Eli Barzilay 5ca7983ebe Fix the code that checks for variadic signatures
This code looks strange, like there's a typo in it (eg, using `lists` in
the `parameterList` loop, etc) -- so I also refactored it a bit to look
more intentional.  The new format makes it clearer that `lists` is
checked once *outside* the loop, as well as the role of

The actual bug fix is checking `pList.length` in the new `isVariadic()`.

Fixes 41059.
2021-05-20 09:27:57 -04:00

665 lines
40 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/* @internal */
namespace ts.SignatureHelp {
const enum InvocationKind { Call, TypeArgs, Contextual }
interface CallInvocation { readonly kind: InvocationKind.Call; readonly node: CallLikeExpression; }
interface TypeArgsInvocation { readonly kind: InvocationKind.TypeArgs; readonly called: Identifier; }
interface ContextualInvocation {
readonly kind: InvocationKind.Contextual;
readonly signature: Signature;
readonly node: Node; // Just for enclosingDeclaration for printing types
readonly symbol: Symbol;
type Invocation = CallInvocation | TypeArgsInvocation | ContextualInvocation;
interface ArgumentListInfo {
readonly isTypeParameterList: boolean;
readonly invocation: Invocation;
readonly argumentsSpan: TextSpan;
readonly argumentIndex: number;
/** argumentCount is the *apparent* number of arguments. */
readonly argumentCount: number;
export function getSignatureHelpItems(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, triggerReason: SignatureHelpTriggerReason | undefined, cancellationToken: CancellationToken): SignatureHelpItems | undefined {
const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
// Decide whether to show signature help
const startingToken = findTokenOnLeftOfPosition(sourceFile, position);
if (!startingToken) {
// We are at the beginning of the file
return undefined;
// Only need to be careful if the user typed a character and signature help wasn't showing.
const onlyUseSyntacticOwners = !!triggerReason && triggerReason.kind === "characterTyped";
// Bail out quickly in the middle of a string or comment, don't provide signature help unless the user explicitly requested it.
if (onlyUseSyntacticOwners && (isInString(sourceFile, position, startingToken) || isInComment(sourceFile, position))) {
return undefined;
const isManuallyInvoked = !!triggerReason && triggerReason.kind === "invoked";
const argumentInfo = getContainingArgumentInfo(startingToken, position, sourceFile, typeChecker, isManuallyInvoked);
if (!argumentInfo) return undefined;
// Extra syntactic and semantic filtering of signature help
const candidateInfo = getCandidateOrTypeInfo(argumentInfo, typeChecker, sourceFile, startingToken, onlyUseSyntacticOwners);
if (!candidateInfo) {
// We didn't have any sig help items produced by the TS compiler. If this is a JS
// file, then see if we can figure out anything better.
return isSourceFileJS(sourceFile) ? createJSSignatureHelpItems(argumentInfo, program, cancellationToken) : undefined;
return typeChecker.runWithCancellationToken(cancellationToken, typeChecker =>
candidateInfo.kind === CandidateOrTypeKind.Candidate
? createSignatureHelpItems(candidateInfo.candidates, candidateInfo.resolvedSignature, argumentInfo, sourceFile, typeChecker)
: createTypeHelpItems(candidateInfo.symbol, argumentInfo, sourceFile, typeChecker));
const enum CandidateOrTypeKind { Candidate, Type }
interface CandidateInfo {
readonly kind: CandidateOrTypeKind.Candidate;
readonly candidates: readonly Signature[];
readonly resolvedSignature: Signature;
interface TypeInfo {
readonly kind: CandidateOrTypeKind.Type;
readonly symbol: Symbol;
function getCandidateOrTypeInfo({ invocation, argumentCount }: ArgumentListInfo, checker: TypeChecker, sourceFile: SourceFile, startingToken: Node, onlyUseSyntacticOwners: boolean): CandidateInfo | TypeInfo | undefined {
switch (invocation.kind) {
case InvocationKind.Call: {
if (onlyUseSyntacticOwners && !isSyntacticOwner(startingToken, invocation.node, sourceFile)) {
return undefined;
const candidates: Signature[] = [];
const resolvedSignature = checker.getResolvedSignatureForSignatureHelp(invocation.node, candidates, argumentCount)!; // TODO: GH#18217
return candidates.length === 0 ? undefined : { kind: CandidateOrTypeKind.Candidate, candidates, resolvedSignature };
case InvocationKind.TypeArgs: {
const { called } = invocation;
if (onlyUseSyntacticOwners && !containsPrecedingToken(startingToken, sourceFile, isIdentifier(called) ? called.parent : called)) {
return undefined;
const candidates = getPossibleGenericSignatures(called, argumentCount, checker);
if (candidates.length !== 0) return { kind: CandidateOrTypeKind.Candidate, candidates, resolvedSignature: first(candidates) };
const symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(called);
return symbol && { kind: CandidateOrTypeKind.Type, symbol };
case InvocationKind.Contextual:
return { kind: CandidateOrTypeKind.Candidate, candidates: [invocation.signature], resolvedSignature: invocation.signature };
return Debug.assertNever(invocation);
function isSyntacticOwner(startingToken: Node, node: CallLikeExpression, sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean {
if (!isCallOrNewExpression(node)) return false;
const invocationChildren = node.getChildren(sourceFile);
switch (startingToken.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken:
return contains(invocationChildren, startingToken);
case SyntaxKind.CommaToken: {
const containingList = findContainingList(startingToken);
return !!containingList && contains(invocationChildren, containingList);
case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken:
return containsPrecedingToken(startingToken, sourceFile, node.expression);
return false;
function createJSSignatureHelpItems(argumentInfo: ArgumentListInfo, program: Program, cancellationToken: CancellationToken): SignatureHelpItems | undefined {
if (argumentInfo.invocation.kind === InvocationKind.Contextual) return undefined;
// See if we can find some symbol with the call expression name that has call signatures.
const expression = getExpressionFromInvocation(argumentInfo.invocation);
const name = isPropertyAccessExpression(expression) ? expression.name.text : undefined;
const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
return name === undefined ? undefined : firstDefined(program.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile =>
firstDefined(sourceFile.getNamedDeclarations().get(name), declaration => {
const type = declaration.symbol && typeChecker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(declaration.symbol, declaration);
const callSignatures = type && type.getCallSignatures();
if (callSignatures && callSignatures.length) {
return typeChecker.runWithCancellationToken(
typeChecker => createSignatureHelpItems(
/*useFullPrefix*/ true));
function containsPrecedingToken(startingToken: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, container: Node) {
const pos = startingToken.getFullStart();
// Theres a possibility that `startingToken.parent` contains only `startingToken` and
// missing nodes, none of which are valid to be returned by `findPrecedingToken`. In that
// case, the preceding token we want is actually higher up the tree—almost definitely the
// next parent, but theoretically the situation with missing nodes might be happening on
// multiple nested levels.
let currentParent: Node | undefined = startingToken.parent;
while (currentParent) {
const precedingToken = findPrecedingToken(pos, sourceFile, currentParent, /*excludeJsdoc*/ true);
if (precedingToken) {
return rangeContainsRange(container, precedingToken);
currentParent = currentParent.parent;
return Debug.fail("Could not find preceding token");
export interface ArgumentInfoForCompletions {
readonly invocation: CallLikeExpression;
readonly argumentIndex: number;
readonly argumentCount: number;
export function getArgumentInfoForCompletions(node: Node, position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): ArgumentInfoForCompletions | undefined {
const info = getImmediatelyContainingArgumentInfo(node, position, sourceFile);
return !info || info.isTypeParameterList || info.invocation.kind !== InvocationKind.Call ? undefined
: { invocation: info.invocation.node, argumentCount: info.argumentCount, argumentIndex: info.argumentIndex };
function getArgumentOrParameterListInfo(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): { readonly list: Node, readonly argumentIndex: number, readonly argumentCount: number, readonly argumentsSpan: TextSpan } | undefined {
const info = getArgumentOrParameterListAndIndex(node, sourceFile);
if (!info) return undefined;
const { list, argumentIndex } = info;
const argumentCount = getArgumentCount(list);
if (argumentIndex !== 0) {
Debug.assertLessThan(argumentIndex, argumentCount);
const argumentsSpan = getApplicableSpanForArguments(list, sourceFile);
return { list, argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentsSpan };
function getArgumentOrParameterListAndIndex(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): { readonly list: Node, readonly argumentIndex: number } | undefined {
if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken || node.kind === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken) {
// Find the list that starts right *after* the < or ( token.
// If the user has just opened a list, consider this item 0.
return { list: getChildListThatStartsWithOpenerToken(node.parent, node, sourceFile), argumentIndex: 0 };
else {
// findListItemInfo can return undefined if we are not in parent's argument list
// or type argument list. This includes cases where the cursor is:
// - To the right of the closing parenthesis, non-substitution template, or template tail.
// - Between the type arguments and the arguments (greater than token)
// - On the target of the call (parent.func)
// - On the 'new' keyword in a 'new' expression
const list = findContainingList(node);
return list && { list, argumentIndex: getArgumentIndex(list, node) };
* Returns relevant information for the argument list and the current argument if we are
* in the argument of an invocation; returns undefined otherwise.
function getImmediatelyContainingArgumentInfo(node: Node, position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): ArgumentListInfo | undefined {
const { parent } = node;
if (isCallOrNewExpression(parent)) {
const invocation = parent;
// There are 3 cases to handle:
// 1. The token introduces a list, and should begin a signature help session
// 2. The token is either not associated with a list, or ends a list, so the session should end
// 3. The token is buried inside a list, and should give signature help
// The following are examples of each:
// Case 1:
// foo<#T, U>(#a, b) -> The token introduces a list, and should begin a signature help session
// Case 2:
// fo#o<T, U>#(a, b)# -> The token is either not associated with a list, or ends a list, so the session should end
// Case 3:
// foo<T#, U#>(a#, #b#) -> The token is buried inside a list, and should give signature help
// Find out if 'node' is an argument, a type argument, or neither
const info = getArgumentOrParameterListInfo(node, sourceFile);
if (!info) return undefined;
const { list, argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentsSpan } = info;
const isTypeParameterList = !!parent.typeArguments && parent.typeArguments.pos === list.pos;
return { isTypeParameterList, invocation: { kind: InvocationKind.Call, node: invocation }, argumentsSpan, argumentIndex, argumentCount };
else if (isNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(node) && isTaggedTemplateExpression(parent)) {
// Check if we're actually inside the template;
// otherwise we'll fall out and return undefined.
if (isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position, sourceFile)) {
return getArgumentListInfoForTemplate(parent, /*argumentIndex*/ 0, sourceFile);
return undefined;
else if (isTemplateHead(node) && parent.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.TaggedTemplateExpression) {
const templateExpression = parent as TemplateExpression;
const tagExpression = templateExpression.parent as TaggedTemplateExpression;
Debug.assert(templateExpression.kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateExpression);
const argumentIndex = isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position, sourceFile) ? 0 : 1;
return getArgumentListInfoForTemplate(tagExpression, argumentIndex, sourceFile);
else if (isTemplateSpan(parent) && isTaggedTemplateExpression(parent.parent.parent)) {
const templateSpan = parent;
const tagExpression = parent.parent.parent;
// If we're just after a template tail, don't show signature help.
if (isTemplateTail(node) && !isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position, sourceFile)) {
return undefined;
const spanIndex = templateSpan.parent.templateSpans.indexOf(templateSpan);
const argumentIndex = getArgumentIndexForTemplatePiece(spanIndex, node, position, sourceFile);
return getArgumentListInfoForTemplate(tagExpression, argumentIndex, sourceFile);
else if (isJsxOpeningLikeElement(parent)) {
// Provide a signature help for JSX opening element or JSX self-closing element.
// This is not guarantee that JSX tag-name is resolved into stateless function component. (that is done in "getSignatureHelpItems")
// i.e
// export function MainButton(props: ButtonProps, context: any): JSX.Element { ... }
// <MainButton /*signatureHelp*/
const attributeSpanStart = parent.attributes.pos;
const attributeSpanEnd = skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, parent.attributes.end, /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ false);
return {
isTypeParameterList: false,
invocation: { kind: InvocationKind.Call, node: parent },
argumentsSpan: createTextSpan(attributeSpanStart, attributeSpanEnd - attributeSpanStart),
argumentIndex: 0,
argumentCount: 1
else {
const typeArgInfo = getPossibleTypeArgumentsInfo(node, sourceFile);
if (typeArgInfo) {
const { called, nTypeArguments } = typeArgInfo;
const invocation: Invocation = { kind: InvocationKind.TypeArgs, called };
const argumentsSpan = createTextSpanFromBounds(called.getStart(sourceFile), node.end);
return { isTypeParameterList: true, invocation, argumentsSpan, argumentIndex: nTypeArguments, argumentCount: nTypeArguments + 1 };
return undefined;
function getImmediatelyContainingArgumentOrContextualParameterInfo(node: Node, position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile, checker: TypeChecker): ArgumentListInfo | undefined {
return tryGetParameterInfo(node, position, sourceFile, checker) || getImmediatelyContainingArgumentInfo(node, position, sourceFile);
function getHighestBinary(b: BinaryExpression): BinaryExpression {
return isBinaryExpression(b.parent) ? getHighestBinary(b.parent) : b;
function countBinaryExpressionParameters(b: BinaryExpression): number {
return isBinaryExpression(b.left) ? countBinaryExpressionParameters(b.left) + 1 : 2;
function tryGetParameterInfo(startingToken: Node, _position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile, checker: TypeChecker): ArgumentListInfo | undefined {
const info = getContextualSignatureLocationInfo(startingToken, sourceFile, checker);
if (!info) return undefined;
const { contextualType, argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentsSpan } = info;
// for optional function condition.
const nonNullableContextualType = contextualType.getNonNullableType();
const signatures = nonNullableContextualType.getCallSignatures();
if (signatures.length !== 1) return undefined;
const invocation: ContextualInvocation = { kind: InvocationKind.Contextual, signature: first(signatures), node: startingToken, symbol: chooseBetterSymbol(nonNullableContextualType.symbol) };
return { isTypeParameterList: false, invocation, argumentsSpan, argumentIndex, argumentCount };
interface ContextualSignatureLocationInfo { readonly contextualType: Type; readonly argumentIndex: number; readonly argumentCount: number; readonly argumentsSpan: TextSpan; }
function getContextualSignatureLocationInfo(startingToken: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, checker: TypeChecker): ContextualSignatureLocationInfo | undefined {
if (startingToken.kind !== SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken && startingToken.kind !== SyntaxKind.CommaToken) return undefined;
const { parent } = startingToken;
switch (parent.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression:
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression:
case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
const info = getArgumentOrParameterListInfo(startingToken, sourceFile);
if (!info) return undefined;
const { argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentsSpan } = info;
const contextualType = isMethodDeclaration(parent) ? checker.getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralElement(parent) : checker.getContextualType(parent as ParenthesizedExpression | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunction);
return contextualType && { contextualType, argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentsSpan };
case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: {
const highestBinary = getHighestBinary(parent as BinaryExpression);
const contextualType = checker.getContextualType(highestBinary);
const argumentIndex = startingToken.kind === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken ? 0 : countBinaryExpressionParameters(parent as BinaryExpression) - 1;
const argumentCount = countBinaryExpressionParameters(highestBinary);
return contextualType && { contextualType, argumentIndex, argumentCount, argumentsSpan: createTextSpanFromNode(parent) };
return undefined;
// The type of a function type node has a symbol at that node, but it's better to use the symbol for a parameter or type alias.
function chooseBetterSymbol(s: Symbol): Symbol {
return s.name === InternalSymbolName.Type
? firstDefined(s.declarations, d => isFunctionTypeNode(d) ? d.parent.symbol : undefined) || s
: s;
function getArgumentIndex(argumentsList: Node, node: Node) {
// The list we got back can include commas. In the presence of errors it may
// also just have nodes without commas. For example "Foo(a b c)" will have 3
// args without commas. We want to find what index we're at. So we count
// forward until we hit ourselves, only incrementing the index if it isn't a
// comma.
// Note: the subtlety around trailing commas (in getArgumentCount) does not apply
// here. That's because we're only walking forward until we hit the node we're
// on. In that case, even if we're after the trailing comma, we'll still see
// that trailing comma in the list, and we'll have generated the appropriate
// arg index.
let argumentIndex = 0;
for (const child of argumentsList.getChildren()) {
if (child === node) {
if (child.kind !== SyntaxKind.CommaToken) {
return argumentIndex;
function getArgumentCount(argumentsList: Node) {
// The argument count for a list is normally the number of non-comma children it has.
// For example, if you have "Foo(a,b)" then there will be three children of the arg
// list 'a' '<comma>' 'b'. So, in this case the arg count will be 2. However, there
// is a small subtlety. If you have "Foo(a,)", then the child list will just have
// 'a' '<comma>'. So, in the case where the last child is a comma, we increase the
// arg count by one to compensate.
// Note: this subtlety only applies to the last comma. If you had "Foo(a,," then
// we'll have: 'a' '<comma>' '<missing>'
// That will give us 2 non-commas. We then add one for the last comma, giving us an
// arg count of 3.
const listChildren = argumentsList.getChildren();
let argumentCount = countWhere(listChildren, arg => arg.kind !== SyntaxKind.CommaToken);
if (listChildren.length > 0 && last(listChildren).kind === SyntaxKind.CommaToken) {
return argumentCount;
// spanIndex is either the index for a given template span.
// This does not give appropriate results for a NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
function getArgumentIndexForTemplatePiece(spanIndex: number, node: Node, position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): number {
// Because the TemplateStringsArray is the first argument, we have to offset each substitution expression by 1.
// There are three cases we can encounter:
// 1. We are precisely in the template literal (argIndex = 0).
// 2. We are in or to the right of the substitution expression (argIndex = spanIndex + 1).
// 3. We are directly to the right of the template literal, but because we look for the token on the left,
// not enough to put us in the substitution expression; we should consider ourselves part of
// the *next* span's expression by offsetting the index (argIndex = (spanIndex + 1) + 1).
/* eslint-disable no-double-space */
// Example: f `# abcd $#{# 1 + 1# }# efghi ${ #"#hello"# } # `
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// Case: 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 1
/* eslint-enable no-double-space */
Debug.assert(position >= node.getStart(), "Assumed 'position' could not occur before node.");
if (isTemplateLiteralToken(node)) {
if (isInsideTemplateLiteral(node, position, sourceFile)) {
return 0;
return spanIndex + 2;
return spanIndex + 1;
function getArgumentListInfoForTemplate(tagExpression: TaggedTemplateExpression, argumentIndex: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): ArgumentListInfo {
// argumentCount is either 1 or (numSpans + 1) to account for the template strings array argument.
const argumentCount = isNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(tagExpression.template) ? 1 : tagExpression.template.templateSpans.length + 1;
if (argumentIndex !== 0) {
Debug.assertLessThan(argumentIndex, argumentCount);
return {
isTypeParameterList: false,
invocation: { kind: InvocationKind.Call, node: tagExpression },
argumentsSpan: getApplicableSpanForTaggedTemplate(tagExpression, sourceFile),
function getApplicableSpanForArguments(argumentsList: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): TextSpan {
// We use full start and skip trivia on the end because we want to include trivia on
// both sides. For example,
// foo( /*comment */ a, b, c /*comment*/ )
// | |
// The applicable span is from the first bar to the second bar (inclusive,
// but not including parentheses)
const applicableSpanStart = argumentsList.getFullStart();
const applicableSpanEnd = skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, argumentsList.getEnd(), /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ false);
return createTextSpan(applicableSpanStart, applicableSpanEnd - applicableSpanStart);
function getApplicableSpanForTaggedTemplate(taggedTemplate: TaggedTemplateExpression, sourceFile: SourceFile): TextSpan {
const template = taggedTemplate.template;
const applicableSpanStart = template.getStart();
let applicableSpanEnd = template.getEnd();
// We need to adjust the end position for the case where the template does not have a tail.
// Otherwise, we will not show signature help past the expression.
// For example,
// ` ${ 1 + 1 foo(10)
// | |
// This is because a Missing node has no width. However, what we actually want is to include trivia
// leading up to the next token in case the user is about to type in a TemplateMiddle or TemplateTail.
if (template.kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateExpression) {
const lastSpan = last(template.templateSpans);
if (lastSpan.literal.getFullWidth() === 0) {
applicableSpanEnd = skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, applicableSpanEnd, /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ false);
return createTextSpan(applicableSpanStart, applicableSpanEnd - applicableSpanStart);
function getContainingArgumentInfo(node: Node, position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile, checker: TypeChecker, isManuallyInvoked: boolean): ArgumentListInfo | undefined {
for (let n = node; !isSourceFile(n) && (isManuallyInvoked || !isBlock(n)); n = n.parent) {
// If the node is not a subspan of its parent, this is a big problem.
// There have been crashes that might be caused by this violation.
Debug.assert(rangeContainsRange(n.parent, n), "Not a subspan", () => `Child: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(n.kind)}, parent: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(n.parent.kind)}`);
const argumentInfo = getImmediatelyContainingArgumentOrContextualParameterInfo(n, position, sourceFile, checker);
if (argumentInfo) {
return argumentInfo;
return undefined;
function getChildListThatStartsWithOpenerToken(parent: Node, openerToken: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): Node {
const children = parent.getChildren(sourceFile);
const indexOfOpenerToken = children.indexOf(openerToken);
Debug.assert(indexOfOpenerToken >= 0 && children.length > indexOfOpenerToken + 1);
return children[indexOfOpenerToken + 1];
function getExpressionFromInvocation(invocation: CallInvocation | TypeArgsInvocation): Expression {
return invocation.kind === InvocationKind.Call ? getInvokedExpression(invocation.node) : invocation.called;
function getEnclosingDeclarationFromInvocation(invocation: Invocation): Node {
return invocation.kind === InvocationKind.Call ? invocation.node : invocation.kind === InvocationKind.TypeArgs ? invocation.called : invocation.node;
const signatureHelpNodeBuilderFlags = NodeBuilderFlags.OmitParameterModifiers | NodeBuilderFlags.IgnoreErrors | NodeBuilderFlags.UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope;
function createSignatureHelpItems(
candidates: readonly Signature[],
resolvedSignature: Signature,
{ isTypeParameterList, argumentCount, argumentsSpan: applicableSpan, invocation, argumentIndex }: ArgumentListInfo,
sourceFile: SourceFile,
typeChecker: TypeChecker,
useFullPrefix?: boolean,
): SignatureHelpItems {
const enclosingDeclaration = getEnclosingDeclarationFromInvocation(invocation);
const callTargetSymbol = invocation.kind === InvocationKind.Contextual ? invocation.symbol : (typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(getExpressionFromInvocation(invocation)) || useFullPrefix && resolvedSignature.declaration?.symbol);
const callTargetDisplayParts = callTargetSymbol ? symbolToDisplayParts(typeChecker, callTargetSymbol, useFullPrefix ? sourceFile : undefined, /*meaning*/ undefined) : emptyArray;
const items = map(candidates, candidateSignature => getSignatureHelpItem(candidateSignature, callTargetDisplayParts, isTypeParameterList, typeChecker, enclosingDeclaration, sourceFile));
if (argumentIndex !== 0) {
Debug.assertLessThan(argumentIndex, argumentCount);
let selectedItemIndex = 0;
let itemsSeen = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i];
if (candidates[i] === resolvedSignature) {
selectedItemIndex = itemsSeen;
if (item.length > 1) {
// check to see if any items in the list better match than the first one, as the checker isn't filtering the nested lists
// (those come from tuple parameter expansion)
let count = 0;
for (const i of item) {
if (i.isVariadic || i.parameters.length >= argumentCount) {
selectedItemIndex = itemsSeen + count;
itemsSeen += item.length;
Debug.assert(selectedItemIndex !== -1); // If candidates is non-empty it should always include bestSignature. We check for an empty candidates before calling this function.
const help = { items: flatMapToMutable(items, identity), applicableSpan, selectedItemIndex, argumentIndex, argumentCount };
const selected = help.items[selectedItemIndex];
if (selected.isVariadic) {
const firstRest = findIndex(selected.parameters, p => !!p.isRest);
if (-1 < firstRest && firstRest < selected.parameters.length - 1) {
// We don't have any code to get this correct; instead, don't highlight a current parameter AT ALL
help.argumentIndex = selected.parameters.length;
else {
help.argumentIndex = Math.min(help.argumentIndex, selected.parameters.length - 1);
return help;
function createTypeHelpItems(
symbol: Symbol,
{ argumentCount, argumentsSpan: applicableSpan, invocation, argumentIndex }: ArgumentListInfo,
sourceFile: SourceFile,
checker: TypeChecker
): SignatureHelpItems | undefined {
const typeParameters = checker.getLocalTypeParametersOfClassOrInterfaceOrTypeAlias(symbol);
if (!typeParameters) return undefined;
const items = [getTypeHelpItem(symbol, typeParameters, checker, getEnclosingDeclarationFromInvocation(invocation), sourceFile)];
return { items, applicableSpan, selectedItemIndex: 0, argumentIndex, argumentCount };
function getTypeHelpItem(symbol: Symbol, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameter[], checker: TypeChecker, enclosingDeclaration: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): SignatureHelpItem {
const typeSymbolDisplay = symbolToDisplayParts(checker, symbol);
const printer = createPrinter({ removeComments: true });
const parameters = typeParameters.map(t => createSignatureHelpParameterForTypeParameter(t, checker, enclosingDeclaration, sourceFile, printer));
const documentation = symbol.getDocumentationComment(checker);
const tags = symbol.getJsDocTags(checker);
const prefixDisplayParts = [...typeSymbolDisplay, punctuationPart(SyntaxKind.LessThanToken)];
return { isVariadic: false, prefixDisplayParts, suffixDisplayParts: [punctuationPart(SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken)], separatorDisplayParts, parameters, documentation, tags };
const separatorDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[] = [punctuationPart(SyntaxKind.CommaToken), spacePart()];
function getSignatureHelpItem(candidateSignature: Signature, callTargetDisplayParts: readonly SymbolDisplayPart[], isTypeParameterList: boolean, checker: TypeChecker, enclosingDeclaration: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): SignatureHelpItem[] {
const infos = (isTypeParameterList ? itemInfoForTypeParameters : itemInfoForParameters)(candidateSignature, checker, enclosingDeclaration, sourceFile);
return map(infos, ({ isVariadic, parameters, prefix, suffix }) => {
const prefixDisplayParts = [...callTargetDisplayParts, ...prefix];
const suffixDisplayParts = [...suffix, ...returnTypeToDisplayParts(candidateSignature, enclosingDeclaration, checker)];
const documentation = candidateSignature.getDocumentationComment(checker);
const tags = candidateSignature.getJsDocTags();
return { isVariadic, prefixDisplayParts, suffixDisplayParts, separatorDisplayParts, parameters, documentation, tags };
function returnTypeToDisplayParts(candidateSignature: Signature, enclosingDeclaration: Node, checker: TypeChecker): readonly SymbolDisplayPart[] {
return mapToDisplayParts(writer => {
writer.writeSpace(" ");
const predicate = checker.getTypePredicateOfSignature(candidateSignature);
if (predicate) {
checker.writeTypePredicate(predicate, enclosingDeclaration, /*flags*/ undefined, writer);
else {
checker.writeType(checker.getReturnTypeOfSignature(candidateSignature), enclosingDeclaration, /*flags*/ undefined, writer);
interface SignatureHelpItemInfo { readonly isVariadic: boolean; readonly parameters: SignatureHelpParameter[]; readonly prefix: readonly SymbolDisplayPart[]; readonly suffix: readonly SymbolDisplayPart[]; }
function itemInfoForTypeParameters(candidateSignature: Signature, checker: TypeChecker, enclosingDeclaration: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): SignatureHelpItemInfo[] {
const typeParameters = (candidateSignature.target || candidateSignature).typeParameters;
const printer = createPrinter({ removeComments: true });
const parameters = (typeParameters || emptyArray).map(t => createSignatureHelpParameterForTypeParameter(t, checker, enclosingDeclaration, sourceFile, printer));
const thisParameter = candidateSignature.thisParameter ? [checker.symbolToParameterDeclaration(candidateSignature.thisParameter, enclosingDeclaration, signatureHelpNodeBuilderFlags)!] : [];
return checker.getExpandedParameters(candidateSignature).map(paramList => {
const params = factory.createNodeArray([...thisParameter, ...map(paramList, param => checker.symbolToParameterDeclaration(param, enclosingDeclaration, signatureHelpNodeBuilderFlags)!)]);
const parameterParts = mapToDisplayParts(writer => {
printer.writeList(ListFormat.CallExpressionArguments, params, sourceFile, writer);
return { isVariadic: false, parameters, prefix: [punctuationPart(SyntaxKind.LessThanToken)], suffix: [punctuationPart(SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken), ...parameterParts] };
function itemInfoForParameters(candidateSignature: Signature, checker: TypeChecker, enclosingDeclaration: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): SignatureHelpItemInfo[] {
const printer = createPrinter({ removeComments: true });
const typeParameterParts = mapToDisplayParts(writer => {
if (candidateSignature.typeParameters && candidateSignature.typeParameters.length) {
const args = factory.createNodeArray(candidateSignature.typeParameters.map(p => checker.typeParameterToDeclaration(p, enclosingDeclaration, signatureHelpNodeBuilderFlags)!));
printer.writeList(ListFormat.TypeParameters, args, sourceFile, writer);
const lists = checker.getExpandedParameters(candidateSignature);
const isVariadic: (parameterList: readonly Symbol[]) => boolean =
!checker.hasEffectiveRestParameter(candidateSignature) ? _ => false
: lists.length === 1 ? _ => true
: pList => !!(pList.length && (pList[pList.length - 1] as TransientSymbol).checkFlags & CheckFlags.RestParameter);
return lists.map(parameterList => ({
isVariadic: isVariadic(parameterList),
parameters: parameterList.map(p => createSignatureHelpParameterForParameter(p, checker, enclosingDeclaration, sourceFile, printer)),
prefix: [...typeParameterParts, punctuationPart(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken)],
suffix: [punctuationPart(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken)]
function createSignatureHelpParameterForParameter(parameter: Symbol, checker: TypeChecker, enclosingDeclaration: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, printer: Printer): SignatureHelpParameter {
const displayParts = mapToDisplayParts(writer => {
const param = checker.symbolToParameterDeclaration(parameter, enclosingDeclaration, signatureHelpNodeBuilderFlags)!;
printer.writeNode(EmitHint.Unspecified, param, sourceFile, writer);
const isOptional = checker.isOptionalParameter(parameter.valueDeclaration as ParameterDeclaration);
const isRest = !!((parameter as TransientSymbol).checkFlags & CheckFlags.RestParameter);
return { name: parameter.name, documentation: parameter.getDocumentationComment(checker), displayParts, isOptional, isRest };
function createSignatureHelpParameterForTypeParameter(typeParameter: TypeParameter, checker: TypeChecker, enclosingDeclaration: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, printer: Printer): SignatureHelpParameter {
const displayParts = mapToDisplayParts(writer => {
const param = checker.typeParameterToDeclaration(typeParameter, enclosingDeclaration, signatureHelpNodeBuilderFlags)!;
printer.writeNode(EmitHint.Unspecified, param, sourceFile, writer);
return { name: typeParameter.symbol.name, documentation: typeParameter.symbol.getDocumentationComment(checker), displayParts, isOptional: false, isRest: false };