
145 lines
5 KiB

// @ts-check
const Mocha = require("mocha");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const os = require("os");
const failingHookRegExp = /^(.*) "(before|after) (all|each)" hook$/;
* .failed-tests reporter
* @typedef {Object} ReporterOptions
* @property {string} [file]
* @property {boolean} [keepFailed]
* @property {string|Mocha.ReporterConstructor} [reporter]
* @property {*} [reporterOptions]
class FailedTestsReporter extends Mocha.reporters.Base {
* @param {Mocha.Runner} runner
* @param {{ reporterOptions?: ReporterOptions }} [options]
constructor(runner, options) {
super(runner, options);
if (!runner) return;
const reporterOptions = this.reporterOptions = options.reporterOptions || {};
if (reporterOptions.file === undefined) reporterOptions.file = ".failed-tests";
if (reporterOptions.keepFailed === undefined) reporterOptions.keepFailed = false;
if (reporterOptions.reporter) {
/** @type {Mocha.ReporterConstructor} */
let reporter;
if (typeof reporterOptions.reporter === "function") {
reporter = reporterOptions.reporter;
else if (Mocha.reporters[reporterOptions.reporter]) {
reporter = Mocha.reporters[reporterOptions.reporter];
else {
try {
reporter = require(reporterOptions.reporter);
catch (_) {
reporter = require(path.resolve(process.cwd(), reporterOptions.reporter));
const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { reporterOptions: reporterOptions.reporterOptions || {} });
if (reporterOptions.reporter === "xunit") {
newOptions.reporterOptions.output = "TEST-results.xml";
this.reporter = new reporter(runner, newOptions);
/** @type {Mocha.Test[]} */
this.passes = [];
/** @type {(Mocha.Test)[]} */
this.failures = [];
runner.on("pass", test => this.passes.push(test));
runner.on("fail", test => this.failures.push(test));
* @param {string} file
* @param {ReadonlyArray<Mocha.Test>} passes
* @param {ReadonlyArray<Mocha.Test | Mocha.Hook>} failures
* @param {boolean} keepFailed
* @param {(err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void} done
static writeFailures(file, passes, failures, keepFailed, done) {
const failingTests = new Set(fs.existsSync(file) ? readTests() : undefined);
const possiblyPassingSuites = /**@type {Set<string>}*/(new Set());
// Remove tests that are now passing and track suites that are now
// possibly passing.
if (failingTests.size > 0 && !keepFailed) {
for (const test of passes) {
// Add tests that are now failing. If a hook failed, track its
// containing suite as failing. If the suite for a test or hook was
// possibly passing then it is now definitely failing.
for (const test of failures) {
const suiteTitle = test.parent.fullTitle().trim();
if (test.type === "test") {
else {
// Remove all definitely passing suites.
for (const suite of possiblyPassingSuites) {
if (failingTests.size > 0) {
const failed = Array
fs.writeFile(file, failed, "utf8", done);
else if (!keepFailed && fs.existsSync(file)) {
fs.unlink(file, done);
else {
function readTests() {
return fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")
.map(line => line.trim())
.filter(line => line.length > 0);
* @param {number} failures
* @param {(failures: number) => void} [fn]
done(failures, fn) {
FailedTestsReporter.writeFailures(this.reporterOptions.file, this.passes, this.failures, this.reporterOptions.keepFailed || this.stats.tests === 0, (err) => {
const reporter = this.reporter;
if (reporter && reporter.done) {
reporter.done(failures, fn);
else if (fn) {
if (err) console.error(err);
module.exports = FailedTestsReporter;