Anders Hejlsberg 7032f6bcee
Include index signatures for tagged primitives in keyof (#45773)
* Properly include tagged primitive types in keyof

* Add regression test
2021-09-07 10:46:13 -07:00

1073 lines
25 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/types/members/indexSignatures1.ts ===
// Symbol index signature checking
const sym = Symbol();
>sym : unique symbol
>Symbol() : unique symbol
>Symbol : SymbolConstructor
function gg3(x: { [key: string]: string }, y: { [key: symbol]: string }, z: { [sym]: number }) {
>gg3 : (x: { [key: string]: string; }, y: { [key: symbol]: string; }, z: { [sym]: number;}) => void
>x : { [key: string]: string; }
>key : string
>y : { [key: symbol]: string; }
>key : symbol
>z : { [sym]: number; }
>[sym] : number
>sym : unique symbol
x = z;
>x = z : { [sym]: number; }
>x : { [key: string]: string; }
>z : { [sym]: number; }
y = z; // Error
>y = z : { [sym]: number; }
>y : { [key: symbol]: string; }
>z : { [sym]: number; }
// Overlapping index signatures
function gg1(x: { [key: `a${string}`]: string, [key: `${string}a`]: string }, y: { [key: `a${string}a`]: string }) {
>gg1 : (x: { [key: `a${string}`]: string; [key: `${string}a`]: string; }, y: { [key: `a${string}a`]: string; }) => void
>x : { [key: `a${string}`]: string; [key: `${string}a`]: string; }
>key : `a${string}`
>key : `${string}a`
>y : { [key: `a${string}a`]: string; }
>key : `a${string}a`
x = y;
>x = y : { [key: `a${string}a`]: string; }
>x : { [key: `a${string}`]: string; [key: `${string}a`]: string; }
>y : { [key: `a${string}a`]: string; }
y = x;
>y = x : { [key: `a${string}`]: string; [key: `${string}a`]: string; }
>y : { [key: `a${string}a`]: string; }
>x : { [key: `a${string}`]: string; [key: `${string}a`]: string; }
interface IX { [key: `a${string}`]: string, [key: `${string}a`]: string }
>key : `a${string}`
>key : `${string}a`
interface IY { [key: `a${string}a`]: string }
>key : `a${string}a`
function gg2(x: IX, y: IY) {
>gg2 : (x: IX, y: IY) => void
>x : IX
>y : IY
x = y; // Error
>x = y : IY
>x : IX
>y : IY
y = x;
>y = x : IX
>y : IY
>x : IX
// Intersection of multiple applicable index signatures
declare let combo: { [x: `foo-${string}`]: 'a' | 'b' } & { [x: `${string}-bar`]: 'b' | 'c' };
>combo : { [x: `foo-${string}`]: "a" | "b"; } & { [x: `${string}-bar`]: "b" | "c"; }
>x : `foo-${string}`
>x : `${string}-bar`
const x1 = combo['foo-test']; // 'a' | 'b'
>x1 : "a" | "b"
>combo['foo-test'] : "a" | "b"
>combo : { [x: `foo-${string}`]: "a" | "b"; } & { [x: `${string}-bar`]: "b" | "c"; }
>'foo-test' : "foo-test"
const x2 = combo['test-bar']; // 'b' | 'c'
>x2 : "b" | "c"
>combo['test-bar'] : "b" | "c"
>combo : { [x: `foo-${string}`]: "a" | "b"; } & { [x: `${string}-bar`]: "b" | "c"; }
>'test-bar' : "test-bar"
const x3 = combo['foo-test-bar']; // 'b' (('a' | 'b') & ('b' | 'c'))
>x3 : "b"
>combo['foo-test-bar'] : "b"
>combo : { [x: `foo-${string}`]: "a" | "b"; } & { [x: `${string}-bar`]: "b" | "c"; }
>'foo-test-bar' : "foo-test-bar"
declare var str: string;
>str : string
const x4 = combo[`foo-${str}`];
>x4 : "a" | "b"
>combo[`foo-${str}`] : "a" | "b"
>combo : { [x: `foo-${string}`]: "a" | "b"; } & { [x: `${string}-bar`]: "b" | "c"; }
>`foo-${str}` : `foo-${string}`
>str : string
const x5 = combo[`${str}-bar`];
>x5 : "b" | "c"
>combo[`${str}-bar`] : "b" | "c"
>combo : { [x: `foo-${string}`]: "a" | "b"; } & { [x: `${string}-bar`]: "b" | "c"; }
>`${str}-bar` : `${string}-bar`
>str : string
const x6 = combo[`foo-${str}-bar`];
>x6 : "b"
>combo[`foo-${str}-bar`] : "b"
>combo : { [x: `foo-${string}`]: "a" | "b"; } & { [x: `${string}-bar`]: "b" | "c"; }
>`foo-${str}-bar` : `foo-${string}-bar`
>str : string
declare let combo2: { [x: `${string}xxx${string}` & `${string}yyy${string}`]: string };
>combo2 : { [x: `${string}xxx${string}` & `${string}yyy${string}`]: string; }
>x : `${string}xxx${string}` & `${string}yyy${string}`
const x7 = combo2['axxxbyyyc'];
>x7 : string
>combo2['axxxbyyyc'] : string
>combo2 : { [x: `${string}xxx${string}` & `${string}yyy${string}`]: string; }
>'axxxbyyyc' : "axxxbyyyc"
const x8 = combo2['ayyyxxxbc'];
>x8 : string
>combo2['ayyyxxxbc'] : string
>combo2 : { [x: `${string}xxx${string}` & `${string}yyy${string}`]: string; }
>'ayyyxxxbc' : "ayyyxxxbc"
const x9 = combo2['axxxbbbyc']; // Error
>x9 : any
>combo2['axxxbbbyc'] : any
>combo2 : { [x: `${string}xxx${string}` & `${string}yyy${string}`]: string; }
>'axxxbbbyc' : "axxxbbbyc"
// Property access on template pattern index signature
declare let dom: { [x: `data${string}`]: string };
>dom : { [x: `data${string}`]: string; }
>x : `data${string}`
const y1 = dom['data123'];
>y1 : string
>dom['data123'] : string
>dom : { [x: `data${string}`]: string; }
>'data123' : "data123"
const y2 = dom.data123;
>y2 : string
>dom.data123 : string
>dom : { [x: `data${string}`]: string; }
>data123 : string
// Excess property checking for template pattern index signature
dom = { data123: 'hello' };
>dom = { data123: 'hello' } : { data123: string; }
>dom : { [x: `data${string}`]: string; }
>{ data123: 'hello' } : { data123: string; }
>data123 : string
>'hello' : "hello"
dom = { date123: 'hello' }; // Error
>dom = { date123: 'hello' } : { date123: string; }
>dom : { [x: `data${string}`]: string; }
>{ date123: 'hello' } : { date123: string; }
>date123 : string
>'hello' : "hello"
// Contextual typing by index signature with template literal pattern
type Funcs = {
>Funcs : Funcs
[key: `s${string}`]: (x: string) => void,
>key : `s${string}`
>x : string
[key: `n${string}`]: (x: number) => void,
>key : `n${string}`
>x : number
const funcs: Funcs = {
>funcs : Funcs
>{ sfoo: x => x.length, // x: string nfoo: x => x * 2, // n: number} : { sfoo: (x: string) => number; nfoo: (x: number) => number; }
sfoo: x => x.length, // x: string
>sfoo : (x: string) => number
>x => x.length : (x: string) => number
>x : string
>x.length : number
>x : string
>length : number
nfoo: x => x * 2, // n: number
>nfoo : (x: number) => number
>x => x * 2 : (x: number) => number
>x : number
>x * 2 : number
>x : number
>2 : 2
// Duplicate index signature checking
type Duplicates = {
>Duplicates : Duplicates
[key: string | number]: any; // Error
>key : string | number
[key: number | symbol]: any; // Error
>key : number | symbol
[key: symbol | `foo${string}`]: any; // Error
>key : symbol | `foo${string}`
[key: `foo${string}`]: any; // Error
>key : `foo${string}`
// Conflicting index signature checking
type Conflicting = {
>Conflicting : Conflicting
[key: `a${string}`]: 'a';
>key : `a${string}`
[key: `${string}a`]: 'b';
>key : `${string}a`
[key: `a${string}a`]: 'c'; // Error
>key : `a${string}a`
// Invalid index signatures
type Invalid<T extends string> = {
>Invalid : Invalid<T>
[key: 'a' | 'b' | 'c']: string; // Error
>key : "a" | "b" | "c"
[key: T | number]: string; // Error
>key : number | T
[key: Error]: string; // Error
>key : Error
[key: T & string]: string; // Error
>key : T & string
// Intersections in index signatures
type Tag1 = { __tag1__: void };
>Tag1 : Tag1
>__tag1__ : void
type Tag2 = { __tag2__: void };
>Tag2 : Tag2
>__tag2__ : void
type TaggedString1 = string & Tag1;
>TaggedString1 : TaggedString1
type TaggedString2 = string & Tag2;
>TaggedString2 : TaggedString2
declare let s0: string;
>s0 : string
declare let s1: TaggedString1;
>s1 : TaggedString1
declare let s2: TaggedString2;
>s2 : TaggedString2
declare let s3: TaggedString1 | TaggedString2;
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
declare let s4: TaggedString1 & TaggedString2;
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
interface I1 { [key: TaggedString1]: string }
>key : TaggedString1
interface I2 { [key: TaggedString2]: string }
>key : TaggedString2
interface I3 { [key: TaggedString1 | TaggedString2]: string }
>key : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
interface I4 { [key: TaggedString1 & TaggedString2]: string }
>key : string & Tag1 & Tag2
declare let i1: I1;
>i1 : I1
declare let i2: I2;
>i2 : I2
declare let i3: I3;
>i3 : I3
declare let i4: I4;
>i4 : I4
i1[s0]; // Error
>i1[s0] : any
>i1 : I1
>s0 : string
>i1[s1] : string
>i1 : I1
>s1 : TaggedString1
i1[s2]; // Error
>i1[s2] : any
>i1 : I1
>s2 : TaggedString2
i1[s3]; // Error
>i1[s3] : any
>i1 : I1
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
>i1[s4] : string
>i1 : I1
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
i2[s0]; // Error
>i2[s0] : any
>i2 : I2
>s0 : string
i2[s1]; // Error
>i2[s1] : any
>i2 : I2
>s1 : TaggedString1
>i2[s2] : string
>i2 : I2
>s2 : TaggedString2
i2[s3]; // Error
>i2[s3] : any
>i2 : I2
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
>i2[s4] : string
>i2 : I2
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
i3[s0]; // Error
>i3[s0] : any
>i3 : I3
>s0 : string
>i3[s1] : string
>i3 : I3
>s1 : TaggedString1
>i3[s2] : string
>i3 : I3
>s2 : TaggedString2
>i3[s3] : string
>i3 : I3
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
>i3[s4] : string
>i3 : I3
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
i4[s0]; // Error
>i4[s0] : any
>i4 : I4
>s0 : string
i4[s1]; // Error
>i4[s1] : any
>i4 : I4
>s1 : TaggedString1
i4[s2]; // Error
>i4[s2] : any
>i4 : I4
>s2 : TaggedString2
i4[s3]; // Error
>i4[s3] : any
>i4 : I4
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
>i4[s4] : string
>i4 : I4
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
i1 = i2; // Error
>i1 = i2 : I2
>i1 : I1
>i2 : I2
i1 = i3;
>i1 = i3 : I3
>i1 : I1
>i3 : I3
i1 = i4; // Error
>i1 = i4 : I4
>i1 : I1
>i4 : I4
i2 = i1; // Error
>i2 = i1 : I1
>i2 : I2
>i1 : I1
i2 = i3;
>i2 = i3 : I3
>i2 : I2
>i3 : I3
i2 = i4; // Error
>i2 = i4 : I4
>i2 : I2
>i4 : I4
i3 = i1; // Error
>i3 = i1 : I1
>i3 : I3
>i1 : I1
i3 = i2; // Error
>i3 = i2 : I2
>i3 : I3
>i2 : I2
i3 = i4; // Error
>i3 = i4 : I4
>i3 : I3
>i4 : I4
i4 = i1;
>i4 = i1 : I1
>i4 : I4
>i1 : I1
i4 = i2;
>i4 = i2 : I2
>i4 : I4
>i2 : I2
i4 = i3;
>i4 = i3 : I3
>i4 : I4
>i3 : I3
declare let o1: { [key: TaggedString1]: string };
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>key : TaggedString1
declare let o2: { [key: TaggedString2]: string };
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>key : TaggedString2
declare let o3: { [key: TaggedString1 | TaggedString2]: string };
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>key : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
declare let o4: { [key: TaggedString1 & TaggedString2]: string };
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>key : string & Tag1 & Tag2
o1[s0]; // Error
>o1[s0] : any
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>s0 : string
>o1[s1] : string
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>s1 : TaggedString1
o1[s2]; // Error
>o1[s2] : any
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>s2 : TaggedString2
o1[s3]; // Error
>o1[s3] : any
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
>o1[s4] : string
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
o2[s0]; // Error
>o2[s0] : any
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s0 : string
o2[s1]; // Error
>o2[s1] : any
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s1 : TaggedString1
>o2[s2] : string
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s2 : TaggedString2
o2[s3]; // Error
>o2[s3] : any
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
>o2[s4] : string
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
o3[s0]; // Error
>o3[s0] : any
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s0 : string
>o3[s1] : string
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s1 : TaggedString1
>o3[s2] : string
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s2 : TaggedString2
>o3[s3] : string
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
>o3[s4] : string
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
o4[s0]; // Error
>o4[s0] : any
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>s0 : string
o4[s1]; // Error
>o4[s1] : any
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>s1 : TaggedString1
o4[s2]; // Error
>o4[s2] : any
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>s2 : TaggedString2
o4[s3]; // Error
>o4[s3] : any
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>s3 : TaggedString1 | TaggedString2
>o4[s4] : string
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>s4 : string & Tag1 & Tag2
o1 = o2;
>o1 = o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
o1 = o3;
>o1 = o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
o1 = o4;
>o1 = o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
o2 = o1;
>o2 = o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
o2 = o3;
>o2 = o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
o2 = o4;
>o2 = o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
o3 = o1;
>o3 = o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
o3 = o2;
>o3 = o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
o3 = o4;
>o3 = o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
o4 = o1;
>o4 = o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>o1 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; }
o4 = o2;
>o4 = o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>o2 : { [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
o4 = o3;
>o4 = o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
>o4 : { [key: string & Tag1 & Tag2]: string; }
>o3 : { [key: TaggedString1]: string; [key: TaggedString2]: string; }
// Index signatures inferred from computed property names
const obj10 = {
>obj10 : { [x: string]: 0 | 1; x: 0; }
>{ ['x']: 0 as const, ['a' + 'b']: 1 as const,} : { [x: string]: 0 | 1; x: 0; }
['x']: 0 as const,
>['x'] : 0
>'x' : "x"
>0 as const : 0
>0 : 0
['a' + 'b']: 1 as const,
>['a' + 'b'] : 1
>'a' + 'b' : string
>'a' : "a"
>'b' : "b"
>1 as const : 1
>1 : 1
const obj11 = {
>obj11 : { [x: number]: 2 | 3; 1: 2; }
>{ [1]: 2 as const, [1 + 2]: 3 as const,} : { [x: number]: 2 | 3; 1: 2; }
[1]: 2 as const,
>[1] : 2
>1 : 1
>2 as const : 2
>2 : 2
[1 + 2]: 3 as const,
>[1 + 2] : 3
>1 + 2 : number
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 as const : 3
>3 : 3
const obj12 = {
>obj12 : { [x: symbol]: 4 | 5; [sym]: 4; }
>{ [sym]: 4 as const, [Symbol()]: 5 as const,} : { [x: symbol]: 4 | 5; [sym]: 4; }
[sym]: 4 as const,
>[sym] : 4
>sym : unique symbol
>4 as const : 4
>4 : 4
[Symbol()]: 5 as const,
>[Symbol()] : 5
>Symbol() : symbol
>Symbol : SymbolConstructor
>5 as const : 5
>5 : 5
const obj13 = {
>obj13 : { [x: string]: 0 | 2 | 1 | 3; [x: number]: 2 | 3; [x: symbol]: 4 | 5; x: 0; 1: 2; [sym]: 4; }
>{ ['x']: 0 as const, ['a' + 'b']: 1 as const, [1]: 2 as const, [1 + 2]: 3 as const, [sym]: 4 as const, [Symbol()]: 5 as const,} : { [x: string]: 0 | 2 | 1 | 3; [x: number]: 2 | 3; [x: symbol]: 4 | 5; x: 0; 1: 2; [sym]: 4; }
['x']: 0 as const,
>['x'] : 0
>'x' : "x"
>0 as const : 0
>0 : 0
['a' + 'b']: 1 as const,
>['a' + 'b'] : 1
>'a' + 'b' : string
>'a' : "a"
>'b' : "b"
>1 as const : 1
>1 : 1
[1]: 2 as const,
>[1] : 2
>1 : 1
>2 as const : 2
>2 : 2
[1 + 2]: 3 as const,
>[1 + 2] : 3
>1 + 2 : number
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 as const : 3
>3 : 3
[sym]: 4 as const,
>[sym] : 4
>sym : unique symbol
>4 as const : 4
>4 : 4
[Symbol()]: 5 as const,
>[Symbol()] : 5
>Symbol() : symbol
>Symbol : SymbolConstructor
>5 as const : 5
>5 : 5
// Repros from #1863
const system = Symbol('system');
>system : unique symbol
>Symbol('system') : unique symbol
>Symbol : SymbolConstructor
>'system' : "system"
const SomeSytePlugin = Symbol('SomeSytePlugin');
>SomeSytePlugin : unique symbol
>Symbol('SomeSytePlugin') : unique symbol
>Symbol : SymbolConstructor
>'SomeSytePlugin' : "SomeSytePlugin"
interface Plugs {
[key: symbol]: (...args: any) => unknown;
>key : symbol
>args : any
const plugins = {
>plugins : { user: Plugs; [system]: Plugs; }
>{ "user": {} as Plugs, [system]: {} as Plugs} : { user: Plugs; [system]: Plugs; }
"user": {} as Plugs,
>"user" : Plugs
>{} as Plugs : Plugs
>{} : {}
[system]: {} as Plugs
>[system] : Plugs
>system : unique symbol
>{} as Plugs : Plugs
>{} : {}
plugins[system][SomeSytePlugin] = () => console.log('awsome');
>plugins[system][SomeSytePlugin] = () => console.log('awsome') : () => void
>plugins[system][SomeSytePlugin] : (...args: any) => unknown
>plugins[system] : Plugs
>plugins : { user: Plugs; [system]: Plugs; }
>system : unique symbol
>SomeSytePlugin : unique symbol
>() => console.log('awsome') : () => void
>console.log('awsome') : void
>console.log : (...data: any[]) => void
>console : Console
>log : (...data: any[]) => void
>'awsome' : "awsome"
>plugins[system][SomeSytePlugin]() : unknown
>plugins[system][SomeSytePlugin] : (...args: any) => unknown
>plugins[system] : Plugs
>plugins : { user: Plugs; [system]: Plugs; }
>system : unique symbol
>SomeSytePlugin : unique symbol
var theAnswer: symbol = Symbol('secret');
>theAnswer : symbol
>Symbol('secret') : symbol
>Symbol : SymbolConstructor
>'secret' : "secret"
var obj = {} as Record<symbol, number>;
>obj : Record<symbol, number>
>{} as Record<symbol, number> : Record<symbol, number>
>{} : {}
obj[theAnswer] = 42;
>obj[theAnswer] = 42 : 42
>obj[theAnswer] : number
>obj : Record<symbol, number>
>theAnswer : symbol
>42 : 42
// Repro from #26470
const directive = Symbol('directive');
>directive : unique symbol
>Symbol('directive') : unique symbol
>Symbol : SymbolConstructor
>'directive' : "directive"
declare function foo<TArg, TRet, TDir>(options: { [x in string]: (arg: TArg) => TRet } & { [directive]?: TDir }): void;
>foo : <TArg, TRet, TDir>(options: { [x: string]: (arg: TArg) => TRet; } & { [directive]?: TDir | undefined; }) => void
>options : { [x: string]: (arg: TArg) => TRet; } & { [directive]?: TDir | undefined; }
>arg : TArg
>[directive] : TDir | undefined
>directive : unique symbol
let case1 = foo({
>case1 : void
>foo({ [directive]: (x: string) => 'str', addOne: (x: number) => x + 1, double: (x: number) => x + x,}) : void
>foo : <TArg, TRet, TDir>(options: { [x: string]: (arg: TArg) => TRet; } & { [directive]?: TDir | undefined; }) => void
>{ [directive]: (x: string) => 'str', addOne: (x: number) => x + 1, double: (x: number) => x + x,} : { [directive]: (x: string) => "str"; addOne: (x: number) => number; double: (x: number) => number; }
[directive]: (x: string) => 'str',
>[directive] : (x: string) => "str"
>directive : unique symbol
>(x: string) => 'str' : (x: string) => "str"
>x : string
>'str' : "str"
addOne: (x: number) => x + 1,
>addOne : (x: number) => number
>(x: number) => x + 1 : (x: number) => number
>x : number
>x + 1 : number
>x : number
>1 : 1
double: (x: number) => x + x,
>double : (x: number) => number
>(x: number) => x + x : (x: number) => number
>x : number
>x + x : number
>x : number
>x : number
let case2 = foo({
>case2 : void
>foo({ addOne: (x: number) => x + 1, double: (x: number) => x + x, [directive]: (x: string) => 'str',}) : void
>foo : <TArg, TRet, TDir>(options: { [x: string]: (arg: TArg) => TRet; } & { [directive]?: TDir | undefined; }) => void
>{ addOne: (x: number) => x + 1, double: (x: number) => x + x, [directive]: (x: string) => 'str',} : { addOne: (x: number) => number; double: (x: number) => number; [directive]: (x: string) => "str"; }
addOne: (x: number) => x + 1,
>addOne : (x: number) => number
>(x: number) => x + 1 : (x: number) => number
>x : number
>x + 1 : number
>x : number
>1 : 1
double: (x: number) => x + x,
>double : (x: number) => number
>(x: number) => x + x : (x: number) => number
>x : number
>x + x : number
>x : number
>x : number
[directive]: (x: string) => 'str',
>[directive] : (x: string) => "str"
>directive : unique symbol
>(x: string) => 'str' : (x: string) => "str"
>x : string
>'str' : "str"
let case3 = foo({
>case3 : void
>foo({ [directive]: 'str', addOne: (x: number) => x + 1, double: (x: number) => x + x,}) : void
>foo : <TArg, TRet, TDir>(options: { [x: string]: (arg: TArg) => TRet; } & { [directive]?: TDir | undefined; }) => void
>{ [directive]: 'str', addOne: (x: number) => x + 1, double: (x: number) => x + x,} : { [directive]: string; addOne: (x: number) => number; double: (x: number) => number; }
[directive]: 'str',
>[directive] : string
>directive : unique symbol
>'str' : "str"
addOne: (x: number) => x + 1,
>addOne : (x: number) => number
>(x: number) => x + 1 : (x: number) => number
>x : number
>x + 1 : number
>x : number
>1 : 1
double: (x: number) => x + x,
>double : (x: number) => number
>(x: number) => x + x : (x: number) => number
>x : number
>x + x : number
>x : number
>x : number
// Repros from #42192
type Pseudo = `&:${string}`;
>Pseudo : `&:${string}`
const AmIPseudo1: Pseudo = '&:test';
>AmIPseudo1 : `&:${string}`
>'&:test' : "&:test"
const AmIPseudo: Pseudo = '&'; // Error
>AmIPseudo : `&:${string}`
>'&' : "&"
type PseudoDeclaration = { [key in Pseudo]: string };
>PseudoDeclaration : PseudoDeclaration
const test: PseudoDeclaration = { 'someKey' : 'someValue' }; // Error
>test : PseudoDeclaration
>{ 'someKey' : 'someValue' } : { someKey: string; }
>'someKey' : string
>'someValue' : "someValue"
type FieldPattern = `/${string}`;
>FieldPattern : `/${string}`
const path1: FieldPattern = '/one';
>path1 : `/${string}`
>'/one' : "/one"
const path2: FieldPattern = 'two'; // Error
>path2 : `/${string}`
>'two' : "two"
type PathsObject = { [P in FieldPattern]: object; };
>PathsObject : PathsObject
const pathObject: PathsObject = 123; // Error
>pathObject : PathsObject
>123 : 123
type IdType = `${number}-${number}-${number}-${number}`
>IdType : `${number}-${number}-${number}-${number}`
const id: IdType = '0000-0000-0000-0001';
>id : `${number}-${number}-${number}-${number}`
>'0000-0000-0000-0001' : "0000-0000-0000-0001"
type A = Record<IdType, string>;
>A : A
const a: A = { [id]: 'test' }
>a : A
>{ [id]: 'test' } : { [x: string]: string; }
>[id] : string
>id : `${number}-${number}-${number}-${number}`
>'test' : "test"
let aid = a[id];
>aid : string
>a[id] : string
>a : A
>id : `${number}-${number}-${number}-${number}`
// Repro from #44793
interface AA {
a?: string;
>a : string | undefined
b?: number;
>b : number | undefined
[key: symbol]: string;
>key : symbol
const aa: AA = { [sym]: '123' };
>aa : AA
>{ [sym]: '123' } : { [sym]: string; }
>[sym] : string
>sym : unique symbol
>'123' : "123"
const obj1: { [key: symbol]: string } = { [sym]: 'hello '};
>obj1 : { [key: symbol]: string; }
>key : symbol
>{ [sym]: 'hello '} : { [sym]: string; }
>[sym] : string
>sym : unique symbol
>'hello ' : "hello "
const obj2: { [key: string]: string } = { [sym]: 'hello '}; // Permitted for backwards compatibility
>obj2 : { [key: string]: string; }
>key : string
>{ [sym]: 'hello '} : { [sym]: string; }
>[sym] : string
>sym : unique symbol
>'hello ' : "hello "
const obj3: { [key: number]: string } = { [sym]: 'hello '}; // Error
>obj3 : { [key: number]: string; }
>key : number
>{ [sym]: 'hello '} : { [sym]: string; }
>[sym] : string
>sym : unique symbol
>'hello ' : "hello "
// Repro from #45772
type Id = string & { __tag: 'id '};
>Id : Id
>__tag : "id "
type Rec1 = { [key: Id]: number };
>Rec1 : Rec1
>key : Id
type Rec2 = Record<Id, number>;
>Rec2 : Rec2
type K1 = keyof Rec1; // Id
>K1 : Id
type K2 = keyof Rec2; // Id
>K2 : Id