Eli Barzilay 39ff1568e9 Changes to enable the module conversion script
* shorthand -> long for `factory` since the typeformer script doesn't
  know how to handle it.

* Use setter to change `ts.sys` (similar to #35399).

* Fix `loggedIO` with empty namespaces to indicate dependency
  (similar to 50603eda).

* Move `Map` / `Set` stuff from `core.ts` to `corePublic.ts` since the
  types are there.
2021-10-16 08:12:59 -04:00

452 lines
18 KiB

namespace Playback { // eslint-disable-line one-namespace-per-file
interface FileInformation {
contents?: string;
contentsPath?: string;
codepage: number;
bom?: string;
interface FindFileResult {
interface IoLogFile {
path: string;
codepage: number;
result?: FileInformation;
export interface IoLog {
timestamp: string;
arguments: string[];
executingPath: string;
currentDirectory: string;
useCustomLibraryFile?: boolean;
filesRead: IoLogFile[];
filesWritten: {
path: string;
contents?: string;
contentsPath?: string;
bom: boolean;
filesDeleted: string[];
filesAppended: {
path: string;
contents?: string;
contentsPath?: string;
fileExists: {
path: string;
result?: boolean;
filesFound: {
path: string;
pattern: string;
result?: FindFileResult;
dirs: {
path: string;
re: string;
re_m: boolean;
re_g: boolean;
re_i: boolean;
opts: { recursive?: boolean; };
result?: string[];
dirExists: {
path: string;
result?: boolean;
dirsCreated: string[];
pathsResolved: {
path: string;
result?: string;
directoriesRead: {
path: string,
extensions: readonly string[] | undefined,
exclude: readonly string[] | undefined,
include: readonly string[] | undefined,
depth: number | undefined,
result: readonly string[],
useCaseSensitiveFileNames?: boolean;
interface PlaybackControl {
startReplayFromFile(logFileName: string): void;
startReplayFromString(logContents: string): void;
startReplayFromData(log: IoLog): void;
endReplay(): void;
startRecord(logFileName: string): void;
endRecord(): void;
let recordLog: IoLog | undefined;
let replayLog: IoLog | undefined;
let replayFilesRead: ts.ESMap<string, IoLogFile> | undefined;
let recordLogFileNameBase = "";
interface Memoized<T> {
(s: string): T;
reset(): void;
function memoize<T>(func: (s: string) => T): Memoized<T> {
let lookup: { [s: string]: T } = {};
const run: Memoized<T> = ((s: string) => {
if (lookup.hasOwnProperty(s)) return lookup[s];
return lookup[s] = func(s);
}) as Memoized<T>;
run.reset = () => {
lookup = undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217
return run;
export interface PlaybackIO extends Harness.IO, PlaybackControl { }
export interface PlaybackSystem extends ts.System, PlaybackControl { }
function createEmptyLog(): IoLog {
return {
timestamp: (new Date()).toString(),
arguments: [],
currentDirectory: "",
filesRead: [],
directoriesRead: [],
filesWritten: [],
filesDeleted: [],
filesAppended: [],
fileExists: [],
filesFound: [],
dirs: [],
dirExists: [],
dirsCreated: [],
pathsResolved: [],
executingPath: ""
export function newStyleLogIntoOldStyleLog(log: IoLog, host: ts.System | Harness.IO, baseName: string) {
for (const file of log.filesAppended) {
if (file.contentsPath) {
file.contents = host.readFile(ts.combinePaths(baseName, file.contentsPath));
delete file.contentsPath;
for (const file of log.filesWritten) {
if (file.contentsPath) {
file.contents = host.readFile(ts.combinePaths(baseName, file.contentsPath));
delete file.contentsPath;
for (const file of log.filesRead) {
const result = file.result!; // TODO: GH#18217
if (result.contentsPath) {
// `readFile` strips away a BOM (and actually reinerprets the file contents according to the correct encoding)
// - but this has the unfortunate sideeffect of removing the BOM from any outputs based on the file, so we readd it here.
result.contents = (result.bom || "") + host.readFile(ts.combinePaths(baseName, result.contentsPath));
delete result.contentsPath;
return log;
const canonicalizeForHarness = ts.createGetCanonicalFileName(/*caseSensitive*/ false); // This is done so tests work on windows _and_ linux
function sanitizeTestFilePath(name: string) {
const path = ts.toPath(ts.normalizeSlashes(name.replace(/[\^<>:"|?*%]/g, "_")).replace(/\.\.\//g, "__dotdot/"), "", canonicalizeForHarness);
if (ts.startsWith(path, "/")) {
return path.substring(1);
return path;
export function oldStyleLogIntoNewStyleLog(log: IoLog, writeFile: typeof Harness.IO.writeFile, baseTestName: string) {
if (log.filesAppended) {
for (const file of log.filesAppended) {
if (file.contents !== undefined) {
file.contentsPath = ts.combinePaths("appended", sanitizeTestFilePath(file.path));
writeFile(ts.combinePaths(baseTestName, file.contentsPath), file.contents);
delete file.contents;
if (log.filesWritten) {
for (const file of log.filesWritten) {
if (file.contents !== undefined) {
file.contentsPath = ts.combinePaths("written", sanitizeTestFilePath(file.path));
writeFile(ts.combinePaths(baseTestName, file.contentsPath), file.contents);
delete file.contents;
if (log.filesRead) {
for (const file of log.filesRead) {
const result = file.result!; // TODO: GH#18217
const { contents } = result;
if (contents !== undefined) {
result.contentsPath = ts.combinePaths("read", sanitizeTestFilePath(file.path));
writeFile(ts.combinePaths(baseTestName, result.contentsPath), contents);
const len = contents.length;
if (len >= 2 && contents.charCodeAt(0) === 0xfeff) {
result.bom = "\ufeff";
if (len >= 2 && contents.charCodeAt(0) === 0xfffe) {
result.bom = "\ufffe";
if (len >= 3 && contents.charCodeAt(0) === 0xefbb && contents.charCodeAt(1) === 0xbf) {
result.bom = "\uefbb\xbf";
delete result.contents;
return log;
export function initWrapper(...[wrapper, underlying]: [PlaybackSystem, ts.System] | [PlaybackIO, Harness.IO]): void {
ts.forEach(Object.keys(underlying), prop => {
(wrapper as any)[prop] = (underlying as any)[prop];
wrapper.startReplayFromString = logString => {
wrapper.startReplayFromData = log => {
replayLog = log;
// Remove non-found files from the log (shouldn't really need them, but we still record them for diagnostic purposes)
replayLog.filesRead = replayLog.filesRead.filter(f => f.result!.contents !== undefined);
replayFilesRead = new ts.Map();
for (const file of replayLog.filesRead) {
replayFilesRead.set(ts.normalizeSlashes(file.path).toLowerCase(), file);
wrapper.endReplay = () => {
replayLog = undefined;
replayFilesRead = undefined;
wrapper.startRecord = (fileNameBase) => {
recordLogFileNameBase = fileNameBase;
recordLog = createEmptyLog();
recordLog.useCaseSensitiveFileNames = typeof underlying.useCaseSensitiveFileNames === "function" ? underlying.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() : underlying.useCaseSensitiveFileNames;
if (typeof underlying.args !== "function") {
recordLog.arguments = underlying.args;
wrapper.startReplayFromFile = logFn => {
wrapper.endRecord = () => {
if (recordLog !== undefined) {
let i = 0;
const getBase = () => recordLogFileNameBase + i;
while (underlying.fileExists(ts.combinePaths(getBase(), "test.json"))) i++;
const newLog = oldStyleLogIntoNewStyleLog(recordLog, (path, str) => underlying.writeFile(path, str), getBase());
underlying.writeFile(ts.combinePaths(getBase(), "test.json"), JSON.stringify(newLog, null, 4)); // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
const syntheticTsconfig = generateTsconfig(newLog);
if (syntheticTsconfig) {
underlying.writeFile(ts.combinePaths(getBase(), "tsconfig.json"), JSON.stringify(syntheticTsconfig, null, 4)); // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
recordLog = undefined;
function generateTsconfig(newLog: IoLog): undefined | { compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, files: string[] } {
if (newLog.filesRead.some(file => /tsconfig.+json$/.test(file.path))) {
const files = [];
for (const file of newLog.filesRead) {
const result = file.result!;
if (result.contentsPath &&
Harness.isDefaultLibraryFile(result.contentsPath) &&
/\.[tj]s$/.test(result.contentsPath)) {
return { compilerOptions: ts.parseCommandLine(newLog.arguments).options, files };
wrapper.fileExists = recordReplay(wrapper.fileExists, underlying)(
path => callAndRecord(underlying.fileExists(path), recordLog!.fileExists, { path }),
memoize(path => {
// If we read from the file, it must exist
if (findFileByPath(path, /*throwFileNotFoundError*/ false)) {
return true;
else {
return findResultByFields(replayLog!.fileExists, { path }, /*defaultValue*/ false)!;
wrapper.getExecutingFilePath = () => {
if (replayLog !== undefined) {
return replayLog.executingPath;
else if (recordLog !== undefined) {
return recordLog.executingPath = underlying.getExecutingFilePath();
else {
return underlying.getExecutingFilePath();
wrapper.getCurrentDirectory = () => {
if (replayLog !== undefined) {
return replayLog.currentDirectory || "";
else if (recordLog !== undefined) {
return recordLog.currentDirectory = underlying.getCurrentDirectory();
else {
return underlying.getCurrentDirectory();
wrapper.resolvePath = recordReplay(wrapper.resolvePath, underlying)(
path => callAndRecord(underlying.resolvePath(path), recordLog!.pathsResolved, { path }),
memoize(path => findResultByFields(replayLog!.pathsResolved, { path }, !ts.isRootedDiskPath(ts.normalizeSlashes(path)) && replayLog!.currentDirectory ? replayLog!.currentDirectory + "/" + path : ts.normalizeSlashes(path))));
wrapper.readFile = recordReplay(wrapper.readFile, underlying)(
(path: string) => {
const result = underlying.readFile(path);
const logEntry = { path, codepage: 0, result: { contents: result, codepage: 0 } };
return result;
memoize(path => findFileByPath(path, /*throwFileNotFoundError*/ true)!.contents));
wrapper.readDirectory = recordReplay(wrapper.readDirectory, underlying)(
(path, extensions, exclude, include, depth) => {
const result = (underlying as ts.System).readDirectory(path, extensions, exclude, include, depth);
recordLog!.directoriesRead.push({ path, extensions, exclude, include, depth, result });
return result;
path => {
// Because extensions is an array of all allowed extension, we will want to merge each of the replayLog.directoriesRead into one
// if each of the directoriesRead has matched path with the given path (directory with same path but different extension will considered
// different entry).
// TODO (yuisu): We can certainly remove these once we recapture the RWC using new API
const normalizedPath = ts.normalizePath(path).toLowerCase();
return ts.flatMap(replayLog!.directoriesRead, directory => {
if (ts.normalizeSlashes(directory.path).toLowerCase() === normalizedPath) {
return directory.result;
wrapper.writeFile = recordReplay(wrapper.writeFile, underlying)(
(path: string, contents: string) => callAndRecord(underlying.writeFile(path, contents), recordLog!.filesWritten, { path, contents, bom: false }),
() => noOpReplay("writeFile"));
wrapper.exit = (exitCode) => {
if (recordLog !== undefined) {
wrapper.useCaseSensitiveFileNames = () => {
if (replayLog !== undefined) {
return !!replayLog.useCaseSensitiveFileNames;
return typeof underlying.useCaseSensitiveFileNames === "function" ? underlying.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() : underlying.useCaseSensitiveFileNames;
function recordReplay<T extends ts.AnyFunction>(original: T, underlying: any) {
function createWrapper(record: T, replay: T): T {
// eslint-disable-next-line only-arrow-functions
return (function () {
if (replayLog !== undefined) {
return replay.apply(undefined, arguments);
else if (recordLog !== undefined) {
return record.apply(undefined, arguments);
else {
return original.apply(underlying, arguments);
} as any);
return createWrapper;
function callAndRecord<T, U>(underlyingResult: T, logArray: U[], logEntry: U): T {
if (underlyingResult !== undefined) {
(logEntry as any).result = underlyingResult;
return underlyingResult;
function findResultByFields<T>(logArray: { result?: T }[], expectedFields: {}, defaultValue?: T): T | undefined {
const predicate = (entry: { result?: T }) => {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expectedFields).every((name) => (entry as any)[name] === (expectedFields as any)[name]);
const results = logArray.filter(entry => predicate(entry));
if (results.length === 0) {
if (defaultValue !== undefined) {
return defaultValue;
else {
throw new Error("No matching result in log array for: " + JSON.stringify(expectedFields));
return results[0].result;
function findFileByPath(expectedPath: string, throwFileNotFoundError: boolean): FileInformation | undefined {
const normalizedName = ts.normalizePath(expectedPath).toLowerCase();
// Try to find the result through normal fileName
const result = replayFilesRead!.get(normalizedName);
if (result) {
return result.result;
// If we got here, we didn't find a match
if (throwFileNotFoundError) {
throw new Error("No matching result in log array for path: " + expectedPath);
else {
return undefined;
function noOpReplay(_name: string) {
// console.log("Swallowed write operation during replay: " + name);
export function wrapIO(underlying: Harness.IO): PlaybackIO {
const wrapper: PlaybackIO = {} as any;
initWrapper(wrapper, underlying);
wrapper.directoryName = notSupported;
wrapper.createDirectory = notSupported;
wrapper.directoryExists = notSupported;
wrapper.deleteFile = notSupported;
wrapper.listFiles = notSupported;
return wrapper;
function notSupported(): never {
throw new Error("NotSupported");
export function wrapSystem(underlying: ts.System): PlaybackSystem {
const wrapper: PlaybackSystem = {} as any;
initWrapper(wrapper, underlying);
return wrapper;
// empty modules for the module migration script
namespace ts.server { } // eslint-disable-line one-namespace-per-file
namespace Harness { } // eslint-disable-line one-namespace-per-file