
159 lines
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tests/cases/conformance/generators/generatorReturnTypeInferenceNonStrict.ts(9,11): error TS7055: 'g001', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
tests/cases/conformance/generators/generatorReturnTypeInferenceNonStrict.ts(17,11): error TS7055: 'g003', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
tests/cases/conformance/generators/generatorReturnTypeInferenceNonStrict.ts(74,15): error TS7057: 'yield' expression implicitly results in an 'any' type because its containing generator lacks a return-type annotation.
tests/cases/conformance/generators/generatorReturnTypeInferenceNonStrict.ts(79,11): error TS7055: 'g301', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
tests/cases/conformance/generators/generatorReturnTypeInferenceNonStrict.ts(89,11): error TS7055: 'g303', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
tests/cases/conformance/generators/generatorReturnTypeInferenceNonStrict.ts(126,11): error TS7055: 'g310', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
tests/cases/conformance/generators/generatorReturnTypeInferenceNonStrict.ts(131,10): error TS7025: Generator implicitly has yield type 'any' because it does not yield any values. Consider supplying a return type annotation.
==== tests/cases/conformance/generators/generatorReturnTypeInferenceNonStrict.ts (7 errors) ====
declare const iterableIterator: IterableIterator<number>;
declare const generator: Generator<number, string, boolean>;
declare const never: never;
function* g000() { // Generator<never, void, unknown>
// 'yield' iteration type inference
function* g001() { // Generator<any (implicit), void, unknown>
!!! error TS7055: 'g001', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
function* g002() { // Generator<number, void, unknown>
yield 1;
function* g003() { // Generator<any (implicit), void, unknown>
!!! error TS7055: 'g003', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
// NOTE: In strict mode, `[]` produces the type `never[]`.
// In non-strict mode, `[]` produces the type `undefined[]` which is implicitly any.
yield* [];
function* g004() { // Generator<number, void, undefined>
yield* iterableIterator;
function* g005() { // Generator<number, void, boolean>
const x = yield* generator;
function* g006() { // Generator<1 | 2, void, unknown>
yield 1;
yield 2;
function* g007() { // Generator<never, void, unknown>
yield never;
// 'return' iteration type inference
function* g102() { // Generator<never, number, unknown>
return 1;
function* g103() { // Generator<never, 1 | 2, unknown>
if (Math.random()) return 1;
return 2;
function* g104() { // Generator<never, never, unknown>
return never;
// 'next' iteration type inference
function* g201() { // Generator<number, void, string>
let a: string = yield 1;
function* g202() { // Generator<1 | 2, void, never>
let a: string = yield 1;
let b: number = yield 2;
declare function f1(x: string): void;
declare function f1(x: number): void;
function* g203() { // Generator<number, void, string>
const x = f1(yield 1);
declare function f2<T>(x: T): T;
function* g204() { // Generator<number, void, any>
const x = f2(yield 1);
!!! error TS7057: 'yield' expression implicitly results in an 'any' type because its containing generator lacks a return-type annotation.
// mixed iteration types inference
function* g301() { // Generator<any (implicit), void, unknown>
!!! error TS7055: 'g301', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
function* g302() { // Generator<number, void, unknown>
yield 1;
function* g303() { // Generator<any (implicit), string, unknown>
!!! error TS7055: 'g303', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
return "a";
function* g304() { // Generator<number, string, unknown>
yield 1;
return "a";
function* g305() { // Generator<1 | 2, "a" | "b", unknown>
if (Math.random()) yield 1;
yield 2;
if (Math.random()) return "a";
return "b";
function* g306() { // Generator<number, boolean, "hi">
const a: "hi" = yield 1;
return true;
function* g307<T>() { // Generator<number, T, T>
const a: T = yield 0;
return a;
function* g308<T>(x: T) { // Generator<T, T, T>
const a: T = yield x;
return a;
function* g309<T, U, V>(x: T, y: U) { // Generator<T, U, V>
const a: V = yield x;
return y;
function* g310() { // Generator<any (implicit), void, [(1 | undefined)?, (2 | undefined)?]>
!!! error TS7055: 'g310', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' yield type.
const [a = 1, b = 2] = yield;
function* g311() { // Generator<any (implicit), void, string>
yield* (function*() {
!!! error TS7025: Generator implicitly has yield type 'any' because it does not yield any values. Consider supplying a return type annotation.
const y: string = yield;