Anders Hejlsberg 4782c74b75
Propagate wildcard types in non-homomorphic mapped types (#41622)
* Propagate wildcard types in non-homomorphic mapped types

* Add regression test

* Accept new baselines

* Accept new baselines
2020-12-01 11:57:00 -10:00

860 lines
36 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/types/conditional/conditionalTypes2.ts ===
interface Covariant<T> {
>Covariant : Symbol(Covariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 0, 0))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 0, 20))
foo: T extends string ? T : number;
>foo : Symbol(Covariant.foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 0, 24))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 0, 20))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 0, 20))
interface Contravariant<T> {
>Contravariant : Symbol(Contravariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 2, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 4, 24))
foo: T extends string ? keyof T : number;
>foo : Symbol(Contravariant.foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 4, 28))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 4, 24))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 4, 24))
interface Invariant<T> {
>Invariant : Symbol(Invariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 6, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 8, 20))
foo: T extends string ? keyof T : T;
>foo : Symbol(Invariant.foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 8, 24))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 8, 20))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 8, 20))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 8, 20))
function f1<A, B extends A>(a: Covariant<A>, b: Covariant<B>) {
>f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 10, 1))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 12))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 14))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 12))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 28))
>Covariant : Symbol(Covariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 0, 0))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 12))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 44))
>Covariant : Symbol(Covariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 0, 0))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 14))
a = b;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 28))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 44))
b = a; // Error
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 44))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 12, 28))
function f2<A, B extends A>(a: Contravariant<A>, b: Contravariant<B>) {
>f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 15, 1))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 12))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 14))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 12))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 28))
>Contravariant : Symbol(Contravariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 2, 1))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 12))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 48))
>Contravariant : Symbol(Contravariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 2, 1))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 14))
a = b; // Error
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 28))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 48))
b = a;
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 48))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 17, 28))
function f3<A, B extends A>(a: Invariant<A>, b: Invariant<B>) {
>f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 20, 1))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 12))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 14))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 12))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 28))
>Invariant : Symbol(Invariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 6, 1))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 12))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 44))
>Invariant : Symbol(Invariant, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 6, 1))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 14))
a = b; // Error
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 28))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 44))
b = a; // Error
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 44))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 22, 28))
// Extract<T, Function> is a T that is known to be a Function
function isFunction<T>(value: T): value is Extract<T, Function> {
>isFunction : Symbol(isFunction, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 25, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 28, 20))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 28, 23))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 28, 20))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 28, 23))
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 28, 20))
>Function : Symbol(Function, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
return typeof value === "function";
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 28, 23))
function getFunction<T>(item: T) {
>getFunction : Symbol(getFunction, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 30, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 32, 21))
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 32, 24))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 32, 21))
if (isFunction(item)) {
>isFunction : Symbol(isFunction, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 25, 1))
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 32, 24))
return item;
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 32, 24))
throw new Error();
>Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
function f10<T>(x: T) {
>f10 : Symbol(f10, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 37, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 39, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 39, 16))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 39, 13))
if (isFunction(x)) {
>isFunction : Symbol(isFunction, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 25, 1))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 39, 16))
const f: Function = x;
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 41, 13))
>Function : Symbol(Function, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 39, 16))
const t: T = x;
>t : Symbol(t, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 42, 13))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 39, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 39, 16))
function f11(x: string | (() => string) | undefined) {
>f11 : Symbol(f11, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 44, 1))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 46, 13))
if (isFunction(x)) {
>isFunction : Symbol(isFunction, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 25, 1))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 46, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 46, 13))
function f12(x: string | (() => string) | undefined) {
>f12 : Symbol(f12, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 50, 1))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 52, 13))
const f = getFunction(x); // () => string
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 53, 9))
>getFunction : Symbol(getFunction, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 30, 1))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 52, 13))
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 53, 9))
type Foo = { foo: string };
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 55, 1))
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 57, 12))
type Bar = { bar: string };
>Bar : Symbol(Bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 57, 27))
>bar : Symbol(bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 58, 12))
declare function fooBar(x: { foo: string, bar: string }): void;
>fooBar : Symbol(fooBar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 58, 27))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 60, 24))
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 60, 28))
>bar : Symbol(bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 60, 41))
declare function fooBat(x: { foo: string, bat: string }): void;
>fooBat : Symbol(fooBat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 60, 63))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 61, 24))
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 61, 28))
>bat : Symbol(bat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 61, 41))
type Extract2<T, U, V> = T extends U ? T extends V ? T : never : never;
>Extract2 : Symbol(Extract2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 61, 63))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 14))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 16))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 19))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 14))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 16))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 14))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 19))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 14))
function f20<T>(x: Extract<Extract<T, Foo>, Bar>, y: Extract<T, Foo & Bar>, z: Extract2<T, Foo, Bar>) {
>f20 : Symbol(f20, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 63, 71))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 16))
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 13))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 55, 1))
>Bar : Symbol(Bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 57, 27))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 49))
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 13))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 55, 1))
>Bar : Symbol(Bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 57, 27))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 75))
>Extract2 : Symbol(Extract2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 61, 63))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 13))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 55, 1))
>Bar : Symbol(Bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 57, 27))
>fooBar : Symbol(fooBar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 58, 27))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 16))
>fooBar : Symbol(fooBar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 58, 27))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 49))
>fooBar : Symbol(fooBar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 58, 27))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 65, 75))
function f21<T>(x: Extract<Extract<T, Foo>, Bar>, y: Extract<T, Foo & Bar>, z: Extract2<T, Foo, Bar>) {
>f21 : Symbol(f21, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 69, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 16))
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 13))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 55, 1))
>Bar : Symbol(Bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 57, 27))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 49))
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 13))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 55, 1))
>Bar : Symbol(Bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 57, 27))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 75))
>Extract2 : Symbol(Extract2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 61, 63))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 13))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 55, 1))
>Bar : Symbol(Bar, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 57, 27))
fooBat(x); // Error
>fooBat : Symbol(fooBat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 60, 63))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 16))
fooBat(y); // Error
>fooBat : Symbol(fooBat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 60, 63))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 49))
fooBat(z); // Error
>fooBat : Symbol(fooBat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 60, 63))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 71, 75))
// Repros from #22860
class Opt<T> {
>Opt : Symbol(Opt, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 75, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 79, 10))
toVector(): Vector<T> {
>toVector : Symbol(Opt.toVector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 79, 14))
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 79, 10))
return <any>undefined;
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
interface Seq<T> {
>Seq : Symbol(Seq, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 83, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 85, 14))
tail(): Opt<Seq<T>>;
>tail : Symbol(Seq.tail, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 85, 18))
>Opt : Symbol(Opt, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 75, 1))
>Seq : Symbol(Seq, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 83, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 85, 14))
class Vector<T> implements Seq<T> {
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
>Seq : Symbol(Seq, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 83, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
tail(): Opt<Vector<T>> {
>tail : Symbol(Vector.tail, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 35))
>Opt : Symbol(Opt, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 75, 1))
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
return <any>undefined;
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
partition2<U extends T>(predicate:(v:T)=>v is U): [Vector<U>,Vector<Exclude<T, U>>];
>partition2 : Symbol(Vector.partition2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 92, 5), Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 88), Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 94, 64))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 15))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
>predicate : Symbol(predicate, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 28))
>v : Symbol(v, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 39))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
>v : Symbol(v, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 39))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 15))
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 15))
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
>Exclude : Symbol(Exclude, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 15))
partition2(predicate:(x:T)=>boolean): [Vector<T>,Vector<T>];
>partition2 : Symbol(Vector.partition2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 92, 5), Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 88), Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 94, 64))
>predicate : Symbol(predicate, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 94, 15))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 94, 26))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
partition2<U extends T>(predicate:(v:T)=>boolean): [Vector<U>,Vector<any>] {
>partition2 : Symbol(Vector.partition2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 92, 5), Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 93, 88), Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 94, 64))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 95, 15))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
>predicate : Symbol(predicate, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 95, 28))
>v : Symbol(v, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 95, 39))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 89, 13))
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 95, 15))
>Vector : Symbol(Vector, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 87, 1))
return <any>undefined;
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
interface A1<T> {
>A1 : Symbol(A1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 98, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 100, 13))
bat: B1<A1<T>>;
>bat : Symbol(A1.bat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 100, 17))
>B1 : Symbol(B1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 102, 1))
>A1 : Symbol(A1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 98, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 100, 13))
interface B1<T> extends A1<T> {
>B1 : Symbol(B1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 102, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 104, 13))
>A1 : Symbol(A1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 98, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 104, 13))
bat: B1<B1<T>>;
>bat : Symbol(B1.bat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 104, 31))
>B1 : Symbol(B1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 102, 1))
>B1 : Symbol(B1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 102, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 104, 13))
boom: T extends any ? true : true
>boom : Symbol(B1.boom, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 105, 19))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 104, 13))
// Repro from #22899
declare function toString1(value: object | Function): string ;
>toString1 : Symbol(toString1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 107, 1))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 111, 27))
>Function : Symbol(Function, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
declare function toString2(value: Function): string ;
>toString2 : Symbol(toString2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 111, 62))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 112, 27))
>Function : Symbol(Function, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
function foo<T>(value: T) {
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 112, 53))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 114, 13))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 114, 16))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 114, 13))
if (isFunction(value)) {
>isFunction : Symbol(isFunction, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 25, 1))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 114, 16))
>toString1 : Symbol(toString1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 107, 1))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 114, 16))
>toString2 : Symbol(toString2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 111, 62))
>value : Symbol(value, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 114, 16))
// Repro from #23052
type A<T, V, E> =
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 119, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 7))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 9))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 12))
T extends object
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 7))
? { [Q in { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends V ? P : P; }[keyof T]]: A<T[Q], V, E>; }
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 125, 9))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 125, 17))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 7))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 7))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 125, 17))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 9))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 125, 17))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 125, 17))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 7))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 119, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 7))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 125, 9))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 9))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 12))
: T extends V ? T : never;
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 7))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 9))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 123, 7))
type B<T, V> =
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 126, 30))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 7))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 9))
T extends object
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 7))
? { [Q in { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends V ? P : P; }[keyof T]]: B<T[Q], V>; }
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 130, 9))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 130, 17))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 7))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 7))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 130, 17))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 9))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 130, 17))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 130, 17))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 7))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 126, 30))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 7))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 130, 9))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 9))
: T extends V ? T : never;
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 7))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 9))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 128, 7))
type C<T, V, E> =
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 131, 30))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 7))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 9))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 12))
{ [Q in { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends V ? P : P; }[keyof T]]: C<T[Q], V, E>; };
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 134, 5))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 134, 13))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 7))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 7))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 134, 13))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 9))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 134, 13))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 134, 13))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 7))
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 131, 30))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 7))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 134, 5))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 9))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 133, 12))
// Repro from #23100
type A2<T, V, E> =
>A2 : Symbol(A2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 134, 82))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 8))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 10))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 13))
T extends object ? T extends any[] ? T : { [Q in keyof T]: A2<T[Q], V, E>; } : T;
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 8))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 8))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 8))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 139, 48))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 8))
>A2 : Symbol(A2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 134, 82))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 8))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 139, 48))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 10))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 13))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 138, 8))
type B2<T, V> =
>B2 : Symbol(B2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 139, 85))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 8))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 10))
T extends object ? T extends any[] ? T : { [Q in keyof T]: B2<T[Q], V>; } : T;
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 8))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 8))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 8))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 142, 48))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 8))
>B2 : Symbol(B2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 139, 85))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 8))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 142, 48))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 10))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 141, 8))
type C2<T, V, E> =
>C2 : Symbol(C2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 142, 82))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 8))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 10))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 13))
T extends object ? { [Q in keyof T]: C2<T[Q], V, E>; } : T;
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 8))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 145, 26))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 8))
>C2 : Symbol(C2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 142, 82))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 8))
>Q : Symbol(Q, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 145, 26))
>V : Symbol(V, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 10))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 13))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 144, 8))
// Repro from #28654
type MaybeTrue<T extends { b: boolean }> = true extends T["b"] ? "yes" : "no";
>MaybeTrue : Symbol(MaybeTrue, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 145, 63))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 149, 15))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 149, 26))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 149, 15))
type T0 = MaybeTrue<{ b: never }> // "no"
>T0 : Symbol(T0, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 149, 78))
>MaybeTrue : Symbol(MaybeTrue, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 145, 63))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 151, 21))
type T1 = MaybeTrue<{ b: false }>; // "no"
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 151, 33))
>MaybeTrue : Symbol(MaybeTrue, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 145, 63))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 152, 21))
type T2 = MaybeTrue<{ b: true }>; // "yes"
>T2 : Symbol(T2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 152, 34))
>MaybeTrue : Symbol(MaybeTrue, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 145, 63))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 153, 21))
type T3 = MaybeTrue<{ b: boolean }>; // "yes"
>T3 : Symbol(T3, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 153, 33))
>MaybeTrue : Symbol(MaybeTrue, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 145, 63))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 21))
// Repro from #28824
type Union = 'a' | 'b';
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
type Product<A extends Union, B> = { f1: A, f2: B};
>Product : Symbol(Product, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 158, 23))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 13))
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 29))
>f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 36))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 13))
>f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 43))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 29))
type ProductUnion = Product<'a', 0> | Product<'b', 1>;
>ProductUnion : Symbol(ProductUnion, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 51))
>Product : Symbol(Product, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 158, 23))
>Product : Symbol(Product, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 158, 23))
// {a: "b"; b: "a"}
type UnionComplement = {
>UnionComplement : Symbol(UnionComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 160, 54))
[K in Union]: Exclude<Union, K>
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 164, 3))
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
>Exclude : Symbol(Exclude, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 164, 3))
type UCA = UnionComplement['a'];
>UCA : Symbol(UCA, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 165, 2))
>UnionComplement : Symbol(UnionComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 160, 54))
type UCB = UnionComplement['b'];
>UCB : Symbol(UCB, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 166, 32))
>UnionComplement : Symbol(UnionComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 160, 54))
// {a: "a"; b: "b"}
type UnionComplementComplement = {
>UnionComplementComplement : Symbol(UnionComplementComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 167, 32))
[K in Union]: Exclude<Union, Exclude<Union, K>>
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 171, 3))
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
>Exclude : Symbol(Exclude, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
>Exclude : Symbol(Exclude, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 171, 3))
type UCCA = UnionComplementComplement['a'];
>UCCA : Symbol(UCCA, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 172, 2))
>UnionComplementComplement : Symbol(UnionComplementComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 167, 32))
type UCCB = UnionComplementComplement['b'];
>UCCB : Symbol(UCCB, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 173, 43))
>UnionComplementComplement : Symbol(UnionComplementComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 167, 32))
// {a: Product<'b', 1>; b: Product<'a', 0>}
type ProductComplement = {
>ProductComplement : Symbol(ProductComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 174, 43))
[K in Union]: Exclude<ProductUnion, { f1: K }>
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 178, 3))
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
>Exclude : Symbol(Exclude, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>ProductUnion : Symbol(ProductUnion, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 51))
>f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 178, 39))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 178, 3))
type PCA = ProductComplement['a'];
>PCA : Symbol(PCA, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 179, 2))
>ProductComplement : Symbol(ProductComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 174, 43))
type PCB = ProductComplement['b'];
>PCB : Symbol(PCB, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 180, 34))
>ProductComplement : Symbol(ProductComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 174, 43))
// {a: Product<'a', 0>; b: Product<'b', 1>}
type ProductComplementComplement = {
>ProductComplementComplement : Symbol(ProductComplementComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 181, 34))
[K in Union]: Exclude<ProductUnion, Exclude<ProductUnion, { f1: K }>>
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 185, 3))
>Union : Symbol(Union, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 154, 36))
>Exclude : Symbol(Exclude, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>ProductUnion : Symbol(ProductUnion, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 51))
>Exclude : Symbol(Exclude, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>ProductUnion : Symbol(ProductUnion, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 159, 51))
>f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 185, 61))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 185, 3))
type PCCA = ProductComplementComplement['a'];
>PCCA : Symbol(PCCA, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 186, 2))
>ProductComplementComplement : Symbol(ProductComplementComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 181, 34))
type PCCB = ProductComplementComplement['b'];
>PCCB : Symbol(PCCB, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 187, 45))
>ProductComplementComplement : Symbol(ProductComplementComplement, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 181, 34))
// Repro from #31326
type Hmm<T, U extends T> = U extends T ? { [K in keyof U]: number } : never;
>Hmm : Symbol(Hmm, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 188, 45))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 9))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 11))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 9))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 11))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 9))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 44))
>U : Symbol(U, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 11))
type What = Hmm<{}, { a: string }>
>What : Symbol(What, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 76))
>Hmm : Symbol(Hmm, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 188, 45))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 193, 21))
const w: What = { a: 4 };
>w : Symbol(w, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 194, 5))
>What : Symbol(What, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 192, 76))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 194, 17))
// Repro from #33568
declare function save(_response: IRootResponse<string>): void;
>save : Symbol(save, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 194, 25))
>_response : Symbol(_response, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 198, 22))
>IRootResponse : Symbol(IRootResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 206, 1))
>exportCommand : Symbol(exportCommand, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 200, 20))
>save : Symbol(save, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 194, 25))
declare function exportCommand<TResponse>(functionToCall: IExportCallback<TResponse>): void;
>exportCommand : Symbol(exportCommand, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 200, 20))
>TResponse : Symbol(TResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 202, 31))
>functionToCall : Symbol(functionToCall, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 202, 42))
>IExportCallback : Symbol(IExportCallback, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 202, 92))
>TResponse : Symbol(TResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 202, 31))
interface IExportCallback<TResponse> {
>IExportCallback : Symbol(IExportCallback, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 202, 92))
>TResponse : Symbol(TResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 204, 26))
(response: IRootResponse<TResponse>): void;
>response : Symbol(response, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 205, 2))
>IRootResponse : Symbol(IRootResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 206, 1))
>TResponse : Symbol(TResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 204, 26))
type IRootResponse<TResponse> =
>IRootResponse : Symbol(IRootResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 206, 1))
>TResponse : Symbol(TResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 208, 19))
TResponse extends IRecord ? IRecordResponse<TResponse> : IResponse<TResponse>;
>TResponse : Symbol(TResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 208, 19))
>IRecord : Symbol(IRecord, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 209, 79))
>IRecordResponse : Symbol(IRecordResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 213, 1))
>TResponse : Symbol(TResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 208, 19))
>IResponse : Symbol(IResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 217, 2))
>TResponse : Symbol(TResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 208, 19))
interface IRecord {
>IRecord : Symbol(IRecord, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 209, 79))
readonly Id: string;
>Id : Symbol(IRecord.Id, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 211, 19))
declare type IRecordResponse<T extends IRecord> = IResponse<T> & {
>IRecordResponse : Symbol(IRecordResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 213, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 215, 29))
>IRecord : Symbol(IRecord, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 209, 79))
>IResponse : Symbol(IResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 217, 2))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 215, 29))
sendRecord(): void;
>sendRecord : Symbol(sendRecord, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 215, 66))
declare type IResponse<T> = {
>IResponse : Symbol(IResponse, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 217, 2))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 219, 23))
sendValue(name: keyof GetAllPropertiesOfType<T, string>): void;
>sendValue : Symbol(sendValue, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 219, 29))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 220, 11))
>GetAllPropertiesOfType : Symbol(GetAllPropertiesOfType, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 225, 28))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 219, 23))
declare type GetPropertyNamesOfType<T, RestrictToType> = {
>GetPropertyNamesOfType : Symbol(GetPropertyNamesOfType, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 221, 2))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 223, 36))
>RestrictToType : Symbol(RestrictToType, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 223, 38))
[PropertyName in Extract<keyof T, string>]: T[PropertyName] extends RestrictToType ? PropertyName : never
>PropertyName : Symbol(PropertyName, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 224, 2))
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 223, 36))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 223, 36))
>PropertyName : Symbol(PropertyName, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 224, 2))
>RestrictToType : Symbol(RestrictToType, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 223, 38))
>PropertyName : Symbol(PropertyName, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 224, 2))
}[Extract<keyof T, string>];
>Extract : Symbol(Extract, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 223, 36))
declare type GetAllPropertiesOfType<T, RestrictToType> = Pick<
>GetAllPropertiesOfType : Symbol(GetAllPropertiesOfType, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 225, 28))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 227, 36))
>RestrictToType : Symbol(RestrictToType, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 227, 38))
>Pick : Symbol(Pick, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 227, 36))
GetPropertyNamesOfType<Required<T>, RestrictToType>
>GetPropertyNamesOfType : Symbol(GetPropertyNamesOfType, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 221, 2))
>Required : Symbol(Required, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 227, 36))
>RestrictToType : Symbol(RestrictToType, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 227, 38))
// Repro from #33568
declare function ff(x: Foo3<string>): void;
>ff : Symbol(ff, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 230, 2))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 234, 20))
>Foo3 : Symbol(Foo3, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 235, 54))
declare function gg<T>(f: (x: Foo3<T>) => void): void;
>gg : Symbol(gg, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 234, 43))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 235, 20))
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 235, 23))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 235, 27))
>Foo3 : Symbol(Foo3, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 235, 54))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 235, 20))
type Foo3<T> = T extends number ? { n: T } : { x: T };
>Foo3 : Symbol(Foo3, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 235, 54))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 236, 10))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 236, 10))
>n : Symbol(n, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 236, 35))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 236, 10))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 236, 46))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 236, 10))
>gg : Symbol(gg, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 234, 43))
>ff : Symbol(ff, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 230, 2))
// Repro from #41613
type Wat<K extends string> = { x: { y: 0, z: 1 } } extends { x: { [P in K]: 0 } } ? true : false;
>Wat : Symbol(Wat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 237, 7))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 241, 9))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 241, 30))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 241, 35))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 241, 41))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 241, 60))
>P : Symbol(P, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 241, 67))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 241, 9))
type Huh = Wat<"y">; // true
>Huh : Symbol(Huh, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 241, 97))
>Wat : Symbol(Wat, Decl(conditionalTypes2.ts, 237, 7))