2016-01-29 16:27:34 -08:00

31 lines
1,012 B

tests/cases/compiler/file2.ts(6,15): error TS2665: Module augmentation cannot introduce new names in the top level scope.
tests/cases/compiler/file2.ts(7,9): error TS2665: Module augmentation cannot introduce new names in the top level scope.
==== tests/cases/compiler/file1.ts (0 errors) ====
function foo() {}
namespace foo {
export var v = 1;
export = foo;
==== tests/cases/compiler/file2.ts (2 errors) ====
import x = require("./file1");
x.b = 1;
// OK - './file1' is a namespace
declare module "./file1" {
interface A { a }
!!! error TS2665: Module augmentation cannot introduce new names in the top level scope.
let b: number;
!!! error TS2665: Module augmentation cannot introduce new names in the top level scope.
==== tests/cases/compiler/file3.ts (0 errors) ====
import * as x from "./file1";
import "./file2";
let a: x.A;
let b = x.b;