Wesley Wigham 8d5c197f99
keyof should always include remapped keys (#45923)
* Loosen check in getIndexTypeForMappedType to directly map property names when any indexy type is present

* Handle homomorphic mappings better in keyof, add specific relationship rule for relating generic keyof MappedType to handle remapped keys

* Remove trailing whitespace
2021-09-27 19:10:02 -07:00

44 lines
1.8 KiB

=== tests/cases/compiler/computedTypesKeyofNoIndexSignatureType.ts ===
type Compute<A> = { [K in keyof A]: Compute<A[K]>; } & {};
>Compute : { [K in keyof A]: { [K in keyof A[K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K][K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K][K][K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K][K][K][K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K][K][K][K][K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K][K][K][K][K][K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K][K][K][K][K][K][K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K][K][K][K][K][K][K][K]]: { [K in keyof A[K][K][K][K][K][K][K][K][K][K]]: any; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }
type EqualsTest<T> = <A>() => A extends T ? 1 : 0;
>EqualsTest : EqualsTest<T>
type Equals<A1, A2> = EqualsTest<A2> extends EqualsTest<A1> ? 1 : 0;
>Equals : Equals<A1, A2>
type Filter<K, I> = Equals<K, I> extends 1 ? never : K;
>Filter : Filter<K, I>
type OmitIndex<T, I extends string | number> = {
>OmitIndex : OmitIndex<T, I>
[K in keyof T as Filter<K, I>]: T[K];
type IndexObject = { [key: string]: unknown; };
>IndexObject : IndexObject
>key : string
type FooBar = { foo: "hello"; bar: "world"; };
>FooBar : FooBar
>foo : "hello"
>bar : "world"
type WithIndex = Compute<FooBar & IndexObject>; // { [x: string]: {}; foo: "hello"; bar: "world"; } <-- OK
>WithIndex : { [x: string]: {}; foo: "hello"; bar: "world"; }
type WithoutIndex = OmitIndex<WithIndex, string>; // { foo: "hello"; bar: "world"; } <-- OK
>WithoutIndex : OmitIndex<{ [x: string]: {}; foo: "hello"; bar: "world"; }, string>
type FooBarKey = keyof FooBar; // "foo" | "bar" <-- OK
>FooBarKey : keyof FooBar
type WithIndexKey = keyof WithIndex; // string | number <-- Expected: string
>WithIndexKey : string | number
type WithoutIndexKey = keyof WithoutIndex; // number <-- Expected: "foo" | "bar"
>WithoutIndexKey : "foo" | "bar"