
48 lines
2.7 KiB

=== tests/cases/compiler/intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts ===
// readonly and non-readonly
type Intersection1 = { readonly a: number } & { a: number };
>Intersection1 : Symbol(Intersection1, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 0, 0))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 1, 22))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 1, 47))
declare let i1: Intersection1;
>i1 : Symbol(i1, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 2, 11))
>Intersection1 : Symbol(Intersection1, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 0, 0))
i1.a = 2;
>i1.a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 1, 22), Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 1, 47))
>i1 : Symbol(i1, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 2, 11))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 1, 22), Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 1, 47))
// getter and setter
type Intersection2 = { get a(): number } & { set a(v: number) };
>Intersection2 : Symbol(Intersection2, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 4, 9))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 7, 22))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 7, 44))
>v : Symbol(v, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 7, 51))
declare let i2: Intersection2;
>i2 : Symbol(i2, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 8, 11))
>Intersection2 : Symbol(Intersection2, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 4, 9))
i2.a = 2;
>i2.a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 7, 22), Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 7, 44))
>i2 : Symbol(i2, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 8, 11))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 7, 22), Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 7, 44))
// assignment to an all read-only property should still be disallowed
type IntersectionAllReadonly = { readonly a: number } & { get a(): number };
>IntersectionAllReadonly : Symbol(IntersectionAllReadonly, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 10, 9))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 13, 32))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 13, 57))
declare let ia: IntersectionAllReadonly;
>ia : Symbol(ia, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 14, 11))
>IntersectionAllReadonly : Symbol(IntersectionAllReadonly, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 10, 9))
ia.a = 2; // Error
>ia.a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 13, 32), Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 13, 57))
>ia : Symbol(ia, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 14, 11))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 13, 32), Decl(intersectionsAndReadonlyProperties.ts, 13, 57))