } } write("{"); if (properties.length) { emitLinePreservingList(node, properties, languageVersion >= 1, true); } write("}"); } function emitComputedPropertyName(node) { write("["); emitExpressionForPropertyName(node); write("]"); } function emitMethod(node) { emit(node.name, false); if (languageVersion < 2) { write(": function "); } emitSignatureAndBody(node); } function emitPropertyAssignment(node) { emit(node.name, false); write(": "); emit(node.initializer); } function emitShorthandPropertyAssignment(node) { emit(node.name, false); if (languageVersion < 2) { write(": "); var generatedName = getGeneratedNameForIdentifier(node.name); if (generatedName) { write(generatedName); } else { emitExpressionIdentifier(node.name); } } else if (resolver.getExpressionNameSubstitution(node.name, getGeneratedNameForNode)) { write(": "); emitExpressionIdentifier(node.name); } } function tryEmitConstantValue(node) { if (compilerOptions.separateCompilation) { return false; } var constantValue = resolver.getConstantValue(node); if (constantValue !== undefined) { write(constantValue.toString()); if (!compilerOptions.removeComments) { var propertyName = node.kind === 155 ? ts.declarationNameToString(node.name) : ts.getTextOfNode(node.argumentExpression); write(" /* " + propertyName + " */"); } return true; } return false; } function indentIfOnDifferentLines(parent, node1, node2, valueToWriteWhenNotIndenting) { var realNodesAreOnDifferentLines = !ts.nodeIsSynthesized(parent) && !nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(node1, node2); var synthesizedNodeIsOnDifferentLine = synthesizedNodeStartsOnNewLine(node2); if (realNodesAreOnDifferentLines || synthesizedNodeIsOnDifferentLine) { increaseIndent(); writeLine(); return true; } else { if (valueToWriteWhenNotIndenting) { write(valueToWriteWhenNotIndenting); } return false; } } function emitPropertyAccess(node) { if (tryEmitConstantValue(node)) { return; } emit(node.expression); var indentedBeforeDot = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.expression, node.dotToken); write("."); var indentedAfterDot = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.dotToken, node.name); emit(node.name, false); decreaseIndentIf(indentedBeforeDot, indentedAfterDot); } function emitQualifiedName(node) { emit(node.left); write("."); emit(node.right); } function emitIndexedAccess(node) { if (tryEmitConstantValue(node)) { return; } emit(node.expression); write("["); emit(node.argumentExpression); write("]"); } function hasSpreadElement(elements) { return ts.forEach(elements, function (e) { return e.kind === 173; }); } function skipParentheses(node) { while (node.kind === 161 || node.kind === 160) { node = node.expression; } return node; } function emitCallTarget(node) { if (node.kind === 65 || node.kind === 93 || node.kind === 91) { emit(node); return node; } var temp = createAndRecordTempVariable(0); write("("); emit(temp); write(" = "); emit(node); write(")"); return temp; } function emitCallWithSpread(node) { var target; var expr = skipParentheses(node.expression); if (expr.kind === 155) { target = emitCallTarget(expr.expression); write("."); emit(expr.name); } else if (expr.kind === 156) { target = emitCallTarget(expr.expression); write("["); emit(expr.argumentExpression); write("]"); } else if (expr.kind === 91) { target = expr; write("_super"); } else { emit(node.expression); } write(".apply("); if (target) { if (target.kind === 91) { emitThis(target); } else { emit(target); } } else { write("void 0"); } write(", "); emitListWithSpread(node.arguments, false, false); write(")"); } function emitCallExpression(node) { if (languageVersion < 2 && hasSpreadElement(node.arguments)) { emitCallWithSpread(node); return; } var superCall = false; if (node.expression.kind === 91) { emitSuper(node.expression); superCall = true; } else { emit(node.expression); superCall = node.expression.kind === 155 && node.expression.expression.kind === 91; } if (superCall && languageVersion < 2) { write(".call("); emitThis(node.expression); if (node.arguments.length) { write(", "); emitCommaList(node.arguments); } write(")"); } else { write("("); emitCommaList(node.arguments); write(")"); } } function emitNewExpression(node) { write("new "); emit(node.expression); if (node.arguments) { write("("); emitCommaList(node.arguments); write(")"); } } function emitTaggedTemplateExpression(node) { if (languageVersion >= 2) { emit(node.tag); write(" "); emit(node.template); } else { emitDownlevelTaggedTemplate(node); } } function emitParenExpression(node) { if (!node.parent || node.parent.kind !== 163) { if (node.expression.kind === 160) { var operand = node.expression.expression; while (operand.kind == 160) { operand = operand.expression; } if (operand.kind !== 167 && operand.kind !== 166 && operand.kind !== 165 && operand.kind !== 164 && operand.kind !== 168 && operand.kind !== 158 && !(operand.kind === 157 && node.parent.kind === 158) && !(operand.kind === 162 && node.parent.kind === 157)) { emit(operand); return; } } } write("("); emit(node.expression); write(")"); } function emitDeleteExpression(node) { write(ts.tokenToString(74)); write(" "); emit(node.expression); } function emitVoidExpression(node) { write(ts.tokenToString(99)); write(" "); emit(node.expression); } function emitTypeOfExpression(node) { write(ts.tokenToString(97)); write(" "); emit(node.expression); } function emitPrefixUnaryExpression(node) { write(ts.tokenToString(node.operator)); if (node.operand.kind === 167) { var operand = node.operand; if (node.operator === 33 && (operand.operator === 33 || operand.operator === 38)) { write(" "); } else if (node.operator === 34 && (operand.operator === 34 || operand.operator === 39)) { write(" "); } } emit(node.operand); } function emitPostfixUnaryExpression(node) { emit(node.operand); write(ts.tokenToString(node.operator)); } function emitBinaryExpression(node) { if (languageVersion < 2 && node.operatorToken.kind === 53 && (node.left.kind === 154 || node.left.kind === 153)) { emitDestructuring(node, node.parent.kind === 182); } else { emit(node.left); var indentedBeforeOperator = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.left, node.operatorToken, node.operatorToken.kind !== 23 ? " " : undefined); write(ts.tokenToString(node.operatorToken.kind)); var indentedAfterOperator = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.operatorToken, node.right, " "); emit(node.right); decreaseIndentIf(indentedBeforeOperator, indentedAfterOperator); } } function synthesizedNodeStartsOnNewLine(node) { return ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node) && node.startsOnNewLine; } function emitConditionalExpression(node) { emit(node.condition); var indentedBeforeQuestion = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.condition, node.questionToken, " "); write("?"); var indentedAfterQuestion = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.questionToken, node.whenTrue, " "); emit(node.whenTrue); decreaseIndentIf(indentedBeforeQuestion, indentedAfterQuestion); var indentedBeforeColon = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.whenTrue, node.colonToken, " "); write(":"); var indentedAfterColon = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.colonToken, node.whenFalse, " "); emit(node.whenFalse); decreaseIndentIf(indentedBeforeColon, indentedAfterColon); } function decreaseIndentIf(value1, value2) { if (value1) { decreaseIndent(); } if (value2) { decreaseIndent(); } } function isSingleLineEmptyBlock(node) { if (node && node.kind === 179) { var block = node; return block.statements.length === 0 && nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(block, block); } } function emitBlock(node) { if (isSingleLineEmptyBlock(node)) { emitToken(14, node.pos); write(" "); emitToken(15, node.statements.end); return; } emitToken(14, node.pos); increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node.parent); if (node.kind === 206) { ts.Debug.assert(node.parent.kind === 205); emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node.parent); } emitLines(node.statements); if (node.kind === 206) { emitTempDeclarations(true); } decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(15, node.statements.end); scopeEmitEnd(); } function emitEmbeddedStatement(node) { if (node.kind === 179) { write(" "); emit(node); } else { increaseIndent(); writeLine(); emit(node); decreaseIndent(); } } function emitExpressionStatement(node) { emitParenthesizedIf(node.expression, node.expression.kind === 163); write(";"); } function emitIfStatement(node) { var endPos = emitToken(84, node.pos); write(" "); endPos = emitToken(16, endPos); emit(node.expression); emitToken(17, node.expression.end); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.thenStatement); if (node.elseStatement) { writeLine(); emitToken(76, node.thenStatement.end); if (node.elseStatement.kind === 183) { write(" "); emit(node.elseStatement); } else { emitEmbeddedStatement(node.elseStatement); } } } function emitDoStatement(node) { write("do"); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); if (node.statement.kind === 179) { write(" "); } else { writeLine(); } write("while ("); emit(node.expression); write(");"); } function emitWhileStatement(node) { write("while ("); emit(node.expression); write(")"); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); } function emitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(decl, startPos) { var tokenKind = 98; if (decl && languageVersion >= 2) { if (ts.isLet(decl)) { tokenKind = 105; } else if (ts.isConst(decl)) { tokenKind = 70; } } if (startPos !== undefined) { emitToken(tokenKind, startPos); } else { switch (tokenKind) { case 98: return write("var "); case 105: return write("let "); case 70: return write("const "); } } } function emitForStatement(node) { var endPos = emitToken(82, node.pos); write(" "); endPos = emitToken(16, endPos); if (node.initializer && node.initializer.kind === 199) { var variableDeclarationList = node.initializer; var declarations = variableDeclarationList.declarations; emitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(declarations[0], endPos); write(" "); emitCommaList(declarations); } else if (node.initializer) { emit(node.initializer); } write(";"); emitOptional(" ", node.condition); write(";"); emitOptional(" ", node.iterator); write(")"); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); } function emitForInOrForOfStatement(node) { if (languageVersion < 2 && node.kind === 188) { return emitDownLevelForOfStatement(node); } var endPos = emitToken(82, node.pos); write(" "); endPos = emitToken(16, endPos); if (node.initializer.kind === 199) { var variableDeclarationList = node.initializer; if (variableDeclarationList.declarations.length >= 1) { var decl = variableDeclarationList.declarations[0]; emitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(decl, endPos); write(" "); emit(decl); } } else { emit(node.initializer); } if (node.kind === 187) { write(" in "); } else { write(" of "); } emit(node.expression); emitToken(17, node.expression.end); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); } function emitDownLevelForOfStatement(node) { // The following ES6 code: // // for (let v of expr) { } // // should be emitted as // // for (let _i = 0, _a = expr; _i < _a.length; _i++) { // let v = _a[_i]; // } // // where _a and _i are temps emitted to capture the RHS and the counter, // respectively. // When the left hand side is an expression instead of a let declaration, // the "let v" is not emitted. // When the left hand side is a let/const, the v is renamed if there is // another v in scope. // Note that all assignments to the LHS are emitted in the body, including // all destructuring. // Note also that because an extra statement is needed to assign to the LHS, // for-of bodies are always emitted as blocks. var endPos = emitToken(82, node.pos); write(" "); endPos = emitToken(16, endPos); var rhsIsIdentifier = node.expression.kind === 65; var counter = createTempVariable(268435456); var rhsReference = rhsIsIdentifier ? node.expression : createTempVariable(0); emitStart(node.expression); write("var "); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(counter); write(" = 0"); emitEnd(node.expression); if (!rhsIsIdentifier) { write(", "); emitStart(node.expression); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(rhsReference); write(" = "); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node.expression); emitEnd(node.expression); } write("; "); emitStart(node.initializer); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(counter); write(" < "); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(rhsReference); write(".length"); emitEnd(node.initializer); write("; "); emitStart(node.initializer); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(counter); write("++"); emitEnd(node.initializer); emitToken(17, node.expression.end); write(" {"); writeLine(); increaseIndent(); var rhsIterationValue = createElementAccessExpression(rhsReference, counter); emitStart(node.initializer); if (node.initializer.kind === 199) { write("var "); var variableDeclarationList = node.initializer; if (variableDeclarationList.declarations.length > 0) { var declaration = variableDeclarationList.declarations[0]; if (ts.isBindingPattern(declaration.name)) { emitDestructuring(declaration, false, rhsIterationValue); } else { emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(declaration); write(" = "); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(rhsIterationValue); } } else { emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(createTempVariable(0)); write(" = "); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(rhsIterationValue); } } else { var assignmentExpression = createBinaryExpression(node.initializer, 53, rhsIterationValue, false); if (node.initializer.kind === 153 || node.initializer.kind === 154) { emitDestructuring(assignmentExpression, true, undefined, node); } else { emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(assignmentExpression); } } emitEnd(node.initializer); write(";"); if (node.statement.kind === 179) { emitLines(node.statement.statements); } else { writeLine(); emit(node.statement); } writeLine(); decreaseIndent(); write("}"); } function emitBreakOrContinueStatement(node) { emitToken(node.kind === 190 ? 66 : 71, node.pos); emitOptional(" ", node.label); write(";"); } function emitReturnStatement(node) { emitToken(90, node.pos); emitOptional(" ", node.expression); write(";"); } function emitWithStatement(node) { write("with ("); emit(node.expression); write(")"); emitEmbeddedStatement(node.statement); } function emitSwitchStatement(node) { var endPos = emitToken(92, node.pos); write(" "); emitToken(16, endPos); emit(node.expression); endPos = emitToken(17, node.expression.end); write(" "); emitCaseBlock(node.caseBlock, endPos); } function emitCaseBlock(node, startPos) { emitToken(14, startPos); increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.clauses); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(15, node.clauses.end); } function nodeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(node1, node2) { return ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, ts.skipTrivia(currentSourceFile.text, node1.pos)) === ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, ts.skipTrivia(currentSourceFile.text, node2.pos)); } function nodeEndPositionsAreOnSameLine(node1, node2) { return ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, node1.end) === ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, node2.end); } function nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(node1, node2) { return ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, node1.end) === ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, ts.skipTrivia(currentSourceFile.text, node2.pos)); } function emitCaseOrDefaultClause(node) { if (node.kind === 220) { write("case "); emit(node.expression); write(":"); } else { write("default:"); } if (node.statements.length === 1 && nodeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(node, node.statements[0])) { write(" "); emit(node.statements[0]); } else { increaseIndent(); emitLines(node.statements); decreaseIndent(); } } function emitThrowStatement(node) { write("throw "); emit(node.expression); write(";"); } function emitTryStatement(node) { write("try "); emit(node.tryBlock); emit(node.catchClause); if (node.finallyBlock) { writeLine(); write("finally "); emit(node.finallyBlock); } } function emitCatchClause(node) { writeLine(); var endPos = emitToken(68, node.pos); write(" "); emitToken(16, endPos); emit(node.variableDeclaration); emitToken(17, node.variableDeclaration ? node.variableDeclaration.end : endPos); write(" "); emitBlock(node.block); } function emitDebuggerStatement(node) { emitToken(72, node.pos); write(";"); } function emitLabelledStatement(node) { emit(node.label); write(": "); emit(node.statement); } function getContainingModule(node) { do { node = node.parent; } while (node && node.kind !== 205); return node; } function emitContainingModuleName(node) { var container = getContainingModule(node); write(container ? getGeneratedNameForNode(container) : "exports"); } function emitModuleMemberName(node) { emitStart(node.name); if (ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1) { var container = getContainingModule(node); if (container) { write(getGeneratedNameForNode(container)); write("."); } else if (languageVersion < 2) { write("exports."); } } emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node.name); emitEnd(node.name); } function createVoidZero() { var zero = ts.createSynthesizedNode(7); zero.text = "0"; var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(166); result.expression = zero; return result; } function emitExportMemberAssignment(node) { if (node.flags & 1) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); if (node.flags & 256) { write("exports.default"); } else { emitModuleMemberName(node); } write(" = "); emitDeclarationName(node); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } } function emitExportMemberAssignments(name) { if (!exportEquals && exportSpecifiers && ts.hasProperty(exportSpecifiers, name.text)) { for (var _a = 0, _b = exportSpecifiers[name.text]; _a < _b.length; _a++) { var specifier = _b[_a]; writeLine(); emitStart(specifier.name); emitContainingModuleName(specifier); write("."); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(specifier.name); emitEnd(specifier.name); write(" = "); emitExpressionIdentifier(name); write(";"); } } } function emitDestructuring(root, isAssignmentExpressionStatement, value, lowestNonSynthesizedAncestor) { var emitCount = 0; var isDeclaration = (root.kind === 198 && !(ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(root) & 1)) || root.kind === 129; if (root.kind === 169) { emitAssignmentExpression(root); } else { ts.Debug.assert(!isAssignmentExpressionStatement); emitBindingElement(root, value); } function emitAssignment(name, value) { if (emitCount++) { write(", "); } renameNonTopLevelLetAndConst(name); if (name.parent && (name.parent.kind === 198 || name.parent.kind === 152)) { emitModuleMemberName(name.parent); } else { emit(name); } write(" = "); emit(value); } function ensureIdentifier(expr) { if (expr.kind !== 65) { var identifier = createTempVariable(0); if (!isDeclaration) { recordTempDeclaration(identifier); } emitAssignment(identifier, expr); expr = identifier; } return expr; } function createDefaultValueCheck(value, defaultValue) { value = ensureIdentifier(value); var equals = ts.createSynthesizedNode(169); equals.left = value; equals.operatorToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(30); equals.right = createVoidZero(); return createConditionalExpression(equals, defaultValue, value); } function createConditionalExpression(condition, whenTrue, whenFalse) { var cond = ts.createSynthesizedNode(170); cond.condition = condition; cond.questionToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(50); cond.whenTrue = whenTrue; cond.colonToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(51); cond.whenFalse = whenFalse; return cond; } function createNumericLiteral(value) { var node = ts.createSynthesizedNode(7); node.text = "" + value; return node; } function parenthesizeForAccess(expr) { if (expr.kind === 65 || expr.kind === 155 || expr.kind === 156) { return expr; } var node = ts.createSynthesizedNode(161); node.expression = expr; return node; } function createPropertyAccess(object, propName) { if (propName.kind !== 65) { return createElementAccess(object, propName); } return createPropertyAccessExpression(parenthesizeForAccess(object), propName); } function createElementAccess(object, index) { var node = ts.createSynthesizedNode(156); node.expression = parenthesizeForAccess(object); node.argumentExpression = index; return node; } function emitObjectLiteralAssignment(target, value) { var properties = target.properties; if (properties.length !== 1) { value = ensureIdentifier(value); } for (var _a = 0; _a < properties.length; _a++) { var p = properties[_a]; if (p.kind === 224 || p.kind === 225) { var propName = (p.name); emitDestructuringAssignment(p.initializer || propName, createPropertyAccess(value, propName)); } } } function emitArrayLiteralAssignment(target, value) { var elements = target.elements; if (elements.length !== 1) { value = ensureIdentifier(value); } for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var e = elements[i]; if (e.kind !== 175) { if (e.kind !== 173) { emitDestructuringAssignment(e, createElementAccess(value, createNumericLiteral(i))); } else { if (i === elements.length - 1) { value = ensureIdentifier(value); emitAssignment(e.expression, value); write(".slice(" + i + ")"); } } } } } function emitDestructuringAssignment(target, value) { if (target.kind === 169 && target.operatorToken.kind === 53) { value = createDefaultValueCheck(value, target.right); target = target.left; } if (target.kind === 154) { emitObjectLiteralAssignment(target, value); } else if (target.kind === 153) { emitArrayLiteralAssignment(target, value); } else { emitAssignment(target, value); } } function emitAssignmentExpression(root) { var target = root.left; var value = root.right; if (isAssignmentExpressionStatement) { emitDestructuringAssignment(target, value); } else { if (root.parent.kind !== 161) { write("("); } value = ensureIdentifier(value); emitDestructuringAssignment(target, value); write(", "); emit(value); if (root.parent.kind !== 161) { write(")"); } } } function emitBindingElement(target, value) { if (target.initializer) { value = value ? createDefaultValueCheck(value, target.initializer) : target.initializer; } else if (!value) { value = createVoidZero(); } if (ts.isBindingPattern(target.name)) { var pattern = target.name; var elements = pattern.elements; if (elements.length !== 1) { value = ensureIdentifier(value); } for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; if (pattern.kind === 150) { var propName = element.propertyName || element.name; emitBindingElement(element, createPropertyAccess(value, propName)); } else if (element.kind !== 175) { if (!element.dotDotDotToken) { emitBindingElement(element, createElementAccess(value, createNumericLiteral(i))); } else { if (i === elements.length - 1) { value = ensureIdentifier(value); emitAssignment(element.name, value); write(".slice(" + i + ")"); } } } } } else { emitAssignment(target.name, value); } } } function emitVariableDeclaration(node) { if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { if (languageVersion < 2) { emitDestructuring(node, false); } else { emit(node.name); emitOptional(" = ", node.initializer); } } else { renameNonTopLevelLetAndConst(node.name); emitModuleMemberName(node); var initializer = node.initializer; if (!initializer && languageVersion < 2) { var isUninitializedLet = (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 256) && (getCombinedFlagsForIdentifier(node.name) & 4096); if (isUninitializedLet && node.parent.parent.kind !== 187 && node.parent.parent.kind !== 188) { initializer = createVoidZero(); } } emitOptional(" = ", initializer); } } function emitExportVariableAssignments(node) { if (node.kind === 175) { return; } var name = node.name; if (name.kind === 65) { emitExportMemberAssignments(name); } else if (ts.isBindingPattern(name)) { ts.forEach(name.elements, emitExportVariableAssignments); } } function getCombinedFlagsForIdentifier(node) { if (!node.parent || (node.parent.kind !== 198 && node.parent.kind !== 152)) { return 0; } return ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node.parent); } function renameNonTopLevelLetAndConst(node) { if (languageVersion >= 2 || ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node) || node.kind !== 65 || (node.parent.kind !== 198 && node.parent.kind !== 152)) { return; } var combinedFlags = getCombinedFlagsForIdentifier(node); if (((combinedFlags & 12288) === 0) || combinedFlags & 1) { return; } var list = ts.getAncestor(node, 199); if (list.parent.kind === 180) { var isSourceFileLevelBinding = list.parent.parent.kind === 227; var isModuleLevelBinding = list.parent.parent.kind === 206; var isFunctionLevelBinding = list.parent.parent.kind === 179 && ts.isFunctionLike(list.parent.parent.parent); if (isSourceFileLevelBinding || isModuleLevelBinding || isFunctionLevelBinding) { return; } } var blockScopeContainer = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(node); var parent = blockScopeContainer.kind === 227 ? blockScopeContainer : blockScopeContainer.parent; if (resolver.resolvesToSomeValue(parent, node.text)) { var variableId = resolver.getBlockScopedVariableId(node); if (!blockScopedVariableToGeneratedName) { blockScopedVariableToGeneratedName = []; } var generatedName = makeUniqueName(node.text); blockScopedVariableToGeneratedName[variableId] = generatedName; } } function isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) { return !!(node.flags & 1) && languageVersion >= 2 && node.parent.kind === 227; } function emitVariableStatement(node) { if (!(node.flags & 1)) { emitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(node.declarationList); } else if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { write("export "); emitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(node.declarationList); } emitCommaList(node.declarationList.declarations); write(";"); if (languageVersion < 2 && node.parent === currentSourceFile) { ts.forEach(node.declarationList.declarations, emitExportVariableAssignments); } } function emitParameter(node) { if (languageVersion < 2) { if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { var name_16 = createTempVariable(0); if (!tempParameters) { tempParameters = []; } tempParameters.push(name_16); emit(name_16); } else { emit(node.name); } } else { if (node.dotDotDotToken) { write("..."); } emit(node.name); emitOptional(" = ", node.initializer); } } function emitDefaultValueAssignments(node) { if (languageVersion < 2) { var tempIndex = 0; ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (p) { if (ts.isBindingPattern(p.name)) { writeLine(); write("var "); emitDestructuring(p, false, tempParameters[tempIndex]); write(";"); tempIndex++; } else if (p.initializer) { writeLine(); emitStart(p); write("if ("); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(p.name); write(" === void 0)"); emitEnd(p); write(" { "); emitStart(p); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(p.name); write(" = "); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(p.initializer); emitEnd(p); write("; }"); } }); } } function emitRestParameter(node) { if (languageVersion < 2 && ts.hasRestParameters(node)) { var restIndex = node.parameters.length - 1; var restParam = node.parameters[restIndex]; var tempName = createTempVariable(268435456).text; writeLine(); emitLeadingComments(restParam); emitStart(restParam); write("var "); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(restParam.name); write(" = [];"); emitEnd(restParam); emitTrailingComments(restParam); writeLine(); write("for ("); emitStart(restParam); write("var " + tempName + " = " + restIndex + ";"); emitEnd(restParam); write(" "); emitStart(restParam); write(tempName + " < arguments.length;"); emitEnd(restParam); write(" "); emitStart(restParam); write(tempName + "++"); emitEnd(restParam); write(") {"); increaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitStart(restParam); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(restParam.name); write("[" + tempName + " - " + restIndex + "] = arguments[" + tempName + "];"); emitEnd(restParam); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("}"); } } function emitAccessor(node) { write(node.kind === 136 ? "get " : "set "); emit(node.name, false); emitSignatureAndBody(node); } function shouldEmitAsArrowFunction(node) { return node.kind === 163 && languageVersion >= 2; } function emitDeclarationName(node) { if (node.name) { emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node.name); } else { write(getGeneratedNameForNode(node)); } } function shouldEmitFunctionName(node) { if (node.kind === 162) { return !!node.name; } if (node.kind === 200) { return !!node.name || languageVersion < 2; } } function emitFunctionDeclaration(node) { if (ts.nodeIsMissing(node.body)) { return emitOnlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments(node); } if (node.kind !== 134 && node.kind !== 133) { emitLeadingComments(node); } if (!shouldEmitAsArrowFunction(node)) { if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { write("export "); if (node.flags & 256) { write("default "); } } write("function "); } if (shouldEmitFunctionName(node)) { emitDeclarationName(node); } emitSignatureAndBody(node); if (languageVersion < 2 && node.kind === 200 && node.parent === currentSourceFile && node.name) { emitExportMemberAssignments(node.name); } if (node.kind !== 134 && node.kind !== 133) { emitTrailingComments(node); } } function emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node) { if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 4) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("var _this = this;"); emitEnd(node); } } function emitSignatureParameters(node) { increaseIndent(); write("("); if (node) { var parameters = node.parameters; var omitCount = languageVersion < 2 && ts.hasRestParameters(node) ? 1 : 0; emitList(parameters, 0, parameters.length - omitCount, false, false); } write(")"); decreaseIndent(); } function emitSignatureParametersForArrow(node) { if (node.parameters.length === 1 && node.pos === node.parameters[0].pos) { emit(node.parameters[0]); return; } emitSignatureParameters(node); } function emitSignatureAndBody(node) { var saveTempFlags = tempFlags; var saveTempVariables = tempVariables; var saveTempParameters = tempParameters; tempFlags = 0; tempVariables = undefined; tempParameters = undefined; if (shouldEmitAsArrowFunction(node)) { emitSignatureParametersForArrow(node); write(" =>"); } else { emitSignatureParameters(node); } if (!node.body) { write(" { }"); } else if (node.body.kind === 179) { emitBlockFunctionBody(node, node.body); } else { emitExpressionFunctionBody(node, node.body); } if (!isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { emitExportMemberAssignment(node); } tempFlags = saveTempFlags; tempVariables = saveTempVariables; tempParameters = saveTempParameters; } function emitFunctionBodyPreamble(node) { emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitDefaultValueAssignments(node); emitRestParameter(node); } function emitExpressionFunctionBody(node, body) { if (languageVersion < 2) { emitDownLevelExpressionFunctionBody(node, body); return; } write(" "); var current = body; while (current.kind === 160) { current = current.expression; } emitParenthesizedIf(body, current.kind === 154); } function emitDownLevelExpressionFunctionBody(node, body) { write(" {"); scopeEmitStart(node); increaseIndent(); var outPos = writer.getTextPos(); emitDetachedComments(node.body); emitFunctionBodyPreamble(node); var preambleEmitted = writer.getTextPos() !== outPos; decreaseIndent(); if (!preambleEmitted && nodeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(node, body)) { write(" "); emitStart(body); write("return "); emit(body); emitEnd(body); write(";"); emitTempDeclarations(false); write(" "); } else { increaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitLeadingComments(node.body); write("return "); emit(body); write(";"); emitTrailingComments(node.body); emitTempDeclarations(true); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); } emitStart(node.body); write("}"); emitEnd(node.body); scopeEmitEnd(); } function emitBlockFunctionBody(node, body) { write(" {"); scopeEmitStart(node); var initialTextPos = writer.getTextPos(); increaseIndent(); emitDetachedComments(body.statements); var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(body.statements, true); emitFunctionBodyPreamble(node); decreaseIndent(); var preambleEmitted = writer.getTextPos() !== initialTextPos; if (!preambleEmitted && nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(body, body)) { for (var _a = 0, _b = body.statements; _a < _b.length; _a++) { var statement = _b[_a]; write(" "); emit(statement); } emitTempDeclarations(false); write(" "); emitLeadingCommentsOfPosition(body.statements.end); } else { increaseIndent(); emitLinesStartingAt(body.statements, startIndex); emitTempDeclarations(true); writeLine(); emitLeadingCommentsOfPosition(body.statements.end); decreaseIndent(); } emitToken(15, body.statements.end); scopeEmitEnd(); } function findInitialSuperCall(ctor) { if (ctor.body) { var statement = ctor.body.statements[0]; if (statement && statement.kind === 182) { var expr = statement.expression; if (expr && expr.kind === 157) { var func = expr.expression; if (func && func.kind === 91) { return statement; } } } } } function emitParameterPropertyAssignments(node) { ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (param) { if (param.flags & 112) { writeLine(); emitStart(param); emitStart(param.name); write("this."); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(param.name); emitEnd(param.name); write(" = "); emit(param.name); write(";"); emitEnd(param); } }); } function emitMemberAccessForPropertyName(memberName) { if (memberName.kind === 8 || memberName.kind === 7) { write("["); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(memberName); write("]"); } else if (memberName.kind === 127) { emitComputedPropertyName(memberName); } else { write("."); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(memberName); } } function emitMemberAssignments(node, staticFlag) { ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) { if (member.kind === 132 && (member.flags & 128) === staticFlag && member.initializer) { writeLine(); emitLeadingComments(member); emitStart(member); emitStart(member.name); if (staticFlag) { emitDeclarationName(node); } else { write("this"); } emitMemberAccessForPropertyName(member.name); emitEnd(member.name); write(" = "); emit(member.initializer); write(";"); emitEnd(member); emitTrailingComments(member); } }); } function emitMemberFunctionsForES5AndLower(node) { ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) { if (member.kind === 178) { writeLine(); write(";"); } else if (member.kind === 134 || node.kind === 133) { if (!member.body) { return emitOnlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments(member); } writeLine(); emitLeadingComments(member); emitStart(member); emitStart(member.name); emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member); emitMemberAccessForPropertyName(member.name); emitEnd(member.name); write(" = "); emitStart(member); emitFunctionDeclaration(member); emitEnd(member); emitEnd(member); write(";"); emitTrailingComments(member); } else if (member.kind === 136 || member.kind === 137) { var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.members, member); if (member === accessors.firstAccessor) { writeLine(); emitStart(member); write("Object.defineProperty("); emitStart(member.name); emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member); write(", "); emitExpressionForPropertyName(member.name); emitEnd(member.name); write(", {"); increaseIndent(); if (accessors.getAccessor) { writeLine(); emitLeadingComments(accessors.getAccessor); write("get: "); emitStart(accessors.getAccessor); write("function "); emitSignatureAndBody(accessors.getAccessor); emitEnd(accessors.getAccessor); emitTrailingComments(accessors.getAccessor); write(","); } if (accessors.setAccessor) { writeLine(); emitLeadingComments(accessors.setAccessor); write("set: "); emitStart(accessors.setAccessor); write("function "); emitSignatureAndBody(accessors.setAccessor); emitEnd(accessors.setAccessor); emitTrailingComments(accessors.setAccessor); write(","); } writeLine(); write("enumerable: true,"); writeLine(); write("configurable: true"); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("});"); emitEnd(member); } } }); } function emitMemberFunctionsForES6AndHigher(node) { for (var _a = 0, _b = node.members; _a < _b.length; _a++) { var member = _b[_a]; if ((member.kind === 134 || node.kind === 133) && !member.body) { emitOnlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments(member); } else if (member.kind === 134 || member.kind === 136 || member.kind === 137) { writeLine(); emitLeadingComments(member); emitStart(member); if (member.flags & 128) { write("static "); } if (member.kind === 136) { write("get "); } else if (member.kind === 137) { write("set "); } emit(member.name); emitSignatureAndBody(member); emitEnd(member); emitTrailingComments(member); } else if (member.kind === 178) { writeLine(); write(";"); } } } function emitConstructor(node, baseTypeElement) { var saveTempFlags = tempFlags; var saveTempVariables = tempVariables; var saveTempParameters = tempParameters; tempFlags = 0; tempVariables = undefined; tempParameters = undefined; var hasInstancePropertyWithInitializer = false; ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) { if (member.kind === 135 && !member.body) { emitOnlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments(member); } if (member.kind === 132 && member.initializer && (member.flags & 128) === 0) { hasInstancePropertyWithInitializer = true; } }); var ctor = ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody(node); if (languageVersion >= 2 && !ctor && !hasInstancePropertyWithInitializer) { return; } if (ctor) { emitLeadingComments(ctor); } emitStart(ctor || node); if (languageVersion < 2) { write("function "); emitDeclarationName(node); emitSignatureParameters(ctor); } else { write("constructor"); if (ctor) { emitSignatureParameters(ctor); } else { if (baseTypeElement) { write("(...args)"); } else { write("()"); } } } write(" {"); scopeEmitStart(node, "constructor"); increaseIndent(); if (ctor) { emitDetachedComments(ctor.body.statements); } emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); if (ctor) { emitDefaultValueAssignments(ctor); emitRestParameter(ctor); if (baseTypeElement) { var superCall = findInitialSuperCall(ctor); if (superCall) { writeLine(); emit(superCall); } } emitParameterPropertyAssignments(ctor); } else { if (baseTypeElement) { writeLine(); emitStart(baseTypeElement); if (languageVersion < 2) { write("_super.apply(this, arguments);"); } else { write("super(...args);"); } emitEnd(baseTypeElement); } } emitMemberAssignments(node, 0); if (ctor) { var statements = ctor.body.statements; if (superCall) { statements = statements.slice(1); } emitLines(statements); } emitTempDeclarations(true); writeLine(); if (ctor) { emitLeadingCommentsOfPosition(ctor.body.statements.end); } decreaseIndent(); emitToken(15, ctor ? ctor.body.statements.end : node.members.end); scopeEmitEnd(); emitEnd(ctor || node); if (ctor) { emitTrailingComments(ctor); } tempFlags = saveTempFlags; tempVariables = saveTempVariables; tempParameters = saveTempParameters; } function emitClassExpression(node) { return emitClassLikeDeclaration(node); } function emitClassDeclaration(node) { return emitClassLikeDeclaration(node); } function emitClassLikeDeclaration(node) { if (languageVersion < 2) { emitClassLikeDeclarationBelowES6(node); } else { emitClassLikeDeclarationForES6AndHigher(node); } } function emitClassLikeDeclarationForES6AndHigher(node) { var thisNodeIsDecorated = ts.nodeIsDecorated(node); if (node.kind === 201) { if (thisNodeIsDecorated) { if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && !(node.flags & 256)) { write("export "); } write("let "); emitDeclarationName(node); write(" = "); } else if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { write("export "); if (node.flags & 256) { write("default "); } } } write("class"); if ((node.name || !(node.flags & 256)) && !thisNodeIsDecorated) { write(" "); emitDeclarationName(node); } var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node); if (baseTypeNode) { write(" extends "); emit(baseTypeNode.expression); } write(" {"); increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node); writeLine(); emitConstructor(node, baseTypeNode); emitMemberFunctionsForES6AndHigher(node); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(15, node.members.end); scopeEmitEnd(); if (thisNodeIsDecorated) { write(";"); if (node.name) { writeLine(); write("Object.defineProperty("); emitDeclarationName(node); write(", \"name\", { value: \""); emitDeclarationName(node); write("\", configurable: true });"); writeLine(); } } writeLine(); emitMemberAssignments(node, 128); emitDecoratorsOfClass(node); if (!isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && (node.flags & 1)) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = "); emitDeclarationName(node); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } else if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && (node.flags & 256) && thisNodeIsDecorated) { writeLine(); write("export default "); emitDeclarationName(node); write(";"); } } function emitClassLikeDeclarationBelowES6(node) { if (node.kind === 201) { write("var "); emitDeclarationName(node); write(" = "); } write("(function ("); var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node); if (baseTypeNode) { write("_super"); } write(") {"); var saveTempFlags = tempFlags; var saveTempVariables = tempVariables; var saveTempParameters = tempParameters; var saveComputedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames; tempFlags = 0; tempVariables = undefined; tempParameters = undefined; computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = undefined; increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node); if (baseTypeNode) { writeLine(); emitStart(baseTypeNode); write("__extends("); emitDeclarationName(node); write(", _super);"); emitEnd(baseTypeNode); } writeLine(); emitConstructor(node, baseTypeNode); emitMemberFunctionsForES5AndLower(node); emitMemberAssignments(node, 128); writeLine(); emitDecoratorsOfClass(node); writeLine(); emitToken(15, node.members.end, function () { write("return "); emitDeclarationName(node); }); write(";"); emitTempDeclarations(true); tempFlags = saveTempFlags; tempVariables = saveTempVariables; tempParameters = saveTempParameters; computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = saveComputedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames; decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(15, node.members.end); scopeEmitEnd(); emitStart(node); write(")("); if (baseTypeNode) { emit(baseTypeNode.expression); } write(")"); if (node.kind === 201) { write(";"); } emitEnd(node); if (node.kind === 201) { emitExportMemberAssignment(node); } if (languageVersion < 2 && node.parent === currentSourceFile && node.name) { emitExportMemberAssignments(node.name); } } function emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member) { emitDeclarationName(node); if (!(member.flags & 128)) { write(".prototype"); } } function emitDecoratorsOfClass(node) { emitDecoratorsOfMembers(node, 0); emitDecoratorsOfMembers(node, 128); emitDecoratorsOfConstructor(node); } function emitDecoratorsOfConstructor(node) { var constructor = ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody(node); if (constructor) { emitDecoratorsOfParameters(node, constructor); } if (!ts.nodeIsDecorated(node)) { return; } writeLine(); emitStart(node); emitDeclarationName(node); write(" = "); emitDecorateStart(node.decorators); emitDeclarationName(node); write(");"); emitEnd(node); writeLine(); } function emitDecoratorsOfMembers(node, staticFlag) { ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) { if ((member.flags & 128) !== staticFlag) { return; } var decorators; switch (member.kind) { case 134: emitDecoratorsOfParameters(node, member); decorators = member.decorators; break; case 136: case 137: var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.members, member); if (member !== accessors.firstAccessor) { return; } if (accessors.setAccessor) { emitDecoratorsOfParameters(node, accessors.setAccessor); } decorators = accessors.firstAccessor.decorators; if (!decorators && accessors.secondAccessor) { decorators = accessors.secondAccessor.decorators; } break; case 132: decorators = member.decorators; break; default: return; } if (!decorators) { return; } writeLine(); emitStart(member); if (member.kind !== 132) { write("Object.defineProperty("); emitStart(member.name); emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member); write(", "); emitExpressionForPropertyName(member.name); emitEnd(member.name); write(", "); } emitDecorateStart(decorators); emitStart(member.name); emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member); write(", "); emitExpressionForPropertyName(member.name); emitEnd(member.name); if (member.kind !== 132) { write(", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor("); emitStart(member.name); emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member); write(", "); emitExpressionForPropertyName(member.name); emitEnd(member.name); write("))"); } write(");"); emitEnd(member); writeLine(); }); } function emitDecoratorsOfParameters(node, member) { ts.forEach(member.parameters, function (parameter, parameterIndex) { if (!ts.nodeIsDecorated(parameter)) { return; } writeLine(); emitStart(parameter); emitDecorateStart(parameter.decorators); emitStart(parameter.name); if (member.kind === 135) { emitDeclarationName(node); write(", void 0"); } else { emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member); write(", "); emitExpressionForPropertyName(member.name); } write(", "); write(String(parameterIndex)); emitEnd(parameter.name); write(");"); emitEnd(parameter); writeLine(); }); } function emitDecorateStart(decorators) { write("__decorate(["); var decoratorCount = decorators.length; for (var i = 0; i < decoratorCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { write(", "); } var decorator = decorators[i]; emitStart(decorator); emit(decorator.expression); emitEnd(decorator); } write("], "); } function emitInterfaceDeclaration(node) { emitOnlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments(node); } function shouldEmitEnumDeclaration(node) { var isConstEnum = ts.isConst(node); return !isConstEnum || compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums || compilerOptions.separateCompilation; } function emitEnumDeclaration(node) { if (!shouldEmitEnumDeclaration(node)) { return; } if (!(node.flags & 1) || isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { emitStart(node); if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { write("export "); } write("var "); emit(node.name); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("(function ("); emitStart(node.name); write(getGeneratedNameForNode(node)); emitEnd(node.name); write(") {"); increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node); emitLines(node.members); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); emitToken(15, node.members.end); scopeEmitEnd(); write(")("); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" || ("); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = {}));"); emitEnd(node); if (!isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && node.flags & 1) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("var "); emit(node.name); write(" = "); emitModuleMemberName(node); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } if (languageVersion < 2 && node.parent === currentSourceFile) { emitExportMemberAssignments(node.name); } } function emitEnumMember(node) { var enumParent = node.parent; emitStart(node); write(getGeneratedNameForNode(enumParent)); write("["); write(getGeneratedNameForNode(enumParent)); write("["); emitExpressionForPropertyName(node.name); write("] = "); writeEnumMemberDeclarationValue(node); write("] = "); emitExpressionForPropertyName(node.name); emitEnd(node); write(";"); } function writeEnumMemberDeclarationValue(member) { var value = resolver.getConstantValue(member); if (value !== undefined) { write(value.toString()); return; } else if (member.initializer) { emit(member.initializer); } else { write("undefined"); } } function getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(moduleDeclaration) { if (moduleDeclaration.body.kind === 205) { var recursiveInnerModule = getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(moduleDeclaration.body); return recursiveInnerModule || moduleDeclaration.body; } } function shouldEmitModuleDeclaration(node) { return ts.isInstantiatedModule(node, compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums || compilerOptions.separateCompilation); } function emitModuleDeclaration(node) { var shouldEmit = shouldEmitModuleDeclaration(node); if (!shouldEmit) { return emitOnlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments(node); } emitStart(node); if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { write("export "); } write("var "); emit(node.name); write(";"); emitEnd(node); writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("(function ("); emitStart(node.name); write(getGeneratedNameForNode(node)); emitEnd(node.name); write(") "); if (node.body.kind === 206) { var saveTempFlags = tempFlags; var saveTempVariables = tempVariables; tempFlags = 0; tempVariables = undefined; emit(node.body); tempFlags = saveTempFlags; tempVariables = saveTempVariables; } else { write("{"); increaseIndent(); scopeEmitStart(node); emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); writeLine(); emit(node.body); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); var moduleBlock = getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(node).body; emitToken(15, moduleBlock.statements.end); scopeEmitEnd(); } write(")("); if ((node.flags & 1) && !isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { emit(node.name); write(" = "); } emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" || ("); emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = {}));"); emitEnd(node); if (!isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && node.name.kind === 65 && node.parent === currentSourceFile) { emitExportMemberAssignments(node.name); } } function emitRequire(moduleName) { if (moduleName.kind === 8) { write("require("); emitStart(moduleName); emitLiteral(moduleName); emitEnd(moduleName); emitToken(17, moduleName.end); } else { write("require()"); } } function getNamespaceDeclarationNode(node) { if (node.kind === 208) { return node; } var importClause = node.importClause; if (importClause && importClause.namedBindings && importClause.namedBindings.kind === 211) { return importClause.namedBindings; } } function isDefaultImport(node) { return node.kind === 209 && node.importClause && !!node.importClause.name; } function emitExportImportAssignments(node) { if (ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration(node) && resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) { emitExportMemberAssignments(node.name); } ts.forEachChild(node, emitExportImportAssignments); } function emitImportDeclaration(node) { if (languageVersion < 2) { return emitExternalImportDeclaration(node); } if (node.importClause) { var shouldEmitDefaultBindings = resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node.importClause); var shouldEmitNamedBindings = node.importClause.namedBindings && resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node.importClause.namedBindings, true); if (shouldEmitDefaultBindings || shouldEmitNamedBindings) { write("import "); emitStart(node.importClause); if (shouldEmitDefaultBindings) { emit(node.importClause.name); if (shouldEmitNamedBindings) { write(", "); } } if (shouldEmitNamedBindings) { emitLeadingComments(node.importClause.namedBindings); emitStart(node.importClause.namedBindings); if (node.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 211) { write("* as "); emit(node.importClause.namedBindings.name); } else { write("{ "); emitExportOrImportSpecifierList(node.importClause.namedBindings.elements, resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration); write(" }"); } emitEnd(node.importClause.namedBindings); emitTrailingComments(node.importClause.namedBindings); } emitEnd(node.importClause); write(" from "); emit(node.moduleSpecifier); write(";"); } } else { write("import "); emit(node.moduleSpecifier); write(";"); } } function emitExternalImportDeclaration(node) { if (ts.contains(externalImports, node)) { var isExportedImport = node.kind === 208 && (node.flags & 1) !== 0; var namespaceDeclaration = getNamespaceDeclarationNode(node); if (compilerOptions.module !== 2) { emitLeadingComments(node); emitStart(node); if (namespaceDeclaration && !isDefaultImport(node)) { if (!isExportedImport) write("var "); emitModuleMemberName(namespaceDeclaration); write(" = "); } else { var isNakedImport = 209 && !node.importClause; if (!isNakedImport) { write("var "); write(getGeneratedNameForNode(node)); write(" = "); } } emitRequire(ts.getExternalModuleName(node)); if (namespaceDeclaration && isDefaultImport(node)) { write(", "); emitModuleMemberName(namespaceDeclaration); write(" = "); write(getGeneratedNameForNode(node)); } write(";"); emitEnd(node); emitExportImportAssignments(node); emitTrailingComments(node); } else { if (isExportedImport) { emitModuleMemberName(namespaceDeclaration); write(" = "); emit(namespaceDeclaration.name); write(";"); } else if (namespaceDeclaration && isDefaultImport(node)) { write("var "); emitModuleMemberName(namespaceDeclaration); write(" = "); write(getGeneratedNameForNode(node)); write(";"); } emitExportImportAssignments(node); } } } function emitImportEqualsDeclaration(node) { if (ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { emitExternalImportDeclaration(node); return; } if (resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node) || (!ts.isExternalModule(currentSourceFile) && resolver.isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName(node))) { emitLeadingComments(node); emitStart(node); if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) { write("export "); write("var "); } else if (!(node.flags & 1)) { write("var "); } emitModuleMemberName(node); write(" = "); emit(node.moduleReference); write(";"); emitEnd(node); emitExportImportAssignments(node); emitTrailingComments(node); } } function emitExportDeclaration(node) { if (languageVersion < 2) { if (node.moduleSpecifier && (!node.exportClause || resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node))) { emitStart(node); var generatedName = getGeneratedNameForNode(node); if (node.exportClause) { if (compilerOptions.module !== 2) { write("var "); write(generatedName); write(" = "); emitRequire(ts.getExternalModuleName(node)); write(";"); } for (var _a = 0, _b = node.exportClause.elements; _a < _b.length; _a++) { var specifier = _b[_a]; if (resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(specifier)) { writeLine(); emitStart(specifier); emitContainingModuleName(specifier); write("."); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(specifier.name); write(" = "); write(generatedName); write("."); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(specifier.propertyName || specifier.name); write(";"); emitEnd(specifier); } } } else { writeLine(); write("__export("); if (compilerOptions.module !== 2) { emitRequire(ts.getExternalModuleName(node)); } else { write(generatedName); } write(");"); } emitEnd(node); } } else { if (!node.exportClause || resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) { emitStart(node); write("export "); if (node.exportClause) { write("{ "); emitExportOrImportSpecifierList(node.exportClause.elements, resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration); write(" }"); } else { write("*"); } if (node.moduleSpecifier) { write(" from "); emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node.moduleSpecifier); } write(";"); emitEnd(node); } } } function emitExportOrImportSpecifierList(specifiers, shouldEmit) { ts.Debug.assert(languageVersion >= 2); var needsComma = false; for (var _a = 0; _a < specifiers.length; _a++) { var specifier = specifiers[_a]; if (shouldEmit(specifier)) { if (needsComma) { write(", "); } emitStart(specifier); if (specifier.propertyName) { emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(specifier.propertyName); write(" as "); } emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(specifier.name); emitEnd(specifier); needsComma = true; } } } function emitExportAssignment(node) { if (!node.isExportEquals && resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) { if (languageVersion >= 2) { writeLine(); emitStart(node); write("export default "); var expression = node.expression; emit(expression); if (expression.kind !== 200 && expression.kind !== 201) { write(";"); } emitEnd(node); } else { writeLine(); emitStart(node); emitContainingModuleName(node); write(".default = "); emit(node.expression); write(";"); emitEnd(node); } } } function collectExternalModuleInfo(sourceFile) { externalImports = []; exportSpecifiers = {}; exportEquals = undefined; hasExportStars = false; for (var _a = 0, _b = sourceFile.statements; _a < _b.length; _a++) { var node = _b[_a]; switch (node.kind) { case 209: if (!node.importClause || resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node.importClause, true)) { externalImports.push(node); } break; case 208: if (node.moduleReference.kind === 219 && resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node)) { externalImports.push(node); } break; case 215: if (node.moduleSpecifier) { if (!node.exportClause) { externalImports.push(node); hasExportStars = true; } else if (resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) { externalImports.push(node); } } else { for (var _c = 0, _d = node.exportClause.elements; _c < _d.length; _c++) { var specifier = _d[_c]; var name_17 = (specifier.propertyName || specifier.name).text; (exportSpecifiers[name_17] || (exportSpecifiers[name_17] = [])).push(specifier); } } break; case 214: if (node.isExportEquals && !exportEquals) { exportEquals = node; } break; } } } function sortAMDModules(amdModules) { return amdModules.sort(function (moduleA, moduleB) { if (moduleA.name === moduleB.name) { return 0; } else if (!moduleA.name) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }); } function emitExportStarHelper() { if (hasExportStars) { writeLine(); write("function __export(m) {"); increaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];"); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("}"); } } function emitAMDModule(node, startIndex) { collectExternalModuleInfo(node); writeLine(); write("define("); sortAMDModules(node.amdDependencies); if (node.amdModuleName) { write("\"" + node.amdModuleName + "\", "); } write("[\"require\", \"exports\""); for (var _a = 0; _a < externalImports.length; _a++) { var importNode = externalImports[_a]; write(", "); var moduleName = ts.getExternalModuleName(importNode); if (moduleName.kind === 8) { emitLiteral(moduleName); } else { write("\"\""); } } for (var _b = 0, _c = node.amdDependencies; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var amdDependency = _c[_b]; var text = "\"" + amdDependency.path + "\""; write(", "); write(text); } write("], function (require, exports"); for (var _d = 0; _d < externalImports.length; _d++) { var importNode = externalImports[_d]; write(", "); var namespaceDeclaration = getNamespaceDeclarationNode(importNode); if (namespaceDeclaration && !isDefaultImport(importNode)) { emit(namespaceDeclaration.name); } else { write(getGeneratedNameForNode(importNode)); } } for (var _e = 0, _f = node.amdDependencies; _e < _f.length; _e++) { var amdDependency = _f[_e]; if (amdDependency.name) { write(", "); write(amdDependency.name); } } write(") {"); increaseIndent(); emitExportStarHelper(); emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex); emitTempDeclarations(true); emitExportEquals(true); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("});"); } function emitCommonJSModule(node, startIndex) { collectExternalModuleInfo(node); emitExportStarHelper(); emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex); emitTempDeclarations(true); emitExportEquals(false); } function emitES6Module(node, startIndex) { externalImports = undefined; exportSpecifiers = undefined; exportEquals = undefined; hasExportStars = false; emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex); emitTempDeclarations(true); } function emitExportEquals(emitAsReturn) { if (exportEquals && resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(exportEquals)) { writeLine(); emitStart(exportEquals); write(emitAsReturn ? "return " : "module.exports = "); emit(exportEquals.expression); write(";"); emitEnd(exportEquals); } } function emitDirectivePrologues(statements, startWithNewLine) { for (var i = 0; i < statements.length; ++i) { if (ts.isPrologueDirective(statements[i])) { if (startWithNewLine || i > 0) { writeLine(); } emit(statements[i]); } else { return i; } } return statements.length; } function writeHelper(text) { var lines = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var line = lines[i]; if (line.length) { writeLine(); write(line); } } } function emitSourceFileNode(node) { writeLine(); emitDetachedComments(node); var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(node.statements, false); if ((languageVersion < 2) && (!extendsEmitted && resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 8)) { writeLine(); write("var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {"); increaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];"); writeLine(); write("function __() { this.constructor = d; }"); writeLine(); write("__.prototype = b.prototype;"); writeLine(); write("d.prototype = new __();"); decreaseIndent(); writeLine(); write("};"); extendsEmitted = true; } if (!decorateEmitted && resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 512) { writeHelper("\nvar __decorate = this.__decorate || function (decorators, target, key, value) {\n var kind = typeof (arguments.length == 2 ? value = target : value);\n for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n var decorator = decorators[i];\n switch (kind) {\n case \"function\": value = decorator(value) || value; break;\n case \"number\": decorator(target, key, value); break;\n case \"undefined\": decorator(target, key); break;\n case \"object\": value = decorator(target, key, value) || value; break;\n }\n }\n return value;\n};"); decorateEmitted = true; } if (ts.isExternalModule(node)) { if (languageVersion >= 2) { emitES6Module(node, startIndex); } else if (compilerOptions.module === 2) { emitAMDModule(node, startIndex); } else { emitCommonJSModule(node, startIndex); } } else { externalImports = undefined; exportSpecifiers = undefined; exportEquals = undefined; hasExportStars = false; emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node); emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex); emitTempDeclarations(true); } emitLeadingComments(node.endOfFileToken); } function emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node, allowGeneratedIdentifiers) { if (!node) { return; } if (node.flags & 2) { return emitOnlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments(node); } var emitComments = shouldEmitLeadingAndTrailingComments(node); if (emitComments) { emitLeadingComments(node); } emitJavaScriptWorker(node, allowGeneratedIdentifiers); if (emitComments) { emitTrailingComments(node); } } function shouldEmitLeadingAndTrailingComments(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 202: case 200: case 209: case 208: case 203: case 214: return false; case 205: return shouldEmitModuleDeclaration(node); case 204: return shouldEmitEnumDeclaration(node); } if (node.kind !== 179 && node.parent && node.parent.kind === 163 && node.parent.body === node && compilerOptions.target <= 1) { return false; } return true; } function emitJavaScriptWorker(node, allowGeneratedIdentifiers) { if (allowGeneratedIdentifiers === void 0) { allowGeneratedIdentifiers = true; } switch (node.kind) { case 65: return emitIdentifier(node, allowGeneratedIdentifiers); case 129: return emitParameter(node); case 134: case 133: return emitMethod(node); case 136: case 137: return emitAccessor(node); case 93: return emitThis(node); case 91: return emitSuper(node); case 89: return write("null"); case 95: return write("true"); case 80: return write("false"); case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: return emitLiteral(node); case 171: return emitTemplateExpression(node); case 176: return emitTemplateSpan(node); case 126: return emitQualifiedName(node); case 150: return emitObjectBindingPattern(node); case 151: return emitArrayBindingPattern(node); case 152: return emitBindingElement(node); case 153: return emitArrayLiteral(node); case 154: return emitObjectLiteral(node); case 224: return emitPropertyAssignment(node); case 225: return emitShorthandPropertyAssignment(node); case 127: return emitComputedPropertyName(node); case 155: return emitPropertyAccess(node); case 156: return emitIndexedAccess(node); case 157: return emitCallExpression(node); case 158: return emitNewExpression(node); case 159: return emitTaggedTemplateExpression(node); case 160: return emit(node.expression); case 161: return emitParenExpression(node); case 200: case 162: case 163: return emitFunctionDeclaration(node); case 164: return emitDeleteExpression(node); case 165: return emitTypeOfExpression(node); case 166: return emitVoidExpression(node); case 167: return emitPrefixUnaryExpression(node); case 168: return emitPostfixUnaryExpression(node); case 169: return emitBinaryExpression(node); case 170: return emitConditionalExpression(node); case 173: return emitSpreadElementExpression(node); case 175: return; case 179: case 206: return emitBlock(node); case 180: return emitVariableStatement(node); case 181: return write(";"); case 182: return emitExpressionStatement(node); case 183: return emitIfStatement(node); case 184: return emitDoStatement(node); case 185: return emitWhileStatement(node); case 186: return emitForStatement(node); case 188: case 187: return emitForInOrForOfStatement(node); case 189: case 190: return emitBreakOrContinueStatement(node); case 191: return emitReturnStatement(node); case 192: return emitWithStatement(node); case 193: return emitSwitchStatement(node); case 220: case 221: return emitCaseOrDefaultClause(node); case 194: return emitLabelledStatement(node); case 195: return emitThrowStatement(node); case 196: return emitTryStatement(node); case 223: return emitCatchClause(node); case 197: return emitDebuggerStatement(node); case 198: return emitVariableDeclaration(node); case 174: return emitClassExpression(node); case 201: return emitClassDeclaration(node); case 202: return emitInterfaceDeclaration(node); case 204: return emitEnumDeclaration(node); case 226: return emitEnumMember(node); case 205: return emitModuleDeclaration(node); case 209: return emitImportDeclaration(node); case 208: return emitImportEqualsDeclaration(node); case 215: return emitExportDeclaration(node); case 214: return emitExportAssignment(node); case 227: return emitSourceFileNode(node); } } function hasDetachedComments(pos) { return detachedCommentsInfo !== undefined && detachedCommentsInfo[detachedCommentsInfo.length - 1].nodePos === pos; } function getLeadingCommentsWithoutDetachedComments() { var leadingComments = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(currentSourceFile.text, detachedCommentsInfo[detachedCommentsInfo.length - 1].detachedCommentEndPos); if (detachedCommentsInfo.length - 1) { detachedCommentsInfo.pop(); } else { detachedCommentsInfo = undefined; } return leadingComments; } function filterComments(ranges, onlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments) { if (ranges && onlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments) { ranges = ts.filter(ranges, isPinnedOrTripleSlashComment); if (ranges.length === 0) { return undefined; } } return ranges; } function getLeadingCommentsToEmit(node) { if (node.parent) { if (node.parent.kind === 227 || node.pos !== node.parent.pos) { if (hasDetachedComments(node.pos)) { return getLeadingCommentsWithoutDetachedComments(); } else { return ts.getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode(node, currentSourceFile); } } } } function getTrailingCommentsToEmit(node) { if (node.parent) { if (node.parent.kind === 227 || node.end !== node.parent.end) { return ts.getTrailingCommentRanges(currentSourceFile.text, node.end); } } } function emitOnlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments(node) { emitLeadingCommentsWorker(node, true); } function emitLeadingComments(node) { return emitLeadingCommentsWorker(node, compilerOptions.removeComments); } function emitLeadingCommentsWorker(node, onlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments) { var leadingComments = filterComments(getLeadingCommentsToEmit(node), onlyPinnedOrTripleSlashComments); ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(currentSourceFile, writer, node, leadingComments); ts.emitComments(currentSourceFile, writer, leadingComments, true, newLine, writeComment); } function emitTrailingComments(node) { var trailingComments = filterComments(getTrailingCommentsToEmit(node), compilerOptions.removeComments); ts.emitComments(currentSourceFile, writer, trailingComments, false, newLine, writeComment); } function emitLeadingCommentsOfPosition(pos) { var leadingComments; if (hasDetachedComments(pos)) { leadingComments = getLeadingCommentsWithoutDetachedComments(); } else { leadingComments = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(currentSourceFile.text, pos); } leadingComments = filterComments(leadingComments, compilerOptions.removeComments); ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(currentSourceFile, writer, { pos: pos, end: pos }, leadingComments); ts.emitComments(currentSourceFile, writer, leadingComments, true, newLine, writeComment); } function emitDetachedComments(node) { var leadingComments = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(currentSourceFile.text, node.pos); if (leadingComments) { var detachedComments = []; var lastComment; ts.forEach(leadingComments, function (comment) { if (lastComment) { var lastCommentLine = ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, lastComment.end); var commentLine = ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, comment.pos); if (commentLine >= lastCommentLine + 2) { return detachedComments; } } detachedComments.push(comment); lastComment = comment; }); if (detachedComments.length) { var lastCommentLine = ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, detachedComments[detachedComments.length - 1].end); var nodeLine = ts.getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, ts.skipTrivia(currentSourceFile.text, node.pos)); if (nodeLine >= lastCommentLine + 2) { ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(currentSourceFile, writer, node, leadingComments); ts.emitComments(currentSourceFile, writer, detachedComments, true, newLine, writeComment); var currentDetachedCommentInfo = { nodePos: node.pos, detachedCommentEndPos: detachedComments[detachedComments.length - 1].end }; if (detachedCommentsInfo) { detachedCommentsInfo.push(currentDetachedCommentInfo); } else { detachedCommentsInfo = [currentDetachedCommentInfo]; } } } } } function isPinnedOrTripleSlashComment(comment) { if (currentSourceFile.text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 42) { return currentSourceFile.text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 2) === 33; } else if (currentSourceFile.text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 47 && comment.pos + 2 < comment.end && currentSourceFile.text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 2) === 47 && currentSourceFile.text.substring(comment.pos, comment.end).match(ts.fullTripleSlashReferencePathRegEx)) { return true; } } } function emitFile(jsFilePath, sourceFile) { emitJavaScript(jsFilePath, sourceFile); if (compilerOptions.declaration) { ts.writeDeclarationFile(jsFilePath, sourceFile, host, resolver, diagnostics); } } } ts.emitFiles = emitFiles; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { ts.programTime = 0; ts.emitTime = 0; ts.ioReadTime = 0; ts.ioWriteTime = 0; ts.version = "1.5.0"; function findConfigFile(searchPath) { var fileName = "tsconfig.json"; while (true) { if (ts.sys.fileExists(fileName)) { return fileName; } var parentPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(searchPath); if (parentPath === searchPath) { break; } searchPath = parentPath; fileName = "../" + fileName; } return undefined; } ts.findConfigFile = findConfigFile; function createCompilerHost(options, setParentNodes) { var currentDirectory; var existingDirectories = {}; function getCanonicalFileName(fileName) { return ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase(); } var unsupportedFileEncodingErrorCode = -2147024809; function getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError) { var text; try { var start = new Date().getTime(); text = ts.sys.readFile(fileName, options.charset); ts.ioReadTime += new Date().getTime() - start; } catch (e) { if (onError) { onError(e.number === unsupportedFileEncodingErrorCode ? ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unsupported_file_encoding).messageText : e.message); } text = ""; } return text !== undefined ? ts.createSourceFile(fileName, text, languageVersion, setParentNodes) : undefined; } function directoryExists(directoryPath) { if (ts.hasProperty(existingDirectories, directoryPath)) { return true; } if (ts.sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) { existingDirectories[directoryPath] = true; return true; } return false; } function ensureDirectoriesExist(directoryPath) { if (directoryPath.length > ts.getRootLength(directoryPath) && !directoryExists(directoryPath)) { var parentDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(directoryPath); ensureDirectoriesExist(parentDirectory); ts.sys.createDirectory(directoryPath); } } function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError) { try { var start = new Date().getTime(); ensureDirectoriesExist(ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(fileName))); ts.sys.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark); ts.ioWriteTime += new Date().getTime() - start; } catch (e) { if (onError) { onError(e.message); } } } return { getSourceFile: getSourceFile, getDefaultLibFileName: function (options) { return ts.combinePaths(ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(ts.sys.getExecutingFilePath())), ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options)); }, writeFile: writeFile, getCurrentDirectory: function () { return currentDirectory || (currentDirectory = ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory()); }, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: function () { return ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames; }, getCanonicalFileName: getCanonicalFileName, getNewLine: function () { return ts.sys.newLine; } }; } ts.createCompilerHost = createCompilerHost; function getPreEmitDiagnostics(program) { var diagnostics = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics().concat(program.getGlobalDiagnostics()).concat(program.getSemanticDiagnostics()); if (program.getCompilerOptions().declaration) { diagnostics.concat(program.getDeclarationDiagnostics()); } return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics); } ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics = getPreEmitDiagnostics; function flattenDiagnosticMessageText(messageText, newLine) { if (typeof messageText === "string") { return messageText; } else { var diagnosticChain = messageText; var result = ""; var indent = 0; while (diagnosticChain) { if (indent) { result += newLine; for (var i = 0; i < indent; i++) { result += " "; } } result += diagnosticChain.messageText; indent++; diagnosticChain = diagnosticChain.next; } return result; } } ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText = flattenDiagnosticMessageText; function createProgram(rootNames, options, host) { var program; var files = []; var filesByName = {}; var diagnostics = ts.createDiagnosticCollection(); var seenNoDefaultLib = options.noLib; var commonSourceDirectory; var diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker; var noDiagnosticsTypeChecker; var start = new Date().getTime(); host = host || createCompilerHost(options); ts.forEach(rootNames, function (name) { return processRootFile(name, false); }); if (!seenNoDefaultLib) { processRootFile(host.getDefaultLibFileName(options), true); } verifyCompilerOptions(); ts.programTime += new Date().getTime() - start; program = { getSourceFile: getSourceFile, getSourceFiles: function () { return files; }, getCompilerOptions: function () { return options; }, getSyntacticDiagnostics: getSyntacticDiagnostics, getGlobalDiagnostics: getGlobalDiagnostics, getSemanticDiagnostics: getSemanticDiagnostics, getDeclarationDiagnostics: getDeclarationDiagnostics, getTypeChecker: getTypeChecker, getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker: getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker, getCommonSourceDirectory: function () { return commonSourceDirectory; }, emit: emit, getCurrentDirectory: host.getCurrentDirectory, getNodeCount: function () { return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getNodeCount(); }, getIdentifierCount: function () { return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getIdentifierCount(); }, getSymbolCount: function () { return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getSymbolCount(); }, getTypeCount: function () { return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getTypeCount(); } }; return program; function getEmitHost(writeFileCallback) { return { getCanonicalFileName: host.getCanonicalFileName, getCommonSourceDirectory: program.getCommonSourceDirectory, getCompilerOptions: program.getCompilerOptions, getCurrentDirectory: host.getCurrentDirectory, getNewLine: host.getNewLine, getSourceFile: program.getSourceFile, getSourceFiles: program.getSourceFiles, writeFile: writeFileCallback || host.writeFile }; } function getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker() { return diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker || (diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker = ts.createTypeChecker(program, true)); } function getTypeChecker() { return noDiagnosticsTypeChecker || (noDiagnosticsTypeChecker = ts.createTypeChecker(program, false)); } function emit(sourceFile, writeFileCallback) { if (options.noEmitOnError && getPreEmitDiagnostics(this).length > 0) { return { diagnostics: [], sourceMaps: undefined, emitSkipped: true }; } var emitResolver = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getEmitResolver(sourceFile); var start = new Date().getTime(); var emitResult = ts.emitFiles(emitResolver, getEmitHost(writeFileCallback), sourceFile); ts.emitTime += new Date().getTime() - start; return emitResult; } function getSourceFile(fileName) { fileName = host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName); return ts.hasProperty(filesByName, fileName) ? filesByName[fileName] : undefined; } function getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getDiagnostics) { if (sourceFile) { return getDiagnostics(sourceFile); } var allDiagnostics = []; ts.forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), function (sourceFile) { ts.addRange(allDiagnostics, getDiagnostics(sourceFile)); }); return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(allDiagnostics); } function getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile) { return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getSyntacticDiagnosticsForFile); } function getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile) { return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getSemanticDiagnosticsForFile); } function getDeclarationDiagnostics(sourceFile) { return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getDeclarationDiagnosticsForFile); } function getSyntacticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile) { return sourceFile.parseDiagnostics; } function getSemanticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile) { var typeChecker = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker(); ts.Debug.assert(!!sourceFile.bindDiagnostics); var bindDiagnostics = sourceFile.bindDiagnostics; var checkDiagnostics = typeChecker.getDiagnostics(sourceFile); var programDiagnostics = diagnostics.getDiagnostics(sourceFile.fileName); return bindDiagnostics.concat(checkDiagnostics).concat(programDiagnostics); } function getDeclarationDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile) { if (!ts.isDeclarationFile(sourceFile)) { var resolver = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getEmitResolver(sourceFile); var writeFile = function () { }; return ts.getDeclarationDiagnostics(getEmitHost(writeFile), resolver, sourceFile); } } function getGlobalDiagnostics() { var typeChecker = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker(); var allDiagnostics = []; ts.addRange(allDiagnostics, typeChecker.getGlobalDiagnostics()); ts.addRange(allDiagnostics, diagnostics.getGlobalDiagnostics()); return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(allDiagnostics); } function hasExtension(fileName) { return ts.getBaseFileName(fileName).indexOf(".") >= 0; } function processRootFile(fileName, isDefaultLib) { processSourceFile(ts.normalizePath(fileName), isDefaultLib); } function processSourceFile(fileName, isDefaultLib, refFile, refPos, refEnd) { var start; var length; if (refEnd !== undefined && refPos !== undefined) { start = refPos; length = refEnd - refPos; } var diagnostic; if (hasExtension(fileName)) { if (!options.allowNonTsExtensions && !ts.fileExtensionIs(host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName), ".ts")) { diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.File_0_must_have_extension_ts_or_d_ts; } else if (!findSourceFile(fileName, isDefaultLib, refFile, refPos, refEnd)) { diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found; } else if (refFile && host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName) === host.getCanonicalFileName(refFile.fileName)) { diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.A_file_cannot_have_a_reference_to_itself; } } else { if (options.allowNonTsExtensions && !findSourceFile(fileName, isDefaultLib, refFile, refPos, refEnd)) { diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found; } else if (!findSourceFile(fileName + ".ts", isDefaultLib, refFile, refPos, refEnd) && !findSourceFile(fileName + ".d.ts", isDefaultLib, refFile, refPos, refEnd)) { diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found; fileName += ".ts"; } } if (diagnostic) { if (refFile) { diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(refFile, start, length, diagnostic, fileName)); } else { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(diagnostic, fileName)); } } } function findSourceFile(fileName, isDefaultLib, refFile, refStart, refLength) { var canonicalName = host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName); if (ts.hasProperty(filesByName, canonicalName)) { return getSourceFileFromCache(fileName, canonicalName, false); } else { var normalizedAbsolutePath = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory()); var canonicalAbsolutePath = host.getCanonicalFileName(normalizedAbsolutePath); if (ts.hasProperty(filesByName, canonicalAbsolutePath)) { return getSourceFileFromCache(normalizedAbsolutePath, canonicalAbsolutePath, true); } var file = filesByName[canonicalName] = host.getSourceFile(fileName, options.target, function (hostErrorMessage) { if (refFile) { diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(refFile, refStart, refLength, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, hostErrorMessage)); } else { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, hostErrorMessage)); } }); if (file) { seenNoDefaultLib = seenNoDefaultLib || file.hasNoDefaultLib; filesByName[canonicalAbsolutePath] = file; if (!options.noResolve) { var basePath = ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName); processReferencedFiles(file, basePath); processImportedModules(file, basePath); } if (isDefaultLib) { files.unshift(file); } else { files.push(file); } } return file; } function getSourceFileFromCache(fileName, canonicalName, useAbsolutePath) { var file = filesByName[canonicalName]; if (file && host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames()) { var sourceFileName = useAbsolutePath ? ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(file.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory()) : file.fileName; if (canonicalName !== sourceFileName) { diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(refFile, refStart, refLength, ts.Diagnostics.File_name_0_differs_from_already_included_file_name_1_only_in_casing, fileName, sourceFileName)); } } return file; } } function processReferencedFiles(file, basePath) { ts.forEach(file.referencedFiles, function (ref) { var referencedFileName = ts.isRootedDiskPath(ref.fileName) ? ref.fileName : ts.combinePaths(basePath, ref.fileName); processSourceFile(ts.normalizePath(referencedFileName), false, file, ref.pos, ref.end); }); } function processImportedModules(file, basePath) { ts.forEach(file.statements, function (node) { if (node.kind === 209 || node.kind === 208 || node.kind === 215) { var moduleNameExpr = ts.getExternalModuleName(node); if (moduleNameExpr && moduleNameExpr.kind === 8) { var moduleNameText = moduleNameExpr.text; if (moduleNameText) { var searchPath = basePath; while (true) { var searchName = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(searchPath, moduleNameText)); if (findModuleSourceFile(searchName + ".ts", moduleNameExpr) || findModuleSourceFile(searchName + ".d.ts", moduleNameExpr)) { break; } var parentPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(searchPath); if (parentPath === searchPath) { break; } searchPath = parentPath; } } } } else if (node.kind === 205 && node.name.kind === 8 && (node.flags & 2 || ts.isDeclarationFile(file))) { ts.forEachChild(node.body, function (node) { if (ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node) && ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node).kind === 8) { var nameLiteral = ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node); var moduleName = nameLiteral.text; if (moduleName) { var searchName = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(basePath, moduleName)); var tsFile = findModuleSourceFile(searchName + ".ts", nameLiteral); if (!tsFile) { findModuleSourceFile(searchName + ".d.ts", nameLiteral); } } } }); } }); function findModuleSourceFile(fileName, nameLiteral) { return findSourceFile(fileName, false, file, nameLiteral.pos, nameLiteral.end - nameLiteral.pos); } } function verifyCompilerOptions() { if (options.separateCompilation) { if (options.sourceMap) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_sourceMap_cannot_be_specified_with_option_separateCompilation)); } if (options.declaration) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_declaration_cannot_be_specified_with_option_separateCompilation)); } if (options.noEmitOnError) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_noEmitOnError_cannot_be_specified_with_option_separateCompilation)); } if (options.out) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_out_cannot_be_specified_with_option_separateCompilation)); } } if (!options.sourceMap && (options.mapRoot || options.sourceRoot)) { if (options.mapRoot) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_mapRoot_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_sourcemap_option)); } if (options.sourceRoot) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_sourceRoot_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_sourcemap_option)); } return; } var languageVersion = options.target || 0; var firstExternalModuleSourceFile = ts.forEach(files, function (f) { return ts.isExternalModule(f) ? f : undefined; }); if (options.separateCompilation) { if (!options.module && languageVersion < 2) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_separateCompilation_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_module_is_provided_or_option_target_is_ES6_or_higher)); } var firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile = ts.forEach(files, function (f) { return !ts.isExternalModule(f) && !ts.isDeclarationFile(f) ? f : undefined; }); if (firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile) { var span = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile, firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile); diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile, span.start, span.length, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_compile_non_external_modules_when_the_separateCompilation_flag_is_provided)); } } else if (firstExternalModuleSourceFile && languageVersion < 2 && !options.module) { var span = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(firstExternalModuleSourceFile, firstExternalModuleSourceFile.externalModuleIndicator); diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(firstExternalModuleSourceFile, span.start, span.length, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_compile_external_modules_unless_the_module_flag_is_provided)); } if (options.module && languageVersion >= 2) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_compile_external_modules_into_amd_or_commonjs_when_targeting_es6_or_higher)); } if (options.outDir || options.sourceRoot || (options.mapRoot && (!options.out || firstExternalModuleSourceFile !== undefined))) { var commonPathComponents; ts.forEach(files, function (sourceFile) { if (!(sourceFile.flags & 2048) && !ts.fileExtensionIs(sourceFile.fileName, ".js")) { var sourcePathComponents = ts.getNormalizedPathComponents(sourceFile.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory()); sourcePathComponents.pop(); if (commonPathComponents) { for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(commonPathComponents.length, sourcePathComponents.length); i++) { if (commonPathComponents[i] !== sourcePathComponents[i]) { if (i === 0) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_the_common_subdirectory_path_for_the_input_files)); return; } commonPathComponents.length = i; break; } } if (sourcePathComponents.length < commonPathComponents.length) { commonPathComponents.length = sourcePathComponents.length; } } else { commonPathComponents = sourcePathComponents; } } }); commonSourceDirectory = ts.getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(commonPathComponents); if (commonSourceDirectory) { commonSourceDirectory += ts.directorySeparator; } } if (options.noEmit) { if (options.out || options.outDir) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_noEmit_cannot_be_specified_with_option_out_or_outDir)); } if (options.declaration) { diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_noEmit_cannot_be_specified_with_option_declaration)); } } } } ts.createProgram = createProgram; })(ts || (ts = {})); // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. // See LICENSE.txt in the project root for complete license information. /// var ts; (function (ts) { var BreakpointResolver; (function (BreakpointResolver) { function spanInSourceFileAtLocation(sourceFile, position) { if (sourceFile.flags & 2048) { return undefined; } var tokenAtLocation = ts.getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position); var lineOfPosition = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(position).line; if (sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(tokenAtLocation.getStart()).line > lineOfPosition) { tokenAtLocation = ts.findPrecedingToken(tokenAtLocation.pos, sourceFile); if (!tokenAtLocation || sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(tokenAtLocation.getEnd()).line !== lineOfPosition) { return undefined; } } if (ts.isInAmbientContext(tokenAtLocation)) { return undefined; } return spanInNode(tokenAtLocation); function textSpan(startNode, endNode) { return ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(startNode.getStart(), (endNode || startNode).getEnd()); } function spanInNodeIfStartsOnSameLine(node, otherwiseOnNode) { if (node && lineOfPosition === sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart()).line) { return spanInNode(node); } return spanInNode(otherwiseOnNode); } function spanInPreviousNode(node) { return spanInNode(ts.findPrecedingToken(node.pos, sourceFile)); } function spanInNextNode(node) { return spanInNode(ts.findNextToken(node, node.parent)); } function spanInNode(node) { if (node) { if (ts.isExpression(node)) { if (node.parent.kind === 184) { return spanInPreviousNode(node); } if (node.parent.kind === 186) { return textSpan(node); } if (node.parent.kind === 169 && node.parent.operatorToken.kind === 23) { return textSpan(node); } if (node.parent.kind == 163 && node.parent.body == node) { return textSpan(node); } } switch (node.kind) { case 180: return spanInVariableDeclaration(node.declarationList.declarations[0]); case 198: case 132: case 131: return spanInVariableDeclaration(node); case 129: return spanInParameterDeclaration(node); case 200: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: case 135: case 162: case 163: return spanInFunctionDeclaration(node); case 179: if (ts.isFunctionBlock(node)) { return spanInFunctionBlock(node); } case 206: return spanInBlock(node); case 223: return spanInBlock(node.block); case 182: return textSpan(node.expression); case 191: return textSpan(node.getChildAt(0), node.expression); case 185: return textSpan(node, ts.findNextToken(node.expression, node)); case 184: return spanInNode(node.statement); case 197: return textSpan(node.getChildAt(0)); case 183: return textSpan(node, ts.findNextToken(node.expression, node)); case 194: return spanInNode(node.statement); case 190: case 189: return textSpan(node.getChildAt(0), node.label); case 186: return spanInForStatement(node); case 187: case 188: return textSpan(node, ts.findNextToken(node.expression, node)); case 193: return textSpan(node, ts.findNextToken(node.expression, node)); case 220: case 221: return spanInNode(node.statements[0]); case 196: return spanInBlock(node.tryBlock); case 195: return textSpan(node, node.expression); case 214: if (!node.expression) { return undefined; } return textSpan(node, node.expression); case 208: return textSpan(node, node.moduleReference); case 209: return textSpan(node, node.moduleSpecifier); case 215: return textSpan(node, node.moduleSpecifier); case 205: if (ts.getModuleInstanceState(node) !== 1) { return undefined; } case 201: case 204: case 226: case 157: case 158: return textSpan(node); case 192: return spanInNode(node.statement); case 202: case 203: return undefined; case 22: case 1: return spanInNodeIfStartsOnSameLine(ts.findPrecedingToken(node.pos, sourceFile)); case 23: return spanInPreviousNode(node); case 14: return spanInOpenBraceToken(node); case 15: return spanInCloseBraceToken(node); case 16: return spanInOpenParenToken(node); case 17: return spanInCloseParenToken(node); case 51: return spanInColonToken(node); case 25: case 24: return spanInGreaterThanOrLessThanToken(node); case 100: return spanInWhileKeyword(node); case 76: case 68: case 81: return spanInNextNode(node); default: if (node.parent.kind === 224 && node.parent.name === node) { return spanInNode(node.parent.initializer); } if (node.parent.kind === 160 && node.parent.type === node) { return spanInNode(node.parent.expression); } if (ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent) && node.parent.type === node) { return spanInPreviousNode(node); } return spanInNode(node.parent); } } function spanInVariableDeclaration(variableDeclaration) { if (variableDeclaration.parent.parent.kind === 187 || variableDeclaration.parent.parent.kind === 188) { return spanInNode(variableDeclaration.parent.parent); } var isParentVariableStatement = variableDeclaration.parent.parent.kind === 180; var isDeclarationOfForStatement = variableDeclaration.parent.parent.kind === 186 && ts.contains(variableDeclaration.parent.parent.initializer.declarations, variableDeclaration); var declarations = isParentVariableStatement ? variableDeclaration.parent.parent.declarationList.declarations : isDeclarationOfForStatement ? variableDeclaration.parent.parent.initializer.declarations : undefined; if (variableDeclaration.initializer || (variableDeclaration.flags & 1)) { if (declarations && declarations[0] === variableDeclaration) { if (isParentVariableStatement) { return textSpan(variableDeclaration.parent, variableDeclaration); } else { ts.Debug.assert(isDeclarationOfForStatement); return textSpan(ts.findPrecedingToken(variableDeclaration.pos, sourceFile, variableDeclaration.parent), variableDeclaration); } } else { return textSpan(variableDeclaration); } } else if (declarations && declarations[0] !== variableDeclaration) { var indexOfCurrentDeclaration = ts.indexOf(declarations, variableDeclaration); return spanInVariableDeclaration(declarations[indexOfCurrentDeclaration - 1]); } } function canHaveSpanInParameterDeclaration(parameter) { return !!parameter.initializer || parameter.dotDotDotToken !== undefined || !!(parameter.flags & 16) || !!(parameter.flags & 32); } function spanInParameterDeclaration(parameter) { if (canHaveSpanInParameterDeclaration(parameter)) { return textSpan(parameter); } else { var functionDeclaration = parameter.parent; var indexOfParameter = ts.indexOf(functionDeclaration.parameters, parameter); if (indexOfParameter) { return spanInParameterDeclaration(functionDeclaration.parameters[indexOfParameter - 1]); } else { return spanInNode(functionDeclaration.body); } } } function canFunctionHaveSpanInWholeDeclaration(functionDeclaration) { return !!(functionDeclaration.flags & 1) || (functionDeclaration.parent.kind === 201 && functionDeclaration.kind !== 135); } function spanInFunctionDeclaration(functionDeclaration) { if (!functionDeclaration.body) { return undefined; } if (canFunctionHaveSpanInWholeDeclaration(functionDeclaration)) { return textSpan(functionDeclaration); } return spanInNode(functionDeclaration.body); } function spanInFunctionBlock(block) { var nodeForSpanInBlock = block.statements.length ? block.statements[0] : block.getLastToken(); if (canFunctionHaveSpanInWholeDeclaration(block.parent)) { return spanInNodeIfStartsOnSameLine(block.parent, nodeForSpanInBlock); } return spanInNode(nodeForSpanInBlock); } function spanInBlock(block) { switch (block.parent.kind) { case 205: if (ts.getModuleInstanceState(block.parent) !== 1) { return undefined; } case 185: case 183: case 187: case 188: return spanInNodeIfStartsOnSameLine(block.parent, block.statements[0]); case 186: return spanInNodeIfStartsOnSameLine(ts.findPrecedingToken(block.pos, sourceFile, block.parent), block.statements[0]); } return spanInNode(block.statements[0]); } function spanInForStatement(forStatement) { if (forStatement.initializer) { if (forStatement.initializer.kind === 199) { var variableDeclarationList = forStatement.initializer; if (variableDeclarationList.declarations.length > 0) { return spanInNode(variableDeclarationList.declarations[0]); } } else { return spanInNode(forStatement.initializer); } } if (forStatement.condition) { return textSpan(forStatement.condition); } if (forStatement.iterator) { return textSpan(forStatement.iterator); } } function spanInOpenBraceToken(node) { switch (node.parent.kind) { case 204: var enumDeclaration = node.parent; return spanInNodeIfStartsOnSameLine(ts.findPrecedingToken(node.pos, sourceFile, node.parent), enumDeclaration.members.length ? enumDeclaration.members[0] : enumDeclaration.getLastToken(sourceFile)); case 201: var classDeclaration = node.parent; return spanInNodeIfStartsOnSameLine(ts.findPrecedingToken(node.pos, sourceFile, node.parent), classDeclaration.members.length ? classDeclaration.members[0] : classDeclaration.getLastToken(sourceFile)); case 207: return spanInNodeIfStartsOnSameLine(node.parent.parent, node.parent.clauses[0]); } return spanInNode(node.parent); } function spanInCloseBraceToken(node) { switch (node.parent.kind) { case 206: if (ts.getModuleInstanceState(node.parent.parent) !== 1) { return undefined; } case 204: case 201: return textSpan(node); case 179: if (ts.isFunctionBlock(node.parent)) { return textSpan(node); } case 223: return spanInNode(node.parent.statements[node.parent.statements.length - 1]); ; case 207: var caseBlock = node.parent; var lastClause = caseBlock.clauses[caseBlock.clauses.length - 1]; if (lastClause) { return spanInNode(lastClause.statements[lastClause.statements.length - 1]); } return undefined; default: return spanInNode(node.parent); } } function spanInOpenParenToken(node) { if (node.parent.kind === 184) { return spanInPreviousNode(node); } return spanInNode(node.parent); } function spanInCloseParenToken(node) { switch (node.parent.kind) { case 162: case 200: case 163: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: case 135: case 185: case 184: case 186: return spanInPreviousNode(node); default: return spanInNode(node.parent); } return spanInNode(node.parent); } function spanInColonToken(node) { if (ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent) || node.parent.kind === 224) { return spanInPreviousNode(node); } return spanInNode(node.parent); } function spanInGreaterThanOrLessThanToken(node) { if (node.parent.kind === 160) { return spanInNode(node.parent.expression); } return spanInNode(node.parent); } function spanInWhileKeyword(node) { if (node.parent.kind === 184) { return textSpan(node, ts.findNextToken(node.parent.expression, node.parent)); } return spanInNode(node.parent); } } } BreakpointResolver.spanInSourceFileAtLocation = spanInSourceFileAtLocation; })(BreakpointResolver = ts.BreakpointResolver || (ts.BreakpointResolver = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // var ts; (function (ts) { var OutliningElementsCollector; (function (OutliningElementsCollector) { function collectElements(sourceFile) { var elements = []; var collapseText = "..."; function addOutliningSpan(hintSpanNode, startElement, endElement, autoCollapse) { if (hintSpanNode && startElement && endElement) { var span = { textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(startElement.pos, endElement.end), hintSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(hintSpanNode.getStart(), hintSpanNode.end), bannerText: collapseText, autoCollapse: autoCollapse }; elements.push(span); } } function autoCollapse(node) { return ts.isFunctionBlock(node) && node.parent.kind !== 163; } var depth = 0; var maxDepth = 20; function walk(n) { if (depth > maxDepth) { return; } switch (n.kind) { case 179: if (!ts.isFunctionBlock(n)) { var parent_6 = n.parent; var openBrace = ts.findChildOfKind(n, 14, sourceFile); var closeBrace = ts.findChildOfKind(n, 15, sourceFile); if (parent_6.kind === 184 || parent_6.kind === 187 || parent_6.kind === 188 || parent_6.kind === 186 || parent_6.kind === 183 || parent_6.kind === 185 || parent_6.kind === 192 || parent_6.kind === 223) { addOutliningSpan(parent_6, openBrace, closeBrace, autoCollapse(n)); break; } if (parent_6.kind === 196) { var tryStatement = parent_6; if (tryStatement.tryBlock === n) { addOutliningSpan(parent_6, openBrace, closeBrace, autoCollapse(n)); break; } else if (tryStatement.finallyBlock === n) { var finallyKeyword = ts.findChildOfKind(tryStatement, 81, sourceFile); if (finallyKeyword) { addOutliningSpan(finallyKeyword, openBrace, closeBrace, autoCollapse(n)); break; } } } var span = ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(n.getStart(), n.end); elements.push({ textSpan: span, hintSpan: span, bannerText: collapseText, autoCollapse: autoCollapse(n) }); break; } case 206: { var openBrace = ts.findChildOfKind(n, 14, sourceFile); var closeBrace = ts.findChildOfKind(n, 15, sourceFile); addOutliningSpan(n.parent, openBrace, closeBrace, autoCollapse(n)); break; } case 201: case 202: case 204: case 154: case 207: { var openBrace = ts.findChildOfKind(n, 14, sourceFile); var closeBrace = ts.findChildOfKind(n, 15, sourceFile); addOutliningSpan(n, openBrace, closeBrace, autoCollapse(n)); break; } case 153: var openBracket = ts.findChildOfKind(n, 18, sourceFile); var closeBracket = ts.findChildOfKind(n, 19, sourceFile); addOutliningSpan(n, openBracket, closeBracket, autoCollapse(n)); break; } depth++; ts.forEachChild(n, walk); depth--; } walk(sourceFile); return elements; } OutliningElementsCollector.collectElements = collectElements; })(OutliningElementsCollector = ts.OutliningElementsCollector || (ts.OutliningElementsCollector = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); var ts; (function (ts) { var NavigateTo; (function (NavigateTo) { function getNavigateToItems(program, cancellationToken, searchValue, maxResultCount) { var patternMatcher = ts.createPatternMatcher(searchValue); var rawItems = []; ts.forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), function (sourceFile) { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); var declarations = sourceFile.getNamedDeclarations(); for (var _i = 0; _i < declarations.length; _i++) { var declaration = declarations[_i]; var name = getDeclarationName(declaration); if (name !== undefined) { var matches = patternMatcher.getMatchesForLastSegmentOfPattern(name); if (!matches) { continue; } if (patternMatcher.patternContainsDots) { var containers = getContainers(declaration); if (!containers) { return undefined; } matches = patternMatcher.getMatches(containers, name); if (!matches) { continue; } } var fileName = sourceFile.fileName; var matchKind = bestMatchKind(matches); rawItems.push({ name: name, fileName: fileName, matchKind: matchKind, isCaseSensitive: allMatchesAreCaseSensitive(matches), declaration: declaration }); } } }); rawItems.sort(compareNavigateToItems); if (maxResultCount !== undefined) { rawItems = rawItems.slice(0, maxResultCount); } var items = ts.map(rawItems, createNavigateToItem); return items; function allMatchesAreCaseSensitive(matches) { ts.Debug.assert(matches.length > 0); for (var _i = 0; _i < matches.length; _i++) { var match = matches[_i]; if (!match.isCaseSensitive) { return false; } } return true; } function getDeclarationName(declaration) { var result = getTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(declaration.name); if (result !== undefined) { return result; } if (declaration.name.kind === 127) { var expr = declaration.name.expression; if (expr.kind === 155) { return expr.name.text; } return getTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(expr); } return undefined; } function getTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(node) { if (node.kind === 65 || node.kind === 8 || node.kind === 7) { return node.text; } return undefined; } function tryAddSingleDeclarationName(declaration, containers) { if (declaration && declaration.name) { var text = getTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(declaration.name); if (text !== undefined) { containers.unshift(text); } else if (declaration.name.kind === 127) { return tryAddComputedPropertyName(declaration.name.expression, containers, true); } else { return false; } } return true; } function tryAddComputedPropertyName(expression, containers, includeLastPortion) { var text = getTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(expression); if (text !== undefined) { if (includeLastPortion) { containers.unshift(text); } return true; } if (expression.kind === 155) { var propertyAccess = expression; if (includeLastPortion) { containers.unshift(propertyAccess.name.text); } return tryAddComputedPropertyName(propertyAccess.expression, containers, true); } return false; } function getContainers(declaration) { var containers = []; if (declaration.name.kind === 127) { if (!tryAddComputedPropertyName(declaration.name.expression, containers, false)) { return undefined; } } declaration = ts.getContainerNode(declaration); while (declaration) { if (!tryAddSingleDeclarationName(declaration, containers)) { return undefined; } declaration = ts.getContainerNode(declaration); } return containers; } function bestMatchKind(matches) { ts.Debug.assert(matches.length > 0); var bestMatchKind = ts.PatternMatchKind.camelCase; for (var _i = 0; _i < matches.length; _i++) { var match = matches[_i]; var kind = match.kind; if (kind < bestMatchKind) { bestMatchKind = kind; } } return bestMatchKind; } var baseSensitivity = { sensitivity: "base" }; function compareNavigateToItems(i1, i2) { return i1.matchKind - i2.matchKind || i1.name.localeCompare(i2.name, undefined, baseSensitivity) || i1.name.localeCompare(i2.name); } function createNavigateToItem(rawItem) { var declaration = rawItem.declaration; var container = ts.getContainerNode(declaration); return { name: rawItem.name, kind: ts.getNodeKind(declaration), kindModifiers: ts.getNodeModifiers(declaration), matchKind: ts.PatternMatchKind[rawItem.matchKind], isCaseSensitive: rawItem.isCaseSensitive, fileName: rawItem.fileName, textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(declaration.getStart(), declaration.getEnd()), containerName: container && container.name ? container.name.text : "", containerKind: container && container.name ? ts.getNodeKind(container) : "" }; } } NavigateTo.getNavigateToItems = getNavigateToItems; })(NavigateTo = ts.NavigateTo || (ts.NavigateTo = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { var NavigationBar; (function (NavigationBar) { function getNavigationBarItems(sourceFile) { var hasGlobalNode = false; return getItemsWorker(getTopLevelNodes(sourceFile), createTopLevelItem); function getIndent(node) { var indent = hasGlobalNode ? 1 : 0; var current = node.parent; while (current) { switch (current.kind) { case 205: do { current = current.parent; } while (current.kind === 205); case 201: case 204: case 202: case 200: indent++; } current = current.parent; } return indent; } function getChildNodes(nodes) { var childNodes = []; function visit(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 180: ts.forEach(node.declarationList.declarations, visit); break; case 150: case 151: ts.forEach(node.elements, visit); break; case 215: if (node.exportClause) { ts.forEach(node.exportClause.elements, visit); } break; case 209: var importClause = node.importClause; if (importClause) { if (importClause.name) { childNodes.push(importClause); } if (importClause.namedBindings) { if (importClause.namedBindings.kind === 211) { childNodes.push(importClause.namedBindings); } else { ts.forEach(importClause.namedBindings.elements, visit); } } } break; case 152: case 198: if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { visit(node.name); break; } case 201: case 204: case 202: case 205: case 200: case 208: case 213: case 217: childNodes.push(node); break; } } ts.forEach(nodes, visit); return sortNodes(childNodes); } function getTopLevelNodes(node) { var topLevelNodes = []; topLevelNodes.push(node); addTopLevelNodes(node.statements, topLevelNodes); return topLevelNodes; } function sortNodes(nodes) { return nodes.slice(0).sort(function (n1, n2) { if (n1.name && n2.name) { return ts.getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(n1.name).localeCompare(ts.getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(n2.name)); } else if (n1.name) { return 1; } else if (n2.name) { return -1; } else { return n1.kind - n2.kind; } }); } function addTopLevelNodes(nodes, topLevelNodes) { nodes = sortNodes(nodes); for (var _i = 0; _i < nodes.length; _i++) { var node = nodes[_i]; switch (node.kind) { case 201: case 204: case 202: topLevelNodes.push(node); break; case 205: var moduleDeclaration = node; topLevelNodes.push(node); addTopLevelNodes(getInnermostModule(moduleDeclaration).body.statements, topLevelNodes); break; case 200: var functionDeclaration = node; if (isTopLevelFunctionDeclaration(functionDeclaration)) { topLevelNodes.push(node); addTopLevelNodes(functionDeclaration.body.statements, topLevelNodes); } break; } } } function isTopLevelFunctionDeclaration(functionDeclaration) { if (functionDeclaration.kind === 200) { if (functionDeclaration.body && functionDeclaration.body.kind === 179) { if (ts.forEach(functionDeclaration.body.statements, function (s) { return s.kind === 200 && !isEmpty(s.name.text); })) { return true; } if (!ts.isFunctionBlock(functionDeclaration.parent)) { return true; } } } return false; } function getItemsWorker(nodes, createItem) { var items = []; var keyToItem = {}; for (var _i = 0; _i < nodes.length; _i++) { var child = nodes[_i]; var item_3 = createItem(child); if (item_3 !== undefined) { if (item_3.text.length > 0) { var key = item_3.text + "-" + item_3.kind + "-" + item_3.indent; var itemWithSameName = keyToItem[key]; if (itemWithSameName) { merge(itemWithSameName, item_3); } else { keyToItem[key] = item_3; items.push(item_3); } } } } return items; } function merge(target, source) { target.spans.push.apply(target.spans, source.spans); if (source.childItems) { if (!target.childItems) { target.childItems = []; } outer: for (var _i = 0, _a = source.childItems; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var sourceChild = _a[_i]; for (var _b = 0, _c = target.childItems; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var targetChild = _c[_b]; if (targetChild.text === sourceChild.text && targetChild.kind === sourceChild.kind) { merge(targetChild, sourceChild); continue outer; } } target.childItems.push(sourceChild); } } } function createChildItem(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 129: if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { break; } if ((node.flags & 499) === 0) { return undefined; } return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(node.name), ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement); case 134: case 133: return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(node.name), ts.ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement); case 136: return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(node.name), ts.ScriptElementKind.memberGetAccessorElement); case 137: return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(node.name), ts.ScriptElementKind.memberSetAccessorElement); case 140: return createItem(node, "[]", ts.ScriptElementKind.indexSignatureElement); case 226: return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(node.name), ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement); case 138: return createItem(node, "()", ts.ScriptElementKind.callSignatureElement); case 139: return createItem(node, "new()", ts.ScriptElementKind.constructSignatureElement); case 132: case 131: return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(node.name), ts.ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement); case 200: return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(node.name), ts.ScriptElementKind.functionElement); case 198: case 152: var variableDeclarationNode; var name_18; if (node.kind === 152) { name_18 = node.name; variableDeclarationNode = node; while (variableDeclarationNode && variableDeclarationNode.kind !== 198) { variableDeclarationNode = variableDeclarationNode.parent; } ts.Debug.assert(variableDeclarationNode !== undefined); } else { ts.Debug.assert(!ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)); variableDeclarationNode = node; name_18 = node.name; } if (ts.isConst(variableDeclarationNode)) { return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(name_18), ts.ScriptElementKind.constElement); } else if (ts.isLet(variableDeclarationNode)) { return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(name_18), ts.ScriptElementKind.letElement); } else { return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(name_18), ts.ScriptElementKind.variableElement); } case 135: return createItem(node, "constructor", ts.ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement); case 217: case 213: case 208: case 210: case 211: return createItem(node, getTextOfNode(node.name), ts.ScriptElementKind.alias); } return undefined; function createItem(node, name, scriptElementKind) { return getNavigationBarItem(name, scriptElementKind, ts.getNodeModifiers(node), [getNodeSpan(node)]); } } function isEmpty(text) { return !text || text.trim() === ""; } function getNavigationBarItem(text, kind, kindModifiers, spans, childItems, indent) { if (childItems === void 0) { childItems = []; } if (indent === void 0) { indent = 0; } if (isEmpty(text)) { return undefined; } return { text: text, kind: kind, kindModifiers: kindModifiers, spans: spans, childItems: childItems, indent: indent, bolded: false, grayed: false }; } function createTopLevelItem(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 227: return createSourceFileItem(node); case 201: return createClassItem(node); case 204: return createEnumItem(node); case 202: return createIterfaceItem(node); case 205: return createModuleItem(node); case 200: return createFunctionItem(node); } return undefined; function getModuleName(moduleDeclaration) { if (moduleDeclaration.name.kind === 8) { return getTextOfNode(moduleDeclaration.name); } var result = []; result.push(moduleDeclaration.name.text); while (moduleDeclaration.body && moduleDeclaration.body.kind === 205) { moduleDeclaration = moduleDeclaration.body; result.push(moduleDeclaration.name.text); } return result.join("."); } function createModuleItem(node) { var moduleName = getModuleName(node); var childItems = getItemsWorker(getChildNodes(getInnermostModule(node).body.statements), createChildItem); return getNavigationBarItem(moduleName, ts.ScriptElementKind.moduleElement, ts.getNodeModifiers(node), [getNodeSpan(node)], childItems, getIndent(node)); } function createFunctionItem(node) { if ((node.name || node.flags & 256) && node.body && node.body.kind === 179) { var childItems = getItemsWorker(sortNodes(node.body.statements), createChildItem); return getNavigationBarItem((!node.name && node.flags & 256) ? "default" : node.name.text, ts.ScriptElementKind.functionElement, ts.getNodeModifiers(node), [getNodeSpan(node)], childItems, getIndent(node)); } return undefined; } function createSourceFileItem(node) { var childItems = getItemsWorker(getChildNodes(node.statements), createChildItem); if (childItems === undefined || childItems.length === 0) { return undefined; } hasGlobalNode = true; var rootName = ts.isExternalModule(node) ? "\"" + ts.escapeString(ts.getBaseFileName(ts.removeFileExtension(ts.normalizePath(node.fileName)))) + "\"" : ""; return getNavigationBarItem(rootName, ts.ScriptElementKind.moduleElement, ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none, [getNodeSpan(node)], childItems); } function createClassItem(node) { var childItems; if (node.members) { var constructor = ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) { return member.kind === 135 && member; }); var nodes = removeDynamicallyNamedProperties(node); if (constructor) { nodes.push.apply(nodes, ts.filter(constructor.parameters, function (p) { return !ts.isBindingPattern(p.name); })); } childItems = getItemsWorker(sortNodes(nodes), createChildItem); } var nodeName = !node.name && (node.flags & 256) ? "default" : node.name.text; return getNavigationBarItem(nodeName, ts.ScriptElementKind.classElement, ts.getNodeModifiers(node), [getNodeSpan(node)], childItems, getIndent(node)); } function createEnumItem(node) { var childItems = getItemsWorker(sortNodes(removeComputedProperties(node)), createChildItem); return getNavigationBarItem(node.name.text, ts.ScriptElementKind.enumElement, ts.getNodeModifiers(node), [getNodeSpan(node)], childItems, getIndent(node)); } function createIterfaceItem(node) { var childItems = getItemsWorker(sortNodes(removeDynamicallyNamedProperties(node)), createChildItem); return getNavigationBarItem(node.name.text, ts.ScriptElementKind.interfaceElement, ts.getNodeModifiers(node), [getNodeSpan(node)], childItems, getIndent(node)); } } function removeComputedProperties(node) { return ts.filter(node.members, function (member) { return member.name === undefined || member.name.kind !== 127; }); } function removeDynamicallyNamedProperties(node) { return ts.filter(node.members, function (member) { return !ts.hasDynamicName(member); }); } function getInnermostModule(node) { while (node.body.kind === 205) { node = node.body; } return node; } function getNodeSpan(node) { return node.kind === 227 ? ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(node.getFullStart(), node.getEnd()) : ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(node.getStart(), node.getEnd()); } function getTextOfNode(node) { return ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceFile.text, node); } } NavigationBar.getNavigationBarItems = getNavigationBarItems; })(NavigationBar = ts.NavigationBar || (ts.NavigationBar = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); var ts; (function (ts) { (function (PatternMatchKind) { PatternMatchKind[PatternMatchKind["exact"] = 0] = "exact"; PatternMatchKind[PatternMatchKind["prefix"] = 1] = "prefix"; PatternMatchKind[PatternMatchKind["substring"] = 2] = "substring"; PatternMatchKind[PatternMatchKind["camelCase"] = 3] = "camelCase"; })(ts.PatternMatchKind || (ts.PatternMatchKind = {})); var PatternMatchKind = ts.PatternMatchKind; function createPatternMatch(kind, punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive, camelCaseWeight) { return { kind: kind, punctuationStripped: punctuationStripped, isCaseSensitive: isCaseSensitive, camelCaseWeight: camelCaseWeight }; } function createPatternMatcher(pattern) { var stringToWordSpans = {}; pattern = pattern.trim(); var fullPatternSegment = createSegment(pattern); var dotSeparatedSegments = pattern.split(".").map(function (p) { return createSegment(p.trim()); }); var invalidPattern = dotSeparatedSegments.length === 0 || ts.forEach(dotSeparatedSegments, segmentIsInvalid); return { getMatches: getMatches, getMatchesForLastSegmentOfPattern: getMatchesForLastSegmentOfPattern, patternContainsDots: dotSeparatedSegments.length > 1 }; function skipMatch(candidate) { return invalidPattern || !candidate; } function getMatchesForLastSegmentOfPattern(candidate) { if (skipMatch(candidate)) { return undefined; } return matchSegment(candidate, ts.lastOrUndefined(dotSeparatedSegments)); } function getMatches(candidateContainers, candidate) { if (skipMatch(candidate)) { return undefined; } var candidateMatch = matchSegment(candidate, ts.lastOrUndefined(dotSeparatedSegments)); if (!candidateMatch) { return undefined; } candidateContainers = candidateContainers || []; if (dotSeparatedSegments.length - 1 > candidateContainers.length) { return undefined; } var totalMatch = candidateMatch; for (var i = dotSeparatedSegments.length - 2, j = candidateContainers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--, j--) { var segment = dotSeparatedSegments[i]; var containerName = candidateContainers[j]; var containerMatch = matchSegment(containerName, segment); if (!containerMatch) { return undefined; } ts.addRange(totalMatch, containerMatch); } return totalMatch; } function getWordSpans(word) { if (!ts.hasProperty(stringToWordSpans, word)) { stringToWordSpans[word] = breakIntoWordSpans(word); } return stringToWordSpans[word]; } function matchTextChunk(candidate, chunk, punctuationStripped) { var index = indexOfIgnoringCase(candidate, chunk.textLowerCase); if (index === 0) { if (chunk.text.length === candidate.length) { return createPatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.exact, punctuationStripped, candidate === chunk.text); } else { return createPatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.prefix, punctuationStripped, startsWith(candidate, chunk.text)); } } var isLowercase = chunk.isLowerCase; if (isLowercase) { if (index > 0) { var wordSpans = getWordSpans(candidate); for (var _i = 0; _i < wordSpans.length; _i++) { var span = wordSpans[_i]; if (partStartsWith(candidate, span, chunk.text, true)) { return createPatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.substring, punctuationStripped, partStartsWith(candidate, span, chunk.text, false)); } } } } else { if (candidate.indexOf(chunk.text) > 0) { return createPatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.substring, punctuationStripped, true); } } if (!isLowercase) { if (chunk.characterSpans.length > 0) { var candidateParts = getWordSpans(candidate); var camelCaseWeight = tryCamelCaseMatch(candidate, candidateParts, chunk, false); if (camelCaseWeight !== undefined) { return createPatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.camelCase, punctuationStripped, true, camelCaseWeight); } camelCaseWeight = tryCamelCaseMatch(candidate, candidateParts, chunk, true); if (camelCaseWeight !== undefined) { return createPatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.camelCase, punctuationStripped, false, camelCaseWeight); } } } if (isLowercase) { if (chunk.text.length < candidate.length) { if (index > 0 && isUpperCaseLetter(candidate.charCodeAt(index))) { return createPatternMatch(PatternMatchKind.substring, punctuationStripped, false); } } } return undefined; } function containsSpaceOrAsterisk(text) { for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { var ch = text.charCodeAt(i); if (ch === 32 || ch === 42) { return true; } } return false; } function matchSegment(candidate, segment) { if (!containsSpaceOrAsterisk(segment.totalTextChunk.text)) { var match = matchTextChunk(candidate, segment.totalTextChunk, false); if (match) { return [match]; } } var subWordTextChunks = segment.subWordTextChunks; var matches = undefined; for (var _i = 0; _i < subWordTextChunks.length; _i++) { var subWordTextChunk = subWordTextChunks[_i]; var result = matchTextChunk(candidate, subWordTextChunk, true); if (!result) { return undefined; } matches = matches || []; matches.push(result); } return matches; } function partStartsWith(candidate, candidateSpan, pattern, ignoreCase, patternSpan) { var patternPartStart = patternSpan ? patternSpan.start : 0; var patternPartLength = patternSpan ? patternSpan.length : pattern.length; if (patternPartLength > candidateSpan.length) { return false; } if (ignoreCase) { for (var i = 0; i < patternPartLength; i++) { var ch1 = pattern.charCodeAt(patternPartStart + i); var ch2 = candidate.charCodeAt(candidateSpan.start + i); if (toLowerCase(ch1) !== toLowerCase(ch2)) { return false; } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < patternPartLength; i++) { var ch1 = pattern.charCodeAt(patternPartStart + i); var ch2 = candidate.charCodeAt(candidateSpan.start + i); if (ch1 !== ch2) { return false; } } } return true; } function tryCamelCaseMatch(candidate, candidateParts, chunk, ignoreCase) { var chunkCharacterSpans = chunk.characterSpans; var currentCandidate = 0; var currentChunkSpan = 0; var firstMatch = undefined; var contiguous = undefined; while (true) { if (currentChunkSpan === chunkCharacterSpans.length) { var weight = 0; if (contiguous) { weight += 1; } if (firstMatch === 0) { weight += 2; } return weight; } else if (currentCandidate === candidateParts.length) { return undefined; } var candidatePart = candidateParts[currentCandidate]; var gotOneMatchThisCandidate = false; for (; currentChunkSpan < chunkCharacterSpans.length; currentChunkSpan++) { var chunkCharacterSpan = chunkCharacterSpans[currentChunkSpan]; if (gotOneMatchThisCandidate) { if (!isUpperCaseLetter(chunk.text.charCodeAt(chunkCharacterSpans[currentChunkSpan - 1].start)) || !isUpperCaseLetter(chunk.text.charCodeAt(chunkCharacterSpans[currentChunkSpan].start))) { break; } } if (!partStartsWith(candidate, candidatePart, chunk.text, ignoreCase, chunkCharacterSpan)) { break; } gotOneMatchThisCandidate = true; firstMatch = firstMatch === undefined ? currentCandidate : firstMatch; contiguous = contiguous === undefined ? true : contiguous; candidatePart = ts.createTextSpan(candidatePart.start + chunkCharacterSpan.length, candidatePart.length - chunkCharacterSpan.length); } if (!gotOneMatchThisCandidate && contiguous !== undefined) { contiguous = false; } currentCandidate++; } } } ts.createPatternMatcher = createPatternMatcher; function patternMatchCompareTo(match1, match2) { return compareType(match1, match2) || compareCamelCase(match1, match2) || compareCase(match1, match2) || comparePunctuation(match1, match2); } function comparePunctuation(result1, result2) { if (result1.punctuationStripped !== result2.punctuationStripped) { return result1.punctuationStripped ? 1 : -1; } return 0; } function compareCase(result1, result2) { if (result1.isCaseSensitive !== result2.isCaseSensitive) { return result1.isCaseSensitive ? -1 : 1; } return 0; } function compareType(result1, result2) { return result1.kind - result2.kind; } function compareCamelCase(result1, result2) { if (result1.kind === PatternMatchKind.camelCase && result2.kind === PatternMatchKind.camelCase) { return result2.camelCaseWeight - result1.camelCaseWeight; } return 0; } function createSegment(text) { return { totalTextChunk: createTextChunk(text), subWordTextChunks: breakPatternIntoTextChunks(text) }; } function segmentIsInvalid(segment) { return segment.subWordTextChunks.length === 0; } function isUpperCaseLetter(ch) { if (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) { return true; } if (ch < 127 || !ts.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(ch, 2)) { return false; } var str = String.fromCharCode(ch); return str === str.toUpperCase(); } function isLowerCaseLetter(ch) { if (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) { return true; } if (ch < 127 || !ts.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(ch, 2)) { return false; } var str = String.fromCharCode(ch); return str === str.toLowerCase(); } function containsUpperCaseLetter(string) { for (var i = 0, n = string.length; i < n; i++) { if (isUpperCaseLetter(string.charCodeAt(i))) { return true; } } return false; } function startsWith(string, search) { for (var i = 0, n = search.length; i < n; i++) { if (string.charCodeAt(i) !== search.charCodeAt(i)) { return false; } } return true; } function indexOfIgnoringCase(string, value) { for (var i = 0, n = string.length - value.length; i <= n; i++) { if (startsWithIgnoringCase(string, value, i)) { return i; } } return -1; } function startsWithIgnoringCase(string, value, start) { for (var i = 0, n = value.length; i < n; i++) { var ch1 = toLowerCase(string.charCodeAt(i + start)); var ch2 = value.charCodeAt(i); if (ch1 !== ch2) { return false; } } return true; } function toLowerCase(ch) { if (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) { return 97 + (ch - 65); } if (ch < 127) { return ch; } return String.fromCharCode(ch).toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0); } function isDigit(ch) { return ch >= 48 && ch <= 57; } function isWordChar(ch) { return isUpperCaseLetter(ch) || isLowerCaseLetter(ch) || isDigit(ch) || ch === 95 || ch === 36; } function breakPatternIntoTextChunks(pattern) { var result = []; var wordStart = 0; var wordLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) { var ch = pattern.charCodeAt(i); if (isWordChar(ch)) { if (wordLength++ === 0) { wordStart = i; } } else { if (wordLength > 0) { result.push(createTextChunk(pattern.substr(wordStart, wordLength))); wordLength = 0; } } } if (wordLength > 0) { result.push(createTextChunk(pattern.substr(wordStart, wordLength))); } return result; } function createTextChunk(text) { var textLowerCase = text.toLowerCase(); return { text: text, textLowerCase: textLowerCase, isLowerCase: text === textLowerCase, characterSpans: breakIntoCharacterSpans(text) }; } function breakIntoCharacterSpans(identifier) { return breakIntoSpans(identifier, false); } ts.breakIntoCharacterSpans = breakIntoCharacterSpans; function breakIntoWordSpans(identifier) { return breakIntoSpans(identifier, true); } ts.breakIntoWordSpans = breakIntoWordSpans; function breakIntoSpans(identifier, word) { var result = []; var wordStart = 0; for (var i = 1, n = identifier.length; i < n; i++) { var lastIsDigit = isDigit(identifier.charCodeAt(i - 1)); var currentIsDigit = isDigit(identifier.charCodeAt(i)); var hasTransitionFromLowerToUpper = transitionFromLowerToUpper(identifier, word, i); var hasTransitionFromUpperToLower = transitionFromUpperToLower(identifier, word, i, wordStart); if (charIsPunctuation(identifier.charCodeAt(i - 1)) || charIsPunctuation(identifier.charCodeAt(i)) || lastIsDigit != currentIsDigit || hasTransitionFromLowerToUpper || hasTransitionFromUpperToLower) { if (!isAllPunctuation(identifier, wordStart, i)) { result.push(ts.createTextSpan(wordStart, i - wordStart)); } wordStart = i; } } if (!isAllPunctuation(identifier, wordStart, identifier.length)) { result.push(ts.createTextSpan(wordStart, identifier.length - wordStart)); } return result; } function charIsPunctuation(ch) { switch (ch) { case 33: case 34: case 35: case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: case 41: case 42: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: case 58: case 59: case 63: case 64: case 91: case 92: case 93: case 95: case 123: case 125: return true; } return false; } function isAllPunctuation(identifier, start, end) { for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var ch = identifier.charCodeAt(i); if (!charIsPunctuation(ch) || ch === 95 || ch === 36) { return false; } } return true; } function transitionFromUpperToLower(identifier, word, index, wordStart) { if (word) { if (index != wordStart && index + 1 < identifier.length) { var currentIsUpper = isUpperCaseLetter(identifier.charCodeAt(index)); var nextIsLower = isLowerCaseLetter(identifier.charCodeAt(index + 1)); if (currentIsUpper && nextIsLower) { for (var i = wordStart; i < index; i++) { if (!isUpperCaseLetter(identifier.charCodeAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } } } return false; } function transitionFromLowerToUpper(identifier, word, index) { var lastIsUpper = isUpperCaseLetter(identifier.charCodeAt(index - 1)); var currentIsUpper = isUpperCaseLetter(identifier.charCodeAt(index)); var transition = word ? (currentIsUpper && !lastIsUpper) : currentIsUpper; return transition; } })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { var SignatureHelp; (function (SignatureHelp) { var emptyArray = []; function getSignatureHelpItems(sourceFile, position, typeInfoResolver, cancellationToken) { var startingToken = ts.findTokenOnLeftOfPosition(sourceFile, position); if (!startingToken) { return undefined; } var argumentInfo = getContainingArgumentInfo(startingToken); cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); if (!argumentInfo) { return undefined; } var call = argumentInfo.invocation; var candidates = []; var resolvedSignature = typeInfoResolver.getResolvedSignature(call, candidates); cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); if (!candidates.length) { return undefined; } return createSignatureHelpItems(candidates, resolvedSignature, argumentInfo); function getImmediatelyContainingArgumentInfo(node) { if (node.parent.kind === 157 || node.parent.kind === 158) { var callExpression = node.parent; if (node.kind === 24 || node.kind === 16) { var list = getChildListThatStartsWithOpenerToken(callExpression, node, sourceFile); var isTypeArgList = callExpression.typeArguments && callExpression.typeArguments.pos === list.pos; ts.Debug.assert(list !== undefined); return { kind: isTypeArgList ? 0 : 1, invocation: callExpression, argumentsSpan: getApplicableSpanForArguments(list), argumentIndex: 0, argumentCount: getArgumentCount(list) }; } var listItemInfo = ts.findListItemInfo(node); if (listItemInfo) { var list = listItemInfo.list; var isTypeArgList = callExpression.typeArguments && callExpression.typeArguments.pos === list.pos; var argumentIndex = getArgumentIndex(list, node); var argumentCount = getArgumentCount(list); ts.Debug.assert(argumentIndex === 0 || argumentIndex < argumentCount, "argumentCount < argumentIndex, " + argumentCount + " < " + argumentIndex); return { kind: isTypeArgList ? 0 : 1, invocation: callExpression, argumentsSpan: getApplicableSpanForArguments(list), argumentIndex: argumentIndex, argumentCount: argumentCount }; } } else if (node.kind === 10 && node.parent.kind === 159) { if (ts.isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position)) { return getArgumentListInfoForTemplate(node.parent, 0); } } else if (node.kind === 11 && node.parent.parent.kind === 159) { var templateExpression = node.parent; var tagExpression = templateExpression.parent; ts.Debug.assert(templateExpression.kind === 171); var argumentIndex = ts.isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position) ? 0 : 1; return getArgumentListInfoForTemplate(tagExpression, argumentIndex); } else if (node.parent.kind === 176 && node.parent.parent.parent.kind === 159) { var templateSpan = node.parent; var templateExpression = templateSpan.parent; var tagExpression = templateExpression.parent; ts.Debug.assert(templateExpression.kind === 171); if (node.kind === 13 && !ts.isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position)) { return undefined; } var spanIndex = templateExpression.templateSpans.indexOf(templateSpan); var argumentIndex = getArgumentIndexForTemplatePiece(spanIndex, node); return getArgumentListInfoForTemplate(tagExpression, argumentIndex); } return undefined; } function getArgumentIndex(argumentsList, node) { var argumentIndex = 0; var listChildren = argumentsList.getChildren(); for (var _i = 0; _i < listChildren.length; _i++) { var child = listChildren[_i]; if (child === node) { break; } if (child.kind !== 23) { argumentIndex++; } } return argumentIndex; } function getArgumentCount(argumentsList) { var listChildren = argumentsList.getChildren(); var argumentCount = ts.countWhere(listChildren, function (arg) { return arg.kind !== 23; }); if (listChildren.length > 0 && ts.lastOrUndefined(listChildren).kind === 23) { argumentCount++; } return argumentCount; } function getArgumentIndexForTemplatePiece(spanIndex, node) { ts.Debug.assert(position >= node.getStart(), "Assumed 'position' could not occur before node."); if (ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind)) { if (ts.isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position)) { return 0; } return spanIndex + 2; } return spanIndex + 1; } function getArgumentListInfoForTemplate(tagExpression, argumentIndex) { var argumentCount = tagExpression.template.kind === 10 ? 1 : tagExpression.template.templateSpans.length + 1; ts.Debug.assert(argumentIndex === 0 || argumentIndex < argumentCount, "argumentCount < argumentIndex, " + argumentCount + " < " + argumentIndex); return { kind: 2, invocation: tagExpression, argumentsSpan: getApplicableSpanForTaggedTemplate(tagExpression), argumentIndex: argumentIndex, argumentCount: argumentCount }; } function getApplicableSpanForArguments(argumentsList) { var applicableSpanStart = argumentsList.getFullStart(); var applicableSpanEnd = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, argumentsList.getEnd(), false); return ts.createTextSpan(applicableSpanStart, applicableSpanEnd - applicableSpanStart); } function getApplicableSpanForTaggedTemplate(taggedTemplate) { var template = taggedTemplate.template; var applicableSpanStart = template.getStart(); var applicableSpanEnd = template.getEnd(); if (template.kind === 171) { var lastSpan = ts.lastOrUndefined(template.templateSpans); if (lastSpan.literal.getFullWidth() === 0) { applicableSpanEnd = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, applicableSpanEnd, false); } } return ts.createTextSpan(applicableSpanStart, applicableSpanEnd - applicableSpanStart); } function getContainingArgumentInfo(node) { for (var n = node; n.kind !== 227; n = n.parent) { if (ts.isFunctionBlock(n)) { return undefined; } if (n.pos < n.parent.pos || n.end > n.parent.end) { ts.Debug.fail("Node of kind " + n.kind + " is not a subspan of its parent of kind " + n.parent.kind); } var argumentInfo_1 = getImmediatelyContainingArgumentInfo(n); if (argumentInfo_1) { return argumentInfo_1; } } return undefined; } function getChildListThatStartsWithOpenerToken(parent, openerToken, sourceFile) { var children = parent.getChildren(sourceFile); var indexOfOpenerToken = children.indexOf(openerToken); ts.Debug.assert(indexOfOpenerToken >= 0 && children.length > indexOfOpenerToken + 1); return children[indexOfOpenerToken + 1]; } function selectBestInvalidOverloadIndex(candidates, argumentCount) { var maxParamsSignatureIndex = -1; var maxParams = -1; for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { var candidate = candidates[i]; if (candidate.hasRestParameter || candidate.parameters.length >= argumentCount) { return i; } if (candidate.parameters.length > maxParams) { maxParams = candidate.parameters.length; maxParamsSignatureIndex = i; } } return maxParamsSignatureIndex; } function createSignatureHelpItems(candidates, bestSignature, argumentListInfo) { var applicableSpan = argumentListInfo.argumentsSpan; var isTypeParameterList = argumentListInfo.kind === 0; var invocation = argumentListInfo.invocation; var callTarget = ts.getInvokedExpression(invocation); var callTargetSymbol = typeInfoResolver.getSymbolAtLocation(callTarget); var callTargetDisplayParts = callTargetSymbol && ts.symbolToDisplayParts(typeInfoResolver, callTargetSymbol, undefined, undefined); var items = ts.map(candidates, function (candidateSignature) { var signatureHelpParameters; var prefixDisplayParts = []; var suffixDisplayParts = []; if (callTargetDisplayParts) { prefixDisplayParts.push.apply(prefixDisplayParts, callTargetDisplayParts); } if (isTypeParameterList) { prefixDisplayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(24)); var typeParameters = candidateSignature.typeParameters; signatureHelpParameters = typeParameters && typeParameters.length > 0 ? ts.map(typeParameters, createSignatureHelpParameterForTypeParameter) : emptyArray; suffixDisplayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(25)); var parameterParts = ts.mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { return typeInfoResolver.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters(candidateSignature.parameters, writer, invocation); }); suffixDisplayParts.push.apply(suffixDisplayParts, parameterParts); } else { var typeParameterParts = ts.mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { return typeInfoResolver.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters(candidateSignature.typeParameters, writer, invocation); }); prefixDisplayParts.push.apply(prefixDisplayParts, typeParameterParts); prefixDisplayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(16)); var parameters = candidateSignature.parameters; signatureHelpParameters = parameters.length > 0 ? ts.map(parameters, createSignatureHelpParameterForParameter) : emptyArray; suffixDisplayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(17)); } var returnTypeParts = ts.mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { return typeInfoResolver.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildReturnTypeDisplay(candidateSignature, writer, invocation); }); suffixDisplayParts.push.apply(suffixDisplayParts, returnTypeParts); return { isVariadic: candidateSignature.hasRestParameter, prefixDisplayParts: prefixDisplayParts, suffixDisplayParts: suffixDisplayParts, separatorDisplayParts: [ts.punctuationPart(23), ts.spacePart()], parameters: signatureHelpParameters, documentation: candidateSignature.getDocumentationComment() }; }); var argumentIndex = argumentListInfo.argumentIndex; var argumentCount = argumentListInfo.argumentCount; var selectedItemIndex = candidates.indexOf(bestSignature); if (selectedItemIndex < 0) { selectedItemIndex = selectBestInvalidOverloadIndex(candidates, argumentCount); } ts.Debug.assert(argumentIndex === 0 || argumentIndex < argumentCount, "argumentCount < argumentIndex, " + argumentCount + " < " + argumentIndex); return { items: items, applicableSpan: applicableSpan, selectedItemIndex: selectedItemIndex, argumentIndex: argumentIndex, argumentCount: argumentCount }; function createSignatureHelpParameterForParameter(parameter) { var displayParts = ts.mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { return typeInfoResolver.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildParameterDisplay(parameter, writer, invocation); }); var isOptional = ts.hasQuestionToken(parameter.valueDeclaration); return { name: parameter.name, documentation: parameter.getDocumentationComment(), displayParts: displayParts, isOptional: isOptional }; } function createSignatureHelpParameterForTypeParameter(typeParameter) { var displayParts = ts.mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { return typeInfoResolver.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeParameterDisplay(typeParameter, writer, invocation); }); return { name: typeParameter.symbol.name, documentation: emptyArray, displayParts: displayParts, isOptional: false }; } } } SignatureHelp.getSignatureHelpItems = getSignatureHelpItems; })(SignatureHelp = ts.SignatureHelp || (ts.SignatureHelp = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); var ts; (function (ts) { function getEndLinePosition(line, sourceFile) { ts.Debug.assert(line >= 0); var lineStarts = sourceFile.getLineStarts(); var lineIndex = line; if (lineIndex + 1 === lineStarts.length) { return sourceFile.text.length - 1; } else { var start = lineStarts[lineIndex]; var pos = lineStarts[lineIndex + 1] - 1; ts.Debug.assert(ts.isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))); while (start <= pos && ts.isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos--; } return pos; } } ts.getEndLinePosition = getEndLinePosition; function getLineStartPositionForPosition(position, sourceFile) { var lineStarts = sourceFile.getLineStarts(); var line = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(position).line; return lineStarts[line]; } ts.getLineStartPositionForPosition = getLineStartPositionForPosition; function rangeContainsRange(r1, r2) { return startEndContainsRange(r1.pos, r1.end, r2); } ts.rangeContainsRange = rangeContainsRange; function startEndContainsRange(start, end, range) { return start <= range.pos && end >= range.end; } ts.startEndContainsRange = startEndContainsRange; function rangeContainsStartEnd(range, start, end) { return range.pos <= start && range.end >= end; } ts.rangeContainsStartEnd = rangeContainsStartEnd; function rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd(r1, start, end) { return startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd(r1.pos, r1.end, start, end); } ts.rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd = rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd; function startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd(start1, end1, start2, end2) { var start = Math.max(start1, start2); var end = Math.min(end1, end2); return start < end; } ts.startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd = startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd; function positionBelongsToNode(candidate, position, sourceFile) { return candidate.end > position || !isCompletedNode(candidate, sourceFile); } ts.positionBelongsToNode = positionBelongsToNode; function isCompletedNode(n, sourceFile) { if (ts.nodeIsMissing(n)) { return false; } switch (n.kind) { case 201: case 202: case 204: case 154: case 150: case 145: case 179: case 206: case 207: return nodeEndsWith(n, 15, sourceFile); case 223: return isCompletedNode(n.block, sourceFile); case 158: if (!n.arguments) { return true; } case 157: case 161: case 149: return nodeEndsWith(n, 17, sourceFile); case 142: case 143: return isCompletedNode(n.type, sourceFile); case 135: case 136: case 137: case 200: case 162: case 134: case 133: case 139: case 138: case 163: if (n.body) { return isCompletedNode(n.body, sourceFile); } if (n.type) { return isCompletedNode(n.type, sourceFile); } return hasChildOfKind(n, 17, sourceFile); case 205: return n.body && isCompletedNode(n.body, sourceFile); case 183: if (n.elseStatement) { return isCompletedNode(n.elseStatement, sourceFile); } return isCompletedNode(n.thenStatement, sourceFile); case 182: return isCompletedNode(n.expression, sourceFile); case 153: case 151: case 156: case 127: case 147: return nodeEndsWith(n, 19, sourceFile); case 140: if (n.type) { return isCompletedNode(n.type, sourceFile); } return hasChildOfKind(n, 19, sourceFile); case 220: case 221: return false; case 186: case 187: case 188: case 185: return isCompletedNode(n.statement, sourceFile); case 184: var hasWhileKeyword = findChildOfKind(n, 100, sourceFile); if (hasWhileKeyword) { return nodeEndsWith(n, 17, sourceFile); } return isCompletedNode(n.statement, sourceFile); case 144: return isCompletedNode(n.exprName, sourceFile); case 165: case 164: case 166: case 172: case 173: var unaryWordExpression = n; return isCompletedNode(unaryWordExpression.expression, sourceFile); case 159: return isCompletedNode(n.template, sourceFile); case 171: var lastSpan = ts.lastOrUndefined(n.templateSpans); return isCompletedNode(lastSpan, sourceFile); case 176: return ts.nodeIsPresent(n.literal); case 167: return isCompletedNode(n.operand, sourceFile); case 169: return isCompletedNode(n.right, sourceFile); case 170: return isCompletedNode(n.whenFalse, sourceFile); default: return true; } } ts.isCompletedNode = isCompletedNode; function nodeEndsWith(n, expectedLastToken, sourceFile) { var children = n.getChildren(sourceFile); if (children.length) { var last = children[children.length - 1]; if (last.kind === expectedLastToken) { return true; } else if (last.kind === 22 && children.length !== 1) { return children[children.length - 2].kind === expectedLastToken; } } return false; } function findListItemInfo(node) { var list = findContainingList(node); if (!list) { return undefined; } var children = list.getChildren(); var listItemIndex = ts.indexOf(children, node); return { listItemIndex: listItemIndex, list: list }; } ts.findListItemInfo = findListItemInfo; function hasChildOfKind(n, kind, sourceFile) { return !!findChildOfKind(n, kind, sourceFile); } ts.hasChildOfKind = hasChildOfKind; function findChildOfKind(n, kind, sourceFile) { return ts.forEach(n.getChildren(sourceFile), function (c) { return c.kind === kind && c; }); } ts.findChildOfKind = findChildOfKind; function findContainingList(node) { var syntaxList = ts.forEach(node.parent.getChildren(), function (c) { if (c.kind === 228 && c.pos <= node.pos && c.end >= node.end) { return c; } }); ts.Debug.assert(!syntaxList || ts.contains(syntaxList.getChildren(), node)); return syntaxList; } ts.findContainingList = findContainingList; function getTouchingWord(sourceFile, position) { return getTouchingToken(sourceFile, position, function (n) { return isWord(n.kind); }); } ts.getTouchingWord = getTouchingWord; function getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position) { return getTouchingToken(sourceFile, position, function (n) { return isPropertyName(n.kind); }); } ts.getTouchingPropertyName = getTouchingPropertyName; function getTouchingToken(sourceFile, position, includeItemAtEndPosition) { return getTokenAtPositionWorker(sourceFile, position, false, includeItemAtEndPosition); } ts.getTouchingToken = getTouchingToken; function getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position) { return getTokenAtPositionWorker(sourceFile, position, true, undefined); } ts.getTokenAtPosition = getTokenAtPosition; function getTokenAtPositionWorker(sourceFile, position, allowPositionInLeadingTrivia, includeItemAtEndPosition) { var current = sourceFile; outer: while (true) { if (isToken(current)) { return current; } for (var i = 0, n = current.getChildCount(sourceFile); i < n; i++) { var child = current.getChildAt(i); var start = allowPositionInLeadingTrivia ? child.getFullStart() : child.getStart(sourceFile); if (start <= position) { var end = child.getEnd(); if (position < end || (position === end && child.kind === 1)) { current = child; continue outer; } else if (includeItemAtEndPosition && end === position) { var previousToken = findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile, child); if (previousToken && includeItemAtEndPosition(previousToken)) { return previousToken; } } } } return current; } } function findTokenOnLeftOfPosition(file, position) { var tokenAtPosition = getTokenAtPosition(file, position); if (isToken(tokenAtPosition) && position > tokenAtPosition.getStart(file) && position < tokenAtPosition.getEnd()) { return tokenAtPosition; } return findPrecedingToken(position, file); } ts.findTokenOnLeftOfPosition = findTokenOnLeftOfPosition; function findNextToken(previousToken, parent) { return find(parent); function find(n) { if (isToken(n) && n.pos === previousToken.end) { return n; } var children = n.getChildren(); for (var _i = 0; _i < children.length; _i++) { var child = children[_i]; var shouldDiveInChildNode = (child.pos <= previousToken.pos && child.end > previousToken.end) || (child.pos === previousToken.end); if (shouldDiveInChildNode && nodeHasTokens(child)) { return find(child); } } return undefined; } } ts.findNextToken = findNextToken; function findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile, startNode) { return find(startNode || sourceFile); function findRightmostToken(n) { if (isToken(n)) { return n; } var children = n.getChildren(); var candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, children.length); return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate); } function find(n) { if (isToken(n)) { return n; } var children = n.getChildren(); for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (nodeHasTokens(child)) { if (position <= child.end) { if (child.getStart(sourceFile) >= position) { var candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, i); return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate); } else { return find(child); } } } } ts.Debug.assert(startNode !== undefined || n.kind === 227); if (children.length) { var candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, children.length); return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate); } } function findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, exclusiveStartPosition) { for (var i = exclusiveStartPosition - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (nodeHasTokens(children[i])) { return children[i]; } } } } ts.findPrecedingToken = findPrecedingToken; function nodeHasTokens(n) { return n.getWidth() !== 0; } function getNodeModifiers(node) { var flags = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node); var result = []; if (flags & 32) result.push(ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.privateMemberModifier); if (flags & 64) result.push(ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.protectedMemberModifier); if (flags & 16) result.push(ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.publicMemberModifier); if (flags & 128) result.push(ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.staticModifier); if (flags & 1) result.push(ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.exportedModifier); if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) result.push(ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.ambientModifier); return result.length > 0 ? result.join(',') : ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none; } ts.getNodeModifiers = getNodeModifiers; function getTypeArgumentOrTypeParameterList(node) { if (node.kind === 141 || node.kind === 157) { return node.typeArguments; } if (ts.isFunctionLike(node) || node.kind === 201 || node.kind === 202) { return node.typeParameters; } return undefined; } ts.getTypeArgumentOrTypeParameterList = getTypeArgumentOrTypeParameterList; function isToken(n) { return n.kind >= 0 && n.kind <= 125; } ts.isToken = isToken; function isWord(kind) { return kind === 65 || ts.isKeyword(kind); } ts.isWord = isWord; function isPropertyName(kind) { return kind === 8 || kind === 7 || isWord(kind); } function isComment(kind) { return kind === 2 || kind === 3; } ts.isComment = isComment; function isPunctuation(kind) { return 14 <= kind && kind <= 64; } ts.isPunctuation = isPunctuation; function isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position) { return ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind) && (node.getStart() < position && position < node.getEnd()) || (!!node.isUnterminated && position === node.getEnd()); } ts.isInsideTemplateLiteral = isInsideTemplateLiteral; function isAccessibilityModifier(kind) { switch (kind) { case 109: case 107: case 108: return true; } return false; } ts.isAccessibilityModifier = isAccessibilityModifier; function compareDataObjects(dst, src) { for (var e in dst) { if (typeof dst[e] === "object") { if (!compareDataObjects(dst[e], src[e])) { return false; } } else if (typeof dst[e] !== "function") { if (dst[e] !== src[e]) { return false; } } } return true; } ts.compareDataObjects = compareDataObjects; })(ts || (ts = {})); var ts; (function (ts) { function isFirstDeclarationOfSymbolParameter(symbol) { return symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.length > 0 && symbol.declarations[0].kind === 129; } ts.isFirstDeclarationOfSymbolParameter = isFirstDeclarationOfSymbolParameter; var displayPartWriter = getDisplayPartWriter(); function getDisplayPartWriter() { var displayParts; var lineStart; var indent; resetWriter(); return { displayParts: function () { return displayParts; }, writeKeyword: function (text) { return writeKind(text, ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.keyword); }, writeOperator: function (text) { return writeKind(text, ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.operator); }, writePunctuation: function (text) { return writeKind(text, ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.punctuation); }, writeSpace: function (text) { return writeKind(text, ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.space); }, writeStringLiteral: function (text) { return writeKind(text, ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.stringLiteral); }, writeParameter: function (text) { return writeKind(text, ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.parameterName); }, writeSymbol: writeSymbol, writeLine: writeLine, increaseIndent: function () { indent++; }, decreaseIndent: function () { indent--; }, clear: resetWriter, trackSymbol: function () { } }; function writeIndent() { if (lineStart) { var indentString = ts.getIndentString(indent); if (indentString) { displayParts.push(displayPart(indentString, ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.space)); } lineStart = false; } } function writeKind(text, kind) { writeIndent(); displayParts.push(displayPart(text, kind)); } function writeSymbol(text, symbol) { writeIndent(); displayParts.push(symbolPart(text, symbol)); } function writeLine() { displayParts.push(lineBreakPart()); lineStart = true; } function resetWriter() { displayParts = []; lineStart = true; indent = 0; } } function symbolPart(text, symbol) { return displayPart(text, displayPartKind(symbol), symbol); function displayPartKind(symbol) { var flags = symbol.flags; if (flags & 3) { return isFirstDeclarationOfSymbolParameter(symbol) ? ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.parameterName : ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.localName; } else if (flags & 4) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.propertyName; } else if (flags & 32768) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.propertyName; } else if (flags & 65536) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.propertyName; } else if (flags & 8) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.enumMemberName; } else if (flags & 16) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.functionName; } else if (flags & 32) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.className; } else if (flags & 64) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.interfaceName; } else if (flags & 384) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.enumName; } else if (flags & 1536) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.moduleName; } else if (flags & 8192) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.methodName; } else if (flags & 262144) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.typeParameterName; } else if (flags & 524288) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.aliasName; } else if (flags & 8388608) { return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.aliasName; } return ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.text; } } ts.symbolPart = symbolPart; function displayPart(text, kind, symbol) { return { text: text, kind: ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind[kind] }; } ts.displayPart = displayPart; function spacePart() { return displayPart(" ", ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.space); } ts.spacePart = spacePart; function keywordPart(kind) { return displayPart(ts.tokenToString(kind), ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.keyword); } ts.keywordPart = keywordPart; function punctuationPart(kind) { return displayPart(ts.tokenToString(kind), ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.punctuation); } ts.punctuationPart = punctuationPart; function operatorPart(kind) { return displayPart(ts.tokenToString(kind), ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.operator); } ts.operatorPart = operatorPart; function textOrKeywordPart(text) { var kind = ts.stringToToken(text); return kind === undefined ? textPart(text) : keywordPart(kind); } ts.textOrKeywordPart = textOrKeywordPart; function textPart(text) { return displayPart(text, ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.text); } ts.textPart = textPart; function lineBreakPart() { return displayPart("\n", ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind.lineBreak); } ts.lineBreakPart = lineBreakPart; function mapToDisplayParts(writeDisplayParts) { writeDisplayParts(displayPartWriter); var result = displayPartWriter.displayParts(); displayPartWriter.clear(); return result; } ts.mapToDisplayParts = mapToDisplayParts; function typeToDisplayParts(typechecker, type, enclosingDeclaration, flags) { return mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { typechecker.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags); }); } ts.typeToDisplayParts = typeToDisplayParts; function symbolToDisplayParts(typeChecker, symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, flags) { return mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { typeChecker.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildSymbolDisplay(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, flags); }); } ts.symbolToDisplayParts = symbolToDisplayParts; function signatureToDisplayParts(typechecker, signature, enclosingDeclaration, flags) { return mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { typechecker.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags); }); } ts.signatureToDisplayParts = signatureToDisplayParts; })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var scanner = ts.createScanner(2, false); function getFormattingScanner(sourceFile, startPos, endPos) { scanner.setText(sourceFile.text); scanner.setTextPos(startPos); var wasNewLine = true; var leadingTrivia; var trailingTrivia; var savedPos; var lastScanAction; var lastTokenInfo; return { advance: advance, readTokenInfo: readTokenInfo, isOnToken: isOnToken, lastTrailingTriviaWasNewLine: function () { return wasNewLine; }, close: function () { lastTokenInfo = undefined; scanner.setText(undefined); } }; function advance() { lastTokenInfo = undefined; var isStarted = scanner.getStartPos() !== startPos; if (isStarted) { if (trailingTrivia) { ts.Debug.assert(trailingTrivia.length !== 0); wasNewLine = trailingTrivia[trailingTrivia.length - 1].kind === 4; } else { wasNewLine = false; } } leadingTrivia = undefined; trailingTrivia = undefined; if (!isStarted) { scanner.scan(); } var t; var pos = scanner.getStartPos(); while (pos < endPos) { var t_2 = scanner.getToken(); if (!ts.isTrivia(t_2)) { break; } scanner.scan(); var item_4 = { pos: pos, end: scanner.getStartPos(), kind: t_2 }; pos = scanner.getStartPos(); if (!leadingTrivia) { leadingTrivia = []; } leadingTrivia.push(item_4); } savedPos = scanner.getStartPos(); } function shouldRescanGreaterThanToken(node) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 27: case 60: case 61: case 42: case 41: return true; } } return false; } function shouldRescanSlashToken(container) { return container.kind === 9; } function shouldRescanTemplateToken(container) { return container.kind === 12 || container.kind === 13; } function startsWithSlashToken(t) { return t === 36 || t === 57; } function readTokenInfo(n) { if (!isOnToken()) { return { leadingTrivia: leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia: undefined, token: undefined }; } var expectedScanAction = shouldRescanGreaterThanToken(n) ? 1 : shouldRescanSlashToken(n) ? 2 : shouldRescanTemplateToken(n) ? 3 : 0; if (lastTokenInfo && expectedScanAction === lastScanAction) { return fixTokenKind(lastTokenInfo, n); } if (scanner.getStartPos() !== savedPos) { ts.Debug.assert(lastTokenInfo !== undefined); scanner.setTextPos(savedPos); scanner.scan(); } var currentToken = scanner.getToken(); if (expectedScanAction === 1 && currentToken === 25) { currentToken = scanner.reScanGreaterToken(); ts.Debug.assert(n.kind === currentToken); lastScanAction = 1; } else if (expectedScanAction === 2 && startsWithSlashToken(currentToken)) { currentToken = scanner.reScanSlashToken(); ts.Debug.assert(n.kind === currentToken); lastScanAction = 2; } else if (expectedScanAction === 3 && currentToken === 15) { currentToken = scanner.reScanTemplateToken(); lastScanAction = 3; } else { lastScanAction = 0; } var token = { pos: scanner.getStartPos(), end: scanner.getTextPos(), kind: currentToken }; if (trailingTrivia) { trailingTrivia = undefined; } while (scanner.getStartPos() < endPos) { currentToken = scanner.scan(); if (!ts.isTrivia(currentToken)) { break; } var trivia = { pos: scanner.getStartPos(), end: scanner.getTextPos(), kind: currentToken }; if (!trailingTrivia) { trailingTrivia = []; } trailingTrivia.push(trivia); if (currentToken === 4) { scanner.scan(); break; } } lastTokenInfo = { leadingTrivia: leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia: trailingTrivia, token: token }; return fixTokenKind(lastTokenInfo, n); } function isOnToken() { var current = (lastTokenInfo && lastTokenInfo.token.kind) || scanner.getToken(); var startPos = (lastTokenInfo && lastTokenInfo.token.pos) || scanner.getStartPos(); return startPos < endPos && current !== 1 && !ts.isTrivia(current); } function fixTokenKind(tokenInfo, container) { if (ts.isToken(container) && tokenInfo.token.kind !== container.kind) { tokenInfo.token.kind = container.kind; } return tokenInfo; } } formatting.getFormattingScanner = getFormattingScanner; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var FormattingContext = (function () { function FormattingContext(sourceFile, formattingRequestKind) { this.sourceFile = sourceFile; this.formattingRequestKind = formattingRequestKind; } FormattingContext.prototype.updateContext = function (currentRange, currentTokenParent, nextRange, nextTokenParent, commonParent) { ts.Debug.assert(currentRange !== undefined, "currentTokenSpan is null"); ts.Debug.assert(currentTokenParent !== undefined, "currentTokenParent is null"); ts.Debug.assert(nextRange !== undefined, "nextTokenSpan is null"); ts.Debug.assert(nextTokenParent !== undefined, "nextTokenParent is null"); ts.Debug.assert(commonParent !== undefined, "commonParent is null"); this.currentTokenSpan = currentRange; this.currentTokenParent = currentTokenParent; this.nextTokenSpan = nextRange; this.nextTokenParent = nextTokenParent; this.contextNode = commonParent; this.contextNodeAllOnSameLine = undefined; this.nextNodeAllOnSameLine = undefined; this.tokensAreOnSameLine = undefined; this.contextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine = undefined; this.nextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine = undefined; }; FormattingContext.prototype.ContextNodeAllOnSameLine = function () { if (this.contextNodeAllOnSameLine === undefined) { this.contextNodeAllOnSameLine = this.NodeIsOnOneLine(this.contextNode); } return this.contextNodeAllOnSameLine; }; FormattingContext.prototype.NextNodeAllOnSameLine = function () { if (this.nextNodeAllOnSameLine === undefined) { this.nextNodeAllOnSameLine = this.NodeIsOnOneLine(this.nextTokenParent); } return this.nextNodeAllOnSameLine; }; FormattingContext.prototype.TokensAreOnSameLine = function () { if (this.tokensAreOnSameLine === undefined) { var startLine = this.sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(this.currentTokenSpan.pos).line; var endLine = this.sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(this.nextTokenSpan.pos).line; this.tokensAreOnSameLine = (startLine == endLine); } return this.tokensAreOnSameLine; }; FormattingContext.prototype.ContextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine = function () { if (this.contextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine === undefined) { this.contextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine = this.BlockIsOnOneLine(this.contextNode); } return this.contextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine; }; FormattingContext.prototype.NextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine = function () { if (this.nextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine === undefined) { this.nextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine = this.BlockIsOnOneLine(this.nextTokenParent); } return this.nextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine; }; FormattingContext.prototype.NodeIsOnOneLine = function (node) { var startLine = this.sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart(this.sourceFile)).line; var endLine = this.sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getEnd()).line; return startLine == endLine; }; FormattingContext.prototype.BlockIsOnOneLine = function (node) { var openBrace = ts.findChildOfKind(node, 14, this.sourceFile); var closeBrace = ts.findChildOfKind(node, 15, this.sourceFile); if (openBrace && closeBrace) { var startLine = this.sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(openBrace.getEnd()).line; var endLine = this.sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(closeBrace.getStart(this.sourceFile)).line; return startLine === endLine; } return false; }; return FormattingContext; })(); formatting.FormattingContext = FormattingContext; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var Rule = (function () { function Rule(Descriptor, Operation, Flag) { if (Flag === void 0) { Flag = 0; } this.Descriptor = Descriptor; this.Operation = Operation; this.Flag = Flag; } Rule.prototype.toString = function () { return "[desc=" + this.Descriptor + "," + "operation=" + this.Operation + "," + "flag=" + this.Flag + "]"; }; return Rule; })(); formatting.Rule = Rule; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var RuleDescriptor = (function () { function RuleDescriptor(LeftTokenRange, RightTokenRange) { this.LeftTokenRange = LeftTokenRange; this.RightTokenRange = RightTokenRange; } RuleDescriptor.prototype.toString = function () { return "[leftRange=" + this.LeftTokenRange + "," + "rightRange=" + this.RightTokenRange + "]"; }; RuleDescriptor.create1 = function (left, right) { return RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromToken(left), formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromToken(right)); }; RuleDescriptor.create2 = function (left, right) { return RuleDescriptor.create4(left, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromToken(right)); }; RuleDescriptor.create3 = function (left, right) { return RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromToken(left), right); }; RuleDescriptor.create4 = function (left, right) { return new RuleDescriptor(left, right); }; return RuleDescriptor; })(); formatting.RuleDescriptor = RuleDescriptor; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var RuleOperation = (function () { function RuleOperation() { this.Context = null; this.Action = null; } RuleOperation.prototype.toString = function () { return "[context=" + this.Context + "," + "action=" + this.Action + "]"; }; RuleOperation.create1 = function (action) { return RuleOperation.create2(formatting.RuleOperationContext.Any, action); }; RuleOperation.create2 = function (context, action) { var result = new RuleOperation(); result.Context = context; result.Action = action; return result; }; return RuleOperation; })(); formatting.RuleOperation = RuleOperation; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var RuleOperationContext = (function () { function RuleOperationContext() { var funcs = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { funcs[_i - 0] = arguments[_i]; } this.customContextChecks = funcs; } RuleOperationContext.prototype.IsAny = function () { return this == RuleOperationContext.Any; }; RuleOperationContext.prototype.InContext = function (context) { if (this.IsAny()) { return true; } for (var _i = 0, _a = this.customContextChecks; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var check = _a[_i]; if (!check(context)) { return false; } } return true; }; RuleOperationContext.Any = new RuleOperationContext(); return RuleOperationContext; })(); formatting.RuleOperationContext = RuleOperationContext; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var Rules = (function () { function Rules() { /// /// Common Rules /// this.IgnoreBeforeComment = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Comments), formatting.RuleOperation.create1(1)); this.IgnoreAfterLineComment = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(2, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create1(1)); this.NoSpaceBeforeSemicolon = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 22), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeColon = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 51), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNotBinaryOpContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeQuestionMark = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 50), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNotBinaryOpContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterColon = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(51, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNotBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterQuestionMarkInConditionalOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(50, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsConditionalOperatorContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceAfterQuestionMark = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(50, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterSemicolon = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(22, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterCloseBrace = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(15, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsAfterCodeBlockContext), 2)); this.SpaceBetweenCloseBraceAndElse = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(15, 76), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.SpaceBetweenCloseBraceAndWhile = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(15, 100), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceAfterCloseBrace = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(15, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([17, 19, 23, 22])), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeDot = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 20), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterDot = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(20, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeOpenBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 18), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterOpenBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(18, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeCloseBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 19), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterCloseBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(19, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.FunctionOpenBraceLeftTokenRange = formatting.Shared.TokenRange.AnyIncludingMultilineComments; this.SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInFunction = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(this.FunctionOpenBraceLeftTokenRange, 14), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext, Rules.IsBeforeBlockContext, Rules.IsNotFormatOnEnter, Rules.IsSameLineTokenOrBeforeMultilineBlockContext), 2), 1); this.TypeScriptOpenBraceLeftTokenRange = formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([65, 3]); this.SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInTypeScriptDeclWithBlock = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(this.TypeScriptOpenBraceLeftTokenRange, 14), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsTypeScriptDeclWithBlockContext, Rules.IsNotFormatOnEnter, Rules.IsSameLineTokenOrBeforeMultilineBlockContext), 2), 1); this.ControlOpenBraceLeftTokenRange = formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([17, 3, 75, 96, 81, 76]); this.SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInControl = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(this.ControlOpenBraceLeftTokenRange, 14), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsControlDeclContext, Rules.IsNotFormatOnEnter, Rules.IsSameLineTokenOrBeforeMultilineBlockContext), 2), 1); this.SpaceAfterOpenBrace = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(14, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSingleLineBlockContext), 2)); this.SpaceBeforeCloseBrace = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 15), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSingleLineBlockContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceBetweenEmptyBraceBrackets = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(14, 15), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsObjectContext), 8)); this.NewLineAfterOpenBraceInBlockContext = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(14, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsMultilineBlockContext), 4)); this.NewLineBeforeCloseBraceInBlockContext = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.AnyIncludingMultilineComments, 15), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsMultilineBlockContext), 4)); this.NoSpaceAfterUnaryPrefixOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.UnaryPrefixOperators, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.UnaryPrefixExpressions), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNotBinaryOpContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterUnaryPreincrementOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(38, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.UnaryPreincrementExpressions), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterUnaryPredecrementOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(39, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.UnaryPredecrementExpressions), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeUnaryPostincrementOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.UnaryPostincrementExpressions, 38), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeUnaryPostdecrementOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.UnaryPostdecrementExpressions, 39), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterPostincrementWhenFollowedByAdd = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(38, 33), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterAddWhenFollowedByUnaryPlus = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(33, 33), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterAddWhenFollowedByPreincrement = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(33, 38), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterPostdecrementWhenFollowedBySubtract = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(39, 34), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterSubtractWhenFollowedByUnaryMinus = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(34, 34), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterSubtractWhenFollowedByPredecrement = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(34, 39), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceBeforeComma = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 23), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterCertainKeywords = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([98, 94, 88, 74, 90, 97]), formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterLetConstInVariableDeclaration = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([105, 70]), formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsStartOfVariableDeclarationList), 2)); this.NoSpaceBeforeOpenParenInFuncCall = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 16), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsFunctionCallOrNewContext, Rules.IsPreviousTokenNotComma), 8)); this.SpaceAfterFunctionInFuncDecl = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(83, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceBeforeOpenParenInFuncDecl = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 16), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterVoidOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(99, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsVoidOpContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceBetweenReturnAndSemicolon = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(90, 22), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.SpaceBetweenStatements = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([17, 75, 76, 67]), formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNotForContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterTryFinally = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([96, 81]), 14), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterGetSetInMember = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([116, 120]), 65), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext), 2)); this.SpaceBeforeBinaryKeywordOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.BinaryKeywordOperators), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterBinaryKeywordOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.BinaryKeywordOperators, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceAfterConstructor = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(114, 16), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterModuleImport = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([117, 118]), 16), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterCertainTypeScriptKeywords = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([69, 115, 77, 78, 79, 116, 103, 85, 104, 117, 107, 109, 120, 110]), formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.SpaceBeforeCertainTypeScriptKeywords = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([79, 103])), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterModuleName = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(8, 14), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsModuleDeclContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterArrow = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(32, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceAfterEllipsis = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(21, 65), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterOptionalParameters = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(50, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([17, 23])), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNotBinaryOpContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeOpenAngularBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.TypeNames, 24), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameterContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBetweenCloseParenAndAngularBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(17, 24), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameterContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterOpenAngularBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(24, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.TypeNames), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameterContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeCloseAngularBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 25), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameterContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterCloseAngularBracket = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(25, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([16, 18, 25, 23])), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameterContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBetweenEmptyInterfaceBraceBrackets = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(14, 15), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsObjectTypeContext), 8)); this.HighPriorityCommonRules = [ this.IgnoreBeforeComment, this.IgnoreAfterLineComment, this.NoSpaceBeforeColon, this.SpaceAfterColon, this.NoSpaceBeforeQuestionMark, this.SpaceAfterQuestionMarkInConditionalOperator, this.NoSpaceAfterQuestionMark, this.NoSpaceBeforeDot, this.NoSpaceAfterDot, this.NoSpaceAfterUnaryPrefixOperator, this.NoSpaceAfterUnaryPreincrementOperator, this.NoSpaceAfterUnaryPredecrementOperator, this.NoSpaceBeforeUnaryPostincrementOperator, this.NoSpaceBeforeUnaryPostdecrementOperator, this.SpaceAfterPostincrementWhenFollowedByAdd, this.SpaceAfterAddWhenFollowedByUnaryPlus, this.SpaceAfterAddWhenFollowedByPreincrement, this.SpaceAfterPostdecrementWhenFollowedBySubtract, this.SpaceAfterSubtractWhenFollowedByUnaryMinus, this.SpaceAfterSubtractWhenFollowedByPredecrement, this.NoSpaceAfterCloseBrace, this.SpaceAfterOpenBrace, this.SpaceBeforeCloseBrace, this.NewLineBeforeCloseBraceInBlockContext, this.SpaceAfterCloseBrace, this.SpaceBetweenCloseBraceAndElse, this.SpaceBetweenCloseBraceAndWhile, this.NoSpaceBetweenEmptyBraceBrackets, this.SpaceAfterFunctionInFuncDecl, this.NewLineAfterOpenBraceInBlockContext, this.SpaceAfterGetSetInMember, this.NoSpaceBetweenReturnAndSemicolon, this.SpaceAfterCertainKeywords, this.SpaceAfterLetConstInVariableDeclaration, this.NoSpaceBeforeOpenParenInFuncCall, this.SpaceBeforeBinaryKeywordOperator, this.SpaceAfterBinaryKeywordOperator, this.SpaceAfterVoidOperator, this.NoSpaceAfterConstructor, this.NoSpaceAfterModuleImport, this.SpaceAfterCertainTypeScriptKeywords, this.SpaceBeforeCertainTypeScriptKeywords, this.SpaceAfterModuleName, this.SpaceAfterArrow, this.NoSpaceAfterEllipsis, this.NoSpaceAfterOptionalParameters, this.NoSpaceBetweenEmptyInterfaceBraceBrackets, this.NoSpaceBeforeOpenAngularBracket, this.NoSpaceBetweenCloseParenAndAngularBracket, this.NoSpaceAfterOpenAngularBracket, this.NoSpaceBeforeCloseAngularBracket, this.NoSpaceAfterCloseAngularBracket ]; this.LowPriorityCommonRules = [ this.NoSpaceBeforeSemicolon, this.SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInControl, this.SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInFunction, this.SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInTypeScriptDeclWithBlock, this.NoSpaceBeforeComma, this.NoSpaceBeforeOpenBracket, this.NoSpaceAfterOpenBracket, this.NoSpaceBeforeCloseBracket, this.NoSpaceAfterCloseBracket, this.SpaceAfterSemicolon, this.NoSpaceBeforeOpenParenInFuncDecl, this.SpaceBetweenStatements, this.SpaceAfterTryFinally ]; this.SpaceAfterComma = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(23, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceAfterComma = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(23, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.SpaceBeforeBinaryOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.BinaryOperators), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.SpaceAfterBinaryOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.BinaryOperators, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceBeforeBinaryOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.BinaryOperators), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterBinaryOperator = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create4(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.BinaryOperators, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterKeywordInControl = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Keywords, 16), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsControlDeclContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceAfterKeywordInControl = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Keywords, 16), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsControlDeclContext), 8)); this.NewLineBeforeOpenBraceInFunction = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(this.FunctionOpenBraceLeftTokenRange, 14), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext, Rules.IsBeforeMultilineBlockContext), 4), 1); this.NewLineBeforeOpenBraceInTypeScriptDeclWithBlock = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(this.TypeScriptOpenBraceLeftTokenRange, 14), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsTypeScriptDeclWithBlockContext, Rules.IsBeforeMultilineBlockContext), 4), 1); this.NewLineBeforeOpenBraceInControl = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(this.ControlOpenBraceLeftTokenRange, 14), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsControlDeclContext, Rules.IsBeforeMultilineBlockContext), 4), 1); this.SpaceAfterSemicolonInFor = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(22, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsForContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceAfterSemicolonInFor = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(22, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsForContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterOpenParen = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(16, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.SpaceBeforeCloseParen = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 17), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceBetweenParens = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(16, 17), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceAfterOpenParen = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create3(16, formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.NoSpaceBeforeCloseParen = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create2(formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any, 17), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext), 8)); this.SpaceAfterAnonymousFunctionKeyword = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(83, 16), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext), 2)); this.NoSpaceAfterAnonymousFunctionKeyword = new formatting.Rule(formatting.RuleDescriptor.create1(83, 16), formatting.RuleOperation.create2(new formatting.RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext), 8)); } Rules.prototype.getRuleName = function (rule) { var o = this; for (var name_19 in o) { if (o[name_19] === rule) { return name_19; } } throw new Error("Unknown rule"); }; Rules.IsForContext = function (context) { return context.contextNode.kind === 186; }; Rules.IsNotForContext = function (context) { return !Rules.IsForContext(context); }; Rules.IsBinaryOpContext = function (context) { switch (context.contextNode.kind) { case 169: case 170: return true; case 208: case 198: case 129: case 226: case 132: case 131: return context.currentTokenSpan.kind === 53 || context.nextTokenSpan.kind === 53; case 187: return context.currentTokenSpan.kind === 86 || context.nextTokenSpan.kind === 86; case 188: return context.currentTokenSpan.kind === 125 || context.nextTokenSpan.kind === 125; case 152: return context.currentTokenSpan.kind === 53 || context.nextTokenSpan.kind === 53; } return false; }; Rules.IsNotBinaryOpContext = function (context) { return !Rules.IsBinaryOpContext(context); }; Rules.IsConditionalOperatorContext = function (context) { return context.contextNode.kind === 170; }; Rules.IsSameLineTokenOrBeforeMultilineBlockContext = function (context) { //// This check is mainly used inside SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInControl and SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInFunction. //// //// Ex: //// if (1) { .... //// * ) and { are on the same line so apply the rule. Here we don't care whether it's same or multi block context //// //// Ex: //// if (1) //// { ... } //// * ) and { are on differnet lines. We only need to format if the block is multiline context. So in this case we don't format. //// //// Ex: //// if (1) //// { ... //// } //// * ) and { are on differnet lines. We only need to format if the block is multiline context. So in this case we format. return context.TokensAreOnSameLine() || Rules.IsBeforeMultilineBlockContext(context); }; Rules.IsBeforeMultilineBlockContext = function (context) { return Rules.IsBeforeBlockContext(context) && !(context.NextNodeAllOnSameLine() || context.NextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine()); }; Rules.IsMultilineBlockContext = function (context) { return Rules.IsBlockContext(context) && !(context.ContextNodeAllOnSameLine() || context.ContextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine()); }; Rules.IsSingleLineBlockContext = function (context) { return Rules.IsBlockContext(context) && (context.ContextNodeAllOnSameLine() || context.ContextNodeBlockIsOnOneLine()); }; Rules.IsBlockContext = function (context) { return Rules.NodeIsBlockContext(context.contextNode); }; Rules.IsBeforeBlockContext = function (context) { return Rules.NodeIsBlockContext(context.nextTokenParent); }; Rules.NodeIsBlockContext = function (node) { if (Rules.NodeIsTypeScriptDeclWithBlockContext(node)) { return true; } switch (node.kind) { case 179: case 207: case 154: case 206: return true; } return false; }; Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext = function (context) { switch (context.contextNode.kind) { case 200: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: case 138: case 162: case 135: case 163: case 202: return true; } return false; }; Rules.IsTypeScriptDeclWithBlockContext = function (context) { return Rules.NodeIsTypeScriptDeclWithBlockContext(context.contextNode); }; Rules.NodeIsTypeScriptDeclWithBlockContext = function (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 201: case 202: case 204: case 145: case 205: return true; } return false; }; Rules.IsAfterCodeBlockContext = function (context) { switch (context.currentTokenParent.kind) { case 201: case 205: case 204: case 179: case 223: case 206: case 193: return true; } return false; }; Rules.IsControlDeclContext = function (context) { switch (context.contextNode.kind) { case 183: case 193: case 186: case 187: case 188: case 185: case 196: case 184: case 192: case 223: return true; default: return false; } }; Rules.IsObjectContext = function (context) { return context.contextNode.kind === 154; }; Rules.IsFunctionCallContext = function (context) { return context.contextNode.kind === 157; }; Rules.IsNewContext = function (context) { return context.contextNode.kind === 158; }; Rules.IsFunctionCallOrNewContext = function (context) { return Rules.IsFunctionCallContext(context) || Rules.IsNewContext(context); }; Rules.IsPreviousTokenNotComma = function (context) { return context.currentTokenSpan.kind !== 23; }; Rules.IsSameLineTokenContext = function (context) { return context.TokensAreOnSameLine(); }; Rules.IsStartOfVariableDeclarationList = function (context) { return context.currentTokenParent.kind === 199 && context.currentTokenParent.getStart(context.sourceFile) === context.currentTokenSpan.pos; }; Rules.IsNotFormatOnEnter = function (context) { return context.formattingRequestKind != 2; }; Rules.IsModuleDeclContext = function (context) { return context.contextNode.kind === 205; }; Rules.IsObjectTypeContext = function (context) { return context.contextNode.kind === 145; }; Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameter = function (token, parent) { if (token.kind !== 24 && token.kind !== 25) { return false; } switch (parent.kind) { case 141: case 201: case 202: case 200: case 162: case 163: case 134: case 133: case 138: case 139: case 157: case 158: return true; default: return false; } }; Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameterContext = function (context) { return Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameter(context.currentTokenSpan, context.currentTokenParent) || Rules.IsTypeArgumentOrParameter(context.nextTokenSpan, context.nextTokenParent); }; Rules.IsVoidOpContext = function (context) { return context.currentTokenSpan.kind === 99 && context.currentTokenParent.kind === 166; }; return Rules; })(); formatting.Rules = Rules; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var RulesMap = (function () { function RulesMap() { this.map = []; this.mapRowLength = 0; } RulesMap.create = function (rules) { var result = new RulesMap(); result.Initialize(rules); return result; }; RulesMap.prototype.Initialize = function (rules) { this.mapRowLength = 125 + 1; this.map = new Array(this.mapRowLength * this.mapRowLength); var rulesBucketConstructionStateList = new Array(this.map.length); this.FillRules(rules, rulesBucketConstructionStateList); return this.map; }; RulesMap.prototype.FillRules = function (rules, rulesBucketConstructionStateList) { var _this = this; rules.forEach(function (rule) { _this.FillRule(rule, rulesBucketConstructionStateList); }); }; RulesMap.prototype.GetRuleBucketIndex = function (row, column) { var rulesBucketIndex = (row * this.mapRowLength) + column; return rulesBucketIndex; }; RulesMap.prototype.FillRule = function (rule, rulesBucketConstructionStateList) { var _this = this; var specificRule = rule.Descriptor.LeftTokenRange != formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any && rule.Descriptor.RightTokenRange != formatting.Shared.TokenRange.Any; rule.Descriptor.LeftTokenRange.GetTokens().forEach(function (left) { rule.Descriptor.RightTokenRange.GetTokens().forEach(function (right) { var rulesBucketIndex = _this.GetRuleBucketIndex(left, right); var rulesBucket = _this.map[rulesBucketIndex]; if (rulesBucket == undefined) { rulesBucket = _this.map[rulesBucketIndex] = new RulesBucket(); } rulesBucket.AddRule(rule, specificRule, rulesBucketConstructionStateList, rulesBucketIndex); }); }); }; RulesMap.prototype.GetRule = function (context) { var bucketIndex = this.GetRuleBucketIndex(context.currentTokenSpan.kind, context.nextTokenSpan.kind); var bucket = this.map[bucketIndex]; if (bucket != null) { for (var _i = 0, _a = bucket.Rules(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rule = _a[_i]; if (rule.Operation.Context.InContext(context)) { return rule; } } } return null; }; return RulesMap; })(); formatting.RulesMap = RulesMap; var MaskBitSize = 5; var Mask = 0x1f; (function (RulesPosition) { RulesPosition[RulesPosition["IgnoreRulesSpecific"] = 0] = "IgnoreRulesSpecific"; RulesPosition[RulesPosition["IgnoreRulesAny"] = MaskBitSize * 1] = "IgnoreRulesAny"; RulesPosition[RulesPosition["ContextRulesSpecific"] = MaskBitSize * 2] = "ContextRulesSpecific"; RulesPosition[RulesPosition["ContextRulesAny"] = MaskBitSize * 3] = "ContextRulesAny"; RulesPosition[RulesPosition["NoContextRulesSpecific"] = MaskBitSize * 4] = "NoContextRulesSpecific"; RulesPosition[RulesPosition["NoContextRulesAny"] = MaskBitSize * 5] = "NoContextRulesAny"; })(formatting.RulesPosition || (formatting.RulesPosition = {})); var RulesPosition = formatting.RulesPosition; var RulesBucketConstructionState = (function () { function RulesBucketConstructionState() { this.rulesInsertionIndexBitmap = 0; } RulesBucketConstructionState.prototype.GetInsertionIndex = function (maskPosition) { var index = 0; var pos = 0; var indexBitmap = this.rulesInsertionIndexBitmap; while (pos <= maskPosition) { index += (indexBitmap & Mask); indexBitmap >>= MaskBitSize; pos += MaskBitSize; } return index; }; RulesBucketConstructionState.prototype.IncreaseInsertionIndex = function (maskPosition) { var value = (this.rulesInsertionIndexBitmap >> maskPosition) & Mask; value++; ts.Debug.assert((value & Mask) == value, "Adding more rules into the sub-bucket than allowed. Maximum allowed is 32 rules."); var temp = this.rulesInsertionIndexBitmap & ~(Mask << maskPosition); temp |= value << maskPosition; this.rulesInsertionIndexBitmap = temp; }; return RulesBucketConstructionState; })(); formatting.RulesBucketConstructionState = RulesBucketConstructionState; var RulesBucket = (function () { function RulesBucket() { this.rules = []; } RulesBucket.prototype.Rules = function () { return this.rules; }; RulesBucket.prototype.AddRule = function (rule, specificTokens, constructionState, rulesBucketIndex) { var position; if (rule.Operation.Action == 1) { position = specificTokens ? RulesPosition.IgnoreRulesSpecific : RulesPosition.IgnoreRulesAny; } else if (!rule.Operation.Context.IsAny()) { position = specificTokens ? RulesPosition.ContextRulesSpecific : RulesPosition.ContextRulesAny; } else { position = specificTokens ? RulesPosition.NoContextRulesSpecific : RulesPosition.NoContextRulesAny; } var state = constructionState[rulesBucketIndex]; if (state === undefined) { state = constructionState[rulesBucketIndex] = new RulesBucketConstructionState(); } var index = state.GetInsertionIndex(position); this.rules.splice(index, 0, rule); state.IncreaseInsertionIndex(position); }; return RulesBucket; })(); formatting.RulesBucket = RulesBucket; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var Shared; (function (Shared) { var TokenRangeAccess = (function () { function TokenRangeAccess(from, to, except) { this.tokens = []; for (var token = from; token <= to; token++) { if (except.indexOf(token) < 0) { this.tokens.push(token); } } } TokenRangeAccess.prototype.GetTokens = function () { return this.tokens; }; TokenRangeAccess.prototype.Contains = function (token) { return this.tokens.indexOf(token) >= 0; }; return TokenRangeAccess; })(); Shared.TokenRangeAccess = TokenRangeAccess; var TokenValuesAccess = (function () { function TokenValuesAccess(tks) { this.tokens = tks && tks.length ? tks : []; } TokenValuesAccess.prototype.GetTokens = function () { return this.tokens; }; TokenValuesAccess.prototype.Contains = function (token) { return this.tokens.indexOf(token) >= 0; }; return TokenValuesAccess; })(); Shared.TokenValuesAccess = TokenValuesAccess; var TokenSingleValueAccess = (function () { function TokenSingleValueAccess(token) { this.token = token; } TokenSingleValueAccess.prototype.GetTokens = function () { return [this.token]; }; TokenSingleValueAccess.prototype.Contains = function (tokenValue) { return tokenValue == this.token; }; return TokenSingleValueAccess; })(); Shared.TokenSingleValueAccess = TokenSingleValueAccess; var TokenAllAccess = (function () { function TokenAllAccess() { } TokenAllAccess.prototype.GetTokens = function () { var result = []; for (var token = 0; token <= 125; token++) { result.push(token); } return result; }; TokenAllAccess.prototype.Contains = function (tokenValue) { return true; }; TokenAllAccess.prototype.toString = function () { return "[allTokens]"; }; return TokenAllAccess; })(); Shared.TokenAllAccess = TokenAllAccess; var TokenRange = (function () { function TokenRange(tokenAccess) { this.tokenAccess = tokenAccess; } TokenRange.FromToken = function (token) { return new TokenRange(new TokenSingleValueAccess(token)); }; TokenRange.FromTokens = function (tokens) { return new TokenRange(new TokenValuesAccess(tokens)); }; TokenRange.FromRange = function (f, to, except) { if (except === void 0) { except = []; } return new TokenRange(new TokenRangeAccess(f, to, except)); }; TokenRange.AllTokens = function () { return new TokenRange(new TokenAllAccess()); }; TokenRange.prototype.GetTokens = function () { return this.tokenAccess.GetTokens(); }; TokenRange.prototype.Contains = function (token) { return this.tokenAccess.Contains(token); }; TokenRange.prototype.toString = function () { return this.tokenAccess.toString(); }; TokenRange.Any = TokenRange.AllTokens(); TokenRange.AnyIncludingMultilineComments = TokenRange.FromTokens(TokenRange.Any.GetTokens().concat([3])); TokenRange.Keywords = TokenRange.FromRange(66, 125); TokenRange.BinaryOperators = TokenRange.FromRange(24, 64); TokenRange.BinaryKeywordOperators = TokenRange.FromTokens([86, 87, 125]); TokenRange.UnaryPrefixOperators = TokenRange.FromTokens([38, 39, 47, 46]); TokenRange.UnaryPrefixExpressions = TokenRange.FromTokens([7, 65, 16, 18, 14, 93, 88]); TokenRange.UnaryPreincrementExpressions = TokenRange.FromTokens([65, 16, 93, 88]); TokenRange.UnaryPostincrementExpressions = TokenRange.FromTokens([65, 17, 19, 88]); TokenRange.UnaryPredecrementExpressions = TokenRange.FromTokens([65, 16, 93, 88]); TokenRange.UnaryPostdecrementExpressions = TokenRange.FromTokens([65, 17, 19, 88]); TokenRange.Comments = TokenRange.FromTokens([2, 3]); TokenRange.TypeNames = TokenRange.FromTokens([65, 119, 121, 113, 122, 99, 112]); return TokenRange; })(); Shared.TokenRange = TokenRange; })(Shared = formatting.Shared || (formatting.Shared = {})); })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var RulesProvider = (function () { function RulesProvider() { this.globalRules = new formatting.Rules(); } RulesProvider.prototype.getRuleName = function (rule) { return this.globalRules.getRuleName(rule); }; RulesProvider.prototype.getRuleByName = function (name) { return this.globalRules[name]; }; RulesProvider.prototype.getRulesMap = function () { return this.rulesMap; }; RulesProvider.prototype.ensureUpToDate = function (options) { if (this.options == null || !ts.compareDataObjects(this.options, options)) { var activeRules = this.createActiveRules(options); var rulesMap = formatting.RulesMap.create(activeRules); this.activeRules = activeRules; this.rulesMap = rulesMap; this.options = ts.clone(options); } }; RulesProvider.prototype.createActiveRules = function (options) { var rules = this.globalRules.HighPriorityCommonRules.slice(0); if (options.InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter) { rules.push(this.globalRules.SpaceAfterComma); } else { rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceAfterComma); } if (options.InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions) { rules.push(this.globalRules.SpaceAfterAnonymousFunctionKeyword); } else { rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceAfterAnonymousFunctionKeyword); } if (options.InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements) { rules.push(this.globalRules.SpaceAfterKeywordInControl); } else { rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceAfterKeywordInControl); } if (options.InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis) { rules.push(this.globalRules.SpaceAfterOpenParen); rules.push(this.globalRules.SpaceBeforeCloseParen); rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceBetweenParens); } else { rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceAfterOpenParen); rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceBeforeCloseParen); rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceBetweenParens); } if (options.InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements) { rules.push(this.globalRules.SpaceAfterSemicolonInFor); } else { rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceAfterSemicolonInFor); } if (options.InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators) { rules.push(this.globalRules.SpaceBeforeBinaryOperator); rules.push(this.globalRules.SpaceAfterBinaryOperator); } else { rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceBeforeBinaryOperator); rules.push(this.globalRules.NoSpaceAfterBinaryOperator); } if (options.PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks) { rules.push(this.globalRules.NewLineBeforeOpenBraceInControl); } if (options.PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions) { rules.push(this.globalRules.NewLineBeforeOpenBraceInFunction); rules.push(this.globalRules.NewLineBeforeOpenBraceInTypeScriptDeclWithBlock); } rules = rules.concat(this.globalRules.LowPriorityCommonRules); return rules; }; return RulesProvider; })(); formatting.RulesProvider = RulesProvider; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { function formatOnEnter(position, sourceFile, rulesProvider, options) { var line = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(position).line; if (line === 0) { return []; } var span = { pos: ts.getStartPositionOfLine(line - 1, sourceFile), end: ts.getEndLinePosition(line, sourceFile) + 1 }; return formatSpan(span, sourceFile, options, rulesProvider, 2); } formatting.formatOnEnter = formatOnEnter; function formatOnSemicolon(position, sourceFile, rulesProvider, options) { return formatOutermostParent(position, 22, sourceFile, options, rulesProvider, 3); } formatting.formatOnSemicolon = formatOnSemicolon; function formatOnClosingCurly(position, sourceFile, rulesProvider, options) { return formatOutermostParent(position, 15, sourceFile, options, rulesProvider, 4); } formatting.formatOnClosingCurly = formatOnClosingCurly; function formatDocument(sourceFile, rulesProvider, options) { var span = { pos: 0, end: sourceFile.text.length }; return formatSpan(span, sourceFile, options, rulesProvider, 0); } formatting.formatDocument = formatDocument; function formatSelection(start, end, sourceFile, rulesProvider, options) { var span = { pos: ts.getLineStartPositionForPosition(start, sourceFile), end: end }; return formatSpan(span, sourceFile, options, rulesProvider, 1); } formatting.formatSelection = formatSelection; function formatOutermostParent(position, expectedLastToken, sourceFile, options, rulesProvider, requestKind) { var parent = findOutermostParent(position, expectedLastToken, sourceFile); if (!parent) { return []; } var span = { pos: ts.getLineStartPositionForPosition(parent.getStart(sourceFile), sourceFile), end: parent.end }; return formatSpan(span, sourceFile, options, rulesProvider, requestKind); } function findOutermostParent(position, expectedTokenKind, sourceFile) { var precedingToken = ts.findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile); if (!precedingToken || precedingToken.kind !== expectedTokenKind || position !== precedingToken.getEnd()) { return undefined; } var current = precedingToken; while (current && current.parent && current.parent.end === precedingToken.end && !isListElement(current.parent, current)) { current = current.parent; } return current; } function isListElement(parent, node) { switch (parent.kind) { case 201: case 202: return ts.rangeContainsRange(parent.members, node); case 205: var body = parent.body; return body && body.kind === 179 && ts.rangeContainsRange(body.statements, node); case 227: case 179: case 206: return ts.rangeContainsRange(parent.statements, node); case 223: return ts.rangeContainsRange(parent.block.statements, node); } return false; } function findEnclosingNode(range, sourceFile) { return find(sourceFile); function find(n) { var candidate = ts.forEachChild(n, function (c) { return ts.startEndContainsRange(c.getStart(sourceFile), c.end, range) && c; }); if (candidate) { var result = find(candidate); if (result) { return result; } } return n; } } function prepareRangeContainsErrorFunction(errors, originalRange) { if (!errors.length) { return rangeHasNoErrors; } var sorted = errors .filter(function (d) { return ts.rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd(originalRange, d.start, d.start + d.length); }) .sort(function (e1, e2) { return e1.start - e2.start; }); if (!sorted.length) { return rangeHasNoErrors; } var index = 0; return function (r) { while (true) { if (index >= sorted.length) { return false; } var error = sorted[index]; if (r.end <= error.start) { return false; } if (ts.startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd(r.pos, r.end, error.start, error.start + error.length)) { return true; } index++; } }; function rangeHasNoErrors(r) { return false; } } function getScanStartPosition(enclosingNode, originalRange, sourceFile) { var start = enclosingNode.getStart(sourceFile); if (start === originalRange.pos && enclosingNode.end === originalRange.end) { return start; } var precedingToken = ts.findPrecedingToken(originalRange.pos, sourceFile); if (!precedingToken) { return enclosingNode.pos; } if (precedingToken.end >= originalRange.pos) { return enclosingNode.pos; } return precedingToken.end; } function getOwnOrInheritedDelta(n, options, sourceFile) { var previousLine = -1; var childKind = 0; while (n) { var line = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(n.getStart(sourceFile)).line; if (previousLine !== -1 && line !== previousLine) { break; } if (formatting.SmartIndenter.shouldIndentChildNode(n.kind, childKind)) { return options.IndentSize; } previousLine = line; childKind = n.kind; n = n.parent; } return 0; } function formatSpan(originalRange, sourceFile, options, rulesProvider, requestKind) { var rangeContainsError = prepareRangeContainsErrorFunction(sourceFile.parseDiagnostics, originalRange); var formattingContext = new formatting.FormattingContext(sourceFile, requestKind); var enclosingNode = findEnclosingNode(originalRange, sourceFile); var formattingScanner = formatting.getFormattingScanner(sourceFile, getScanStartPosition(enclosingNode, originalRange, sourceFile), originalRange.end); var initialIndentation = formatting.SmartIndenter.getIndentationForNode(enclosingNode, originalRange, sourceFile, options); var previousRangeHasError; var previousRange; var previousParent; var previousRangeStartLine; var edits = []; formattingScanner.advance(); if (formattingScanner.isOnToken()) { var startLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(enclosingNode.getStart(sourceFile)).line; var delta = getOwnOrInheritedDelta(enclosingNode, options, sourceFile); processNode(enclosingNode, enclosingNode, startLine, initialIndentation, delta); } formattingScanner.close(); return edits; function tryComputeIndentationForListItem(startPos, endPos, parentStartLine, range, inheritedIndentation) { if (ts.rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd(range, startPos, endPos)) { if (inheritedIndentation !== -1) { return inheritedIndentation; } } else { var startLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(startPos).line; var startLinePosition = ts.getLineStartPositionForPosition(startPos, sourceFile); var column = formatting.SmartIndenter.findFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(startLinePosition, startPos, sourceFile, options); if (startLine !== parentStartLine || startPos === column) { return column; } } return -1; } function computeIndentation(node, startLine, inheritedIndentation, parent, parentDynamicIndentation, effectiveParentStartLine) { var indentation = inheritedIndentation; if (indentation === -1) { if (isSomeBlock(node.kind)) { if (isSomeBlock(parent.kind) || parent.kind === 227 || parent.kind === 220 || parent.kind === 221) { indentation = parentDynamicIndentation.getIndentation() + parentDynamicIndentation.getDelta(); } else { indentation = parentDynamicIndentation.getIndentation(); } } else { if (formatting.SmartIndenter.childStartsOnTheSameLineWithElseInIfStatement(parent, node, startLine, sourceFile)) { indentation = parentDynamicIndentation.getIndentation(); } else { indentation = parentDynamicIndentation.getIndentation() + parentDynamicIndentation.getDelta(); } } } var delta = formatting.SmartIndenter.shouldIndentChildNode(node.kind, 0) ? options.IndentSize : 0; if (effectiveParentStartLine === startLine) { indentation = parentDynamicIndentation.getIndentation(); delta = Math.min(options.IndentSize, parentDynamicIndentation.getDelta() + delta); } return { indentation: indentation, delta: delta }; } function getFirstNonDecoratorTokenOfNode(node) { if (node.modifiers && node.modifiers.length) { return node.modifiers[0].kind; } switch (node.kind) { case 201: return 69; case 202: return 104; case 200: return 83; case 204: return 204; case 136: return 116; case 137: return 120; case 134: if (node.asteriskToken) { return 35; } case 132: case 129: return node.name.kind; } } function getDynamicIndentation(node, nodeStartLine, indentation, delta) { return { getIndentationForComment: function (kind) { switch (kind) { case 15: case 19: return indentation + delta; } return indentation; }, getIndentationForToken: function (line, kind) { if (nodeStartLine !== line && node.decorators) { if (kind === getFirstNonDecoratorTokenOfNode(node)) { return indentation; } } switch (kind) { case 14: case 15: case 18: case 19: case 76: case 100: case 52: return indentation; default: return nodeStartLine !== line ? indentation + delta : indentation; } }, getIndentation: function () { return indentation; }, getDelta: function () { return delta; }, recomputeIndentation: function (lineAdded) { if (node.parent && formatting.SmartIndenter.shouldIndentChildNode(node.parent.kind, node.kind)) { if (lineAdded) { indentation += options.IndentSize; } else { indentation -= options.IndentSize; } if (formatting.SmartIndenter.shouldIndentChildNode(node.kind, 0)) { delta = options.IndentSize; } else { delta = 0; } } } }; } function processNode(node, contextNode, nodeStartLine, indentation, delta) { if (!ts.rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd(originalRange, node.getStart(sourceFile), node.getEnd())) { return; } var nodeDynamicIndentation = getDynamicIndentation(node, nodeStartLine, indentation, delta); var childContextNode = contextNode; ts.forEachChild(node, function (child) { processChildNode(child, -1, node, nodeDynamicIndentation, nodeStartLine, false); }, function (nodes) { processChildNodes(nodes, node, nodeStartLine, nodeDynamicIndentation); }); while (formattingScanner.isOnToken()) { var tokenInfo = formattingScanner.readTokenInfo(node); if (tokenInfo.token.end > node.end) { break; } consumeTokenAndAdvanceScanner(tokenInfo, node, nodeDynamicIndentation); } function processChildNode(child, inheritedIndentation, parent, parentDynamicIndentation, parentStartLine, isListItem) { var childStartPos = child.getStart(sourceFile); var childStart = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(childStartPos); var childIndentationAmount = -1; if (isListItem) { childIndentationAmount = tryComputeIndentationForListItem(childStartPos, child.end, parentStartLine, originalRange, inheritedIndentation); if (childIndentationAmount !== -1) { inheritedIndentation = childIndentationAmount; } } if (!ts.rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd(originalRange, child.pos, child.end)) { return inheritedIndentation; } if (child.getFullWidth() === 0) { return inheritedIndentation; } while (formattingScanner.isOnToken()) { var tokenInfo = formattingScanner.readTokenInfo(node); if (tokenInfo.token.end > childStartPos) { break; } consumeTokenAndAdvanceScanner(tokenInfo, node, parentDynamicIndentation); } if (!formattingScanner.isOnToken()) { return inheritedIndentation; } if (ts.isToken(child)) { var tokenInfo = formattingScanner.readTokenInfo(child); ts.Debug.assert(tokenInfo.token.end === child.end); consumeTokenAndAdvanceScanner(tokenInfo, node, parentDynamicIndentation); return inheritedIndentation; } var childIndentation = computeIndentation(child, childStart.line, childIndentationAmount, node, parentDynamicIndentation, parentStartLine); processNode(child, childContextNode, childStart.line, childIndentation.indentation, childIndentation.delta); childContextNode = node; return inheritedIndentation; } function processChildNodes(nodes, parent, parentStartLine, parentDynamicIndentation) { var listStartToken = getOpenTokenForList(parent, nodes); var listEndToken = getCloseTokenForOpenToken(listStartToken); var listDynamicIndentation = parentDynamicIndentation; var startLine = parentStartLine; if (listStartToken !== 0) { while (formattingScanner.isOnToken()) { var tokenInfo = formattingScanner.readTokenInfo(parent); if (tokenInfo.token.end > nodes.pos) { break; } else if (tokenInfo.token.kind === listStartToken) { startLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(tokenInfo.token.pos).line; var indentation_1 = computeIndentation(tokenInfo.token, startLine, -1, parent, parentDynamicIndentation, startLine); listDynamicIndentation = getDynamicIndentation(parent, parentStartLine, indentation_1.indentation, indentation_1.delta); consumeTokenAndAdvanceScanner(tokenInfo, parent, listDynamicIndentation); } else { consumeTokenAndAdvanceScanner(tokenInfo, parent, parentDynamicIndentation); } } } var inheritedIndentation = -1; for (var _i = 0; _i < nodes.length; _i++) { var child = nodes[_i]; inheritedIndentation = processChildNode(child, inheritedIndentation, node, listDynamicIndentation, startLine, true); } if (listEndToken !== 0) { if (formattingScanner.isOnToken()) { var tokenInfo = formattingScanner.readTokenInfo(parent); if (tokenInfo.token.kind === listEndToken && ts.rangeContainsRange(parent, tokenInfo.token)) { consumeTokenAndAdvanceScanner(tokenInfo, parent, listDynamicIndentation); } } } } function consumeTokenAndAdvanceScanner(currentTokenInfo, parent, dynamicIndentation) { ts.Debug.assert(ts.rangeContainsRange(parent, currentTokenInfo.token)); var lastTriviaWasNewLine = formattingScanner.lastTrailingTriviaWasNewLine(); var indentToken = false; if (currentTokenInfo.leadingTrivia) { processTrivia(currentTokenInfo.leadingTrivia, parent, childContextNode, dynamicIndentation); } var lineAdded; var isTokenInRange = ts.rangeContainsRange(originalRange, currentTokenInfo.token); var tokenStart = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(currentTokenInfo.token.pos); if (isTokenInRange) { var rangeHasError = rangeContainsError(currentTokenInfo.token); var prevStartLine = previousRangeStartLine; lineAdded = processRange(currentTokenInfo.token, tokenStart, parent, childContextNode, dynamicIndentation); if (rangeHasError) { indentToken = false; } else { if (lineAdded !== undefined) { indentToken = lineAdded; } else { indentToken = lastTriviaWasNewLine && tokenStart.line !== prevStartLine; } } } if (currentTokenInfo.trailingTrivia) { processTrivia(currentTokenInfo.trailingTrivia, parent, childContextNode, dynamicIndentation); } if (indentToken) { var indentNextTokenOrTrivia = true; if (currentTokenInfo.leadingTrivia) { for (var _i = 0, _a = currentTokenInfo.leadingTrivia; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var triviaItem = _a[_i]; if (!ts.rangeContainsRange(originalRange, triviaItem)) { continue; } var triviaStartLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(triviaItem.pos).line; switch (triviaItem.kind) { case 3: var commentIndentation = dynamicIndentation.getIndentationForComment(currentTokenInfo.token.kind); indentMultilineComment(triviaItem, commentIndentation, !indentNextTokenOrTrivia); indentNextTokenOrTrivia = false; break; case 2: if (indentNextTokenOrTrivia) { var commentIndentation_1 = dynamicIndentation.getIndentationForComment(currentTokenInfo.token.kind); insertIndentation(triviaItem.pos, commentIndentation_1, false); indentNextTokenOrTrivia = false; } break; case 4: indentNextTokenOrTrivia = true; break; } } } if (isTokenInRange && !rangeContainsError(currentTokenInfo.token)) { var tokenIndentation = dynamicIndentation.getIndentationForToken(tokenStart.line, currentTokenInfo.token.kind); insertIndentation(currentTokenInfo.token.pos, tokenIndentation, lineAdded); } } formattingScanner.advance(); childContextNode = parent; } } function processTrivia(trivia, parent, contextNode, dynamicIndentation) { for (var _i = 0; _i < trivia.length; _i++) { var triviaItem = trivia[_i]; if (ts.isComment(triviaItem.kind) && ts.rangeContainsRange(originalRange, triviaItem)) { var triviaItemStart = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(triviaItem.pos); processRange(triviaItem, triviaItemStart, parent, contextNode, dynamicIndentation); } } } function processRange(range, rangeStart, parent, contextNode, dynamicIndentation) { var rangeHasError = rangeContainsError(range); var lineAdded; if (!rangeHasError && !previousRangeHasError) { if (!previousRange) { var originalStart = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(originalRange.pos); trimTrailingWhitespacesForLines(originalStart.line, rangeStart.line); } else { lineAdded = processPair(range, rangeStart.line, parent, previousRange, previousRangeStartLine, previousParent, contextNode, dynamicIndentation); } } previousRange = range; previousParent = parent; previousRangeStartLine = rangeStart.line; previousRangeHasError = rangeHasError; return lineAdded; } function processPair(currentItem, currentStartLine, currentParent, previousItem, previousStartLine, previousParent, contextNode, dynamicIndentation) { formattingContext.updateContext(previousItem, previousParent, currentItem, currentParent, contextNode); var rule = rulesProvider.getRulesMap().GetRule(formattingContext); var trimTrailingWhitespaces; var lineAdded; if (rule) { applyRuleEdits(rule, previousItem, previousStartLine, currentItem, currentStartLine); if (rule.Operation.Action & (2 | 8) && currentStartLine !== previousStartLine) { lineAdded = false; if (currentParent.getStart(sourceFile) === currentItem.pos) { dynamicIndentation.recomputeIndentation(false); } } else if (rule.Operation.Action & 4 && currentStartLine === previousStartLine) { lineAdded = true; if (currentParent.getStart(sourceFile) === currentItem.pos) { dynamicIndentation.recomputeIndentation(true); } } trimTrailingWhitespaces = (rule.Operation.Action & (4 | 2)) && rule.Flag !== 1; } else { trimTrailingWhitespaces = true; } if (currentStartLine !== previousStartLine && trimTrailingWhitespaces) { trimTrailingWhitespacesForLines(previousStartLine, currentStartLine, previousItem); } return lineAdded; } function insertIndentation(pos, indentation, lineAdded) { var indentationString = getIndentationString(indentation, options); if (lineAdded) { recordReplace(pos, 0, indentationString); } else { var tokenStart = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos); if (indentation !== tokenStart.character) { var startLinePosition = ts.getStartPositionOfLine(tokenStart.line, sourceFile); recordReplace(startLinePosition, tokenStart.character, indentationString); } } } function indentMultilineComment(commentRange, indentation, firstLineIsIndented) { var startLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(commentRange.pos).line; var endLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(commentRange.end).line; var parts; if (startLine === endLine) { if (!firstLineIsIndented) { insertIndentation(commentRange.pos, indentation, false); } return; } else { parts = []; var startPos = commentRange.pos; for (var line = startLine; line < endLine; ++line) { var endOfLine = ts.getEndLinePosition(line, sourceFile); parts.push({ pos: startPos, end: endOfLine }); startPos = ts.getStartPositionOfLine(line + 1, sourceFile); } parts.push({ pos: startPos, end: commentRange.end }); } var startLinePos = ts.getStartPositionOfLine(startLine, sourceFile); var nonWhitespaceColumnInFirstPart = formatting.SmartIndenter.findFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn(startLinePos, parts[0].pos, sourceFile, options); if (indentation === nonWhitespaceColumnInFirstPart.column) { return; } var startIndex = 0; if (firstLineIsIndented) { startIndex = 1; startLine++; } var delta = indentation - nonWhitespaceColumnInFirstPart.column; for (var i = startIndex, len = parts.length; i < len; ++i, ++startLine) { var startLinePos_1 = ts.getStartPositionOfLine(startLine, sourceFile); var nonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn = i === 0 ? nonWhitespaceColumnInFirstPart : formatting.SmartIndenter.findFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn(parts[i].pos, parts[i].end, sourceFile, options); var newIndentation = nonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn.column + delta; if (newIndentation > 0) { var indentationString = getIndentationString(newIndentation, options); recordReplace(startLinePos_1, nonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn.character, indentationString); } else { recordDelete(startLinePos_1, nonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn.character); } } } function trimTrailingWhitespacesForLines(line1, line2, range) { for (var line = line1; line < line2; ++line) { var lineStartPosition = ts.getStartPositionOfLine(line, sourceFile); var lineEndPosition = ts.getEndLinePosition(line, sourceFile); if (range && ts.isComment(range.kind) && range.pos <= lineEndPosition && range.end > lineEndPosition) { continue; } var pos = lineEndPosition; while (pos >= lineStartPosition && ts.isWhiteSpace(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos--; } if (pos !== lineEndPosition) { ts.Debug.assert(pos === lineStartPosition || !ts.isWhiteSpace(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))); recordDelete(pos + 1, lineEndPosition - pos); } } } function newTextChange(start, len, newText) { return { span: ts.createTextSpan(start, len), newText: newText }; } function recordDelete(start, len) { if (len) { edits.push(newTextChange(start, len, "")); } } function recordReplace(start, len, newText) { if (len || newText) { edits.push(newTextChange(start, len, newText)); } } function applyRuleEdits(rule, previousRange, previousStartLine, currentRange, currentStartLine) { var between; switch (rule.Operation.Action) { case 1: return; case 8: if (previousRange.end !== currentRange.pos) { recordDelete(previousRange.end, currentRange.pos - previousRange.end); } break; case 4: if (rule.Flag !== 1 && previousStartLine !== currentStartLine) { return; } var lineDelta = currentStartLine - previousStartLine; if (lineDelta !== 1) { recordReplace(previousRange.end, currentRange.pos - previousRange.end, options.NewLineCharacter); } break; case 2: if (rule.Flag !== 1 && previousStartLine !== currentStartLine) { return; } var posDelta = currentRange.pos - previousRange.end; if (posDelta !== 1 || sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(previousRange.end) !== 32) { recordReplace(previousRange.end, currentRange.pos - previousRange.end, " "); } break; } } } function isSomeBlock(kind) { switch (kind) { case 179: case 206: return true; } return false; } function getOpenTokenForList(node, list) { switch (node.kind) { case 135: case 200: case 162: case 134: case 133: case 163: if (node.typeParameters === list) { return 24; } else if (node.parameters === list) { return 16; } break; case 157: case 158: if (node.typeArguments === list) { return 24; } else if (node.arguments === list) { return 16; } break; case 141: if (node.typeArguments === list) { return 24; } } return 0; } function getCloseTokenForOpenToken(kind) { switch (kind) { case 16: return 17; case 24: return 25; } return 0; } var internedSizes; var internedTabsIndentation; var internedSpacesIndentation; function getIndentationString(indentation, options) { var resetInternedStrings = !internedSizes || (internedSizes.tabSize !== options.TabSize || internedSizes.indentSize !== options.IndentSize); if (resetInternedStrings) { internedSizes = { tabSize: options.TabSize, indentSize: options.IndentSize }; internedTabsIndentation = internedSpacesIndentation = undefined; } if (!options.ConvertTabsToSpaces) { var tabs = Math.floor(indentation / options.TabSize); var spaces = indentation - tabs * options.TabSize; var tabString; if (!internedTabsIndentation) { internedTabsIndentation = []; } if (internedTabsIndentation[tabs] === undefined) { internedTabsIndentation[tabs] = tabString = repeat('\t', tabs); } else { tabString = internedTabsIndentation[tabs]; } return spaces ? tabString + repeat(" ", spaces) : tabString; } else { var spacesString; var quotient = Math.floor(indentation / options.IndentSize); var remainder = indentation % options.IndentSize; if (!internedSpacesIndentation) { internedSpacesIndentation = []; } if (internedSpacesIndentation[quotient] === undefined) { spacesString = repeat(" ", options.IndentSize * quotient); internedSpacesIndentation[quotient] = spacesString; } else { spacesString = internedSpacesIndentation[quotient]; } return remainder ? spacesString + repeat(" ", remainder) : spacesString; } function repeat(value, count) { var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { s += value; } return s; } } formatting.getIndentationString = getIndentationString; })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var ts; (function (ts) { var formatting; (function (formatting) { var SmartIndenter; (function (SmartIndenter) { function getIndentation(position, sourceFile, options) { if (position > sourceFile.text.length) { return 0; } var precedingToken = ts.findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile); if (!precedingToken) { return 0; } var precedingTokenIsLiteral = precedingToken.kind === 8 || precedingToken.kind === 9 || precedingToken.kind === 10 || precedingToken.kind === 11 || precedingToken.kind === 12 || precedingToken.kind === 13; if (precedingTokenIsLiteral && precedingToken.getStart(sourceFile) <= position && precedingToken.end > position) { return 0; } var lineAtPosition = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(position).line; if (precedingToken.kind === 23 && precedingToken.parent.kind !== 169) { var actualIndentation = getActualIndentationForListItemBeforeComma(precedingToken, sourceFile, options); if (actualIndentation !== -1) { return actualIndentation; } } var previous; var current = precedingToken; var currentStart; var indentationDelta; while (current) { if (ts.positionBelongsToNode(current, position, sourceFile) && shouldIndentChildNode(current.kind, previous ? previous.kind : 0)) { currentStart = getStartLineAndCharacterForNode(current, sourceFile); if (nextTokenIsCurlyBraceOnSameLineAsCursor(precedingToken, current, lineAtPosition, sourceFile)) { indentationDelta = 0; } else { indentationDelta = lineAtPosition !== currentStart.line ? options.IndentSize : 0; } break; } var actualIndentation = getActualIndentationForListItem(current, sourceFile, options); if (actualIndentation !== -1) { return actualIndentation; } previous = current; current = current.parent; } if (!current) { return 0; } return getIndentationForNodeWorker(current, currentStart, undefined, indentationDelta, sourceFile, options); } SmartIndenter.getIndentation = getIndentation; function getIndentationForNode(n, ignoreActualIndentationRange, sourceFile, options) { var start = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(n.getStart(sourceFile)); return getIndentationForNodeWorker(n, start, ignoreActualIndentationRange, 0, sourceFile, options); } SmartIndenter.getIndentationForNode = getIndentationForNode; function getIndentationForNodeWorker(current, currentStart, ignoreActualIndentationRange, indentationDelta, sourceFile, options) { var parent = current.parent; var parentStart; while (parent) { var useActualIndentation = true; if (ignoreActualIndentationRange) { var start = current.getStart(sourceFile); useActualIndentation = start < ignoreActualIndentationRange.pos || start > ignoreActualIndentationRange.end; } if (useActualIndentation) { var actualIndentation = getActualIndentationForListItem(current, sourceFile, options); if (actualIndentation !== -1) { return actualIndentation + indentationDelta; } } parentStart = getParentStart(parent, current, sourceFile); var parentAndChildShareLine = parentStart.line === currentStart.line || childStartsOnTheSameLineWithElseInIfStatement(parent, current, currentStart.line, sourceFile); if (useActualIndentation) { var actualIndentation = getActualIndentationForNode(current, parent, currentStart, parentAndChildShareLine, sourceFile, options); if (actualIndentation !== -1) { return actualIndentation + indentationDelta; } } if (shouldIndentChildNode(parent.kind, current.kind) && !parentAndChildShareLine) { indentationDelta += options.IndentSize; } current = parent; currentStart = parentStart; parent = current.parent; } return indentationDelta; } function getParentStart(parent, child, sourceFile) { var containingList = getContainingList(child, sourceFile); if (containingList) { return sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(containingList.pos); } return sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(parent.getStart(sourceFile)); } function getActualIndentationForListItemBeforeComma(commaToken, sourceFile, options) { var commaItemInfo = ts.findListItemInfo(commaToken); if (commaItemInfo && commaItemInfo.listItemIndex > 0) { return deriveActualIndentationFromList(commaItemInfo.list.getChildren(), commaItemInfo.listItemIndex - 1, sourceFile, options); } else { return -1; } } function getActualIndentationForNode(current, parent, currentLineAndChar, parentAndChildShareLine, sourceFile, options) { var useActualIndentation = (ts.isDeclaration(current) || ts.isStatement(current)) && (parent.kind === 227 || !parentAndChildShareLine); if (!useActualIndentation) { return -1; } return findColumnForFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterInLine(currentLineAndChar, sourceFile, options); } function nextTokenIsCurlyBraceOnSameLineAsCursor(precedingToken, current, lineAtPosition, sourceFile) { var nextToken = ts.findNextToken(precedingToken, current); if (!nextToken) { return false; } if (nextToken.kind === 14) { return true; } else if (nextToken.kind === 15) { var nextTokenStartLine = getStartLineAndCharacterForNode(nextToken, sourceFile).line; return lineAtPosition === nextTokenStartLine; } return false; } function getStartLineAndCharacterForNode(n, sourceFile) { return sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(n.getStart(sourceFile)); } function childStartsOnTheSameLineWithElseInIfStatement(parent, child, childStartLine, sourceFile) { if (parent.kind === 183 && parent.elseStatement === child) { var elseKeyword = ts.findChildOfKind(parent, 76, sourceFile); ts.Debug.assert(elseKeyword !== undefined); var elseKeywordStartLine = getStartLineAndCharacterForNode(elseKeyword, sourceFile).line; return elseKeywordStartLine === childStartLine; } return false; } SmartIndenter.childStartsOnTheSameLineWithElseInIfStatement = childStartsOnTheSameLineWithElseInIfStatement; function getContainingList(node, sourceFile) { if (node.parent) { switch (node.parent.kind) { case 141: if (node.parent.typeArguments && ts.rangeContainsStartEnd(node.parent.typeArguments, node.getStart(sourceFile), node.getEnd())) { return node.parent.typeArguments; } break; case 154: return node.parent.properties; case 153: return node.parent.elements; case 200: case 162: case 163: case 134: case 133: case 138: case 139: { var start = node.getStart(sourceFile); if (node.parent.typeParameters && ts.rangeContainsStartEnd(node.parent.typeParameters, start, node.getEnd())) { return node.parent.typeParameters; } if (ts.rangeContainsStartEnd(node.parent.parameters, start, node.getEnd())) { return node.parent.parameters; } break; } case 158: case 157: { var start = node.getStart(sourceFile); if (node.parent.typeArguments && ts.rangeContainsStartEnd(node.parent.typeArguments, start, node.getEnd())) { return node.parent.typeArguments; } if (node.parent.arguments && ts.rangeContainsStartEnd(node.parent.arguments, start, node.getEnd())) { return node.parent.arguments; } break; } } } return undefined; } function getActualIndentationForListItem(node, sourceFile, options) { var containingList = getContainingList(node, sourceFile); return containingList ? getActualIndentationFromList(containingList) : -1; function getActualIndentationFromList(list) { var index = ts.indexOf(list, node); return index !== -1 ? deriveActualIndentationFromList(list, index, sourceFile, options) : -1; } } function deriveActualIndentationFromList(list, index, sourceFile, options) { ts.Debug.assert(index >= 0 && index < list.length); var node = list[index]; var lineAndCharacter = getStartLineAndCharacterForNode(node, sourceFile); for (var i = index - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (list[i].kind === 23) { continue; } var prevEndLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(list[i].end).line; if (prevEndLine !== lineAndCharacter.line) { return findColumnForFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterInLine(lineAndCharacter, sourceFile, options); } lineAndCharacter = getStartLineAndCharacterForNode(list[i], sourceFile); } return -1; } function findColumnForFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterInLine(lineAndCharacter, sourceFile, options) { var lineStart = sourceFile.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(lineAndCharacter.line, 0); return findFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(lineStart, lineStart + lineAndCharacter.character, sourceFile, options); } function findFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn(startPos, endPos, sourceFile, options) { var character = 0; var column = 0; for (var pos = startPos; pos < endPos; ++pos) { var ch = sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos); if (!ts.isWhiteSpace(ch)) { break; } if (ch === 9) { column += options.TabSize + (column % options.TabSize); } else { column++; } character++; } return { column: column, character: character }; } SmartIndenter.findFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn = findFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn; function findFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(startPos, endPos, sourceFile, options) { return findFirstNonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn(startPos, endPos, sourceFile, options).column; } SmartIndenter.findFirstNonWhitespaceColumn = findFirstNonWhitespaceColumn; function nodeContentIsAlwaysIndented(kind) { switch (kind) { case 201: case 202: case 204: case 153: case 179: case 206: case 154: case 145: case 147: case 207: case 221: case 220: case 161: case 157: case 158: case 180: case 198: case 214: case 191: case 170: case 151: case 150: return true; } return false; } function shouldIndentChildNode(parent, child) { if (nodeContentIsAlwaysIndented(parent)) { return true; } switch (parent) { case 184: case 185: case 187: case 188: case 186: case 183: case 200: case 162: case 134: case 133: case 138: case 163: case 135: case 136: case 137: return child !== 179; default: return false; } } SmartIndenter.shouldIndentChildNode = shouldIndentChildNode; })(SmartIndenter = formatting.SmartIndenter || (formatting.SmartIndenter = {})); })(formatting = ts.formatting || (ts.formatting = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } __.prototype = b.prototype; d.prototype = new __(); }; /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { ts.servicesVersion = "0.4"; var ScriptSnapshot; (function (ScriptSnapshot) { var StringScriptSnapshot = (function () { function StringScriptSnapshot(text) { this.text = text; this._lineStartPositions = undefined; } StringScriptSnapshot.prototype.getText = function (start, end) { return this.text.substring(start, end); }; StringScriptSnapshot.prototype.getLength = function () { return this.text.length; }; StringScriptSnapshot.prototype.getChangeRange = function (oldSnapshot) { return undefined; }; return StringScriptSnapshot; })(); function fromString(text) { return new StringScriptSnapshot(text); } ScriptSnapshot.fromString = fromString; })(ScriptSnapshot = ts.ScriptSnapshot || (ts.ScriptSnapshot = {})); var scanner = ts.createScanner(2, true); var emptyArray = []; function createNode(kind, pos, end, flags, parent) { var node = new (ts.getNodeConstructor(kind))(); node.pos = pos; node.end = end; node.flags = flags; node.parent = parent; return node; } var NodeObject = (function () { function NodeObject() { } NodeObject.prototype.getSourceFile = function () { return ts.getSourceFileOfNode(this); }; NodeObject.prototype.getStart = function (sourceFile) { return ts.getTokenPosOfNode(this, sourceFile); }; NodeObject.prototype.getFullStart = function () { return this.pos; }; NodeObject.prototype.getEnd = function () { return this.end; }; NodeObject.prototype.getWidth = function (sourceFile) { return this.getEnd() - this.getStart(sourceFile); }; NodeObject.prototype.getFullWidth = function () { return this.end - this.getFullStart(); }; NodeObject.prototype.getLeadingTriviaWidth = function (sourceFile) { return this.getStart(sourceFile) - this.pos; }; NodeObject.prototype.getFullText = function (sourceFile) { return (sourceFile || this.getSourceFile()).text.substring(this.pos, this.end); }; NodeObject.prototype.getText = function (sourceFile) { return (sourceFile || this.getSourceFile()).text.substring(this.getStart(), this.getEnd()); }; NodeObject.prototype.addSyntheticNodes = function (nodes, pos, end) { scanner.setTextPos(pos); while (pos < end) { var token = scanner.scan(); var textPos = scanner.getTextPos(); nodes.push(createNode(token, pos, textPos, 1024, this)); pos = textPos; } return pos; }; NodeObject.prototype.createSyntaxList = function (nodes) { var list = createNode(228, nodes.pos, nodes.end, 1024, this); list._children = []; var pos = nodes.pos; for (var _i = 0; _i < nodes.length; _i++) { var node = nodes[_i]; if (pos < node.pos) { pos = this.addSyntheticNodes(list._children, pos, node.pos); } list._children.push(node); pos = node.end; } if (pos < nodes.end) { this.addSyntheticNodes(list._children, pos, nodes.end); } return list; }; NodeObject.prototype.createChildren = function (sourceFile) { var _this = this; var children; if (this.kind >= 126) { scanner.setText((sourceFile || this.getSourceFile()).text); children = []; var pos = this.pos; var processNode = function (node) { if (pos < node.pos) { pos = _this.addSyntheticNodes(children, pos, node.pos); } children.push(node); pos = node.end; }; var processNodes = function (nodes) { if (pos < nodes.pos) { pos = _this.addSyntheticNodes(children, pos, nodes.pos); } children.push(_this.createSyntaxList(nodes)); pos = nodes.end; }; ts.forEachChild(this, processNode, processNodes); if (pos < this.end) { this.addSyntheticNodes(children, pos, this.end); } scanner.setText(undefined); } this._children = children || emptyArray; }; NodeObject.prototype.getChildCount = function (sourceFile) { if (!this._children) this.createChildren(sourceFile); return this._children.length; }; NodeObject.prototype.getChildAt = function (index, sourceFile) { if (!this._children) this.createChildren(sourceFile); return this._children[index]; }; NodeObject.prototype.getChildren = function (sourceFile) { if (!this._children) this.createChildren(sourceFile); return this._children; }; NodeObject.prototype.getFirstToken = function (sourceFile) { var children = this.getChildren(); for (var _i = 0; _i < children.length; _i++) { var child = children[_i]; if (child.kind < 126) { return child; } return child.getFirstToken(sourceFile); } }; NodeObject.prototype.getLastToken = function (sourceFile) { var children = this.getChildren(sourceFile); for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var child = children[i]; if (child.kind < 126) { return child; } return child.getLastToken(sourceFile); } }; return NodeObject; })(); var SymbolObject = (function () { function SymbolObject(flags, name) { this.flags = flags; this.name = name; } SymbolObject.prototype.getFlags = function () { return this.flags; }; SymbolObject.prototype.getName = function () { return this.name; }; SymbolObject.prototype.getDeclarations = function () { return this.declarations; }; SymbolObject.prototype.getDocumentationComment = function () { if (this.documentationComment === undefined) { this.documentationComment = getJsDocCommentsFromDeclarations(this.declarations, this.name, !(this.flags & 4)); } return this.documentationComment; }; return SymbolObject; })(); function getJsDocCommentsFromDeclarations(declarations, name, canUseParsedParamTagComments) { var documentationComment = []; var docComments = getJsDocCommentsSeparatedByNewLines(); ts.forEach(docComments, function (docComment) { if (documentationComment.length) { documentationComment.push(ts.lineBreakPart()); } documentationComment.push(docComment); }); return documentationComment; function getJsDocCommentsSeparatedByNewLines() { var paramTag = "@param"; var jsDocCommentParts = []; ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration, indexOfDeclaration) { if (ts.indexOf(declarations, declaration) === indexOfDeclaration) { var sourceFileOfDeclaration = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(declaration); if (canUseParsedParamTagComments && declaration.kind === 129) { ts.forEach(getJsDocCommentTextRange(declaration.parent, sourceFileOfDeclaration), function (jsDocCommentTextRange) { var cleanedParamJsDocComment = getCleanedParamJsDocComment(jsDocCommentTextRange.pos, jsDocCommentTextRange.end, sourceFileOfDeclaration); if (cleanedParamJsDocComment) { jsDocCommentParts.push.apply(jsDocCommentParts, cleanedParamJsDocComment); } }); } if (declaration.kind === 205 && declaration.body.kind === 205) { return; } while (declaration.kind === 205 && declaration.parent.kind === 205) { declaration = declaration.parent; } ts.forEach(getJsDocCommentTextRange(declaration.kind === 198 ? declaration.parent.parent : declaration, sourceFileOfDeclaration), function (jsDocCommentTextRange) { var cleanedJsDocComment = getCleanedJsDocComment(jsDocCommentTextRange.pos, jsDocCommentTextRange.end, sourceFileOfDeclaration); if (cleanedJsDocComment) { jsDocCommentParts.push.apply(jsDocCommentParts, cleanedJsDocComment); } }); } }); return jsDocCommentParts; function getJsDocCommentTextRange(node, sourceFile) { return ts.map(ts.getJsDocComments(node, sourceFile), function (jsDocComment) { return { pos: jsDocComment.pos + "/*".length, end: jsDocComment.end - "*/".length }; }); } function consumeWhiteSpacesOnTheLine(pos, end, sourceFile, maxSpacesToRemove) { if (maxSpacesToRemove !== undefined) { end = Math.min(end, pos + maxSpacesToRemove); } for (; pos < end; pos++) { var ch = sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos); if (!ts.isWhiteSpace(ch) || ts.isLineBreak(ch)) { return pos; } } return end; } function consumeLineBreaks(pos, end, sourceFile) { while (pos < end && ts.isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } return pos; } function isName(pos, end, sourceFile, name) { return pos + name.length < end && sourceFile.text.substr(pos, name.length) === name && (ts.isWhiteSpace(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos + name.length)) || ts.isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos + name.length))); } function isParamTag(pos, end, sourceFile) { return isName(pos, end, sourceFile, paramTag); } function pushDocCommentLineText(docComments, text, blankLineCount) { while (blankLineCount--) { docComments.push(ts.textPart("")); } docComments.push(ts.textPart(text)); } function getCleanedJsDocComment(pos, end, sourceFile) { var spacesToRemoveAfterAsterisk; var docComments = []; var blankLineCount = 0; var isInParamTag = false; while (pos < end) { var docCommentTextOfLine = ""; pos = consumeWhiteSpacesOnTheLine(pos, end, sourceFile); if (pos < end && sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos) === 42) { var lineStartPos = pos + 1; pos = consumeWhiteSpacesOnTheLine(pos + 1, end, sourceFile, spacesToRemoveAfterAsterisk); if (spacesToRemoveAfterAsterisk === undefined && pos < end && !ts.isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))) { spacesToRemoveAfterAsterisk = pos - lineStartPos; } } else if (spacesToRemoveAfterAsterisk === undefined) { spacesToRemoveAfterAsterisk = 0; } while (pos < end && !ts.isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))) { var ch = sourceFile.text.charAt(pos); if (ch === "@") { if (isParamTag(pos, end, sourceFile)) { isInParamTag = true; pos += paramTag.length; continue; } else { isInParamTag = false; } } if (!isInParamTag) { docCommentTextOfLine += ch; } pos++; } pos = consumeLineBreaks(pos, end, sourceFile); if (docCommentTextOfLine) { pushDocCommentLineText(docComments, docCommentTextOfLine, blankLineCount); blankLineCount = 0; } else if (!isInParamTag && docComments.length) { blankLineCount++; } } return docComments; } function getCleanedParamJsDocComment(pos, end, sourceFile) { var paramHelpStringMargin; var paramDocComments = []; while (pos < end) { if (isParamTag(pos, end, sourceFile)) { var blankLineCount = 0; var recordedParamTag = false; pos = consumeWhiteSpaces(pos + paramTag.length); if (pos >= end) { break; } if (sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos) === 123) { pos++; for (var curlies = 1; pos < end; pos++) { var charCode = sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos); if (charCode === 123) { curlies++; continue; } if (charCode === 125) { curlies--; if (curlies === 0) { pos++; break; } else { continue; } } if (charCode === 64) { break; } } pos = consumeWhiteSpaces(pos); if (pos >= end) { break; } } if (isName(pos, end, sourceFile, name)) { pos = consumeWhiteSpaces(pos + name.length); if (pos >= end) { break; } var paramHelpString = ""; var firstLineParamHelpStringPos = pos; while (pos < end) { var ch = sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ts.isLineBreak(ch)) { if (paramHelpString) { pushDocCommentLineText(paramDocComments, paramHelpString, blankLineCount); paramHelpString = ""; blankLineCount = 0; recordedParamTag = true; } else if (recordedParamTag) { blankLineCount++; } setPosForParamHelpStringOnNextLine(firstLineParamHelpStringPos); continue; } if (ch === 64) { break; } paramHelpString += sourceFile.text.charAt(pos); pos++; } if (paramHelpString) { pushDocCommentLineText(paramDocComments, paramHelpString, blankLineCount); } paramHelpStringMargin = undefined; } if (sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos) === 64) { continue; } } pos++; } return paramDocComments; function consumeWhiteSpaces(pos) { while (pos < end && ts.isWhiteSpace(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } return pos; } function setPosForParamHelpStringOnNextLine(firstLineParamHelpStringPos) { pos = consumeLineBreaks(pos, end, sourceFile); if (pos >= end) { return; } if (paramHelpStringMargin === undefined) { paramHelpStringMargin = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(firstLineParamHelpStringPos).character; } var startOfLinePos = pos; pos = consumeWhiteSpacesOnTheLine(pos, end, sourceFile, paramHelpStringMargin); if (pos >= end) { return; } var consumedSpaces = pos - startOfLinePos; if (consumedSpaces < paramHelpStringMargin) { var ch = sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 42) { pos = consumeWhiteSpacesOnTheLine(pos + 1, end, sourceFile, paramHelpStringMargin - consumedSpaces - 1); } } } } } } var TypeObject = (function () { function TypeObject(checker, flags) { this.checker = checker; this.flags = flags; } TypeObject.prototype.getFlags = function () { return this.flags; }; TypeObject.prototype.getSymbol = function () { return this.symbol; }; TypeObject.prototype.getProperties = function () { return this.checker.getPropertiesOfType(this); }; TypeObject.prototype.getProperty = function (propertyName) { return this.checker.getPropertyOfType(this, propertyName); }; TypeObject.prototype.getApparentProperties = function () { return this.checker.getAugmentedPropertiesOfType(this); }; TypeObject.prototype.getCallSignatures = function () { return this.checker.getSignaturesOfType(this, 0); }; TypeObject.prototype.getConstructSignatures = function () { return this.checker.getSignaturesOfType(this, 1); }; TypeObject.prototype.getStringIndexType = function () { return this.checker.getIndexTypeOfType(this, 0); }; TypeObject.prototype.getNumberIndexType = function () { return this.checker.getIndexTypeOfType(this, 1); }; return TypeObject; })(); var SignatureObject = (function () { function SignatureObject(checker) { this.checker = checker; } SignatureObject.prototype.getDeclaration = function () { return this.declaration; }; SignatureObject.prototype.getTypeParameters = function () { return this.typeParameters; }; SignatureObject.prototype.getParameters = function () { return this.parameters; }; SignatureObject.prototype.getReturnType = function () { return this.checker.getReturnTypeOfSignature(this); }; SignatureObject.prototype.getDocumentationComment = function () { if (this.documentationComment === undefined) { this.documentationComment = this.declaration ? getJsDocCommentsFromDeclarations([this.declaration], undefined, false) : []; } return this.documentationComment; }; return SignatureObject; })(); var SourceFileObject = (function (_super) { __extends(SourceFileObject, _super); function SourceFileObject() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } SourceFileObject.prototype.update = function (newText, textChangeRange) { return ts.updateSourceFile(this, newText, textChangeRange); }; SourceFileObject.prototype.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition = function (position) { return ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(this, position); }; SourceFileObject.prototype.getLineStarts = function () { return ts.getLineStarts(this); }; SourceFileObject.prototype.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter = function (line, character) { return ts.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(this, line, character); }; SourceFileObject.prototype.getNamedDeclarations = function () { if (!this.namedDeclarations) { var sourceFile = this; var namedDeclarations = []; ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, function visit(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 200: case 134: case 133: var functionDeclaration = node; if (functionDeclaration.name && functionDeclaration.name.getFullWidth() > 0) { var lastDeclaration = namedDeclarations.length > 0 ? namedDeclarations[namedDeclarations.length - 1] : undefined; if (lastDeclaration && functionDeclaration.symbol === lastDeclaration.symbol) { if (functionDeclaration.body && !lastDeclaration.body) { namedDeclarations[namedDeclarations.length - 1] = functionDeclaration; } } else { namedDeclarations.push(functionDeclaration); } ts.forEachChild(node, visit); } break; case 201: case 202: case 203: case 204: case 205: case 208: case 217: case 213: case 208: case 210: case 211: case 136: case 137: case 145: if (node.name) { namedDeclarations.push(node); } case 135: case 180: case 199: case 150: case 151: case 206: ts.forEachChild(node, visit); break; case 179: if (ts.isFunctionBlock(node)) { ts.forEachChild(node, visit); } break; case 129: if (!(node.flags & 112)) { break; } case 198: case 152: if (ts.isBindingPattern(node.name)) { ts.forEachChild(node.name, visit); break; } case 226: case 132: case 131: namedDeclarations.push(node); break; case 215: if (node.exportClause) { ts.forEach(node.exportClause.elements, visit); } break; case 209: var importClause = node.importClause; if (importClause) { if (importClause.name) { namedDeclarations.push(importClause); } if (importClause.namedBindings) { if (importClause.namedBindings.kind === 211) { namedDeclarations.push(importClause.namedBindings); } else { ts.forEach(importClause.namedBindings.elements, visit); } } } break; } }); this.namedDeclarations = namedDeclarations; } return this.namedDeclarations; }; return SourceFileObject; })(NodeObject); var TextChange = (function () { function TextChange() { } return TextChange; })(); ts.TextChange = TextChange; (function (SymbolDisplayPartKind) { SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["aliasName"] = 0] = "aliasName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["className"] = 1] = "className"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["enumName"] = 2] = "enumName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["fieldName"] = 3] = "fieldName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["interfaceName"] = 4] = "interfaceName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["keyword"] = 5] = "keyword"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["lineBreak"] = 6] = "lineBreak"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["numericLiteral"] = 7] = "numericLiteral"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["stringLiteral"] = 8] = "stringLiteral"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["localName"] = 9] = "localName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["methodName"] = 10] = "methodName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["moduleName"] = 11] = "moduleName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["operator"] = 12] = "operator"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["parameterName"] = 13] = "parameterName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["propertyName"] = 14] = "propertyName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["punctuation"] = 15] = "punctuation"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["space"] = 16] = "space"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["text"] = 17] = "text"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["typeParameterName"] = 18] = "typeParameterName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["enumMemberName"] = 19] = "enumMemberName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["functionName"] = 20] = "functionName"; SymbolDisplayPartKind[SymbolDisplayPartKind["regularExpressionLiteral"] = 21] = "regularExpressionLiteral"; })(ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind || (ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind = {})); var SymbolDisplayPartKind = ts.SymbolDisplayPartKind; (function (TokenClass) { TokenClass[TokenClass["Punctuation"] = 0] = "Punctuation"; TokenClass[TokenClass["Keyword"] = 1] = "Keyword"; TokenClass[TokenClass["Operator"] = 2] = "Operator"; TokenClass[TokenClass["Comment"] = 3] = "Comment"; TokenClass[TokenClass["Whitespace"] = 4] = "Whitespace"; TokenClass[TokenClass["Identifier"] = 5] = "Identifier"; TokenClass[TokenClass["NumberLiteral"] = 6] = "NumberLiteral"; TokenClass[TokenClass["StringLiteral"] = 7] = "StringLiteral"; TokenClass[TokenClass["RegExpLiteral"] = 8] = "RegExpLiteral"; })(ts.TokenClass || (ts.TokenClass = {})); var TokenClass = ts.TokenClass; var ScriptElementKind = (function () { function ScriptElementKind() { } ScriptElementKind.unknown = ""; ScriptElementKind.keyword = "keyword"; ScriptElementKind.scriptElement = "script"; ScriptElementKind.moduleElement = "module"; ScriptElementKind.classElement = "class"; ScriptElementKind.interfaceElement = "interface"; ScriptElementKind.typeElement = "type"; ScriptElementKind.enumElement = "enum"; ScriptElementKind.variableElement = "var"; ScriptElementKind.localVariableElement = "local var"; ScriptElementKind.functionElement = "function"; ScriptElementKind.localFunctionElement = "local function"; ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement = "method"; ScriptElementKind.memberGetAccessorElement = "getter"; ScriptElementKind.memberSetAccessorElement = "setter"; ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement = "property"; ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement = "constructor"; ScriptElementKind.callSignatureElement = "call"; ScriptElementKind.indexSignatureElement = "index"; ScriptElementKind.constructSignatureElement = "construct"; ScriptElementKind.parameterElement = "parameter"; ScriptElementKind.typeParameterElement = "type parameter"; ScriptElementKind.primitiveType = "primitive type"; ScriptElementKind.label = "label"; ScriptElementKind.alias = "alias"; ScriptElementKind.constElement = "const"; ScriptElementKind.letElement = "let"; return ScriptElementKind; })(); ts.ScriptElementKind = ScriptElementKind; var ScriptElementKindModifier = (function () { function ScriptElementKindModifier() { } ScriptElementKindModifier.none = ""; ScriptElementKindModifier.publicMemberModifier = "public"; ScriptElementKindModifier.privateMemberModifier = "private"; ScriptElementKindModifier.protectedMemberModifier = "protected"; ScriptElementKindModifier.exportedModifier = "export"; ScriptElementKindModifier.ambientModifier = "declare"; ScriptElementKindModifier.staticModifier = "static"; return ScriptElementKindModifier; })(); ts.ScriptElementKindModifier = ScriptElementKindModifier; var ClassificationTypeNames = (function () { function ClassificationTypeNames() { } ClassificationTypeNames.comment = "comment"; ClassificationTypeNames.identifier = "identifier"; ClassificationTypeNames.keyword = "keyword"; ClassificationTypeNames.numericLiteral = "number"; ClassificationTypeNames.operator = "operator"; ClassificationTypeNames.stringLiteral = "string"; ClassificationTypeNames.whiteSpace = "whitespace"; ClassificationTypeNames.text = "text"; ClassificationTypeNames.punctuation = "punctuation"; ClassificationTypeNames.className = "class name"; ClassificationTypeNames.enumName = "enum name"; ClassificationTypeNames.interfaceName = "interface name"; ClassificationTypeNames.moduleName = "module name"; ClassificationTypeNames.typeParameterName = "type parameter name"; ClassificationTypeNames.typeAlias = "type alias name"; return ClassificationTypeNames; })(); ts.ClassificationTypeNames = ClassificationTypeNames; function displayPartsToString(displayParts) { if (displayParts) { return ts.map(displayParts, function (displayPart) { return displayPart.text; }).join(""); } return ""; } ts.displayPartsToString = displayPartsToString; function isLocalVariableOrFunction(symbol) { if (symbol.parent) { return false; } return ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { if (declaration.kind === 162) { return true; } if (declaration.kind !== 198 && declaration.kind !== 200) { return false; } for (var parent_7 = declaration.parent; !ts.isFunctionBlock(parent_7); parent_7 = parent_7.parent) { if (parent_7.kind === 227 || parent_7.kind === 206) { return false; } } return true; }); } function getDefaultCompilerOptions() { return { target: 1, module: 0 }; } ts.getDefaultCompilerOptions = getDefaultCompilerOptions; var OperationCanceledException = (function () { function OperationCanceledException() { } return OperationCanceledException; })(); ts.OperationCanceledException = OperationCanceledException; var CancellationTokenObject = (function () { function CancellationTokenObject(cancellationToken) { this.cancellationToken = cancellationToken; } CancellationTokenObject.prototype.isCancellationRequested = function () { return this.cancellationToken && this.cancellationToken.isCancellationRequested(); }; CancellationTokenObject.prototype.throwIfCancellationRequested = function () { if (this.isCancellationRequested()) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } }; CancellationTokenObject.None = new CancellationTokenObject(null); return CancellationTokenObject; })(); ts.CancellationTokenObject = CancellationTokenObject; var HostCache = (function () { function HostCache(host) { this.host = host; this.fileNameToEntry = {}; var rootFileNames = host.getScriptFileNames(); for (var _i = 0; _i < rootFileNames.length; _i++) { var fileName = rootFileNames[_i]; this.createEntry(fileName); } this._compilationSettings = host.getCompilationSettings() || getDefaultCompilerOptions(); } HostCache.prototype.compilationSettings = function () { return this._compilationSettings; }; HostCache.prototype.createEntry = function (fileName) { var entry; var scriptSnapshot = this.host.getScriptSnapshot(fileName); if (scriptSnapshot) { entry = { hostFileName: fileName, version: this.host.getScriptVersion(fileName), scriptSnapshot: scriptSnapshot }; } return this.fileNameToEntry[ts.normalizeSlashes(fileName)] = entry; }; HostCache.prototype.getEntry = function (fileName) { return ts.lookUp(this.fileNameToEntry, ts.normalizeSlashes(fileName)); }; HostCache.prototype.contains = function (fileName) { return ts.hasProperty(this.fileNameToEntry, ts.normalizeSlashes(fileName)); }; HostCache.prototype.getOrCreateEntry = function (fileName) { if (this.contains(fileName)) { return this.getEntry(fileName); } return this.createEntry(fileName); }; HostCache.prototype.getRootFileNames = function () { var _this = this; var fileNames = []; ts.forEachKey(this.fileNameToEntry, function (key) { if (ts.hasProperty(_this.fileNameToEntry, key) && _this.fileNameToEntry[key]) fileNames.push(key); }); return fileNames; }; HostCache.prototype.getVersion = function (fileName) { var file = this.getEntry(fileName); return file && file.version; }; HostCache.prototype.getScriptSnapshot = function (fileName) { var file = this.getEntry(fileName); return file && file.scriptSnapshot; }; return HostCache; })(); var SyntaxTreeCache = (function () { function SyntaxTreeCache(host) { this.host = host; } SyntaxTreeCache.prototype.getCurrentSourceFile = function (fileName) { var scriptSnapshot = this.host.getScriptSnapshot(fileName); if (!scriptSnapshot) { throw new Error("Could not find file: '" + fileName + "'."); } var version = this.host.getScriptVersion(fileName); var sourceFile; if (this.currentFileName !== fileName) { sourceFile = createLanguageServiceSourceFile(fileName, scriptSnapshot, 2, version, true); } else if (this.currentFileVersion !== version) { var editRange = scriptSnapshot.getChangeRange(this.currentFileScriptSnapshot); sourceFile = updateLanguageServiceSourceFile(this.currentSourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version, editRange); } if (sourceFile) { this.currentFileVersion = version; this.currentFileName = fileName; this.currentFileScriptSnapshot = scriptSnapshot; this.currentSourceFile = sourceFile; } return this.currentSourceFile; }; return SyntaxTreeCache; })(); function setSourceFileFields(sourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version) { sourceFile.version = version; sourceFile.scriptSnapshot = scriptSnapshot; } function transpile(input, compilerOptions, fileName, diagnostics) { var options = compilerOptions ? ts.clone(compilerOptions) : getDefaultCompilerOptions(); options.separateCompilation = true; options.allowNonTsExtensions = true; var inputFileName = fileName || "module.ts"; var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(inputFileName, input, options.target); if (diagnostics && sourceFile.parseDiagnostics) { diagnostics.push.apply(diagnostics, sourceFile.parseDiagnostics); } var outputText; var compilerHost = { getSourceFile: function (fileName, target) { return fileName === inputFileName ? sourceFile : undefined; }, writeFile: function (name, text, writeByteOrderMark) { ts.Debug.assert(outputText === undefined, "Unexpected multiple outputs for the file: " + name); outputText = text; }, getDefaultLibFileName: function () { return "lib.d.ts"; }, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: function () { return false; }, getCanonicalFileName: function (fileName) { return fileName; }, getCurrentDirectory: function () { return ""; }, getNewLine: function () { return "\r\n"; } }; var program = ts.createProgram([inputFileName], options, compilerHost); if (diagnostics) { diagnostics.push.apply(diagnostics, program.getGlobalDiagnostics()); } program.emit(); ts.Debug.assert(outputText !== undefined, "Output generation failed"); return outputText; } ts.transpile = transpile; function createLanguageServiceSourceFile(fileName, scriptSnapshot, scriptTarget, version, setNodeParents) { var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(fileName, scriptSnapshot.getText(0, scriptSnapshot.getLength()), scriptTarget, setNodeParents); setSourceFileFields(sourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version); sourceFile.nameTable = sourceFile.identifiers; return sourceFile; } ts.createLanguageServiceSourceFile = createLanguageServiceSourceFile; ts.disableIncrementalParsing = false; function updateLanguageServiceSourceFile(sourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks) { if (textChangeRange) { if (version !== sourceFile.version) { if (!ts.disableIncrementalParsing) { var newSourceFile = ts.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, scriptSnapshot.getText(0, scriptSnapshot.getLength()), textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks); setSourceFileFields(newSourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version); newSourceFile.nameTable = undefined; return newSourceFile; } } } return createLanguageServiceSourceFile(sourceFile.fileName, scriptSnapshot, sourceFile.languageVersion, version, true); } ts.updateLanguageServiceSourceFile = updateLanguageServiceSourceFile; function createDocumentRegistry() { var buckets = {}; function getKeyFromCompilationSettings(settings) { return "_" + settings.target; } function getBucketForCompilationSettings(settings, createIfMissing) { var key = getKeyFromCompilationSettings(settings); var bucket = ts.lookUp(buckets, key); if (!bucket && createIfMissing) { buckets[key] = bucket = {}; } return bucket; } function reportStats() { var bucketInfoArray = Object.keys(buckets).filter(function (name) { return name && name.charAt(0) === '_'; }).map(function (name) { var entries = ts.lookUp(buckets, name); var sourceFiles = []; for (var i in entries) { var entry = entries[i]; sourceFiles.push({ name: i, refCount: entry.languageServiceRefCount, references: entry.owners.slice(0) }); } sourceFiles.sort(function (x, y) { return y.refCount - x.refCount; }); return { bucket: name, sourceFiles: sourceFiles }; }); return JSON.stringify(bucketInfoArray, null, 2); } function acquireDocument(fileName, compilationSettings, scriptSnapshot, version) { return acquireOrUpdateDocument(fileName, compilationSettings, scriptSnapshot, version, true); } function updateDocument(fileName, compilationSettings, scriptSnapshot, version) { return acquireOrUpdateDocument(fileName, compilationSettings, scriptSnapshot, version, false); } function acquireOrUpdateDocument(fileName, compilationSettings, scriptSnapshot, version, acquiring) { var bucket = getBucketForCompilationSettings(compilationSettings, true); var entry = ts.lookUp(bucket, fileName); if (!entry) { ts.Debug.assert(acquiring, "How could we be trying to update a document that the registry doesn't have?"); var sourceFile = createLanguageServiceSourceFile(fileName, scriptSnapshot, compilationSettings.target, version, false); bucket[fileName] = entry = { sourceFile: sourceFile, languageServiceRefCount: 0, owners: [] }; } else { if (entry.sourceFile.version !== version) { entry.sourceFile = updateLanguageServiceSourceFile(entry.sourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptSnapshot.getChangeRange(entry.sourceFile.scriptSnapshot)); } } if (acquiring) { entry.languageServiceRefCount++; } return entry.sourceFile; } function releaseDocument(fileName, compilationSettings) { var bucket = getBucketForCompilationSettings(compilationSettings, false); ts.Debug.assert(bucket !== undefined); var entry = ts.lookUp(bucket, fileName); entry.languageServiceRefCount--; ts.Debug.assert(entry.languageServiceRefCount >= 0); if (entry.languageServiceRefCount === 0) { delete bucket[fileName]; } } return { acquireDocument: acquireDocument, updateDocument: updateDocument, releaseDocument: releaseDocument, reportStats: reportStats }; } ts.createDocumentRegistry = createDocumentRegistry; function preProcessFile(sourceText, readImportFiles) { if (readImportFiles === void 0) { readImportFiles = true; } var referencedFiles = []; var importedFiles = []; var isNoDefaultLib = false; function processTripleSlashDirectives() { var commentRanges = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceText, 0); ts.forEach(commentRanges, function (commentRange) { var comment = sourceText.substring(commentRange.pos, commentRange.end); var referencePathMatchResult = ts.getFileReferenceFromReferencePath(comment, commentRange); if (referencePathMatchResult) { isNoDefaultLib = referencePathMatchResult.isNoDefaultLib; var fileReference = referencePathMatchResult.fileReference; if (fileReference) { referencedFiles.push(fileReference); } } }); } function recordModuleName() { var importPath = scanner.getTokenValue(); var pos = scanner.getTokenPos(); importedFiles.push({ fileName: importPath, pos: pos, end: pos + importPath.length }); } function processImport() { scanner.setText(sourceText); var token = scanner.scan(); while (token !== 1) { if (token === 85) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 8) { recordModuleName(); continue; } else { if (token === 65) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 124) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 8) { recordModuleName(); continue; } } else if (token === 53) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 118) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 16) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 8) { recordModuleName(); continue; } } } } else if (token === 23) { token = scanner.scan(); } else { continue; } } if (token === 14) { token = scanner.scan(); while (token !== 15) { token = scanner.scan(); } if (token === 15) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 124) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 8) { recordModuleName(); } } } } else if (token === 35) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 102) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 65) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 124) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 8) { recordModuleName(); } } } } } } } else if (token === 78) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 14) { token = scanner.scan(); while (token !== 15) { token = scanner.scan(); } if (token === 15) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 124) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 8) { recordModuleName(); } } } } else if (token === 35) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 124) { token = scanner.scan(); if (token === 8) { recordModuleName(); } } } } token = scanner.scan(); } scanner.setText(undefined); } if (readImportFiles) { processImport(); } processTripleSlashDirectives(); return { referencedFiles: referencedFiles, importedFiles: importedFiles, isLibFile: isNoDefaultLib }; } ts.preProcessFile = preProcessFile; function getTargetLabel(referenceNode, labelName) { while (referenceNode) { if (referenceNode.kind === 194 && referenceNode.label.text === labelName) { return referenceNode.label; } referenceNode = referenceNode.parent; } return undefined; } function isJumpStatementTarget(node) { return node.kind === 65 && (node.parent.kind === 190 || node.parent.kind === 189) && node.parent.label === node; } function isLabelOfLabeledStatement(node) { return node.kind === 65 && node.parent.kind === 194 && node.parent.label === node; } function isLabeledBy(node, labelName) { for (var owner = node.parent; owner.kind === 194; owner = owner.parent) { if (owner.label.text === labelName) { return true; } } return false; } function isLabelName(node) { return isLabelOfLabeledStatement(node) || isJumpStatementTarget(node); } function isRightSideOfQualifiedName(node) { return node.parent.kind === 126 && node.parent.right === node; } function isRightSideOfPropertyAccess(node) { return node && node.parent && node.parent.kind === 155 && node.parent.name === node; } function isCallExpressionTarget(node) { if (isRightSideOfPropertyAccess(node)) { node = node.parent; } return node && node.parent && node.parent.kind === 157 && node.parent.expression === node; } function isNewExpressionTarget(node) { if (isRightSideOfPropertyAccess(node)) { node = node.parent; } return node && node.parent && node.parent.kind === 158 && node.parent.expression === node; } function isNameOfModuleDeclaration(node) { return node.parent.kind === 205 && node.parent.name === node; } function isNameOfFunctionDeclaration(node) { return node.kind === 65 && ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent) && node.parent.name === node; } function isNameOfPropertyAssignment(node) { return (node.kind === 65 || node.kind === 8 || node.kind === 7) && (node.parent.kind === 224 || node.parent.kind === 225) && node.parent.name === node; } function isLiteralNameOfPropertyDeclarationOrIndexAccess(node) { if (node.kind === 8 || node.kind === 7) { switch (node.parent.kind) { case 132: case 131: case 224: case 226: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: case 205: return node.parent.name === node; case 156: return node.parent.argumentExpression === node; } } return false; } function isNameOfExternalModuleImportOrDeclaration(node) { if (node.kind === 8) { return isNameOfModuleDeclaration(node) || (ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node.parent.parent) && ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node.parent.parent) === node); } return false; } function isInsideComment(sourceFile, token, position) { return position <= token.getStart(sourceFile) && (isInsideCommentRange(ts.getTrailingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, token.getFullStart())) || isInsideCommentRange(ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, token.getFullStart()))); function isInsideCommentRange(comments) { return ts.forEach(comments, function (comment) { if (comment.pos < position && position < comment.end) { return true; } else if (position === comment.end) { var text = sourceFile.text; var width = comment.end - comment.pos; if (width <= 2 || text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 47) { return true; } else { return !(text.charCodeAt(comment.end - 1) === 47 && text.charCodeAt(comment.end - 2) === 42); } } return false; }); } } var keywordCompletions = []; for (var i = 66; i <= 125; i++) { keywordCompletions.push({ name: ts.tokenToString(i), kind: ScriptElementKind.keyword, kindModifiers: ScriptElementKindModifier.none }); } function getContainerNode(node) { while (true) { node = node.parent; if (!node) { return undefined; } switch (node.kind) { case 227: case 134: case 133: case 200: case 162: case 136: case 137: case 201: case 202: case 204: case 205: return node; } } } ts.getContainerNode = getContainerNode; function getNodeKind(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 205: return ScriptElementKind.moduleElement; case 201: return ScriptElementKind.classElement; case 202: return ScriptElementKind.interfaceElement; case 203: return ScriptElementKind.typeElement; case 204: return ScriptElementKind.enumElement; case 198: return ts.isConst(node) ? ScriptElementKind.constElement : ts.isLet(node) ? ScriptElementKind.letElement : ScriptElementKind.variableElement; case 200: return ScriptElementKind.functionElement; case 136: return ScriptElementKind.memberGetAccessorElement; case 137: return ScriptElementKind.memberSetAccessorElement; case 134: case 133: return ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement; case 132: case 131: return ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; case 140: return ScriptElementKind.indexSignatureElement; case 139: return ScriptElementKind.constructSignatureElement; case 138: return ScriptElementKind.callSignatureElement; case 135: return ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement; case 128: return ScriptElementKind.typeParameterElement; case 226: return ScriptElementKind.variableElement; case 129: return (node.flags & 112) ? ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement : ScriptElementKind.parameterElement; case 208: case 213: case 210: case 217: case 211: return ScriptElementKind.alias; } return ScriptElementKind.unknown; } ts.getNodeKind = getNodeKind; function createLanguageService(host, documentRegistry) { if (documentRegistry === void 0) { documentRegistry = createDocumentRegistry(); } var syntaxTreeCache = new SyntaxTreeCache(host); var ruleProvider; var program; var typeInfoResolver; var useCaseSensitivefileNames = false; var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenObject(host.getCancellationToken && host.getCancellationToken()); if (!ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages && host.getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages) { ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages = host.getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages(); } function log(message) { if (host.log) { host.log(message); } } function getCanonicalFileName(fileName) { return useCaseSensitivefileNames ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase(); } function getValidSourceFile(fileName) { fileName = ts.normalizeSlashes(fileName); var sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(getCanonicalFileName(fileName)); if (!sourceFile) { throw new Error("Could not find file: '" + fileName + "'."); } return sourceFile; } function getRuleProvider(options) { if (!ruleProvider) { ruleProvider = new ts.formatting.RulesProvider(); } ruleProvider.ensureUpToDate(options); return ruleProvider; } function synchronizeHostData() { var hostCache = new HostCache(host); if (programUpToDate()) { return; } var oldSettings = program && program.getCompilerOptions(); var newSettings = hostCache.compilationSettings(); var changesInCompilationSettingsAffectSyntax = oldSettings && oldSettings.target !== newSettings.target; var newProgram = ts.createProgram(hostCache.getRootFileNames(), newSettings, { getSourceFile: getOrCreateSourceFile, getCancellationToken: function () { return cancellationToken; }, getCanonicalFileName: function (fileName) { return useCaseSensitivefileNames ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase(); }, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: function () { return useCaseSensitivefileNames; }, getNewLine: function () { return host.getNewLine ? host.getNewLine() : "\r\n"; }, getDefaultLibFileName: function (options) { return host.getDefaultLibFileName(options); }, writeFile: function (fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) { }, getCurrentDirectory: function () { return host.getCurrentDirectory(); } }); if (program) { var oldSourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles(); for (var _i = 0; _i < oldSourceFiles.length; _i++) { var oldSourceFile = oldSourceFiles[_i]; var fileName = oldSourceFile.fileName; if (!newProgram.getSourceFile(fileName) || changesInCompilationSettingsAffectSyntax) { documentRegistry.releaseDocument(fileName, oldSettings); } } } program = newProgram; typeInfoResolver = program.getTypeChecker(); return; function getOrCreateSourceFile(fileName) { var hostFileInformation = hostCache.getOrCreateEntry(fileName); if (!hostFileInformation) { return undefined; } if (!changesInCompilationSettingsAffectSyntax) { var oldSourceFile = program && program.getSourceFile(fileName); if (oldSourceFile) { return documentRegistry.updateDocument(fileName, newSettings, hostFileInformation.scriptSnapshot, hostFileInformation.version); } } return documentRegistry.acquireDocument(fileName, newSettings, hostFileInformation.scriptSnapshot, hostFileInformation.version); } function sourceFileUpToDate(sourceFile) { return sourceFile && sourceFile.version === hostCache.getVersion(sourceFile.fileName); } function programUpToDate() { if (!program) { return false; } var rootFileNames = hostCache.getRootFileNames(); if (program.getSourceFiles().length !== rootFileNames.length) { return false; } for (var _i = 0; _i < rootFileNames.length; _i++) { var fileName = rootFileNames[_i]; if (!sourceFileUpToDate(program.getSourceFile(fileName))) { return false; } } return ts.compareDataObjects(program.getCompilerOptions(), hostCache.compilationSettings()); } } function getProgram() { synchronizeHostData(); return program; } function cleanupSemanticCache() { if (program) { typeInfoResolver = program.getTypeChecker(); } } function dispose() { if (program) { ts.forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), function (f) { return documentRegistry.releaseDocument(f.fileName, program.getCompilerOptions()); }); } } function getSyntacticDiagnostics(fileName) { synchronizeHostData(); return program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(getValidSourceFile(fileName)); } function getSemanticDiagnostics(fileName) { synchronizeHostData(); var targetSourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var semanticDiagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics(targetSourceFile); if (!program.getCompilerOptions().declaration) { return semanticDiagnostics; } var declarationDiagnostics = program.getDeclarationDiagnostics(targetSourceFile); return ts.concatenate(semanticDiagnostics, declarationDiagnostics); } function getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics() { synchronizeHostData(); return program.getGlobalDiagnostics(); } function getCompletionEntryDisplayName(symbol, target, performCharacterChecks) { var displayName = symbol.getName(); if (!displayName) { return undefined; } if (displayName === "default") { var localSymbol = ts.getLocalSymbolForExportDefault(symbol); if (localSymbol && localSymbol.name) { displayName = symbol.valueDeclaration.localSymbol.name; } } var firstCharCode = displayName.charCodeAt(0); if ((symbol.flags & 1536) && (firstCharCode === 39 || firstCharCode === 34)) { return undefined; } if (displayName && displayName.length >= 2 && firstCharCode === displayName.charCodeAt(displayName.length - 1) && (firstCharCode === 39 || firstCharCode === 34)) { displayName = displayName.substring(1, displayName.length - 1); } if (!displayName) { return undefined; } if (performCharacterChecks) { if (!ts.isIdentifierStart(displayName.charCodeAt(0), target)) { return undefined; } for (var i = 1, n = displayName.length; i < n; i++) { if (!ts.isIdentifierPart(displayName.charCodeAt(i), target)) { return undefined; } } } return ts.unescapeIdentifier(displayName); } function createCompletionEntry(symbol, typeChecker, location) { var displayName = getCompletionEntryDisplayName(symbol, program.getCompilerOptions().target, true); if (!displayName) { return undefined; } return { name: displayName, kind: getSymbolKind(symbol, typeChecker, location), kindModifiers: getSymbolModifiers(symbol) }; } function getCompletionData(fileName, position) { var syntacticStart = new Date().getTime(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var start = new Date().getTime(); var currentToken = ts.getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position); log("getCompletionData: Get current token: " + (new Date().getTime() - start)); start = new Date().getTime(); var insideComment = isInsideComment(sourceFile, currentToken, position); log("getCompletionData: Is inside comment: " + (new Date().getTime() - start)); if (insideComment) { log("Returning an empty list because completion was inside a comment."); return undefined; } start = new Date().getTime(); var previousToken = ts.findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile); log("getCompletionData: Get previous token 1: " + (new Date().getTime() - start)); var contextToken = previousToken; if (contextToken && position <= contextToken.end && ts.isWord(contextToken.kind)) { var start_1 = new Date().getTime(); contextToken = ts.findPrecedingToken(contextToken.getFullStart(), sourceFile); log("getCompletionData: Get previous token 2: " + (new Date().getTime() - start_1)); } if (contextToken && isCompletionListBlocker(contextToken)) { log("Returning an empty list because completion was requested in an invalid position."); return undefined; } var node = currentToken; var isRightOfDot = false; if (contextToken && contextToken.kind === 20 && contextToken.parent.kind === 155) { node = contextToken.parent.expression; isRightOfDot = true; } else if (contextToken && contextToken.kind === 20 && contextToken.parent.kind === 126) { node = contextToken.parent.left; isRightOfDot = true; } var location = ts.getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position); var target = program.getCompilerOptions().target; var semanticStart = new Date().getTime(); var isMemberCompletion; var isNewIdentifierLocation; var symbols; if (isRightOfDot) { symbols = []; isMemberCompletion = true; isNewIdentifierLocation = false; if (node.kind === 65 || node.kind === 126 || node.kind === 155) { var symbol = typeInfoResolver.getSymbolAtLocation(node); if (symbol && symbol.flags & 8388608) { symbol = typeInfoResolver.getAliasedSymbol(symbol); } if (symbol && symbol.flags & 1952) { ts.forEachValue(symbol.exports, function (symbol) { if (typeInfoResolver.isValidPropertyAccess((node.parent), symbol.name)) { symbols.push(symbol); } }); } } var type = typeInfoResolver.getTypeAtLocation(node); if (type) { ts.forEach(type.getApparentProperties(), function (symbol) { if (typeInfoResolver.isValidPropertyAccess((node.parent), symbol.name)) { symbols.push(symbol); } }); } } else { var containingObjectLiteral = getContainingObjectLiteralApplicableForCompletion(contextToken); if (containingObjectLiteral) { isMemberCompletion = true; isNewIdentifierLocation = true; var contextualType = typeInfoResolver.getContextualType(containingObjectLiteral); if (!contextualType) { return undefined; } var contextualTypeMembers = typeInfoResolver.getPropertiesOfType(contextualType); if (contextualTypeMembers && contextualTypeMembers.length > 0) { symbols = filterContextualMembersList(contextualTypeMembers, containingObjectLiteral.properties); } } else if (ts.getAncestor(contextToken, 210)) { isMemberCompletion = true; isNewIdentifierLocation = true; if (showCompletionsInImportsClause(contextToken)) { var importDeclaration = ts.getAncestor(contextToken, 209); ts.Debug.assert(importDeclaration !== undefined); var exports_2 = typeInfoResolver.getExportsOfExternalModule(importDeclaration); symbols = filterModuleExports(exports_2, importDeclaration); } } else { isMemberCompletion = false; isNewIdentifierLocation = isNewIdentifierDefinitionLocation(contextToken); if (previousToken !== contextToken) { ts.Debug.assert(!!previousToken, "Expected 'contextToken' to be defined when different from 'previousToken'."); } var adjustedPosition = previousToken !== contextToken ? previousToken.getStart() : position; var scopeNode = getScopeNode(contextToken, adjustedPosition, sourceFile) || sourceFile; var symbolMeanings = 793056 | 107455 | 1536 | 8388608; symbols = typeInfoResolver.getSymbolsInScope(scopeNode, symbolMeanings); } } log("getCompletionData: Semantic work: " + (new Date().getTime() - semanticStart)); return { symbols: symbols, isMemberCompletion: isMemberCompletion, isNewIdentifierLocation: isNewIdentifierLocation, location: location }; function getScopeNode(initialToken, position, sourceFile) { var scope = initialToken; while (scope && !ts.positionBelongsToNode(scope, position, sourceFile)) { scope = scope.parent; } return scope; } function isCompletionListBlocker(previousToken) { var start = new Date().getTime(); var result = isInStringOrRegularExpressionOrTemplateLiteral(previousToken) || isIdentifierDefinitionLocation(previousToken) || isRightOfIllegalDot(previousToken); log("getCompletionsAtPosition: isCompletionListBlocker: " + (new Date().getTime() - start)); return result; } function showCompletionsInImportsClause(node) { if (node) { if (node.kind === 14 || node.kind === 23) { return node.parent.kind === 212; } } return false; } function isNewIdentifierDefinitionLocation(previousToken) { if (previousToken) { var containingNodeKind = previousToken.parent.kind; switch (previousToken.kind) { case 23: return containingNodeKind === 157 || containingNodeKind === 135 || containingNodeKind === 158 || containingNodeKind === 153 || containingNodeKind === 169; case 16: return containingNodeKind === 157 || containingNodeKind === 135 || containingNodeKind === 158 || containingNodeKind === 161; case 18: return containingNodeKind === 153; case 117: return true; case 20: return containingNodeKind === 205; case 14: return containingNodeKind === 201; case 53: return containingNodeKind === 198 || containingNodeKind === 169; case 11: return containingNodeKind === 171; case 12: return containingNodeKind === 176; case 109: case 107: case 108: return containingNodeKind === 132; } switch (previousToken.getText()) { case "public": case "protected": case "private": return true; } } return false; } function isInStringOrRegularExpressionOrTemplateLiteral(previousToken) { if (previousToken.kind === 8 || previousToken.kind === 9 || ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(previousToken.kind)) { var start_2 = previousToken.getStart(); var end = previousToken.getEnd(); if (start_2 < position && position < end) { return true; } else if (position === end) { return !!previousToken.isUnterminated; } } return false; } function getContainingObjectLiteralApplicableForCompletion(previousToken) { // The locations in an object literal expression that are applicable for completion are property name definition locations. if (previousToken) { var parent_8 = previousToken.parent; switch (previousToken.kind) { case 14: case 23: if (parent_8 && parent_8.kind === 154) { return parent_8; } break; } } return undefined; } function isFunction(kind) { switch (kind) { case 162: case 163: case 200: case 134: case 133: case 136: case 137: case 138: case 139: case 140: return true; } return false; } function isIdentifierDefinitionLocation(previousToken) { if (previousToken) { var containingNodeKind = previousToken.parent.kind; switch (previousToken.kind) { case 23: return containingNodeKind === 198 || containingNodeKind === 199 || containingNodeKind === 180 || containingNodeKind === 204 || isFunction(containingNodeKind) || containingNodeKind === 201 || containingNodeKind === 200 || containingNodeKind === 202 || containingNodeKind === 151 || containingNodeKind === 150; case 20: return containingNodeKind === 151; case 18: return containingNodeKind === 151; case 16: return containingNodeKind === 223 || isFunction(containingNodeKind); case 14: return containingNodeKind === 204 || containingNodeKind === 202 || containingNodeKind === 145 || containingNodeKind === 150; case 22: return containingNodeKind === 131 && (previousToken.parent.parent.kind === 202 || previousToken.parent.parent.kind === 145); case 24: return containingNodeKind === 201 || containingNodeKind === 200 || containingNodeKind === 202 || isFunction(containingNodeKind); case 110: return containingNodeKind === 132; case 21: return containingNodeKind === 129 || containingNodeKind === 135 || (previousToken.parent.parent.kind === 151); case 109: case 107: case 108: return containingNodeKind === 129; case 69: case 77: case 104: case 83: case 98: case 116: case 120: case 85: case 105: case 70: case 111: return true; } switch (previousToken.getText()) { case "class": case "interface": case "enum": case "function": case "var": case "static": case "let": case "const": case "yield": return true; } } return false; } function isRightOfIllegalDot(previousToken) { if (previousToken && previousToken.kind === 7) { var text = previousToken.getFullText(); return text.charAt(text.length - 1) === "."; } return false; } function filterModuleExports(exports, importDeclaration) { var exisingImports = {}; if (!importDeclaration.importClause) { return exports; } if (importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings && importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 212) { ts.forEach(importDeclaration.importClause.namedBindings.elements, function (el) { var name = el.propertyName || el.name; exisingImports[name.text] = true; }); } if (ts.isEmpty(exisingImports)) { return exports; } return ts.filter(exports, function (e) { return !ts.lookUp(exisingImports, e.name); }); } function filterContextualMembersList(contextualMemberSymbols, existingMembers) { if (!existingMembers || existingMembers.length === 0) { return contextualMemberSymbols; } var existingMemberNames = {}; ts.forEach(existingMembers, function (m) { if (m.kind !== 224 && m.kind !== 225) { return; } if (m.getStart() <= position && position <= m.getEnd()) { return; } existingMemberNames[m.name.text] = true; }); var filteredMembers = []; ts.forEach(contextualMemberSymbols, function (s) { if (!existingMemberNames[s.name]) { filteredMembers.push(s); } }); return filteredMembers; } } function getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, position) { synchronizeHostData(); var completionData = getCompletionData(fileName, position); if (!completionData) { return undefined; } var symbols = completionData.symbols, isMemberCompletion = completionData.isMemberCompletion, isNewIdentifierLocation = completionData.isNewIdentifierLocation, location = completionData.location; if (!symbols || symbols.length === 0) { return undefined; } var entries = getCompletionEntriesFromSymbols(symbols); if (!isMemberCompletion) { ts.addRange(entries, keywordCompletions); } return { isMemberCompletion: isMemberCompletion, isNewIdentifierLocation: isNewIdentifierLocation, entries: entries }; function getCompletionEntriesFromSymbols(symbols) { var start = new Date().getTime(); var entries = []; var nameToSymbol = {}; for (var _i = 0; _i < symbols.length; _i++) { var symbol = symbols[_i]; var entry = createCompletionEntry(symbol, typeInfoResolver, location); if (entry) { var id = ts.escapeIdentifier(entry.name); if (!ts.lookUp(nameToSymbol, id)) { entries.push(entry); nameToSymbol[id] = symbol; } } } log("getCompletionsAtPosition: getCompletionEntriesFromSymbols: " + (new Date().getTime() - start)); return entries; } } function getCompletionEntryDetails(fileName, position, entryName) { synchronizeHostData(); var completionData = getCompletionData(fileName, position); if (completionData) { var symbols = completionData.symbols, location_2 = completionData.location; var target = program.getCompilerOptions().target; var symbol = ts.forEach(symbols, function (s) { return getCompletionEntryDisplayName(s, target, false) === entryName ? s : undefined; }); if (symbol) { var displayPartsDocumentationsAndSymbolKind = getSymbolDisplayPartsDocumentationAndSymbolKind(symbol, getValidSourceFile(fileName), location_2, typeInfoResolver, location_2, 7); return { name: entryName, kind: displayPartsDocumentationsAndSymbolKind.symbolKind, kindModifiers: getSymbolModifiers(symbol), displayParts: displayPartsDocumentationsAndSymbolKind.displayParts, documentation: displayPartsDocumentationsAndSymbolKind.documentation }; } } var keywordCompletion = ts.forEach(keywordCompletions, function (c) { return c.name === entryName; }); if (keywordCompletion) { return { name: entryName, kind: ScriptElementKind.keyword, kindModifiers: ScriptElementKindModifier.none, displayParts: [ts.displayPart(entryName, SymbolDisplayPartKind.keyword)], documentation: undefined }; } return undefined; } function getSymbolKind(symbol, typeResolver, location) { var flags = symbol.getFlags(); if (flags & 32) return ScriptElementKind.classElement; if (flags & 384) return ScriptElementKind.enumElement; if (flags & 524288) return ScriptElementKind.typeElement; if (flags & 64) return ScriptElementKind.interfaceElement; if (flags & 262144) return ScriptElementKind.typeParameterElement; var result = getSymbolKindOfConstructorPropertyMethodAccessorFunctionOrVar(symbol, flags, typeResolver, location); if (result === ScriptElementKind.unknown) { if (flags & 262144) return ScriptElementKind.typeParameterElement; if (flags & 8) return ScriptElementKind.variableElement; if (flags & 8388608) return ScriptElementKind.alias; if (flags & 1536) return ScriptElementKind.moduleElement; } return result; } function getSymbolKindOfConstructorPropertyMethodAccessorFunctionOrVar(symbol, flags, typeResolver, location) { if (typeResolver.isUndefinedSymbol(symbol)) { return ScriptElementKind.variableElement; } if (typeResolver.isArgumentsSymbol(symbol)) { return ScriptElementKind.localVariableElement; } if (flags & 3) { if (ts.isFirstDeclarationOfSymbolParameter(symbol)) { return ScriptElementKind.parameterElement; } else if (symbol.valueDeclaration && ts.isConst(symbol.valueDeclaration)) { return ScriptElementKind.constElement; } else if (ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, ts.isLet)) { return ScriptElementKind.letElement; } return isLocalVariableOrFunction(symbol) ? ScriptElementKind.localVariableElement : ScriptElementKind.variableElement; } if (flags & 16) return isLocalVariableOrFunction(symbol) ? ScriptElementKind.localFunctionElement : ScriptElementKind.functionElement; if (flags & 32768) return ScriptElementKind.memberGetAccessorElement; if (flags & 65536) return ScriptElementKind.memberSetAccessorElement; if (flags & 8192) return ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement; if (flags & 16384) return ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement; if (flags & 4) { if (flags & 268435456) { var unionPropertyKind = ts.forEach(typeInfoResolver.getRootSymbols(symbol), function (rootSymbol) { var rootSymbolFlags = rootSymbol.getFlags(); if (rootSymbolFlags & (98308 | 3)) { return ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; } ts.Debug.assert(!!(rootSymbolFlags & 8192)); }); if (!unionPropertyKind) { var typeOfUnionProperty = typeInfoResolver.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol, location); if (typeOfUnionProperty.getCallSignatures().length) { return ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement; } return ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; } return unionPropertyKind; } return ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; } return ScriptElementKind.unknown; } function getTypeKind(type) { var flags = type.getFlags(); if (flags & 128) return ScriptElementKind.enumElement; if (flags & 1024) return ScriptElementKind.classElement; if (flags & 2048) return ScriptElementKind.interfaceElement; if (flags & 512) return ScriptElementKind.typeParameterElement; if (flags & 1048703) return ScriptElementKind.primitiveType; if (flags & 256) return ScriptElementKind.primitiveType; return ScriptElementKind.unknown; } function getSymbolModifiers(symbol) { return symbol && symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.length > 0 ? ts.getNodeModifiers(symbol.declarations[0]) : ScriptElementKindModifier.none; } function getSymbolDisplayPartsDocumentationAndSymbolKind(symbol, sourceFile, enclosingDeclaration, typeResolver, location, semanticMeaning) { if (semanticMeaning === void 0) { semanticMeaning = getMeaningFromLocation(location); } var displayParts = []; var documentation; var symbolFlags = symbol.flags; var symbolKind = getSymbolKindOfConstructorPropertyMethodAccessorFunctionOrVar(symbol, symbolFlags, typeResolver, location); var hasAddedSymbolInfo; var type; if (symbolKind !== ScriptElementKind.unknown || symbolFlags & 32 || symbolFlags & 8388608) { if (symbolKind === ScriptElementKind.memberGetAccessorElement || symbolKind === ScriptElementKind.memberSetAccessorElement) { symbolKind = ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; } var signature; type = typeResolver.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol, location); if (type) { if (location.parent && location.parent.kind === 155) { var right = location.parent.name; if (right === location || (right && right.getFullWidth() === 0)) { location = location.parent; } } var callExpression; if (location.kind === 157 || location.kind === 158) { callExpression = location; } else if (isCallExpressionTarget(location) || isNewExpressionTarget(location)) { callExpression = location.parent; } if (callExpression) { var candidateSignatures = []; signature = typeResolver.getResolvedSignature(callExpression, candidateSignatures); if (!signature && candidateSignatures.length) { signature = candidateSignatures[0]; } var useConstructSignatures = callExpression.kind === 158 || callExpression.expression.kind === 91; var allSignatures = useConstructSignatures ? type.getConstructSignatures() : type.getCallSignatures(); if (!ts.contains(allSignatures, signature.target || signature)) { signature = allSignatures.length ? allSignatures[0] : undefined; } if (signature) { if (useConstructSignatures && (symbolFlags & 32)) { symbolKind = ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement; addPrefixForAnyFunctionOrVar(type.symbol, symbolKind); } else if (symbolFlags & 8388608) { symbolKind = ScriptElementKind.alias; pushTypePart(symbolKind); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); if (useConstructSignatures) { displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(88)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); } addFullSymbolName(symbol); } else { addPrefixForAnyFunctionOrVar(symbol, symbolKind); } switch (symbolKind) { case ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement: case ScriptElementKind.variableElement: case ScriptElementKind.constElement: case ScriptElementKind.letElement: case ScriptElementKind.parameterElement: case ScriptElementKind.localVariableElement: displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(51)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); if (useConstructSignatures) { displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(88)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); } if (!(type.flags & 32768)) { displayParts.push.apply(displayParts, ts.symbolToDisplayParts(typeResolver, type.symbol, enclosingDeclaration, undefined, 1)); } addSignatureDisplayParts(signature, allSignatures, 8); break; default: addSignatureDisplayParts(signature, allSignatures); } hasAddedSymbolInfo = true; } } else if ((isNameOfFunctionDeclaration(location) && !(symbol.flags & 98304)) || (location.kind === 114 && location.parent.kind === 135)) { var functionDeclaration = location.parent; var allSignatures = functionDeclaration.kind === 135 ? type.getConstructSignatures() : type.getCallSignatures(); if (!typeResolver.isImplementationOfOverload(functionDeclaration)) { signature = typeResolver.getSignatureFromDeclaration(functionDeclaration); } else { signature = allSignatures[0]; } if (functionDeclaration.kind === 135) { symbolKind = ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement; addPrefixForAnyFunctionOrVar(type.symbol, symbolKind); } else { addPrefixForAnyFunctionOrVar(functionDeclaration.kind === 138 && !(type.symbol.flags & 2048 || type.symbol.flags & 4096) ? type.symbol : symbol, symbolKind); } addSignatureDisplayParts(signature, allSignatures); hasAddedSymbolInfo = true; } } } if (symbolFlags & 32 && !hasAddedSymbolInfo) { displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(69)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(symbol); writeTypeParametersOfSymbol(symbol, sourceFile); } if ((symbolFlags & 64) && (semanticMeaning & 2)) { addNewLineIfDisplayPartsExist(); displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(104)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(symbol); writeTypeParametersOfSymbol(symbol, sourceFile); } if (symbolFlags & 524288) { addNewLineIfDisplayPartsExist(); displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(123)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(symbol); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.operatorPart(53)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push.apply(displayParts, ts.typeToDisplayParts(typeResolver, typeResolver.getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol), enclosingDeclaration)); } if (symbolFlags & 384) { addNewLineIfDisplayPartsExist(); if (ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, ts.isConstEnumDeclaration)) { displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(70)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); } displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(77)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(symbol); } if (symbolFlags & 1536) { addNewLineIfDisplayPartsExist(); displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(117)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(symbol); } if ((symbolFlags & 262144) && (semanticMeaning & 2)) { addNewLineIfDisplayPartsExist(); displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(16)); displayParts.push(ts.textPart("type parameter")); displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(17)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(symbol); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(86)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); if (symbol.parent) { addFullSymbolName(symbol.parent, enclosingDeclaration); writeTypeParametersOfSymbol(symbol.parent, enclosingDeclaration); } else { var signatureDeclaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 128).parent; var signature = typeResolver.getSignatureFromDeclaration(signatureDeclaration); if (signatureDeclaration.kind === 139) { displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(88)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); } else if (signatureDeclaration.kind !== 138 && signatureDeclaration.name) { addFullSymbolName(signatureDeclaration.symbol); } displayParts.push.apply(displayParts, ts.signatureToDisplayParts(typeResolver, signature, sourceFile, 32)); } } if (symbolFlags & 8) { addPrefixForAnyFunctionOrVar(symbol, "enum member"); var declaration = symbol.declarations[0]; if (declaration.kind === 226) { var constantValue = typeResolver.getConstantValue(declaration); if (constantValue !== undefined) { displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.operatorPart(53)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.displayPart(constantValue.toString(), SymbolDisplayPartKind.numericLiteral)); } } } if (symbolFlags & 8388608) { addNewLineIfDisplayPartsExist(); displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(85)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(symbol); ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { if (declaration.kind === 208) { var importEqualsDeclaration = declaration; if (ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(importEqualsDeclaration)) { displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.operatorPart(53)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.keywordPart(118)); displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(16)); displayParts.push(ts.displayPart(ts.getTextOfNode(ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(importEqualsDeclaration)), SymbolDisplayPartKind.stringLiteral)); displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(17)); } else { var internalAliasSymbol = typeResolver.getSymbolAtLocation(importEqualsDeclaration.moduleReference); if (internalAliasSymbol) { displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.operatorPart(53)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(internalAliasSymbol, enclosingDeclaration); } } return true; } }); } if (!hasAddedSymbolInfo) { if (symbolKind !== ScriptElementKind.unknown) { if (type) { addPrefixForAnyFunctionOrVar(symbol, symbolKind); if (symbolKind === ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement || symbolFlags & 3 || symbolKind === ScriptElementKind.localVariableElement) { displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(51)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); if (type.symbol && type.symbol.flags & 262144) { var typeParameterParts = ts.mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { typeResolver.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeParameterDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration); }); displayParts.push.apply(displayParts, typeParameterParts); } else { displayParts.push.apply(displayParts, ts.typeToDisplayParts(typeResolver, type, enclosingDeclaration)); } } else if (symbolFlags & 16 || symbolFlags & 8192 || symbolFlags & 16384 || symbolFlags & 131072 || symbolFlags & 98304 || symbolKind === ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement) { var allSignatures = type.getCallSignatures(); addSignatureDisplayParts(allSignatures[0], allSignatures); } } } else { symbolKind = getSymbolKind(symbol, typeResolver, location); } } if (!documentation) { documentation = symbol.getDocumentationComment(); } return { displayParts: displayParts, documentation: documentation, symbolKind: symbolKind }; function addNewLineIfDisplayPartsExist() { if (displayParts.length) { displayParts.push(ts.lineBreakPart()); } } function addFullSymbolName(symbol, enclosingDeclaration) { var fullSymbolDisplayParts = ts.symbolToDisplayParts(typeResolver, symbol, enclosingDeclaration || sourceFile, undefined, 1 | 2); displayParts.push.apply(displayParts, fullSymbolDisplayParts); } function addPrefixForAnyFunctionOrVar(symbol, symbolKind) { addNewLineIfDisplayPartsExist(); if (symbolKind) { pushTypePart(symbolKind); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); addFullSymbolName(symbol); } } function pushTypePart(symbolKind) { switch (symbolKind) { case ScriptElementKind.variableElement: case ScriptElementKind.functionElement: case ScriptElementKind.letElement: case ScriptElementKind.constElement: case ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement: displayParts.push(ts.textOrKeywordPart(symbolKind)); return; default: displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(16)); displayParts.push(ts.textOrKeywordPart(symbolKind)); displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(17)); return; } } function addSignatureDisplayParts(signature, allSignatures, flags) { displayParts.push.apply(displayParts, ts.signatureToDisplayParts(typeResolver, signature, enclosingDeclaration, flags | 32)); if (allSignatures.length > 1) { displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(16)); displayParts.push(ts.operatorPart(33)); displayParts.push(ts.displayPart((allSignatures.length - 1).toString(), SymbolDisplayPartKind.numericLiteral)); displayParts.push(ts.spacePart()); displayParts.push(ts.textPart(allSignatures.length === 2 ? "overload" : "overloads")); displayParts.push(ts.punctuationPart(17)); } documentation = signature.getDocumentationComment(); } function writeTypeParametersOfSymbol(symbol, enclosingDeclaration) { var typeParameterParts = ts.mapToDisplayParts(function (writer) { typeResolver.getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration); }); displayParts.push.apply(displayParts, typeParameterParts); } } function getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName, position) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var node = ts.getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position); if (!node) { return undefined; } var symbol = typeInfoResolver.getSymbolAtLocation(node); if (!symbol) { switch (node.kind) { case 65: case 155: case 126: case 93: case 91: var type = typeInfoResolver.getTypeAtLocation(node); if (type) { return { kind: ScriptElementKind.unknown, kindModifiers: ScriptElementKindModifier.none, textSpan: ts.createTextSpan(node.getStart(), node.getWidth()), displayParts: ts.typeToDisplayParts(typeInfoResolver, type, getContainerNode(node)), documentation: type.symbol ? type.symbol.getDocumentationComment() : undefined }; } } return undefined; } var displayPartsDocumentationsAndKind = getSymbolDisplayPartsDocumentationAndSymbolKind(symbol, sourceFile, getContainerNode(node), typeInfoResolver, node); return { kind: displayPartsDocumentationsAndKind.symbolKind, kindModifiers: getSymbolModifiers(symbol), textSpan: ts.createTextSpan(node.getStart(), node.getWidth()), displayParts: displayPartsDocumentationsAndKind.displayParts, documentation: displayPartsDocumentationsAndKind.documentation }; } function createDefinitionInfo(node, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName) { return { fileName: node.getSourceFile().fileName, textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(node.getStart(), node.getEnd()), kind: symbolKind, name: symbolName, containerKind: undefined, containerName: containerName }; } function getDefinitionAtPosition(fileName, position) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var node = ts.getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position); if (!node) { return undefined; } if (isJumpStatementTarget(node)) { var labelName = node.text; var label = getTargetLabel(node.parent, node.text); return label ? [createDefinitionInfo(label, ScriptElementKind.label, labelName, undefined)] : undefined; } var comment = ts.forEach(sourceFile.referencedFiles, function (r) { return (r.pos <= position && position < r.end) ? r : undefined; }); if (comment) { var referenceFile = ts.tryResolveScriptReference(program, sourceFile, comment); if (referenceFile) { return [{ fileName: referenceFile.fileName, textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(0, 0), kind: ScriptElementKind.scriptElement, name: comment.fileName, containerName: undefined, containerKind: undefined }]; } return undefined; } var symbol = typeInfoResolver.getSymbolAtLocation(node); if (!symbol) { return undefined; } if (symbol.flags & 8388608) { var declaration = symbol.declarations[0]; if (node.kind === 65 && node.parent === declaration) { symbol = typeInfoResolver.getAliasedSymbol(symbol); } } if (node.parent.kind === 225) { var shorthandSymbol = typeInfoResolver.getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(symbol.valueDeclaration); if (!shorthandSymbol) { return []; } var shorthandDeclarations = shorthandSymbol.getDeclarations(); var shorthandSymbolKind = getSymbolKind(shorthandSymbol, typeInfoResolver, node); var shorthandSymbolName = typeInfoResolver.symbolToString(shorthandSymbol); var shorthandContainerName = typeInfoResolver.symbolToString(symbol.parent, node); return ts.map(shorthandDeclarations, function (declaration) { return createDefinitionInfo(declaration, shorthandSymbolKind, shorthandSymbolName, shorthandContainerName); }); } var result = []; var declarations = symbol.getDeclarations(); var symbolName = typeInfoResolver.symbolToString(symbol); var symbolKind = getSymbolKind(symbol, typeInfoResolver, node); var containerSymbol = symbol.parent; var containerName = containerSymbol ? typeInfoResolver.symbolToString(containerSymbol, node) : ""; if (!tryAddConstructSignature(symbol, node, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName, result) && !tryAddCallSignature(symbol, node, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName, result)) { ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) { result.push(createDefinitionInfo(declaration, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName)); }); } return result; function tryAddConstructSignature(symbol, location, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName, result) { if (isNewExpressionTarget(location) || location.kind === 114) { if (symbol.flags & 32) { var classDeclaration = symbol.getDeclarations()[0]; ts.Debug.assert(classDeclaration && classDeclaration.kind === 201); return tryAddSignature(classDeclaration.members, true, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName, result); } } return false; } function tryAddCallSignature(symbol, location, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName, result) { if (isCallExpressionTarget(location) || isNewExpressionTarget(location) || isNameOfFunctionDeclaration(location)) { return tryAddSignature(symbol.declarations, false, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName, result); } return false; } function tryAddSignature(signatureDeclarations, selectConstructors, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName, result) { var declarations = []; var definition; ts.forEach(signatureDeclarations, function (d) { if ((selectConstructors && d.kind === 135) || (!selectConstructors && (d.kind === 200 || d.kind === 134 || d.kind === 133))) { declarations.push(d); if (d.body) definition = d; } }); if (definition) { result.push(createDefinitionInfo(definition, symbolKind, symbolName, containerName)); return true; } else if (declarations.length) { result.push(createDefinitionInfo(declarations[declarations.length - 1], symbolKind, symbolName, containerName)); return true; } return false; } } function getOccurrencesAtPosition(fileName, position) { var results = getOccurrencesAtPositionCore(fileName, position); if (results) { var sourceFile = getCanonicalFileName(ts.normalizeSlashes(fileName)); results.forEach(function (value) { var targetFile = getCanonicalFileName(ts.normalizeSlashes(value.fileName)); ts.Debug.assert(sourceFile == targetFile, "Unexpected file in results. Found results in " + targetFile + " expected only results in " + sourceFile + "."); }); } return results; } function getOccurrencesAtPositionCore(fileName, position) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var node = ts.getTouchingWord(sourceFile, position); if (!node) { return undefined; } if (node.kind === 65 || node.kind === 93 || node.kind === 91 || isLiteralNameOfPropertyDeclarationOrIndexAccess(node) || isNameOfExternalModuleImportOrDeclaration(node)) { return convertReferences(getReferencesForNode(node, [sourceFile], true, false, false)); } switch (node.kind) { case 84: case 76: if (hasKind(node.parent, 183)) { return getIfElseOccurrences(node.parent); } break; case 90: if (hasKind(node.parent, 191)) { return getReturnOccurrences(node.parent); } break; case 94: if (hasKind(node.parent, 195)) { return getThrowOccurrences(node.parent); } break; case 68: if (hasKind(parent(parent(node)), 196)) { return getTryCatchFinallyOccurrences(node.parent.parent); } break; case 96: case 81: if (hasKind(parent(node), 196)) { return getTryCatchFinallyOccurrences(node.parent); } break; case 92: if (hasKind(node.parent, 193)) { return getSwitchCaseDefaultOccurrences(node.parent); } break; case 67: case 73: if (hasKind(parent(parent(parent(node))), 193)) { return getSwitchCaseDefaultOccurrences(node.parent.parent.parent); } break; case 66: case 71: if (hasKind(node.parent, 190) || hasKind(node.parent, 189)) { return getBreakOrContinueStatementOccurences(node.parent); } break; case 82: if (hasKind(node.parent, 186) || hasKind(node.parent, 187) || hasKind(node.parent, 188)) { return getLoopBreakContinueOccurrences(node.parent); } break; case 100: case 75: if (hasKind(node.parent, 185) || hasKind(node.parent, 184)) { return getLoopBreakContinueOccurrences(node.parent); } break; case 114: if (hasKind(node.parent, 135)) { return getConstructorOccurrences(node.parent); } break; case 116: case 120: if (hasKind(node.parent, 136) || hasKind(node.parent, 137)) { return getGetAndSetOccurrences(node.parent); } default: if (ts.isModifier(node.kind) && node.parent && (ts.isDeclaration(node.parent) || node.parent.kind === 180)) { return getModifierOccurrences(node.kind, node.parent); } } return undefined; function getIfElseOccurrences(ifStatement) { var keywords = []; while (hasKind(ifStatement.parent, 183) && ifStatement.parent.elseStatement === ifStatement) { ifStatement = ifStatement.parent; } while (ifStatement) { var children = ifStatement.getChildren(); pushKeywordIf(keywords, children[0], 84); for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (pushKeywordIf(keywords, children[i], 76)) { break; } } if (!hasKind(ifStatement.elseStatement, 183)) { break; } ifStatement = ifStatement.elseStatement; } var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) { if (keywords[i].kind === 76 && i < keywords.length - 1) { var elseKeyword = keywords[i]; var ifKeyword = keywords[i + 1]; var shouldHighlightNextKeyword = true; for (var j = ifKeyword.getStart() - 1; j >= elseKeyword.end; j--) { if (!ts.isWhiteSpace(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(j))) { shouldHighlightNextKeyword = false; break; } } if (shouldHighlightNextKeyword) { result.push({ fileName: fileName, textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(elseKeyword.getStart(), ifKeyword.end), isWriteAccess: false }); i++; continue; } } result.push(getReferenceEntryFromNode(keywords[i])); } return result; } function getReturnOccurrences(returnStatement) { var func = ts.getContainingFunction(returnStatement); if (!(func && hasKind(func.body, 179))) { return undefined; } var keywords = []; ts.forEachReturnStatement(func.body, function (returnStatement) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, returnStatement.getFirstToken(), 90); }); ts.forEach(aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(func.body), function (throwStatement) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, throwStatement.getFirstToken(), 94); }); return ts.map(keywords, getReferenceEntryFromNode); } function getThrowOccurrences(throwStatement) { var owner = getThrowStatementOwner(throwStatement); if (!owner) { return undefined; } var keywords = []; ts.forEach(aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(owner), function (throwStatement) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, throwStatement.getFirstToken(), 94); }); if (ts.isFunctionBlock(owner)) { ts.forEachReturnStatement(owner, function (returnStatement) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, returnStatement.getFirstToken(), 90); }); } return ts.map(keywords, getReferenceEntryFromNode); } function aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(node) { var statementAccumulator = []; aggregate(node); return statementAccumulator; function aggregate(node) { if (node.kind === 195) { statementAccumulator.push(node); } else if (node.kind === 196) { var tryStatement = node; if (tryStatement.catchClause) { aggregate(tryStatement.catchClause); } else { aggregate(tryStatement.tryBlock); } if (tryStatement.finallyBlock) { aggregate(tryStatement.finallyBlock); } } else if (!ts.isFunctionLike(node)) { ts.forEachChild(node, aggregate); } } ; } function getThrowStatementOwner(throwStatement) { var child = throwStatement; while (child.parent) { var parent_9 = child.parent; if (ts.isFunctionBlock(parent_9) || parent_9.kind === 227) { return parent_9; } if (parent_9.kind === 196) { var tryStatement = parent_9; if (tryStatement.tryBlock === child && tryStatement.catchClause) { return child; } } child = parent_9; } return undefined; } function getTryCatchFinallyOccurrences(tryStatement) { var keywords = []; pushKeywordIf(keywords, tryStatement.getFirstToken(), 96); if (tryStatement.catchClause) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, tryStatement.catchClause.getFirstToken(), 68); } if (tryStatement.finallyBlock) { var finallyKeyword = ts.findChildOfKind(tryStatement, 81, sourceFile); pushKeywordIf(keywords, finallyKeyword, 81); } return ts.map(keywords, getReferenceEntryFromNode); } function getLoopBreakContinueOccurrences(loopNode) { var keywords = []; if (pushKeywordIf(keywords, loopNode.getFirstToken(), 82, 100, 75)) { if (loopNode.kind === 184) { var loopTokens = loopNode.getChildren(); for (var i = loopTokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (pushKeywordIf(keywords, loopTokens[i], 100)) { break; } } } } var breaksAndContinues = aggregateAllBreakAndContinueStatements(loopNode.statement); ts.forEach(breaksAndContinues, function (statement) { if (ownsBreakOrContinueStatement(loopNode, statement)) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, statement.getFirstToken(), 66, 71); } }); return ts.map(keywords, getReferenceEntryFromNode); } function getSwitchCaseDefaultOccurrences(switchStatement) { var keywords = []; pushKeywordIf(keywords, switchStatement.getFirstToken(), 92); ts.forEach(switchStatement.caseBlock.clauses, function (clause) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, clause.getFirstToken(), 67, 73); var breaksAndContinues = aggregateAllBreakAndContinueStatements(clause); ts.forEach(breaksAndContinues, function (statement) { if (ownsBreakOrContinueStatement(switchStatement, statement)) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, statement.getFirstToken(), 66); } }); }); return ts.map(keywords, getReferenceEntryFromNode); } function getBreakOrContinueStatementOccurences(breakOrContinueStatement) { var owner = getBreakOrContinueOwner(breakOrContinueStatement); if (owner) { switch (owner.kind) { case 186: case 187: case 188: case 184: case 185: return getLoopBreakContinueOccurrences(owner); case 193: return getSwitchCaseDefaultOccurrences(owner); } } return undefined; } function aggregateAllBreakAndContinueStatements(node) { var statementAccumulator = []; aggregate(node); return statementAccumulator; function aggregate(node) { if (node.kind === 190 || node.kind === 189) { statementAccumulator.push(node); } else if (!ts.isFunctionLike(node)) { ts.forEachChild(node, aggregate); } } ; } function ownsBreakOrContinueStatement(owner, statement) { var actualOwner = getBreakOrContinueOwner(statement); return actualOwner && actualOwner === owner; } function getBreakOrContinueOwner(statement) { for (var node_1 = statement.parent; node_1; node_1 = node_1.parent) { switch (node_1.kind) { case 193: if (statement.kind === 189) { continue; } case 186: case 187: case 188: case 185: case 184: if (!statement.label || isLabeledBy(node_1, statement.label.text)) { return node_1; } break; default: if (ts.isFunctionLike(node_1)) { return undefined; } break; } } return undefined; } function getConstructorOccurrences(constructorDeclaration) { var declarations = constructorDeclaration.symbol.getDeclarations(); var keywords = []; ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) { ts.forEach(declaration.getChildren(), function (token) { return pushKeywordIf(keywords, token, 114); }); }); return ts.map(keywords, getReferenceEntryFromNode); } function getGetAndSetOccurrences(accessorDeclaration) { var keywords = []; tryPushAccessorKeyword(accessorDeclaration.symbol, 136); tryPushAccessorKeyword(accessorDeclaration.symbol, 137); return ts.map(keywords, getReferenceEntryFromNode); function tryPushAccessorKeyword(accessorSymbol, accessorKind) { var accessor = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(accessorSymbol, accessorKind); if (accessor) { ts.forEach(accessor.getChildren(), function (child) { return pushKeywordIf(keywords, child, 116, 120); }); } } } function getModifierOccurrences(modifier, declaration) { var container = declaration.parent; if (ts.isAccessibilityModifier(modifier)) { if (!(container.kind === 201 || (declaration.kind === 129 && hasKind(container, 135)))) { return undefined; } } else if (modifier === 110) { if (container.kind !== 201) { return undefined; } } else if (modifier === 78 || modifier === 115) { if (!(container.kind === 206 || container.kind === 227)) { return undefined; } } else { return undefined; } var keywords = []; var modifierFlag = getFlagFromModifier(modifier); var nodes; switch (container.kind) { case 206: case 227: nodes = container.statements; break; case 135: nodes = container.parameters.concat(container.parent.members); break; case 201: nodes = container.members; if (modifierFlag & 112) { var constructor = ts.forEach(container.members, function (member) { return member.kind === 135 && member; }); if (constructor) { nodes = nodes.concat(constructor.parameters); } } break; default: ts.Debug.fail("Invalid container kind."); } ts.forEach(nodes, function (node) { if (node.modifiers && node.flags & modifierFlag) { ts.forEach(node.modifiers, function (child) { return pushKeywordIf(keywords, child, modifier); }); } }); return ts.map(keywords, getReferenceEntryFromNode); function getFlagFromModifier(modifier) { switch (modifier) { case 109: return 16; case 107: return 32; case 108: return 64; case 110: return 128; case 78: return 1; case 115: return 2; default: ts.Debug.fail(); } } } function hasKind(node, kind) { return node !== undefined && node.kind === kind; } function parent(node) { return node && node.parent; } function pushKeywordIf(keywordList, token) { var expected = []; for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { expected[_i - 2] = arguments[_i]; } if (token && ts.contains(expected, token.kind)) { keywordList.push(token); return true; } return false; } } function convertReferences(referenceSymbols) { if (!referenceSymbols) { return undefined; } var referenceEntries = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < referenceSymbols.length; _i++) { var referenceSymbol = referenceSymbols[_i]; ts.addRange(referenceEntries, referenceSymbol.references); } return referenceEntries; } function findRenameLocations(fileName, position, findInStrings, findInComments) { var referencedSymbols = findReferencedSymbols(fileName, position, findInStrings, findInComments); return convertReferences(referencedSymbols); } function getReferencesAtPosition(fileName, position) { var referencedSymbols = findReferencedSymbols(fileName, position, false, false); return convertReferences(referencedSymbols); } function findReferences(fileName, position) { var referencedSymbols = findReferencedSymbols(fileName, position, false, false); return ts.filter(referencedSymbols, function (rs) { return !!rs.definition; }); } function findReferencedSymbols(fileName, position, findInStrings, findInComments) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var node = ts.getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position); if (!node) { return undefined; } if (node.kind !== 65 && !isLiteralNameOfPropertyDeclarationOrIndexAccess(node) && !isNameOfExternalModuleImportOrDeclaration(node)) { return undefined; } ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 65 || node.kind === 7 || node.kind === 8); return getReferencesForNode(node, program.getSourceFiles(), false, findInStrings, findInComments); } function getReferencesForNode(node, sourceFiles, searchOnlyInCurrentFile, findInStrings, findInComments) { if (isLabelName(node)) { if (isJumpStatementTarget(node)) { var labelDefinition = getTargetLabel(node.parent, node.text); return labelDefinition ? getLabelReferencesInNode(labelDefinition.parent, labelDefinition) : undefined; } else { return getLabelReferencesInNode(node.parent, node); } } if (node.kind === 93) { return getReferencesForThisKeyword(node, sourceFiles); } if (node.kind === 91) { return getReferencesForSuperKeyword(node); } var symbol = typeInfoResolver.getSymbolAtLocation(node); if (!symbol) { return undefined; } var declarations = symbol.declarations; if (!declarations || !declarations.length) { return undefined; } var result; var searchMeaning = getIntersectingMeaningFromDeclarations(getMeaningFromLocation(node), declarations); var declaredName = getDeclaredName(symbol, node); var scope = getSymbolScope(symbol); var symbolToIndex = []; if (scope) { result = []; getReferencesInNode(scope, symbol, declaredName, node, searchMeaning, findInStrings, findInComments, result, symbolToIndex); } else { if (searchOnlyInCurrentFile) { ts.Debug.assert(sourceFiles.length === 1); result = []; getReferencesInNode(sourceFiles[0], symbol, declaredName, node, searchMeaning, findInStrings, findInComments, result, symbolToIndex); } else { var internedName = getInternedName(symbol, node, declarations); ts.forEach(sourceFiles, function (sourceFile) { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); var nameTable = getNameTable(sourceFile); if (ts.lookUp(nameTable, internedName)) { result = result || []; getReferencesInNode(sourceFile, symbol, declaredName, node, searchMeaning, findInStrings, findInComments, result, symbolToIndex); } }); } } return result; function getDefinition(symbol) { var info = getSymbolDisplayPartsDocumentationAndSymbolKind(symbol, node.getSourceFile(), getContainerNode(node), typeInfoResolver, node); var name = ts.map(info.displayParts, function (p) { return p.text; }).join(""); var declarations = symbol.declarations; if (!declarations || declarations.length === 0) { return undefined; } return { containerKind: "", containerName: "", name: name, kind: info.symbolKind, fileName: declarations[0].getSourceFile().fileName, textSpan: ts.createTextSpan(declarations[0].getStart(), 0) }; } function isImportOrExportSpecifierName(location) { return location.parent && (location.parent.kind === 213 || location.parent.kind === 217) && location.parent.propertyName === location; } function isImportOrExportSpecifierImportSymbol(symbol) { return (symbol.flags & 8388608) && ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { return declaration.kind === 213 || declaration.kind === 217; }); } function getDeclaredName(symbol, location) { var functionExpression = ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (d) { return d.kind === 162 ? d : undefined; }); var name; if (functionExpression && functionExpression.name) { name = functionExpression.name.text; } if (isImportOrExportSpecifierName(location)) { return location.getText(); } name = typeInfoResolver.symbolToString(symbol); return stripQuotes(name); } function getInternedName(symbol, location, declarations) { if (isImportOrExportSpecifierName(location)) { return location.getText(); } var functionExpression = ts.forEach(declarations, function (d) { return d.kind === 162 ? d : undefined; }); var name = functionExpression && functionExpression.name ? functionExpression.name.text : symbol.name; return stripQuotes(name); } function stripQuotes(name) { var length = name.length; if (length >= 2 && name.charCodeAt(0) === 34 && name.charCodeAt(length - 1) === 34) { return name.substring(1, length - 1); } ; return name; } function getSymbolScope(symbol) { if (symbol.flags & (4 | 8192)) { var privateDeclaration = ts.forEach(symbol.getDeclarations(), function (d) { return (d.flags & 32) ? d : undefined; }); if (privateDeclaration) { return ts.getAncestor(privateDeclaration, 201); } } if (symbol.flags & 8388608) { return undefined; } if (symbol.parent || (symbol.flags & 268435456)) { return undefined; } var scope = undefined; var declarations = symbol.getDeclarations(); if (declarations) { for (var _i = 0; _i < declarations.length; _i++) { var declaration = declarations[_i]; var container = getContainerNode(declaration); if (!container) { return undefined; } if (scope && scope !== container) { return undefined; } if (container.kind === 227 && !ts.isExternalModule(container)) { return undefined; } scope = container; } } return scope; } function getPossibleSymbolReferencePositions(sourceFile, symbolName, start, end) { var positions = []; if (!symbolName || !symbolName.length) { return positions; } var text = sourceFile.text; var sourceLength = text.length; var symbolNameLength = symbolName.length; var position = text.indexOf(symbolName, start); while (position >= 0) { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); if (position > end) break; var endPosition = position + symbolNameLength; if ((position === 0 || !ts.isIdentifierPart(text.charCodeAt(position - 1), 2)) && (endPosition === sourceLength || !ts.isIdentifierPart(text.charCodeAt(endPosition), 2))) { positions.push(position); } position = text.indexOf(symbolName, position + symbolNameLength + 1); } return positions; } function getLabelReferencesInNode(container, targetLabel) { var references = []; var sourceFile = container.getSourceFile(); var labelName = targetLabel.text; var possiblePositions = getPossibleSymbolReferencePositions(sourceFile, labelName, container.getStart(), container.getEnd()); ts.forEach(possiblePositions, function (position) { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); var node = ts.getTouchingWord(sourceFile, position); if (!node || node.getWidth() !== labelName.length) { return; } if (node === targetLabel || (isJumpStatementTarget(node) && getTargetLabel(node, labelName) === targetLabel)) { references.push(getReferenceEntryFromNode(node)); } }); var definition = { containerKind: "", containerName: "", fileName: targetLabel.getSourceFile().fileName, kind: ScriptElementKind.label, name: labelName, textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(targetLabel.getStart(), targetLabel.getEnd()) }; return [{ definition: definition, references: references }]; } function isValidReferencePosition(node, searchSymbolName) { if (node) { switch (node.kind) { case 65: return node.getWidth() === searchSymbolName.length; case 8: if (isLiteralNameOfPropertyDeclarationOrIndexAccess(node) || isNameOfExternalModuleImportOrDeclaration(node)) { return node.getWidth() === searchSymbolName.length + 2; } break; case 7: if (isLiteralNameOfPropertyDeclarationOrIndexAccess(node)) { return node.getWidth() === searchSymbolName.length; } break; } } return false; } function getReferencesInNode(container, searchSymbol, searchText, searchLocation, searchMeaning, findInStrings, findInComments, result, symbolToIndex) { var sourceFile = container.getSourceFile(); var tripleSlashDirectivePrefixRegex = /^\/\/\/\s*= 0) { var referencedSymbol = getReferencedSymbol(shorthandValueSymbol); referencedSymbol.references.push(getReferenceEntryFromNode(referenceSymbolDeclaration.name)); } } }); } return; function getReferencedSymbol(symbol) { var symbolId = ts.getSymbolId(symbol); var index = symbolToIndex[symbolId]; if (index === undefined) { index = result.length; symbolToIndex[symbolId] = index; result.push({ definition: getDefinition(symbol), references: [] }); } return result[index]; } function isInString(position) { var token = ts.getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position); return token && token.kind === 8 && position > token.getStart(); } function isInComment(position) { var token = ts.getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position); if (token && position < token.getStart()) { var commentRanges = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, token.pos); return ts.forEach(commentRanges, function (c) { if (c.pos < position && position < c.end) { var commentText = sourceFile.text.substring(c.pos, c.end); if (!tripleSlashDirectivePrefixRegex.test(commentText)) { return true; } } }); } return false; } } function getReferencesForSuperKeyword(superKeyword) { var searchSpaceNode = ts.getSuperContainer(superKeyword, false); if (!searchSpaceNode) { return undefined; } var staticFlag = 128; switch (searchSpaceNode.kind) { case 132: case 131: case 134: case 133: case 135: case 136: case 137: staticFlag &= searchSpaceNode.flags; searchSpaceNode = searchSpaceNode.parent; break; default: return undefined; } var references = []; var sourceFile = searchSpaceNode.getSourceFile(); var possiblePositions = getPossibleSymbolReferencePositions(sourceFile, "super", searchSpaceNode.getStart(), searchSpaceNode.getEnd()); ts.forEach(possiblePositions, function (position) { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); var node = ts.getTouchingWord(sourceFile, position); if (!node || node.kind !== 91) { return; } var container = ts.getSuperContainer(node, false); if (container && (128 & container.flags) === staticFlag && container.parent.symbol === searchSpaceNode.symbol) { references.push(getReferenceEntryFromNode(node)); } }); var definition = getDefinition(searchSpaceNode.symbol); return [{ definition: definition, references: references }]; } function getReferencesForThisKeyword(thisOrSuperKeyword, sourceFiles) { var searchSpaceNode = ts.getThisContainer(thisOrSuperKeyword, false); var staticFlag = 128; switch (searchSpaceNode.kind) { case 134: case 133: if (ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(searchSpaceNode)) { break; } case 132: case 131: case 135: case 136: case 137: staticFlag &= searchSpaceNode.flags; searchSpaceNode = searchSpaceNode.parent; break; case 227: if (ts.isExternalModule(searchSpaceNode)) { return undefined; } case 200: case 162: break; default: return undefined; } var references = []; var possiblePositions; if (searchSpaceNode.kind === 227) { ts.forEach(sourceFiles, function (sourceFile) { possiblePositions = getPossibleSymbolReferencePositions(sourceFile, "this", sourceFile.getStart(), sourceFile.getEnd()); getThisReferencesInFile(sourceFile, sourceFile, possiblePositions, references); }); } else { var sourceFile = searchSpaceNode.getSourceFile(); possiblePositions = getPossibleSymbolReferencePositions(sourceFile, "this", searchSpaceNode.getStart(), searchSpaceNode.getEnd()); getThisReferencesInFile(sourceFile, searchSpaceNode, possiblePositions, references); } return [{ definition: { containerKind: "", containerName: "", fileName: node.getSourceFile().fileName, kind: ScriptElementKind.variableElement, name: "this", textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(node.getStart(), node.getEnd()) }, references: references }]; function getThisReferencesInFile(sourceFile, searchSpaceNode, possiblePositions, result) { ts.forEach(possiblePositions, function (position) { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); var node = ts.getTouchingWord(sourceFile, position); if (!node || node.kind !== 93) { return; } var container = ts.getThisContainer(node, false); switch (searchSpaceNode.kind) { case 162: case 200: if (searchSpaceNode.symbol === container.symbol) { result.push(getReferenceEntryFromNode(node)); } break; case 134: case 133: if (ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(searchSpaceNode) && searchSpaceNode.symbol === container.symbol) { result.push(getReferenceEntryFromNode(node)); } break; case 201: if (container.parent && searchSpaceNode.symbol === container.parent.symbol && (container.flags & 128) === staticFlag) { result.push(getReferenceEntryFromNode(node)); } break; case 227: if (container.kind === 227 && !ts.isExternalModule(container)) { result.push(getReferenceEntryFromNode(node)); } break; } }); } } function populateSearchSymbolSet(symbol, location) { var result = [symbol]; if (isImportOrExportSpecifierImportSymbol(symbol)) { result.push(typeInfoResolver.getAliasedSymbol(symbol)); } if (isNameOfPropertyAssignment(location)) { ts.forEach(getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType(location), function (contextualSymbol) { result.push.apply(result, typeInfoResolver.getRootSymbols(contextualSymbol)); }); var shorthandValueSymbol = typeInfoResolver.getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(location.parent); if (shorthandValueSymbol) { result.push(shorthandValueSymbol); } } ts.forEach(typeInfoResolver.getRootSymbols(symbol), function (rootSymbol) { if (rootSymbol !== symbol) { result.push(rootSymbol); } if (rootSymbol.parent && rootSymbol.parent.flags & (32 | 64)) { getPropertySymbolsFromBaseTypes(rootSymbol.parent, rootSymbol.getName(), result); } }); return result; } function getPropertySymbolsFromBaseTypes(symbol, propertyName, result) { if (symbol && symbol.flags & (32 | 64)) { ts.forEach(symbol.getDeclarations(), function (declaration) { if (declaration.kind === 201) { getPropertySymbolFromTypeReference(ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(declaration)); ts.forEach(ts.getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements(declaration), getPropertySymbolFromTypeReference); } else if (declaration.kind === 202) { ts.forEach(ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(declaration), getPropertySymbolFromTypeReference); } }); } return; function getPropertySymbolFromTypeReference(typeReference) { if (typeReference) { var type = typeInfoResolver.getTypeAtLocation(typeReference); if (type) { var propertySymbol = typeInfoResolver.getPropertyOfType(type, propertyName); if (propertySymbol) { result.push(propertySymbol); } getPropertySymbolsFromBaseTypes(type.symbol, propertyName, result); } } } } function getRelatedSymbol(searchSymbols, referenceSymbol, referenceLocation) { if (searchSymbols.indexOf(referenceSymbol) >= 0) { return referenceSymbol; } if (isImportOrExportSpecifierImportSymbol(referenceSymbol)) { var aliasedSymbol = typeInfoResolver.getAliasedSymbol(referenceSymbol); if (searchSymbols.indexOf(aliasedSymbol) >= 0) { return aliasedSymbol; } } if (isNameOfPropertyAssignment(referenceLocation)) { return ts.forEach(getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType(referenceLocation), function (contextualSymbol) { return ts.forEach(typeInfoResolver.getRootSymbols(contextualSymbol), function (s) { return searchSymbols.indexOf(s) >= 0 ? s : undefined; }); }); } return ts.forEach(typeInfoResolver.getRootSymbols(referenceSymbol), function (rootSymbol) { if (searchSymbols.indexOf(rootSymbol) >= 0) { return rootSymbol; } if (rootSymbol.parent && rootSymbol.parent.flags & (32 | 64)) { var result_2 = []; getPropertySymbolsFromBaseTypes(rootSymbol.parent, rootSymbol.getName(), result_2); return ts.forEach(result_2, function (s) { return searchSymbols.indexOf(s) >= 0 ? s : undefined; }); } return undefined; }); } function getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType(node) { if (isNameOfPropertyAssignment(node)) { var objectLiteral = node.parent.parent; var contextualType = typeInfoResolver.getContextualType(objectLiteral); var name_20 = node.text; if (contextualType) { if (contextualType.flags & 16384) { var unionProperty = contextualType.getProperty(name_20); if (unionProperty) { return [unionProperty]; } else { var result_3 = []; ts.forEach(contextualType.types, function (t) { var symbol = t.getProperty(name_20); if (symbol) { result_3.push(symbol); } }); return result_3; } } else { var symbol_1 = contextualType.getProperty(name_20); if (symbol_1) { return [symbol_1]; } } } } return undefined; } function getIntersectingMeaningFromDeclarations(meaning, declarations) { if (declarations) { var lastIterationMeaning; do { lastIterationMeaning = meaning; for (var _i = 0; _i < declarations.length; _i++) { var declaration = declarations[_i]; var declarationMeaning = getMeaningFromDeclaration(declaration); if (declarationMeaning & meaning) { meaning |= declarationMeaning; } } } while (meaning !== lastIterationMeaning); } return meaning; } } function getReferenceEntryFromNode(node) { var start = node.getStart(); var end = node.getEnd(); if (node.kind === 8) { start += 1; end -= 1; } return { fileName: node.getSourceFile().fileName, textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(start, end), isWriteAccess: isWriteAccess(node) }; } function isWriteAccess(node) { if (node.kind === 65 && ts.isDeclarationName(node)) { return true; } var parent = node.parent; if (parent) { if (parent.kind === 168 || parent.kind === 167) { return true; } else if (parent.kind === 169 && parent.left === node) { var operator = parent.operatorToken.kind; return 53 <= operator && operator <= 64; } } return false; } function getNavigateToItems(searchValue, maxResultCount) { synchronizeHostData(); return ts.NavigateTo.getNavigateToItems(program, cancellationToken, searchValue, maxResultCount); } function containErrors(diagnostics) { return ts.forEach(diagnostics, function (diagnostic) { return diagnostic.category === ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error; }); } function getEmitOutput(fileName) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var outputFiles = []; function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) { outputFiles.push({ name: fileName, writeByteOrderMark: writeByteOrderMark, text: data }); } var emitOutput = program.emit(sourceFile, writeFile); return { outputFiles: outputFiles, emitSkipped: emitOutput.emitSkipped }; } function getMeaningFromDeclaration(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 129: case 198: case 152: case 132: case 131: case 224: case 225: case 226: case 134: case 133: case 135: case 136: case 137: case 200: case 162: case 163: case 223: return 1; case 128: case 202: case 203: case 145: return 2; case 201: case 204: return 1 | 2; case 205: if (node.name.kind === 8) { return 4 | 1; } else if (ts.getModuleInstanceState(node) === 1) { return 4 | 1; } else { return 4; } case 212: case 213: case 208: case 209: case 214: case 215: return 1 | 2 | 4; case 227: return 4 | 1; } return 1 | 2 | 4; ts.Debug.fail("Unknown declaration type"); } function isTypeReference(node) { if (ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(node)) { node = node.parent; } return node.parent.kind === 141 || node.parent.kind === 177; } function isNamespaceReference(node) { return isQualifiedNameNamespaceReference(node) || isPropertyAccessNamespaceReference(node); } function isPropertyAccessNamespaceReference(node) { var root = node; var isLastClause = true; if (root.parent.kind === 155) { while (root.parent && root.parent.kind === 155) { root = root.parent; } isLastClause = root.name === node; } if (!isLastClause && root.parent.kind === 177 && root.parent.parent.kind === 222) { var decl = root.parent.parent.parent; return (decl.kind === 201 && root.parent.parent.token === 103) || (decl.kind === 202 && root.parent.parent.token === 79); } return false; } function isQualifiedNameNamespaceReference(node) { var root = node; var isLastClause = true; if (root.parent.kind === 126) { while (root.parent && root.parent.kind === 126) { root = root.parent; } isLastClause = root.right === node; } return root.parent.kind === 141 && !isLastClause; } function isInRightSideOfImport(node) { while (node.parent.kind === 126) { node = node.parent; } return ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node.parent) && node.parent.moduleReference === node; } function getMeaningFromRightHandSideOfImportEquals(node) { ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 65); if (node.parent.kind === 126 && node.parent.right === node && node.parent.parent.kind === 208) { return 1 | 2 | 4; } return 4; } function getMeaningFromLocation(node) { if (node.parent.kind === 214) { return 1 | 2 | 4; } else if (isInRightSideOfImport(node)) { return getMeaningFromRightHandSideOfImportEquals(node); } else if (ts.isDeclarationName(node)) { return getMeaningFromDeclaration(node.parent); } else if (isTypeReference(node)) { return 2; } else if (isNamespaceReference(node)) { return 4; } else { return 1; } } function getSignatureHelpItems(fileName, position) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); return ts.SignatureHelp.getSignatureHelpItems(sourceFile, position, typeInfoResolver, cancellationToken); } function getSourceFile(fileName) { return syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); } function getNameOrDottedNameSpan(fileName, startPos, endPos) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); var node = ts.getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, startPos); if (!node) { return; } switch (node.kind) { case 155: case 126: case 8: case 80: case 95: case 89: case 91: case 93: case 65: break; default: return; } var nodeForStartPos = node; while (true) { if (isRightSideOfPropertyAccess(nodeForStartPos) || isRightSideOfQualifiedName(nodeForStartPos)) { nodeForStartPos = nodeForStartPos.parent; } else if (isNameOfModuleDeclaration(nodeForStartPos)) { if (nodeForStartPos.parent.parent.kind === 205 && nodeForStartPos.parent.parent.body === nodeForStartPos.parent) { nodeForStartPos = nodeForStartPos.parent.parent.name; } else { break; } } else { break; } } return ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(nodeForStartPos.getStart(), node.getEnd()); } function getBreakpointStatementAtPosition(fileName, position) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); return ts.BreakpointResolver.spanInSourceFileAtLocation(sourceFile, position); } function getNavigationBarItems(fileName) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); return ts.NavigationBar.getNavigationBarItems(sourceFile); } function getSemanticClassifications(fileName, span) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var result = []; processNode(sourceFile); return result; function classifySymbol(symbol, meaningAtPosition) { var flags = symbol.getFlags(); if (flags & 32) { return ClassificationTypeNames.className; } else if (flags & 384) { return ClassificationTypeNames.enumName; } else if (flags & 524288) { return ClassificationTypeNames.typeAlias; } else if (meaningAtPosition & 2) { if (flags & 64) { return ClassificationTypeNames.interfaceName; } else if (flags & 262144) { return ClassificationTypeNames.typeParameterName; } } else if (flags & 1536) { if (meaningAtPosition & 4 || (meaningAtPosition & 1 && hasValueSideModule(symbol))) { return ClassificationTypeNames.moduleName; } } return undefined; function hasValueSideModule(symbol) { return ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { return declaration.kind === 205 && ts.getModuleInstanceState(declaration) == 1; }); } } function processNode(node) { if (node && ts.textSpanIntersectsWith(span, node.getStart(), node.getWidth())) { if (node.kind === 65 && node.getWidth() > 0) { var symbol = typeInfoResolver.getSymbolAtLocation(node); if (symbol) { var type = classifySymbol(symbol, getMeaningFromLocation(node)); if (type) { result.push({ textSpan: ts.createTextSpan(node.getStart(), node.getWidth()), classificationType: type }); } } } ts.forEachChild(node, processNode); } } } function getSyntacticClassifications(fileName, span) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); var triviaScanner = ts.createScanner(2, false, sourceFile.text); var mergeConflictScanner = ts.createScanner(2, false, sourceFile.text); var result = []; processElement(sourceFile); return result; function classifyLeadingTrivia(token) { var tokenStart = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, token.pos, false); if (tokenStart === token.pos) { return; } triviaScanner.setTextPos(token.pos); while (true) { var start = triviaScanner.getTextPos(); var kind = triviaScanner.scan(); var end = triviaScanner.getTextPos(); var width = end - start; if (ts.textSpanIntersectsWith(span, start, width)) { if (!ts.isTrivia(kind)) { return; } if (ts.isComment(kind)) { result.push({ textSpan: ts.createTextSpan(start, width), classificationType: ClassificationTypeNames.comment }); continue; } if (kind === 6) { var text = sourceFile.text; var ch = text.charCodeAt(start); if (ch === 60 || ch === 62) { result.push({ textSpan: ts.createTextSpan(start, width), classificationType: ClassificationTypeNames.comment }); continue; } ts.Debug.assert(ch === 61); classifyDisabledMergeCode(text, start, end); } } } } function classifyDisabledMergeCode(text, start, end) { for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { if (ts.isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(i))) { break; } } result.push({ textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(start, i), classificationType: ClassificationTypeNames.comment }); mergeConflictScanner.setTextPos(i); while (mergeConflictScanner.getTextPos() < end) { classifyDisabledCodeToken(); } } function classifyDisabledCodeToken() { var start = mergeConflictScanner.getTextPos(); var tokenKind = mergeConflictScanner.scan(); var end = mergeConflictScanner.getTextPos(); var type = classifyTokenType(tokenKind); if (type) { result.push({ textSpan: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(start, end), classificationType: type }); } } function classifyToken(token) { classifyLeadingTrivia(token); if (token.getWidth() > 0) { var type = classifyTokenType(token.kind, token); if (type) { result.push({ textSpan: ts.createTextSpan(token.getStart(), token.getWidth()), classificationType: type }); } } } function classifyTokenType(tokenKind, token) { if (ts.isKeyword(tokenKind)) { return ClassificationTypeNames.keyword; } if (tokenKind === 24 || tokenKind === 25) { if (token && ts.getTypeArgumentOrTypeParameterList(token.parent)) { return ClassificationTypeNames.punctuation; } } if (ts.isPunctuation(tokenKind)) { if (token) { if (tokenKind === 53) { if (token.parent.kind === 198 || token.parent.kind === 132 || token.parent.kind === 129) { return ClassificationTypeNames.operator; } } if (token.parent.kind === 169 || token.parent.kind === 167 || token.parent.kind === 168 || token.parent.kind === 170) { return ClassificationTypeNames.operator; } } return ClassificationTypeNames.punctuation; } else if (tokenKind === 7) { return ClassificationTypeNames.numericLiteral; } else if (tokenKind === 8) { return ClassificationTypeNames.stringLiteral; } else if (tokenKind === 9) { return ClassificationTypeNames.stringLiteral; } else if (ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(tokenKind)) { return ClassificationTypeNames.stringLiteral; } else if (tokenKind === 65) { if (token) { switch (token.parent.kind) { case 201: if (token.parent.name === token) { return ClassificationTypeNames.className; } return; case 128: if (token.parent.name === token) { return ClassificationTypeNames.typeParameterName; } return; case 202: if (token.parent.name === token) { return ClassificationTypeNames.interfaceName; } return; case 204: if (token.parent.name === token) { return ClassificationTypeNames.enumName; } return; case 205: if (token.parent.name === token) { return ClassificationTypeNames.moduleName; } return; } } return ClassificationTypeNames.text; } } function processElement(element) { if (ts.textSpanIntersectsWith(span, element.getFullStart(), element.getFullWidth())) { var children = element.getChildren(); for (var _i = 0; _i < children.length; _i++) { var child = children[_i]; if (ts.isToken(child)) { classifyToken(child); } else { processElement(child); } } } } } function getOutliningSpans(fileName) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); return ts.OutliningElementsCollector.collectElements(sourceFile); } function getBraceMatchingAtPosition(fileName, position) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); var result = []; var token = ts.getTouchingToken(sourceFile, position); if (token.getStart(sourceFile) === position) { var matchKind = getMatchingTokenKind(token); if (matchKind) { var parentElement = token.parent; var childNodes = parentElement.getChildren(sourceFile); for (var _i = 0; _i < childNodes.length; _i++) { var current = childNodes[_i]; if (current.kind === matchKind) { var range1 = ts.createTextSpan(token.getStart(sourceFile), token.getWidth(sourceFile)); var range2 = ts.createTextSpan(current.getStart(sourceFile), current.getWidth(sourceFile)); if (range1.start < range2.start) { result.push(range1, range2); } else { result.push(range2, range1); } break; } } } } return result; function getMatchingTokenKind(token) { switch (token.kind) { case 14: return 15; case 16: return 17; case 18: return 19; case 24: return 25; case 15: return 14; case 17: return 16; case 19: return 18; case 25: return 24; } return undefined; } } function getIndentationAtPosition(fileName, position, editorOptions) { var start = new Date().getTime(); var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); log("getIndentationAtPosition: getCurrentSourceFile: " + (new Date().getTime() - start)); start = new Date().getTime(); var result = ts.formatting.SmartIndenter.getIndentation(position, sourceFile, editorOptions); log("getIndentationAtPosition: computeIndentation : " + (new Date().getTime() - start)); return result; } function getFormattingEditsForRange(fileName, start, end, options) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); return ts.formatting.formatSelection(start, end, sourceFile, getRuleProvider(options), options); } function getFormattingEditsForDocument(fileName, options) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); return ts.formatting.formatDocument(sourceFile, getRuleProvider(options), options); } function getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(fileName, position, key, options) { var sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); if (key === "}") { return ts.formatting.formatOnClosingCurly(position, sourceFile, getRuleProvider(options), options); } else if (key === ";") { return ts.formatting.formatOnSemicolon(position, sourceFile, getRuleProvider(options), options); } else if (key === "\n") { return ts.formatting.formatOnEnter(position, sourceFile, getRuleProvider(options), options); } return []; } function getTodoComments(fileName, descriptors) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); var fileContents = sourceFile.text; var result = []; if (descriptors.length > 0) { var regExp = getTodoCommentsRegExp(); var matchArray; while (matchArray = regExp.exec(fileContents)) { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); var firstDescriptorCaptureIndex = 3; ts.Debug.assert(matchArray.length === descriptors.length + firstDescriptorCaptureIndex); var preamble = matchArray[1]; var matchPosition = matchArray.index + preamble.length; var token = ts.getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, matchPosition); if (!isInsideComment(sourceFile, token, matchPosition)) { continue; } var descriptor = undefined; for (var i = 0, n = descriptors.length; i < n; i++) { if (matchArray[i + firstDescriptorCaptureIndex]) { descriptor = descriptors[i]; } } ts.Debug.assert(descriptor !== undefined); if (isLetterOrDigit(fileContents.charCodeAt(matchPosition + descriptor.text.length))) { continue; } var message = matchArray[2]; result.push({ descriptor: descriptor, message: message, position: matchPosition }); } } return result; function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } function getTodoCommentsRegExp() { // NOTE: ?: means 'non-capture group'. It allows us to have groups without having to // filter them out later in the final result array. var singleLineCommentStart = /(?:\/\/+\s*)/.source; var multiLineCommentStart = /(?:\/\*+\s*)/.source; var anyNumberOfSpacesAndAsterixesAtStartOfLine = /(?:^(?:\s|\*)*)/.source; var preamble = "(" + anyNumberOfSpacesAndAsterixesAtStartOfLine + "|" + singleLineCommentStart + "|" + multiLineCommentStart + ")"; var literals = "(?:" + ts.map(descriptors, function (d) { return "(" + escapeRegExp(d.text) + ")"; }).join("|") + ")"; var endOfLineOrEndOfComment = /(?:$|\*\/)/.source; var messageRemainder = /(?:.*?)/.source; var messagePortion = "(" + literals + messageRemainder + ")"; var regExpString = preamble + messagePortion + endOfLineOrEndOfComment; return new RegExp(regExpString, "gim"); } function isLetterOrDigit(char) { return (char >= 97 && char <= 122) || (char >= 65 && char <= 90) || (char >= 48 && char <= 57); } } function getRenameInfo(fileName, position) { synchronizeHostData(); var sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); var node = ts.getTouchingWord(sourceFile, position); if (node && node.kind === 65) { var symbol = typeInfoResolver.getSymbolAtLocation(node); if (symbol) { var declarations = symbol.getDeclarations(); if (declarations && declarations.length > 0) { var defaultLibFileName = host.getDefaultLibFileName(host.getCompilationSettings()); if (defaultLibFileName) { for (var _i = 0; _i < declarations.length; _i++) { var current = declarations[_i]; var sourceFile_1 = current.getSourceFile(); if (sourceFile_1 && getCanonicalFileName(ts.normalizePath(sourceFile_1.fileName)) === getCanonicalFileName(ts.normalizePath(defaultLibFileName))) { return getRenameInfoError(ts.getLocaleSpecificMessage(ts.Diagnostics.You_cannot_rename_elements_that_are_defined_in_the_standard_TypeScript_library.key)); } } } var kind = getSymbolKind(symbol, typeInfoResolver, node); if (kind) { return { canRename: true, localizedErrorMessage: undefined, displayName: symbol.name, fullDisplayName: typeInfoResolver.getFullyQualifiedName(symbol), kind: kind, kindModifiers: getSymbolModifiers(symbol), triggerSpan: ts.createTextSpan(node.getStart(), node.getWidth()) }; } } } } return getRenameInfoError(ts.getLocaleSpecificMessage(ts.Diagnostics.You_cannot_rename_this_element.key)); function getRenameInfoError(localizedErrorMessage) { return { canRename: false, localizedErrorMessage: localizedErrorMessage, displayName: undefined, fullDisplayName: undefined, kind: undefined, kindModifiers: undefined, triggerSpan: undefined }; } } return { dispose: dispose, cleanupSemanticCache: cleanupSemanticCache, getSyntacticDiagnostics: getSyntacticDiagnostics, getSemanticDiagnostics: getSemanticDiagnostics, getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics: getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics, getSyntacticClassifications: getSyntacticClassifications, getSemanticClassifications: getSemanticClassifications, getCompletionsAtPosition: getCompletionsAtPosition, getCompletionEntryDetails: getCompletionEntryDetails, getSignatureHelpItems: getSignatureHelpItems, getQuickInfoAtPosition: getQuickInfoAtPosition, getDefinitionAtPosition: getDefinitionAtPosition, getReferencesAtPosition: getReferencesAtPosition, findReferences: findReferences, getOccurrencesAtPosition: getOccurrencesAtPosition, getNameOrDottedNameSpan: getNameOrDottedNameSpan, getBreakpointStatementAtPosition: getBreakpointStatementAtPosition, getNavigateToItems: getNavigateToItems, getRenameInfo: getRenameInfo, findRenameLocations: findRenameLocations, getNavigationBarItems: getNavigationBarItems, getOutliningSpans: getOutliningSpans, getTodoComments: getTodoComments, getBraceMatchingAtPosition: getBraceMatchingAtPosition, getIndentationAtPosition: getIndentationAtPosition, getFormattingEditsForRange: getFormattingEditsForRange, getFormattingEditsForDocument: getFormattingEditsForDocument, getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke: getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke, getEmitOutput: getEmitOutput, getSourceFile: getSourceFile, getProgram: getProgram }; } ts.createLanguageService = createLanguageService; function getNameTable(sourceFile) { if (!sourceFile.nameTable) { initializeNameTable(sourceFile); } return sourceFile.nameTable; } ts.getNameTable = getNameTable; function initializeNameTable(sourceFile) { var nameTable = {}; walk(sourceFile); sourceFile.nameTable = nameTable; function walk(node) { switch (node.kind) { case 65: nameTable[node.text] = node.text; break; case 8: case 7: if (ts.isDeclarationName(node) || node.parent.kind === 219 || isArgumentOfElementAccessExpression(node)) { nameTable[node.text] = node.text; } break; default: ts.forEachChild(node, walk); } } } function isArgumentOfElementAccessExpression(node) { return node && node.parent && node.parent.kind === 156 && node.parent.argumentExpression === node; } function createClassifier() { var scanner = ts.createScanner(2, false); var noRegexTable = []; noRegexTable[65] = true; noRegexTable[8] = true; noRegexTable[7] = true; noRegexTable[9] = true; noRegexTable[93] = true; noRegexTable[38] = true; noRegexTable[39] = true; noRegexTable[17] = true; noRegexTable[19] = true; noRegexTable[15] = true; noRegexTable[95] = true; noRegexTable[80] = true; var templateStack = []; function canFollow(keyword1, keyword2) { if (ts.isAccessibilityModifier(keyword1)) { if (keyword2 === 116 || keyword2 === 120 || keyword2 === 114 || keyword2 === 110) { return true; } return false; } return true; } function getClassificationsForLine(text, lexState, syntacticClassifierAbsent) { var offset = 0; var token = 0; var lastNonTriviaToken = 0; while (templateStack.length > 0) { templateStack.pop(); } switch (lexState) { case 3: text = '"\\\n' + text; offset = 3; break; case 2: text = "'\\\n" + text; offset = 3; break; case 1: text = "/*\n" + text; offset = 3; break; case 4: text = "`\n" + text; offset = 2; break; case 5: text = "}\n" + text; offset = 2; case 6: templateStack.push(11); break; } scanner.setText(text); var result = { finalLexState: 0, entries: [] }; var angleBracketStack = 0; do { token = scanner.scan(); if (!ts.isTrivia(token)) { if ((token === 36 || token === 57) && !noRegexTable[lastNonTriviaToken]) { if (scanner.reScanSlashToken() === 9) { token = 9; } } else if (lastNonTriviaToken === 20 && isKeyword(token)) { token = 65; } else if (isKeyword(lastNonTriviaToken) && isKeyword(token) && !canFollow(lastNonTriviaToken, token)) { token = 65; } else if (lastNonTriviaToken === 65 && token === 24) { angleBracketStack++; } else if (token === 25 && angleBracketStack > 0) { angleBracketStack--; } else if (token === 112 || token === 121 || token === 119 || token === 113 || token === 122) { if (angleBracketStack > 0 && !syntacticClassifierAbsent) { token = 65; } } else if (token === 11) { templateStack.push(token); } else if (token === 14) { if (templateStack.length > 0) { templateStack.push(token); } } else if (token === 15) { if (templateStack.length > 0) { var lastTemplateStackToken = ts.lastOrUndefined(templateStack); if (lastTemplateStackToken === 11) { token = scanner.reScanTemplateToken(); if (token === 13) { templateStack.pop(); } else { ts.Debug.assert(token === 12, "Should have been a template middle. Was " + token); } } else { ts.Debug.assert(lastTemplateStackToken === 14, "Should have been an open brace. Was: " + token); templateStack.pop(); } } } lastNonTriviaToken = token; } processToken(); } while (token !== 1); return result; function processToken() { var start = scanner.getTokenPos(); var end = scanner.getTextPos(); addResult(end - start, classFromKind(token)); if (end >= text.length) { if (token === 8) { var tokenText = scanner.getTokenText(); if (scanner.isUnterminated()) { var lastCharIndex = tokenText.length - 1; var numBackslashes = 0; while (tokenText.charCodeAt(lastCharIndex - numBackslashes) === 92) { numBackslashes++; } if (numBackslashes & 1) { var quoteChar = tokenText.charCodeAt(0); result.finalLexState = quoteChar === 34 ? 3 : 2; } } } else if (token === 3) { if (scanner.isUnterminated()) { result.finalLexState = 1; } } else if (ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(token)) { if (scanner.isUnterminated()) { if (token === 13) { result.finalLexState = 5; } else if (token === 10) { result.finalLexState = 4; } else { ts.Debug.fail("Only 'NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral's and 'TemplateTail's can be unterminated; got SyntaxKind #" + token); } } } else if (templateStack.length > 0 && ts.lastOrUndefined(templateStack) === 11) { result.finalLexState = 6; } } } function addResult(length, classification) { if (length > 0) { if (result.entries.length === 0) { length -= offset; } result.entries.push({ length: length, classification: classification }); } } } function isBinaryExpressionOperatorToken(token) { switch (token) { case 35: case 36: case 37: case 33: case 34: case 40: case 41: case 42: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 87: case 86: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: case 43: case 45: case 44: case 48: case 49: case 63: case 62: case 64: case 59: case 60: case 61: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 58: case 53: case 23: return true; default: return false; } } function isPrefixUnaryExpressionOperatorToken(token) { switch (token) { case 33: case 34: case 47: case 46: case 38: case 39: return true; default: return false; } } function isKeyword(token) { return token >= 66 && token <= 125; } function classFromKind(token) { if (isKeyword(token)) { return TokenClass.Keyword; } else if (isBinaryExpressionOperatorToken(token) || isPrefixUnaryExpressionOperatorToken(token)) { return TokenClass.Operator; } else if (token >= 14 && token <= 64) { return TokenClass.Punctuation; } switch (token) { case 7: return TokenClass.NumberLiteral; case 8: return TokenClass.StringLiteral; case 9: return TokenClass.RegExpLiteral; case 6: case 3: case 2: return TokenClass.Comment; case 5: case 4: return TokenClass.Whitespace; case 65: default: if (ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(token)) { return TokenClass.StringLiteral; } return TokenClass.Identifier; } } return { getClassificationsForLine: getClassificationsForLine }; } ts.createClassifier = createClassifier; function getDefaultLibFilePath(options) { if (typeof __dirname !== "undefined") { return __dirname + ts.directorySeparator + ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options); } throw new Error("getDefaultLibFilePath is only supported when consumed as a node module. "); } ts.getDefaultLibFilePath = getDefaultLibFilePath; function initializeServices() { ts.objectAllocator = { getNodeConstructor: function (kind) { function Node() { } var proto = kind === 227 ? new SourceFileObject() : new NodeObject(); proto.kind = kind; proto.pos = 0; proto.end = 0; proto.flags = 0; proto.parent = undefined; Node.prototype = proto; return Node; }, getSymbolConstructor: function () { return SymbolObject; }, getTypeConstructor: function () { return TypeObject; }, getSignatureConstructor: function () { return SignatureObject; } }; } initializeServices(); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// /// /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { var server; (function (server) { var spaceCache = []; function generateSpaces(n) { if (!spaceCache[n]) { var strBuilder = ""; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { strBuilder += " "; } spaceCache[n] = strBuilder; } return spaceCache[n]; } server.generateSpaces = generateSpaces; function compareNumber(a, b) { if (a < b) { return -1; } else if (a == b) { return 0; } else return 1; } function compareFileStart(a, b) { if (a.file < b.file) { return -1; } else if (a.file == b.file) { var n = compareNumber(a.start.line, b.start.line); if (n == 0) { return compareNumber(a.start.offset, b.start.offset); } else return n; } else { return 1; } } function formatDiag(fileName, project, diag) { return { start: project.compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(fileName, diag.start), end: project.compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(fileName, diag.start + diag.length), text: ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diag.messageText, "\n") }; } function allEditsBeforePos(edits, pos) { for (var i = 0, len = edits.length; i < len; i++) { if (ts.textSpanEnd(edits[i].span) >= pos) { return false; } } return true; } var CommandNames; (function (CommandNames) { CommandNames.Change = "change"; CommandNames.Close = "close"; CommandNames.Completions = "completions"; CommandNames.CompletionDetails = "completionEntryDetails"; CommandNames.SignatureHelp = "signatureHelp"; CommandNames.Configure = "configure"; CommandNames.Definition = "definition"; CommandNames.Format = "format"; CommandNames.Formatonkey = "formatonkey"; CommandNames.Geterr = "geterr"; CommandNames.NavBar = "navbar"; CommandNames.Navto = "navto"; CommandNames.Open = "open"; CommandNames.Quickinfo = "quickinfo"; CommandNames.References = "references"; CommandNames.Reload = "reload"; CommandNames.Rename = "rename"; CommandNames.Saveto = "saveto"; CommandNames.Brace = "brace"; CommandNames.Unknown = "unknown"; })(CommandNames = server.CommandNames || (server.CommandNames = {})); var Errors; (function (Errors) { Errors.NoProject = new Error("No Project."); })(Errors || (Errors = {})); var Session = (function () { function Session(host, logger) { var _this = this; this.host = host; this.logger = logger; this.pendingOperation = false; this.fileHash = {}; this.nextFileId = 1; this.changeSeq = 0; this.projectService = new server.ProjectService(host, logger, function (eventName, project, fileName) { _this.handleEvent(eventName, project, fileName); }); } Session.prototype.handleEvent = function (eventName, project, fileName) { var _this = this; if (eventName == "context") { this.projectService.log("got context event, updating diagnostics for" + fileName, "Info"); this.updateErrorCheck([{ fileName: fileName, project: project }], this.changeSeq, function (n) { return n == _this.changeSeq; }, 100); } }; Session.prototype.logError = function (err, cmd) { var typedErr = err; var msg = "Exception on executing command " + cmd; if (typedErr.message) { msg += ":\n" + typedErr.message; if (typedErr.stack) { msg += "\n" + typedErr.stack; } } this.projectService.log(msg); }; Session.prototype.sendLineToClient = function (line) { this.host.write(line + this.host.newLine); }; Session.prototype.send = function (msg) { var json = JSON.stringify(msg); if (this.logger.isVerbose()) { this.logger.info(msg.type + ": " + json); } this.sendLineToClient('Content-Length: ' + (1 + Buffer.byteLength(json, 'utf8')) + '\r\n\r\n' + json); }; Session.prototype.event = function (info, eventName) { var ev = { seq: 0, type: "event", event: eventName, body: info }; this.send(ev); }; Session.prototype.response = function (info, cmdName, reqSeq, errorMsg) { if (reqSeq === void 0) { reqSeq = 0; } var res = { seq: 0, type: "response", command: cmdName, request_seq: reqSeq, success: !errorMsg }; if (!errorMsg) { res.body = info; } else { res.message = errorMsg; } this.send(res); }; Session.prototype.output = function (body, commandName, requestSequence, errorMessage) { if (requestSequence === void 0) { requestSequence = 0; } this.response(body, commandName, requestSequence, errorMessage); }; Session.prototype.semanticCheck = function (file, project) { try { var diags = project.compilerService.languageService.getSemanticDiagnostics(file); if (diags) { var bakedDiags = diags.map(function (diag) { return formatDiag(file, project, diag); }); this.event({ file: file, diagnostics: bakedDiags }, "semanticDiag"); } } catch (err) { this.logError(err, "semantic check"); } }; Session.prototype.syntacticCheck = function (file, project) { try { var diags = project.compilerService.languageService.getSyntacticDiagnostics(file); if (diags) { var bakedDiags = diags.map(function (diag) { return formatDiag(file, project, diag); }); this.event({ file: file, diagnostics: bakedDiags }, "syntaxDiag"); } } catch (err) { this.logError(err, "syntactic check"); } }; Session.prototype.errorCheck = function (file, project) { this.syntacticCheck(file, project); this.semanticCheck(file, project); }; Session.prototype.updateProjectStructure = function (seq, matchSeq, ms) { var _this = this; if (ms === void 0) { ms = 1500; } setTimeout(function () { if (matchSeq(seq)) { _this.projectService.updateProjectStructure(); } }, ms); }; Session.prototype.updateErrorCheck = function (checkList, seq, matchSeq, ms, followMs) { var _this = this; if (ms === void 0) { ms = 1500; } if (followMs === void 0) { followMs = 200; } if (followMs > ms) { followMs = ms; } if (this.errorTimer) { clearTimeout(this.errorTimer); } if (this.immediateId) { clearImmediate(this.immediateId); this.immediateId = undefined; } var index = 0; var checkOne = function () { if (matchSeq(seq)) { var checkSpec = checkList[index++]; if (checkSpec.project.getSourceFileFromName(checkSpec.fileName, true)) { _this.syntacticCheck(checkSpec.fileName, checkSpec.project); _this.immediateId = setImmediate(function () { _this.semanticCheck(checkSpec.fileName, checkSpec.project); _this.immediateId = undefined; if (checkList.length > index) { _this.errorTimer = setTimeout(checkOne, followMs); } else { _this.errorTimer = undefined; } }); } } }; if ((checkList.length > index) && (matchSeq(seq))) { this.errorTimer = setTimeout(checkOne, ms); } }; Session.prototype.getDefinition = function (line, offset, fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var definitions = compilerService.languageService.getDefinitionAtPosition(file, position); if (!definitions) { return undefined; } return definitions.map(function (def) { return ({ file: def.fileName, start: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(def.fileName, def.textSpan.start), end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(def.fileName, ts.textSpanEnd(def.textSpan)) }); }); }; Session.prototype.getRenameLocations = function (line, offset, fileName, findInComments, findInStrings) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var renameInfo = compilerService.languageService.getRenameInfo(file, position); if (!renameInfo) { return undefined; } if (!renameInfo.canRename) { return { info: renameInfo, locs: [] }; } var renameLocations = compilerService.languageService.findRenameLocations(file, position, findInStrings, findInComments); if (!renameLocations) { return undefined; } var bakedRenameLocs = renameLocations.map(function (location) { return ({ file: location.fileName, start: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(location.fileName, location.textSpan.start), end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(location.fileName, ts.textSpanEnd(location.textSpan)) }); }).sort(function (a, b) { if (a.file < b.file) { return -1; } else if (a.file > b.file) { return 1; } else { if (a.start.line < b.start.line) { return 1; } else if (a.start.line > b.start.line) { return -1; } else { return b.start.offset - a.start.offset; } } }).reduce(function (accum, cur) { var curFileAccum; if (accum.length > 0) { curFileAccum = accum[accum.length - 1]; if (curFileAccum.file != cur.file) { curFileAccum = undefined; } } if (!curFileAccum) { curFileAccum = { file: cur.file, locs: [] }; accum.push(curFileAccum); } curFileAccum.locs.push({ start: cur.start, end: cur.end }); return accum; }, []); return { info: renameInfo, locs: bakedRenameLocs }; }; Session.prototype.getReferences = function (line, offset, fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var references = compilerService.languageService.getReferencesAtPosition(file, position); if (!references) { return undefined; } var nameInfo = compilerService.languageService.getQuickInfoAtPosition(file, position); if (!nameInfo) { return undefined; } var displayString = ts.displayPartsToString(nameInfo.displayParts); var nameSpan = nameInfo.textSpan; var nameColStart = compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, nameSpan.start).offset; var nameText = compilerService.host.getScriptSnapshot(file).getText(nameSpan.start, ts.textSpanEnd(nameSpan)); var bakedRefs = references.map(function (ref) { var start = compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(ref.fileName, ref.textSpan.start); var refLineSpan = compilerService.host.lineToTextSpan(ref.fileName, start.line - 1); var snap = compilerService.host.getScriptSnapshot(ref.fileName); var lineText = snap.getText(refLineSpan.start, ts.textSpanEnd(refLineSpan)).replace(/\r|\n/g, ""); return { file: ref.fileName, start: start, lineText: lineText, end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(ref.fileName, ts.textSpanEnd(ref.textSpan)), isWriteAccess: ref.isWriteAccess }; }).sort(compareFileStart); return { refs: bakedRefs, symbolName: nameText, symbolStartOffset: nameColStart, symbolDisplayString: displayString }; }; Session.prototype.openClientFile = function (fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); this.projectService.openClientFile(file); }; Session.prototype.getQuickInfo = function (line, offset, fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var quickInfo = compilerService.languageService.getQuickInfoAtPosition(file, position); if (!quickInfo) { return undefined; } var displayString = ts.displayPartsToString(quickInfo.displayParts); var docString = ts.displayPartsToString(quickInfo.documentation); return { kind: quickInfo.kind, kindModifiers: quickInfo.kindModifiers, start: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, quickInfo.textSpan.start), end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, ts.textSpanEnd(quickInfo.textSpan)), displayString: displayString, documentation: docString }; }; Session.prototype.getFormattingEditsForRange = function (line, offset, endLine, endOffset, fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var startPosition = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var endPosition = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, endLine, endOffset); var edits = compilerService.languageService.getFormattingEditsForRange(file, startPosition, endPosition, this.projectService.getFormatCodeOptions(file)); if (!edits) { return undefined; } return edits.map(function (edit) { return { start: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, edit.span.start), end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, ts.textSpanEnd(edit.span)), newText: edit.newText ? edit.newText : "" }; }); }; Session.prototype.getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke = function (line, offset, key, fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var formatOptions = this.projectService.getFormatCodeOptions(file); var edits = compilerService.languageService.getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(file, position, key, formatOptions); if ((key == "\n") && ((!edits) || (edits.length == 0) || allEditsBeforePos(edits, position))) { var scriptInfo = compilerService.host.getScriptInfo(file); if (scriptInfo) { var lineInfo = scriptInfo.getLineInfo(line); if (lineInfo && (lineInfo.leaf) && (lineInfo.leaf.text)) { var lineText = lineInfo.leaf.text; if (lineText.search("\\S") < 0) { var editorOptions = { IndentSize: formatOptions.IndentSize, TabSize: formatOptions.TabSize, NewLineCharacter: "\n", ConvertTabsToSpaces: true }; var indentPosition = compilerService.languageService.getIndentationAtPosition(file, position, editorOptions); for (var i = 0, len = lineText.length; i < len; i++) { if (lineText.charAt(i) == " ") { indentPosition--; } else { break; } } if (indentPosition > 0) { var spaces = generateSpaces(indentPosition); edits.push({ span: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(position, position), newText: spaces }); } else if (indentPosition < 0) { edits.push({ span: ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(position, position - indentPosition), newText: "" }); } } } } } if (!edits) { return undefined; } return edits.map(function (edit) { return { start: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, edit.span.start), end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, ts.textSpanEnd(edit.span)), newText: edit.newText ? edit.newText : "" }; }); }; Session.prototype.getCompletions = function (line, offset, prefix, fileName) { if (!prefix) { prefix = ""; } var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var completions = compilerService.languageService.getCompletionsAtPosition(file, position); if (!completions) { return undefined; } return completions.entries.reduce(function (result, entry) { if (completions.isMemberCompletion || (entry.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix.toLowerCase()) == 0)) { result.push(entry); } return result; }, []).sort(function (a, b) { return a.name.localeCompare(b.name); }); }; Session.prototype.getCompletionEntryDetails = function (line, offset, entryNames, fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); return entryNames.reduce(function (accum, entryName) { var details = compilerService.languageService.getCompletionEntryDetails(file, position, entryName); if (details) { accum.push(details); } return accum; }, []); }; Session.prototype.getSignatureHelpItems = function (line, offset, fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var helpItems = compilerService.languageService.getSignatureHelpItems(file, position); if (!helpItems) { return undefined; } var span = helpItems.applicableSpan; var result = { items: helpItems.items, applicableSpan: { start: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, span.start), end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, span.start + span.length) }, selectedItemIndex: helpItems.selectedItemIndex, argumentIndex: helpItems.argumentIndex, argumentCount: helpItems.argumentCount }; return result; }; Session.prototype.getDiagnostics = function (delay, fileNames) { var _this = this; var checkList = fileNames.reduce(function (accum, fileName) { fileName = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = _this.projectService.getProjectForFile(fileName); if (project) { accum.push({ fileName: fileName, project: project }); } return accum; }, []); if (checkList.length > 0) { this.updateErrorCheck(checkList, this.changeSeq, function (n) { return n == _this.changeSeq; }, delay); } }; Session.prototype.change = function (line, offset, endLine, endOffset, insertString, fileName) { var _this = this; var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (project) { var compilerService = project.compilerService; var start = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var end = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, endLine, endOffset); if (start >= 0) { compilerService.host.editScript(file, start, end, insertString); this.changeSeq++; } this.updateProjectStructure(this.changeSeq, function (n) { return n == _this.changeSeq; }); } }; Session.prototype.reload = function (fileName, tempFileName, reqSeq) { var _this = this; if (reqSeq === void 0) { reqSeq = 0; } var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var tmpfile = ts.normalizePath(tempFileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (project) { this.changeSeq++; project.compilerService.host.reloadScript(file, tmpfile, function () { _this.output(undefined, CommandNames.Reload, reqSeq); }); } }; Session.prototype.saveToTmp = function (fileName, tempFileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var tmpfile = ts.normalizePath(tempFileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (project) { project.compilerService.host.saveTo(file, tmpfile); } }; Session.prototype.closeClientFile = function (fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); this.projectService.closeClientFile(file); }; Session.prototype.decorateNavigationBarItem = function (project, fileName, items) { var _this = this; if (!items) { return undefined; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; return items.map(function (item) { return ({ text: item.text, kind: item.kind, kindModifiers: item.kindModifiers, spans: item.spans.map(function (span) { return ({ start: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(fileName, span.start), end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(fileName, ts.textSpanEnd(span)) }); }), childItems: _this.decorateNavigationBarItem(project, fileName, item.childItems) }); }); }; Session.prototype.getNavigationBarItems = function (fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var items = compilerService.languageService.getNavigationBarItems(file); if (!items) { return undefined; } return this.decorateNavigationBarItem(project, fileName, items); }; Session.prototype.getNavigateToItems = function (searchValue, fileName, maxResultCount) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var navItems = compilerService.languageService.getNavigateToItems(searchValue, maxResultCount); if (!navItems) { return undefined; } return navItems.map(function (navItem) { var start = compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(navItem.fileName, navItem.textSpan.start); var end = compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(navItem.fileName, ts.textSpanEnd(navItem.textSpan)); var bakedItem = { name: navItem.name, kind: navItem.kind, file: navItem.fileName, start: start, end: end }; if (navItem.kindModifiers && (navItem.kindModifiers != "")) { bakedItem.kindModifiers = navItem.kindModifiers; } if (navItem.matchKind != 'none') { bakedItem.matchKind = navItem.matchKind; } if (navItem.containerName && (navItem.containerName.length > 0)) { bakedItem.containerName = navItem.containerName; } if (navItem.containerKind && (navItem.containerKind.length > 0)) { bakedItem.containerKind = navItem.containerKind; } return bakedItem; }); }; Session.prototype.getBraceMatching = function (line, offset, fileName) { var file = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var project = this.projectService.getProjectForFile(file); if (!project) { throw Errors.NoProject; } var compilerService = project.compilerService; var position = compilerService.host.lineOffsetToPosition(file, line, offset); var spans = compilerService.languageService.getBraceMatchingAtPosition(file, position); if (!spans) { return undefined; } return spans.map(function (span) { return ({ start: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, span.start), end: compilerService.host.positionToLineOffset(file, span.start + span.length) }); }); }; Session.prototype.onMessage = function (message) { if (this.logger.isVerbose()) { this.logger.info("request: " + message); var start = process.hrtime(); } try { var request = JSON.parse(message); var response; var errorMessage; var responseRequired = true; switch (request.command) { case CommandNames.Definition: { var defArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getDefinition(defArgs.line, defArgs.offset, defArgs.file); break; } case CommandNames.References: { var refArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getReferences(refArgs.line, refArgs.offset, refArgs.file); break; } case CommandNames.Rename: { var renameArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getRenameLocations(renameArgs.line, renameArgs.offset, renameArgs.file, renameArgs.findInComments, renameArgs.findInStrings); break; } case CommandNames.Open: { var openArgs = request.arguments; this.openClientFile(openArgs.file); responseRequired = false; break; } case CommandNames.Quickinfo: { var quickinfoArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getQuickInfo(quickinfoArgs.line, quickinfoArgs.offset, quickinfoArgs.file); break; } case CommandNames.Format: { var formatArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getFormattingEditsForRange(formatArgs.line, formatArgs.offset, formatArgs.endLine, formatArgs.endOffset, formatArgs.file); break; } case CommandNames.Formatonkey: { var formatOnKeyArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(formatOnKeyArgs.line, formatOnKeyArgs.offset, formatOnKeyArgs.key, formatOnKeyArgs.file); break; } case CommandNames.Completions: { var completionsArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getCompletions(completionsArgs.line, completionsArgs.offset, completionsArgs.prefix, completionsArgs.file); break; } case CommandNames.CompletionDetails: { var completionDetailsArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getCompletionEntryDetails(completionDetailsArgs.line, completionDetailsArgs.offset, completionDetailsArgs.entryNames, completionDetailsArgs.file); break; } case CommandNames.SignatureHelp: { var signatureHelpArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getSignatureHelpItems(signatureHelpArgs.line, signatureHelpArgs.offset, signatureHelpArgs.file); break; } case CommandNames.Geterr: { var geterrArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getDiagnostics(geterrArgs.delay, geterrArgs.files); responseRequired = false; break; } case CommandNames.Change: { var changeArgs = request.arguments; this.change(changeArgs.line, changeArgs.offset, changeArgs.endLine, changeArgs.endOffset, changeArgs.insertString, changeArgs.file); responseRequired = false; break; } case CommandNames.Configure: { var configureArgs = request.arguments; this.projectService.setHostConfiguration(configureArgs); this.output(undefined, CommandNames.Configure, request.seq); responseRequired = false; break; } case CommandNames.Reload: { var reloadArgs = request.arguments; this.reload(reloadArgs.file, reloadArgs.tmpfile, request.seq); responseRequired = false; break; } case CommandNames.Saveto: { var savetoArgs = request.arguments; this.saveToTmp(savetoArgs.file, savetoArgs.tmpfile); responseRequired = false; break; } case CommandNames.Close: { var closeArgs = request.arguments; this.closeClientFile(closeArgs.file); responseRequired = false; break; } case CommandNames.Navto: { var navtoArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getNavigateToItems(navtoArgs.searchValue, navtoArgs.file, navtoArgs.maxResultCount); break; } case CommandNames.Brace: { var braceArguments = request.arguments; response = this.getBraceMatching(braceArguments.line, braceArguments.offset, braceArguments.file); break; } case CommandNames.NavBar: { var navBarArgs = request.arguments; response = this.getNavigationBarItems(navBarArgs.file); break; } default: { this.projectService.log("Unrecognized JSON command: " + message); this.output(undefined, CommandNames.Unknown, request.seq, "Unrecognized JSON command: " + request.command); break; } } if (this.logger.isVerbose()) { var elapsed = process.hrtime(start); var seconds = elapsed[0]; var nanoseconds = elapsed[1]; var elapsedMs = ((1e9 * seconds) + nanoseconds) / 1000000.0; var leader = "Elapsed time (in milliseconds)"; if (!responseRequired) { leader = "Async elapsed time (in milliseconds)"; } this.logger.msg(leader + ": " + elapsedMs.toFixed(4).toString(), "Perf"); } if (response) { this.output(response, request.command, request.seq); } else if (responseRequired) { this.output(undefined, request.command, request.seq, "No content available."); } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ts.OperationCanceledException) { } this.logError(err, message); this.output(undefined, request ? request.command : CommandNames.Unknown, request ? request.seq : 0, "Error processing request. " + err.message); } }; return Session; })(); server.Session = Session; })(server = ts.server || (ts.server = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// /// /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { var server; (function (server) { var lineCollectionCapacity = 4; function mergeFormatOptions(formatCodeOptions, formatOptions) { var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; Object.keys(formatOptions).forEach(function (key) { var codeKey = key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substring(1); if (hasOwnProperty.call(formatCodeOptions, codeKey)) { formatCodeOptions[codeKey] = formatOptions[key]; } }); } var ScriptInfo = (function () { function ScriptInfo(host, fileName, content, isOpen) { if (isOpen === void 0) { isOpen = false; } this.host = host; this.fileName = fileName; this.content = content; this.isOpen = isOpen; this.children = []; this.formatCodeOptions = ts.clone(CompilerService.defaultFormatCodeOptions); this.svc = ScriptVersionCache.fromString(content); } ScriptInfo.prototype.setFormatOptions = function (formatOptions) { if (formatOptions) { mergeFormatOptions(this.formatCodeOptions, formatOptions); } }; ScriptInfo.prototype.close = function () { this.isOpen = false; }; ScriptInfo.prototype.addChild = function (childInfo) { this.children.push(childInfo); }; ScriptInfo.prototype.snap = function () { return this.svc.getSnapshot(); }; ScriptInfo.prototype.getText = function () { var snap = this.snap(); return snap.getText(0, snap.getLength()); }; ScriptInfo.prototype.getLineInfo = function (line) { var snap = this.snap(); return snap.index.lineNumberToInfo(line); }; ScriptInfo.prototype.editContent = function (start, end, newText) { this.svc.edit(start, end - start, newText); }; ScriptInfo.prototype.getTextChangeRangeBetweenVersions = function (startVersion, endVersion) { return this.svc.getTextChangesBetweenVersions(startVersion, endVersion); }; ScriptInfo.prototype.getChangeRange = function (oldSnapshot) { return this.snap().getChangeRange(oldSnapshot); }; return ScriptInfo; })(); var LSHost = (function () { function LSHost(host, project) { this.host = host; this.project = project; this.ls = null; this.filenameToScript = {}; this.roots = []; } LSHost.prototype.getDefaultLibFileName = function () { var nodeModuleBinDir = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(this.host.getExecutingFilePath())); return ts.combinePaths(nodeModuleBinDir, ts.getDefaultLibFileName(this.compilationSettings)); }; LSHost.prototype.getScriptSnapshot = function (filename) { var scriptInfo = this.getScriptInfo(filename); if (scriptInfo) { return scriptInfo.snap(); } }; LSHost.prototype.setCompilationSettings = function (opt) { this.compilationSettings = opt; }; LSHost.prototype.lineAffectsRefs = function (filename, line) { var info = this.getScriptInfo(filename); var lineInfo = info.getLineInfo(line); if (lineInfo && lineInfo.text) { var regex = /reference|import|\/\*|\*\//; return regex.test(lineInfo.text); } }; LSHost.prototype.getCompilationSettings = function () { return this.compilationSettings; }; LSHost.prototype.getScriptFileNames = function () { return this.roots.map(function (root) { return root.fileName; }); }; LSHost.prototype.getScriptVersion = function (filename) { return this.getScriptInfo(filename).svc.latestVersion().toString(); }; LSHost.prototype.getCurrentDirectory = function () { return ""; }; LSHost.prototype.getScriptIsOpen = function (filename) { return this.getScriptInfo(filename).isOpen; }; LSHost.prototype.removeReferencedFile = function (info) { if (!info.isOpen) { this.filenameToScript[info.fileName] = undefined; } }; LSHost.prototype.getScriptInfo = function (filename) { var scriptInfo = ts.lookUp(this.filenameToScript, filename); if (!scriptInfo) { scriptInfo = this.project.openReferencedFile(filename); if (scriptInfo) { this.filenameToScript[scriptInfo.fileName] = scriptInfo; } } else { } return scriptInfo; }; LSHost.prototype.addRoot = function (info) { var scriptInfo = ts.lookUp(this.filenameToScript, info.fileName); if (!scriptInfo) { this.filenameToScript[info.fileName] = info; this.roots.push(info); } }; LSHost.prototype.saveTo = function (filename, tmpfilename) { var script = this.getScriptInfo(filename); if (script) { var snap = script.snap(); this.host.writeFile(tmpfilename, snap.getText(0, snap.getLength())); } }; LSHost.prototype.reloadScript = function (filename, tmpfilename, cb) { var script = this.getScriptInfo(filename); if (script) { script.svc.reloadFromFile(tmpfilename, cb); } }; LSHost.prototype.editScript = function (filename, start, end, newText) { var script = this.getScriptInfo(filename); if (script) { script.editContent(start, end, newText); return; } throw new Error("No script with name '" + filename + "'"); }; LSHost.prototype.resolvePath = function (path) { var start = new Date().getTime(); var result = this.host.resolvePath(path); return result; }; LSHost.prototype.fileExists = function (path) { var start = new Date().getTime(); var result = this.host.fileExists(path); return result; }; LSHost.prototype.directoryExists = function (path) { return this.host.directoryExists(path); }; LSHost.prototype.lineToTextSpan = function (filename, line) { var script = this.filenameToScript[filename]; var index = script.snap().index; var lineInfo = index.lineNumberToInfo(line + 1); var len; if (lineInfo.leaf) { len = lineInfo.leaf.text.length; } else { var nextLineInfo = index.lineNumberToInfo(line + 2); len = nextLineInfo.offset - lineInfo.offset; } return ts.createTextSpan(lineInfo.offset, len); }; LSHost.prototype.lineOffsetToPosition = function (filename, line, offset) { var script = this.filenameToScript[filename]; var index = script.snap().index; var lineInfo = index.lineNumberToInfo(line); return (lineInfo.offset + offset - 1); }; LSHost.prototype.positionToLineOffset = function (filename, position) { var script = this.filenameToScript[filename]; var index = script.snap().index; var lineOffset = index.charOffsetToLineNumberAndPos(position); return { line: lineOffset.line, offset: lineOffset.offset + 1 }; }; return LSHost; })(); function getAbsolutePath(filename, directory) { var rootLength = ts.getRootLength(filename); if (rootLength > 0) { return filename; } else { var splitFilename = filename.split('/'); var splitDir = directory.split('/'); var i = 0; var dirTail = 0; var sflen = splitFilename.length; while ((i < sflen) && (splitFilename[i].charAt(0) == '.')) { var dots = splitFilename[i]; if (dots == '..') { dirTail++; } else if (dots != '.') { return undefined; } i++; } return splitDir.slice(0, splitDir.length - dirTail).concat(splitFilename.slice(i)).join('/'); } } var Project = (function () { function Project(projectService, projectOptions) { this.projectService = projectService; this.projectOptions = projectOptions; this.filenameToSourceFile = {}; this.updateGraphSeq = 0; this.openRefCount = 0; this.compilerService = new CompilerService(this, projectOptions && projectOptions.compilerOptions); } Project.prototype.addOpenRef = function () { this.openRefCount++; }; Project.prototype.deleteOpenRef = function () { this.openRefCount--; return this.openRefCount; }; Project.prototype.openReferencedFile = function (filename) { return this.projectService.openFile(filename, false); }; Project.prototype.getSourceFile = function (info) { return this.filenameToSourceFile[info.fileName]; }; Project.prototype.getSourceFileFromName = function (filename, requireOpen) { var info = this.projectService.getScriptInfo(filename); if (info) { if ((!requireOpen) || info.isOpen) { return this.getSourceFile(info); } } }; Project.prototype.isRoot = function (info) { return this.compilerService.host.roots.some(function (root) { return root === info; }); }; Project.prototype.removeReferencedFile = function (info) { this.compilerService.host.removeReferencedFile(info); this.updateGraph(); }; Project.prototype.updateFileMap = function () { this.filenameToSourceFile = {}; var sourceFiles = this.program.getSourceFiles(); for (var i = 0, len = sourceFiles.length; i < len; i++) { var normFilename = ts.normalizePath(sourceFiles[i].fileName); this.filenameToSourceFile[normFilename] = sourceFiles[i]; } }; Project.prototype.finishGraph = function () { this.updateGraph(); this.compilerService.languageService.getNavigateToItems(".*"); }; Project.prototype.updateGraph = function () { this.program = this.compilerService.languageService.getProgram(); this.updateFileMap(); }; Project.prototype.isConfiguredProject = function () { return this.projectFilename; }; Project.prototype.addRoot = function (info) { info.defaultProject = this; this.compilerService.host.addRoot(info); }; Project.prototype.filesToString = function () { var strBuilder = ""; ts.forEachValue(this.filenameToSourceFile, function (sourceFile) { strBuilder += sourceFile.fileName + "\n"; }); return strBuilder; }; Project.prototype.setProjectOptions = function (projectOptions) { this.projectOptions = projectOptions; if (projectOptions.compilerOptions) { this.compilerService.setCompilerOptions(projectOptions.compilerOptions); } }; return Project; })(); server.Project = Project; function copyListRemovingItem(item, list) { var copiedList = []; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { if (list[i] != item) { copiedList.push(list[i]); } } return copiedList; } var ProjectService = (function () { function ProjectService(host, psLogger, eventHandler) { this.host = host; this.psLogger = psLogger; this.eventHandler = eventHandler; this.filenameToScriptInfo = {}; this.openFileRoots = []; this.inferredProjects = []; this.configuredProjects = []; this.openFilesReferenced = []; this.openFileRootsConfigured = []; this.addDefaultHostConfiguration(); } ProjectService.prototype.addDefaultHostConfiguration = function () { this.hostConfiguration = { formatCodeOptions: ts.clone(CompilerService.defaultFormatCodeOptions), hostInfo: "Unknown host" }; }; ProjectService.prototype.getFormatCodeOptions = function (file) { if (file) { var info = this.filenameToScriptInfo[file]; if (info) { return info.formatCodeOptions; } } return this.hostConfiguration.formatCodeOptions; }; ProjectService.prototype.watchedFileChanged = function (fileName) { var info = this.filenameToScriptInfo[fileName]; if (!info) { this.psLogger.info("Error: got watch notification for unknown file: " + fileName); } if (!this.host.fileExists(fileName)) { this.fileDeletedInFilesystem(info); } else { if (info && (!info.isOpen)) { info.svc.reloadFromFile(info.fileName); } } }; ProjectService.prototype.log = function (msg, type) { if (type === void 0) { type = "Err"; } this.psLogger.msg(msg, type); }; ProjectService.prototype.setHostConfiguration = function (args) { if (args.file) { var info = this.filenameToScriptInfo[args.file]; if (info) { info.setFormatOptions(args.formatOptions); this.log("Host configuration update for file " + args.file); } } else { if (args.hostInfo !== undefined) { this.hostConfiguration.hostInfo = args.hostInfo; this.log("Host information " + args.hostInfo, "Info"); } if (args.formatOptions) { mergeFormatOptions(this.hostConfiguration.formatCodeOptions, args.formatOptions); this.log("Format host information updated", "Info"); } } }; ProjectService.prototype.closeLog = function () { this.psLogger.close(); }; ProjectService.prototype.createInferredProject = function (root) { var iproj = new Project(this); iproj.addRoot(root); iproj.finishGraph(); this.inferredProjects.push(iproj); return iproj; }; ProjectService.prototype.fileDeletedInFilesystem = function (info) { this.psLogger.info(info.fileName + " deleted"); if (info.fileWatcher) { info.fileWatcher.close(); info.fileWatcher = undefined; } if (!info.isOpen) { this.filenameToScriptInfo[info.fileName] = undefined; var referencingProjects = this.findReferencingProjects(info); for (var i = 0, len = referencingProjects.length; i < len; i++) { referencingProjects[i].removeReferencedFile(info); } for (var j = 0, flen = this.openFileRoots.length; j < flen; j++) { var openFile = this.openFileRoots[j]; if (this.eventHandler) { this.eventHandler("context", openFile.defaultProject, openFile.fileName); } } for (var j = 0, flen = this.openFilesReferenced.length; j < flen; j++) { var openFile = this.openFilesReferenced[j]; if (this.eventHandler) { this.eventHandler("context", openFile.defaultProject, openFile.fileName); } } } this.printProjects(); }; ProjectService.prototype.updateConfiguredProjectList = function () { var configuredProjects = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.configuredProjects.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.configuredProjects[i].openRefCount > 0) { configuredProjects.push(this.configuredProjects[i]); } } this.configuredProjects = configuredProjects; }; ProjectService.prototype.setConfiguredProjectRoot = function (info) { for (var i = 0, len = this.configuredProjects.length; i < len; i++) { var configuredProject = this.configuredProjects[i]; if (configuredProject.isRoot(info)) { info.defaultProject = configuredProject; configuredProject.addOpenRef(); return true; } } return false; }; ProjectService.prototype.addOpenFile = function (info) { if (this.setConfiguredProjectRoot(info)) { this.openFileRootsConfigured.push(info); } else { this.findReferencingProjects(info); if (info.defaultProject) { this.openFilesReferenced.push(info); } else { info.defaultProject = this.createInferredProject(info); var openFileRoots = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.openFileRoots.length; i < len; i++) { var r = this.openFileRoots[i]; if (info.defaultProject.getSourceFile(r)) { this.inferredProjects = copyListRemovingItem(r.defaultProject, this.inferredProjects); this.openFilesReferenced.push(r); r.defaultProject = info.defaultProject; } else { openFileRoots.push(r); } } this.openFileRoots = openFileRoots; this.openFileRoots.push(info); } } this.updateConfiguredProjectList(); }; ProjectService.prototype.closeOpenFile = function (info) { var openFileRoots = []; var removedProject; for (var i = 0, len = this.openFileRoots.length; i < len; i++) { if (info === this.openFileRoots[i]) { removedProject = info.defaultProject; } else { openFileRoots.push(this.openFileRoots[i]); } } this.openFileRoots = openFileRoots; if (!removedProject) { var openFileRootsConfigured = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.openFileRootsConfigured.length; i < len; i++) { if (info === this.openFileRootsConfigured[i]) { if (info.defaultProject.deleteOpenRef() === 0) { removedProject = info.defaultProject; } } else { openFileRootsConfigured.push(this.openFileRootsConfigured[i]); } } this.openFileRootsConfigured = openFileRootsConfigured; } if (removedProject) { if (removedProject.isConfiguredProject()) { this.configuredProjects = copyListRemovingItem(removedProject, this.configuredProjects); } else { this.inferredProjects = copyListRemovingItem(removedProject, this.inferredProjects); } var openFilesReferenced = []; var orphanFiles = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.openFilesReferenced.length; i < len; i++) { var f = this.openFilesReferenced[i]; if (f.defaultProject == removedProject) { f.defaultProject = undefined; orphanFiles.push(f); } else { openFilesReferenced.push(f); } } this.openFilesReferenced = openFilesReferenced; for (var i = 0, len = orphanFiles.length; i < len; i++) { this.addOpenFile(orphanFiles[i]); } } else { this.openFilesReferenced = copyListRemovingItem(info, this.openFilesReferenced); } info.close(); }; ProjectService.prototype.findReferencingProjects = function (info, excludedProject) { var referencingProjects = []; info.defaultProject = undefined; for (var i = 0, len = this.inferredProjects.length; i < len; i++) { var inferredProject = this.inferredProjects[i]; inferredProject.updateGraph(); if (inferredProject != excludedProject) { if (inferredProject.getSourceFile(info)) { info.defaultProject = inferredProject; referencingProjects.push(inferredProject); } } } for (var i = 0, len = this.configuredProjects.length; i < len; i++) { var configuredProject = this.configuredProjects[i]; configuredProject.updateGraph(); if (configuredProject.getSourceFile(info)) { info.defaultProject = configuredProject; } } return referencingProjects; }; ProjectService.prototype.updateProjectStructure = function () { this.log("updating project structure from ...", "Info"); this.printProjects(); var openFilesReferenced = []; var unattachedOpenFiles = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.openFilesReferenced.length; i < len; i++) { var referencedFile = this.openFilesReferenced[i]; referencedFile.defaultProject.updateGraph(); var sourceFile = referencedFile.defaultProject.getSourceFile(referencedFile); if (sourceFile) { openFilesReferenced.push(referencedFile); } else { unattachedOpenFiles.push(referencedFile); } } this.openFilesReferenced = openFilesReferenced; var openFileRoots = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.openFileRoots.length; i < len; i++) { var rootFile = this.openFileRoots[i]; var rootedProject = rootFile.defaultProject; var referencingProjects = this.findReferencingProjects(rootFile, rootedProject); if (referencingProjects.length == 0) { rootFile.defaultProject = rootedProject; openFileRoots.push(rootFile); } else { this.inferredProjects = copyListRemovingItem(rootedProject, this.inferredProjects); this.openFilesReferenced.push(rootFile); } } this.openFileRoots = openFileRoots; for (var i = 0, len = unattachedOpenFiles.length; i < len; i++) { this.addOpenFile(unattachedOpenFiles[i]); } this.printProjects(); }; ProjectService.prototype.getScriptInfo = function (filename) { filename = ts.normalizePath(filename); return ts.lookUp(this.filenameToScriptInfo, filename); }; ProjectService.prototype.openFile = function (fileName, openedByClient) { var _this = this; fileName = ts.normalizePath(fileName); var info = ts.lookUp(this.filenameToScriptInfo, fileName); if (!info) { var content; if (this.host.fileExists(fileName)) { content = this.host.readFile(fileName); } if (!content) { if (openedByClient) { content = ""; } } if (content !== undefined) { var indentSize; info = new ScriptInfo(this.host, fileName, content, openedByClient); this.filenameToScriptInfo[fileName] = info; if (!info.isOpen) { info.fileWatcher = this.host.watchFile(fileName, function (_) { _this.watchedFileChanged(fileName); }); } } } if (info) { if (openedByClient) { info.isOpen = true; } } return info; }; ProjectService.prototype.findConfigFile = function (searchPath) { while (true) { var fileName = ts.combinePaths(searchPath, "tsconfig.json"); if (ts.sys.fileExists(fileName)) { return fileName; } var parentPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(searchPath); if (parentPath === searchPath) { break; } searchPath = parentPath; } return undefined; }; ProjectService.prototype.openClientFile = function (fileName) { var searchPath = ts.normalizePath(ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName)); this.log("Search path: " + searchPath, "Info"); var configFileName = this.findConfigFile(searchPath); if (configFileName) { this.log("Config file name: " + configFileName, "Info"); } else { this.log("no config file"); } if (configFileName) { configFileName = getAbsolutePath(configFileName, searchPath); } if (configFileName && (!this.configProjectIsActive(configFileName))) { var configResult = this.openConfigFile(configFileName, fileName); if (!configResult.success) { this.log("Error opening config file " + configFileName + " " + configResult.errorMsg); } else { this.log("Opened configuration file " + configFileName, "Info"); this.configuredProjects.push(configResult.project); } } var info = this.openFile(fileName, true); this.addOpenFile(info); this.printProjects(); return info; }; ProjectService.prototype.closeClientFile = function (filename) { var info = ts.lookUp(this.filenameToScriptInfo, filename); if (info) { this.closeOpenFile(info); info.isOpen = false; } this.printProjects(); }; ProjectService.prototype.getProjectForFile = function (filename) { var scriptInfo = ts.lookUp(this.filenameToScriptInfo, filename); if (scriptInfo) { return scriptInfo.defaultProject; } }; ProjectService.prototype.printProjectsForFile = function (filename) { var scriptInfo = ts.lookUp(this.filenameToScriptInfo, filename); if (scriptInfo) { this.psLogger.startGroup(); this.psLogger.info("Projects for " + filename); var projects = this.findReferencingProjects(scriptInfo); for (var i = 0, len = projects.length; i < len; i++) { this.psLogger.info("Project " + i.toString()); } this.psLogger.endGroup(); } else { this.psLogger.info(filename + " not in any project"); } }; ProjectService.prototype.printProjects = function () { this.psLogger.startGroup(); for (var i = 0, len = this.inferredProjects.length; i < len; i++) { var project = this.inferredProjects[i]; project.updateGraph(); this.psLogger.info("Project " + i.toString()); this.psLogger.info(project.filesToString()); this.psLogger.info("-----------------------------------------------"); } for (var i = 0, len = this.configuredProjects.length; i < len; i++) { var project = this.configuredProjects[i]; project.updateGraph(); this.psLogger.info("Project (configured) " + (i + this.inferredProjects.length).toString()); this.psLogger.info(project.filesToString()); this.psLogger.info("-----------------------------------------------"); } this.psLogger.info("Open file roots of inferred projects: "); for (var i = 0, len = this.openFileRoots.length; i < len; i++) { this.psLogger.info(this.openFileRoots[i].fileName); } this.psLogger.info("Open files referenced by inferred or configured projects: "); for (var i = 0, len = this.openFilesReferenced.length; i < len; i++) { var fileInfo = this.openFilesReferenced[i].fileName; if (this.openFilesReferenced[i].defaultProject.isConfiguredProject()) { fileInfo += " (configured)"; } this.psLogger.info(fileInfo); } this.psLogger.info("Open file roots of configured projects: "); for (var i = 0, len = this.openFileRootsConfigured.length; i < len; i++) { this.psLogger.info(this.openFileRootsConfigured[i].fileName); } this.psLogger.endGroup(); }; ProjectService.prototype.configProjectIsActive = function (fileName) { for (var i = 0, len = this.configuredProjects.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.configuredProjects[i].projectFilename == fileName) { return true; } } return false; }; ProjectService.prototype.openConfigFile = function (configFilename, clientFileName) { configFilename = ts.normalizePath(configFilename); var dirPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(configFilename); var rawConfig = ts.readConfigFile(configFilename); if (!rawConfig) { return { errorMsg: "tsconfig syntax error" }; } else { var parsedCommandLine = ts.parseConfigFile(rawConfig, dirPath); if (parsedCommandLine.errors && (parsedCommandLine.errors.length > 0)) { return { errorMsg: "tsconfig option errors" }; } else if (parsedCommandLine.fileNames) { var projectOptions = { files: parsedCommandLine.fileNames, compilerOptions: parsedCommandLine.options }; var proj = this.createProject(configFilename, projectOptions); for (var i = 0, len = parsedCommandLine.fileNames.length; i < len; i++) { var rootFilename = parsedCommandLine.fileNames[i]; if (ts.sys.fileExists(rootFilename)) { var info = this.openFile(rootFilename, clientFileName == rootFilename); proj.addRoot(info); } else { return { errorMsg: "specified file " + rootFilename + " not found" }; } } proj.finishGraph(); return { success: true, project: proj }; } else { return { errorMsg: "no files found" }; } } }; ProjectService.prototype.createProject = function (projectFilename, projectOptions) { var project = new Project(this, projectOptions); project.projectFilename = projectFilename; return project; }; return ProjectService; })(); server.ProjectService = ProjectService; var CompilerService = (function () { function CompilerService(project, opt) { this.project = project; this.documentRegistry = ts.createDocumentRegistry(); this.host = new LSHost(project.projectService.host, project); if (opt) { this.setCompilerOptions(opt); } else { this.setCompilerOptions(ts.getDefaultCompilerOptions()); } this.languageService = ts.createLanguageService(this.host, this.documentRegistry); this.classifier = ts.createClassifier(); } CompilerService.prototype.setCompilerOptions = function (opt) { this.settings = opt; this.host.setCompilationSettings(opt); }; CompilerService.prototype.isExternalModule = function (filename) { var sourceFile = this.languageService.getSourceFile(filename); return ts.isExternalModule(sourceFile); }; CompilerService.defaultFormatCodeOptions = { IndentSize: 4, TabSize: 4, NewLineCharacter: ts.sys.newLine, ConvertTabsToSpaces: true, InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: true, InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: true, InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: true, InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: true, InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: false, InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: false, PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: false, PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: false }; return CompilerService; })(); var CharRangeSection; (function (CharRangeSection) { CharRangeSection[CharRangeSection["PreStart"] = 0] = "PreStart"; CharRangeSection[CharRangeSection["Start"] = 1] = "Start"; CharRangeSection[CharRangeSection["Entire"] = 2] = "Entire"; CharRangeSection[CharRangeSection["Mid"] = 3] = "Mid"; CharRangeSection[CharRangeSection["End"] = 4] = "End"; CharRangeSection[CharRangeSection["PostEnd"] = 5] = "PostEnd"; })(CharRangeSection || (CharRangeSection = {})); var BaseLineIndexWalker = (function () { function BaseLineIndexWalker() { this.goSubtree = true; this.done = false; } BaseLineIndexWalker.prototype.leaf = function (rangeStart, rangeLength, ll) { }; return BaseLineIndexWalker; })(); var EditWalker = (function (_super) { __extends(EditWalker, _super); function EditWalker() { _super.call(this); this.lineIndex = new LineIndex(); this.endBranch = []; this.state = CharRangeSection.Entire; this.initialText = ""; this.trailingText = ""; this.suppressTrailingText = false; this.lineIndex.root = new LineNode(); this.startPath = [this.lineIndex.root]; this.stack = [this.lineIndex.root]; } EditWalker.prototype.insertLines = function (insertedText) { if (this.suppressTrailingText) { this.trailingText = ""; } if (insertedText) { insertedText = this.initialText + insertedText + this.trailingText; } else { insertedText = this.initialText + this.trailingText; } var lm = LineIndex.linesFromText(insertedText); var lines = lm.lines; if (lines.length > 1) { if (lines[lines.length - 1] == "") { lines.length--; } } var branchParent; var lastZeroCount; for (var k = this.endBranch.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { this.endBranch[k].updateCounts(); if (this.endBranch[k].charCount() == 0) { lastZeroCount = this.endBranch[k]; if (k > 0) { branchParent = this.endBranch[k - 1]; } else { branchParent = this.branchNode; } } } if (lastZeroCount) { branchParent.remove(lastZeroCount); } var insertionNode = this.startPath[this.startPath.length - 2]; var leafNode = this.startPath[this.startPath.length - 1]; var len = lines.length; if (len > 0) { leafNode.text = lines[0]; if (len > 1) { var insertedNodes = new Array(len - 1); var startNode = leafNode; for (var i = 1, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { insertedNodes[i - 1] = new LineLeaf(lines[i]); } var pathIndex = this.startPath.length - 2; while (pathIndex >= 0) { insertionNode = this.startPath[pathIndex]; insertedNodes = insertionNode.insertAt(startNode, insertedNodes); pathIndex--; startNode = insertionNode; } var insertedNodesLen = insertedNodes.length; while (insertedNodesLen > 0) { var newRoot = new LineNode(); newRoot.add(this.lineIndex.root); insertedNodes = newRoot.insertAt(this.lineIndex.root, insertedNodes); insertedNodesLen = insertedNodes.length; this.lineIndex.root = newRoot; } this.lineIndex.root.updateCounts(); } else { for (var j = this.startPath.length - 2; j >= 0; j--) { this.startPath[j].updateCounts(); } } } else { insertionNode.remove(leafNode); for (var j = this.startPath.length - 2; j >= 0; j--) { this.startPath[j].updateCounts(); } } return this.lineIndex; }; EditWalker.prototype.post = function (relativeStart, relativeLength, lineCollection, parent, nodeType) { if (lineCollection == this.lineCollectionAtBranch) { this.state = CharRangeSection.End; } this.stack.length--; return undefined; }; EditWalker.prototype.pre = function (relativeStart, relativeLength, lineCollection, parent, nodeType) { var currentNode = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; if ((this.state == CharRangeSection.Entire) && (nodeType == CharRangeSection.Start)) { this.state = CharRangeSection.Start; this.branchNode = currentNode; this.lineCollectionAtBranch = lineCollection; } var child; function fresh(node) { if (node.isLeaf()) { return new LineLeaf(""); } else return new LineNode(); } switch (nodeType) { case CharRangeSection.PreStart: this.goSubtree = false; if (this.state != CharRangeSection.End) { currentNode.add(lineCollection); } break; case CharRangeSection.Start: if (this.state == CharRangeSection.End) { this.goSubtree = false; } else { child = fresh(lineCollection); currentNode.add(child); this.startPath[this.startPath.length] = child; } break; case CharRangeSection.Entire: if (this.state != CharRangeSection.End) { child = fresh(lineCollection); currentNode.add(child); this.startPath[this.startPath.length] = child; } else { if (!lineCollection.isLeaf()) { child = fresh(lineCollection); currentNode.add(child); this.endBranch[this.endBranch.length] = child; } } break; case CharRangeSection.Mid: this.goSubtree = false; break; case CharRangeSection.End: if (this.state != CharRangeSection.End) { this.goSubtree = false; } else { if (!lineCollection.isLeaf()) { child = fresh(lineCollection); currentNode.add(child); this.endBranch[this.endBranch.length] = child; } } break; case CharRangeSection.PostEnd: this.goSubtree = false; if (this.state != CharRangeSection.Start) { currentNode.add(lineCollection); } break; } if (this.goSubtree) { this.stack[this.stack.length] = child; } return lineCollection; }; EditWalker.prototype.leaf = function (relativeStart, relativeLength, ll) { if (this.state == CharRangeSection.Start) { this.initialText = ll.text.substring(0, relativeStart); } else if (this.state == CharRangeSection.Entire) { this.initialText = ll.text.substring(0, relativeStart); this.trailingText = ll.text.substring(relativeStart + relativeLength); } else { this.trailingText = ll.text.substring(relativeStart + relativeLength); } }; return EditWalker; })(BaseLineIndexWalker); var TextChange = (function () { function TextChange(pos, deleteLen, insertedText) { this.pos = pos; this.deleteLen = deleteLen; this.insertedText = insertedText; } TextChange.prototype.getTextChangeRange = function () { return ts.createTextChangeRange(ts.createTextSpan(this.pos, this.deleteLen), this.insertedText ? this.insertedText.length : 0); }; return TextChange; })(); var ScriptVersionCache = (function () { function ScriptVersionCache() { this.changes = []; this.versions = []; this.minVersion = 0; this.currentVersion = 0; } ScriptVersionCache.prototype.edit = function (pos, deleteLen, insertedText) { this.changes[this.changes.length] = new TextChange(pos, deleteLen, insertedText); if ((this.changes.length > ScriptVersionCache.changeNumberThreshold) || (deleteLen > ScriptVersionCache.changeLengthThreshold) || (insertedText && (insertedText.length > ScriptVersionCache.changeLengthThreshold))) { this.getSnapshot(); } }; ScriptVersionCache.prototype.latest = function () { return this.versions[this.currentVersion]; }; ScriptVersionCache.prototype.latestVersion = function () { if (this.changes.length > 0) { this.getSnapshot(); } return this.currentVersion; }; ScriptVersionCache.prototype.reloadFromFile = function (filename, cb) { var content = ts.sys.readFile(filename); this.reload(content); if (cb) cb(); }; ScriptVersionCache.prototype.reload = function (script) { this.currentVersion++; this.changes = []; var snap = new LineIndexSnapshot(this.currentVersion, this); this.versions[this.currentVersion] = snap; snap.index = new LineIndex(); var lm = LineIndex.linesFromText(script); snap.index.load(lm.lines); for (var i = this.minVersion; i < this.currentVersion; i++) { this.versions[i] = undefined; } this.minVersion = this.currentVersion; }; ScriptVersionCache.prototype.getSnapshot = function () { var snap = this.versions[this.currentVersion]; if (this.changes.length > 0) { var snapIndex = this.latest().index; for (var i = 0, len = this.changes.length; i < len; i++) { var change = this.changes[i]; snapIndex = snapIndex.edit(change.pos, change.deleteLen, change.insertedText); } snap = new LineIndexSnapshot(this.currentVersion + 1, this); snap.index = snapIndex; snap.changesSincePreviousVersion = this.changes; this.currentVersion = snap.version; this.versions[snap.version] = snap; this.changes = []; if ((this.currentVersion - this.minVersion) >= ScriptVersionCache.maxVersions) { var oldMin = this.minVersion; this.minVersion = (this.currentVersion - ScriptVersionCache.maxVersions) + 1; for (var j = oldMin; j < this.minVersion; j++) { this.versions[j] = undefined; } } } return snap; }; ScriptVersionCache.prototype.getTextChangesBetweenVersions = function (oldVersion, newVersion) { if (oldVersion < newVersion) { if (oldVersion >= this.minVersion) { var textChangeRanges = []; for (var i = oldVersion + 1; i <= newVersion; i++) { var snap = this.versions[i]; for (var j = 0, len = snap.changesSincePreviousVersion.length; j < len; j++) { var textChange = snap.changesSincePreviousVersion[j]; textChangeRanges[textChangeRanges.length] = textChange.getTextChangeRange(); } } return ts.collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions(textChangeRanges); } else { return undefined; } } else { return ts.unchangedTextChangeRange; } }; ScriptVersionCache.fromString = function (script) { var svc = new ScriptVersionCache(); var snap = new LineIndexSnapshot(0, svc); svc.versions[svc.currentVersion] = snap; snap.index = new LineIndex(); var lm = LineIndex.linesFromText(script); snap.index.load(lm.lines); return svc; }; ScriptVersionCache.changeNumberThreshold = 8; ScriptVersionCache.changeLengthThreshold = 256; ScriptVersionCache.maxVersions = 8; return ScriptVersionCache; })(); server.ScriptVersionCache = ScriptVersionCache; var LineIndexSnapshot = (function () { function LineIndexSnapshot(version, cache) { this.version = version; this.cache = cache; this.changesSincePreviousVersion = []; } LineIndexSnapshot.prototype.getText = function (rangeStart, rangeEnd) { return this.index.getText(rangeStart, rangeEnd - rangeStart); }; LineIndexSnapshot.prototype.getLength = function () { return this.index.root.charCount(); }; LineIndexSnapshot.prototype.getLineStartPositions = function () { var starts = [-1]; var count = 1; var pos = 0; this.index.every(function (ll, s, len) { starts[count++] = pos; pos += ll.text.length; return true; }, 0); return starts; }; LineIndexSnapshot.prototype.getLineMapper = function () { var _this = this; return (function (line) { return _this.index.lineNumberToInfo(line).offset; }); }; LineIndexSnapshot.prototype.getTextChangeRangeSinceVersion = function (scriptVersion) { if (this.version <= scriptVersion) { return ts.unchangedTextChangeRange; } else { return this.cache.getTextChangesBetweenVersions(scriptVersion, this.version); } }; LineIndexSnapshot.prototype.getChangeRange = function (oldSnapshot) { var oldSnap = oldSnapshot; return this.getTextChangeRangeSinceVersion(oldSnap.version); }; return LineIndexSnapshot; })(); var LineIndex = (function () { function LineIndex() { this.checkEdits = false; } LineIndex.prototype.charOffsetToLineNumberAndPos = function (charOffset) { return this.root.charOffsetToLineNumberAndPos(1, charOffset); }; LineIndex.prototype.lineNumberToInfo = function (lineNumber) { var lineCount = this.root.lineCount(); if (lineNumber <= lineCount) { var lineInfo = this.root.lineNumberToInfo(lineNumber, 0); lineInfo.line = lineNumber; return lineInfo; } else { return { line: lineNumber, offset: this.root.charCount() }; } }; LineIndex.prototype.load = function (lines) { if (lines.length > 0) { var leaves = []; for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { leaves[i] = new LineLeaf(lines[i]); } this.root = LineIndex.buildTreeFromBottom(leaves); } else { this.root = new LineNode(); } }; LineIndex.prototype.walk = function (rangeStart, rangeLength, walkFns) { this.root.walk(rangeStart, rangeLength, walkFns); }; LineIndex.prototype.getText = function (rangeStart, rangeLength) { var accum = ""; if ((rangeLength > 0) && (rangeStart < this.root.charCount())) { this.walk(rangeStart, rangeLength, { goSubtree: true, done: false, leaf: function (relativeStart, relativeLength, ll) { accum = accum.concat(ll.text.substring(relativeStart, relativeStart + relativeLength)); } }); } return accum; }; LineIndex.prototype.every = function (f, rangeStart, rangeEnd) { if (!rangeEnd) { rangeEnd = this.root.charCount(); } var walkFns = { goSubtree: true, done: false, leaf: function (relativeStart, relativeLength, ll) { if (!f(ll, relativeStart, relativeLength)) { this.done = true; } } }; this.walk(rangeStart, rangeEnd - rangeStart, walkFns); return !walkFns.done; }; LineIndex.prototype.edit = function (pos, deleteLength, newText) { function editFlat(source, s, dl, nt) { if (nt === void 0) { nt = ""; } return source.substring(0, s) + nt + source.substring(s + dl, source.length); } if (this.root.charCount() == 0) { if (newText) { this.load(LineIndex.linesFromText(newText).lines); return this; } } else { if (this.checkEdits) { var checkText = editFlat(this.getText(0, this.root.charCount()), pos, deleteLength, newText); } var walker = new EditWalker(); if (pos >= this.root.charCount()) { pos = this.root.charCount() - 1; var endString = this.getText(pos, 1); if (newText) { newText = endString + newText; } else { newText = endString; } deleteLength = 0; walker.suppressTrailingText = true; } else if (deleteLength > 0) { var e = pos + deleteLength; var lineInfo = this.charOffsetToLineNumberAndPos(e); if ((lineInfo && (lineInfo.offset == 0))) { deleteLength += lineInfo.text.length; if (newText) { newText = newText + lineInfo.text; } else { newText = lineInfo.text; } } } if (pos < this.root.charCount()) { this.root.walk(pos, deleteLength, walker); walker.insertLines(newText); } if (this.checkEdits) { var updatedText = this.getText(0, this.root.charCount()); ts.Debug.assert(checkText == updatedText, "buffer edit mismatch"); } return walker.lineIndex; } }; LineIndex.buildTreeFromBottom = function (nodes) { var nodeCount = Math.ceil(nodes.length / lineCollectionCapacity); var interiorNodes = []; var nodeIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { interiorNodes[i] = new LineNode(); var charCount = 0; var lineCount = 0; for (var j = 0; j < lineCollectionCapacity; j++) { if (nodeIndex < nodes.length) { interiorNodes[i].add(nodes[nodeIndex]); charCount += nodes[nodeIndex].charCount(); lineCount += nodes[nodeIndex].lineCount(); } else { break; } nodeIndex++; } interiorNodes[i].totalChars = charCount; interiorNodes[i].totalLines = lineCount; } if (interiorNodes.length == 1) { return interiorNodes[0]; } else { return this.buildTreeFromBottom(interiorNodes); } }; LineIndex.linesFromText = function (text) { var lineStarts = ts.computeLineStarts(text); if (lineStarts.length == 0) { return { lines: [], lineMap: lineStarts }; } var lines = new Array(lineStarts.length); var lc = lineStarts.length - 1; for (var lmi = 0; lmi < lc; lmi++) { lines[lmi] = text.substring(lineStarts[lmi], lineStarts[lmi + 1]); } var endText = text.substring(lineStarts[lc]); if (endText.length > 0) { lines[lc] = endText; } else { lines.length--; } return { lines: lines, lineMap: lineStarts }; }; return LineIndex; })(); server.LineIndex = LineIndex; var LineNode = (function () { function LineNode() { this.totalChars = 0; this.totalLines = 0; this.children = []; } LineNode.prototype.isLeaf = function () { return false; }; LineNode.prototype.updateCounts = function () { this.totalChars = 0; this.totalLines = 0; for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { var child = this.children[i]; this.totalChars += child.charCount(); this.totalLines += child.lineCount(); } }; LineNode.prototype.execWalk = function (rangeStart, rangeLength, walkFns, childIndex, nodeType) { if (walkFns.pre) { walkFns.pre(rangeStart, rangeLength, this.children[childIndex], this, nodeType); } if (walkFns.goSubtree) { this.children[childIndex].walk(rangeStart, rangeLength, walkFns); if (walkFns.post) { walkFns.post(rangeStart, rangeLength, this.children[childIndex], this, nodeType); } } else { walkFns.goSubtree = true; } return walkFns.done; }; LineNode.prototype.skipChild = function (relativeStart, relativeLength, childIndex, walkFns, nodeType) { if (walkFns.pre && (!walkFns.done)) { walkFns.pre(relativeStart, relativeLength, this.children[childIndex], this, nodeType); walkFns.goSubtree = true; } }; LineNode.prototype.walk = function (rangeStart, rangeLength, walkFns) { var childIndex = 0; var child = this.children[0]; var childCharCount = child.charCount(); var adjustedStart = rangeStart; while (adjustedStart >= childCharCount) { this.skipChild(adjustedStart, rangeLength, childIndex, walkFns, CharRangeSection.PreStart); adjustedStart -= childCharCount; child = this.children[++childIndex]; childCharCount = child.charCount(); } if ((adjustedStart + rangeLength) <= childCharCount) { if (this.execWalk(adjustedStart, rangeLength, walkFns, childIndex, CharRangeSection.Entire)) { return; } } else { if (this.execWalk(adjustedStart, childCharCount - adjustedStart, walkFns, childIndex, CharRangeSection.Start)) { return; } var adjustedLength = rangeLength - (childCharCount - adjustedStart); child = this.children[++childIndex]; childCharCount = child.charCount(); while (adjustedLength > childCharCount) { if (this.execWalk(0, childCharCount, walkFns, childIndex, CharRangeSection.Mid)) { return; } adjustedLength -= childCharCount; child = this.children[++childIndex]; childCharCount = child.charCount(); } if (adjustedLength > 0) { if (this.execWalk(0, adjustedLength, walkFns, childIndex, CharRangeSection.End)) { return; } } } if (walkFns.pre) { var clen = this.children.length; if (childIndex < (clen - 1)) { for (var ej = childIndex + 1; ej < clen; ej++) { this.skipChild(0, 0, ej, walkFns, CharRangeSection.PostEnd); } } } }; LineNode.prototype.charOffsetToLineNumberAndPos = function (lineNumber, charOffset) { var childInfo = this.childFromCharOffset(lineNumber, charOffset); if (!childInfo.child) { return { line: lineNumber, offset: charOffset }; } else if (childInfo.childIndex < this.children.length) { if (childInfo.child.isLeaf()) { return { line: childInfo.lineNumber, offset: childInfo.charOffset, text: (childInfo.child).text, leaf: (childInfo.child) }; } else { var lineNode = (childInfo.child); return lineNode.charOffsetToLineNumberAndPos(childInfo.lineNumber, childInfo.charOffset); } } else { var lineInfo = this.lineNumberToInfo(this.lineCount(), 0); return { line: this.lineCount(), offset: lineInfo.leaf.charCount() }; } }; LineNode.prototype.lineNumberToInfo = function (lineNumber, charOffset) { var childInfo = this.childFromLineNumber(lineNumber, charOffset); if (!childInfo.child) { return { line: lineNumber, offset: charOffset }; } else if (childInfo.child.isLeaf()) { return { line: lineNumber, offset: childInfo.charOffset, text: (childInfo.child).text, leaf: (childInfo.child) }; } else { var lineNode = (childInfo.child); return lineNode.lineNumberToInfo(childInfo.relativeLineNumber, childInfo.charOffset); } }; LineNode.prototype.childFromLineNumber = function (lineNumber, charOffset) { var child; var relativeLineNumber = lineNumber; for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { child = this.children[i]; var childLineCount = child.lineCount(); if (childLineCount >= relativeLineNumber) { break; } else { relativeLineNumber -= childLineCount; charOffset += child.charCount(); } } return { child: child, childIndex: i, relativeLineNumber: relativeLineNumber, charOffset: charOffset }; }; LineNode.prototype.childFromCharOffset = function (lineNumber, charOffset) { var child; for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { child = this.children[i]; if (child.charCount() > charOffset) { break; } else { charOffset -= child.charCount(); lineNumber += child.lineCount(); } } return { child: child, childIndex: i, charOffset: charOffset, lineNumber: lineNumber }; }; LineNode.prototype.splitAfter = function (childIndex) { var splitNode; var clen = this.children.length; childIndex++; var endLength = childIndex; if (childIndex < clen) { splitNode = new LineNode(); while (childIndex < clen) { splitNode.add(this.children[childIndex++]); } splitNode.updateCounts(); } this.children.length = endLength; return splitNode; }; LineNode.prototype.remove = function (child) { var childIndex = this.findChildIndex(child); var clen = this.children.length; if (childIndex < (clen - 1)) { for (var i = childIndex; i < (clen - 1); i++) { this.children[i] = this.children[i + 1]; } } this.children.length--; }; LineNode.prototype.findChildIndex = function (child) { var childIndex = 0; var clen = this.children.length; while ((this.children[childIndex] != child) && (childIndex < clen)) childIndex++; return childIndex; }; LineNode.prototype.insertAt = function (child, nodes) { var childIndex = this.findChildIndex(child); var clen = this.children.length; var nodeCount = nodes.length; if ((clen < lineCollectionCapacity) && (childIndex == (clen - 1)) && (nodeCount == 1)) { this.add(nodes[0]); this.updateCounts(); return []; } else { var shiftNode = this.splitAfter(childIndex); var nodeIndex = 0; childIndex++; while ((childIndex < lineCollectionCapacity) && (nodeIndex < nodeCount)) { this.children[childIndex++] = nodes[nodeIndex++]; } var splitNodes = []; var splitNodeCount = 0; if (nodeIndex < nodeCount) { splitNodeCount = Math.ceil((nodeCount - nodeIndex) / lineCollectionCapacity); splitNodes = new Array(splitNodeCount); var splitNodeIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < splitNodeCount; i++) { splitNodes[i] = new LineNode(); } var splitNode = splitNodes[0]; while (nodeIndex < nodeCount) { splitNode.add(nodes[nodeIndex++]); if (splitNode.children.length == lineCollectionCapacity) { splitNodeIndex++; splitNode = splitNodes[splitNodeIndex]; } } for (i = splitNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (splitNodes[i].children.length == 0) { splitNodes.length--; } } } if (shiftNode) { splitNodes[splitNodes.length] = shiftNode; } this.updateCounts(); for (i = 0; i < splitNodeCount; i++) { splitNodes[i].updateCounts(); } return splitNodes; } }; LineNode.prototype.add = function (collection) { this.children[this.children.length] = collection; return (this.children.length < lineCollectionCapacity); }; LineNode.prototype.charCount = function () { return this.totalChars; }; LineNode.prototype.lineCount = function () { return this.totalLines; }; return LineNode; })(); var LineLeaf = (function () { function LineLeaf(text) { this.text = text; } LineLeaf.prototype.setUdata = function (data) { this.udata = data; }; LineLeaf.prototype.getUdata = function () { return this.udata; }; LineLeaf.prototype.isLeaf = function () { return true; }; LineLeaf.prototype.walk = function (rangeStart, rangeLength, walkFns) { walkFns.leaf(rangeStart, rangeLength, this); }; LineLeaf.prototype.charCount = function () { return this.text.length; }; LineLeaf.prototype.lineCount = function () { return 1; }; return LineLeaf; })(); })(server = ts.server || (ts.server = {})); })(ts || (ts = {})); /// /// var ts; (function (ts) { var server; (function (server) { var nodeproto = require('_debugger'); var readline = require('readline'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false }); var Logger = (function () { function Logger(logFilename, level) { this.logFilename = logFilename; this.level = level; this.fd = -1; this.seq = 0; this.inGroup = false; this.firstInGroup = true; } Logger.padStringRight = function (str, padding) { return (str + padding).slice(0, padding.length); }; Logger.prototype.close = function () { if (this.fd >= 0) { fs.close(this.fd); } }; Logger.prototype.perftrc = function (s) { this.msg(s, "Perf"); }; Logger.prototype.info = function (s) { this.msg(s, "Info"); }; Logger.prototype.startGroup = function () { this.inGroup = true; this.firstInGroup = true; }; Logger.prototype.endGroup = function () { this.inGroup = false; this.seq++; this.firstInGroup = true; }; Logger.prototype.loggingEnabled = function () { return !!this.logFilename; }; Logger.prototype.isVerbose = function () { return this.loggingEnabled() && (this.level == "verbose"); }; Logger.prototype.msg = function (s, type) { if (type === void 0) { type = "Err"; } if (this.fd < 0) { if (this.logFilename) { this.fd = fs.openSync(this.logFilename, "w"); } } if (this.fd >= 0) { s = s + "\n"; var prefix = Logger.padStringRight(type + " " + this.seq.toString(), " "); if (this.firstInGroup) { s = prefix + s; this.firstInGroup = false; } if (!this.inGroup) { this.seq++; this.firstInGroup = true; } var buf = new Buffer(s); fs.writeSync(this.fd, buf, 0, buf.length, null); } }; return Logger; })(); var WatchedFileSet = (function () { function WatchedFileSet(interval, chunkSize) { if (interval === void 0) { interval = 2500; } if (chunkSize === void 0) { chunkSize = 30; } this.interval = interval; this.chunkSize = chunkSize; this.watchedFiles = []; this.nextFileToCheck = 0; } WatchedFileSet.copyListRemovingItem = function (item, list) { var copiedList = []; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { if (list[i] != item) { copiedList.push(list[i]); } } return copiedList; }; WatchedFileSet.getModifiedTime = function (fileName) { return fs.statSync(fileName).mtime; }; WatchedFileSet.prototype.poll = function (checkedIndex) { var watchedFile = this.watchedFiles[checkedIndex]; if (!watchedFile) { return; } fs.stat(watchedFile.fileName, function (err, stats) { if (err) { watchedFile.callback(watchedFile.fileName); } else if (watchedFile.mtime.getTime() != stats.mtime.getTime()) { watchedFile.mtime = WatchedFileSet.getModifiedTime(watchedFile.fileName); watchedFile.callback(watchedFile.fileName); } }); }; WatchedFileSet.prototype.startWatchTimer = function () { var _this = this; this.watchTimer = setInterval(function () { var count = 0; var nextToCheck = _this.nextFileToCheck; var firstCheck = -1; while ((count < _this.chunkSize) && (nextToCheck != firstCheck)) { _this.poll(nextToCheck); if (firstCheck < 0) { firstCheck = nextToCheck; } nextToCheck++; if (nextToCheck === _this.watchedFiles.length) { nextToCheck = 0; } count++; } _this.nextFileToCheck = nextToCheck; }, this.interval); }; WatchedFileSet.prototype.addFile = function (fileName, callback) { var file = { fileName: fileName, callback: callback, mtime: WatchedFileSet.getModifiedTime(fileName) }; this.watchedFiles.push(file); if (this.watchedFiles.length === 1) { this.startWatchTimer(); } return file; }; WatchedFileSet.prototype.removeFile = function (file) { this.watchedFiles = WatchedFileSet.copyListRemovingItem(file, this.watchedFiles); }; return WatchedFileSet; })(); var IOSession = (function (_super) { __extends(IOSession, _super); function IOSession(host, logger) { _super.call(this, host, logger); } IOSession.prototype.listen = function () { var _this = this; rl.on('line', function (input) { var message = input.trim(); _this.onMessage(message); }); rl.on('close', function () { _this.projectService.log("Exiting..."); _this.projectService.closeLog(); process.exit(0); }); }; return IOSession; })(server.Session); function parseLoggingEnvironmentString(logEnvStr) { var logEnv = {}; var args = logEnvStr.split(' '); for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < (len - 1); i += 2) { var option = args[i]; var value = args[i + 1]; if (option && value) { switch (option) { case "-file": logEnv.file = value; break; case "-level": logEnv.detailLevel = value; break; } } } return logEnv; } function createLoggerFromEnv() { var fileName = undefined; var detailLevel = "normal"; var logEnvStr = process.env["TSS_LOG"]; if (logEnvStr) { var logEnv = parseLoggingEnvironmentString(logEnvStr); if (logEnv.file) { fileName = logEnv.file; } else { fileName = __dirname + "/.log" + process.pid.toString(); } if (logEnv.detailLevel) { detailLevel = logEnv.detailLevel; } } return new Logger(fileName, detailLevel); } var logger = createLoggerFromEnv(); var watchedFileSet = new WatchedFileSet(); ts.sys.watchFile = function (fileName, callback) { var watchedFile = watchedFileSet.addFile(fileName, callback); return { close: function () { return watchedFileSet.removeFile(watchedFile); } }; }; var ioSession = new IOSession(ts.sys, logger); process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { ioSession.logError(err, "unknown"); }); ioSession.listen(); })(server = ts.server || (ts.server = {})); })(ts || (ts = {}));