Andrew Casey 902fcb0cc7
Use fs.realpathSync.native when available (#41292)
* Test that forceConsistentCasingInFileNames does not apply to Windows drive roots

* Add file symlink baselines

* Add directory symlink baselines

* Update test to retain its meaning

Its purpose is (apparently) to demonstrate that
forceConsistenCasingInFileNames can interact badly with synthesized
react imports.  Since the casing of the synthesized import has changed,
also modify the casing of the explicit reference to still conflict.

* Make VFSWithWatch.realpath use the path on disk

* Update VFS realpathSync to behave like realpathSync.native

* Use fs.realpathSync.native when available

In local measurements of an Office project, we saw initial project
loading get 5% faster on Windows and 13% faster on Linux.  The only
identified behavioral change is that it restores the case used on disk,
whereas realpathSync retains the input lowercase.

* Rename SortedMap.getKeyAndValue to getEntry
2020-12-18 09:23:42 -08:00

327 lines
11 KiB

namespace collections {
export interface SortOptions<T> {
comparer: (a: T, b: T) => number;
sort: "insertion" | "comparison";
export class SortedMap<K, V> {
private _comparer: (a: K, b: K) => number;
private _keys: K[] = [];
private _values: V[] = [];
private _order: number[] | undefined;
private _version = 0;
private _copyOnWrite = false;
constructor(comparer: ((a: K, b: K) => number) | SortOptions<K>, iterable?: Iterable<[K, V]>) {
this._comparer = typeof comparer === "object" ? comparer.comparer : comparer;
this._order = typeof comparer === "object" && comparer.sort === "insertion" ? [] : undefined;
if (iterable) {
const iterator = getIterator(iterable);
try {
for (let i = nextResult(iterator); i; i = nextResult(iterator)) {
const [key, value] = i.value;
this.set(key, value);
finally {
public get size() {
return this._keys.length;
public get comparer() {
return this._comparer;
public get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "SortedMap";
public has(key: K) {
return ts.binarySearch(this._keys, key, ts.identity, this._comparer) >= 0;
public get(key: K) {
const index = ts.binarySearch(this._keys, key, ts.identity, this._comparer);
return index >= 0 ? this._values[index] : undefined;
public getEntry(key: K): [ K, V ] | undefined {
const index = ts.binarySearch(this._keys, key, ts.identity, this._comparer);
return index >= 0 ? [ this._keys[index], this._values[index] ] : undefined;
public set(key: K, value: V) {
const index = ts.binarySearch(this._keys, key, ts.identity, this._comparer);
if (index >= 0) {
this._values[index] = value;
else {
insertAt(this._keys, ~index, key);
insertAt(this._values, ~index, value);
if (this._order) insertAt(this._order, ~index, this._version);
return this;
public delete(key: K) {
const index = ts.binarySearch(this._keys, key, ts.identity, this._comparer);
if (index >= 0) {
ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(this._keys, index);
ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(this._values, index);
if (this._order) ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(this._order, index);
return true;
return false;
public clear() {
if (this.size > 0) {
this._keys.length = 0;
this._values.length = 0;
if (this._order) this._order.length = 0;
public forEach(callback: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void, thisArg?: any) {
const keys = this._keys;
const values = this._values;
const indices = this.getIterationOrder();
const version = this._version;
this._copyOnWrite = true;
try {
if (indices) {
for (const i of indices) {
callback.call(thisArg, values[i], keys[i], this);
else {
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
callback.call(thisArg, values[i], keys[i], this);
finally {
if (version === this._version) {
this._copyOnWrite = false;
public * keys() {
const keys = this._keys;
const indices = this.getIterationOrder();
const version = this._version;
this._copyOnWrite = true;
try {
if (indices) {
for (const i of indices) {
yield keys[i];
else {
yield* keys;
finally {
if (version === this._version) {
this._copyOnWrite = false;
public * values() {
const values = this._values;
const indices = this.getIterationOrder();
const version = this._version;
this._copyOnWrite = true;
try {
if (indices) {
for (const i of indices) {
yield values[i];
else {
yield* values;
finally {
if (version === this._version) {
this._copyOnWrite = false;
public * entries() {
const keys = this._keys;
const values = this._values;
const indices = this.getIterationOrder();
const version = this._version;
this._copyOnWrite = true;
try {
if (indices) {
for (const i of indices) {
yield [keys[i], values[i]] as [K, V];
else {
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
yield [keys[i], values[i]] as [K, V];
finally {
if (version === this._version) {
this._copyOnWrite = false;
public [Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.entries();
private writePreamble() {
if (this._copyOnWrite) {
this._keys = this._keys.slice();
this._values = this._values.slice();
if (this._order) this._order = this._order.slice();
this._copyOnWrite = false;
private writePostScript() {
private getIterationOrder() {
if (this._order) {
const order = this._order;
return this._order
.map((_, i) => i)
.sort((x, y) => order[x] - order[y]);
return undefined;
export function insertAt<T>(array: T[], index: number, value: T): void {
if (index === 0) {
else if (index === array.length) {
else {
for (let i = array.length; i > index; i--) {
array[i] = array[i - 1];
array[index] = value;
export function getIterator<T>(iterable: Iterable<T>): Iterator<T> {
return iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
export function nextResult<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): IteratorResult<T> | undefined {
const result = iterator.next();
return result.done ? undefined : result;
export function closeIterator<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>) {
const fn = iterator.return;
if (typeof fn === "function") fn.call(iterator);
* A collection of metadata that supports inheritance.
export class Metadata {
private static readonly _undefinedValue = {};
private _parent: Metadata | undefined;
private _map: { [key: string]: any };
private _version = 0;
private _size = -1;
private _parentVersion: number | undefined;
constructor(parent?: Metadata) {
this._parent = parent;
this._map = Object.create(parent ? parent._map : null); // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
public get size(): number {
if (this._size === -1 || (this._parent && this._parent._version !== this._parentVersion)) {
let size = 0;
for (const _ in this._map) size++;
this._size = size;
if (this._parent) {
this._parentVersion = this._parent._version;
return this._size;
public get parent() {
return this._parent;
public has(key: string): boolean {
return this._map[Metadata._escapeKey(key)] !== undefined;
public get(key: string): any {
const value = this._map[Metadata._escapeKey(key)];
return value === Metadata._undefinedValue ? undefined : value;
public set(key: string, value: any): this {
this._map[Metadata._escapeKey(key)] = value === undefined ? Metadata._undefinedValue : value;
this._size = -1;
return this;
public delete(key: string): boolean {
const escapedKey = Metadata._escapeKey(key);
if (this._map[escapedKey] !== undefined) {
delete this._map[escapedKey];
this._size = -1;
return true;
return false;
public clear(): void {
this._map = Object.create(this._parent ? this._parent._map : null); // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
this._size = -1;
public forEach(callback: (value: any, key: string, map: this) => void) {
for (const key in this._map) {
callback(this._map[key], Metadata._unescapeKey(key), this);
private static _escapeKey(text: string) {
return (text.length >= 2 && text.charAt(0) === "_" && text.charAt(1) === "_" ? "_" + text : text);
private static _unescapeKey(text: string) {
return (text.length >= 3 && text.charAt(0) === "_" && text.charAt(1) === "_" && text.charAt(2) === "_" ? text.slice(1) : text);