Wesley Wigham 586b0d5011
moduleResolution: node12 support (#45884)
* Initial support for module: node12

* Add allowJs and declaration emit enabled tests

* Fix typos

* cts, mts, cjs, mjs, etc extension support

* Fix watch of files whose intepretation changes due to a package.json update

* Minor PR feedback

* Adjust error message

* Initial import/export/self-name support

* Accept new error codes

* TypesVersions support in export/import map conditions

* Fix import suggestion and autoimport default extensions under new resolution modes

* Add tests for import maps non-relative name lookup feature

* Fix isDeclarationFileName for .d.mts and .d.cts

* Preserve new extensions when generating module specifiers

* Fix spurious implict any suggestion caused by file ordering bug and optimize import name format detection by relying on parents being set

* Fix a bunch of incremental bugs that dont repro under fourslash for some reason

* Accept updated baseline

* Always include extensions on completions for cjs/mjs style imports

* String completion relative import suggestions respect the mode of the import when choosing if they provide extensions

* Style feedback

* Change diagnostic case
2021-09-24 14:25:59 -07:00

1362 lines
72 KiB

namespace ts {
export interface ReusableDiagnostic extends ReusableDiagnosticRelatedInformation {
/** May store more in future. For now, this will simply be `true` to indicate when a diagnostic is an unused-identifier diagnostic. */
reportsUnnecessary?: {};
reportDeprecated?: {}
source?: string;
relatedInformation?: ReusableDiagnosticRelatedInformation[];
skippedOn?: keyof CompilerOptions;
export interface ReusableDiagnosticRelatedInformation {
category: DiagnosticCategory;
code: number;
file: string | undefined;
start: number | undefined;
length: number | undefined;
messageText: string | ReusableDiagnosticMessageChain;
export type ReusableDiagnosticMessageChain = DiagnosticMessageChain;
export interface ReusableBuilderProgramState extends ReusableBuilderState {
* Cache of bind and check diagnostics for files with their Path being the key
semanticDiagnosticsPerFile?: ReadonlyESMap<Path, readonly ReusableDiagnostic[] | readonly Diagnostic[]> | undefined;
* The map has key by source file's path that has been changed
changedFilesSet?: ReadonlySet<Path>;
* Set of affected files being iterated
affectedFiles?: readonly SourceFile[] | undefined;
* Current changed file for iterating over affected files
currentChangedFilePath?: Path | undefined;
* Map of file signatures, with key being file path, calculated while getting current changed file's affected files
* These will be committed whenever the iteration through affected files of current changed file is complete
currentAffectedFilesSignatures?: ReadonlyESMap<Path, string> | undefined;
* Newly computed visible to outside referencedSet
currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap?: BuilderState.ReadonlyManyToManyPathMap | undefined;
* True if the semantic diagnostics were copied from the old state
semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState?: Set<Path>;
* program corresponding to this state
program?: Program | undefined;
* compilerOptions for the program
compilerOptions: CompilerOptions;
* Files pending to be emitted
affectedFilesPendingEmit?: readonly Path[] | undefined;
* Files pending to be emitted kind.
affectedFilesPendingEmitKind?: ReadonlyESMap<Path, BuilderFileEmit> | undefined;
* Current index to retrieve pending affected file
affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex?: number | undefined;
* true if semantic diagnostics are ReusableDiagnostic instead of Diagnostic
hasReusableDiagnostic?: true;
export const enum BuilderFileEmit {
* State to store the changed files, affected files and cache semantic diagnostics
// TODO: GH#18217 Properties of this interface are frequently asserted to be defined.
export interface BuilderProgramState extends BuilderState {
* Cache of bind and check diagnostics for files with their Path being the key
semanticDiagnosticsPerFile: ESMap<Path, readonly Diagnostic[]> | undefined;
* The map has key by source file's path that has been changed
changedFilesSet: Set<Path>;
* Set of affected files being iterated
affectedFiles: readonly SourceFile[] | undefined;
* Current index to retrieve affected file from
affectedFilesIndex: number | undefined;
* Current changed file for iterating over affected files
currentChangedFilePath: Path | undefined;
* Map of file signatures, with key being file path, calculated while getting current changed file's affected files
* These will be committed whenever the iteration through affected files of current changed file is complete
currentAffectedFilesSignatures: ESMap<Path, string> | undefined;
* Newly computed visible to outside referencedSet
* We need to store the updates separately in case the in-progress build is cancelled
* and we need to roll back.
currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap: BuilderState.ManyToManyPathMap | undefined;
* Already seen affected files
seenAffectedFiles: Set<Path> | undefined;
* whether this program has cleaned semantic diagnostics cache for lib files
cleanedDiagnosticsOfLibFiles?: boolean;
* True if the semantic diagnostics were copied from the old state
semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState?: Set<Path>;
* program corresponding to this state
program: Program | undefined;
* compilerOptions for the program
compilerOptions: CompilerOptions;
* Files pending to be emitted
affectedFilesPendingEmit: Path[] | undefined;
* Files pending to be emitted kind.
affectedFilesPendingEmitKind: ESMap<Path, BuilderFileEmit> | undefined;
* Current index to retrieve pending affected file
affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex: number | undefined;
* true if build info is emitted
buildInfoEmitPending: boolean;
* Already seen emitted files
seenEmittedFiles: ESMap<Path, BuilderFileEmit> | undefined;
* true if program has been emitted
programEmitComplete?: true;
function hasSameKeys(map1: ReadonlyCollection<string> | undefined, map2: ReadonlyCollection<string> | undefined): boolean {
// Has same size and every key is present in both maps
return map1 === map2 || map1 !== undefined && map2 !== undefined && map1.size === map2.size && !forEachKey(map1, key => !map2.has(key));
* Create the state so that we can iterate on changedFiles/affected files
function createBuilderProgramState(newProgram: Program, getCanonicalFileName: GetCanonicalFileName, oldState: Readonly<ReusableBuilderProgramState> | undefined, disableUseFileVersionAsSignature: boolean | undefined): BuilderProgramState {
const state = BuilderState.create(newProgram, getCanonicalFileName, oldState, disableUseFileVersionAsSignature) as BuilderProgramState;
state.program = newProgram;
const compilerOptions = newProgram.getCompilerOptions();
state.compilerOptions = compilerOptions;
// With --out or --outFile, any change affects all semantic diagnostics so no need to cache them
if (!outFile(compilerOptions)) {
state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile = new Map();
state.changedFilesSet = new Set();
const useOldState = BuilderState.canReuseOldState(state.referencedMap, oldState);
const oldCompilerOptions = useOldState ? oldState!.compilerOptions : undefined;
const canCopySemanticDiagnostics = useOldState && oldState!.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile && !!state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile &&
!compilerOptionsAffectSemanticDiagnostics(compilerOptions, oldCompilerOptions!);
if (useOldState) {
// Verify the sanity of old state
if (!oldState!.currentChangedFilePath) {
const affectedSignatures = oldState!.currentAffectedFilesSignatures;
Debug.assert(!oldState!.affectedFiles && (!affectedSignatures || !affectedSignatures.size), "Cannot reuse if only few affected files of currentChangedFile were iterated");
const changedFilesSet = oldState!.changedFilesSet;
if (canCopySemanticDiagnostics) {
Debug.assert(!changedFilesSet || !forEachKey(changedFilesSet, path => oldState!.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile!.has(path)), "Semantic diagnostics shouldnt be available for changed files");
// Copy old state's changed files set
changedFilesSet?.forEach(value => state.changedFilesSet.add(value));
if (!outFile(compilerOptions) && oldState!.affectedFilesPendingEmit) {
state.affectedFilesPendingEmit = oldState!.affectedFilesPendingEmit.slice();
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind = oldState!.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind && new Map(oldState!.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind);
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex = oldState!.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex;
state.seenAffectedFiles = new Set();
// Update changed files and copy semantic diagnostics if we can
const referencedMap = state.referencedMap;
const oldReferencedMap = useOldState ? oldState!.referencedMap : undefined;
const copyDeclarationFileDiagnostics = canCopySemanticDiagnostics && !compilerOptions.skipLibCheck === !oldCompilerOptions!.skipLibCheck;
const copyLibFileDiagnostics = copyDeclarationFileDiagnostics && !compilerOptions.skipDefaultLibCheck === !oldCompilerOptions!.skipDefaultLibCheck;
state.fileInfos.forEach((info, sourceFilePath) => {
let oldInfo: Readonly<BuilderState.FileInfo> | undefined;
let newReferences: ReadonlySet<Path> | undefined;
// if not using old state, every file is changed
if (!useOldState ||
// File wasn't present in old state
!(oldInfo = oldState!.fileInfos.get(sourceFilePath)) ||
// versions dont match
oldInfo.version !== info.version ||
// Referenced files changed
!hasSameKeys(newReferences = referencedMap && referencedMap.getValues(sourceFilePath), oldReferencedMap && oldReferencedMap.getValues(sourceFilePath)) ||
// Referenced file was deleted in the new program
newReferences && forEachKey(newReferences, path => !state.fileInfos.has(path) && oldState!.fileInfos.has(path))) {
// Register file as changed file and do not copy semantic diagnostics, since all changed files need to be re-evaluated
else if (canCopySemanticDiagnostics) {
const sourceFile = newProgram.getSourceFileByPath(sourceFilePath)!;
if (sourceFile.isDeclarationFile && !copyDeclarationFileDiagnostics) return;
if (sourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib && !copyLibFileDiagnostics) return;
// Unchanged file copy diagnostics
const diagnostics = oldState!.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile!.get(sourceFilePath);
if (diagnostics) {
state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile!.set(sourceFilePath, oldState!.hasReusableDiagnostic ? convertToDiagnostics(diagnostics as readonly ReusableDiagnostic[], newProgram, getCanonicalFileName) : diagnostics as readonly Diagnostic[]);
if (!state.semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState) {
state.semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState = new Set();
// If the global file is removed, add all files as changed
if (useOldState && forEachEntry(oldState!.fileInfos, (info, sourceFilePath) => info.affectsGlobalScope && !state.fileInfos.has(sourceFilePath))) {
BuilderState.getAllFilesExcludingDefaultLibraryFile(state, newProgram, /*firstSourceFile*/ undefined)
.forEach(file => state.changedFilesSet.add(file.resolvedPath));
else if (oldCompilerOptions && !outFile(compilerOptions) && compilerOptionsAffectEmit(compilerOptions, oldCompilerOptions)) {
// Add all files to affectedFilesPendingEmit since emit changed
newProgram.getSourceFiles().forEach(f => addToAffectedFilesPendingEmit(state, f.resolvedPath, BuilderFileEmit.Full));
Debug.assert(!state.seenAffectedFiles || !state.seenAffectedFiles.size);
state.seenAffectedFiles = state.seenAffectedFiles || new Set();
if (useOldState) {
// Any time the interpretation of a source file changes, mark it as changed
forEachEntry(oldState!.fileInfos, (info, sourceFilePath) => {
if (state.fileInfos.has(sourceFilePath) && state.fileInfos.get(sourceFilePath)!.impliedFormat !== info.impliedFormat) {
state.buildInfoEmitPending = !!state.changedFilesSet.size;
return state;
function convertToDiagnostics(diagnostics: readonly ReusableDiagnostic[], newProgram: Program, getCanonicalFileName: GetCanonicalFileName): readonly Diagnostic[] {
if (!diagnostics.length) return emptyArray;
const buildInfoDirectory = getDirectoryPath(getNormalizedAbsolutePath(getTsBuildInfoEmitOutputFilePath(newProgram.getCompilerOptions())!, newProgram.getCurrentDirectory()));
return diagnostics.map(diagnostic => {
const result: Diagnostic = convertToDiagnosticRelatedInformation(diagnostic, newProgram, toPath);
result.reportsUnnecessary = diagnostic.reportsUnnecessary;
result.reportsDeprecated = diagnostic.reportDeprecated;
result.source = diagnostic.source;
result.skippedOn = diagnostic.skippedOn;
const { relatedInformation } = diagnostic;
result.relatedInformation = relatedInformation ?
relatedInformation.length ?
relatedInformation.map(r => convertToDiagnosticRelatedInformation(r, newProgram, toPath)) :
[] :
return result;
function toPath(path: string) {
return ts.toPath(path, buildInfoDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
function convertToDiagnosticRelatedInformation(diagnostic: ReusableDiagnosticRelatedInformation, newProgram: Program, toPath: (path: string) => Path): DiagnosticRelatedInformation {
const { file } = diagnostic;
return {
file: file ? newProgram.getSourceFileByPath(toPath(file)) : undefined
* Releases program and other related not needed properties
function releaseCache(state: BuilderProgramState) {
state.program = undefined;
* Creates a clone of the state
function cloneBuilderProgramState(state: Readonly<BuilderProgramState>): BuilderProgramState {
const newState = BuilderState.clone(state) as BuilderProgramState;
newState.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile = state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile && new Map(state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile);
newState.changedFilesSet = new Set(state.changedFilesSet);
newState.affectedFiles = state.affectedFiles;
newState.affectedFilesIndex = state.affectedFilesIndex;
newState.currentChangedFilePath = state.currentChangedFilePath;
newState.currentAffectedFilesSignatures = state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures && new Map(state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures);
newState.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap = state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap?.clone();
newState.seenAffectedFiles = state.seenAffectedFiles && new Set(state.seenAffectedFiles);
newState.cleanedDiagnosticsOfLibFiles = state.cleanedDiagnosticsOfLibFiles;
newState.semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState = state.semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState && new Set(state.semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState);
newState.program = state.program;
newState.compilerOptions = state.compilerOptions;
newState.affectedFilesPendingEmit = state.affectedFilesPendingEmit && state.affectedFilesPendingEmit.slice();
newState.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind = state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind && new Map(state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind);
newState.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex = state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex;
newState.seenEmittedFiles = state.seenEmittedFiles && new Map(state.seenEmittedFiles);
newState.programEmitComplete = state.programEmitComplete;
return newState;
* Verifies that source file is ok to be used in calls that arent handled by next
function assertSourceFileOkWithoutNextAffectedCall(state: BuilderProgramState, sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined) {
Debug.assert(!sourceFile || !state.affectedFiles || state.affectedFiles[state.affectedFilesIndex! - 1] !== sourceFile || !state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile!.has(sourceFile.resolvedPath));
* This function returns the next affected file to be processed.
* Note that until doneAffected is called it would keep reporting same result
* This is to allow the callers to be able to actually remove affected file only when the operation is complete
* eg. if during diagnostics check cancellation token ends up cancelling the request, the affected file should be retained
function getNextAffectedFile(state: BuilderProgramState, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined, computeHash: BuilderState.ComputeHash): SourceFile | Program | undefined {
while (true) {
const { affectedFiles } = state;
if (affectedFiles) {
const seenAffectedFiles = state.seenAffectedFiles!;
let affectedFilesIndex = state.affectedFilesIndex!; // TODO: GH#18217
while (affectedFilesIndex < affectedFiles.length) {
const affectedFile = affectedFiles[affectedFilesIndex];
if (!seenAffectedFiles.has(affectedFile.resolvedPath)) {
// Set the next affected file as seen and remove the cached semantic diagnostics
state.affectedFilesIndex = affectedFilesIndex;
handleDtsMayChangeOfAffectedFile(state, affectedFile, cancellationToken, computeHash);
return affectedFile;
// Remove the changed file from the change set
state.currentChangedFilePath = undefined;
// Commit the changes in file signature
BuilderState.updateSignaturesFromCache(state, state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures!);
BuilderState.updateExportedFilesMapFromCache(state, state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap);
state.affectedFiles = undefined;
// Get next changed file
const nextKey = state.changedFilesSet.keys().next();
if (nextKey.done) {
// Done
return undefined;
// With --out or --outFile all outputs go into single file
// so operations are performed directly on program, return program
const program = Debug.checkDefined(state.program);
const compilerOptions = program.getCompilerOptions();
if (outFile(compilerOptions)) {
return program;
// Get next batch of affected files
if (!state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures) state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures = new Map();
if (state.exportedModulesMap) {
state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap ||= BuilderState.createManyToManyPathMap();
state.affectedFiles = BuilderState.getFilesAffectedBy(state, program, nextKey.value, cancellationToken, computeHash, state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures, state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap);
state.currentChangedFilePath = nextKey.value;
state.affectedFilesIndex = 0;
if (!state.seenAffectedFiles) state.seenAffectedFiles = new Set();
* Returns next file to be emitted from files that retrieved semantic diagnostics but did not emit yet
function getNextAffectedFilePendingEmit(state: BuilderProgramState) {
const { affectedFilesPendingEmit } = state;
if (affectedFilesPendingEmit) {
const seenEmittedFiles = (state.seenEmittedFiles || (state.seenEmittedFiles = new Map()));
for (let i = state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex!; i < affectedFilesPendingEmit.length; i++) {
const affectedFile = Debug.checkDefined(state.program).getSourceFileByPath(affectedFilesPendingEmit[i]);
if (affectedFile) {
const seenKind = seenEmittedFiles.get(affectedFile.resolvedPath);
const emitKind = Debug.checkDefined(Debug.checkDefined(state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind).get(affectedFile.resolvedPath));
if (seenKind === undefined || seenKind < emitKind) {
// emit this file
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex = i;
return { affectedFile, emitKind };
state.affectedFilesPendingEmit = undefined;
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind = undefined;
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex = undefined;
return undefined;
* Handles semantic diagnostics and dts emit for affectedFile and files, that are referencing modules that export entities from affected file
* This is because even though js emit doesnt change, dts emit / type used can change resulting in need for dts emit and js change
function handleDtsMayChangeOfAffectedFile(state: BuilderProgramState, affectedFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined, computeHash: BuilderState.ComputeHash) {
removeSemanticDiagnosticsOf(state, affectedFile.resolvedPath);
// If affected files is everything except default library, then nothing more to do
if (state.allFilesExcludingDefaultLibraryFile === state.affectedFiles) {
if (!state.cleanedDiagnosticsOfLibFiles) {
state.cleanedDiagnosticsOfLibFiles = true;
const program = Debug.checkDefined(state.program);
const options = program.getCompilerOptions();
forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), f =>
program.isSourceFileDefaultLibrary(f) &&
!skipTypeChecking(f, options, program) &&
removeSemanticDiagnosticsOf(state, f.resolvedPath)
// When a change affects the global scope, all files are considered to be affected without updating their signature
// That means when affected file is handled, its signature can be out of date
// To avoid this, ensure that we update the signature for any affected file in this scenario.
else {
Debug.assert(state.hasCalledUpdateShapeSignature.has(affectedFile.resolvedPath) || state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures?.has(affectedFile.resolvedPath), `Signature not updated for affected file: ${affectedFile.fileName}`);
if (!state.compilerOptions.assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies) {
forEachReferencingModulesOfExportOfAffectedFile(state, affectedFile, (state, path) => handleDtsMayChangeOf(state, path, cancellationToken, computeHash));
* Handle the dts may change, so they need to be added to pending emit if dts emit is enabled,
* Also we need to make sure signature is updated for these files
function handleDtsMayChangeOf(state: BuilderProgramState, path: Path, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined, computeHash: BuilderState.ComputeHash): void {
removeSemanticDiagnosticsOf(state, path);
if (!state.changedFilesSet.has(path)) {
const program = Debug.checkDefined(state.program);
const sourceFile = program.getSourceFileByPath(path);
if (sourceFile) {
// Even though the js emit doesnt change and we are already handling dts emit and semantic diagnostics
// we need to update the signature to reflect correctness of the signature(which is output d.ts emit) of this file
// This ensures that we dont later during incremental builds considering wrong signature.
// Eg where this also is needed to ensure that .tsbuildinfo generated by incremental build should be same as if it was first fresh build
// But we avoid expensive full shape computation, as using file version as shape is enough for correctness.
/* useFileVersionAsSignature */ true
// If not dts emit, nothing more to do
if (getEmitDeclarations(state.compilerOptions)) {
addToAffectedFilesPendingEmit(state, path, BuilderFileEmit.DtsOnly);
* Removes semantic diagnostics for path and
* returns true if there are no more semantic diagnostics from the old state
function removeSemanticDiagnosticsOf(state: BuilderProgramState, path: Path) {
if (!state.semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState) {
return true;
return !state.semanticDiagnosticsFromOldState.size;
function isChangedSignature(state: BuilderProgramState, path: Path) {
const newSignature = Debug.checkDefined(state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures).get(path);
const oldSignature = Debug.checkDefined(state.fileInfos.get(path)).signature;
return newSignature !== oldSignature;
* Iterate on referencing modules that export entities from affected file
function forEachReferencingModulesOfExportOfAffectedFile(state: BuilderProgramState, affectedFile: SourceFile, fn: (state: BuilderProgramState, filePath: Path) => void) {
// If there was change in signature (dts output) for the changed file,
// then only we need to handle pending file emit
if (!state.exportedModulesMap || !state.changedFilesSet.has(affectedFile.resolvedPath)) {
if (!isChangedSignature(state, affectedFile.resolvedPath)) return;
// Since isolated modules dont change js files, files affected by change in signature is itself
// But we need to cleanup semantic diagnostics and queue dts emit for affected files
if (state.compilerOptions.isolatedModules) {
const seenFileNamesMap = new Map<Path, true>();
seenFileNamesMap.set(affectedFile.resolvedPath, true);
const queue = BuilderState.getReferencedByPaths(state, affectedFile.resolvedPath);
while (queue.length > 0) {
const currentPath = queue.pop()!;
if (!seenFileNamesMap.has(currentPath)) {
seenFileNamesMap.set(currentPath, true);
fn(state, currentPath);
if (isChangedSignature(state, currentPath)) {
const currentSourceFile = Debug.checkDefined(state.program).getSourceFileByPath(currentPath)!;
queue.push(...BuilderState.getReferencedByPaths(state, currentSourceFile.resolvedPath));
const seenFileAndExportsOfFile = new Set<string>();
// Go through exported modules from cache first
// If exported modules has path, all files referencing file exported from are affected
state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap.getKeys(affectedFile.resolvedPath)?.forEach(exportedFromPath =>
forEachFilesReferencingPath(state, exportedFromPath, seenFileAndExportsOfFile, fn)
// If exported from path is not from cache and exported modules has path, all files referencing file exported from are affected
state.exportedModulesMap.getKeys(affectedFile.resolvedPath)?.forEach(exportedFromPath =>
// If the cache had an updated value, skip
!state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap!.hasKey(exportedFromPath) &&
!state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap!.deletedKeys()?.has(exportedFromPath) &&
forEachFilesReferencingPath(state, exportedFromPath, seenFileAndExportsOfFile, fn)
* Iterate on files referencing referencedPath
function forEachFilesReferencingPath(state: BuilderProgramState, referencedPath: Path, seenFileAndExportsOfFile: Set<string>, fn: (state: BuilderProgramState, filePath: Path) => void): void {
state.referencedMap!.getKeys(referencedPath)?.forEach(filePath =>
forEachFileAndExportsOfFile(state, filePath, seenFileAndExportsOfFile, fn)
* fn on file and iterate on anything that exports this file
function forEachFileAndExportsOfFile(state: BuilderProgramState, filePath: Path, seenFileAndExportsOfFile: Set<string>, fn: (state: BuilderProgramState, filePath: Path) => void): void {
if (!tryAddToSet(seenFileAndExportsOfFile, filePath)) {
fn(state, filePath);
// Go through exported modules from cache first
// If exported modules has path, all files referencing file exported from are affected
state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap.getKeys(filePath)?.forEach(exportedFromPath =>
forEachFileAndExportsOfFile(state, exportedFromPath, seenFileAndExportsOfFile, fn)
// If exported from path is not from cache and exported modules has path, all files referencing file exported from are affected
state.exportedModulesMap!.getKeys(filePath)?.forEach(exportedFromPath =>
// If the cache had an updated value, skip
!state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap!.hasKey(exportedFromPath) &&
!state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap!.deletedKeys()?.has(exportedFromPath) &&
forEachFileAndExportsOfFile(state, exportedFromPath, seenFileAndExportsOfFile, fn)
// Remove diagnostics of files that import this file (without going to exports of referencing files)
state.referencedMap!.getKeys(filePath)?.forEach(referencingFilePath =>
!seenFileAndExportsOfFile.has(referencingFilePath) && // Not already removed diagnostic file
fn(state, referencingFilePath) // Dont add to seen since this is not yet done with the export removal
* This is called after completing operation on the next affected file.
* The operations here are postponed to ensure that cancellation during the iteration is handled correctly
function doneWithAffectedFile(
state: BuilderProgramState,
affected: SourceFile | Program,
emitKind?: BuilderFileEmit,
isPendingEmit?: boolean,
isBuildInfoEmit?: boolean
) {
if (isBuildInfoEmit) {
state.buildInfoEmitPending = false;
else if (affected === state.program) {
state.programEmitComplete = true;
else {
state.seenAffectedFiles!.add((affected as SourceFile).resolvedPath);
if (emitKind !== undefined) {
(state.seenEmittedFiles || (state.seenEmittedFiles = new Map())).set((affected as SourceFile).resolvedPath, emitKind);
if (isPendingEmit) {
state.buildInfoEmitPending = true;
else {
* Returns the result with affected file
function toAffectedFileResult<T>(state: BuilderProgramState, result: T, affected: SourceFile | Program): AffectedFileResult<T> {
doneWithAffectedFile(state, affected);
return { result, affected };
* Returns the result with affected file
function toAffectedFileEmitResult(
state: BuilderProgramState,
result: EmitResult,
affected: SourceFile | Program,
emitKind: BuilderFileEmit,
isPendingEmit?: boolean,
isBuildInfoEmit?: boolean
): AffectedFileResult<EmitResult> {
doneWithAffectedFile(state, affected, emitKind, isPendingEmit, isBuildInfoEmit);
return { result, affected };
* Gets semantic diagnostics for the file which are
* bindAndCheckDiagnostics (from cache) and program diagnostics
function getSemanticDiagnosticsOfFile(state: BuilderProgramState, sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[] {
return concatenate(
getBinderAndCheckerDiagnosticsOfFile(state, sourceFile, cancellationToken),
* Gets the binder and checker diagnostics either from cache if present, or otherwise from program and caches it
* Note that it is assumed that when asked about binder and checker diagnostics, the file has been taken out of affected files/changed file set
function getBinderAndCheckerDiagnosticsOfFile(state: BuilderProgramState, sourceFile: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[] {
const path = sourceFile.resolvedPath;
if (state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile) {
const cachedDiagnostics = state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.get(path);
// Report the bind and check diagnostics from the cache if we already have those diagnostics present
if (cachedDiagnostics) {
return filterSemanticDiagnostics(cachedDiagnostics, state.compilerOptions);
// Diagnostics werent cached, get them from program, and cache the result
const diagnostics = Debug.checkDefined(state.program).getBindAndCheckDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
if (state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile) {
state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.set(path, diagnostics);
return filterSemanticDiagnostics(diagnostics, state.compilerOptions);
export type ProgramBuildInfoFileId = number & { __programBuildInfoFileIdBrand: any };
export type ProgramBuildInfoFileIdListId = number & { __programBuildInfoFileIdListIdBrand: any };
export type ProgramBuildInfoDiagnostic = ProgramBuildInfoFileId | [fileId: ProgramBuildInfoFileId, diagnostics: readonly ReusableDiagnostic[]];
export type ProgramBuilderInfoFilePendingEmit = [fileId: ProgramBuildInfoFileId, emitKind: BuilderFileEmit];
export type ProgramBuildInfoReferencedMap = [fileId: ProgramBuildInfoFileId, fileIdListId: ProgramBuildInfoFileIdListId][];
export type ProgramBuildInfoBuilderStateFileInfo = Omit<BuilderState.FileInfo, "signature"> & {
* Signature is
* - undefined if FileInfo.version === FileInfo.signature
* - false if FileInfo has signature as undefined (not calculated)
* - string actual signature
signature: string | false | undefined;
* ProgramBuildInfoFileInfo is string if FileInfo.version === FileInfo.signature && !FileInfo.affectsGlobalScope otherwise encoded FileInfo
export type ProgramBuildInfoFileInfo = string | ProgramBuildInfoBuilderStateFileInfo;
export interface ProgramBuildInfo {
fileNames: readonly string[];
fileInfos: readonly ProgramBuildInfoFileInfo[];
options: CompilerOptions | undefined;
fileIdsList?: readonly (readonly ProgramBuildInfoFileId[])[];
referencedMap?: ProgramBuildInfoReferencedMap;
exportedModulesMap?: ProgramBuildInfoReferencedMap;
semanticDiagnosticsPerFile?: ProgramBuildInfoDiagnostic[];
affectedFilesPendingEmit?: ProgramBuilderInfoFilePendingEmit[];
* Gets the program information to be emitted in buildInfo so that we can use it to create new program
function getProgramBuildInfo(state: Readonly<ReusableBuilderProgramState>, getCanonicalFileName: GetCanonicalFileName): ProgramBuildInfo | undefined {
if (outFile(state.compilerOptions)) return undefined;
const currentDirectory = Debug.checkDefined(state.program).getCurrentDirectory();
const buildInfoDirectory = getDirectoryPath(getNormalizedAbsolutePath(getTsBuildInfoEmitOutputFilePath(state.compilerOptions)!, currentDirectory));
const fileNames: string[] = [];
const fileNameToFileId = new Map<string, ProgramBuildInfoFileId>();
let fileIdsList: (readonly ProgramBuildInfoFileId[])[] | undefined;
let fileNamesToFileIdListId: ESMap<string, ProgramBuildInfoFileIdListId> | undefined;
const fileInfos = arrayFrom(state.fileInfos.entries(), ([key, value]): ProgramBuildInfoFileInfo => {
// Ensure fileId
const fileId = toFileId(key);
Debug.assert(fileNames[fileId - 1] === relativeToBuildInfo(key));
const signature = state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures && state.currentAffectedFilesSignatures.get(key);
const actualSignature = signature ?? value.signature;
return value.version === actualSignature ?
value.affectsGlobalScope ?
{ version: value.version, signature: undefined, affectsGlobalScope: true, impliedFormat: value.impliedFormat } :
value.version :
actualSignature !== undefined ?
signature === undefined ?
value :
{ version: value.version, signature, affectsGlobalScope: value.affectsGlobalScope, impliedFormat: value.impliedFormat } :
{ version: value.version, signature: false, affectsGlobalScope: value.affectsGlobalScope, impliedFormat: value.impliedFormat };
let referencedMap: ProgramBuildInfoReferencedMap | undefined;
if (state.referencedMap) {
referencedMap = arrayFrom(state.referencedMap.keys()).sort(compareStringsCaseSensitive).map(key => [
let exportedModulesMap: ProgramBuildInfoReferencedMap | undefined;
if (state.exportedModulesMap) {
exportedModulesMap = mapDefined(arrayFrom(state.exportedModulesMap.keys()).sort(compareStringsCaseSensitive), key => {
if (state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap) {
if (state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap.deletedKeys()?.has(key)) {
return undefined;
const newValue = state.currentAffectedFilesExportedModulesMap.getValues(key);
if (newValue) {
return [toFileId(key), toFileIdListId(newValue)];
// Not in temporary cache, use existing value
return [toFileId(key), toFileIdListId(state.exportedModulesMap!.getValues(key)!)];
let semanticDiagnosticsPerFile: ProgramBuildInfoDiagnostic[] | undefined;
if (state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile) {
for (const key of arrayFrom(state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.keys()).sort(compareStringsCaseSensitive)) {
const value = state.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.get(key)!;
(semanticDiagnosticsPerFile ||= []).push(
value.length ?
state.hasReusableDiagnostic ?
value as readonly ReusableDiagnostic[] :
convertToReusableDiagnostics(value as readonly Diagnostic[], relativeToBuildInfo)
] :
let affectedFilesPendingEmit: ProgramBuilderInfoFilePendingEmit[] | undefined;
if (state.affectedFilesPendingEmit) {
const seenFiles = new Set<Path>();
for (const path of state.affectedFilesPendingEmit.slice(state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex).sort(compareStringsCaseSensitive)) {
if (tryAddToSet(seenFiles, path)) {
(affectedFilesPendingEmit ||= []).push([toFileId(path), state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind!.get(path)!]);
return {
options: convertToProgramBuildInfoCompilerOptions(state.compilerOptions, relativeToBuildInfoEnsuringAbsolutePath),
function relativeToBuildInfoEnsuringAbsolutePath(path: string) {
return relativeToBuildInfo(getNormalizedAbsolutePath(path, currentDirectory));
function relativeToBuildInfo(path: string) {
return ensurePathIsNonModuleName(getRelativePathFromDirectory(buildInfoDirectory, path, getCanonicalFileName));
function toFileId(path: Path): ProgramBuildInfoFileId {
let fileId = fileNameToFileId.get(path);
if (fileId === undefined) {
fileNameToFileId.set(path, fileId = fileNames.length as ProgramBuildInfoFileId);
return fileId;
function toFileIdListId(set: ReadonlySet<Path>): ProgramBuildInfoFileIdListId {
const fileIds = arrayFrom(set.keys(), toFileId).sort(compareValues);
const key = fileIds.join();
let fileIdListId = fileNamesToFileIdListId?.get(key);
if (fileIdListId === undefined) {
(fileIdsList ||= []).push(fileIds);
(fileNamesToFileIdListId ||= new Map()).set(key, fileIdListId = fileIdsList.length as ProgramBuildInfoFileIdListId);
return fileIdListId;
function convertToProgramBuildInfoCompilerOptions(options: CompilerOptions, relativeToBuildInfo: (path: string) => string) {
let result: CompilerOptions | undefined;
const { optionsNameMap } = getOptionsNameMap();
for (const name of getOwnKeys(options).sort(compareStringsCaseSensitive)) {
const optionKey = name.toLowerCase();
const optionInfo = optionsNameMap.get(optionKey);
if (optionInfo?.affectsEmit || optionInfo?.affectsSemanticDiagnostics ||
// We need to store `strict`, even though it won't be examined directly, so that the
// flags it controls (e.g. `strictNullChecks`) will be retrieved correctly from the buildinfo
optionKey === "strict" ||
// We need to store these to determine whether `lib` files need to be rechecked.
optionKey === "skiplibcheck" || optionKey === "skipdefaultlibcheck") {
(result ||= {})[name] = convertToReusableCompilerOptionValue(
options[name] as CompilerOptionsValue,
return result;
function convertToReusableCompilerOptionValue(option: CommandLineOption | undefined, value: CompilerOptionsValue, relativeToBuildInfo: (path: string) => string) {
if (option) {
if (option.type === "list") {
const values = value as readonly (string | number)[];
if (option.element.isFilePath && values.length) {
return values.map(relativeToBuildInfo);
else if (option.isFilePath) {
return relativeToBuildInfo(value as string);
return value;
function convertToReusableDiagnostics(diagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[], relativeToBuildInfo: (path: string) => string): readonly ReusableDiagnostic[] {
return diagnostics.map(diagnostic => {
const result: ReusableDiagnostic = convertToReusableDiagnosticRelatedInformation(diagnostic, relativeToBuildInfo);
result.reportsUnnecessary = diagnostic.reportsUnnecessary;
result.reportDeprecated = diagnostic.reportsDeprecated;
result.source = diagnostic.source;
result.skippedOn = diagnostic.skippedOn;
const { relatedInformation } = diagnostic;
result.relatedInformation = relatedInformation ?
relatedInformation.length ?
relatedInformation.map(r => convertToReusableDiagnosticRelatedInformation(r, relativeToBuildInfo)) :
[] :
return result;
function convertToReusableDiagnosticRelatedInformation(diagnostic: DiagnosticRelatedInformation, relativeToBuildInfo: (path: string) => string): ReusableDiagnosticRelatedInformation {
const { file } = diagnostic;
return {
file: file ? relativeToBuildInfo(file.resolvedPath) : undefined
export enum BuilderProgramKind {
export interface BuilderCreationParameters {
newProgram: Program;
host: BuilderProgramHost;
oldProgram: BuilderProgram | undefined;
configFileParsingDiagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[];
export function getBuilderCreationParameters(newProgramOrRootNames: Program | readonly string[] | undefined, hostOrOptions: BuilderProgramHost | CompilerOptions | undefined, oldProgramOrHost?: BuilderProgram | CompilerHost, configFileParsingDiagnosticsOrOldProgram?: readonly Diagnostic[] | BuilderProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics?: readonly Diagnostic[], projectReferences?: readonly ProjectReference[]): BuilderCreationParameters {
let host: BuilderProgramHost;
let newProgram: Program;
let oldProgram: BuilderProgram;
if (newProgramOrRootNames === undefined) {
Debug.assert(hostOrOptions === undefined);
host = oldProgramOrHost as CompilerHost;
oldProgram = configFileParsingDiagnosticsOrOldProgram as BuilderProgram;
newProgram = oldProgram.getProgram();
else if (isArray(newProgramOrRootNames)) {
oldProgram = configFileParsingDiagnosticsOrOldProgram as BuilderProgram;
newProgram = createProgram({
rootNames: newProgramOrRootNames,
options: hostOrOptions as CompilerOptions,
host: oldProgramOrHost as CompilerHost,
oldProgram: oldProgram && oldProgram.getProgramOrUndefined(),
host = oldProgramOrHost as CompilerHost;
else {
newProgram = newProgramOrRootNames;
host = hostOrOptions as BuilderProgramHost;
oldProgram = oldProgramOrHost as BuilderProgram;
configFileParsingDiagnostics = configFileParsingDiagnosticsOrOldProgram as readonly Diagnostic[];
return { host, newProgram, oldProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics: configFileParsingDiagnostics || emptyArray };
export function createBuilderProgram(kind: BuilderProgramKind.SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram, builderCreationParameters: BuilderCreationParameters): SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram;
export function createBuilderProgram(kind: BuilderProgramKind.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram, builderCreationParameters: BuilderCreationParameters): EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram;
export function createBuilderProgram(kind: BuilderProgramKind, { newProgram, host, oldProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics }: BuilderCreationParameters) {
// Return same program if underlying program doesnt change
let oldState = oldProgram && oldProgram.getState();
if (oldState && newProgram === oldState.program && configFileParsingDiagnostics === newProgram.getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics()) {
newProgram = undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217
oldState = undefined;
return oldProgram;
* Create the canonical file name for identity
const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
* Computing hash to for signature verification
const computeHash = maybeBind(host, host.createHash);
let state = createBuilderProgramState(newProgram, getCanonicalFileName, oldState, host.disableUseFileVersionAsSignature);
let backupState: BuilderProgramState | undefined;
newProgram.getProgramBuildInfo = () => getProgramBuildInfo(state, getCanonicalFileName);
// To ensure that we arent storing any references to old program or new program without state
newProgram = undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217
oldProgram = undefined;
oldState = undefined;
const getState = () => state;
const builderProgram = createRedirectedBuilderProgram(getState, configFileParsingDiagnostics);
builderProgram.getState = getState;
builderProgram.backupState = () => {
Debug.assert(backupState === undefined);
backupState = cloneBuilderProgramState(state);
builderProgram.restoreState = () => {
state = Debug.checkDefined(backupState);
backupState = undefined;
builderProgram.getAllDependencies = sourceFile => BuilderState.getAllDependencies(state, Debug.checkDefined(state.program), sourceFile);
builderProgram.getSemanticDiagnostics = getSemanticDiagnostics;
builderProgram.emit = emit;
builderProgram.releaseProgram = () => {
backupState = undefined;
if (kind === BuilderProgramKind.SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram) {
(builderProgram as SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram).getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile = getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile;
else if (kind === BuilderProgramKind.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram) {
(builderProgram as EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram).getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile = getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile;
(builderProgram as EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram).emitNextAffectedFile = emitNextAffectedFile;
builderProgram.emitBuildInfo = emitBuildInfo;
else {
return builderProgram;
function emitBuildInfo(writeFile?: WriteFileCallback, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): EmitResult {
if (state.buildInfoEmitPending) {
const result = Debug.checkDefined(state.program).emitBuildInfo(writeFile || maybeBind(host, host.writeFile), cancellationToken);
state.buildInfoEmitPending = false;
return result;
return emitSkippedWithNoDiagnostics;
* Emits the next affected file's emit result (EmitResult and sourceFiles emitted) or returns undefined if iteration is complete
* The first of writeFile if provided, writeFile of BuilderProgramHost if provided, writeFile of compiler host
* in that order would be used to write the files
function emitNextAffectedFile(writeFile?: WriteFileCallback, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, customTransformers?: CustomTransformers): AffectedFileResult<EmitResult> {
let affected = getNextAffectedFile(state, cancellationToken, computeHash);
let emitKind = BuilderFileEmit.Full;
let isPendingEmitFile = false;
if (!affected) {
if (!outFile(state.compilerOptions)) {
const pendingAffectedFile = getNextAffectedFilePendingEmit(state);
if (!pendingAffectedFile) {
if (!state.buildInfoEmitPending) {
return undefined;
const affected = Debug.checkDefined(state.program);
return toAffectedFileEmitResult(
// When whole program is affected, do emit only once (eg when --out or --outFile is specified)
// Otherwise just affected file
affected.emitBuildInfo(writeFile || maybeBind(host, host.writeFile), cancellationToken),
/*emitKind*/ BuilderFileEmit.Full,
/*isPendingEmitFile*/ false,
/*isBuildInfoEmit*/ true
({ affectedFile: affected, emitKind } = pendingAffectedFile);
isPendingEmitFile = true;
else {
const program = Debug.checkDefined(state.program);
if (state.programEmitComplete) return undefined;
affected = program;
return toAffectedFileEmitResult(
// When whole program is affected, do emit only once (eg when --out or --outFile is specified)
// Otherwise just affected file
affected === state.program ? undefined : affected as SourceFile,
writeFile || maybeBind(host, host.writeFile),
emitOnlyDtsFiles || emitKind === BuilderFileEmit.DtsOnly,
* Emits the JavaScript and declaration files.
* When targetSource file is specified, emits the files corresponding to that source file,
* otherwise for the whole program.
* In case of EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram, when targetSourceFile is specified,
* it is assumed that that file is handled from affected file list. If targetSourceFile is not specified,
* it will only emit all the affected files instead of whole program
* The first of writeFile if provided, writeFile of BuilderProgramHost if provided, writeFile of compiler host
* in that order would be used to write the files
function emit(targetSourceFile?: SourceFile, writeFile?: WriteFileCallback, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, customTransformers?: CustomTransformers): EmitResult {
let restorePendingEmitOnHandlingNoEmitSuccess = false;
let savedAffectedFilesPendingEmit;
let savedAffectedFilesPendingEmitKind;
let savedAffectedFilesPendingEmitIndex;
// Backup and restore affected pendings emit state for non emit Builder if noEmitOnError is enabled and emitBuildInfo could be written in case there are errors
// This ensures pending files to emit is updated in tsbuildinfo
// Note that when there are no errors, emit proceeds as if everything is emitted as it is callers reponsibility to write the files to disk if at all (because its builder that doesnt track files to emit)
if (kind !== BuilderProgramKind.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram &&
!targetSourceFile &&
!outFile(state.compilerOptions) &&
!state.compilerOptions.noEmit &&
state.compilerOptions.noEmitOnError) {
restorePendingEmitOnHandlingNoEmitSuccess = true;
savedAffectedFilesPendingEmit = state.affectedFilesPendingEmit && state.affectedFilesPendingEmit.slice();
savedAffectedFilesPendingEmitKind = state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind && new Map(state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind);
savedAffectedFilesPendingEmitIndex = state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex;
if (kind === BuilderProgramKind.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram) {
assertSourceFileOkWithoutNextAffectedCall(state, targetSourceFile);
const result = handleNoEmitOptions(builderProgram, targetSourceFile, writeFile, cancellationToken);
if (result) return result;
if (restorePendingEmitOnHandlingNoEmitSuccess) {
state.affectedFilesPendingEmit = savedAffectedFilesPendingEmit;
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind = savedAffectedFilesPendingEmitKind;
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex = savedAffectedFilesPendingEmitIndex;
// Emit only affected files if using builder for emit
if (!targetSourceFile && kind === BuilderProgramKind.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram) {
// Emit and report any errors we ran into.
let sourceMaps: SourceMapEmitResult[] = [];
let emitSkipped = false;
let diagnostics: Diagnostic[] | undefined;
let emittedFiles: string[] = [];
let affectedEmitResult: AffectedFileResult<EmitResult>;
while (affectedEmitResult = emitNextAffectedFile(writeFile, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, customTransformers)) {
emitSkipped = emitSkipped || affectedEmitResult.result.emitSkipped;
diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, affectedEmitResult.result.diagnostics);
emittedFiles = addRange(emittedFiles, affectedEmitResult.result.emittedFiles);
sourceMaps = addRange(sourceMaps, affectedEmitResult.result.sourceMaps);
return {
diagnostics: diagnostics || emptyArray,
return Debug.checkDefined(state.program).emit(targetSourceFile, writeFile || maybeBind(host, host.writeFile), cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, customTransformers);
* Return the semantic diagnostics for the next affected file or undefined if iteration is complete
* If provided ignoreSourceFile would be called before getting the diagnostics and would ignore the sourceFile if the returned value was true
function getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile(cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, ignoreSourceFile?: (sourceFile: SourceFile) => boolean): AffectedFileResult<readonly Diagnostic[]> {
while (true) {
const affected = getNextAffectedFile(state, cancellationToken, computeHash);
if (!affected) {
// Done
return undefined;
else if (affected === state.program) {
// When whole program is affected, get all semantic diagnostics (eg when --out or --outFile is specified)
return toAffectedFileResult(
state.program.getSemanticDiagnostics(/*targetSourceFile*/ undefined, cancellationToken),
// Add file to affected file pending emit to handle for later emit time
// Apart for emit builder do this for tsbuildinfo, do this for non emit builder when noEmit is set as tsbuildinfo is written and reused between emitters
if (kind === BuilderProgramKind.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram || state.compilerOptions.noEmit || state.compilerOptions.noEmitOnError) {
addToAffectedFilesPendingEmit(state, (affected as SourceFile).resolvedPath, BuilderFileEmit.Full);
// Get diagnostics for the affected file if its not ignored
if (ignoreSourceFile && ignoreSourceFile(affected as SourceFile)) {
// Get next affected file
doneWithAffectedFile(state, affected);
return toAffectedFileResult(
getSemanticDiagnosticsOfFile(state, affected as SourceFile, cancellationToken),
* Gets the semantic diagnostics from the program corresponding to this state of file (if provided) or whole program
* The semantic diagnostics are cached and managed here
* Note that it is assumed that when asked about semantic diagnostics through this API,
* the file has been taken out of affected files so it is safe to use cache or get from program and cache the diagnostics
* In case of SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram if the source file is not provided,
* it will iterate through all the affected files, to ensure that cache stays valid and yet provide a way to get all semantic diagnostics
function getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile?: SourceFile, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): readonly Diagnostic[] {
assertSourceFileOkWithoutNextAffectedCall(state, sourceFile);
const compilerOptions = Debug.checkDefined(state.program).getCompilerOptions();
if (outFile(compilerOptions)) {
// We dont need to cache the diagnostics just return them from program
return Debug.checkDefined(state.program).getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
if (sourceFile) {
return getSemanticDiagnosticsOfFile(state, sourceFile, cancellationToken);
// When semantic builder asks for diagnostics of the whole program,
// ensure that all the affected files are handled
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
while (getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile(cancellationToken)) {
let diagnostics: Diagnostic[] | undefined;
for (const sourceFile of Debug.checkDefined(state.program).getSourceFiles()) {
diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, getSemanticDiagnosticsOfFile(state, sourceFile, cancellationToken));
return diagnostics || emptyArray;
function addToAffectedFilesPendingEmit(state: BuilderProgramState, affectedFilePendingEmit: Path, kind: BuilderFileEmit) {
if (!state.affectedFilesPendingEmit) state.affectedFilesPendingEmit = [];
if (!state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind) state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind = new Map();
const existingKind = state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind.get(affectedFilePendingEmit);
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitKind.set(affectedFilePendingEmit, existingKind || kind);
// affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex === undefined
// - means the emit state.affectedFilesPendingEmit was undefined before adding current affected files
// so start from 0 as array would be affectedFilesPendingEmit
// else, continue to iterate from existing index, the current set is appended to existing files
if (state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex === undefined) {
state.affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex = 0;
export function toBuilderStateFileInfo(fileInfo: ProgramBuildInfoFileInfo): BuilderState.FileInfo {
return isString(fileInfo) ?
{ version: fileInfo, signature: fileInfo, affectsGlobalScope: undefined, impliedFormat: undefined } :
isString(fileInfo.signature) ?
fileInfo as BuilderState.FileInfo :
{ version: fileInfo.version, signature: fileInfo.signature === false ? undefined : fileInfo.version, affectsGlobalScope: fileInfo.affectsGlobalScope, impliedFormat: fileInfo.impliedFormat };
export function createBuildProgramUsingProgramBuildInfo(program: ProgramBuildInfo, buildInfoPath: string, host: ReadBuildProgramHost): EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram {
const buildInfoDirectory = getDirectoryPath(getNormalizedAbsolutePath(buildInfoPath, host.getCurrentDirectory()));
const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
const filePaths = program.fileNames.map(toPath);
const filePathsSetList = program.fileIdsList?.map(fileIds => new Set(fileIds.map(toFilePath)));
const fileInfos = new Map<Path, BuilderState.FileInfo>();
program.fileInfos.forEach((fileInfo, index) => fileInfos.set(toFilePath(index + 1 as ProgramBuildInfoFileId), toBuilderStateFileInfo(fileInfo)));
const state: ReusableBuilderProgramState = {
compilerOptions: program.options ? convertToOptionsWithAbsolutePaths(program.options, toAbsolutePath) : {},
referencedMap: toManyToManyPathMap(program.referencedMap),
exportedModulesMap: toManyToManyPathMap(program.exportedModulesMap),
semanticDiagnosticsPerFile: program.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile && arrayToMap(program.semanticDiagnosticsPerFile, value => toFilePath(isNumber(value) ? value : value[0]), value => isNumber(value) ? emptyArray : value[1]),
hasReusableDiagnostic: true,
affectedFilesPendingEmit: map(program.affectedFilesPendingEmit, value => toFilePath(value[0])),
affectedFilesPendingEmitKind: program.affectedFilesPendingEmit && arrayToMap(program.affectedFilesPendingEmit, value => toFilePath(value[0]), value => value[1]),
affectedFilesPendingEmitIndex: program.affectedFilesPendingEmit && 0,
return {
getState: () => state,
backupState: noop,
restoreState: noop,
getProgram: notImplemented,
getProgramOrUndefined: returnUndefined,
releaseProgram: noop,
getCompilerOptions: () => state.compilerOptions,
getSourceFile: notImplemented,
getSourceFiles: notImplemented,
getOptionsDiagnostics: notImplemented,
getGlobalDiagnostics: notImplemented,
getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: notImplemented,
getSyntacticDiagnostics: notImplemented,
getDeclarationDiagnostics: notImplemented,
getSemanticDiagnostics: notImplemented,
emit: notImplemented,
getAllDependencies: notImplemented,
getCurrentDirectory: notImplemented,
emitNextAffectedFile: notImplemented,
getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile: notImplemented,
emitBuildInfo: notImplemented,
close: noop,
function toPath(path: string) {
return ts.toPath(path, buildInfoDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
function toAbsolutePath(path: string) {
return getNormalizedAbsolutePath(path, buildInfoDirectory);
function toFilePath(fileId: ProgramBuildInfoFileId) {
return filePaths[fileId - 1];
function toFilePathsSet(fileIdsListId: ProgramBuildInfoFileIdListId) {
return filePathsSetList![fileIdsListId - 1];
function toManyToManyPathMap(referenceMap: ProgramBuildInfoReferencedMap | undefined): BuilderState.ManyToManyPathMap | undefined {
if (!referenceMap) {
return undefined;
const map = BuilderState.createManyToManyPathMap();
referenceMap.forEach(([fileId, fileIdListId]) =>
map.set(toFilePath(fileId), toFilePathsSet(fileIdListId))
return map;
export function createRedirectedBuilderProgram(getState: () => { program: Program | undefined; compilerOptions: CompilerOptions; }, configFileParsingDiagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[]): BuilderProgram {
return {
getState: notImplemented,
backupState: noop,
restoreState: noop,
getProgramOrUndefined: () => getState().program,
releaseProgram: () => getState().program = undefined,
getCompilerOptions: () => getState().compilerOptions,
getSourceFile: fileName => getProgram().getSourceFile(fileName),
getSourceFiles: () => getProgram().getSourceFiles(),
getOptionsDiagnostics: cancellationToken => getProgram().getOptionsDiagnostics(cancellationToken),
getGlobalDiagnostics: cancellationToken => getProgram().getGlobalDiagnostics(cancellationToken),
getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: () => configFileParsingDiagnostics,
getSyntacticDiagnostics: (sourceFile, cancellationToken) => getProgram().getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken),
getDeclarationDiagnostics: (sourceFile, cancellationToken) => getProgram().getDeclarationDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken),
getSemanticDiagnostics: (sourceFile, cancellationToken) => getProgram().getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken),
emit: (sourceFile, writeFile, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDts, customTransformers) => getProgram().emit(sourceFile, writeFile, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDts, customTransformers),
emitBuildInfo: (writeFile, cancellationToken) => getProgram().emitBuildInfo(writeFile, cancellationToken),
getAllDependencies: notImplemented,
getCurrentDirectory: () => getProgram().getCurrentDirectory(),
close: noop,
function getProgram() {
return Debug.checkDefined(getState().program);