Orta Therox d6cd2c7c11
Updates the DOM APIs (#46080)
* Updates the DOM APIs

* Tests

* Remove static abort(): AbortSignal
2021-09-27 22:07:57 +01:00

167 lines
5.8 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/es2019/importMeta/example.ts ===
// Adapted from https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-meta/tree/c3902a9ffe2e69a7ac42c19d7ea74cbdcea9b7fb#example
(async () => {
>(async () => { const response = await fetch(new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url).toString()); const blob = await response.blob(); const size = import.meta.scriptElement.dataset.size || 300; const image = new Image(); image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); image.width = image.height = size; document.body.appendChild(image);})() : Promise<void>
>(async () => { const response = await fetch(new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url).toString()); const blob = await response.blob(); const size = import.meta.scriptElement.dataset.size || 300; const image = new Image(); image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); image.width = image.height = size; document.body.appendChild(image);}) : () => Promise<void>
>async () => { const response = await fetch(new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url).toString()); const blob = await response.blob(); const size = import.meta.scriptElement.dataset.size || 300; const image = new Image(); image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); image.width = image.height = size; document.body.appendChild(image);} : () => Promise<void>
const response = await fetch(new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url).toString());
>response : Response
>await fetch(new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url).toString()) : Response
>fetch(new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url).toString()) : Promise<Response>
>fetch : (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>
>new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url).toString() : string
>new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url).toString : () => string
>new URL("../hamsters.jpg", import.meta.url) : URL
>URL : { new (url: string | URL, base?: string | URL): URL; prototype: URL; createObjectURL(obj: Blob | MediaSource): string; revokeObjectURL(url: string): void; }
>"../hamsters.jpg" : "../hamsters.jpg"
>import.meta.url : string
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
>url : string
>toString : () => string
const blob = await response.blob();
>blob : Blob
>await response.blob() : Blob
>response.blob() : Promise<Blob>
>response.blob : () => Promise<Blob>
>response : Response
>blob : () => Promise<Blob>
const size = import.meta.scriptElement.dataset.size || 300;
>size : any
>import.meta.scriptElement.dataset.size || 300 : any
>import.meta.scriptElement.dataset.size : any
>import.meta.scriptElement.dataset : any
>import.meta.scriptElement : any
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
>scriptElement : any
>dataset : any
>size : any
>300 : 300
const image = new Image();
>image : HTMLImageElement
>new Image() : HTMLImageElement
>Image : new (width?: number, height?: number) => HTMLImageElement
image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
>image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob) : string
>image.src : string
>image : HTMLImageElement
>src : string
>URL.createObjectURL(blob) : string
>URL.createObjectURL : (obj: Blob | MediaSource) => string
>URL : { new (url: string | URL, base?: string | URL): URL; prototype: URL; createObjectURL(obj: Blob | MediaSource): string; revokeObjectURL(url: string): void; }
>createObjectURL : (obj: Blob | MediaSource) => string
>blob : Blob
image.width = image.height = size;
>image.width = image.height = size : any
>image.width : number
>image : HTMLImageElement
>width : number
>image.height = size : any
>image.height : number
>image : HTMLImageElement
>height : number
>size : any
>document.body.appendChild(image) : HTMLImageElement
>document.body.appendChild : <T extends Node>(node: T) => T
>document.body : HTMLElement
>document : Document
>body : HTMLElement
>appendChild : <T extends Node>(node: T) => T
>image : HTMLImageElement
=== tests/cases/conformance/es2019/importMeta/moduleLookingFile01.ts ===
export let x = import.meta;
>x : ImportMeta
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
export let y = import.metal;
>y : any
>import.metal : any
>metal : any
export let z = import.import.import.malkovich;
>z : any
>import.import.import.malkovich : any
>import.import.import : any
>import.import : any
>import : any
>import : any
>malkovich : any
=== tests/cases/conformance/es2019/importMeta/scriptLookingFile01.ts ===
let globalA = import.meta;
>globalA : ImportMeta
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
let globalB = import.metal;
>globalB : any
>import.metal : any
>metal : any
let globalC = import.import.import.malkovich;
>globalC : any
>import.import.import.malkovich : any
>import.import.import : any
>import.import : any
>import : any
>import : any
>malkovich : any
=== tests/cases/conformance/es2019/importMeta/assignmentTargets.ts ===
export const foo: ImportMeta = import.meta.blah = import.meta.blue = import.meta;
>foo : ImportMeta
>import.meta.blah = import.meta.blue = import.meta : ImportMeta
>import.meta.blah : any
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
>blah : any
>import.meta.blue = import.meta : ImportMeta
>import.meta.blue : any
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
>blue : any
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
import.meta = foo;
>import.meta = foo : ImportMeta
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
>foo : ImportMeta
// @Filename augmentations.ts
declare global {
>global : any
interface ImportMeta {
wellKnownProperty: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean };
>wellKnownProperty : { a: number; b: string; c: boolean; }
>a : number
>b : string
>c : boolean
const { a, b, c } = import.meta.wellKnownProperty;
>a : number
>b : string
>c : boolean
>import.meta.wellKnownProperty : { a: number; b: string; c: boolean; }
>import.meta : ImportMeta
>meta : any
>wellKnownProperty : { a: number; b: string; c: boolean; }