//// [index.js] // these are recognized as TS concepts by the checker /** @type {String} */const a = ""; /** @type {Number} */const b = 0; /** @type {Boolean} */const c = true; /** @type {Void} */const d = undefined; /** @type {Undefined} */const e = undefined; /** @type {Null} */const f = null; /** @type {Function} */const g = () => void 0; /** @type {function} */const h = () => void 0; /** @type {array} */const i = []; /** @type {promise} */const j = Promise.resolve(0); /** @type {Object} */const k = {x: "x"}; // these are not recognized as anything and should just be lookup failures // ignore the errors to try to ensure they're emitted as `any` in declaration emit // @ts-ignore /** @type {class} */const l = true; // @ts-ignore /** @type {bool} */const m = true; // @ts-ignore /** @type {int} */const n = true; // @ts-ignore /** @type {float} */const o = true; // @ts-ignore /** @type {integer} */const p = true; // or, in the case of `event` likely erroneously refers to the type of the global Event object /** @type {event} */const q = undefined; //// [index.js] "use strict"; // these are recognized as TS concepts by the checker /** @type {String} */ const a = ""; /** @type {Number} */ const b = 0; /** @type {Boolean} */ const c = true; /** @type {Void} */ const d = undefined; /** @type {Undefined} */ const e = undefined; /** @type {Null} */ const f = null; /** @type {Function} */ const g = () => void 0; /** @type {function} */ const h = () => void 0; /** @type {array} */ const i = []; /** @type {promise} */ const j = Promise.resolve(0); /** @type {Object} */ const k = { x: "x" }; // these are not recognized as anything and should just be lookup failures // ignore the errors to try to ensure they're emitted as `any` in declaration emit // @ts-ignore /** @type {class} */ const l = true; // @ts-ignore /** @type {bool} */ const m = true; // @ts-ignore /** @type {int} */ const n = true; // @ts-ignore /** @type {float} */ const o = true; // @ts-ignore /** @type {integer} */ const p = true; // or, in the case of `event` likely erroneously refers to the type of the global Event object /** @type {event} */ const q = undefined; //// [index.d.ts] /** @type {String} */ declare const a: string; /** @type {Number} */ declare const b: number; /** @type {Boolean} */ declare const c: boolean; /** @type {Void} */ declare const d: void; /** @type {Undefined} */ declare const e: undefined; /** @type {Null} */ declare const f: null; /** @type {Function} */ declare const g: Function; /** @type {function} */ declare const h: Function; /** @type {array} */ declare const i: any[]; /** @type {promise} */ declare const j: Promise; /** @type {Object} */ declare const k: { [x: string]: string; }; /** @type {class} */ declare const l: any; /** @type {bool} */ declare const m: any; /** @type {int} */ declare const n: any; /** @type {float} */ declare const o: any; /** @type {integer} */ declare const p: any; /** @type {event} */ declare const q: Event | undefined;