Anders Hejlsberg f424dfc18a
Slightly less conservative check in isConstraintPosition (#46526)
* Slight adjustment to check in isConstraintPosition

* Add regression test
2021-10-26 11:54:46 -07:00

371 lines
7.9 KiB

//// [controlFlowGenericTypes.ts]
function f1<T extends string | undefined>(x: T, y: { a: T }, z: [T]): string {
if (x) {
return x;
if (y.a) {
return y.a;
if (z[0]) {
return z[0];
return "hello";
function f2<T>(x: Extract<T, string | undefined> | null): string {
if (x) {
return x;
return "hello";
interface Box<T> {
item: T;
declare function isBox(x: any): x is Box<unknown>;
declare function isUndefined(x: unknown): x is undefined;
declare function unbox<T>(x: Box<T>): T;
function g1<T extends Box<T> | undefined>(x: T) {
if (isBox(x)) {
function g2<T extends Box<T> | undefined>(x: T) {
if (!isUndefined(x)) {
function g3<T extends Box<T> | undefined>(x: T) {
if (!isBox(x)) {
unbox(x); // Error
function g4<T extends Box<T> | undefined>(x: T) {
if (isUndefined(x)) {
unbox(x); // Error
// Repro from #13995
declare function takeA(val: 'A'): void;
export function bounceAndTakeIfA<AB extends 'A' | 'B'>(value: AB): AB {
if (value === 'A') {
return value;
else {
return value;
// Repro from #13995
type Common = { id: number };
type AA = { tag: 'A', id: number };
type BB = { tag: 'B', id: number, foo: number };
type MyUnion = AA | BB;
const fn = (value: MyUnion) => {
value.foo; // Error
if ('foo' in value) {
if (value.tag === 'B') {
const fn2 = <T extends MyUnion>(value: T): MyUnion => {
value.foo; // Error
if ('foo' in value) {
if (value.tag === 'B') {
// Repro from #13995
type A1 = {
testable: true
doTest: () => void
type B1 = {
testable: false
type Union = A1 | B1
function notWorking<T extends Union>(object: T) {
if (!object.testable) return;
// Repro from #42939
interface A {
a: number | null;
function get<K extends keyof A>(key: K, obj: A): number {
const value = obj[key];
if (value !== null) {
return value;
return 0;
// Repro from #44093
class EventEmitter<ET> {
off<K extends keyof ET>(...args: [K, number] | [unknown, string]):void {}
function once<ET, T extends EventEmitter<ET>>(emittingObject: T, eventName: keyof ET): void {
emittingObject.off(eventName, 0);
emittingObject.off(eventName as typeof eventName, 0);
// In an element access obj[x], we consider obj to be in a constraint position, except when obj is of
// a generic type without a nullable constraint and x is a generic type. This is because when both obj
// and x are of generic types T and K, we want the resulting type to be T[K].
function fx1<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K) {
const x1 = obj[key];
const x2 = obj && obj[key];
function fx2<T extends Record<keyof T, string>, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K) {
const x1 = obj[key];
const x2 = obj && obj[key];
function fx3<T extends Record<keyof T, string> | undefined, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K) {
const x1 = obj[key]; // Error
const x2 = obj && obj[key];
// Repro from #44166
class TableBaseEnum<
PublicSpec extends Record<keyof InternalSpec, any>,
InternalSpec extends Record<keyof PublicSpec, any> | undefined = undefined> {
m() {
let iSpec = null! as InternalSpec;
iSpec[null! as keyof InternalSpec]; // Error, object possibly undefined
iSpec[null! as keyof PublicSpec]; // Error, object possibly undefined
if (iSpec === undefined) {
iSpec[null! as keyof InternalSpec];
iSpec[null! as keyof PublicSpec];
// Repros from #45145
function f10<T extends { a: string } | undefined>(x: T, y: Partial<T>) {
y = x;
type SqlInsertSet<T> = T extends undefined ? object : { [P in keyof T]: unknown };
class SqlTable<T> {
protected validateRow(_row: Partial<SqlInsertSet<T>>): void {
public insertRow(row: SqlInsertSet<T>) {
// Repro from #46495
interface Button {
type: "button";
text: string;
interface Checkbox {
type: "checkbox";
isChecked: boolean;
type Control = Button | Checkbox;
function update<T extends Control, K extends keyof T>(control : T | undefined, key: K, value: T[K]): void {
if (control !== undefined) {
control[key] = value;
//// [controlFlowGenericTypes.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.bounceAndTakeIfA = void 0;
function f1(x, y, z) {
if (x) {
return x;
if (y.a) {
return y.a;
if (z[0]) {
return z[0];
return "hello";
function f2(x) {
if (x) {
return x;
return "hello";
function g1(x) {
if (isBox(x)) {
function g2(x) {
if (!isUndefined(x)) {
function g3(x) {
if (!isBox(x)) {
unbox(x); // Error
function g4(x) {
if (isUndefined(x)) {
unbox(x); // Error
function bounceAndTakeIfA(value) {
if (value === 'A') {
return value;
else {
return value;
exports.bounceAndTakeIfA = bounceAndTakeIfA;
var fn = function (value) {
value.foo; // Error
if ('foo' in value) {
if (value.tag === 'B') {
var fn2 = function (value) {
value.foo; // Error
if ('foo' in value) {
if (value.tag === 'B') {
function notWorking(object) {
if (!object.testable)
function get(key, obj) {
var value = obj[key];
if (value !== null) {
return value;
return 0;
// Repro from #44093
var EventEmitter = /** @class */ (function () {
function EventEmitter() {
EventEmitter.prototype.off = function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
return EventEmitter;
function once(emittingObject, eventName) {
emittingObject.off(eventName, 0);
emittingObject.off(eventName, 0);
// In an element access obj[x], we consider obj to be in a constraint position, except when obj is of
// a generic type without a nullable constraint and x is a generic type. This is because when both obj
// and x are of generic types T and K, we want the resulting type to be T[K].
function fx1(obj, key) {
var x1 = obj[key];
var x2 = obj && obj[key];
function fx2(obj, key) {
var x1 = obj[key];
var x2 = obj && obj[key];
function fx3(obj, key) {
var x1 = obj[key]; // Error
var x2 = obj && obj[key];
// Repro from #44166
var TableBaseEnum = /** @class */ (function () {
function TableBaseEnum() {
TableBaseEnum.prototype.m = function () {
var iSpec = null;
iSpec[null]; // Error, object possibly undefined
iSpec[null]; // Error, object possibly undefined
if (iSpec === undefined) {
return TableBaseEnum;
// Repros from #45145
function f10(x, y) {
y = x;
var SqlTable = /** @class */ (function () {
function SqlTable() {
SqlTable.prototype.validateRow = function (_row) {
SqlTable.prototype.insertRow = function (row) {
return SqlTable;
function update(control, key, value) {
if (control !== undefined) {
control[key] = value;