
13 lines
729 B

error TS2468: Cannot find global value 'Promise'.
tests/cases/compiler/asyncFunctionNoReturnType.ts(1,1): error TS2705: An async function or method in ES5/ES3 requires the 'Promise' constructor. Make sure you have a declaration for the 'Promise' constructor or include 'ES2015' in your '--lib' option.
!!! error TS2468: Cannot find global value 'Promise'.
==== tests/cases/compiler/asyncFunctionNoReturnType.ts (1 errors) ====
async () => {
!!! error TS2705: An async function or method in ES5/ES3 requires the 'Promise' constructor. Make sure you have a declaration for the 'Promise' constructor or include 'ES2015' in your '--lib' option.
if (window)