//// [declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.ts] export const FOO = 'FOO'; export class Bar { readonly type = FOO; // Should be widening literal "FOO" - so either `typeof "FOO"` or = "FOO" } //// [declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.js] "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.Bar = exports.FOO = void 0; exports.FOO = 'FOO'; var Bar = /** @class */ (function () { function Bar() { this.type = exports.FOO; // Should be widening literal "FOO" - so either `typeof "FOO"` or = "FOO" } return Bar; }()); exports.Bar = Bar; //// [declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.d.ts] export declare const FOO = "FOO"; export declare class Bar { readonly type = "FOO"; }